The Spy Who Loved Me? Morris Reportedly Protected by CIA in Hunter Biden Investigation

Recently, it became public that Kevin Morris, the entertainment lawyer who has subsidized the expenses and bought the art of Hunter Biden, had stopped his funding of Biden. Morris has paid off Hunter’s IRS debts and reportedly lent him a total of $4.9 million for housing, car payments, legal fees, and other possible costs.

The so-called “sugar bro” is “tapped out” according to media reports.  (For full disclosure, Morris previously threatened me with a defamation lawsuit over my writing about his representation of Hunter). Now the House has confirmed prior stories that whistleblower records indicate that the CIA prevented the Justice Department from questioning Kevin Morris as a witness in its probe of Hunter Biden.

Morris has maintained that he lent Hunter millions for “no ulterior motive” and continued to support him out of friendship. Yet, when investigators started to look into the payments and the relationship, they were told that Morris had some relationship with the CIA in August 2021. According to previously unreleased information, IRS special agent and current whistleblower Gary Shapley documented the bizarre intervention of the spy agency.

In a sworn affidavit in May, Shapley declared:

During a recurring prosecution team conference call in or around late August 2021, Assistant United States Attorney (AUSA) Lesley Wolf told the team that she and DOJ Tax Attorney Jack Morgan had recently returned from the Central Intelligence Agency headquarters in Langley, Virginia, where they had been summoned to discuss Kevin Morris.

AUSA Wolf stated that they were provided a classified briefing in relation to Mr. Morris and as a result we could no longer pursue him as a witness. Investigators probed AUSA Wolf, but since her briefing was classified and she was apparently sanitizing it to an unclassified form to share over an open phone line, she did not elaborate with more information. She reiterated more than once that they were summoned to the CIA in Langley concerning Mr. Morris, and that because of the information provided there, he could not be a witness for the investigation. AUSA Wolf proudly referenced a CIA mug and stated that she purchased some CIA “swag” at the gift shop while she was there.

It is unclear how the CIA became aware that Mr. Morris was a potential witness in the Hunter Biden investigation and why agents were not told about the meeting in advance or invited to participate. It is a deviation of normal investigative processes for prosecutors to exclude investigators from substantive meetings such as this.

It is a testament to the level of bias in the mainstream media that this story is not the sole focus of every media outlet in America. Imagine if the CIA intervened to stop an investigation into a donor maintaining one of the Trump children and supporting his effort to blunt any investigation into corruption. MSNBC would make it ongoing special programming with its own time slot.

This is an agency that is supposed to avoid domestic interventions into politics as well as other areas. It is accused of pulling in a prosecutor to tell her to close part of a criminal investigation involving the financial supporter of the president’s son. Even if Morris was an asset, the question is why shut down the inquiry into his payments to Hunter Biden. The work of Morris with the CIA could be protected or redacted. Instead, the line of inquiry was shut off and Wolf reportedly left Langley with CIA swag and an empty bag of evidence.



65 thoughts on “The Spy Who Loved Me? Morris Reportedly Protected by CIA in Hunter Biden Investigation”

  1. “The CIA story came from . . .” followed by a litany of smears.

    That is a typical, slimy tactic of the anti-intellectual Left. Ignore the facts. Ignore the arguments. Instead, soil the (alleged) source.

    Any person who swallows that swill deserves what he gets.

  2. “Morris Reportedly Protected by CIA in Hunter Biden Investigation”

    First, the 51 “Spies Who Lied.”

    Now this.

    I think there’s a pattern here.



    John F. Kennedy fired John Foster Dulles after the failed CIA Bay of Pigs Operation.

    John Foster Dulles and his Military/Industrial Complex Deep Deep State “Swamp” Regime assassinated John F. Kennedy.

    The now-feared John Foster Dulles manipulated the sham Warren Commission into publishing the sham Warren Report blaming Lee Harvey Oswald, the conspiracy’s naive patsy.

    “As a result of the failed invasion of Cuba, Dulles was fired by President John F. Kennedy. Watertown, New York, U.S. Washington, D.C., U.S. Dulles was a member of the Warren Commission

    that investigated the Kennedy’s assassination.”

    – Wiki

    “In a parliamentary system of government, it is I who would be leaving office, but under our system, it is you who must go.”

    – John F. Kennedy to John Foster Dulles

    1. You mean Allen Dulles, John Foster’s brother. Allen was head of the CIA, and John Foster was Secretary of State under Eisenhower.

  4. As you can clearly see on blog, the conspiracy theory hype and jumping to conclusions has already reached a fever pitch. It’s these kinds of unverified stories that start off by individuals supposedly legitimate or credible.

    Turley is simply another ‘victim’ of the ever evolving conspiracy theory rumor mill that pervades the internet. It’s easy, fast, and requires little research to just parrot a story coming from “credible” sources like Comer and Jordan who have already proven to be just a duo in an allegation factory.

    Of course nobody, at least in the Trump apologist circles will make any effort to research and/or express skepticism about this. Why not, it’s exactly the excuse to have to bash and allege the…alleged crimes that still have not been proven about Hunter Biden or president biden. The gullible and intellectually lazy will always have their preconceived notions validated by more unverified allegations and insinuations. Sigh.

    1. Hmm, All Recall how the House committee documented some $20 Million flowing into Biden family accounts, laundered through shell companies! Remind us again what Business Biden runs to EARN that!

      1. There’s no evidence of money laundering. None of the committees has provided evidence to support their allegations.

    2. The story is not unverified. It is based on an affidavit from the lead IRS agent investigating H. Biden’s tax fraud. I always wondered why on earth this total stranger to H. Biden would loan him millions of dollars or buy his amateurish paintings without any hope of being paid back. Now that the CIA connection was exposed, no more money is coming from Mr. Morris. Hmm.

    3. Why is it always, (& I mean always) a conspiracy Theory when it’s republicans with tons of evidence & whistleblower testimony, but never when it’s the Socialists/communists, going by the name of Democrats? Didn’t you see the 3 years of the Russia Russia, Russia? Or the Quid pro quo alleged in the 2nd impeachment, when it was actually Biden that did that on video. What reality are you living in? Wow!

  5. But Hunter is the ‘smartest man’ Joe Biden knows, so it should be fine.
    At least he’s not one of those ‘erectionists’ his father recently spoke against.
    Oh wait… I saw some of those photos from his laptop… Nevermind.

  6. Having been a Special Agent in the Criminal Investigation Division of the IRS I find several things strange.

    Special Agents conduct these investigations with the support of Grand Juries and Asst. U.S. Attorneys. It’s unheard of for the attorneys to attend meetings without the Agents.

    It’s interesting that the CIA summoned the Assistants assigned to the investigation were summoned and not at least a supervisor if not the U.S. Attorney himself.

    The CIA has zero authority to order the U.S. Attorney to do anything. At best they can make a request but that request but whether or how to honor that request would be debated by the entire team and certainly supervisors.

    Whose money did Mr. Morris use to support Hunter? Was it his own or the CIA’s?

    Perhaps the CIA wouldn’t want Mr. Morris cross examined and secrets exposed, but why not be able to talk to him at all? Certainly some accommodation could have been reached short of him being put on the witness stand and subjected to an interrogation by defense lawyers.

    1. “Whose money did Mr. Morris use to support Hunter? Was it his own or the CIA’s? Black budget”

      – Ken Larsen

      “Black budget”

      “A black budget or covert appropriation is a government budget that is allocated for classified or other secret operations of a state. The black budget is an account expenses and spending related to military research and covert operations. The black budget is mostly classified because of security reasons.”

      “A black budget can be complicated to calculate, but in the United States it has been estimated to be over US$50 billion a year, taking up approximately 7 percent of the US$700 billion military budget.”[1]

      – Wiki

      The “Deep Deep State “Swamp” Regime’s budget is classified and secret, so the Deep Deep State “Swamp” Regime is going to tell us what its classified and secret budget is.

      Doublespeak much? 

      “We’ll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false.”

      – William Casey, CIA Director 1981-1987

  7. Reminds me of my cousin who asked me, “Should I give money to Jim Bakker?” (The televangelist). Completely clueless.

  8. “The name is Biden, Hunter Biden”. The spy who loved me, shaken and stirred. Reality is always more difficult to understand than fiction.

  9. it’s pretty clear that Leslie Wolf made up this unverifiable story about the CIA and waved around her mug to save her dear friends the Bidens

    depose her again and no more of this “I can’t comment” BS

    1. Anonymous said: “it’s pretty clear that Leslie Wolf made up this unverifiable story about the CIA and waved around her mug to save her dear friends the Bidens”

      What evidence makes that “pretty clear” to you? The claimed conduct is 100% consistent with the known slimy, despicable, unconstitutional, behavior that has typified the CIA for its entire existence.

    1. That would certainly go far to explain how a dug addict who had been kicked out of the U.S. Navy Reserve could land high paying BoD position with a foreign company domiciled in a location of strategic operational importance to the CIA.

  10. These kinds of stories show a different kind of problem in today’s media. Both right-leaning and left-leaning media. They don’t verify the source anymore. A few journalists still do. But the majority essentially just copy and paste the story and spread it along. Because it is assumed the story has been verified or corroborated.

    The source of the story comes from one guy Micheal Benz. He’s often the source congressional committees like those of Jordan and Comer often rely to spread allegations. They cite a “reputable” source and with the gravitas of a congressman it then must be true. But ironically since most conservatives and Trump supporters who are always skeptical of anything coming from government take these allegations as gospel and run with it. It’s cognitive dissonance at the group think level.

    We all know about the Alexander Smirnov’s disaster. This is just one more just waiting to collapse after the rumors have gone wild over a period of time. That’s the point. To let the rumors fester and let it create its own reality. So when those who deny such events happen are left struggling against a massive reality that has no basis in fact and the only place it can be debunked is in court where all the facts come out.

    1. the Smirnov arrest just showed how corrupt the FBI has become under Biden

      no one is fooled

  11. After reading this column I remained skeptical of the claims. So, I did some research. Since the professor did not provide the real source of the allegations I had to do some digging. It didn’t take long.

    Of course such a story would spread like wildfire in the conservative media bubble just like the Bribery claims against president Joe Biden. What is surprising is how easy Turley and other conservative media personalities bought into this without ever questioning it. That itself says a lot about how right leaning journalism simply accepts what it’s told without verifying the source as any reputable journalist would do.

    The CIA story came from an organization called the Foundation for Freedom Online. It posted the story on X a while ago and as usual conservative media took it and just ran with it, fueling wild speculation and of course…conspiracy theories exploded. So…what is the Foundation for Freedom Online? It’s a little outfit created by Michael Benz, a former Trump State Department official whose work has been cited in congressional hearings and promoted by Elon Musk, has become a go-to voice for Republican criticism of government and social media censorship in the past year.

    Here’s the interesting part. In the article I found,

    Michael Benz was a right wing conspiracy theorist who often hid his identity and spread racist conspiracy theories and spread them among white supremacists sites. Theories liek the great replacement theory and such.

    “ But before his stints in government and as a pundit, Benz appears to have been a pseudonymous alt-right content creator who courted and interacted with white nationalists and posted videos espousing racist conspiracy theories, according to recordings, livestreams and blog posts reviewed by NBC News. The pseudonym, Frame Game, posted videos and participated in podcasts and livestreams during the rise of the alt-right following Donald Trump’s election. Frame Game avoided showing his face in his videos or appearances, during which he pushed a variety of far-right narratives including the “Great Replacement Theory” that posits the white race is being eradicated in America for politics and profits. In others, Frame Game said he was a white identitarian, railed against the idea of diversity and made montages urging white viewers to unite under the banner of race.

    In interviews with white nationalists, Frame Game blamed Jews for “controlling the media” and for the decline of the white race. “If you were to remove the Jewish influence on the West,” he said in one video, “white people would not face the threat of white genocide that they currently do.”

    Frame Game stopped posting in 2018. A review of his content revealed various details that match Benz’s appearance and life story. Benz, in his public posts and appearances, has not espoused the same racist views as Frame Game.

    Frame Game went to some lengths to conceal his identity but inadvertent slips during several livestreams — in which he would often visit webpages and toggle between browser tabs — betrayed his anonymity. In one video, Frame Game brought up a website that automatically pulled a Facebook profile picture into its comments section. The picture appeared to be Benz with his then wife.”

    He later admitted he was Frame Game.

    Once you get the source of the story and who is promoting it in Congress, James Comer, Jim Jordan, and of course, the “whistleblower” Shapley who is already compromised as unreliable. This story has all the hallmarks of a conspiracy theory. Turley cannot say for certain if the story is true and he has to say they are mere allegations, but that never stopped him from using allegations to insinuate that they are true. Comer and Jordan have been making a lot of allegations and insinuations without providing proof to support their insinuations. We all know how that turns out, when it’s time to show evidence they don’t have it.

    It seems professor Turley and the rest of the conservative media didn’t learn their lesson from the Alexander Smirnov disaster. Michael Benz, a former Trump state department official whose previous endeavors were peddling conspiracy theories in white supremacists circles and hiding his identity to protect his current credibility as a “serious” source quickly falls apart with a little research.

    This is the same BS that caught the attention of conservative media regarding SWAT teams poised to use deadly force at Mar-a-Lago. Pundits and News organizations latched on to that story and ran with it without verifying the source.

    These kinds of “stories” are going to pop up more often and earn “legitimacy” because a government official said it, how ironic, that it must be true. Deep state anyone? LOL!

    Turley did his lazy due diligence and just accepted the story enough to peddle it so his readers could go wild with the conspiracy theories and more rumor mongering to sow doubt about the Hunter Biden “scandal”. Turley is enabling the thing he loves to loath. Advocacy journalism or tabloid worthy garbage. Because it gets the most traffic and attention for its sensationalistic qualities.

    1. lol no one can be this dumb

      the source is a sworn affidavit from Shapley, not the nonsense you spouted

      1. @anonynous,

        Shapley got his story from Benz. The sworn testimony is pointless since it was Benz who first “broke” the story. You do know that people have lied under sworn testimonies. Smirnov did. Remember?

    2. You lost me at “rascist.” It’s what the left calls anyone or anything they don’t agree with.

  12. Lot of Cover-Up the Cover-Ups going around.

    Watching the dirty deeds of Hunter Biden and Michael Cohen is like the Battle-of-the-Liars, a bunch of Liars

    And it seems to point to the CIA & DNI in both cases, when you total up the historical timeline (Facts of say when then-Senator Biden took Chairmanship of the Senate’s Foreign Relations Committee until now)

    Hunter’s lack of a FISA Clearance, etc…, Cohen’s navigating to “Get Trump”, takes ‘inside intel’ to operate.
    It’s undeniable that Hunter had the intelligence “Connections”, Like when riding on Airforce One, He learned that Volodymyr Zelenskyy was the puppet being deployed in the Ukraine operations to foil Russian Gazprom (PAO) operations to Europe. (Langley miscalculated that one, didn’t they).

    Joe Biden’s little-sh*t Hunter was looking for more than a 10% cut – greedy little basta*d, want his Cake and eat it to. He kind of reminded me of Hillary.

    And what about Frm. CIA John Brennan and Frm. DNI James Clapper, Frm ADAG DOJ Tashina Gauhar, … Cover up the cover ups
    My-Oh-My what a tangled web we weave …


    Hunter Biden: The struggles and scandals of the US president’s son
    By Sam Cabral -BBC News, Washington ~ December 7th, 2023

    … Skip to: …

    Mixing family and business
    Getty Images Hunter and Joe Biden, and Barack Obama at a college basketball game in 2010Getty Images
    Hunter laughs with Joe Biden and Barack Obama in 2010

    After graduating from Yale, Hunter worked at MBNA America, a bank holding company headquartered in Delaware and later acquired by Bank of America.

    Joe Biden’s close ties to the bank – one of the largest employers in Delaware and a top contributor to his political campaigns – earned him the unfavourable moniker of “the senator from MBNA”.

    As Hunter was promoted to the rank of executive vice-president, Joe pushed bankruptcy reform legislation favourable to MBNA through the Senate.

    In the early 2000s, while still receiving consulting fees from the bank, Hunter opened a Washington lobbying practice.

    It saw him land “clients with interests that overlapped with [his father’s] committee assignments and legislative priorities”, according to Politico Magazine.

    The father-son relationship at the time, he told the New Yorker, was that neither would speak to the other about lobbying work.

    President Biden has maintained this to be true in the case of more recent allegations of wrongdoing as well.
    Getty Images Hunter (left) and sister Ashley wave as they arrive at their father’s presidential inaugurationGetty Images
    Hunter and sister Ashley wave as they arrive at their father’s presidential inauguration

    In 2006, with then-Senator Biden set to re-assume chairmanship of the Senate’s Foreign Relations Committee, Hunter and another relative made an ill-fated purchase of a hedge fund group.

    Their tenure at Paradigm Global Advisors extended through Joe Biden’s 2008 run for president and selection as vice-president to President Barack Obama.

    During this time, the fund was connected with several alleged fraudsters, including a Texas financier convicted of running one of the largest Ponzi schemes in US history.

    The Bidens denied any wrongdoing and faced no charges. In 2010, they liquidated the fund and returned money to investors.

    China and Ukraine

    Much has been made in recent years about Hunter’s foreign business interests while his father was vice-president.

    In 2013, he took a founding board seat at BHR, a Chinese private equity firm – first as an unpaid member and later owning a 10% equity stake in the fund.

    The company was registered in Shanghai less than a fortnight after Hunter flew with his father on an official vice-presidential trip to China and met BHR’s chief executive, but only for “a cup of coffee”, the first son later said.

    After his father left office in 2017, Hunter partnered with Chinese oil tycoon Ye Jianming on a natural gas project in Louisiana.

    The deal collapsed after Ye was detained by Chinese authorities on corruption charges and subsequently went missing.
    Getty Images Hunter, Joe and Finnegan Biden in China in 2013Getty Images
    Hunter accompanied his father on his official trip to China in 2013

    Hunter’s dealings in Ukraine have stoked even more controversy, given that his father was the Obama administration’s point man for US-Ukraine relations.

    In 2014, he joined the board of a Ukrainian energy company, Burisma Holdings, where he was paid as much as $1.2m (£943,000) per year.

    As part of an anti-corruption drive, Vice-President Biden was at the time rallying for the ouster of the country’s top prosecutor, Viktor Shokin.

    Mr Shokin was removed by parliament in 2016, but critics argue the prosecutor only lost his job because he was investigating Burisma.

    Republicans have alleged both Joe and Hunter Biden received $5m payouts from Burisma executives in exchange for Mr Shokin’s firing.

    A former business partner to Hunter also testified Joe had been on speakerphone several times during Hunter’s calls with various contacts.

    Allegations of corruption formed the centrepiece of both President Trump’s first impeachment in 2019, and are stoking the nascent impeachment inquiry into President Biden.
    Watch: Why Hunter Biden is important to Republicans

    A laptop abandoned by Hunter at a Delaware repair shop, and the seedy contents of its hard drive, also featured prominently in the 2020 presidential campaign.

    The Biden team argued at the time it was a “smear campaign” engineered by Russian disinformation, but the hard drive has since been authenticated by US media and seized by the FBI.

    Analysis of its contents has provided proof of Hunter’s extensive earnings from his work in China and Ukraine, as well as evidence of his alcohol- and drug-fuelled escapades.

    As the president revs up his re-election campaign, the extensive fallout from his son’s legal drama, business interests and tabloid-friendly life is proving to be an unwelcome distraction.


    1. Hunter’s pick-up line for Russian Hookers and Girls that like to ride in his Daddy’s Vette – Hey Babe, I’m a ‘Secret Agent Man’

  13. why did China give Bidens millions?
    why did Ukraine give Millions to Bidens?
    why did Mexico, Romania, etc give millions to Bidens?
    Why does Sen Menendez have millions in cash in his house…along with numerous other Democrats and RINOs?

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