Party Poop Governator Bans Use of Welfare Cards at Psychics, Medical Marijuana Shops, Bingo Halls, Cruise Ships, and Tattoo Parlors

 The title of this post just about says it all. Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger of Caleeforneea, no economic girlie man for sure, has decided to get tough and restrict the use of state-issued debit cards at businesses whose services have been deemed “inconsistent with the intent” of the program.  

Sheesh! This guy’s no fun at all since he became a politician. Hey, Arnold, that’s no way to make my day! The Terminator won’t be B-A-C-K this time. He can’t muscle his way around term limits.


– Elaine Magliaro, Guest Blogger

3 thoughts on “Party Poop Governator Bans Use of Welfare Cards at Psychics, Medical Marijuana Shops, Bingo Halls, Cruise Ships, and Tattoo Parlors”

  1. carol,

    Spot on. This is just the Guvenator flapping his lips. He can’t return to making poorly acted action or light comedy films again soon enough. I’ll concede he’s been better for California than that tool Davis, but when you’re comparing which is the bigger cockroach that just rushed out from under the beach blankets, they’re still both cockroaches.

  2. Big deal. This just makes the trip to casinos, the tattoo parlor, psychics, etc.,etc., just a little bit harder. People who want to do these things will go to their local convenience store, grocery store or where ever and offer the card to an unscrupulous owner who will buy the card for maybe half of the value and give the miscreant cash. It was like that with food stamps and it goes on with the cards.

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