Sarah Palin Announces Her Intention to Sue to Block Protections of Endangered Whales

225px-palin1belugawhale_mmcAlaska Governor Sarah Palin is going to court to block protections for the diminishing population of Cook Inlet beluga whales off of her state. In an announcement from her office, Palin has again taken the lead in attacks on environmental protection policies.

There are fewer than 400 of the whales left in the inlet but Palin wants to delay any additional efforts to save them. Critics accuse her of caving into fishing and other business interests in an effort to let the whales disappear to make any restrictions unnecessary.

The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) listed these whales as endangered last year, warning The recovery of the Cook Inlet whales is potentially hindered by strandings; continued development within and along upper Cook Inlet and the cumulative effects on important beluga habitat; oil and gas exploration, development, and production; industrial activities that discharge or accidentally spill pollutants; disease; and predation by killer whales.”. NOAA observed that “The Cook Inlet beluga population declined nearly 50 percent between 1994 and 1998 . . . the Cook Inlet beluga population [was] at 375 for both 2007 and 2008. Estimates have varied from a high of 653 belugas in 1994 to a low of 278 belugas in 2005.”

Palin has long been viewed as one of the most hostile politicians to the environment in the country. As she continues to court the hard-right for her next run, it appears that her antagonism toward the environment will remain a central part of that appeal.

For the full story, click here.

16 thoughts on “Sarah Palin Announces Her Intention to Sue to Block Protections of Endangered Whales”

  1. Good ole’ Sarah. She still manages to be horrible. I would certainly like to see her run for president in four years, just for the amusement factor alone. She won’t make it – but it will be a funny ride.

  2. Well, right about that time people, A fur-trapper (who was strictly from commercial)

    Had the unmitigated audacity to jump up from behind my igloo

    And he started into whippin’ on my favorite baby seal

    With a lead-filled snowshoe

    I said, with a
    With a lead filled snowshoe
    He said, “Peekaboo”
    I said, with a
    With a lead filled snowshoe
    He said, “Peekaboo”
    He went right upside the head of my favorite baby seal
    he went “whap” with a lead-filled snowshoe, and
    he hit him on the nose and hit him on the fin, and he
    that got me just about as evil as an eskimo boy can be.

  3. Jeez, the poor people of Emmonak, Alaska just about starving and Palin is actively gunning for WHALES and POLAR BEARS! Well, she HAS her priorities, doesn´t she?

    Hey, Sarah, can you see Bristol Bay from your house?????????

  4. Will she(Sarah Palin)ever go away? Sounds like she is extending state help for corporate greed.

  5. Buddha:

    I think we’ve solved the neocon problem. We just need more billboards!

  6. mespo,

    Where do I send you a check or money order? There’s a Dallas neighborhood and a Dubai neighborhood that both need billboards. While were at it, there are 3 buildings in D.C. and one in Langley that need this treatment too.

  7. You are all being too hard on poor ol’ cousin Sarah. Sarah knows best. She is, after all a beluga whale authority, because she can see them from her house in Wasilla! I am thinking of raising funds to erect a billboard across from her residence with the Constitution plastered all over it, so she can become an authority on that too. Isn’t that how all Constitutional Law professors get started?

  8. Sally

    I found this in the linked artcle (Fore Change):

    >Among other reasons, Palin argues that protecting the Cook Inlet >belugas would limit development of the city of Anchorage, which is >on the Cook Inlet.

    I don’t know if this a real concern or a red herring, but what the article stated.

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