Garland’s Ultimate Test of Principle: Will DOJ Send the Hunter Biden Perjury Allegations to a Grand Jury?

Attorney General Merrick Garland has long maintained that he is a completely apolitical figure who only follows the law. Critics have challenged that claim on key cases, including those related to Hunter Biden. However, Garland may now face one of the clearest tests of his claim in his tenure. The House committees have issued a public report alleging three different instances where Hunter Biden allegedly committed perjury. The question is now what Garland is prepared to do about it.

When Hunter testified, I wrote columns suggesting that he might take the Fifth Amendment to remain silent because the risk was too great that he might lie or mislead investigators in his answers. With months of preparation, he decided to run the gauntlet and now appears to have exposed himself to the possibility of additional criminal charges.

Hunter Biden has still not responded to the specific allegations, but on their face they appear strong. Notably, the Justice Department spent considerable time and money to pursue false statements against figures like Michael Flynn over just one statement describing a meeting with Russian diplomats. These are instances where Hunter was under oath, prepared for months, and had counsel present.

One of the instances concerns the controversial WhatsApp message where Hunter not only threatened a Chinese businessman to send him massive amounts of money but said that his father was sitting next to him at the time. Millions were later sent to the Bidens. The infamous WhatsApp message stated in part:

“I am sitting here with my father and we would like to understand why the commitment made has not been fulfilled. Tell the director that I would like to resolve this now before it gets out of hand, and now means tonight. And, Z, if I get a call or text from anyone involved in this other than you, Zhang, or the chairman, I will make certain that between the man sitting next to me and every person he knows and my ability to forever hold a grudge that you will regret not following my direction. I am sitting here waiting for the call with my father.”

The response of Hunter to questions about the message was curious and evasive. Hunter said that he had only two things to say about that message. He denied that his father was sitting next to him despite saying that he had no memory of sending the message.  Second, and most importantly, he stated “the Zhao that this is sent to is not the Zhao connected to CEFC” who “had no understanding or even remotely knew what the hell I was even Goddamn talking about.”

The Committee staff maintains that Biden’s WhatsApp account shows that he only ever communicated with one Zhao – Raymond Zhao – and that he most certainly did not know what he was “talking about.”

Another alleged lie was Hunter’s denial that he ever helped people associated with Burisma secure visas. He told Congress that he was unwilling to provide “any work as it related to visas that they needed” and that he would “never pick up the phone and call anybody for a visa.” The Committee has produced an email in which Hunter’s associate Devon Archer references the revoking of Burisma CEO Nikolay Zlochevsky’s visa. It states that “Hunter is checking with Miguel Aleman to see if he can provide cover to Kola on the visa…Please send Hunter an email with all Kola’s passport and visa documents and evidence and copy me. We’ll take it from there.”

Hunter also swore that he had no part in shell companies that received foreign payments. Yet, Archer testified that he and Hunter had an equal stake in Rosemont Seneca Bohai and the Committee has evidence from the IRS whistleblowers showing that Hunter received benefits as owner of the entity’s associated bank account.

The most damning evidence may be a document reading “I, Robert Hunter Biden, hereby certify that I am the duly elected, qualified and acting Secretary of Rosemont Seneca Bohai, LLC.” He used that document as part of his contract with Porsche Financial Services for a sports car.

Those would seem pretty clear and well-founded allegations for a referral to the Justice Department. After fast-tracking false statement claims against Trump officials, the question is whether Garland will even submit the matter to a grand jury. He could also give the matter to the Special Counsel prosecuting Hunter.

Ordinarily, a prosecutor pursuing a defendant in two different felony cases would jump at any alleged illegality. You would not want to stand between him and a grand jury. However, Special Counsel David Weiss has been accused of minimizing charges against the President’s son and attempting to push through a notorious sweetheart deal that collapsed in court.

Now Garland faces an unavoidable choice in treating this referral as he did Trump cases (in sending this to a grand jury) or scuttling alleged perjury made by the son of the President before Congress. It is far less challenging legally than it is politically for Merrick Garland.

If the rule of law still governs at the Justice Department, Hunter Biden could be facing a third front in his ongoing legal struggles.

182 thoughts on “Garland’s Ultimate Test of Principle: Will DOJ Send the Hunter Biden Perjury Allegations to a Grand Jury?”

  1. Saying puppet Garland isn’t tainted is like saying Hunter still sings in the Choir 😉

    Both concepts are patently false to all except the hopelessly compromised (admittedly almost the entirety of the Biden Administration and those who still call themselves Democrats )

  2. Justice for J6ers! Most have no idea what Biden’s lawless, partisan DOJ/FBI continues doing – to this day. It should sicken and enrage every citizen.

    “Two more J6 clients in the past 48 hours.

    One is woman who was interviewed nearly 30 months ago by the FBI. They had video of her inside the Capitol that they showed her. They claim she was inside for about 18 minutes.

    Just recently she was contacted by the FBI out of the blue. Then an agent visited her at her house and told her there was a warrant for her arrest. She was given instructions to go to the nearby FBI Office on a specific date and time. If she failed to do so, they would come to her house and arrest her.

    She showed up on the given date 30 minutes early. She was then taken inside and booked — photographed and fingerprinted. Then put her in cuffs and transported to the federal courthouse. She was transferred to the US Marshals. She was placed in leg shackles and her handcuffs were attached to a chain around her waist. She waited in a holding cell with dangerous individuals all waiting for their arraignment.

    Her appearance took less than 10 minutes. The Marshals then took all the cuffs and shackles off of her. They gave her back her silver Cross necklace and the decorative pins that were in her hair. They told her she could leave.

    All of this for 4 misdemeanors — nearly 30 months after the first spoke with her.

    This is humiliation for the sake of humiliation. It is public shaming by choice because DOJ did not operate this way before for misdemeanors involving first time offenders.

    The DOJ PROSECUTORS ask for warrants, and the warrants require an arrest. Everything after that is just process.

    But this was NEVER a process used in misdemeanor cases.

    This kind of process — particularly for the all-misdemeanor cases — should have been curtailed long ago. Now the DOJ is just shoving as many cases into the pipeline as it can ahead of Nov. They are dragging people like my new client through the humiliation because ….


    THAT calls for punishment.

    This work is going to continue at least to Nov. 5. The DOJ is not slowing down — just the opposite. My phone rings now more often that it ever has.

    5:55 PM · May 24, 2024.”

  3. I thank the Good Lord, and DJT, that garland is not a supreme. Unprincipled would be a better description.

  4. When, as and if Donald Trump is inaugurated on Jan. 20, 2025, Hunter’s life is ‘toast’ – few will mourn.

  5. Who feeds Turley’s hired trolls when he’s away on these long holiday weekends? Or does the Professor just leave a big bowl of Purina Troll Chow next to the refrigerator?

  6. It appears the employer of the trolls, Media Matters, headed by David Brock sycophant, Angelo Carusone, has laid off his Left wing trolls and managers. This likely explains why they have descended this forum with behaviors typically associated with crystal meth users, including one troll pretending to have conversations with other anonymous trolls, all one and the same troll. The post meth crash is brutal 🤣


    Media Matters hit with sweeping layoffs after defamation suit by Elon Musk, federal probes

    Liberal watchdog Media Matters fired at least a dozen staffers Thursday — and management and some of the laid-off journalists blamed X owner Elon Musk for the cuts. The billionaire mogul sued the Washington, DC-based nonprofit organization for defamation last November, accusing the company of manufacturing images showing advertisements from major companies alongside posts made by white supremacists and neo-Nazis.

    The lawsuit led to federal probes by Republican Attorneys General Ken Paxton of Texas and Andrew Bailey of Missouri into the outlet for possible fraudulent activity by allegedly manipulating data on the site formerly known as Twitter

    Media Matters did not immediately return requests for comment but its president Angelo Carusone released a statement on Thursday regarding the layoffs.

    “We’re confronting a legal assault on multiple fronts and given how rapidly the media landscape is shifting, we need to be extremely intentional about how we allocate resources in order to stay effective,” Carusone said.

        1. When meth wont do crack works just dandy

          – A paid Turley Troll now that I am sober

    1. Spot on!!! The Biden advocates have aligned with the walking dead and they feed on the same garbage and then spew it out. They are mindless, depraved, and those are about the kindest two descriptors that one could apply before the descriptions foment and move closer to the truth… The lot of them that have broken the law will have the law applied to them in similar fashion soon and we may have to carve out a whole section of the Arizona/Nevada desert to make their home… which is the hell to which they are presently aligned. 😉

  7. “Comer criticizes ‘repeat offenders of breaking decorum’ during Congressional hearings”

    LOL — Anyone who thinks offenders were “breaking decorum” in that House hearing has never visited Turley’s Toxic Troll-infested comment section, where Turley’s hired trolls spew venom and sling mud all day every day in the name of Turley’s perverse definition of “free speech.”

  8. More documents just revealed about Fake President Joetard’s secret dealings with China:

    “Exclusive: Feds secretly knew for years Joe Biden met with son’s Chinese partners on official trip”

    Another lawmaker who launched one of the earliest investigations of the Biden family’s business dealings said the new evidence was shocking for another reason: it divulges how much government agencies knew about the Biden family’s various foreign business exploits long before they became a controversy during the 2020 presidential election.

    “I was always suspicious that the FBI, the Department of Justice had walled Hunter Biden off of that Indian fraud prosecution to protect him and protect Joe Biden,” Sen. Ron Johnson, R-Wis., told Just the News on Thursday. “I think that was maybe the first sign of corruption way back in 2013.”

    “The FBI apparently had some, at least reasonably incriminating or suspicious evidence against Hunter, and they buried it, and they’ve kept it buried until just was revealed right now,” he added.

      1. … same as Turley and his hired trolls didn’t care about Michael Avenatti being a soon-to-be-convicted multiple felon back when the Professor was teamed up with Avenatti to bash Trump.

      2. Accuse the other side of what you yourself are doing is an old Marxist ploy.

        By the way, do you get paid a flat fee for each post with a bonus for how many replies you get? If so, my reply has just earned you a nickel.

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