Before Joe, James and Hunter, There Was Great-Great-Grandpa Moses

Below is my column in new research published in the Washington Post that turned up an interesting case involving the prosecution of the great-great-grandfather of President Joseph Robinette Biden Jr. What was interesting about the account was not the criminality, which can be found in the history of many families. Rather it was the intervention of allies and negating of the conviction of Mose Robinette that was so ironic in light of the current controversies.

Here is the column:

The Bidens have shown a legendary skill at evading legal accountability. Even in the face of overwhelming evidence, Biden family members often marshal political allies and media to kill investigations or cut sweetheart deals.

The Bidens swim in scandal with the ease and agility of a bottlenose dolphin. From his own plagiarism scandal to his brother’s role in killing a man to his son’s various federal crimes, Bidens have long been a wonder in Washington.

It turns out that it may be something of a family trait acquired through generations of natural selection.

A historian recently discovered that Joe Biden’s great-great-grandfather, Moses J. Robinette,  was accused and found guilty of attempted murder. The case followed a strikingly familiar pattern.

Fittingly, Robinette was a government contractor. He was paid to give veterinary care for the horses of the Union army during the Civil War, taking the job after his hotel was burned down.

At 42, Robinette sounded like his great-great-grandson. He was married and described as “full of fun, always lively and joking.” But the good times ended on March 21, 1864 in Beverly Ford, Va., Robinette got into a fight with another contractor, John J. Alexander, who overheard Robinette bad mouthing him to a female cook. When Alexander confronted him, Robinette pulled a knife and, in the ensuing fight, cut Alexander repeatedly.

It was an early version of President Biden’s “corn pop” story where he faced a gang member wielding a straight razor. However, in this version “the Bad Dude” was a wagon master, and it was the Biden family member wielding the knife. Robinette left Alexander bleeding from multiple cuts. His trial noted that he was intoxicated and had incited “a dangerous quarrel.” (It appears that back then it was a Biden arguing over what truly constitutes “incitement.”)

Robinette argued a lack of intent to commit murder, insisting “I had no malice towards Mr. Alexander before or since. He grabbed me and possibly might have injured me seriously had I not resorted to the means that I did.”

The argument would make Abby Lowell blush, since there was no evidence that Alexander had even been armed. Robinette was found guilty of attempted murder and sentenced to two years’ incarceration at hard labor.

That is when the case took another familiar turn. Friends of Robinette interceded with the Army and powerful political figures.

There were long delays. It took three months for the commander of the Army of the Potomac, Gen. George G. Meade, to confirm Robinette’s sentence. His friends then went to Waitman T. Willey, the senator from West Virginia, who went to bat for Biden. Willey pressured President Abraham Lincoln’s private secretary, John G. Nicolay, who then leaned on the judge advocate general, Joseph Holt, to send over a report and full accounting of the case.

Biden’s associates argued that, although Robinette had been the only person armed, the victim was a teamster “much his superior in strength and Size, all under the impulse of the excitement of the moment.”

They beseeched Lincoln to “think of his motherless Daughters and sons at home! … [Praying for] your interposition in behalf of the unfortunate Father…and distressed family of loved Children, Union Daughters & Union Sons.”

Their final argument was the one quintessentially Bidenesque. They told Lincoln that he was a political ally who was “ardent, and Influential … in opposing Traitors and their schemes to destroy the Government.” (It appears, even back then, the Bidens were union men.)

It worked. Lincoln was known for leniency in pardons, and he signed a “Pardon for unexecuted part of punishment. A. Lincoln.” on Sept. 1. 1864. Robinette was a free man.

So Robinette was found guilty at trial, severely cut an unarmed man, but was freed with the help of a U.S. senator with a plea that he was a loyal political ally.

Whatever the true merits, it showed the importance of having friends in high places. Or, as the president once put it more bluntly, “No one f**ks with a Biden.” It is family scripture that runs from Moses to James to Joseph.

Now, 160 years later, Moses’s great-great-grandson was found by a special counsel to have willfully retained classified material, mishandled that material for decades, and to have probably shown the classified material to a ghostwriter who lacked clearance. He was spared any criminal charge in part because he would make a sympathetic defendant due to his diminished mental faculties.

If that is not enough, political allies are rallying to his side to stop any corruption investigation while calling his detractors “traitors” and “Putin lovers.”

After charges were brought against a former FBI asset for his false claims about bribing President Biden, Democratic operatives and media figures went into full conspiracy-theory mode to end any further investigation into the Biden family.

Rep. Dan Goldman (D-N.Y.) went so far as to declare that anyone now looking into the Biden corruption scandal is by definition “a knowing asset of Russian intelligence” and “acting as an agent of Vladimir Putin.”

It is, of course, perfectly absurd. The charges against Alexander Smirnov have no bearing on dozens of allegedly corrupt payments and hundreds of emails that are being investigated by Congress. Try to ask the Bidens about the millions they have pocketed from foreign sources, and you are some kind of Russian dupe.

NBC News correspondent Ken Dilanian absurdly declared that the long ago-debunked letter by intelligence officials claiming that Hunter Biden’s laptop is a fake and part of a Russian disinformation campaign must now be accepted as true. He must have missed that the laptop has been authenticated separately, irrespective of Smirnov’s lies.

Not only do Biden allies want to end any further discussion of the family corruption, but former Democratic Sen Claire McCaskill has angrily demanded that the media stop any more fact checks of Biden on any subject. She previously attacked witnesses exposing the Biden censorship system, including calling some “Putin lovers.”

It really has very little do with the Russians. This is what Bidens do best.

When Hunter previously threatened a Chinese businessman by warning that his father was “sitting next” to him and waiting for money, Hunter stressed that he should tell the head of his company that “the Bidens are the best at doing exactly what the chairman wants.”

After generations, the Bidens are still showing the same nimble qualities of great-great-granddad Moses. Indeed, they could replace the legend on their family crest with “Manus manum lavat, “one hand washes the other.”

Jonathan Turley is the J.B. and Maurice C. Shapiro Professor of Public Interest Law at the George Washington University Law School.

N.B.: Notably, after this column ran the usual suspects are gathering around a “readers added context” that briefly appeared (before being taken down by Twitter). It suggested that I was arguing in the column that the Bidens are genetically prone to crime in discussing Biden’s great-great-grandfather’s conviction for attempted murder. That is manifestly untrue. (The “trait” was actually a reference to their ability to deal with scandal, not criminality itself). It takes an utter lack of sense of humor to interpret the reference to natural selection in managing legal controversies as a literal argument a genetic preposition toward crime. However, humor like reason is a stranger in an age of rage.

The column was obviously drawing ironic, not genetic, comparisons to the current allegations. In anticipation of the next spin, I also referred to the “scripture” of the Bidens but I was not suggesting that they are divine or prophets. I also compared the Bidens to bottlenose dolphins but I do not believe that they are aquatic mammals. Finally, I do not believe that there is a genetic loss of humor. The faux outrage is merely adaptive behavior in this political ecosystem.

91 thoughts on “Before Joe, James and Hunter, There Was Great-Great-Grandpa Moses”

  1. Trolls abound today. Dennis McIntire’s mission in life seems to be reading Squire Turley’s columns for Joe Biden.

    1. Robert Vanbuhler posted: “Dennis McIntire’s mission in life seems to be reading Squire Turley’s columns for Joe Biden.

      Dennis McIntyre is paid by The Big Guy to post here as his version of Saddam Hussein’s Baghdad Bob. He’s just as shameless a serial pathological liar as his boss, Bribery Biden, and no different whatsoever in credibility than Bribery Biden’s White House Spokes Liar, Cringe Jean-Pierre. He may even be an Alphabet Sex Birthing Person, for all we know.

      And it always, eventually, ends up at “BUBUBBBUUUTTTTTT…. MUH TRUMP!”.

  2. What’s a FACT to a Democrat? Or should I just say a Demonstratively Proven Fabricator of half-truths and lies? Lemming they all are to the Tyranny of the party, loyal to the principles of abject hatred and fearful of facing the failures of their ideas and their ideal distinction of governance, a {Socialist Utopia}.

    It once took 20 mules to haul Borax from deposits in Death Valley, now it only takes a few Mules to haul the Democrats Crap Deposits to millions of feeble-minded citizens for consumption. Almost all democrats carry a switch from the Democrat Parties Tree (The tree of deceit), swatting at any facts that don’t nourish their truths, regardless of documented facts otherwise proven. They seem to live in a Utopian dream of arrogance, with enflamed egos and a desire to control all of society, a negative regard for the structure of law and order when it comes to their tribe, and above all wearing blinders to dangers they pose to the foundational configuration of our Constitution.

    These halfwits must be shown the door; they are a drag on Liberty.

    God help us ALL!!!!

  3. Some, probably many, of us got the humor, Professor Turley. However, I did find the bottlenose dolphin reference offensive. To the dolphins.

  4. Jonathan: The “NB” at the end of your columns speaks volumes about your attempt to walk your scurrilous column about “Grandpa Moses”. But you have put your foot in your mouth and you can’t take it out now. You can’t now defend your column by now saying: “Hey, guys, don’t you have a sense of humor?”

    What you can’t walk back is your claim that Joe Biden should be blamed for the sins of his great-great grandfather: “The Bidens have shown a legendary skill at evading legal accountability” and “[t]he Bidens swim in a scandal with ease and agility of a bottlenose dolphin”–and: “After generations, the Bidens are still showing the same nimble qualities of great-great-great granddad Moses”. The implication is clear, it must be in the Biden genes.

    The reaction to your column was swift. Joyce Vance, a former US Attorney, asked: “This is parody, right?”. MSNBC host Chris Hayes said: “Do you realize how genuinely deranged you sound?”. I don’t think your column was intended as parody. It is part of your continuing attacks on Joe Biden to convince voters he doesn’t deserve to be re-elected. It’s pretty desperate when you have to compare Biden to the crimes of a distant relative!

    You apparently have not read your Bible lately. In Ezekiel 18:19-20 it says: “Why should the son suffer the iniquity of the father”. Ezekiel would no doubt apply the same admonition to a great-great grandfather!

    1. Wow. If Professor is so offensive, why do you folks read it so regularly? He has a great sense of humor. By not recognize that, you are really missing out.


          Fishy, don’t think your recent and burgeoning panic has gone unnoticed.

          Just imagine the America of the Founders and Framers under their “manifest tenor” of their Constitution and Bill of Rights—sans the unconstitutional “Reconstruction Amendments” et al. engendered by none other than Karl Marx—and their perpetual immigration law, the Naturalization Acts of 1790, 1795, 1798, and 1802 (four iterations for definitive elucidation and explication), that persisted for 73 years until their illicit abrogation by unconstitutional brutal violence and military force.

      1. David T. Welch: I read Prof. Turley’s for the same reason you do–as a takeoff point to express my views. That’s our right on this blog–the right to express opinions that go against Turley’s conventional wisdom. Read his column again. It wasn’t meant as parody. That’s why he had to ad his “NB”.

        1. That’s our right on this blog–the right to express opinions that go against Turley’s conventional

          I am astounded every day that you claim to have graduted from law school and pass the Bar test.

          You are ”allowed” to comment here. You have zero rights to do so.

          Even people that play a lawyer in their local theater club understand the term “rights”


            “[Private property is] that dominion which one man claims and exercises over the external things of the world, in exclusion of every other individual.”

            – James Madison

            Understanding that bodily injury and property damage are illicit statutory violations, only the owner may “claim and exercise” dominion over any and all facets and aspects of his private property.

        2. Fighting “conventional wisdom” with boilerplate argle-bargle. That might be just crazy enough to work.


          1. “WORD FOR THE DAY”




            chiefly British

            : a lively discussion : argument, dispute

        3. Did you read my response to you yesterday? It is at all possible for you to do just one, non-partisan comment, about Biden’s mental status, without mentioning Trump? Pretend that you are part of a DNC Red Team, and your job is to play a Republican voter. If you did answer, and I missed it, I apologize. And, if you can not find what I asked, here it is again:
          I know it is hard to find old comments, and the second conversation we had was on the Friends With Benefits thread. My response to you, is also included. I sincerely hope that you have both the time, and inclination to do this. Thanks! Floyd.


          You said, ” Jonathan: I am a big proponent of fact checking. I try to do it every day on your blog.”

          Cool! Can you do me a favor? Check whether Biden is showing signs of senile dementia for me? You know, like here are the symptoms, and here is how Biden meets, or does not meet them. I can help you some, with a list of symptoms from a neutral, non-partisan source! The NHS! I want to let you know how much I respect what you do, as a fact-checker, and I know that you will do a good, non-partisan job on this! Because, like Mammy Yokum once said, “Truth is better than lying, because it’s truer!”


          Requires a medical diagnosis
          Memory loss and confusion are the main symptoms.

          People may experience:
          Cognitive: mental decline, difficulty thinking and understanding, confusion in the evening hours, delusion, disorientation, forgetfulness, making things up, mental confusion, difficulty concentrating, inability to create new memories, inability to do simple math, or inability to recognize common things

          Behavioral: aggression, agitation, difficulty with self care, irritability, meaningless repetition of own words, personality changes, lack of restraint, or wandering and getting lost

          Mood: anger, apathy, general discontent, loneliness, or mood swings

          Psychological: depression, hallucination, or paranoia

          Whole body: loss of appetite or restlessness

          Also common: inability to combine muscle movements or jumbled speech


          You responded basically that Biden had memory problems, who doesn’t, and Trump is blah blah blah; To which, I responded, as below.

          I do thank you for responding! I was not really looking for a diagnosis on either him, or Trump. And, frankly, I was not asking anything about Trump period. I asked about Biden, and I wish that you had just kept it to him. Do you have the time to do that? Just sort of fact check the various symptoms of senile dementia, (for example, agitation, confusion, making things up, disorientation, wandering, jumbled speech, etc.) and maybe just a yes or no as to whether Biden exhibits those symptoms. And leave Trump out of it, because you have written plenty on why you think Trump is a POS. If you have to, pretend that the DNC has asked you to do this, because they are trying to determine if enough observational evidence exists to demand, behind closed doors, that Biden get checked out by a neutral medical professional. And, that no Republican will ever see it.

          The reason that I ask that, is to try to remove and rancor and hatred that you have about Trump, from your analysis. Because if you notice, you did not really say anything specific about Biden’s individual status – and launched into an anti-Trump rant. So, I am curious whether you can do an independent, non-partisan analysis of Biden, vis a vis, his possible senile dementia. As a former attorney, surely you would have practice doing this when looking at a client’s case and deciding your strategy – you know, seeing the case from the other side.

          If you can do this, I promise you that I will not use it against you in the future, or throw it up to you. I know that you are a dedicated and loyal Democrat, and I know you despise Trump. But are you, or any other loyal Democrat here, capable of a non-partisan analysis of Biden’s mental and cognitive status?

          Thank you!


          1. Is any loyal conservative here capable of a non-partisan analysis of Biden’s mental and cognitive status?

            And who will judge what constitutes a non-partisan analysis of Biden’s mental and cognitive status?

            1. Of course, people here are capable of analyzing Biden’s mental and cognitive status in a non-partisan manner. On the left side, is a list of symptoms. followed by what I see. At the bottom is a five-minute video, because I am not able to go to the White House to talk to Biden, and ask questions. This is my run through the symptom list, and I am sure others can fill in some of the blanks. I can only have two links per comment, but what bother me, is that these are not “one offs” for Biden. The point being, is there enough “there” there, to ask Biden to take the MOCA test, Dr. Drew talks about. My opinion is, more than enough.

              mental decline – yes, see first video below.

              difficulty thinking and understanding, – yes, see first video below.

              confusion in the evening hours – insufficient info about the time confusion in video below occurred

              delusion, – Yes – egs. Biden has come under fire after claiming — then retracting — that he was arrested while traveling to South Africa in the 1970s while trying to see the then-imprisoned anti-apartheid leader. He claimed he was arrested along with then-U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Andrew Young, but Young said he was never arrested while in the country. Also, that his son died in Iraq.

              disorientation, – yes – see video below

              forgetfulness, – yes -see Hur testimony, to wit, Biden did not know when he was vice-President

              making things up, – yes, to wit, his son died in Iraq, the Mandela episode above, the corn pop incident, and google search “Fact check: Biden tells three false personal anecdotes in economic speech” (Do not tell Claire McCaskill!)

              mental confusion, – yes see videos below

              difficulty concentrating, – yes see first video below

              inability to create new memories, – maybe – read the CNN story, and repeated the same stories, that had been de-bunked.

              inability to do simple math, or – probably. Google search “Biden ‘blurts out random numbers’ in media conference”

              inability to recognize common things – maybe, are wives and sisters common things?

              Behavioral: aggression, agitation, Yes, see the second video, and google search “Reporter reveals Biden yells, curses at aides in outbursts”

              difficulty with self care, – insufficient information

              irritability, probably, see second video. Plus, I was unable to find a recent video where he was asked questions, and he was “whoa whoa and was weird and never answered. However, it is also reported that he routinely curses his aides, and has done so for years.

              meaningless repetition of own words, definitely yes on “meaningless” see first video below. Repetition, I am not sure of, but google “Biden repeats same story ‘nearly word for word’ within minutes during campaign speech”

              personality changes, – insufficient info on the personality part

              lack of restraint, or wandering and – yes, just watch him wandering around on stage

              getting lost -yes, just watch him wandering around on stage

              Mood: anger, – not sure, probably, but hard to distinguish from his normal mean personality

              apathy, – No, not that I have see

              general discontent, – insufficient information

              loneliness, or – insufficient information

              mood swings – insufficient information

              Psychological: depression, insufficient information

              hallucination, or perhaps, but I am not sure of the source of his delusional statements, such as the Mandela thing

              paranoia – insufficient information

              Whole body: loss of appetite or restlessness – insufficient information

              Also common:

              inability to combine muscle movements – probably, he stumbles and trips a lot. He fell off his bike. But that may be more physical than mental

              jumbled speech – yes see first video

              First Video:


              Second Video:

        4. Dennis McIntyre, Soviet Democrat Apparatchik sent here by The Big Guy, Bribery Biden, makes this excuse for his posts: “I read Prof. Turley’s for the same reason you do–as a takeoff point to express my views.

          Weird that suddenly Dennis doesn’t call Professor Turley “Jonathan” as he does when submitting his propaganda in Another Lyin’ Like A Proud Biden moment: Dennis McIntyre, Bribery Biden’s version of Baghdad Bob, is not here expressing his views.

          What he’s doing is regurgitating (almost word for word) the lies, deflections and misstatements in defense of Bribery Biden that we can read from the original Soviet Democrat authors pretty much everywhere else where the talking heads of the Soviet Democrats are posting their alternate versions of the facts and the truth.

          Dennis McIntyre/Bolshevik Bob has yet to post an original thought here that can’t be found already worn out elsewhere. That includes even the incredible nonsense like “AR-15s used for hunting would totally destroy a deer”.

          And if only Dennis/Baghdad Bob’s posts were actually parody, rather than repetative Soviet Democrat calculated lies and propaganda, then there might at least be some degree of amusement provided by those lies and propaganda.

          When it comes to conventional wisdom… Dennis McIntyre/Biden’s Baghdad Bob posts nothing remotely like ‘conventional wisdom” as normal Americans who aren’t his fellow police state fascist Soviet Democrats take that to mean.

    2. I would agree with Turley, clearly the Bidens are predisposed. But, “convince voters he doesn’t deserve to be re-elected,” that’s not what Turley’s arguing here – he’s arguing Sleepy Joe didn’t deserve to be elected in the first place. And the only way one can even remotely conclude that he was is to determine that elections are “anything goes” whereas many in America still believe in democracy, the concept of one-person, one-vote, of consensus as expression of the will of the majority. Democrats are also clearly predisposed, and I must say, also fully exposed. And it’s a sad sad state to be sure.

  5. Well this is a problem with governments sometimes and then the common people just get sick of it and stage a revolution whether right or left. Maybe that’s why kings sometimes lose their heads, or the elites such, as in France, also lost their heads to Mr. Guillotine, or later firing squads are rolled out like in Cuba or Russia, or Iran or China or in various other countries. It seems to be the elites that get butchered because they are often seen as getting more than a “fair shake” in the law. Or as they said in Animal Farm “All animals are equal but some Animals are more equal than others”. Better watch that because the people, in their fury, sometimes lose sight of who is good or bad only that they were screwed by the elite’s.

  6. Everyone has a bad actor somewhere in their family’s past…this is not important. The fact that we cannot deal with the present bad actors – that is the problem. Until we have the gumption to confront this prog/left assault on our nation (an assault that has been going on for a century now) we will continue to become a laughable farce on the world stage – which is what the globalists want (they cannot rule if America is still a strong, free and capitalist hegemon in the world).

  7. If we believed the Woke that the Biden’s support, then it would be genetic … a white genetic trait. They just can’t help themselves and are therefore not just irresponsible, but can’t be held responsible.

  8. It’s laughable when Turley says it takes an utter lack of sense of humor with the “readers added context” to his op-ed in The Hill about the “striking familiar pattern” to Biden’s great-great grandfather being found guilty of attempted murder. For the past year & a half, Turley routinely mentions Biden’s “No one f**ks with a Biden” hot mic comment, but always neglects to mention the reaction from the one he was talking to, Fort Myers Mayor Ray Murphy. Murphy laughed and said, “Yeah, you’re goddamn right.”

    When asked about it later, Murphy said “It was not directed at anybody. It was just two guys talking. It didn’t faze me one bit. That’s just the way two guys talk to each other from our respective backgrounds.”

    But Turley was not only fazed, but enraged–and has spent the past 16 months pushing his own “readers added context” to Biden’s remark and characterizing it as “”the importance of having friends in high places.” 

    Then Turley delivers his punch line zinger: “Humor like reason are strangers in an age of rage.” Yep, the faux outrage is merely adaptive behavior in this political ecosystem, JT.

    1. Anonymous – It is hard to see how the context you provide to Biden’s remark – the reaction of Ray Murphy – in any way changes the tenor of the remark. Obviously Biden is boasting that he will beat down anyone who threatens in any way the well-being of his family. He is talking like a mafioso, trumpeting he is the big boy in the neighborhood. He is talking like a bully. In that sense, there seems to be an echo of his great, great grandfather.
      Turley is not making an absurd biological argument that the Biden’s have developed into a particular species. He is suggesting perhaps that families develop their own traditions and ethos, which are carried on generationally, even if some members of the family resist the tide. Have you ever seen the movie The Godfather?

  9. This frames-up an interesting observation:

    What will happen to Hunter Biden vs. What will happen to Nathan Wade (Georgia – Fulton County District Prosecutor)

    Although two different styles and purposes of the use of ‘influence’.
    The future will tell, Who is Punished and Who is Not.

  10. So what this tell’s me is that: The Biden Family’s “Legacy” of “Nepotism” and “Cronyism” maybe transitive in future broods of Bidens.
    Thus it stands to reason that “Influence Peddling” is a modus operandi of the Family “Branding” and established “Privilege” (The Biden Brand & White Privilege).
    Hence, it can be said that the Biden Family has had a history of being ‘Merchants of Influence’.

    Fascinating (-Spock- Live Long and Prosper, with The Delaware Way! )

  11. So grand pops was bad mouthing someone who subsequently sought to take it physical and grand pops used a knife. I see nothing wrong with a physically weaker person using a weapon if there is no way to avoid an altercation. Our country has a lot of not nice people running out in the population, not everyone is a boxer or kung fu fighter.

    1. Far more people out running their mouths than not nice people assaulting …..had Mose kept his yap shut and stayed sober….he would have had no need to pull a knife and try to kill another human being that was unarmed.

      Sound familiar today when a Perp gets shot while committing a violent crime and the Left decries the presence of the legal weapon used in self defense against a Felon with an illegal firearm?

  12. “It turns out that it may be something of a family trait acquired through generations of natural selection.”

    Thanks for telling us that you don’t understand evolution. Talk with one of your colleagues in the biology dept.

    1. Another cowardly Anonymous Soviet Democrat Useful Idiot displayed his ignorance of genetics with this: “Thanks for telling us that you don’t understand evolution.”

      It will be news to all of us that breeding aggressive or fearful dogs supposedly doesn’t often result in offspring that are also aggressive or fearful. Also news that some psychological and mental disorders are more likely to also be present in the children at greater rates than they are in the entire population.

      Ask one of your fellow Soviet Democrat apparatchiks assigned here who claim “We’re the party of science!” how that works.

  13. “Sixty years later, Moses’s great-great-grandson was found…” should ready “One-hundred sixty…”

  14. “Below is my column in new research published in the Washington Post …”

    If you’re gonna write a column for the WaPo, you gotta expect there to be some serious blowback unless you tell WaPo readers what they WANT to hear. People that read the WaPo don’t read it to be enlightened or educated. They read it purely for affirmation of their preexisting beliefs or preferred political prejudices. This should not be news to anyone. It’s the same circumstance that exists with readers of the NY Times ever since it was reported on March 3, 2015, that Hillary had a secret email server set up in her bathroom to avoid the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA).

    That March 3, 2015, reporting was actually what gave birth to the Russia-Trump Collusion HOAX — the desperate need to come up with an alternative narrative that would shift focus away from Hillary’s email CRIMES. Ever since then, the NYT and WaPo have been unrepentent democrat narrative machines, with the only variables being variances in the democrat camps — those that support Joetard and those that want to dump him for being a liability, not because he’s as crooked as a Pebble Beach par 5.

    1. “If you’re gonna write a column for the WaPo . . .”

      His article was published in “The Hill,” not WaPo. It was based on a piece published in WaPo.

  15. It seems to me like another trait has been passed down through generations of descendants – the trait of sucking off the government teat, for one’s living.

  16. It would be insulting to the dolphins to suggest that the Biden’s have evolved into them. Dolphins are not known for trying to shake down other species for their catch.

  17. Yes, Professor, they have no sense of humor, or of irony, or of honor, or of truth, or of patriotism, or of class, or of. . . . . .(etc., etc.) And yet they wonder why so many millions of Americans support Donald Trump, who is also pretty short on many of these same qualities, but very loooong in the one that matters most to them: the uncanny ability to stick his middle finger in the eye of every Democrat–viz., those who are sucking the soul out of America.

    1. What you said! Not to mention, there is probably something wrong mentally with the “True Believer” Democrats. The has to be some cognitive dissonance going on, as even they can not help but notice their various theories not working out. There is an old Eric Hoffer quote about blacks and their alibis of racial discrimination, and part of what he said was this “For the less justified the alibi, the more passionately will [he] cling to it, and the louder will he voice his grievances.”

      Which the more I think about it, also describes Democrats, sovereign citizens, religious cults, and the UFO believers behind Leon Fetinger’s study on cognitive dissonances. They all double-down on stupid, despite evidence to the contrary. For example, the recent Super Bowl shooting, where one more time, young gang-banger types open up without regard to the surrounding innocent people. What’s the response, from Democrat Mayor Quinton Lucas? He plays the race card, when the shooters (who were all black) are called thugs by the Republican Governor Mike Parson. Oh no, say the Democrats – the problem is guns! Not the people pulling the trigger. Or, the response to the companies closing down shop in high-crime, high-shoplifting areas. Do they blame the shoplifters who brung it on? Nope, racism, greed, Capitalism, Christopher Columbus, dead Confederates – anybody except the people committing the crimes, and the democrats who chose the path of non-prosecution. And, their rage level is increasing, as witnessed here by some of the local shills, and by the over-the-top Trump Derangement Syndrome and lawfare.

      Racism was once pretty much their sole excuse to blame for everything they believed in not working, but as that scapegoat becomes less tenable each passing second, they have spread out to other alibis in the last decade or so – Capitalism! Greed! Nuclear families. Patriarchy. Christians. Jews. Nationalists. Anything to keep them from having to simply face the fact that their basic social theories don’t work. Or that the man at the head of their party does not have senile dementia. I am just getting into something called Belief Perseverance, about which wiki says:

      “Belief perseverance (also known as conceptual conservatism[1]) is maintaining a belief despite new information that firmly contradicts it.[2] Such beliefs may even be strengthened when others attempt to present evidence debunking them, a phenomenon known as the backfire effect (compare boomerang effect).[3] .[]

      There are three kinds of backfire effects: Familiarity Backfire Effect (from making myths more familiar), Overkill Backfire Effect (from providing too many arguments), and Worldview Backfire Effect (from providing evidence that threatens someone’s worldview).[6] .[]

      Since rationality involves conceptual flexibility,[9][10] belief perseverance is consistent with the view that human beings act at times in an irrational manner. Philosopher F.C.S. Schiller holds that belief [] perseverance “deserves to rank among the fundamental ‘laws’ of nature”.[11]”

      I edited that cite for length. I am not so sure that the disorder should not be called a “fundamental FLAW of nature.

        1. Oh, I agree fully with that. I just see much less of it on the Republican side. Let me give you an example. Pretend that you are an atheist. You look at two different denominations – Denomination A believes that the World was going to end in 1914, and then when it didn’t 1918, and then when it didn’t, that what was really meant, was that the World would end when anybody who was alive in 1914 died, and then, they tried to change 1914 to 1957 when Sputnik was launched, and so on. And they believe you should behave yourself, and not sin.

          Denomination B believes none of the world ending stuff, and that when the world does in, nobody is going to see it coming. They believe that you should behave yourself, and not sin.

          Now to you, both are crazy, because you are an Atheist, but do you not think that one denomination is nuttier than the other?

          1. I *am* an atheist (specifically, an agnostic atheist: I don’t believe in any gods, but I don’t claim to know whether or not they exist). I don’t think that all believers are necessarily crazy; they just have to recognize that their belief is faith rather than knowledge.

            But if I believed that all theists are crazy, then yes, I could easily judge some to be crazier than others, depending on their full set of beliefs.

            You and I disagree, though, about whether there are more “true believers” among Democrats vs. Republicans.

            1. they just have to recognize that their belief is faith rather than knowledge. </i

              Knowledge converts young democrats into mature Republicans. As knowledge grows showing Democrat policies are self defeating.
              Seeing the state of Education today is 100% of Democrats getting exactly what the wanted in education. High School graduates not being able to read and cipher is the result of Democrat policies

              1. Atheists aren’t crazy or evil. Just boring.

                Not evil or crazy – just boring? Stalin, Marx, Lenin, Mao, Hitler, Pol Pot… ? Boring?

                It’s almost like The Rock Fairy Religion Of Atheism is inextricably linked to Marxism/communism. Although some attempt to hide by attempting to use the subterfuge that they’re just a slightly different flavor of agnostics. Most, however, are obsessed with the primary objective of the atheist religious faith: claiming that religions other than theirs who have different variations in how they believe the universe and life came to be must be false. They don’t stick to their knitting attempting to prove their views of how the universe began are the true version. Instead, they obsess with trying to prove that which they don’t believe in must be false.

                The current street thugs of the Soviet Democrats – Pantifa and Black Liars & Marxists – don’t show any signs of having any ties to the diests and Abrahamic religions of the world. They’re definitely high on self identifying with the evils and craziness of Marxism, communism, etc.

          2. Floyd,
            Let us expand that a bit more into more modern terms.
            I am a registered Independent. Always have been.
            We have the Democrat party telling us there are more than two biological sexes, there are some 97 different genders, not using someone’s preferred pronoun is equal to violence, biological males competing in women’s sports is okay, letting violent illegals off of crime so they can go on to commit more crime to include murder is okay, defund the police and a whole lot more, makes the Republican party look sane.
            Long time Democrats like Bill Maher and James Carville think the woke leftists that have gripped the Democrat party are insane and stupid.
            And they are right.

        2. And if I may add to that, like Denomination A, which is an actual denomination, there is a cancer or rot, in the center of the belief system. For denomination A, it was the “the World is going to end on date certain” because when it didn’t, rather than say, “We were wrong” they kept inventing new lies to reduce the discomfort they felt from cognitive dissonance.

          For the Democrats, it was that the Civil Rights Movement was going to lift up blacks out of poverty and second-class citizenship, and the racism would die on the vine. And that was NOT an unreasonable belief., but it was based on the incorrect idea that everything wrong in the black community was caused by external forces. And, as part of the “The Movement will save them”, they also put in the Great Society “pay you to have out-of-wedlock” kids legislation. That was the poison pill. And there was no expectation from blacks to do anything themselves. For example, they opened the doors of education, and pushed George Wallace out of the doorway, but they never told blacks, now you get in there, and you learn, and you do your homework.”

          Then, as things deteriorated, they could not go back and re-analyze their assumptions, and realize where the flaws lay. Cognitive Dissonance is a discomfort caused when your beliefs and Reality do not agree. Then, the problems arise when you try to assuage that discomfort, not by changing your views, but by trying to throw a blanket over Reality.

          For a really classic example of this, the Democrat Left often no longer publishes pictures of criminals, and I read somewhere, even their names. Allegedly, because they do not wish to stereotype blacks. I don’t think that is really why. I think, whom they are protecting, is their own little white selves. They are protecting their own fragile white egos. Do a google search on “most wanted criminals Chattanooga.” Look at the image from the Chattanooga Times Free Press, the one with the 32 most wanted. It is so bad that I am not going to post it here. Look at it if you want.

          What does that do to a Democrat Leftist type, who has been screaming racism, and going on about how blacks are victims? That is a hard slap in the face, from Mr. Reality. So, when they do not publish pictures of criminals, is it to protect black people, or is it to protect themselves. My opinion is, the latter. And, I think that the blanket throwing over Reality, and over their own heads like a scared 5-year-old, has become an addiction. That is why they try to keep conservative speakers off campus, and scream that they don’t feel safe. Don’t pull the blanket off my head, or the Monster will get me!

          J H Kunster, a former liberal sort of Democrat, has been saying this for a while, and just recently, this:

          “Another poorly understood byproduct of this failure to repair the world is the guilt and shame secretly experienced by the American liberal Left over the apparent failure of the Civil Rights movement they fought so hard for, and the subsequent failed efforts to tweak it and save it (still more tikkun olam). Thus, we see the absurd racist “anti-racism” of the universities, and so many other affronts to common sense and reality itself.

          But the worst byproduct of all this tragically misguided tikkun olam is that the main political vehicle for it, the Democratic Party, has gone so insane that it now devotes itself fanatically to the utter destruction of what remains of our country. This is most particularly true in the law, which might be considered the backbone of America. Lawfare attorneys such as Marc Elias work tirelessly to turn American election law upside down and inside out so it becomes increasing impossible to know who is voting and if the ballots are legitimate.

          The Democratic Party has decided it’s okay to use the law in bad faith to persecute and jail its political opponents. The Democratic Party has destroyed Americans’ faith in the federal courts, the Department of Justice, and the FBI. The Democratic Party allows an invasion of millions of unvetted aliens across the border, quite a few of them possibly bent on making mayhem here as global tensions careen into hot war. The Democratic Party is still pushing Covid vaccinations that are well-understood at this point to be ineffective and unsafe. And the Democratic Party is doing everything possible (with help from RINO Republicans) to destroy our financial system. You could easily make the case that the Democratic Party is the anti-American Party.”

          (I can not link the article, because of wordpress censorship, but look up The Jewish American Dilemma and Kunstler, and you can read the whole thing.)

          That is why I think the Democrats have degenerated more than the Republicans.

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