Collared: Catholic Priest Arrested Shoplifting Butter and a Sofa Cover

In West City, Illinois, police were a bit surprised when they arrested a shoplifter at Wal-Mart. It was not the fact that he had curiously chosen butter and a sofa cover (or the stolen computer power pack they found later). It was the fact that Steven Poole is the Rev. Steven Poole of St. Andrew’s Catholic Church in Christopher and St. Mary’s Catholic Church in Sesser, Illinois.

Father Poole is now charged with with two felony theft counts. The butter cost $3.22 and the sofa cover was $60.

He is not the first man of the cloth to be caught in the act of theft or worse recently, here and here and here.

Of course, he may be just following the sermon of Father Jones in England, here.

For the full story, click here

Kudos: Reddit

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