Whistleblower: The CIA Allegedly Told the DOJ to Stay Away from Kevin Morris in the Hunter Biden Investigation

The New York Post has created a stir in Washington with its report that a whistleblower claims that the CIA reportedly blocked federal investigators from interviewing Kevin Morris, the  entertainment lawyer who has subsidized the expenses and bought the art of Hunter Biden. (For full disclosure, Morris previously threatened me with a defamation lawsuit over my writing about his representation of Hunter. Fortunately, I have not received any summons from either the courts or the CIA). We will have to wait for more details on the allegations, but the response of the CIA struck me as rather curious.

As discussed earlier, the Hollywood lawyer, producer and Democratic donor has emerged as a major figure in the corruption scandal surrounding Hunter Biden.

For years, some of us have complained that we are not sure what Morris was at any given moment.

What became clear in his deposition before Congress is that Morris does not appear certain himself.

He’s Hunter’s confidant, art patron, business partner, and his lawyer.

Now there is a suggestion that we might have to add CIA asset or protected person.

The unnamed whistleblower told the House Oversight and Judiciary Committee that the “intelligence agency stopped IRS and Justice Department investigators from interviewing Morris in August 2021.” That has led Oversight chairman James Comer (R-KY) and Judiciary chairman Jim Jordan (R-OH) to demand answers from the CIA on whether two DOJ officials were summoned to CIA headquarters in Langley, Va. to discourage their interviewing Morris.

Given the allegations of special treatment by the Justice Department (including blocking efforts to interview Hunter or search Biden properties), this latest report is obviously quite serious. One would expect that the CIA would simply say that no such meeting related to the Hunter Biden investigation occurred. Instead, the agency responded that it “does not obstruct investigations.” The spokesman added  “CIA does not comment on specific investigations. We can say that CIA cooperates with law enforcement partners and does not obstruct investigations. CIA also fully and routinely cooperates with our oversight committees and will continue to do so.”

Hunter met Morris when he attended a political fundraiser as a major donor.

Soon thereafter, he warned Biden associates that Hunter’s unpaid taxes raised political problems during Joe Biden’s 2020 presidential run.

He later proceeded to pay off Hunter’s taxes and to subsidize his lavish lifestyle.

He also took an apparent lead in planning public campaigns against the critics of the Bidens, reportedly pushing a scorched-earth approach to attack potential witnesses and accusers.

Then Morris seemed to take on the role of Hunter’s bank and art patron.

He reportedly gave millions to Hunter while insisting that they are loans, not gifts.

Most recently, it was revealed that, despite accounts of buyers flocking to buy Hunter’s overpriced art, it was Morris all along who bought most of the pieces.

How the CIA would fit into any of this is anyone’s guess.

The question is whether Justice Department attorneys were called to Langley to discourage their interviewing Morris. Even if Morris were an intelligence asset, the CIA has disclosed such associations as part of the investigation into the Russian collusion investigation. The Justice Department should also be able to confirm whether such a meeting occurred.

Once again, none of this proves that the whistleblower’s account is true or accurate. However, the very intervention of the CIA into such an investigation involving the President’s son would be alarming. While the CIA does have a need to protect sources and methods, it also has an obligation to assure the public that it is not interfering with domestic cases or being used for political purposes. Greater transparency and clarity would seem warranted in this case from both the Justice Department and the CIA.

If there is credible confirmation of this allegation, it should also lead to a call for Morris to return to Congress to testify as well as any Justice Department attorneys involved in the meetings.

Just when you thought the Biden corruption scandal could not get more bizarre, it does. We just need Johnny Rivers to explain that he is a “secret agent man” who “leads a life of danger” where “you let the wrong word slip, While kissing persuasive lips.”

118 thoughts on “Whistleblower: The CIA Allegedly Told the DOJ to Stay Away from Kevin Morris in the Hunter Biden Investigation”

  1. The Global Communist Deep Deep State “Swamp” Regime

    CIA – Communists In America

    FBI – Feckless Bureau Instigation

  2. President Dwight D. Eisenhower’s Farewell Address (1961)

    Our military organization today bears little relation to that known by any of my predecessors in peace time, or indeed by the fighting men of World War II or Korea.

    Until the latest of our world conflicts, the United States had no armaments industry. American makers of plowshares could, with time and as required, make swords as well. But now we can no longer risk emergency improvisation of national defense; we have been compelled to create a permanent armaments industry of vast proportions. Added to this, three and a half million men and women are directly engaged in the defense establishment. We annually spend on military security more than the net income of all United State corporations.

    This conjunction of an immense military establishment and a large arms industry is new in the American experience. The total influence-economic, political, even spiritual-is felt in every city, every state house, every office of the Federal government. We recognize the imperative need for this development. Yet we must not fail to comprehend its grave implications. Our toil, resources and livelihood are all involved; so is the very structure of our society.

    In the councils of government, we must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the military-industrial complex. The potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power exists and will persist.

    We must never let the weight of this combination endanger our liberties or democratic processes. We should take nothing for granted. Only an alert and knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial and military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods and goals, so that security and liberty may prosper together.

    Akin to, and largely responsible for the sweeping changes in our industrial-military posture, has been the technological revolution during recent decades.

  3. Allen Dulles

    Allen Welsh Dulles (/ˈdʌlɪs/ DUL-iss; April 7, 1893 – January 29, 1969) was an American lawyer who was the first civilian Director of Central Intelligence (DCI), and its longest serving director to date. As head of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) during the early Cold War, he oversaw the 1953 Iranian coup d’état, the 1954 Guatemalan coup d’état, the Lockheed U-2 aircraft program, the Project MKUltra mind control program and the Bay of Pigs Invasion. He was fired by John F. Kennedy over the latter fiasco.

    Dulles was a member of the Warren Commission that investigated the assassination of John F. Kennedy. Between his stints of government service, Dulles was a corporate lawyer and partner at Sullivan & Cromwell. His older brother, John Foster Dulles, was the Secretary of State during the Eisenhower administration and is the namesake of Dulles International Airport.[1]

    – Wiki

    1. George said: “Allen Welsh Dulles…” Was John Foster Dulles brother. The latter was appointed Secretary of State by Eisenhower; the former was promoted to head of the CIA on Eisenhowers watch. That creates some irony wrt Eisenhower’s MIC speech, since he did much to facilitate its ascendence. Also, from what I have read, AWD was instrumental in steering the Warren Commission away from a real investigation into the JFK assassination, and may well have been one of the architects of that event.

      1. “If a tree falls in a forest and no one is around to hear it, does it make a sound?”

        If the Constitution and Bill of Rights fell in America and no one was around to hear them, did they make a sound? 

        The rogue CIA, allied with Father of Nations Stalin and General Secretary Comrade Franklin Delano Roosevelt, ran up South and Central America, failing in Cuba due to that dastardly and irresolute international playboy and trust fund kid, JFK, and then turned inward. 

        Do you imagine that the Global Communist Deep Deep State “Swamp” Regime is afraid of a President? 

        The Global Communist Deep Deep State “Swamp” Regime is far and away Above Top Secret, a place where the President of the United States of America is not allowed to go.



        Benedict Arnold

        Benedict Arnold (14 January 1741 [O.S. 3 January 1740][1][a] – June 14, 1801) was a British military officer who served during the American Revolutionary War. He fought with distinction for the American Continental Army and rose to the rank of major general before defecting to the British in 1780. General George Washington had given him his fullest trust and had placed him in command of West Point in New York. Arnold was planning to surrender the fort to British forces, but the plot was discovered in September 1780, whereupon he fled to the British lines. In the later part of the war, Arnold was commissioned as a brigadier general in the British Army and placed in command of the American Legion. He led the British army in battle against the soldiers whom he had once commanded, and his name became synonymous with treason and betrayal in the United States.[2]

        – Wiki

  4. I actually hope this is untrue. Because if it is true we are in greater peril than I have thought. Unfortunately it is likely to be true given the weaponizarion of the deep state under this administration’s

  5. So if I change my name to ‘Biden’ can I get in on some of these multi-million dollar ‘loans?
    The ones with no interest, no paperwork, and no questions better be asked?
    The ones where the various governmental investigation/prosecution agencies cover for me?

  6. I’m sure that Tony Blinken will get his 51 “High Government Intelligence Officials” to take care of this little Kevin Morris problem. Shouldn’t be a problem.

      1. Curios as to:
        1. Why would the CIA want to get Trump?
        2. What purpose would it serve?
        3. How would the elimination of Trump change things?
        4. What would Position(s) would improve as a result?

        1. Trump will commence the process of returning America to its Constitution and Bill of Rights.

          The entire communistic American welfare state is unconstitutional including, but not limited to, admissions affirmative action, grade-inflation affirmative action, employment affirmative action, quotas, welfare, food stamps, minimum wage, rent control, social services, forced busing, public housing, utility subsidies, WIC, SNAP, TANF, HAMP, HARP, TARP, Health and Human Services, Housing and Urban Development, Environmental Protection Agency, Agriculture, Education, Labor, Energy, Obamacare, Social Security, Social Security Disability, Social Security Supplemental Income, Medicare, Medicaid, “Fair Housing” laws, “Non-Discrimination” laws, etc.

          Article 1, Section 8, provides Congress the power to tax for ONLY debt, defense, and “…general (all, the whole) Welfare…,” omitting and, thereby, excluding any power to tax for individual Welfare, specific Welfare, particular Welfare, favor or charity. The same article enumerates and provides Congress the power to regulate ONLY the Value of money, Commerce with foreign Nations, and among the several states, and with the Indian Tribes, and land and naval Forces.

          Additionally, the 5th Amendment right to private property was initially qualified by the Framers and is, therefore, absolute, allowing no further qualification, and allowing ONLY the owner the power to “claim and exercise” dominion over private property.

          Government exists, under the Constitution and Bill of Rights, to provide maximal freedom to individuals while government itself is severely limited and restricted to merely facilitating that maximal freedom of individuals through the provision of security and infrastructure only.

  7. I enjoy reading this blog. A lot of good thoughtful comments by some smart people. I know where the BOT-ROT is, so I can skip over that.
    But the clock is ticking, and we all know how this ends.
    Joe gets a medical, and pardons everyone who’s a greedy America hater.
    The final tally of the 20224 presidential election is, Donald Trump 175 million votes, the Democrat gets 455 million votes and the fourth Obama term president pardons Joe Biden.
    DJT dies mysteriously dies in jail. Companies like Apple get sued by the DOJ until they deliver even more. Promises of reparations are no longer necessary. Local police forces are dissolved and replaced the new National Police Force under DOJ control. Radical groups BLM and Antifa are never heard from again as they are no longer needed, and the rich little white girls with the art history degrees, run home to live with Daddy.
    We’ve seen this movie before!

        1. And, had the Constitution been enforced as written and intended by the Founders and Framers, Obama would have NEVER been considered a “natural born citizen,” and Obama would have NEVER been eligible for the Office of the President of the United States of America. 

          The Global Communist Deep Deep State “Swamp” Regime “fixed” that minor discrepancy and ensconced a communist anti-Colonialist, anti-Constitutional, anti-American, son of a foreign citizen, and incompetent figurehead as PR. 

      1. Tin Foil Hat here.
        You told me to “Get a life.”
        I am trying to get a life. The one I used to have.
        One where DA’s would prosecute violent felons, instead of letting them go free.
        One where I could believe the press when they told you something.
        One where college campuses were safe for Jews.
        One where you had to register to vote in person.
        One where your schools put a priority on teaching subjects that would make students employable. Like reading, writing and arithmetic and not social engineering.
        One where our country would defend our border.
        One where the President of the United States didn’t take bribes from our enemies.
        And last but not least, “Make America Great Again”.

  8. In the end, Helms resisted Nixon’s efforts to use the CIA to close down part of the FBI’s investigation into the Watergate money trail. Different times.

    1. Daniel said: “Helms resisted Nixon’s efforts to use the CIA to close down part of the FBI’s investigation into the Watergate money trail”

      Nixon shut down the Vietnam War, a conflict that was instigated by the CIA, and that provided cover for lucrative enterprises, including opiate smuggling, that were orchestrated by the CIA. He also began to normalize relations with China, which limited potential for the CIA to sponsor additional conflicts. Why on earth would the CIA interfere with the removal of such an obstacle to their ambitious plans? Particularly as Johnson was obviously so much more of a “go along to get along” type. It wouldn’t surprise me to learn that the Watergate burglary *was* a CIA op, deliberately designed to get rid of Nixon. Don’t forget that four of the five burglars were CIA assets that had been used by the agency in attempts to overthrow Castro.

      1. Of course it was, and John Dean ran it, and you can hear the Nixon tape where Jon Dean explains to the completely oblivious Nixon what he did. How he got the money, how he hired the men, how he carried out the breakin, etc.
        Nixon listens to John Dean confess, it’s all on the Nixon tapes, and it was on youtube, probably still is, but I suspect their search algo has it hidden rather well.
        This is why, in the whole scheme, the press repeated over and over “the cover up is worse than the crime”. What they never told anyone was Nixon never committed the crime.

  9. Victor Davis Hanson is warning Americans of Armageddon.

    Of course it can’t happen here. Wanna bet?

    1. I like VDH but I do not expect Armageddon. Though he is correct that we are at a tipping point.

      The left is increasingly aleinating people. and it is increasingly desparate.

      Right now they are clinging to the hope that convicting Trump fo a crime will stave off electoral disaster.
      Maybe it will – but recent history suggests that voters understand the egregious lawfare that is going on.

      We have left wing nuts like Dennis here salivating about confiscating Trump’s property – not understanding that few understand a nearly a billion dollar fine for something they can not see as an offense.

      Most everyone understands that they want their property to be worth as much as possible, just as when buying they want to pay as little as possible. AG James and Judge Moron are destroying Trump for something everyone who has ever sold something does.

      The details are not important – what does matter is that to so many people this is not justice, this is weaponization of the legal system against political enemies. This is a VERY BAD look for democrats.

      Those on the left do not understand they are creating a win-win situation for Trump.
      If he comes up with the money – he is a hero fighting for them.
      If he fails – he is a hero fighting for them.

      Regardless, the USSR collapsed without violence.

      We are approaching a “civil war” like confrontation – but it is unlikely to be violent.

      Either democrats will be swept out of power in a wave that is large enough to overcome any possible Voter Fraud by the left in 2024.
      Or we will get 4 more disasterous years of Biden and see an even bigger wave in 2028.

      Regardless the democratic party is destroying itself.

      1. John Say said: “Or we will get 4 more disasterous years of Biden and see an even bigger wave in 2028.”

        Considering the national degradation that has taken place in just 38 months under Biden and his handlers, should he be reelected, by the time November, 2028 rolls around, I am highly uncertain that a viable system will remain in place to unseat his regime.

  10. time to throw another Jan 6th or trump friend in jail!
    Enjoying your fascist state yet? Another $10 Billion for Bidens’ Ukraine clients!

    1. Just saw a great quote about fascism.
      “The people screaming about the fascism are acting a lot like the fascists.”

    2. If you don’t see that Russia is a threat to Western Europe, please get educated. NATO has given Western Europe 75 years of peace, That hasn’t happened in how long? 1000 years? 2000?

      Check out the movie “20 Days I Mariupol”. The atrocities of Russia are clearly evident. Yes, spend billions of dollars to help Ukraine kick Russia out of Ukraine.

      1. Apparently NATO got tired of peace and wanted to stir things up a bit. If that is no obvious to you, well, I’m sure the NYTWAPOMSNBC will confirm your biases.

      2. Yes, spend billions of dollars to help Ukraine kick Russia out of Ukraine.

        Money is not the problem.

        Lack of soldiers is the problem.

        You are calling for United States and other nations to sacrifice our sons and daughters to settle a border dispute

        Just to be clear about the ONLY path to push Russia out of Ukraine

      3. Anonymous- “75 years of peace” happened in Europe in the 19th century after Napoleon’s final defeat. In fact, the general peace lasted until 1914.

  11. The Democrats Civil War against America continues….where the tail wags the dog!
    Anyone go to jail for the Russian Hoax against Trump and his people?

    You are living in a Fascist State…where top Democrats and cronies are above the law….and republicans are thrown in jail for no reason!

    Defund Federal Government…cut spending by 50%…take away centralized power…or the USA is LOST!

    1. Wow, you put a lot of thought into where and how to improve US govt! It deserves a surgical approach to remove the cancers. Your reckless approach would destroy the National Weather Service, at great harm to our farmers, merchant marine, truckers, airlines, and hundreds of millions of Americans.

      In fact, your hyper-emotional, low-info approach takes after leftists’ “defund the police”. How did that work out?

      We can do much better. Force yourself to think.

    2. Which group of people broke into the Capitol building to stop the certification of votes? I am pretty sure those were trump supporters that came to Washington to “fight like hell”. Who was found guilty of seditious conspiracy? Those were trump supporters. What do many of those people convicted of crimes at the Capitol on Jan 6 say? They did it at the behest of trump. I am not the one saying that. Those are their words. Who made the call to “find me 11,000 vote”? That was trump Who put together a bunch of face Electoral electors to say that trump won their state when in fact Biden did? Those were trump supporters. How many trump lawyers have had sanctions for their complete disregard for lawful activity? Seems the number goes up by the week, but a good guess would be at least 17 lawyers have been sanctioned. How many trump lawyers have plead guilty of crimes? You can look that one up. Did any trump lawyer show up in a court of law and bring actual evidence of voter fraud? Nope.

      1. Which group of people broke into the Capitol building to stop the certification of votes?

        The “stop” involved, petitioning Congress to reject EC votes. (pro tip, its provided for in the Constitution, and democrats have done it repeatedly)

  12. There is something fishy about this report from a whistleblower. According to Jordan & Comer’s letter to CIA director Burns, “”Two DOJ officials were allegedly summoned to CIA headquarters in Langley, Virginia for a briefing regarding Mr. Morris. At that meeting, it was communicated that Mr. Morris could not be a witness during the investigation.” Anyone familiar with how things work in DC knows that it would take highly unusual circumstances for the CIA to “summon” DOJ officials to Langley. It’s more likely that the FBI stumbled upon a CIA connection to Morris that needed to be resolved in the event Morris was ever deposed or called before Congress to testify. The DOJ officials’ job was to clean up the connection so it would not be embarrassing if leaked. Obviously, this plan has backfired and now Morris’s testimony is of interest more than ever. It’s also possible that Morris is or was an unwitting asset of the CIA, meaning that he believed and was told that what he was sharing and to whomever he was sharing it with was not self-identifying as CIA or of interest to the CIA but, perhaps, was simply another CIA asset. We know that the Bidens and the CIA at times worked on or with the same band of hostile forces for different purposes and so it is reasonable to expect that lines of communication might occasionally cross. This would not be of much of a problem for the CIA but of interest to the Justice Department because, assuming it stumbled upon such connections, it would be troubled by the potential exposure of them in a court or before a congressional committee. We can assume that the goal of the Department at all times was to protect Hunter. This we saw with the originally bungled prosecution of Hunter by the Delaware US Attorney’s Office. Now that this has been exposed for what it was, there are others, including Comer and Jordan, looking into areas that may pose new and additional threats to the Bidens. Morris may represent one of these areas and he may pose a threat because of his past work, wittingly or unwittingly, for the CIA and his obvious recruitment of his “pal” Hunter, likely used as a confidential sub-source.

  13. I think that this sounds more like STRANGER THINGS as long as we are talking Hollywood and the entertainment industry. I just wonder when Millie Bobby Brown and Winona Ryder will make an appearance. Of course that was only SyFY and fantasy/horror. Nothing like the real world where things are always far messier and even worse.
    I thought ALIEN was really frightening but once and I truly grew into adulthood and really started to understand politics and the world, movies like that became so much easier to watch and enjoy because the News almost every day was sicker and worse. That was about the time I ceased being a Democrat and started my journey to being a Republican.
    As far as the blog is concerned, if this is true, then the CIA has gone and blurred its legal lines of separation from the FBI and domestic law enforcement even more. I seem to have read that the CIA, legally, is supposed to be outside of the US but we keep seeing their footprints and other signs on the domestic scene on an almost daily basis. Very strange and very disconcerting.
    I realize that after 9/11 there was a concerted effort to get all intelligence agencies and domestic law enforcement talking to each other to prevent further tragedies. However that does not mean they crawl in bed with each other and ignore or wreck the legal lines of separation.

    1. GEB said: “CIA, legally, is supposed to be outside of the US but we keep seeing their footprints and other signs on the domestic scene on an almost daily basis.”

      It is my considered opinion that this line has been crossed with impunity for quite some time, but for some reason, or reasons, is coming to light much more frequently than was previously the case. Possble reasons are good, and bad. The good: we have quite a number of independent bloggers who are not beholden to the government to be allowed to publish their findings, and who have been reporting it exactly as they find it. The bad: the CIA, FBI and other deep state forces no longer believe that they need the deception to protect their interests; the majority of the public has become so intimidated and/or so indoctrinated to their propaganda that the security apparatchiks are immune to any reaction to the truth.

      1. The bad: the CIA, FBI and other deep state forces no longer believe that they need the deception to protect their interests; the majority of the public has become so intimidated and/or so indoctrinated to their propaganda that the security apparatchiks are immune to any reaction to the truth.

        Number 6, you are over the target. It’s called “the blob”, and they have for awhile, turned their intelligence infrastructure inward, under the guise of “saving our democracy.” Of course that translates to “saving our power and control.” What we are experiencing today in our country is exactly what countries around the world have experienced when “the blob” executed a strategy to “defend it” from communism. They have all the weapons and tactics to topple regimes. However, the arrival of Trump on the political stage and subsequent victory in 2016 broke them. They weren’t prepared for that. They lost control of the Regime and they’ve been forced to conduct domestic operations overtly.

  14. “How the CIA would fit into any of this is anyone’s guess.”

    An “innocent,” plausible explanation:

    China is well-known for compromising a country’s “first princeling” (e.g., HB). Morris knows about that foreign compromising, which puts the case and him within CIA jurisdiction.

    1. The CIA has no jurisdiction within the US; the FBI leads domestic investigations into foreign spying etc. So, your explanation is not valid.

        1. Sam said DoubleDutch said: “The CIA has no jurisdiction within the US”

          Why would either of you believe (or profess to believe) that an organization that has been rogue from its very inception would pay any attention to lines drawn in the sand to limit its jurisdiction? That is far beyond simple naivety.

      1. DoubleDutch,
        Thats what the law says.
        CIA says they have the power to corroborate with their allies in the other five eyes agencies and have them do the spying and report back to the CIA

  15. “it also has an obligation to assure the public that it is not interfering with domestic cases or being used for political purposes. Greater transparency and clarity would seem warranted in this case from both the Justice Department and the CIA.”
    The CIA come clean and admit wrongdoing? Greater transparency from a spy agency? Now that’s funny

  16. This has all the earmarks of a George Conway, Lincoln Project, production complete with fraudulent “former republicans.” No one is being taken in by this nonsense. At least back in the old days dirty tricksters like Dick Tuck were creative and funny. These folks are simply dull and boring. They will disappear like the morning mist come November.

  17. It is obvious that Mr Epstein was enriched by some intelligence agencies for information he was able to provide until the heat got to be too much at which point the “relationship” as terminated. Morris may want to watch his step very carefully as his usefulness might have reached it’s end.
    51 intelligence officers baldly lied to get Biden elected so buying a few paintings is surely not too far a stretch for our most corrupt agency.

  18. Your on the right Track.
    Kevin is a essentially a Domestic Theater Production Director (The Hunter Subpoena defiance at the Capitol, The January 6th Insurrection, …)
    providing Que-Up for the Media (ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, …). He uses Network ‘frame-alignment’ to push the propaganda.

  19. Crazy … step by step – more and more … will it ever amount to anything significant in our lifetime?

    They couldn’t get Trump so they’re using the DAs and courts like hammers to a nail.

    Is that the only way?

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