Tea Party Founder Objects To Obama Interrupting The Apprentice For Bin Laden Announcement and Wanted Bin Laden Wrapped In Pig Fat

We have another addition to our series of American Taliban, religious and political leaders who seem to struggle to match our enemies with their own brand of religious extremism and hateful speech. A blog on People for the American Way has an astonishing quote from former prosecutor and Tea Party founder Judson Phillips. Phillips wanted to tell the world that Bin Laden was wrapped in pig fat before he was buried and then questioned whether the President waited to announce the killing during Donald Trump’s The Apprentice out of spite.

Phillips previously argued for a return to limiting voting to just property owners. However, with this response, he reached a new level of extreme and hateful rhetoric. He spends time first denying Obama credit for the operation and then says that it was a success despite his efforts. The fact is that I have always been surprised by the credit given presidents in these operations. I cannot imagine a President doing anything other than green lighting such an operation. That is precisely how I felt about Bush parading about to take credit for the “victory” in Iraq and other operations. I do not recall Phillips criticizing Bush on such occasions.

However, it is the degree to unrefined hate directed toward both Obama and Muslims that makes this statement standout — even in these extreme times. Phillips shows that unhinged extremism and religious hatred can be found in every country, including this country.

Here is his statement:

It took almost ten years, but Osama is dead. That is the good news.

The bad news is Obama is going to do what most politicians do, especially the liberal politicians. He is going to take credit for something that not only he had little to do with, but had we actually listened to him, the event never would have happened.

What should have happened, which would not happen under the Obama regime and to be fair, the Bush administration was too politically correct to do this either, but Osama’s body should have not been immediately buried. We should have told everyone that the body was wrapped in pig fat before burial.


It is not just the visceral insult. It is sending a message. Contrary to what the politically correct say, Osama does represent the mainstream of Islam. By defiling the body, we say that you are not getting your 72 virgins. This should be the policy we have with every Islamic terrorist we capture. If you die, we are going to deny you paradise. If we capture you, we are going to feed you nothing but pork until you talk.

Obama is taking credit for this. He did give the order. Did he really have a choice? If word leaked out that he had solid intelligence on where Bin Laden was and did not act, it would have killed any chance he had at reelection. Of course, he made his announcement right in the middle of Donald Trump’s “Celebrity Apprentice” show. Of course, that was just a coincidence.

40 thoughts on “Tea Party Founder Objects To Obama Interrupting <em>The Apprentice</em> For Bin Laden Announcement and Wanted Bin Laden Wrapped In Pig Fat”

  1. I love the internet, but I place part of the blame for the constantly escalating game of “look at me, I’m outrageous” on it.

    This guy is the political equivalent of that loud drunk frat boy who thinks shouting obscenities at a bar makes him look tough.

  2. Yeah cause ignoring intelligence about Osama that could have caught him prior to 9-11 totally cost Bush his victory in 04.

  3. Hard to think people like this live in the USA. If he hates it so bad he to stoop to this, why don’t he leave and take his kind with him.

  4. “I cannot imagine a President doing anything other than green lighting such an operation. That is precisely how I felt about Bush parading about to take credit for the “victory” in Iraq and other operations.”

    As an aside on the timing: Osama was killed on the 8th anniversary of Geo. B. making his “Mission Accomplished” speech on the carrier deck; May 1 2003 – May 1, 2011. Given the choice, I’d rather see this prez. in a sexy flight suit then GB but you can’t get everything you want.

  5. Elaine M,

    “Chris Matthews Smacks Down Birthers Judson Phillips (Tea Party Nation) & Sen. Steve Smith (R-AZ)”

    Considering who Tweety was smacking, it really isn’t that hard to do 😀

  6. eniobob,

    To echo SL–Isn’t it funny how the conservative media LOVED it when Bush, dressed in a green flight suit, stood on the deck of the USS Abraham Lincoln beneath a banner that read: Mission Accomplished. At least Obama’s mission WAS accomplished!

  7. We don’t need to piss off Muslims any more than we already have, so it’s a good thing ObL’s body wasn’t desecrated any more than it already was. The chicken hawks will squawk no matter what the President does, so he can ignore them on this one.

  8. eniobob,

    “Conservative Media Denounce Obama’s “Disgusting” Ground Zero Visit As A “Political Victory Lap””

    Well, if Obama has a “Mission Accomplished” banner strung up, I might take issue …

    The Rabid Right really has their knickers in a massive twist that bin Laden was killed under Obama’s watch … well, Bush COULD have had him in Tora Bora but by that point, he wasn’t thinking much about him … snooze, you lose!

  9. Conservative Media Denounce Obama’s “Disgusting” Ground Zero Visit As A “Political Victory Lap”

    Conservative media figures have criticized President Obama’s upcoming visit to Ground Zero after the killing of Osama bin Laden as a “political victory lap.” Glenn Beck called the planned trip “disgusting,” “obscene,” and “grotesque.”


  10. rafflaw,

    “This article is one more shining example why the Tea Party just can’t get over the fact that a Black guy is in the White House, and he is not part of the kitchen staff.”

    Oooooooo … good one, raff. And so true …

  11. This article is one more shining example why the Tea Party just can’t get over the fact that a Black guy is in the White House, and he is not part of the kitchen staff.

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