Harvard’s “Oddities Collector” Gets Probation After Unlawful Trafficking in Human Body Parts

In the old days, Jeremy Pauley of Thompson, 42,  would have been called a “grave digger” or “body snatcher.” However, the harvester of Harvard Medical School’s cadavers  preferred “oddity collector,” thank you very much. Now, despite an extensive illegal operation in trafficking body parts, Pauley was spared any jail time by federal prosecutors in the U.S. Attorney’s Office of the Middle District of Pennsylvania.

Thompson will serve two years of probation after pleading guilty last year to conspiracy and interstate transportation of stolen property.

The prosecutors dropped charges for dealing in proceeds of unlawful activities and receiving stolen property.

According to the Justice Department, Pauley “admitted to his role in a nationwide network of individuals who bought and sold human remains.” His macabre business involved buying body parts from cadavers donated for medical research before their scheduled cremations. His inside source was Cedric Lodge, who managed the morgue for the Anatomical Gifts Program at Harvard Medical School.

Lodge allegedly ran a type of cadaver market in which he would allow customers to come into the morgue and pick out parts they wanted. Harvard insists that it was entirely unaware of the operation and has condemned the conduct of all those involved.

Pauley had other alleged sources like Candace Chapman Scott, an employee at a Little Rock mortuary. Scott even used Facebook Messenger to send pictures of her inventory including a brain and the heart.

When police went to his house, Pauley told officers that collected “oddities” and that he had 15 to 20 human skulls he had legally purchased in his possession. Later the police returned with a search warrant and found three five-gallon buckets filled with human remains.

The FBI has since arrested three other individuals who allegedly trafficked stolen body parts, including Lodge, Lodge’s wife Denise Lodge, Katrina Maclean of Salem, Massachusetts, and Joshua Taylor of Pennsylvania.

Denise Lodge pleaded guilty to the interstate transport of stolen human remains and faces 10 years in prison and a fine of $250,000.

Yet, the “oddities collector” will not go to jail under this plea.

Likewise, Harvard will not be held accountable. Last month, Judge Kenneth W. Salinger dismissed the claims against Harvard and Anatomical Gift Program managers Mark F. Cicchetti and Tracey Fay, citing their immunity under Massachusetts’ Uniform Anatomical Gift Act (UAGA).

In the opinion below, Salinger found that Harvard was protected under the Massachusetts Uniform Anatomical Gift Act.  That Act includes a “good faith clause” in the agreement for body donations that excuses even negligence.

A person who acts in accordance with thischapter . . . or who attempts in good faith to do so, shall not be liable for the act in a civil action, criminal prosecution or administrative proceeding.
GL.. c.113A,§18(a).

Salinger held that:

“It follows that a plaintiff cannot overcome the qualified immunity of someone who received a lawful anatomical gift by showing that the recipient was negligent in handling the gift, because a showing of negligence would not demonstrate an absence of good faith.”

So Harvard walks and the “oddities collector” gets no jail time. For its part, Massachusetts hardly appears aggressive in its policing of this area. It may not be an expressly pro-robber digger jurisdiction, but it does not exactly come off as a vigilant monitor of medical schools.

This may or may not be an actual film from the Massachusetts UAGA inspection unit:


Harvard Dismissal Order

32 thoughts on “Harvard’s “Oddities Collector” Gets Probation After Unlawful Trafficking in Human Body Parts”

  1. I do not know whether to laugh or cry. I will say that the Prosecutor letting Mr. Paulette walk is understandable. Looking the that picture is punishing enough…8^)

  2. While I find this all disturbing – and certainly Harvard should be wise enough not to be involved. Adn I do not understnad why people would trade in body parts.

    Still this should not be illegal.

    Grave robbing, yes. Stealing the body parts of the dead yes.

    But trade in body parts – no.

    If I die and I want my body cremated – so be it. Burried – so be it.
    Organs given or sold for transplant – fine. Body chopped up and the parts sold to ghouls to use as coffee table ornaments.
    So long as that was my choice and I am paid – fine.

    Stealling remains a crime – whether it is your car or your liver.

  3. Obviously he’s partly insane. There’s a rumor going about that he provided the foot in Dennis McIntyre’s mouth.

  4. reportedly subject weirdo confesses to his body parts scam, he then has charges dismissed. The brain he sold turned out to belong to Joe Biden.The brain was subsequently returned as the purchaser discovered it was hollow and completely useless.

  5. Jonathan: It must be Saturday. Now the sad story of the the “Oddities Collector” Jeremy Thompson. Sorry if I don’t bite because I have other fish to fry–like what is happening in Judge Eileen Cannon’s courtroom in the Mar-a-Lago docs case. And there are important developments. Cannon has slow walked the case as a favor to DJT who appointed her–with paperless minute orders to hide what she is doing behind the scenes. But now Cannon is facing the moment of truth.

    On Thursday (3/14) Cannon will hear oral arguments on DJT’s motion to dismiss the case. And Cannon is sympathetic to DJT’s motion. Why? Cannon, in a paperless order on 3/6, indicated she would accept 2 amicus briefs in support of DJT’s motion–indicating the briefs “may be of considerable help to the court in reviewing the cited pretrial motions”.

    What are the amicus briefs about and who filed them? Both briefs were submitted by orgs who are representing White male clients challenging various DEI policies by employers and educational institutions. One of the briefs was filed by an organization founded by Steven Miller–the same anti-immigration zealot who worked for DJT in the WH.

    So what are the amicus briefs claiming? That (1) NARA had no authority under the PRA to demand DJT return the docs he took back with him to Mar-a-Lago because DJT was still President and magically declassified the docs–which then became his “personal property”; and (2) that Jack Smith has no authority to prosecute DJT because a Special Prosecutor must first be “appointed” by the president and confirmed by the Senate.

    I won’t spend time discussing how spurious are these claims. But next week Judge Cannon will have her chance to finally rule on a substantive issue. Will she side with DJT based on the amicus briefs and dismiss the case or will she reject them and set a new trial date? If she does the former Jack Smith will file an immediate appeal with the 11th Circuit. And Cannon has some past experience there. The 11th Circuit slapped her down when Cannon tried to interfere with the FBI investigation of the Mar-a-Lago docs. So I would expect the 11th Circuit will relish the idea of overturning another of Cannon’s erroneous rulings. They might even remove her from the case.

    And Jack Smith just filed another motion– opposing DJT’s motion to dismiss the case. What is interesting is that in his filing Smith also pointed out that his investigation is continuing. His “Sherlock Holmes” team of forensic analysts have been able to track Walt Nauta’s cell phone (seized when the FBI searched Mar-a-Lago) showing Nauta’s movement of boxes to hide them–not only from Evan Corcoran, who was then DJT’s attorney, but also from the FBI.

    It’s pretty clear. Jack Smith is leaving no stone unturned in preparing for trial. He has brought on 2 additional experienced attorneys to handle any appeal. And Smith has been prepared for trial for several months. It’s only Judge Cannon who is trying to derail the train. Now it is up to Judge Cannon to show her cards. Will she reject DJT’s spurious claims and set a new trial date? Stay tuned because it’s going to be one hell of a roller coaster ride!

    1. It’s Jeremy Pauley of Thompson, you and Jojo seem to have trouble with names. He can’t even get the one’s right that he’s responsible for their deaths.

    2. You do understand that Smith is seeking a Trial in less than 6 months and that the Norm for a classified docs case is over 2 years ?
      If Cannon pushes this past the election it will still be 100% faster than normal ?

      No you do not understand. Your ranting about star chamber lawfare.

      Trump has agreeed to a early september Trial date – If and only iff 4 major pretrial motions he has forthcoming are dealt with before that.
      There is ZERO chance of that. It is unlikely Trump will win all of those before Cannon – but all he has to do is win ONE and this case is over.

      Frankly the PRA/JW V. NARA challenge should end this case.

      Finally – you did not read Hur’s report. Biden’s snatching of classified docs
      # was Willful,
      # He shared them without authorization,
      # They were stored recklessly and insecurely,
      # he did not have the authority as senator to personally posess classified documents,
      # or the authority as VP to declassify them
      # and under the PRA he has very very limited peronal rights to documents from his tenure as VP and none of the classified docs would be included.
      # Biden’s docs were moved many of them multiple times,
      # Contra left wing nut memes they were NOT reported on discovery – but more than 6 months later,
      # During the interim some of them were sent to boston where lawyers without security clearances decided what to do with them.

      Every bullet point above is NOT true of Trump.

      In the unlikely event you manage to get this infront of a jury – EVER.
      The odds of a conviction are NEAR ZERO. This is not being Tried in DC or NYC or Atlanta, but SFL which went 57% for Trump.
      Trump has a better chance of a unanimous acquital than a conviction.

      But this will not go to trial.

      First – Cannon is correctly peaved at Smith.
      She can toss the whole case – or substnatial parts of it because he played Grand Jury games.
      He KNEW from the start that this case would have to be tried in SFL – still he set up a Grand Jury in DC, where corrupt judges like Beryl Howell violated attorney client privilege, and numerous other unconstitutional acts.

      Cannon can:
      Toss the entire thing and require Smith to start again with a GJ in the 11ct.
      Determine that significant evidence from the DC GJ is inadmissable because of constitutional violations as well as fruit of the poisonous tree.

      No matter what Smith is on the hot seat and this challenge alone will likely take months.

      Separately Trump has Challenged Meeses apointment as unconstitutional in SFL.
      There is ALOT of SCOTUS precident that confirms the Meese argument before SCOTUS.
      SCOTUS did not rule on that earlier – because Meese’s challenge was in an amicus brief, it was not a question before the court.
      Trump can now raise that in front of Cannon and I beleive already has. There are numerous SCOTUS rulings supporting the position that Smith is apointed illegitimately. I would note a ruling by Cannon in SFL that Smith’s appointment was illegal would effect ALL smith cases.
      There was a simmilar challenge to Mueller that Mueller won at the federal Circuit court level that was not appealed.
      But that is not binding on Cannon – and the many Supreme court decisions that have universally said Officers of the United States must be appointed by the President and confirmed by the Senate ARE Binding.

      I would note that Weis, and Hur and Durham as well as every prior SC except Mueller were appointed properly – they were elevated from positions as US attorney’s.
      US Attorney’s must be appointed by the president and confirmed by the Senate. This has been the way that SC’s have been appointed for as long as the SC law has been in place – basically since 2000.

      Dismissing Smith will not stop the prosecution fo Trump – but it will significantly delay it.

      You have ranted about Trump’s allegedly incompetent lawyers – appointing Smith was a rookie mistake by Garland who purportedly was supreme court material and should know better.

      Even if you are lunatic enough to beleive that you can win the challenge to Smith’s appointment in the Supreme court,
      Choosing smith created an excellent appeal oportunity for Trump – which he is now using.

      You rant that Cannon is “slow walking” this – the opposite is true.

      At every single Level corrupt lawfare democrats are getting to push this far faster than normal.
      The left ranted over the immunity appeal in DC – supposedly democrat judges were taking to much time on an easy measure.
      Well the immunity decision is NOT an easy measure. Even though the DC panel found against Trump – they found every singel constitutional argument he made VALID. There is zero doubt that president have immunity. There is not even any doubt of the extent of that immunity.
      The only question that the DC panel had and that SCOTUS will now be addressing is what is the proper means to overcome that immunity.
      In that the immunity case strongly resembles the A14 case. We have the lunatic left claiming that overcoming presidetial immunity is trivial.
      And we have Trump claiming that it requires impeachment and conviction in the senate.
      Read the Ballot case – SCOTUS has pretty well telegraphed its likely decision there – overcoming presidential immunity is not trivial but they probably will not decide that it requires impeachment and removal – though that is a stronger argument on presidential immunity.

      Regardless, my point is that it is Not Trump whose lawyers suck and who are pushing the law.
      It is those on the left engaged in lawfare.

      Frankly, I do nto think Cannon has followed the constitution and the law closely enough – the MAL case should be dismissed in its entirety and the documents returned to Trump. They are his property – classified or not.

      Democrats CHOSE to make these overreaching difficult cases of first impression.
      They CHOSE to make all kinds of mistakes in doing so

      It was not necescary or wise to violate Attroeny Client priviledge with the DC grand jury – especially when Smith and Howel KNEW their actions would get reviewed outside of corrupt judges in DC.

      It was not necescary to appoint Smith unconstitutionally – Garland can certainly find someone already appointed by the president and confirmed by the Senate – as he did with Hur and Weis, and as was done with Durham and all prior SC’s except Mueller.

      These and numerous other mistakes by Smith, DOJ, democrats are adding additional delays and risking having the entire mess tossed.

      It is not Cannon slow walking this – it is the stupidity of the left to beleive that complex cases that have been botched at every step can proceed rapidly.

      You do not even seem to grasp that Trump CAN argue for a speedy trial OR argue for delay. Smith can not. The right to a speedy trial belongs to the defendant – not the prosecutor. The right to due process rests with the defendant – not the prosecutor.
      Defendants are allowed to delay cases for most any reason – and prosecutors nearly always agree. That is the NORM.

      Though Cannon is NOT slow walking this case – judges quite often DO slow walk cases. Especially where the issues are complex or where there is potential political fallout. Everyone KNOWS that SCOTUS constantly times their decisions – delaying the most controversial ones until the justices are all out of DC. That is not new, and it is not particular to right or left.

      Smith can not even argue that the election requires deciding this quickly – the moment he tries to make that argument – his motions will be kicked out of court – that violates long standing DOJ policy and constitutes election interferance.

      Nor have I mentioned the selective Prosecution claim which is now quite solid given that DOJ did not prosecute Bill Clinton, Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, or Joe Biden but is prosecuting Trump.

    3. Your ranting that Cannon accepted amicus briefs – yet that is not uncommon. I would note that the challenge to Smith’s appointment is on solid constitutional ground – has been advanced more than once by Former US Attorney General Meese, and a well respected constitutional law scholar. Is consistent with dozens of supreme court cases on related issues – including the decision that Trump can fire the director of the CFPB early in the Trump administration. The appointments clause is a much litigated part of the constitution and SCOTUS has been very very solid on it – officers of the United States must be appointed by the president and must be confirmed by the senate.

      Congress and presidents have played all kinds of games over the past 250 years to get arround that.

      I would not that is an issue even in the most famous supreme court of all time – Marbury V. Madison.

      Regardless amicus briefs are common – I do not understand why you are ranting.
      Democrats file amicus briefs all the time.
      It is very rare for a supreme court case not to have dozens of amicus briefs.

      Further Amicus briefs are important – because Amici near universally have goals and objectives quite different from the prosecution and defense. And that is the case here.

      The Challenge to Smith is a speed bump – no matter what the outcome it WILL significantly delay this case.
      Which si why Garland should not have stupidly appointed Smith in the first place.

      I would note that Smith may have one of the worst track records before the supreme court of any government attorney – he has lost 9-0 multiple times. He lost beoth the McDonald case and the Edwards case which are both excellent precidents for Trump in the Bragg case.

    4. Of course you will not discuss the validity of the claims.

      Because they are NOT spurious.

      You seem to forget that the only prior effort ever dealing with classified documents and an ex president was JW v NARA – and Clinton won.

      Cannon can not only dismiss by mirroring Judge ABJ’s decision in the JW v NARA case,
      She can actually reject the legal claims in JW V. NARA but still dismiss because Trump was entitled to rely on JW V. NARA and therefore can not have he necessary mens rea to commit a crime.

      Trump has 4 major challenges in Cannon’s court. If he wins one – this is over. Even if he loses them all – the case will not proceed until appeals are resolved and that is not happening anytime soon.

      It is near certain that the GA case is dead.
      Even if Willis survives the motion to disqualify her – which is highly unlikely, she and her office will be under far more scrutiny.
      She will be tied up in court over challenges to her own conduct – which now include obstruction of justice. OOPS.

      I would further note the GA case has a new problem. The Trump Phone call that is the core to the allegation of election interferance, was illegally recorded in FL which is an all party consent state. The recording itself is actually a crime in FL. Contra those on the right – absent proving the person who recorded it was acting as an agent of law enforcement it is likely admissible. But there will be a huge protracted fight over it.

      There is no way that the MAL case goes to trial before the election.
      There is no way the DC case goes to trial before the election.

      The left’s hopes are in the Bragg case – which Bragg has been sitting on, has always been the weakest, and though it does not currently face any obstacles – that is only because it has been sitting idle. The moment Bragg tries to move forward, you will see the same appeal problems – many going all the way to SCOTUS – Brag has a federal supremecy clause problem.

      He is quite litterally trying to do WORSE than Abbot is doing in TX – he is trying to enforce federal election law DIFFERENTLY in NY than the FEC has already determined. The FEC has already decided that the Stormy Daniels payments are legal under federal election law.
      Nor is that braggs only problem – Cohen actually plead guilty to crimes that required that he made them himself.

      There is no way Bragg can get this to trial before the election – if he can do so at all.

    5. DM – Smith is fishing.

      Unlike Biden – Trumps “boxes” – all remained in non public areas of MAL – locked up all the time.
      Smith is REACTING to Trump’s defense claims.

      And you/he are trying to manufacture intent.

      It is possible that Nauta was hiding the boxes. That is one of thousands of explanations.
      Trumps explanation is that the boxes were removed from the SCIF so that they could be examined by attornies to see if anything in them complied with various dodment demands and subpeonas Trump faced.

      You are going to have a real mess – because – not only do you have NARA requests, and FBI requests, and DOJ requests and DC GJ requests – but NY courts demanded that Trump’s documents at MAL be searched.

      Whether you like it or not Trump has LOTS of COURT DRIVEN reasons for moving the boxes arround.
      And unlike Biden they were NEVER unsecured.

      Regardless – Smith is not “investigating” he is speculating.

      Though I presume that as you are using cell tracking data against Nauta – that you are prepared to accept that Cell tracking data proves that Willis and Wade lied under oath ?

      I would also presume that you are prepared to accept that the 2020 election had massive illegal ballot harvesting.

      Either you accept cell tracking data as evidence or you don’t.

      You do not get to be selective. The problem you have with Nauta is that you are trying to prove intent – rather than action based on cell tracking data. No one contests that boxes at MAL were moved arround. I doubt anyone contests that Cell data demonstrates that Nauta moved arround MAL. But Nauta has legitimate reason to move arround MAL, and even legitimate reasons to move boxes – though cell tracking data can not prove boxes were moved.

      It is really really hard to argue that Wade has reasons – other than “romantic” to be in Willis’s condo from midnight to 5am on 10 differnet occasions prior to hiring Wade.

      It is really hard to argue that finding 2000 cell phones that each visited on DNC connected 501C3 and then 10 ballot boxes prior to the 2020 election on multiple nights was for some purpose other than illegal ballot harvesting – expecially since there is time correlated video for many of these drops.

    6. It is not up to Judge Cannon to show her cards. It is not her job to rush to judgment.
      It is not her job to give DOJ or Democrats what they want.

      It is her job to assure that Trump gets constitutional due process.

      I would note that it is certain that she will set a new trial date.

      The only question is will she accept Smith’s overly optimistic and impossible date, or Trumps’ overly optomistic and impossible date.

      Cannon can not make the trial happen on either Trump’s data or Smith’s.

      Those appeals – I beleive there are 4 major ones in the works. Even if Cannon pulled a Chutkan and rejected them outright – which is NOT going to happen, they would each still be appealed – likely to the supreme court, and there is no chance that all will be resolved before the election.

      I would further not – you keep claiming these are suprious – but you said that to the A14S3 challenge – and you lost that at SCOTUS 9-0.

      I strongly suspect that SCOTUS will PUNT most of these into next term, and hope they will quietly go away or that if they have to decide them they can do so without the political charged atmosphere.

      The selective prosecution case – SHOULD be a winner – but those are incredibly hard to make. I suspect Trump will lose that. But I suspect that the decision will still chastize DOJ for the appearance of bias.

      The NARA case should be a clear winner. But I suspect SCOTUS will try to rule on that AFTER the election.

      The Smith appointment challenge should be a clear winner, again I suspect SCOTUS will try to rule on that after the election.

      I would note with BOTH of these issues – DOJ could have just done things right and Trump would have no issue.

      You keep arguing that Trump’s lawyers are incompetent – yet it is DOJ and democrats that keep doing stupid things that they did not have to do.

      Appointing an SC that was not confirmed by the senate and appointed by the president was a stupid and avoidable mistake.
      Is there not a single US Attorney that could not have been SC ?

      Not following the proper process to try to recover Docs from trump was a mistake. If you beleive JW V NARA was bad law – NARA/DOJ could have challenged it – before ignoring it away. NARA could have gone to court to recover Documents from Trump.

      the SC could have properly convened a grand jury in SFL.
      Corrupt DC judges could have not violated Attorny client privilege.
      I would note this violates Trump’s condtitutional rights in multiple ways.
      Once privilege has been breeched that lawyer can not participate in ANY Trump cases anywhere again.

      It is commonplace for DOJ to try to deprive defendants of the lawyers they chose.
      But this tactic is rarely used.

    7. You ranting about fantasy.

      Cannon can set the august date that Smith wants – and it will not happen.
      Or the early september data that Trump wants – and it will not happen.

      One of the things Trump is trying to do – which he is ALLOWED to do – which is infurating you,
      Is to game the schedule. Whatever court schedules its case first – those weeks are block to other courts.
      Whenever Cannon schedules the Trump Trial – Bragg can not schedule his (and visa versa).

      None of these dates are “REAL” – they are not happening.

      Trump wants the MAL trial scheduled starting in September because they will block Bragg from scheduling in Sept and Oct.
      The MAL trial is not happening in Sept. any more than the DC trial it happening in March.

      We have not seen an election interferance appeal yet – but you can expect one of those soon.
      That likely will go to SCOTUS, and my guess is that SCOTUS is going to decide that the courts MUST give Trump the time he needs to conduct his campaign without interference. That decision will end all of this.

      Further – lets presume as is certain that none of these cases proceded before the election.

      Even if the courts do not drop the cases after the election – because Trump is president and can not be tried.
      The cases will all be dropped anyway.

      The purpose of these cases is NOT to enforce the law. It is to interfere with the election.

      Your frothing at the mouth regarding Cannon and the schedule
      The entire effort of Democrats to try to bring 4 complex legally dubious cases to trial in less than a year when the norm is multiple years
      The massive effort of Democrats to use lawfare to one way or another prevent Trumps election alone
      proves this is lawless election interferance.

    8. Trump posted bond in the Carrol case.
      So your rant there has proved false.

      The amounts will be reduced and ultimately dismissed – though that will take years.
      My guess is that if NY courts do not toss this first that SCOTUS flushes the one time change in the statute of limitations by the state of NY as a violation fo due process and an unconstitutional bill of attainder.

      Eventually you will see Trump seeking damages.

      It is hard to quantify the damage to NY and NYC this lawlessness has created.

      The NY real estate investment market was weak before these decisions.
      As I have noted before – there is nearly $2T in commerical office space loans due to refinance shortly. a significant portion of these are in NYC.
      NYC commerical real estate is soft possibly to the point of disaster right now, and it is not likely to recover in less than a decade.
      Other major cities have similar problems.
      The State of NY has a $8B deficit that is growing – I am not sure what NYC’s deficit is but it is huge – CA went from a surplus to a $32B deficit under Newsom.

      The commerical office bubble is 5 times worse than the 2006 housing bubble. The only saving grace is that it will land on the investor class mostly – and they can absorb these types of losses without tanking the economy.
      But you can expect more bank failures.

      And all that is BEFORE these massive judgements threaten NY investors.

      It is going to be hard to tell how much worse this has made things for NY -= because NY is already hostile to Capitol.

      BTW Miami is opening a trading floor and agressively looking to lure the financial industry away form NYC.

      You do not seem to understand. You can get the wealthy elites to fund your campaigns. But they will still move to TX and Florida to seve money on taxes if they can do so.

      We also have a Truckers Strike – it is also hard to tell how much of that is going to be Trump related.
      Truck loads into NYC were down 20% before this decision. Rising gas prices, higher tolls, higher taxes and government open hostility to independent truckers had already significantly reduced loads to NYC – with the result of shortaged and higher prices.

      Regardless Blue Cities are increasingly trapping themselves in death spirals.

      Democrats do not understand that You can not game free markets.

      Even wealthy left wing nuts will go elsewhere to pay less in taxes.

      Regardless, in an atmosphere where NY and NYC already have a reputation as hostile to business – you really think that lawlessly targeting Trump was a good idea ?

  6. This article proves the old adage that making a living in the body parts trade takes a lot of brains, guts, heart, and gall.

  7. Some creative attorney may try negligent employment supervision ? Lodge was in his position since 1995 – 2023 , that’s 28 years he was able to run his trafficking operation .

    Widespread news of these cases will not help in advancing the cause of organ donations.

    1. There are no words. Unspeakable fails in sheer weakness. WHO raised this sad lad? Yes lawyers have a most creative view at times.

  8. Wait, he was prosecuted for a federal offense in federal court in PA. How can a MA state civil statute shield him from federal criminal liability? Something here doesn’t make sense at a fundamental level.

    Perhaps the feds looked at his photo and said, “He’s one of us, go easy on him“?

  9. I was thinking also that this is one helluva immunity act from the state, even excusing negligence. No mention if the “oddities collector” got fined. I see some of the other participants got fined and face prison time. No wonder people repeat offend.
    Maybe we should bring back the public stockade where all “minor offenders” get their heads, hands and feet in blocks and have other “minor offenders” have to show up and feed them and take them to the bathroom. Add in a fine. Very little structure, open to clearly defined weather parameters, portable outhouse standing by. Just wall off an area of Boston Common for the placement and you are ready to go. It might even run a profit in the bigger cities.
    For corrupt politicians you can have a special section with the same material except for the addition of a whip. Any passerby could administer at least 1 snap of the cat-o-nine tails to the offender. Salt for the wound be optional.

  10. Why no real punishment? It’s not as if federal officials are so busy prosecuting real crimes that they have no time…

  11. I’m sure the perps are all registered Democrats and of course, the slap on the wrist, is punishment enough for Loyal Democrats!

  12. Anyone figuring it out yet? It’s a rigged game, sovereign immunity for the State and persecution for the victims of their ineptitude.

    1. You are illustrating the exact reason that we need to remove those currently holding power (whether elected, appointed or union-protected) and replace them with people who understand and support the original ethos of this nation and its underlying constitution.

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