Cornell Professor Files Disorderly Conduct Charge Against Colleague Who Disrupted Coulter Event

Cornell Professor Randy O. Wayne has filed a criminal complaint against Monica Cornejo, an assistant professor of interpersonal communication, for her disruption of the recent speech by conservative commentator Ann Coulter. As we discussed, Cornell Provost Michael Kotlikoff extended the invitation after an earlier event was interrupted by protesters and declared that the university would not allow the exercise of free speech to be blocked by activists.  In defiance of that policy, Cornejo proceeded to interrupt the event with heckling and profanities.

In an email, Professor Wayne confirmed that on Wednesday April 17, the day after the event, he filed a criminal complaint with the Cornell University Police. The listed offense was disorderly conduct.

While this was filed with the university police, the state definition of disorderly conduct under § 240.20 states:

A person is guilty of disorderly conduct when, with intent to cause
public inconvenience, annoyance or alarm, or recklessly creating a risk

1. He engages in fighting or in violent, tumultuous or threatening
behavior; or

2. He makes unreasonable noise; or

3. In a public place, he uses abusive or obscene language, or makes an
obscene gesture; or

4. Without lawful authority, he disturbs any lawful assembly or
meeting of persons; or

5. He obstructs vehicular or pedestrian traffic; or

6. He congregates with other persons in a public place and refuses to
comply with a lawful order of the police to disperse; or

7. He creates a hazardous or physically offensive condition by any act
which serves no legitimate purpose.

Disorderly conduct is a violation.

Cornejo is accused of repeatedly interrupting and making an obscene gesture at the event before being forced to leave. It is not clear if the university also filed a complaint, but none was listed. Indeed, at the time of this posting, Wayne’s complaint was not listed on the university police website.

Cornejo is described in media reports as “one of the first undocumented tenure-track faculty members at Cornell.” She was interrupting a speech by Coulter titled “Immigration: The Conspiracy To End America.”

In a 36-second video posted by The College Fix officers indicate that she is under arrest for “disorderly conduct.” According to the site,  she repeatedly responded “don’t touch me — do not touch me,” and tells them “I am a faculty member.” (I could not make out the last reported statement on the tape itself).

Putting the criminal charges aside, the question is what Cornell will do about a faculty member who openly defied the free speech policies of the university and sought to prevent others from hearing opposing views. As I discussed in the earlier column, she is just the latest faculty member to engage in such anti-free speech conduct on campuses. Why should students heed the warnings of Cornell when their own faculty show contempt for these protections?

Randy Wayne had a critical role in arranging the visit by Coulter. We have also previously discussed his challenging of universities policies and actions in the past.

A free speech panel is scheduled to be a held on campus on April 23.


74 thoughts on “Cornell Professor Files Disorderly Conduct Charge Against Colleague Who Disrupted Coulter Event”

  1. To bad we don’t have “STICK MEETS HEAD POLICIES” still in place here, to let Leftest illegals know their place in OUR country!

  2. I would suggest that Cornell University be sent a substantial message by its Alumni: Contributions by Alumni will cease until you stop allowing this sort of behavior, including hiring illegal aliens as assistant professors.

      1. Setting a bad example students by defiantly breaking the law. They couldn’t find a qualified legal applicant to hire? No federal funding for colleges braking the law!!!! Alums should boycot donation. The only way to get it fixed is to hit them in the pocketbood

    1. If you don’t listen to the right side you will have no knowledge and will follow the fools

  3. undocumented tenure-track faculty members at Cornell feels the right to disrupt someone else’s speech.
    First, shame on Cornell for illegally hiring a undocumented alien, second, that illegal alien should consider herself a guest in America, not a social activist. Otherwise, she should be removed from the country. Having lived in Mexico for 13 years, I received the status of Permanent Resident, I was still subject a ‘Guest’ if I was an activist, subject to deportation. That is one of the ways on how you protect your country.

    1. Wasn’t that long ago when someone like Tyson hired illegals they were fined and shut down for days. The laws havent changed. Why do the liberal institutions constantly defy the laws of the land and receive no penalty in return? Don’t tell me there isn’t a two tiered justice system in America.

  4. “. . . Cornejo proceeded to interrupt the event with heckling and profanities.” “. . . repeatedly interrupting and making an obscene gesture . . .” “[S]he is under arrest for ‘disorderly conduct.’”

    So you’re an immigrant activist, at an Ivy League college, trying to convince Americans to support your cause.

    I don’t think her uncivilized behavior counts as effective “interpersonal communication.” Or that you want her as the poster child for your student and donor recruitment.

    Ever notice how the Left has a remarkable ability to destroy the very things it allegedly cares about? — a company’s brand, women, children, immigration, free speech, peace, journalism, academia . . .

      1. Really? I am just as disappointed in you taking up oxygen that according to the EPA, is on the endangered list of gas. 😉

    1. A share your disappointment, but would hasten to add that a good Tasing would have been appropriate. And funny, to boot. I love watching them fall down and twitch. So satisfying.

    2. Me too, but then transported to the nearest airport with a waiting Immigration enforcement plane and fly her to her home country. Oh, make sure she has a hearing on her way to the airport.

      1. Oh, I forgot to add: This is how we lose the Law, and the philosophy behind our governing documents. In case you don’t know what they are, they are the Constitution, the Bill of Rights. So I say – WE THE PEOPLE are Pis*ed off at people like you who want to destroy this country. What happens to you is irrelevant to most of us. Just leave and take a dozen or so friends with you.

    1. You are a horrible person. I am so sorry you have such a terrible life full of hate. Monica is a wonderful human being!!! Making a real difference in this world and this country.

        1. Hmmm……why does a snowflake Realtor from California know “Monica” from NY is a wonderful person??

      1. Monica is a vile, ungrateful nitwit with zero level of professionalism. Her childish tantrum reflects not only on her personally but on Cornell as well. The giant irony is that she was hired in to teach interpersonal Communication – something she is incapable of herself.
        Send her home – where ever that is and she can express her inner SJW there.

      2. The “real’ difference in this world and country, according to you. Well, I breath O2 and I think you are insane to allow who is not a Citizen, to make an as* of herself and ignores the laws of the U.S. like you probably do. It’s people like you that hate America. Why don’t you just leave America and see how your treated in another country, hmmm?

      3. Wonderful human beings don’t “interrupt the event with heckling and profanities”. She is probably a self-righteous, elitist and condescending know-it-all, smug in her knowledge that she is right in every circumstance. It should be icing on the cake that she is an illegal immigrant, so we, the people, can wave good-bye as she is deported. But, fat chance the progressives in charge will send her home. She’ll probably get a short-term job with the Biden administration.

  5. Is LaRaza racist?
    Is BET a racist network?
    Is the NAACP racist?
    Is affirmative action racist?
    Is BLM racist?
    Is LGBT Sexist?
    Is feminism misogynistic?

    So why would Anne Coulter be considered a racist and slandered as such? Why is it racism if a caucasian speaks up for what they may believe is for the benefit of their own race?

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