“I Gave Up Shame Years Ago”: Clinton Denounces Trump for Doing What She Did in 2016

I gave up shame years ago.” Those words from actor John Lithgow appear to have been taken to heart by Hillary Clinton who has severed any sense of self-awareness or shame in her public comments. Lithgow, who played Bill Clinton in Broadway production of Hillary and Clinton, appears to have inspired the subject of his play. In a recent interview, Hillary Clinton heralded the prosecution of former president Donald Trump in Manhattan as “election interference” by keeping “relevant information” from voters before an election. For those of us who criticized Clinton for the funding of the infamous Steele dossier, it was a perfectly otherworldly moment.

In the interview, Clinton went after the Supreme Court for delaying a trial of Trump despite the push by Special Counsel Jack Smith for a verdict before the election. She then left many in disbelief with the following statement:

“And the one going on now currently in New York is really about election interference. It is about trying to prevent the people of our country from having relevant information that may have influenced how they could have voted in 2016 or whether they would have voted.”

(MSNBC/via YouTube)

In the same election, it was Hillary Clinton’s campaign that lied about funding the Steele dossier and then hiding the funding as a legal expense through then Clinton General Counsel Marc Elias.

The Clinton campaign staff has never been known for transparency. Buried in the detailed account is a  footnote stating that Elias “declined to be voluntarily interviewed by the Office.” Likewise, John Durham noted that “no one at Fusion GPS … would agree to voluntarily speak with the Office” while both the DNC and Clinton campaign invoked privileges to refuse to answer certain questions.

Elias, his former partner Michael Sussmann, and the campaign were later found involved in not just spreading the false claims from the Steele dossier but other false stories like the Alfa Bank conspiracy claim.

It was Elias who managed the legal budget for the campaign. We now know that the campaign hid the funding of the Steele dossier as a legal expense.

New York Times reporter Ken Vogel said that Elias denied involvement in the anti-Trump dossier. When Vogel tried to report the story, he said, Elias “pushed back vigorously, saying ‘You (or your sources) are wrong.’” Times reporter Maggie Haberman declared, “Folks involved in funding this lied about it, and with sanctimony, for a year.”

Elias was also seated next to John Podesta, Clinton’s campaign chairman, when he was asked about the role of the campaign, he denied categorically any contractual agreement with Fusion GPS. Even assuming that Podesta was kept in the dark, the Durham Report clearly shows that Elias knew and played an active role in pushing this effort.

Elias is now ironically advising Democratic campaigns on election ethics and running a group to “defend democracy.” He is still counsel to the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee (DCCC) headed by Rep. Suzan Kay DelBene, D-Wash. Elias was later severed by the Democratic National Committee from further representation and has been previously sanctioned in federal court in other litigation.

Notably, the Federal Election Commission sanctioned the Clinton campaign for hiding the funding as a legal expense. The Clinton campaign litigated the issue and insisted that the term is broadly used to cover a wide array of payments through counsel. That is precisely what the Trump team is arguing in the Manhattan case.

Lying to the media and hiding the funding was a conscious effort to hide “relevant information that may have influenced” voters. With the help of the media, these false stories were spread throughout the country and later were used to start the Russian collusion investigation.

Famous philosopher and mathematician Blaise Pascal once declared that “the only shame is to have none.” Hillary has finally achieved that ignoble status. She appears now to have lost even the capacity for shame.

275 thoughts on ““I Gave Up Shame Years Ago”: Clinton Denounces Trump for Doing What She Did in 2016”

  1. Well, Jon, I think shame is a topic you’re well qualified to speak about.

    And, in the omission of relevant facts category, every time you speak on the Steele dossier and omit that it was originally brought in as inter party opo research from the Free Beacon to be used to take down trump in the ’16 primary well before the Clinton campaign picked it up in the general…, well, you’re lying by omission.

    And, slimy as it is, opo research originally generated by R sources is basically a business expense in modern day political campaigns. You should know that in your status as an influencer, Turley.

    Thing about trump’s payoff of Ms. Ciifford is that it exceeded campaign contribution max donation level. Thereby making it election interference.

    Plus we pretty much know trump paid those Russian hookers to pee in a bed he knew Obama had slept in. Probably made him pop a rod.

    1. Hey stupid. Let me know what law caps a persons personal contribution to their own campaign…. Hint I will tell you. There isn’t one……..

      1. While the McCutheon vs. FEC decision in 2014 took away the caps on personal political contributions in the aggregate, the personal cap limit in 2016 for an individual candidate was $2,700.

        Quick math refresher: $2700 is less then $130,000.

        1. And here is where it’s importent to pay attention to trial details: trump didn’t pay Clifford off personally. Cohen did. And trump didn’t declare his reimbursement of Cohen properly, thereby venturing far into 3rd party payoffs territory so reviled by the founders.

          1. Except that, in that California lawsuit between Trump and Daniels, (evidence of which was admitted yesterday) Trump ADMITTED paying her off, while denying that sex happened. And, BTW: it doesn’t matter whether sex did or didin’t happen–the issue is the payoff and the intent to influence the election.

          2. And let’s not forget that trump is god and therefore cannot lie.
            Sheesh, trump has been involved in more lawsuits than about anybody in history. Why would such a pure wonderful person be in court so much?

    2. Thing about trump’s payoff of Ms. Ciifford is that it exceeded campaign contribution max donation level. Thereby making it election interference.
      Even the Democrat National Committee operative like DeAngelo, the number 3 man at the DOJ, the man Obama hooked up with the NY DA to persecute Trump in this trial, could not invent evidence the way Jack Smith does, would attempt to take such a charge in front of the Grand Jury, seeking an indictment.

      What the Prosecution has charged is an alleged crime of falsifying accounting records. That’s a misdemeanor
      For that “crime”, we are 15 witnesses into the trial, have seen 120 pieces of evidence, and not a single thing has advanced the case.
      The FEC investigated and declined to find any action to civilly sanction the Trump Campaign. The DoJ investigated and declined to take any evidence to a grand jury, seeking criminal charges.
      New York Election statutes only apply to persons running for State or Local positions.

      1. Trump will be a convicted felon within 30 days. And his felonies will include election interference.

        1. I suspect that even a New York jury will refuse to convict Trump on these absurd charges.

          1. Go ahead, hang your hopes on a convicted fraudster and sexual abuser. trump will never win an election again, except perhaps chief pussy inspector. Now that is a possibility.

            Repos will lose the election big time come November because the world is done with his antics. Get a new horse to ride.

        2. Anon On appeals any guilty verdict would dissipate quicker – faster than flatulations in a derecho. You still don’t understand why DT is a bitter and angry person? Well let me apprise you. Since the day DT became the Repub Candidate and down until this date 05-10-2024 he has been pursued by the Dems who said they would remove him. All you dratsab Dems go back and read Prof Turley’s posting of todate. Hillary, DNC, lied and connived criminally in 2016. I will allege that obama, J Biden, CIA, DOJ, AG, FBI, NSA, NIA, all collaborated and committed treason using Fed Gov’t weapons to remove DT. I will also allege that Dems will attempt assassination attempt on DT. And then they will lie and crawfish backwards they no they were never involved in such. DT will win 2024 election, Dems will not accept such, and Chaos and Un-Civil W II will be incurred.
          One additional note to all/ Do you believe that when Hillary’s personal server was given to her attorneys, and then later sent to the Colorado Co., that those people including attorneys, were vetted and cleared to the point of being in position to hold Classified Records of which they were then holding? Hell no. That was criminal.

  2. I often wonder how much $$$$ the Clinton’s have aquired through their foundation, and if they will possibly break into the 800+ member of billionaires in America.

    1. Except that HRC wasn’t “scorned”–she WON the popular vote. Trump cheated to get the Electoral College vote. Check out the Republican Intelligence Committee Report that confirms this.

  3. I watched Joe Biden morph into Hillary Clinton on CNN. He actually said that inflation was 9% when he came into office when it was actually 1.5 %. He was right about one thing. He said people are spending more money. He just left out the part about spending more for the same amount of groceries and Gas. Think about it America. What if this guy really believes what he is saying? What do we call someone who has suffered a departure from reality? Apparently it’s contagious and he picked it up from Hillary. He should have been wearing a mask to protect himself long before the advent of COVID.

    1. What is even more amazing is that Erin Burnett didn’t push back on that claim and that the CNN and WAPO “fact checkers” never commented on it. Saying that inflation was at 9% in Jan 2021 when it was actually 1.4% and didn’t reach 9% until mid 2022 is one of the most brazen lies of all time. The only reason that it could possibly called not a lie is that the brain dead moron Biden might not even know what he was saying. “Remember Jerry, it’s not a lie if you believe it”. George Costanza to Seinfeld.

      1. What is even more amazing is that Erin Burnett didn’t push back on that claim

        Thats the MO, Dems are given the 7 to 10 minutes of oration time. Responding to scripted questions handed to the talking heads, and they, like a well trained dog, just sit and stare at their master.

      2. HullBobby,
        “Remember Jerry, it’s not a lie if you believe it”. George Costanza to Seinfeld.
        And there are millions of TDS patients who believe exactly that.

  4. Prof Turley forgot to mention that in 1992 Hillary participated in a campaign to silence women who could have related tales of sexual abuse by her husband. Maybe voters would have that information.

  5. Hillary Clinton is one of the most self serving persons in all of history. She raged about her support for women when they had been abused but then she called the women who were abused by her husband a bimbo eruption. The only bimbo eruption that she reminds me of is the eruption of a badly infected pimple. Every time she speaks the oozing festering pimple comes back.

  6. Well, at least it brought out the Clinton haters out. It never gets old beating the Clinton piñata. In the meantime … Trump has decimated the Republican Party. Facts are facts. They’ve been losing just about everything since his win in 2016.

    1. Well Anonymous, we shall see in November how much Trump has hurt his party vs how much Biden has hurt his. Ask Joe Manchin, Jon Testa and Sherod Brown what they think.

      1. HullBobby,
        What the Democrats have lost is the Hispanic vote, losing the Black vote, the Independents vote, and now possibly the Jewish vote.
        Who are Biden’s biggest supporters? Russia, China, Iran, Hamas, the Hothis, the drug cartels, and millions of illegal aliens.

    2. They have been doing it intentionally, McConnell gets more graf when he is the minority leader. dem and GOP are nothing more than 2 sides of the same coin called the uniparty. It’s about them,,, it hasn’t been about us since Reagan.

  7. Turley said: “She appears now to have lost even the capacity for shame.”

    Demonstrably false premise. What evidence of any kind exists to even suggest that this amoral, vicious, predatory beech ever possessed even the tiniest vestige of shame?

    1. Now, now, she was once a small child – and they usually, back in those days, had at least some capacity for shame. Clearly she has lost it since, but I’m sure it was there once – we’re born with it, and don’t get rid of it without lots of corrupt effort.

  8. Even though being a conservative, I thought Hilary Clinton was a good senator when she started in the US senate. She was more liberal than I but she was not outrageous and I disagreed often with her but nothing big. I was even sympathetic in 2008 when she ran for president because I thought she and Bill Clinton were abandoned by so many in the Democratic Party who owed almost every office and their careers to the nurturing by Bill and Hillary. I was not going to vote for her but I sort of agreed with her dismay at how quickly her friends and democratic supporters ran from them both in the stampede to Obama. After that she seemed to actually go off the rails and lost all credibility to me. 2016 just seemed to cement that assesment.
    Trump has a big mouth and it runs all the time and sometimes it generates great policy and sometimes he should say nothing at all. Hillary, on the other hand , speaks little but her voice now is beyond spitefullness and disappointment and is full of hate and venom. Al Gore is just stupid and John Kerry is a lightweight intellectually but his lack of thought and intelligence has the capacity for causing much harm to the country. But Hillary is a whole ‘nother matter. The venom she spews is definitely not self awareness but seems calculated to cause the greatest harm to everyone. More and more she seems like a parody of evil incarnate.
    At least, as reported in the news, she has nothing but hate in her heart. Disconcerting, but something seems to be consuming her. At times you can almost see Cato in the senatorial chambers spewing his hate and venom towards Julius Caesar. He eventually had to fall on his sword.

    1. GEB said: “…something seems to be consuming her.”

      Nothing is consuming her but her own virulence, probably because she has been deprived of the ability to infect most of the rest of us. To me, your former sympathetic attitude towards her speaks only to gullibility on your part. Adult humans rarely, if ever, change their essential character traits, they just find, or are forced into, alternative ways of expressing them.

  9. She is one of the most despicable, hated, power hungry, pathologically lying, arrogant, pompous leftist hypocrites who has ever walked this planet. Hell has her seat reserved.

  10. She knows how the game is played. She knows she’s a sack of contradictions among other things. The goal for her was POTUS right out of the gate, and damn the torpedoes. Dealing with her husband’s intransigence was merely the cost of doing business. Those who continue to trust her sail in a ship of fools with her at the wheel.

  11. I heard Clinton’s wife interviewed on CNN or MSNBC yesterday. She was laying it on thick. spouting long ago exposed lies, and lying by omission, when long ago facts, proving her spewing monologue, was all lies. I did not recognize the voice. But then it was revealed to be Clinton’s wife, I almost drove off the road.
    Her comments mirrored those from the most uniformed grade schoolers.
    Shameless, that single word, so perfectly describes the leftists media. Because the host, was mute. Not a single followup question. I’ve seen videos where two people discuss a video. I would love to see a conservative sit down with any leftist and discuss this Clinton video.

    1. American history is full of nutcases who base their understanding of science and human behavior from what people in the Bronze Age thought.

  12. Donald Trump, if he accomplished nothing else in his life, has destroyed the mind and life of Hillary Clinton and we can all thank him for that. Her entire life was upended by Trump. Her last years as a politician were shut down by the man she now cannot stop lying about. Now she is accusing Trump of what she did in 2015 on. She had the Trump dossier paid for by listing the cost as “legal fees” to a British spy and it was used by the US Government to take down a sitting president after it failed to prevent his election.

      1. Anonymous said: “You forgot the bit of how he has destroyed the Republican Party.”

        I don’t like Trump. But what he actually accomplished was to create a schism between the poser majority of the Republican Party that was only too happy to game the people into thinking it actually opposed the corporatist, deep state, agenda, while surrepticiously colluding with the Demcrats to rob and enslave those people,and those who want to preserve the individual liberties and restraints on government power that the Founders intended to enshrine. If that is “destroying the Republican Party”, we need much more of it, and an equivalent dynamic applied to the Democrats.

        1. Number 6,
          Well said.
          I have said in the past, for either or any party, when the party no longer represents it’s voters, or abuses them the way the Democrat party has done to the Black community, it is the voters right to leave the party or vote for someone who will represent them.

        2. Number6-I agree. I think that is why Trump is so hated. He exposed the morass of corruption in the Republican Party that seemed only to reflect the presidential candidate of the time but otherwise was adrift when they did not control the presidency. The democrats also. But he did not just expose, he made biting comments and fun of those same people. They are stuffed with their own importance and he sort of cut them all down to normal size, like everyone else. That they will never forgive.

      2. I would say the party destroyed itself. President Trump just exposed them for what they are.

        1. All those populist whiner and complainer Democrats who supported George Wallace started switching parties in the 1960s. The Moral Majority hastened more to switch. Trump completed it. Now, the Republican base are ne’er-do-well losers who can barely form sentences and orgasm at every lie Trump tells. Us small-government, pro-military, affluent, educated white people are without a party.

    1. Hilary is just Mark Felt in a Moo Moo. Deep Throat took down Nixon and Moo Moo tried to take down Trump.

      Hey Hilary, in 2008 you lost, in 2016 you lost and today you are lost.

  13. what good is there in rehashing the fact that she and most other dems are scum who will lie as needed – (the ends justify their ends). talking about this does nothing to remove their cancer on our nation. Education of the citizen is needed, we, here, know enough but the average voter needs to read this and they won’t. Tired of rehashing the litany of villainy of the prog/left as it achieves nothing. If Turley could impart this info in a manner that the average person could comprehend… that would help but it won’t happen.

  14. So, Hillary Clinton is a hypocrite, I’m shocked, shocked I say.

    Hypocrisy is the left’s middle name and it seems to be an underlying unspoken tactic. Here’s an example where an insignificant thoroughly woke leftist blogger posts a blog titled “Stormy Daniels Political Cartoons About Sex With Donald Trump (Yuck)” where the blogger boldly states “yuck” for all to see as if the cartoons are morally reprehensible in his eyes and then he turns around and immediately plasters the “yuck” cartoons all over his blog. I pointed out his hypocrisy in a comment I submitted, but he’s a coward and won’t post comments that stringently disagree with his points of view.

    The left really doesn’t have a clue what hypocrisy is, if some of them do they blindly ignore it when it comes to themself and the political left? I suppose they think it’s acceptable to flush their ethics and morals down the porcelain God as long as they can smear Trump and/or the political right in the process. This is what moral bankruptcy looks like.

    1. You think you’re the “political” right? Ha ha ha ha ha. Hardly. You supported debt spending $8 trillion… during an economic upturn! That’s the very definition of left wing in America. You’re a 1970s style Democrat who switched parties to follow the whining and complaining of the do-nothing Donald Trump.

      1. Anonymous wrote, “You think you’re the “political” right?”

        Nope, I’m a moderate independent that leans a bit right.

        Anonymous wrote, “You supported debt spending $8 trillion… during an economic upturn!”

        I did absolutely nothing of the sort.

        Anonymous wrote, “That’s the very definition of left wing in America.”

        You can define left wing America any way you like but don’t include me in it.

        Anonymous wrote, “You’re a 1970s style Democrat who switched parties to follow the whining and complaining of the do-nothing Donald Trump.”

        Again; I’m a moderate independent that leans right and for your information I have never voted for Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton or Joe Biden because I don’t think any of them are fit for office.

        Now Anonymous the troll, stop making up bald-faced LIES about me and go crawl back under your rock – what a fool.

  15. Hillary Clinton demonstrates again, that no matter what other tumult the world may be experiencing, the very best outcome for mankind was her loss in the 2016 election.

    1. Ex Dem,
      Well said.
      I did not vote for Trump, but we really dodged a bullet when he won.

      1. Trumpsters are all ex-Dems, which is why they loved his debt spending of $8 trillion. Real conservatives have been called RINOs and kicked out of the party. We’re not willing to look the other way while Trump lies his way through business and politics.

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