“Support Your Local Antifa”: Alabama Man Arrested in Alleged Political Bombing

Kyle Benjamin Douglas Calvert, 26, has become the latest Antifa member arrested for alleged political violence. Calvert is accused in the explosion of an IED device outside of Alabama Attorney General Steve Marshall’s office in downtown Montgomery at around 3:42 a.m. on February 24. For years, Democratic politicians and the media have downplayed the violence of Antifa, even questioning its very existence. These photos may help them come to grips with the reality of Antifa.

The Department of Justice (DOJ) announced that Calvert has been charged with the malicious use of an explosive and possession of an unregistered destructive device.

If convicted, Calvert faces a mandatory minimum of five years and a maximum of 20 years in prison, according to the DOJ.

Before the explosion, Calvert put up stickers, including those promoting Antifa, including stickers reading “Support your local antifa.”

Calvert, who reportedly identifies as transgender and nonbinary, expressed his “belief that violence should be directed against the government, and he has described his inability to control his own violent, aggressive impulses,” according to the DOJ. It supplied pictures of the nails and other evidence used in the construction of the bomb.

Despite the denial of its existence by figures like Rep. Jerry Nadler (D., N.Y.), I have long written and spoken about the threat of Antifa to free speech on our campuses and in our communities. This includes testimony before Congress on Antifa’s central role in the anti-free speech movement nationally.

As I have written, it has long been the “Keyser Söze” of the anti-free speech movement, a loosely aligned group that employs measures to avoid easy detection or association.  Yet, FBI Director Chris Wray has repeatedly pushed back on the denials of Antifa’s work or violence. In one hearing, Wray stated “And we have quite a number — and “Antifa is a real thing. It’s not a fiction.”

Some Democrats have played a dangerous game in supporting or excusing the work of Antifa. Former Democratic National Committee deputy chair Keith Ellison, now the Minnesota attorney general, once said Antifa would “strike fear in the heart” of Trump. This was after Antifa had been involved in numerous acts of violence and its website was banned in Germany. His own son, Minneapolis City Council member Jeremiah Ellison, declared his allegiance to Antifa in the heat of the protests this summer. During a prior hearing, Democratic senators refused to clearly denounce Antifa and falsely suggested that the far right was the primary cause of recent violence. Likewise, Joe Biden has dismissed objections to Antifa as just “an idea.”

It is at its base a movement at war with free speech, defining the right itself as a tool of oppression. That purpose is evident in what is called the “bible” of the Antifa movement: Rutgers Professor Mark Bray’s Antifa: The Anti-Fascist Handbook.

Bray emphasizes the struggle of the movement against free speech: “At the heart of the anti-fascist outlook is a rejection of the classical liberal phrase that says, ‘I disapprove of what you say but I will defend to the death your right to say it.’”

Bray admits that “most Americans in Antifa have been anarchists or antiauthoritarian communists…  From that standpoint, ‘free speech’ as such is merely a bourgeois fantasy unworthy of consideration.” It is an illusion designed to promote what Antifa is resisting “white supremacy, hetero-patriarchy, ultra-nationalism, authoritarianism, and genocide.” Thus, all of these opposing figures are deemed fascistic and thus unworthy of being heard.

Bray quotes one Antifa member as summing up their approach to free speech as a “nonargument . . . you have the right to speak but you also have the right to be shut up.”

Hopefully, if found guilty, Calvert will actually face punishment. We previously discussed the case involving another Antifa member who was convicted after taking an ax to the door of Sen. John Hoeven’s office in Fargo. He was given no jail time, and the FBI even returned his ax. He later mocked the government by posting on social media “Look what the FBI were kind enough to give back to me!

This case will no doubt be different . . . there is no bomb to give back to Calvert.

193 thoughts on ““Support Your Local Antifa”: Alabama Man Arrested in Alleged Political Bombing”

    1. That article from Laura Hollis was rather lazy and irresponsible. Here is the full quote from Obama’s speech in Missouri in 2008:

      “Now, Mizzou, I just have two words for you tonight: five days. Five days. After decades of broken politics in Washington, and eight years of failed policies from George W. Bush, and 21 months of a campaign that’s taken us from the rocky coast of Maine to the sunshine of California, we are five days away from fundamentally transforming the United States of America.

      “In five days, you can turn the page on policies that put greed and irresponsibility on Wall Street before the hard work and sacrifice of folks on Main Street. In five days, you can choose policies that invest in our middle class, and create new jobs, and grow this economy, so that everyone has a chance to succeed, not just the CEO, but the secretary and janitor, not just the factory owner, but the men and women on the factory floor.”

      Three points to make:

      1. First, given Trump’s turn to economic populism, this statement could easily be made by Trump, who routinely attacks Wall Street in favor of using state power to artificially support the manufacturing sector. There is nothing radical about the statement at all. Context is important, don’t you think?

      2. Second, Ms. Hollis uses this quote to talk about entirely unrelated topics to the subject of the actual quote by Obama. Her references to oil/gas and the environment are entirely out of place.

      3. Third, even if Ms. Hollis’s ominous warnings about the future of the oil and gas industry were appropriate for the “fundamental transformation” quote, the reality is that we are pumping more oil and gas under Biden than we ever have before, including under Trump: https://www.reuters.com/graphics/USA-BIDEN/OIL/lgpdngrgkpo/

      As that article documents, at its highest point under Trump, crude oil production never hit 12.5MM barrels, which we hit in 2023 under Biden. Similarly, we never hit 100B cubic feet of natural gas production under Trump, which we hit in 2023 under Biden (Source: US Energy Information Admin).

      But Ms. Hollis instead claims Biden has implemented “policies that hobble energy production.” That is intellectually dishonest. Maybe stop reading her articles?

      1. I do not know what Ms. Hollis said.

        But we ALL Know that the Biden admin has been “hobbling” energy.

        But most importantly – it is not government that should decide what we need. It is US – the people.

        The entire function of free markets is to match as near perfectly as possible peoples wants and needs as THEY express them, with what they have produced in order to meet those wants and needs.

        If the people want more energy – but for govenrment they will have more energy – and it will likely be cheaper and more abundant.

        In point of fact pretty much EVERYTHING that is not strongly entangled with govenrment is cheaper and better today than 20,40,60 years ago.

        In 1983 I bough the top of the line Amana refridgerator – wholesale for over 1200. It had no ice maker, no water in the door, myriads of things that are common on refridgerators today. I can go to Home Depot today and buy a FAR FAR better fridge for 999.
        Those numbers are NOT adjusted for inflation.

        Expressed in hours of Minimum wage laboor needed to acuire them the ONLY things that are more expensive today than 20,40,60 years ago are those things tighly controlled by government.

        For left wing nuts – gender re-assignment surgery in the US costs about 100,000. Or you can go to brazil – where the doctors have done far more and are far better and save 50% including the cost of travel. Or you can go to Thailand and get an 90% discount and get the best in the world doctors.

        In most instances US medical care is state of the art for the world – but it is also the most expensive in the world.
        Further even in the US that cost is highest on those things govenrment most tightly regulates.

        You can get lasik today for a bit more than the cost of two pairs of glasses. Why ? It is not highly regulated and barely touches government.

        The quesiton is not how much oil and gas is the Biden administration allowing to be produced.
        The question is why can’t ordinary Americans throughout their purchasing decisions determine how much old and gas the US produces ?

  1. LIBERALS – True Liberals don’t have any ‘commitment’ to this Country.
    That’s why the message ‘Make America Great Again’ is terrifying and repulsive to Them.

    Everyone that have had their lives Demonized (like Trump), realizes that the Shadow State is behind the discrimination and hypocrisy.
    That’s why people identify with Trump and Others, as they have witnessed the persecution themselves first hand.
    Big Bro is a nasty Club of S.O.B. .

  2. You speak too soon Jonathan. Chris Wray has sent a team of FBI agents to Nordstroms to have Calvert’s nails and screws gift wrapped.

    1. Know The Enemy

      – Sun Tzu

      Christopher Wray, born, raised, and steeped in the J. Edgar Hoover milieu of the 7th Floor, is an essential constituent of the global communist Deep Deep State “Swamp” Regime. 

      Christopher Wray is a direct and mortal enemy of the American thesis of Freedom and Self-Reliance, the Constitution, the Bill of Rights, actual Americans, and America.  

      Christopher Wray was and remains part and parcel of the ongoing and continuing Obama Coup D’etat in America—the continuity of communism in America. 

      Christopher Wray is the embodiment of the Deep Deep State Military-Industrial Complex that President Dwight D. Eisenhower admonished Americans to avoid and eradicate.

      To wit,

      “In the councils of government, we must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the military-industrial complex. The potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power exists and will persist.”

      “We must never let the weight of this combination endanger our liberties or democratic processes. We should take nothing for granted. Only an alert and knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial and military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods and goals, so that security and liberty may prosper together.”

      – President Dwight D. Eisenhower, Farewell Address, January 17, 1961

      “We are five days away from fundamentally transforming the United States of America.”

      – Barack Obama

      “We will stop him.”

      – Peter Strzok to FBI paramour Lisa Page

      “[Obama] wants to know everything we’re doing.”

      – Lisa Page to FBI paramour Peter Strzok

      “I want to believe the path you threw out for consideration in Andy’s office — that there’s no way he gets elected — but I’m afraid we can’t take that risk It’s like an insurance policy in the unlikely event you die before 40.”

      – Peter Strzok to FBI parmour Lisa Page

      “People on the 7th floor to include Director are fired up about this [Trump] server.”

      – Bill Priestap

      The Obama Coup D’etat in America is the most egregious abuse of power and the most prodigious crime in American political history. The co-conspirators are:

      Kevin Clinesmith, Bill Taylor, Eric Ciaramella, Rosenstein, Mueller/Team, Andrew Weissmann,

      James Comey, Christopher Wray, McCabe, Strozk, Page, Laycock, Kadzic, Sally Yates,

      James Baker, Bruce Ohr, Nellie Ohr, Priestap, Kortan, Campbell, Sir Richard Dearlove,

      Christopher Steele, Simpson, Joseph Mifsud, Alexander Downer, Stefan “The Walrus” Halper,

      Azra Turk, Kerry, Hillary, Huma, Mills, Brennan, Gina Haspel, Clapper, Lerner, Farkas, Power,

      Lynch, Rice, Jarrett, Holder, Brazile, Sessions (patsy), Nadler, Schiff, Pelosi, Obama,

      Joe Biden, James E. Boasberg, Emmet Sullivan, Gen. Milley, George Soros, John McCain,

      Marc Elias, Igor Danchenko, Fiona Hill, Charles H. Dolan, Jake Sullivan, Strobe Talbot,

      Cody Shear, Victoria Nuland, Ray “Red Hat” Epps, Don Berlin, Kathy Ruemmler, Rodney Joffe,

      Paul Vixie, L. Jean Camp, Andrew Whitney, Lisa O. Monaco et al.

      1. Obama should be held LEGALLY accountable for everything he has done to our Nation. I have the feeling he will be at some point and it won’t be long as the curtains are pulled back.

        1. Obama is an egregious criminal of high office and a fraud of national proportions.

          Obama will never be a “natural born citizen” and Obama will never be eligible for the office of the president, and Obama is fully aware of those facts.

          The legal text and reference of the era, the Law of Nations, defined a “natural born citizen” as one born of two “parents” (plural) who were citizens at the time of the birth of the candidate, and one born of a “father” who was a citizen at the time of the birth of the candidate. The Founders and Framers kept the Law of Nations close at hand when creating the Constitution at the Constitutional Convention. The Law of Nations is further referenced in the Constitution.

  3. Ever since Obama embraced the support of ACORN, the DNC has embraced any and all anti-social, anti-American, fringe groups. . . . And, everyone (especially the MSM) remain silent. . . But, the people are quite aware.

    1. @rbblum

      Yup. Obama was an ‘agent of change’, alright. As I have previously stated, I did not read his book and I voted for him the first time. That firmly entrenched the Soros factor into our government, and I’m sorry I didn’t know better. I have zero doubt, given the ‘Obama people’ that are in prominent positions even still in our government and cultural services that he, and his cabal, are pulling the strings. By all accounts, Obama did not even like Biden; the dems just thought he’s be the safest bet, and here we are. If you still vote dem, you are begging to live on your knees in 2024. Wake the h*ll up. Most of us are too old to take the ramblings of Che Guevara seriously. 🙄

  4. Jonathan: In other news MAGA speaker Mike Johnson is meeting today with DJT at Mar-a-Lago–dubbed the “Elba of South Florida”, named after the island where Napoleon was first exiled where he plotted his return to power–to address “election integrity” with a solution to a problem that doesn’t exist. What’s that about? Johnson and DJT are holding a press conference to “elevate the issue of non-citizens voting in federal elections”. DJT falsely accuses Pres. Biden of allowing immigrants to vote. Johnson wants a bill that would prevent that to show Republicans are “united” behind DJT.

    The only problem with Johnson’s proposal is that non-citizens already can’t vote in federal elections. It’s prohibited in ALL states. Biden can’t change that. No matter. Johnson and DJT think “elevating” the issue will play well with MAGA voters in November. But for the vast majority of voters not so much. Johnson and DJT are two scared guys. DJT is facing his first criminal trial starting Monday. Johnson needs DJT’s back to save his job and fend off attacks by MTG and her extreme right-wing supporters. The knives are out among the MAGA crowd in Congress that portends more “chaos” in a GOP House that doesn’t know how to govern–do things important for the American people. It’s all about revenge that, no doubt, will not be lost on voters in November.

    Then there is Jared Kushner who again is in the news. Kushner is compromised–and has been since he walked into the WH to work for his father-in-law. The Hill had an interesting article yesterday detailing how Kushner parlayed his WH job to make billions.

    Ben Rhodes, former Obama advisor, is quoted in the article as saying: “This a guy, Jared Kushner, who had no expertise, no qualifications whatsoever to be in the White House…He made it his account to work in the Gulf Arab states. He basically helped to lead the cover-up for [Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman]. Get him in from the cold after the murder of Jamal Khashoggi.” Rhodes went on: “And here we have the president’s son-in-law, who worked in the White House–unlike Hunter Boden–who collected $2 billion on the back end of his service. Now he’s got his father-in-law running for president. Right? This is not only unusual, this is unprecedented…This is a level of corruption that we’ve just never seen, and it’s hiding in plain sight”.

    Despite calls by the Dems on Comer’s Committee to open an investigation into Kushner’s “corruption” inside the DJT WH, the Chairman isn’t interested in such an investigation. He would rather concentrate on the alleged “corruption” of Hunter Biden who never worked in government. It’s a head scratcher but that is what we have come to expect from the MAGA crowd!

    1. MAGA???

      Dumb— meant to say, “Global communist Deep Deep State ‘Swamp’ Regime Speaker Mike Johnson.”

      A MAGA Speaker would be Marjorie Taylor Greene.


      “NYC council asks state’s highest court to allow non-citizens to vote in local elections”

      “The New York City Council asked the state’s highest court to strike down a pair of rulings in a move that would pave the way for noncitizen immigrants to vote in city elections.”

      “The controversial election change, passed by the City Council in late 2021 and signed into law by then-Mayor Bill de Blasio, would have allowed 800,000 noncitizens with green cards to vote.”

      – New York Post

    2. @Dennis

      I am continually impressed by the ability of apologists to use so many words to say the equivalent of water going down the drain. 🤷🏻‍♂️ If you believe all that you rant about, heaven help you when it comes home to roost for you, for real, because on our present course, it sure will. You must be supremely privileged to have the time to do this to us everyday, and I’m going to guess that you are white, and likely better off, to boot, just like our host, generationally. The rest of us love our brothers and sisters on earth; you, you have nothing but hate in your heart. You are stupid, petty, and none of us give a s**t about your petulance. We are going to fight and carry on and you will enjoy the fruits of our effort. And because we aren’t spoiled children like you, we will leave you to do that and spank you later.

      Pro tip: hate isn’t going to win. F*** off, Dennis. Nobody cares.

      1. James,
        You took time to read Dennis’s blather?
        Generally I just scroll past, but will sometimes post news about things real American’s care about, like inflation or I should say, Bidenflation.

        1. Agreed, let me sum up a Dennis post.
          DJT wahhhhh, wahhhh, wahhhh and the NY persecution judges said blah, blah, blah and then he said grab them by their puzzzies, wahhhhhh!

          1. Spoken like a true disciple–ignore facts, logic and reality, especially if they come from mainstream media.

            1. When have you EVER dealt with the FACTS about ANYTHING ?

              Separately – what is it that the mainstream media has been right about for over a decade ?

    3. DM – These problems that you do not beleive exists – concern super majorities of elections.

      Rather than rant and rave about “the big lie”, why do’t you grow up and accept what 90% of the country has – that meaningful voter ID is one of MANY requirements for elections that citizens can trust.

      I do not personally think that at this time illegals voting is the most serious election fraud problem we have.

      It is far too easy to stuff ballot boxes – why go to extra work of involving an illegal alien.

      Once AGAIN just recently we have testimony of Election commissioners of hundreds of thousands of ballots with no chain of custody.
      That means we have no idea where that ballot came from We do not know if it was filled out by someone who presented ID and voted in person,
      Where it was a non-citizen voting illegally, Whether it was stuffed into a ballot box by a mule who picked it up at a democratic 501C3 – where it was either harvested illegally by campaign staff arm twisting voters – or it was just made on a photocopier int he back room. We do not know if those ballots were snuck into a ballot counting center in suitcases and pulled out from under the table.

      With major cities with hundreds of thousands of ballots with no chain of custody, no signature verification, and nationwide millions of ballots we have no idea where they came from – yes, there is good reason to distrust elections, and very good reasons to demand election intergrity measures.

      Until Trump challenged the 2020 election – their were bipartisan efforts to improve election integrity – even if the nutjobs fighting voter ID laws were all on the left.

      Today we have an election system that is a disasterous mess.

      Conduct elections properly and election fraud is incredibly hard and small.

      End illegal and unconstitutional mailin voting. It is not possible to have secret ballots and mailin voting. It is not possible to have trustworthy elections and mailin voting. Mailin voting is a return to the mass election fraud of the 19th century.

      Require in person voting on election day with voter ID,
      and limited absentee balloting at the courthouse or a military base with ID.

      Ballots can never leave the polling place. Voters never have ballots outside of a polling place.
      Ballots are counted at the polling place.

      This is a simple system that has worked well throughout the world for centuries.

    4. I find the Trump Napoleon comparison Odd.

      Napoleon started wars – Trump ended them.

      But some parts of it are apt.

      Napolean Made France Great again
      Napolean ended the bloody socialist french revolution. \

      While Trump is NOT Napolean – the analogy is a very poor fit.

      At the same time Trump would likely appreciate the comparison.

      Napolean is still respected in France and history as a great man.
      He restored order in a France that was in a protracted period of bloody chaos.
      He is actually responsible for transitioning France from a monarchy to a working republic.
      Creating the french civil service, the Napoleonic codes.

      Napolean certainly what not the demented King George III that we have as president now.

    5. Dennnis – Mailin voting is prohibited constitutionally in 38 states – and yet it takes place.

      Voter ID is required in about the same number of states – and yet checking ID – especially for mailin ballots is the exception rather than the norm.

      there are about 10M people who have entered this country in the past 4 years illegally.

      Many many things are already illegal – they still happen – sometimes with great frequency.

      It is unlikely that non-citizen voting is going to tip the 2024 election.

      But the issues is STILL a good one for Republicans. It combines the mess that the Biden administration has made of the southern boarder with election integrity.

      Both of which are important issues that have broad Republican support.

      I am personally more concerned about the hundreds of thousands of ballots in GA in 2020 that had no chain of custody.
      About the fact that absolutely no signature verification was ever done on ANY Fulton county mailin ballots in 2020.

      About the fact that there are way more registered voters in Fulton county than voting age people.

      About the fact that there was no investigation AT ALL of the video incident we all saw were suitcases full of ballots were pulled from under the table when election monitors were sent home.

      These and myriads of other problems that undermine trust in our elections must be fixed.

    6. Dennis, you have a point – though not the one you attempt to make.

      We do not need more laws. There is nothing that the Republicans could do – even if they had a veto proof majority in the house and senate,
      when we have an executive that completely ignores the law.

      We have the laws we need to fix the problems at our southern border.
      All that is required is enforcing them.
      We actually have the election laws we need
      all that is required is enforcing them.
      Pres. Biden has already been told by the supreme court that he does not have the constitutional power to forgive billions in student loans,
      yet he keeps doing so anyway.

      We do not need more laws.

      We need to get rid of a president and political party that will not follow the laws we do have.

    7. Your quoting Ben Rhoads ? That is the guy responsible for the absolutely disasterous Obama Iran deal that Biden is still trying to his embarrassment to salvage.

      And your citing Rhoads who is reponsible for the disasterous mideast policy of Obama that continues under Biden,
      In criticism of Kushner who negotiated the Abraham accords – the largest Mideast Peace deal ever and the first since Jimmy Carter at camp david.

      If Kushner is unqualified “Please Sir can I have more”.

      If Rhodes is your idea of Qualified – you are a moron.

      Kushner was a billionaire BEFORE he worked in the Trump WH.

      You and Rhodes have things BACKWARDS.

      Kushner was able to make the Abraham accords happen BECAUSE of the same skills that made him a billionaire before and result in even greater creation of wealth in his private life.

      Kushner is not being paid millions in secret under the table deals with multiple shell companies.

      He is making billions for PUBLICLY trading value for value.

      Something neither Hunter Biden nor Ben Rhoades are capabale of .

      Jared Kushner – Like Donald Trump succeeds at most everything he does. He creates wealth for himself and others.

      Joe and Hunter Biden has created no value at all. They have sold out the country for 30 peices of silver.

      Ben Rhoades accomplisments are the mideastern failures of the Biden and Obama whitehouses.

      Why on earth would you listen to the envious rantings of this ignorant man who has brought nothing but Failure to himself and the country.

    8. You say Kushner covered up a murder ?

      How so ? We all know that MBS’s people killed Koshogian. That was known within days of the killing.
      Nothing was “covered up”.

      Your upset because Trump did what any other american president would have done when two of our allies were in a pissing contest and stayed out of it.

      Turkey is a US alli – Turkey is a member of NATO. Erodigan is NOT a particularly good person. There is plenty of poltiical death and murder in Turkey.
      Saudi Arabia is a US Alli, MBS is not a particularly good person. There are many good reasons to criticize Saudi Arabia and MBS.

      Regardless, even Joe Biden eventually had to come crawling to the Saudi’s.

    9. Your claim that Kushner is corrupt seems to be based on the argument that a billionaire continues to make money.

      We know Who Kushner is dealing with. We Know what is being bought, and what is being sold.

      Kushner has sold his skills at profitably investing in commerical real state.
      The skills that made him a multi billionaire.

      Probably the same skills that made the Abraham accords possible.

    10. The house GOP is in turmoil. So What, they are doing fine. Given the limited amount of power they have, They have accomplished alot.
      I would love to have seen them accomplish more. I did not have problems with Speaker MacCarthy.
      I do have problems with minority leader McConnell. I do not have problems with Speaker Johnson.

      You claim that Trump is giving marching orders tot he house.

      Well Trump has told the GOP not to reauthorize section 703 of the Patriot act.
      Hopefully a part of the patriot act will die.

    11. ABC poll shows only 20% of americans trust US elections – that is lower than everywhere in the world but Columbia and Mexico.

      While the 2020 Election made things worse – US elections have had significant trust peoples since atleast 2000.

      This is the natural result of increasing numbers of very close elections.

      Truly large scale election fraud is quite difficult. But Biden won in 2020 by only 44,000 votes total in 3 states.
      That is a razor thin margin.

      A significant number of house seats were decides by less than 1% of the vote. And increasing number of elections are detecided by very small numbers of votes.

      This is the environment that encourages fraud and one that undermines trust.

      There are credibly allegations of large scale election fraud in the Newsome Recall. These have not gained traction – because NJewsom won the recall by numbers that are way beyond any possible fraud.

      While election fraud is always something we should worry about. It does not come to the public attention except in close elections.

      We must conduct our elections – Not such that they can be trusted when one candidate wins in an obvious landslide
      But such that when elections are won by a fraction of a percent of the vote – people still accept the results.

    12. Here is Democratic political demographer and strategist Ruy Tiexiera – who decades ago predicted a permanent democrat majority who is saying Democrats have blown it – specifically by taking minorities for granted and by failing to understand their values.

      Demographic Trends are now running STRONGLY against Democrats.

      Even if by some miracle Democrats are not obliterated in 2024, absent a major change in party direction democrats are doomed.


  5. [Antifa] has long been the “Keyser Söze” of the anti-free speech movement, a loosely aligned group that employs measures to avoid easy detection or association. — JT

    Despite all the gaslighting by Democratic politicians to the contrary, Antifa is an organization with funding streams from a relatively small number of sources… Why not investigate the who and why of the ostensibly charitable and philanthropic organizations supporting what amounts to domestic terrorism? Or might that implicate billionaire donors and their pet politicians’ plans for our future?

      1. Note that Wray claims, in the above referenced article, that white supremacist groups comprise the bulk of FBI investigations into domestic terrorism… and no mention is made of investigating Antifa funding sources.

        1. As the article notes, white supremacist groups comprise the bulk of investigations because they comprise the bulk of violence.

          For further evidence, see this 2022 study, surveying the data on extremist violence in the United States. The study showed that left-wing radicals were less likely to use violence than right-wing radicals. https://www.pnas.org/doi/full/10.1073/pnas.2122593119.

          In the US, the study found right-wing extremism to be much more violent than left-wing violence, and non-Islamist right-wing extremist violence to be comparable to Islamist right-wing extremist violence. (Side note: Islamist extremist, is a form of religious fundamentalism and is therefore a form of right-wing extremism).

          1. All you are doing is very successfully destroying your own credibility.

            More than 50% of hate crimes in the US are committed against …. Jews.
            More than 50% of the hate crimes committed in the US are committed by ….. Blacks.
            More than 50% of the murders in the US are committed by Blacks.
            More than 50% of the violent crimes in the US are committed by blacks.

            The 2nd largest target of Hate crimes ….. Asians.

            While the frequency of hate crimes rises and falls – the breakdown of them changes very little over time.

            I would further note that when we look at even such rare things as mass shootings.

            The largest single group involved in mass killings ….. Muslims.

            You say that White Supremecists groups are much more dangerous ?

            Really – that does not match what all of us see int he real world.

            We are all already familiar with the efforts of the left to “cook the books” on pretty much everything – no one trusts you.

            One of the problems with your “studies” – is that aside from what ordinary people can see in their own lives with their own mark one eyeball. We have vast sources of raw data today.

            In addition to “studies” the FBI also makes avialable alot of Raw crime data.
            Anyone who can use a spreadsheet can analyze it themselves.
            While the results of amateur data analysis should be taken with a grain of salt –
            It takes very little to note that there are more violent deaths in Chicago in a year from gang violence, than all white supremecists in the country put together.

            We have had more trans and non-binary mass killings in the past coupld of years than white supremecists.
            In point of fact have we had ANY white supremecists mass killings ?

            If actual white supremecists had tried to bomb anything everywhere it would be on every news station 24×7 for weeks.

            There is not even enough violent crime committed by White people to justify the FBI prioritizing white supremecists

            I can name dozens of incidences of violence involving antifa – can you name ONE involving a white supremecists without googling something obscure or decades ago ?

            The overwhelming – pretty much all of the unusual high profile acts of violence – including and especially mass killings involve deranged people with serious mental health problems that spout idelogical nonsense that is a poupori of weirdness colledted fromt he right and left.

            The El Passo shooted was anti-immigrant and an eco terrorist – sure sounds like a white supremecist to me.

            When you claim that white supremecy is a serious problem in the US – you just prove your own incompetence.

            People are not stupid. Eventuallyu they figure out when they are being lied to.

            They KNOW the economy is not good.

            And they know that their odds of being killed by a white supremicist are far liess than being stuck by lightning.

        2. When was the last white supremecists bombing ?
          When was the last time a white supremecist shot up the congressional baseball team.
          When was the last time a white supremecist shot up an elementary school ?

          You can rant and rave about alleged white supremecists – but the FACT is the FBI is wasting resources hunting snipes.

          The KKK is for all practical purposes DEAD. Allegedly white supremecist groups in the US are almsot entirely the “white” equivalent of the crips and the bloods – gangs engaged in crime – usually drugs that have racial elements to their membership.

          These groups provide members protection in prison, and use them as soldiers in drug operations outside.

          These are NOT groups looking to take over the country. To the extent they engage in racial violence – all that means is that they protect their members for other violent gangs of different races while in prison.

          If you are in many of the prisons in the US you are going to be part of a gang or you are going to be someone’s b**ch.
          If you are white and in prison -that will be white supremacist gang.

          Are these bad people ? Yes.

          Should they be in the top 1000 on the FBI’s radar – no.

  6. There is a person who sent the message to Antifa loud and clear. She said the riots should not stop, and they should continue. This comes from Antifa Momma one Kamala Harris. She did all she could to support the actions of the Democratic storm troopers. We should not forget that Antifa stood side by side with BLM in the destruction of major American cities. Antifa rhetoric is exactly the same as what has come from Obama’s mentor Saul Alinsky who wrote Rules for Radicals. They’re all just brothers and sisters in arms. The once moderate Democratic Party is dead and has been totally commandeered by The Socialist Party of America. It should be remembered that the upper political class both in Russia and America supported Stalin. What we have here is just a case of history repeating.

    1. @Thinkitthrough

      Yep, she sure did. They want us to have amnesia for the years between 2020 and now, but it isn’t going to fly. The 2020 election was likely the biggest scam in American history, and this party (the DNC) needs to be fumigated like the cockroaches they are. If votes don’t work there are other means, and it’s why they try to squash our freedoms weekly, and threaten and intimidate. Bear in mind that does not automatically equal ‘conservative’.

      How long before these ‘mostly peaceful’ bombs are in schools, malls, ??? If you haven’t already, reject literally everything the modern left says. They have not spoken a true word in decades, but particularly over the past five years, quite literally *everything* they have said/say is a lie or a distortion. It is a cliché, but at present, if their mouths are moving, they are lying, and it really is that simple. We still have the chance, although admittedly slim, to not become Germany circa the 30s or the Soviet Union circa the 80s; wake the h*ll up. November is going to be like nothing we’ve ever seen. Those of you that voted for Biden, really, just shame on you, and be prepared for what’s on the horizon. The rest of us are happy to do things peacefully; it’s only the modern left that are power hungry, globally greedy, psychos. Your kids reflect this.

      And NEVER forget what they did to all of us in 2020 in the name of their corruption and elitism. If nothing else, remember that time. They will attempt to reanimate that corpse in a heartbeat if they feel it serves them. and never again trust any, not a single, government funded agency that purports to have your well-being in mind; they don’t.

    2. Both parties are wholly owned by the billionaires and bankers…

      When the Democrats crash and burn in the court of public opinion, as is inevitable, the initiative will pass, once again, to the Republicans to accomplish their dirty work… But, of course, they’ll blame Trump (and the deplorable populists supporting him) for their deliberate financial, monetary and government policy failures first.

      The parties should be as alike as two sides of the same coin… heads, they win — tails, we lose.

      1. @Anonymous

        Yes, that is very true. That the extinction of the human race comes not from climate change (which is also designed to generate dollars for them not us; it is designed to reduce our quality of life for them, not us), but from aristocratic greed is just beyond the pale; these people are clowns and I don’t know if we should behead them or just laugh at their idiocy. Hello? It’s 2024. You can’t get away with this s**t anymore. Greatest shell game ever devised. So transparent at this point, and thank the gods we have a 2nd amendment in America; the rest of the Western world is falling to tyranny because they have no recourse. No patience left, none. If you still vote dem, to quote the little s***, ‘Shame on you.’.

  7. It seems that it really wasn’t that long ago, when JT posted on his blog, the ensuing debate would be between the liberal and conservative approach to the constitutional order of things. It wouldn’t have been surprising to have either side take issue with JT’s opinion. Today, nothing has changed for JT or conservatives. Liberals on the other hand have been consumed by the fringe Marxists that have loudly and violently taken control of the Democratic party. Now they are enraged that JT has stayed true to his love for this country and our constitution. If they weren’t such narcissitic sociopaths, they could see that they are the one’s that have abandoned this country and our constitution.

  8. One way to respond to anyone saying that Antifa is a myth or a figment of conspiracy theories is to tell the person to a read a publicly available book that describes the existence and history of Antifa in a sympathetic manner: Mark Bray, Antifa: The Anti-Fascist Handbook (Melville House Publishing, 2017).

    1. Turns out Joe Biden’s former stenographer, Mike McCormick, believes Biden should be impeached and imprisoned. He wrote a book arguing as such, surprisingly carried by Amazon.

      The Case to Impeach and Imprison Joe Biden Paperback – December 20, 2023
      by Mike McCormick

      Mike McCormick was the official White House stenographer for Presidents George Bush, Barack Obama, Donald Trump and VP Joe Biden. He has offered to meet with DOJ to state on the record how he witnessed Joe Biden shake down Ukraine for his son. One would think a former White House stenographer under various presidents would be in an objective capacity to state what he saw for the record consider that was his job.

      Most Americans see DOJ / FBI as Biden’s KJB. There is no other way of looking at them. Merrick Garland is compromised and Christopher Wray is J. Edgar Hoover without the dress

      👗 😎

  9. Iran’s leaders and those that support them should be hanged just like Mussolini.

    You see nobody, and I mean nobody, has given money or support to Putin, but Biden, Obama and Democrats have given BILLONS to Iran, Hamas, the PA and other terror supporting groups.

    Now Russia, a nation I have been against since in 70s when they were the USSR and when the liberals loved them, is actually not attacking the US (I agree with supporting Ukraine in their war with Russia because they were attacked and Russia is a threat to world peace and they are an ally of China and Iran), but Iran is actually paying (with our money) groups to actually attack our troops and our interests, including shipping lanes.

  10. We’re Calvert conservative and charged with the heinous crimes of “parading” or “trespassing”, he would be in solitary already.

  11. I suggest that as soon as this deviant and anti-American regime retires back to ObamaWorld there will be targeted assassinations of Cartel heads in-country and locals will lower the antifa population quickly.

  12. Another rage post from Turley for the MAGA cult. Just how much is FOX paying you Turley? Either way, they are getting their money’s worth. Everybody’s heard Turley jumped the shark long ago, but jumping it on a daily basis is getting, well just sad.

    1. Fishstick, rage? What rage? Most are commenting something is seriously wrong with these people as this latest fine example went so far to vent his rage with what appears to be a pipe bomb, attempting to kill or seriously injure Attorney General Steve Marshall.
      And you are okay with that? Just give violence prone guy who is of the “belief that violence should be directed against the government, and he has described his inability to control his own violent, aggressive impulses,” a pass?
      The good professor is trying to warn everyone of the atmosphere that is fostering violence of the likes this guy decided he would act on.
      If anything, the good professor is issuing as PSA warning.

    2. Dude, what are you talking about? Are you seriously positing that this post is a “rage” post? Seems factual to me.

      1. Seems to be a trend with leftists as of late. They claim all this “rage” everywhere by anyone to the right of Bernie Sanders, but if reading the comments section, most range from matter of fact, to common sense, to a few good jokes.
        Reading the comments, the rage is coming from the one or a few of the anonymounies and Fishstick.

        1. Upstate, ironically you bring up rage and Bernie when it was a supporter of Bernie that actually shot Republicans. How is that for rage?

        2. Possibly the largest threat that Republicans face with the 2024 election is that some seriously mentally ill person does something deadly violent and has some ideologically conservative rantings in his otherwise incoherent manefesto.

          Antifa could blow up the capitol building killing 50 senators and the FBI would not skip a beat persuing white supremecists.

          Democrats can riot accross the country and still pull off 2020 (or 2024). But a single act of violence that can be painted as right wing will get repeated endlessly until the election.

      2. Anonymous, the lack Americans now have in being able to distinguish fact and opinion is disconcerting. This is not a news article. It contains cherrypicked factual statements, but it offers an opinion and perspective, as does every Turley piece (because he is not a reporter…)

        The “rage” I believe FishWings is referencing stems from the fact that Turley tries to tie this isolated occurrence in Alabama to completely unrelated events in an attempt to depict a misleading trend.

        Figures like Keith Ellison and Jerry Nadler have little to do with Calvert’s criminal activity.

        If you are still incredulous, let’s play a game. Can you find a single reference in Turley’s article, in which a Democrat actually has anything to do with Calvert’s case? Any reference to a Dem operative, who denies it occurred? Any reference to a Democrat who pushes back on the events that took place?

        You can’t, because Turley doesn’t provide any link to the “facts” of Calvert’s case. He just slaps on the same tired, general talking points he has saved for any Antifa-related news story, regardless of what actually occurred.

        So, no, your response, “seems factual to me” is EXACTLY the problem.

    3. You obviously hate this place, and hate reading the comments. Yet you voluntarily come here every day to say how much you hate it here. How is that not sheer lunacy?

      1. NotSoOldMan: Ha! just noticed our respective comments–look at the identical timestamp(s)! Hundreds of miles apart and thinking the same thing about FishWings!

    4. FishWings:
      Then. why. are. you. here. everyday????
      The fact that you faithfully return everyday, (whether under your moniker or occasionally as anonymous), creates the question as to what ulterior motive you harbor? You certainly are not changing anyone’s mind about anything.
      Please. go. somewhere. more. to. your. liking.
      (Or are you just a glutton for disdain?)
      Thanks anyway.

      1. Lin and Oldman, I have said a million times (no hyperbole, as idiot Biden would say) that conservatives change the channel while liberals want to ban the channel.

            1. Yes, GOP majorities passed the TX and FL laws, which attempt to restrict social media companies from regulating speech, rather than simply allowing users to choose with their feet. This was in response to hullbobby’s claim that conservatives are willing to simply change the channel, which as TX and FL show, is clearly not the case.

              Book banning does occur on both the left and the right, though by far, we have seen much more activity from right-wing groups like Moms for Liberty (with such an ironic name) over the last several years. That being said, even if you agree it occurs on both sides, it certainly shows that conservatives don’t just change the channel / choose with their feet (i.e., send kids to private school). Their goal is to change the educational experience of other students as well by banning books.

              1. GOP majorities were ELECTED to represent the MAJORITY of voters in those states.

                You only know about Moms for Liberty because MEDIA chose that group to dump on, and MEDIA rem silent on comparable left-wing groups that push censors or bans.

                1. You are still entirely missing the context of the point…. whether or not the majority choose to censor a social media site is irrelevant. The majority still favors banning to choosing with their feet (or eyes I suppose in this case).

                  1. Clow, you are the one who tries to move the goalposts when cornered. THIS is what you said
                    “Yes, GOP majorities passed the TX and FL laws, which attempt to restrict social media companies from regulating speech, rather than simply allowing users to choose with their feet.”

                    1. What are the goalposts and how have they been moved, good sir?

                      That is the exact same statement, even re-using the “choose with one’s feet” line.

                      The original claim by HULLBOBBY: “conservatives change the channel while liberals want to ban the channel.”

                      My response: No, conservatives would rather ban the channel, see.. for example, GOP majorities in TX / FL passing laws to… restrict liberal social media companies.

                      Your non-sequitur: But the laws were passed by elected officials?

                      No goalposts have been changed. You are just repeating something that is completely irrelevant to whether conservatives simply ignore liberal content or ban it like liberals.

                    2. here is your original comment, which you have TOTALLY strayed from and attempted to circumvent by expansion of issue: “….except for TX and FL social media laws? … except for GOP book bans? Come on, man.”
                      THat is what my comments addressed. period. clown

                  2. Clown, was it conservatives within Clown, was it conservatives students who CANCELED THE APPEARANCE of invited speakers at colleges? FBI that tried to convince social media companies to censor and ban?
                    Clown, was it conservatives students who SHOUTED DOWN invited speakers at colleges?

                    Did they not have the choice to just NOT ATTEND the event?
                    Do you even get what I am saying?

                    1. Both conservatives and liberal students cancel speakers at colleges.

                      When I was at Harvard in 2007, it was Alan Dershowitz who ironically advocated for a safe space on our campus at the expense of free speech. He fought with a liberal professor, J. Lorand Matory, about whether Harvard should allow Iranian dictator, Ahmadinejad, the opportunity to speak on Harvard’s campus. Columbia had allowed it, but Dershowitz wanted to censor a foreign head of state from speaking on campus. (For reference: I found an 2007 article in the Harvard Crimson showing their feud on the topic: https://www.thecrimson.com/article/2007/11/20/the-free-speech-agenda-at-harvard/). I remember this well because the controversy arose right after I witnessed the Serbian Secretary of State’s speech at the Harvard Kennedy School of Government, where he advocated for harsh and inhuman treatment of Kosovar Muslims, and he did so in front of some Kosovar Muslim students. I still have a hard time distinguishing why one racist speaker (the Serbian Sec. of State) should be allowed to speak, while the other (the Iranian dictator) should be muzzled. I would have loved the opportunity to ask Ahmadinejad to prove his claim that the Holocaust didn’t exist. Fight bad speech with better speech, right?!

                      More recently, there have been plenty of conservative censors on campus: Christian schools often censor speakers, who do not meet their sexual orientation or pro-life requirements. For example, here is an example of an acapella group that was censored by Pensacola Christian College because one of the speakers was gay: https://www.cnn.com/2023/02/15/us/kings-singers-pensacola-christian-college-cec/index.html. This same school is notorious for editing classical roman art and architecture books to remove any nudity.

                      Finally, conservative students also routinely use the Heckler’s Veto, as well. One well-documented case occurred at Whittier College, where pro-Trump protesters shouted down Xavier Becerra’s speech. (you can Google, I’ve reached my two article limit).

                      Instead of thinking this is a Red vs. Blue thing, maybe just support an actual position!

                      Fight censors, whether they are government censors of private companies (like FL and TX) or schools that ban books or speakers on campus, regardless of political persuasion.

    5. Do you have a Right wing nut Pipe Bomber that we can all jointly condemn ?

      Can you find a single allegedly right wing nut engaged in political violence that is not also nuts and has a manefesto full of oddball nonsense borrowed from both right and left ?

      Most people can tell the loonies from the actual politically violent members of Antifa.

    6. In the rare instances of actual “right wing” violence – Turly provides equal coverage.
      Turley STILL overstates the problems with J6 and understates the problems with the 2020 election.

      Turley has REPEATEDLY argued FOR investigations of bogus allegations of misconduct by conservatives. But he has atleast over time usually honestly noted these produced nothing.

      Missing the FACT that it was self evident they would find nothing from the start.

      Turley is NOT a Trump supporter – in any way. I am sure he would jump on real evidence of actual misconduct by Trump or republicans if that was ever produced.

      But unlike those of you on the ledt – he does not start from “Orange man bad” therefore all claims against him no matter how weak must be true.

      While you are slowly losing Turley – not because of his affiliation with Fox, but because even Turley can not hide from reality.
      The growing evidence of criminal and political malfeasance by democrats is dangerous and alarming. and time after time allegations against those on the right fizzle or worse turn out to be hoaxes, deliberate lies.

      Ordinary people do not do the same intellectual analysis that Turley does. But the majority of them are reaching the same conclusions that Turley is – That something is rotten in the democratic party.

      1. “ In the rare instances of actual “right wing” violence – Turly provides equal coverage.”

        But you don’t provide good examples.

    7. Rage ?

      What rage ?

      More disappointment.
      Once again reality Biden slaps progressives.

      Every single time their is some high profile act of violence – a mass murder or something like that.

      The whole country holds its breath.
      Some of the left wing nut media get out over their skis’ and tell us all this is right wing political violence long before the facts emerge.

      Those on the left salivate in the hopes that this event will prove despite disappointment 100 times before that it is really the right that is fully of rage and violence.
      Those on the right pray this is not some conservative guy who has taken too many steriods and and gone off his rocker.

      And we wait.
      And we wait.

      A few more false claims appear,

      some social media manages to leak out.

      Generally we can tell the left is fairing badly the longer it takes for information to come out.

      And what eventaully emerges ?

      Probably 80% of the time the peritrator is NUTS – sometimes left nuts, but nearly always with a manefesto or political footprint that is an amalgam of extreme views – an anti-immigrant eco terrorist.
      But mostly they are just nuts.

      Of the rest – the next largest group is religious fanatics – nearly all islamic.

      The third largest group – relatively small overall, is left wing nuts – like this guy, or others who fit into some other left wingnut alphabet stream.
      Bi, Trans, maybe not as clearly mentally deranged as the first group – but not stable people.

      I am hard pressed to think of an Actual instance of “right wing” violence of the mass killer type – in the past 25 years. None.

      But everyone knows that ONE serious act of clearly right wing political violence will tip elections.

      While the left can burn down court houses, police precincts, or bomb people and no one will pay any attention.

      There is alot of rage in this country.
      There is alot of intolerance.
      Virtually all of it on the left.

  13. What is wrong with these people?
    They think they are fighting against . . . “white supremacy, hetero-patriarchy, ultra-nationalism, authoritarianism, and genocide.”
    Half of that is them fighting against themselves! No wonder they are full of self-loathing.
    Thankfully this antifa was not only incompetent, but not very bright.

  14. Professor Turley,

    Calvert’s actions should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. However, by cherrypicking cases, you have grossly misrepresented how federal courts are treating right-wing extremists in comparison to Antifa.

    Take, for example, US District Judge Cormac J. Carney, who freed violent, white supremacist Tyler Laube, who confessed to beating a journalist at a 2017 Southern California rally and pleaded guilty to violating riot laws as part of a white supremacist gang. The JUDGE said that Laube deserved a light sentence (time served) because prosecutors have “ignored” violence committed by Antifa. From the

    “Sentencing Mr. Laube to additional incarceration would only increase the disparity between his punishment and the lack of punishment (and prosecution) members of far-left groups who have committed the same violent conduct received,” Carney wrote. The sentence: time served, 35 days, rather than the six months prosecutors had sought.

    This statement by the Judge was made without any evidence. And, ironically, it was made on the same day that a courthouse 89 miles away was hearing a trial of the last two defendants of the “San Diego 11” – members of Antifa charged with committing violence against Trump supporters. The nine other co-defendants had already been sentenced, many to years in prison.

    The biggest problem here is that judges like Judge Carney are infusing their political ideology into sentencing memo for crimes. This is unconscionable. That should be the story here.

    1. it seems pretty clear that Judge Carney has a point . . . . why not make a legal argument against it?

      1. What is Judge Carney’s point? Can you point to anything in the federal sentencing guidelines that allows for leniency because of political both sideism? Remember, this isn’t a politician. This is a JUDGE.

    2. If your point is that there isn’t two levels of justice I will point out the two classified documents cases of Biden and Trump, one a Senator and VP that had docs (some taken from a sciff) in many unsecured places for decades, including a place that is funded by the CCP, and the other a PRESIDENT that had documents in a place that is secured by the SECRET SERVICE.

      1. That is inapplicable. This is a sentencing memo. Neither Trump nor Biden has been…. sentenced. Try again?

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