“Are You Kidding Me”: Federal Judge Rebukes DOJ on its Own Refusal to Comply with House Subpoenas

Below is my column in the New York Post on the recent rebuke of the Justice Department by a federal judge in a hearing on the refusal to comply with House subpoenas in the Biden corruption investigation. The Justice Department appears little concerned over the glaring disconnect in how it treats its own attorneys as opposed to other citizens — a pattern that we have discussed previously.

Here is the column:

“Are you kidding me?”

Those are four words that no lawyer wants to hear from a judge in a hearing. But that was not the least of it for Justice Department lawyers fighting House subpoenas into the Biden corruption scandal.

U.S. District Court Judge Ana Reyes slammed the DOJ for stonewalling Congress on the subpoenas while imprisoning figures like former Trump adviser Peter Navarro for doing the same thing.

The Biden Administration has blocked the testimony of prosecutors Mark Daly and Jack Morgan, who were involved in an inexplicable decision of the Justice Department to allow major felonies against Hunter Biden to lapse.

In prior hearings, IRS whistleblowers testified that they had an agreement on the table to extend the statute of limitations on the crimes, but Special Counsel David Weiss allowed the period to lapse without any explanation. Since the DOJ was in the midst of a plea negotiations, it made no sense that the DOJ would simply kill potential charges.

The handling of the Hunter Biden investigation has been widely criticized as affording special treatment to the President’s son, including scuttling searches of Biden property and giving Hunter a heads up before attempts to interview him.

Ultimately, the DOJ cut a plea bargain with Hunter that many of us rejected as laughable. It not only failed to charge the full array of still viable criminal allegations (including being an unregistered foreign agent), but included an absurd immunity agreement that would bar future charges.

The plea agreement fell apart in open court after the judge asked the lead prosecutor a simple question of whether in his long career he had ever seen such an immunity deal. He answered no.

Yet even after that meltdown, the DOJ admits that it tried to restore most of the agreement, but Hunter Biden’s team was insistent that the original deal remained enforceable — a position repeatedly rejected by later courts.

The DOJ was in a bizarre position. Its effort to give Hunter a sweetheart deal — or at least most of the original deal — could not occur because the beneficiary wanted it all. It had little choice but to charge him with the tax and gun crimes.

The House is in the midst of an impeachment inquiry that includes allegations of influence over the Hunter investigation. While insisting that there was no pressure or special dealing in the matter, the DOJ has blocked key sources of evidence.

That led to the House subpoenas.

I also have previously written on the sharp contrast between the Hunter Biden charges and those against Sen. Menendez despite the underlying similarities.

The only way for the House to investigate such corrupt special dealings is to interview the principle actors, including these two attorneys. Otherwise, as Democratic members have done, critics can insist that they have no direct evidence of wrongdoing.

It appears that confusion expressed by many of us is shared by Judge Reyes.

Judge Reyes noted the obvious: “There’s a person in jail right now because you all brought a criminal lawsuit against him because he did not appear for a House subpoena.” The DOJ demanded six months in prison. Navarro is now serving a four-month sentence.

Former Trump adviser Steve Bannon also received a four-month sentence.

Reyes noted that “I think it’s quite rich you guys pursue criminal investigations and put people in jail for not showing up . . . And now you guys are flouting those subpoenas. . . . And you don’t have to show up?”

Reyes noted that the DOJ lawyers were “making a bunch of arguments that you would never accept from any other litigant . . . I imagine that there are hundreds, if not thousands of defense attorneys . . . who would be happy to hear that DOJ’s position is, if you don’t agree with a subpoena, if you believe it’s unconstitutional or unlawful, you can unilaterally not show up.”

The Justice Department insisted that it is different when its own prosecutors refuse to testify and noted that the House had also refused to a demand to have other Justice Department lawyers present for the depositions. They then stressed that the decision to defy the subpoena came after lengthy deliberations “at a high level.”

Reyes then asked if the DOJ would drop its opposition if it were allowed to have DOJ lawyers in the room for the questioning. When the lawyers said that they could not answer that question at this time, Reyes exclaimed, “Are you kidding me?”

The answer is that they really are not kidding about any of this stuff. The Justice Department continues to act with utter impunity in these cases. It abandoned consistency years ago with any semblance of restraint.

125 thoughts on ““Are You Kidding Me”: Federal Judge Rebukes DOJ on its Own Refusal to Comply with House Subpoenas”

  1. Thank God for a Real Judge.. of Integrity (Judge Reyes)! Wow.. right on the mark..!! and Thank you, Prof. Turley, for the Excellent Summary, documenting the on-going Double Standard of ‘Justice’ another episode…

    1. And DNA meanwhile americans are totally being used- but for 5ge cuttler6 club- h9w hard is it for 5he da to get a dna test ? When 5x now encounters are bad? Opay 21 Feb? Pics also on 5ge road by 7niquie car acer- plus the impellers and fuk nod? Hub and coach have me being killed – hit men ?dna solves half that fear – anyone doing it?[

      1. Thanks for proving once again that this comment section has ZERO standards. Meanwhile, stay off the pipe.

  2. Sonny Hostin on THE VIEW speculated that the eclipse, the earthquake and the cicadas may all be indications of climate change.

    What would we do without these experts?

    I think she is as good as Kerry and Gore.

    1. That’s what I call scary. It appears our nation is addicted to lofting the utterly clueless into the spotlights.

  3. Thank our lucky stars that Merrick Garland did not get a spot on the SCOTUS. Mitch did the country a solid on that one.

  4. LOTS of headlines today about Trump supposedly suing Judge Merchan in the NY Stormy Daniels case.

    Google “trump sues Judge Merchan” and you will see headline after headline, almost as if written by the same person. It’s a perfect example of what’s wrong with the media, and what’s REALLY wrong with Google’s corrupt search engine.

    1. Me again — same Anonymous, replying to myself:

      If you google “Trump sues Judge Merchan,” you will see title after title of articles about this news, with the titles mostly looking as if they were all written by the same person. That usually means that they’re all quoting the same source, which in this case I think is the NY Times.

      To say that suing the judge before trial would be unusual is an understatement. I suspect that this is the NY justice system’s version of what’s called a Affidavit of Disqualification here in the Ohio justice system, where if a litigant thinks a judge is biased, he submits to the state Supreme Court an affidavit stating the FACTS (not opinions) indicating that a judge is biased. Then the affidavit is reviewed by the state supreme court’s disciplinary counsel, and they determine whether the judge is disqualified, and if so, appoint some other judge to hear the case.

      I’ve done that twice here in Ohio, and both times ended up with a better judge — “better” meaning more intelligent and less biased. But that was here in Ohio, 30 years ago. No clue whether NY’s justice system works similarly. But I’ll bet a bunch that the repetitive news reports that Trump is “suing” the NY judge are mischaracterizations of the NY process for seeking disqualification.

    2. Floyd, is Trump NOT suing Merchan?

      If indeed Trump ‘is’, then what’s your problem?

          1. Too bad I posted more replies than those, Turley troll. This is EASILY the most dishonest site on the web.

        1. @Anonymi


          Seems to be working on my side of things.


  5. Letitia James intends to start taking and selling Trump properties because of a paperwork glitch in the bond he has posted.

    This finally may be too much. If anything is to be left of the tattered business law reputation of the NY courts the appellate courts must act clearly and decisively.

    Letitia seems to be trying to turn New York into Port-au-Prince. Will the sane folks in NY [if any] allow it?

    1. The CRE syndicate will take care of AG Letitia James and Judge Arthur Engoron.
      Commercial Real Estate is so bad financially in NYC and across the Nation.
      All of the CRE under-water properties are Liar-Loans – obviously, they wouldn’t be under water if they were ‘valued correctly’.
      Say Good Bye NYC – No Bail Outs For You-
      I’m not paying for your Bad Real Estate Bets[.]

      -The Tax Payers of America

      1. When the legal structure is uncertain or hostile Smith and Wesson can move from Massachusetts to Tennessee. But moving the Empire State Building beyond the clutches of Letitia James is a little harder. Giant structures need a stable foundation and a stable and predictable legal system. James is destroying half the essential structures and I suspect commercial real estate investors are going to prefer going elsewhere. All investment involves risk but James may be a risk too much by a lot.

    2. I live in NYS and I have been following some of Letitia James’ cases over the past few years. Many of her cases have been absurd. She is squandering taxpayer dollars. At least Elise Stefanik (R-NY) has filed an Ethics Complaint against her with the New York Bar.

      1. Catherine: “At least Elise Stefanik (R-NY) has filed an Ethics Complaint against her with the New York Bar.”
        Thank goodness. Somebody needed to do it. The Chinese don’t need bombs to destroy New York…Letitia James is on the job.

  6. ” … The Justice Department continues to act with utter impunity in these cases. It abandoned consistency years ago with any semblance of restraint.”

    ALL RIGHT That’s IT!

    The DOJ, Hunter, His Daddy won’t play ball.
    Then bring on the Hookers, ASAP.

    Rep. James Comer and Rep. Jim Jordan need to bring out Natasha and Svetlana with all of Hunter’s Dealers (Business, Drug, Prostitution, the whole Gamut)
    front and center, in a Live Broadcast Committee Testimony for the World to see.
    A tell-all of Hunter Dealings & Dirty Deeds.

    The Biden’s are figuring that come January 20th 2025, They’re going to skip out of these Crimes and D.C. with Millions in Their pockets and Million more to be had.
    The DOJ figures it will ‘Retire’ and leave the mess for the next Administration to clean up.

    F-This, Lets fry them Now! All of Them, Live Publicly

  7. In addition to telling those who uncovered evidence of actual election fraud in Georgia to “stand down” and to not bring forward their evidence….
    let’s recall what else Bill Barr did as “fixer” for the Deep State:

    “Barr in 2020:

    1) Exonerated Biden publicly by stating that Durham was not investigating him.

    2) Knew Biden lied during debate about Hunter’s laptop, later called it “election interference” but stayed quiet at the time and also claimed there was no election fraud.

    3) Prevented news of the Hunter investigations from becoming public before the election.

    4) Claimed the CIA “stayed in its lane”. That was ALWAYS a lie. Brennan covered up & enabled the Clinton Plan to frame Trump and create the Russia-Collusion lie.

    5) publicly stated that Durham’s focus had “narrowed considerably” and was “focused on the activities of the Crossfire Hurricane investigation within the FBI.”

    Which is a strange, because the expanded scope Barr granted to Durham, included among other things, the Mueller investigation, Danchenko’s CHS status & FBI’s knowledge of him, Comey/McCabe lying to Congress in ’17.

    Durham, apparently at Barr’s direction, Ignored all of these events in early 2017 as FBI activated plan.

    Barr was “the Establishment’s Fixer.”

    Jeff Carlson @themarketswork”

  8. It is notable that you are willing to criticize the DOJ but maintain that:

    “Merrick Garland is a person with unimpeachable ethics and integrity.” (8/16/22) Res Ipsa Loquitur

    “I now believe that he would have made a great justice for all the reasons he has proven to be a poor attorney general.” (6/17/23) The Hill

    Am I correct in assuming that you believe that ethics and integrity are required for a “great justice?”

  9. Just went through the maximum of the eclipse here and it was a big NOTHING. It didn’t even get that dark. And they’re STILL chemtrailing even today – they’ve been doing it several times a week throughout the Biden Regime and I hope other states following Tennessee’s example by banning GEO-ENGINEERING (of which chemtrails are a part).

  10. For those of you who didn’t get a chance to “experience” the eclipse, here are some highlights of the Fox News play-by-play:

    “once in a lifetime experience” — “magical” — “incredible” — “takes your breath away” — “beautiful” — “very VERY interesting” — “it reminds you how small we are in the greater scheme of things” — “dramatic” — “the emotions that people are feeling” — “day off from school” — “I feel the energy” — “the wind seems to be dying down” — “does it have any effect on satellites?” — “the animals out there feel everything” — “the zoo is a great place to go” — “We are one small part of this universe” — “It’s a privilege to be here” — “just an incredible experience” — “very VERY special THING” — “an absolute privilege to witness the universe doing it’s thing” — “Gravity is what holds all of us here” — “Has people talking about planets and solar systems” —

    That’s only aa partial list, of course, as I missed a great deal of the wisdom because I was laughing too hard to type.

    1. I would not agree with the whole list but I would most of that.
      It was incredible. I am glad I could experience it first hand.

      Glad to see you comment shows the depth of your character, which would be none.

      1. It was one of the DUMBEST afternoons in the entire history of broadcasting — you blithering MORON.

          1. “Well said,” dooooshbag. On Thankgiving, you probably watch videos of turkey dinners on TV. There is no limit to your stupidity and hostility, ignorant Turley troll.

      1. Oh, no. It was something impressive to see. We were in the path of a total eclipse. While it was like pre-dawn twilight on the horizon, the entire sky above was dark as a moonless night, in the afternoon. Seeing the moon pass in between the sun and the earth, feeling the temp drop, the sounds of the birds going silent, yeah, pretty impressive.

        1. LOL — so then you WEREN’T watching on TV, you degenerate piece of Turley trash. My comment was about the foolishness of watching an eclipse on TV, with play-by-play commentary by a bunch of clowns that are paid not to shut up for even a full second.
          Who ties your shoes for you, you disgraceful malignancy?

  11. Here is Glenn Greenwald and Mathew Schellenberger on Social Media Censorship in Brazil.

    Basically the same thing happened to Bolsonaro in Brazil as to Trump in 2020 in the US –
    The Censorship Industrial complex with deep state involvement – including not only the Brazillian courts and intelligence services but US intelligence services attempted – successfully to censor the media to ensure the election of LuLu and the defeat of Bolsonaro.

    As in the US we get this absurd argument that the re-election of the current president who is adhereing to the rule of law and being targeted by his own government is somehow the threat to democracy.


  12. It is happening now in Virginia and…..nada. No tsunami, no earthquakes, no zombies roaming the streets and no cataclysmic events. Heck, the birds are chirping. SMH there is always next time!


    1. Estovir,
      Well dang it!
      I was told, no, promised zombies!
      I even bought Toxic Green Tipped ammo just for the occasion!

      1. Love those green tipped anti-zombie gummies in my AR-bang bang

        A bunch of us have emptied out of our office buildings where it is a clear day in Richmond. Took some photos with my iphone and still
        hoping to see the zombies with their characteristic missing brains, beating green hearts and foaming at the mouth ala Wally/ Svelaz / Bob / Gigi / bug / Dennis / Ralph et al. Maximum ecclipse for us is at 3:18 PM EST so they better show or I’ll be so disappointed ☹️

        1. We were in the path for total eclipse.
          Pretty neat! It was like pre-dawn twilight on the horizon, but totally blacked out in the sky.
          No, no zombies. Guess I will have to save the ammo for another zombie day.

          1. Upstate,

            Such a rare event, that’s why is causes such a stir

            We went into Nebraska, south of Omaha in 2017. I had anticipated the crowds and traffic, so went into the country and pulled into a field drive and experienced the event, just the two of us.

            This time it was Southern ILL. We opted for a city park. Were with our kids and grandkids, and several hundred people, nice group. Quiet respectful group. I will admit the murmuring that built to cheers at totality, was a great group experience.

        2. For the sake of my intellectual health, I don’t bother to read Turley’s pathetic, purchased daily swill for the Trump fans, which is what his blog has become, because I know it will be full of: 1. half-truths or non-truths; 2. daily affirmation for Trumpsters, usually amplifying whatever daily swill Fox puts out that the dipsticks lap up. Here’s one of the newer ones: Trump is claiming now that Biden actually defecated on the Resolute Desk, and his dumbaxx followers actually believe this.

          So now, Estovir wants us to know what a manly man he has with his phallic-symbol big gun and ammo. Whoo Hoo. I’m SO impressed. What I’d really like to know is how someone like Trump has convinced so many people to ignore reality and history. Facts prove that he’s not a self-made billionaire at all–just a showy, loud, braggart who craves attention and power, and who has helmed dozens of failed businesses and who has taken bankruptcy 6 times because his daddy wasn’t around to finance his flops any more. Facts prove that he turned around a successful economy into the worst recession since the Great Depression, with schools and businesses closed down, no leisure travel, that hundreds of thousands of Americans died of COVID unnecessarily because of his lying and downplaying of the seriousness of the disease, pushing fake cures and lack of leadership. Facts prove that he drove our national debt to record levels with his tax cuts that mainly benefit the super-wealthy–something he promises to reinstate after they expire and he can cheat his way back into office. This promise was the driving force behind the fundraiser for millionaires over the weekend, complete with a promise to reinstate tax cuts that the rest of us will pay for, in which Trump spouted yet another lie that Biden actually defecated on the Resolute Desk. Facts prove that January 6th was a planned assault on our nation’s Capitol, driven by the Big Lie, the product and result of a massive ego that can’t handle the truth that he really lost. Facts prove that Biden has created the lowest unemployment in 50 years–but Trump still lies about having a better record. Facts prove that Trump, on the one hand–to appease the “unborn baby saving Evangelicals”–brags about and takes credit for Roe v. Wade being overturned, but now, is saying “it’s up to the states”, even thought the official Republican position is a total abortion ban. Anything to get gulllibles to the polls, but do the gullibles even notice the flip-flopping? Trump stands for nothing, other than a scared child masquerading as a “stong man” who is in serious criminal trouble, and who is desperate to “win” the election so he can pardon himself. Then, the vengeance tour will start, and Trump will use the levers of power to punish those he believes weren’t loyal to him because he craves power. He promises to pardon those criminals who invaded the Capitol and destroyed property to help him overturn Biden’s victory. To thank Putin for helping him cheat in 2016, he will pull the US out of NATO, paving the way for Putin to go after Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania and Moldova (all NATO allies). He’s already gotten Republicans to drag their feet on aid to Ukraine, and also, to refuse to vote on the bipartisan border protection bill–just to create a fake issue to attack Biden on. Meanwhile, while Biden’s hands are tied and border patrol officers are overwhelmed, Trump attacks Biden, blaming him. Other than tax cuts for the wealthiest, he couldn’t get any legislation passed in 4 years’ time, even when he had both houses of Congress. Now, go ahead–call me a bunch of names, claim I’m stupid or evil–but you can’t come up with any “alternative facts” to those I’ve cited, now, can you?

          1. Biden’s hands aren’t tied. That is just one of the big whoppers the mentally ill pathological liar who occupies the Oval Office continues to vomit out to the sycophantic fake news activists trying their best to save his lying corrupt a$$.

            1. The POTUS has limited powers which the border security bill would have helped fix, including more border agents, immigration judges and faster processing of asylum applications along with faster deportations, which would serve as a deterrent. Contrary to the endless lying by Trump, under current law, it’s not illegal to come to the US to seek asylum. The problem is that too many are coming and the more that come the more others want to join them. We can’t accommodate the entire Venezuelan population, so we need to change the law, which is what the border security bill would do until Trump killed it. It is illegal to kidnap children as a deterrent, which Jeff Sessions admitted was the reason. It’s immoral to create concentration camps or to force families to live in tents on streets or just over the border for their hearings. At least under Biden they are able to work while they wait. Republicans and Democrats got together and hammered out a fix that Trump killed for no reason other than political— to create something to attack Biden for—and it’s WRONG.

              1. LOL. Trump has that much power and influence over Joe Biden’s Congress? Secretary Mayorkas was impeached in the House. And? Nothing. Where is the impeachment trial in the Senate? Nothing.

                The border is open. Millions are being ushered into the country and given phones, preloaded credit cards, hotel rooms, 3 meals a day, plane tickets, medical, living allowance and …. get this …. they are even the right to vote in Dem jurisdictions! Why? Because it is the Democrat plan to import as many millions of illegals as they can before Trump wins and shuts it all down.

                “Trump killed the border bill” is a lie so big and so idiotic that only brainwashed Dems would believe it.

                1. REPUBLICANS ADMIT they dropped their support for the bipartisan Border Security Bill worked on for months by a representatives of both parties. Fact-check. org published a piece with the following excerpt:

                  “On Feb. 7, the bill failed in the Senate after it was opposed by all but four Republicans and a few Democrats. Some of the criticism leveled by Republicans opposing the bill was based on a distortion of what it would and would not do.

                  Much of the controversy centered on a section of the bill that would have provided emergency authority to the administration to “summarily remove” people who cross into the U.S. illegally between ports of entry, even if they are seeking asylum. While Trump argues that presidents already have that authority, the fact is that when he tried to exercise that kind of authority, the courts blocked him.

                  Trump and other Republicans have also said the bill would have permitted up to 5,000 illegal entries per day, but that’s not accurate either.”

                  Where do you get your misinformation from, anyway and why do you blindly believe whatever swill pro-Trump media puts out? Trump isn’t going to “win”, and he can’t “shut down” the border, either. Court’s will block him once again. But, that won’t stop the lying, nor will it stop people like you from believing lies.

                  The bill would have provided for more barriers, expansion of detention facilities, more agents, more asylum officers, more immigration judges, would expedite cases, help clear the backlog, and increase the burden to prove entitlement to asylum–all good things–until Trump killed it to create a fake issue to attack Biden for. Why can’t people like you see the truth?

          2. “Trump is claiming now that Biden actually defecated on the Resolute Desk, and his dumbaxx followers actually believe this.”

            Wow…like the infamous pee tape? That one that the “dumbaxx” libs believed?

  13. Professor Turley,

    Yet again, you fail to offer your readers with a full picture of the topic about which you discuss. The DOJ was following a Trump-era Office of Legal Counsel opinion, contending that executive branch employees could defy subpoenas if DOJ lawyers were not allowed to be present.

    The OLC opinion references United States v. Am. Tel. & Tel. Co., which requires each branch of government “to seek optimal accommodation through a realistic evaluation of the needs of the conflicting branches in the particular fact situation.” 567 F.2d 121, 127, 130–31 (D.C. Cir. 1977). Given that prerogative, there is no reason why the legislative branch should be able to bar agency counsel from a deposition.

    1. That SAME opinion applied to Navarro and Bannon – who were official advisors of the president and claimed executive privilege – which goes beyond an OLD memo

      YOU are clueless. The ENTIRE issue here is NOT the law. It does not matter what the actual law is.

      What matters is that is it the same for DOJ attorney’s as it is for WH advisors.

      Actually NO, that is not True – WH advisors DO have some actual claim of executive priviledge with regard to their direct communications with the president.

      DOJ staff have NO SUCH CLAIM absent direct communications with the president.

      Regardless following the LAW – from most obligated to comply with congressional subpeonas to least.

      Hunter Biden
      DOJ Staff
      Presidential Advisors.

      I would further note that in the case of Navaro and Bannon – no effort to accomodate their claim of privildge was made. Nor did the house seek to legally adjudicated their priviledge claim – as it occuring in this case.

      The house subpeoned former presidential advisors, who asserted executive priviledge.
      Unlike this case – the house DID NOT go to court to seek to overcome that claim of priviledge.
      They went straight to a referal to DOJ for prosecution,
      and the DOJ went straight to court and prosecuted.
      Left Wing nut Judge Carter ignored that Due process was not followed, barred Bannon and Navarro from claiming an executive priviledge defense and convicted them without adjudicating the priviledge claim first.

      That is Not Due Process, it is not normal process.

      Navarro and Bannon were MORE entitled to the adjudication that DOJ attorney’s are getting before Judge Reyes. They MIGHT have lost that adjudication – just as Reyes appears to be proepared to rule against DOJ here. AFTER that adjudication has taken place – AND those subpeoned have been given the oportunity to comply with the subpeona – ONLY then can they be held in contempt.

      I would note this also applies to the Trump documents cases.

      The J6 GJ subpoena’s for Trump’s documents were issued by a lawyer not a judge.
      They were subpoenas for possession – there is no such thing, Subpoenas are for information.
      There is an entirely different legal process for taking possession.
      And failure to comply with an attorney issued subpoena is not a crime until a Judge has conducted an adversarial hearing on the subpoena – just as we are seeing with Reyes and determined that the Subpoena is valid and enforceable.

      Neither Congress nor attorneys get to be both the prosecutor, judge and jury for its own subpeonas – not for DOJ employees, Not for Presidential advisors, not for random people on the street.

      Our courts are often far from neutral, but they are still the arbitor of disputes they are not themselves part of.

        1. Why is it a good explanation?

          The OLC opinion does not apply because Navarro was not denied the opportunity to have counsel present.

          It is entirely unrelated to Navarro’s situation.

      1. Why did Chief Justice Roberts unilaterally deny Navarro’s last minute appeal to avoid jail time?
        I think Roberts is a political POS.

      1. http://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/GPO-J6-TRANSCRIPT-CTRL0000050983/pdf/GPO-J6-TRANSCRIPT-CTRL0000050983.pdf

        The J6 Commission did not deny Navarro the opportunity to have counsel present. See the above link to the official transcript. Navarro indicated that he did not have counsel when asked. See pages 3 and 4.

        Therefore, the OLC opinion does not apply to Navarro’s case. Do you have a link to a report showing that this transcript is incorrect?

        I did not confirm Bannon, but I would presume Bannon was not prevented from having counsel present either.

    2. Your argument would be more persuasive had the current DOJ not brushed aside the same concerns when it came to Navarro, publicly arrested him, shackled him hand and foot, and then pressed for and received a custodial sentence.
      No worries though just keep warning me that Trump will be a dictator.

      1. Ti317,
        If anyone is a dictator, it is Biden and his latest attempts to circumvent the SC ruling on his attempts to bribe millions of people by forgiving their college debts at our expense.

      2. See my response to John Say above. The same concerns were not brushed aside in Navarro’s case. The OLC opinion is inapplicable to Navarro’s case.

        1. ☝🏼☝🏼☝🏼

          Estovir I found one of the zombies that you were hoping to see for today’s eclipse. Not obscuring the sun but obscuring the truth

  14. DOJ should recruit lawyers from the homeless shelters…we would get the same or better results.

  15. It should be obvious what RFK is saying about J6 –

    “On Friday, however, Kennedy issued a statement reaffirming his alarm about how the Department of Justice has proceeded against Jan 6 participants. “I am concerned about the possibility that political objectives motivated the vigor of the prosecution of the J6 defendants, their long sentences and their harsh treatment,” wrote Kennedy.

    Kennedy said that, if he is elected, he will appoint a special prosecutor to investigate whether powers were abused for political advantage, and to “right any wrongs” that are found. He also gingerly questioned the notion that Jan. 6 represented an “insurrection,” a term embraced by many mainstream media outlets, including the Washington Post:

    “I have not examined the evidence in detail, but reasonable people, including Trump opponents, tell me there is little evidence of a true insurrection. They observe that the protestors carried no weapons, had no plans or ability to seize the reins of government, and that Trump himself had urged them to protest ‘peacefully.'”

    His questioning of the official Jan 6 narrative isn’t new. In March of 2023, he said his then-fellow Democrats had “an obsession” with the event. In October, he pointedly ridiculed the idea that the protesters and rioters were in any position to take over the government: “What’s the worst thing that could happen? Right? I mean, we have an entire military, Pentagon, a few blocks away.”




    1. Floyd,
      Oh, crap! The man is talking sense! The narrative is being challenged! Heads are exploding!

  16. Due to those holding on to the activist position to fundamentally transform the United States of America, the people need to stand for law and order and the ideals & values of our constitution.

  17. Impeachment remains the only way to bring this to the public forum and try the Bidens, AG Garland, and the DOJ in the Court of Public Opinion.

    Republicans need to grow some Wedding Tackle and Backbone and start fighting back rather than posturing and kicking the can down the road until the the Clock runs out on them.

    Don’t threaten subpeoanas….issue them and if the DOJ refuses….Hold them in Contempt of Congress….and send the Criminal Referrals….to the DOJ for prosecution….knowing it dies there but at least the Public can be reminded of it every day till Election Day.

    The Democrats use “Lawfare” which does the Republicans refuse to do the same?

    1. The two parties are in on the same get-rich-quick game, so much of their adversarial posing is purely for public display to give the illusion of differentiation. Neither seriously wants to upset the lobbyist money trough, or actually benefit the “little people”.

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