The Spy Who Loved Me? Morris Reportedly Protected by CIA in Hunter Biden Investigation

Recently, it became public that Kevin Morris, the entertainment lawyer who has subsidized the expenses and bought the art of Hunter Biden, had stopped his funding of Biden. Morris has paid off Hunter’s IRS debts and reportedly lent him a total of $4.9 million for housing, car payments, legal fees, and other possible costs.

The so-called “sugar bro” is “tapped out” according to media reports.  (For full disclosure, Morris previously threatened me with a defamation lawsuit over my writing about his representation of Hunter). Now the House has confirmed prior stories that whistleblower records indicate that the CIA prevented the Justice Department from questioning Kevin Morris as a witness in its probe of Hunter Biden.

Morris has maintained that he lent Hunter millions for “no ulterior motive” and continued to support him out of friendship. Yet, when investigators started to look into the payments and the relationship, they were told that Morris had some relationship with the CIA in August 2021. According to previously unreleased information, IRS special agent and current whistleblower Gary Shapley documented the bizarre intervention of the spy agency.

In a sworn affidavit in May, Shapley declared:

During a recurring prosecution team conference call in or around late August 2021, Assistant United States Attorney (AUSA) Lesley Wolf told the team that she and DOJ Tax Attorney Jack Morgan had recently returned from the Central Intelligence Agency headquarters in Langley, Virginia, where they had been summoned to discuss Kevin Morris.

AUSA Wolf stated that they were provided a classified briefing in relation to Mr. Morris and as a result we could no longer pursue him as a witness. Investigators probed AUSA Wolf, but since her briefing was classified and she was apparently sanitizing it to an unclassified form to share over an open phone line, she did not elaborate with more information. She reiterated more than once that they were summoned to the CIA in Langley concerning Mr. Morris, and that because of the information provided there, he could not be a witness for the investigation. AUSA Wolf proudly referenced a CIA mug and stated that she purchased some CIA “swag” at the gift shop while she was there.

It is unclear how the CIA became aware that Mr. Morris was a potential witness in the Hunter Biden investigation and why agents were not told about the meeting in advance or invited to participate. It is a deviation of normal investigative processes for prosecutors to exclude investigators from substantive meetings such as this.

It is a testament to the level of bias in the mainstream media that this story is not the sole focus of every media outlet in America. Imagine if the CIA intervened to stop an investigation into a donor maintaining one of the Trump children and supporting his effort to blunt any investigation into corruption. MSNBC would make it ongoing special programming with its own time slot.

This is an agency that is supposed to avoid domestic interventions into politics as well as other areas. It is accused of pulling in a prosecutor to tell her to close part of a criminal investigation involving the financial supporter of the president’s son. Even if Morris was an asset, the question is why shut down the inquiry into his payments to Hunter Biden. The work of Morris with the CIA could be protected or redacted. Instead, the line of inquiry was shut off and Wolf reportedly left Langley with CIA swag and an empty bag of evidence.



65 thoughts on “The Spy Who Loved Me? Morris Reportedly Protected by CIA in Hunter Biden Investigation”

  1. the Government is NOW the Enemy of the PEOPLE
    Defund it!
    End Federal Aid to cities, states, colleges and non-profits
    cut 50% of federal spending!
    Close 50% of military bases
    Cut 75% of most major Federal Organizations!

  2. is that the CIA who HELPED WORKED with a Russian and Foreign Spies to CREATE the Russian Hoax to Jail a Sitting President and his people?

  3. Jon Turley said: “This is an agency that is supposed to avoid domestic interventions into politics as well as other areas.”

    How naive can Turley possibly be? Does he mean “avoid domestic interventions into politics as well as other areas” as in “Mk Ultra” and “Project Artichoke”, where the CIA dosed unwitting US citizens (and a few Canadians) with mind altering drugs for experimentation into effective use for interrogation enhancement? Mk-Ultra began in 1953, Project Artichoke preceeded it. The CIA has been a rogue agency operating outside of Constitutional authorization and restraint since its inception. For a non-domestic example of its inherent lawlessness: according to Robert F. Kennedy Jr. in his book “The Wuhan Cover-up: And the Terrifying Bioweapns Arms Race,” the initial mission of the CIA was investigating and optimizing biowarfare; it was instrumental in surreptitiously extracting German and Japanese biowarfare experts taken prisoner (post-WWII) in Europe and Asia, to save them from being tried there for crimes against humanity. Those experts, who were were largely responsible for mass murder of civilians in Europe and China (among other places), were spared from justice so that they could work on the CIA’s own biowarfare research programs. That may not be entirely off the topic of domestic operations, either, as the actions of Fauci & co in the COVID debacle were the direct, if eventual, consequence of the pursuit of that mission.

  4. Looking forward to the defamation lawsuit when Hunter sues fox (and Turley). Good times!!

    In other, much more worthy, news. Still, a couple of open insurrectionists continue to sit on the SCOTUS poised to judge on presidential immunity. They not only should recuse…, they should be impeached.

    As a warm up, they let it be known in a clear F U moment yesterday that increasing race based voter suppression is still their jam, no doubt loving how wildy corrupt that makes them look.

    But Turley says no, rehash Hunter gossip.

    1. As a warm up, they let it be known in a clear F U moment yesterday that increasing race based voter suppression is still their jam, no doubt loving how wildy corrupt that makes them look.

      Yes, in a 6-3 decision, SCOTUS followed the Constitution and asked where Federal Courts found their power to redraw district maps that is the exclusive power of the Political branch of Government, to draw political boundaries

  5. It is reasonably clear that at every turn of the “Biden” Inc. Corruption machine, the Intel Community is involved. To include the Trump “Russia“ collusion hoax and the Spygate Operation. I would not be surprised to find out in the next few years that the IC and the DOJ were directly involved in the January 6th Riot at the Capital.

  6. 1) This may help explain where Morris’s money came from.
    2) Did Wolf report this obstruction of justice to AG Garland, who is prosectuting Trump for obstructing justice by defying a suboena (just as Garland is doing now?) Is so, what did Garland do?
    3) This shows how the classification system is abused by the Deep State. It can be used to prosecute political opponents and it can be used to protect political friends.

  7. Turley never demonstrated this level of curiousity about who paid off Brett Kavanaugh’s debts and why the FBI participated in the ruse of an investigation of sexual harrassment allegations. How much did he delve into the finances of Clarence Thomas and Samuel Alito? How about the monies received by Jared Kushner or Steven Mnuchin immediately after leaving the White House, not to mention Ivanka. I’m far more worried about any of them than Hunter Biden. Yet, if Hunter illegally profited off the family name and power, then lock him up. Just don’t selectively go after one Party while being the Appeaser-in -Chief for the other. Turley might as well get a blue suit and red tie so he can stand outside the courthouse with Matt Gaetz and Lauren Boebert at their next photo shoot. I would have provided links to the known financial questionmarks about the people I’ve named but most of you don’t care and those that do already know.

        1. Turley might as well get a blue suit and red tie so he can stand outside the courthouse with Matt Gaetz and Lauren Boebert at their next photo shoot

          An ad hominem from notsoenigmainblack? He has assured us that the odds of he engaging in ad hominem are as likely as violent crime trending upwards in black neighborhoods (unlike White, Hispanic, Asian, etc neighborhoods which have fallen)

          It is ironic however that you suggested a photo makeover of Professor Turley. Your comments on this forum might be taken seriously if you changed your avatar to a photo of Malcolm X laughing, sitting next to his friend Fidel Castro. Here is the perfect photo for your new Avatar: Malcolm X laughing with his good friend Fidel Castro if you have the cojones. This given the history of black Marxists alleging the Feds conspired against MLK Jr and Malcolm X.

          Malcolm X’s family reveals letter implicating FBI and NYPD in his assassination

          1. It’s not just Marxists implicating the FBI and NYPD. You clearly have little undertanding of COINTELPRO. Malcom X met Castro once, you needed for some reason to turn them into good friends. Malcolm met MLK once, they might have become friends and were edging closer to each others philosophies, but Malcolm was killed before that could happen. Fred Hampton was killed with the FBI involved in coordinating the murder.

    1. Your observations are noteworthy and correct.

      I have been posting here for some time that it is obvious Turley is not writing this stuff. The writing style is not that of a legal scholar, but rather the style of a “news” story from Fox or the NY Post. Both of these “news outlets” are owned by Rupert Murdoch.

      Turley obviously has a big contract with Fox that pays him handsomely. He is on the Fox channel every 5 minutes pontificating in favor of Murdoch’s propaganda. As part of his contract he has obviously sold this website and blog to Murdoch. The published articles are clearly written by someone at Fox or the NY Post but published under Turley’s name.

      A website of this complexity with the necessary bandwidth to accommodate the comments section and storage of past postings would be quite expensive to maintain. Yet Turley does not seem to have monetized the blog. There is no subscription fee and no ads. How can Turley afford to maintain the site. He is a college professor, so his salary is relatively high, but he has 4 kids in college, and one of them started medical school last year.
      He obviously needs more money than his salary.

      Turley has obviously sold this website to Rupert Murdoch. He just sits back and collects a big fat monthly check.

      1. Another day another ad hominem attack

        The left are not assigning the Varsity Squad trolls to this site. The Constant ad hominem attacks, while ignoring the Topic at hand, is proof the leftist have lost any semblance of informed disagreement.

  8. To describe any member of the Biden family or their myrmidons as an “asset” is some sort of cosmic joke. Even appending it to “CIA asset” doesn’t help.

  9. The whole government seems to have been activated to protect the president’s druggy son. Unbelievable. How on earth did crazy ‘Uncle Joe’ become that powerful?

  10. This sounds like a black bag job. Documents released by Congress yesterday show that the FBI was onto Hunter Biden’s clandestine dealings as early as 2013 when Joe was VPOTUS. He and Hunter travelled together on Air Force Two to China for meetings with President Xi and other high ranking functionaries of the CCP. Hunter , his partner Devon Archer, and the company they ran had dealings with the CCP. The FBI has limited jurisdiction overseas and likely passed this off to the CIA. When Hunter’s tax problems threatened to close down this conduit to the CCP, the CIA may have stepped in to pay the debt and keep the line of communication open. Morris was used as a go-between passing CIA money to Hunter so it could be paid back to the government in the form of tax debt and penalties. Sort of a reverse money laundering scheme! What other explanation could there be for a mysterious show biz lawyer who runs into the junkie son of a POTUS at a fundraising function and out of the blue decides to give the junkie son $6 million to avoid IRS problems? Morris, the lawyer, had nothing to gain by this but it’s possible that his handler at Langley did. A good B-movie script, I might add. It could be called “The Simpleton Candidate.”

  11. If you dangle yourself over a copy of the Constitution while wearing one of those harness contraptions like Tom Cruise in Mission Impossible, then you CAN be “above the law”, thus proving them wrong when they say that “no one is above the law”.

  12. OK, so there’s the Russia hoax, Steele dossier, Hunter laptop as Russian disinformation, coverup of Joe Biden emails to Hunter re his shakedown biz, backstory on Mar a Lago raid – so the outrageous is no longer surprising. And with Weiss letting SOLs expire on Hunter’s most serious tax claims, my guess is DOJ didn’t protest the sugar bro coverup too hard. At the top of all this corruption. Biden stumbles and mumbles around, recreating a Vinnie (the Chin) Gigante bathrobe defense, validated by special counsel Hur, oh that poor old man is too cooked and clueless to be a real crime boss !!

  13. Diversion and Escape Route for both Hunter Biden and Kevin Morris.
    Lies on top of Lies on top of Lies ….
    Hunter’s next press release will be: My Stepmother is an Alien

  14. Well, it is the most convenient thing there is. I mean, at least in this administration, and probably others in the past, You simply bring the FBI in and say it’s classified and you can’t talk about it. You can dump a whole host of people and information under a rock that size and then never turn it over. You’ll never get anywhere because it’s all “National Security”.
    It’s things like this that eventually evolve into even more major scandals and outright evading the law. It would seem to me that the time has come for both houses of congress to start pushing for a more active role in the policing of the national security apparatus because of things like this. Can we truly trust, anymore, that the office of the presidency and the intelligence agencies that report to the president do so totally in the national interest or for only a partisan interest.
    It would seem that this is where the FISA court should be used. Not just for search warrants and investigations but to have these individuals and events argued out in front of judges with representatives on both sides, to determine if certain information or witnesses should be protected or hidden.
    The Dreyfus Affair in France was a classic case of a traitor with friends in high places, placing the blame on another officer, who was Jewish. It staggered the French Republic, resulted in 2 convictions of an innocent man, split the country, and much was hidden under the curtain of national security.
    I always thought we were better than that but I’m not so sure anymore.

    1. GEB said: “You simply bring the FBI in and say it’s classified and you can’t talk about it. You can dump a whole host of people and information under a rock that size and then never turn it over. You’ll never get anywhere because it’s all ‘National Security.’”

      Also, Turley’s column appears to suggest that this was an adversarial meeting between the FBI reps and the CIA, I very much doubt that is even close to the reality. I picture a very cozy, back-slapping, affair where the FBI clowns very much antciipate what their marching orders will be.

  15. Sounds like when Nixon tried to get Helms to cause the CIA to shut down FBI inquiries into the funding of the Watergate burglars through Mexico. Except Nixon failed.

  16. As a last resort, Fake President Joetard’s CIA will claim that Hunter Biden has been a CIA asset for years, and his dealings with China were just cover.

  17. When did the rot begin? So many corrupt federal agencies. When even an uncontroversial agency like the National Archives is tainted, is there anything left that is clean and honorable? and ethical? Is there an agency left with integrity? Who did this?

    1. I would say that its pretty clear that Barack Obama did this his presidency. It has been rumored for years that he was a CIA asset and I wouldn’t be surprised in Bill Ayers was too. When Obama said he was a community organizer, people laughed because they didn’t know what that meant. CIA even has a department called Political Action Group that is part of clandestine services that is tasked with interfering with (presumably) foreign elections. It appears that their skills can used equally well domestically.

    2. When the liberals took over the career jobs in government. They are untouchable, so it doesn’t matter who sits in the Oval Office.

    3. The voters. More precisely I should say Democrat voters although people on my side of the aisle are not much better. They voted for Clinton because he could play the sax and as they learned more of the Clintons’ corruption no one cared. Voted for Obama because he was black and articulate — weaponizing government against his political opponents? Who cares? When it came to Joe Biden, though, reason really vanished. They first didn’t want him as a candidate — spitting out his dentures and all. Then, when they realized that Bernie would take them down to a historical defeat, they dumped him for Biden. Had to make deals for Buttigeig and Kamala and God knows how many others who barely do more than check a box. At this point the Ds I know bragged to me about how adult they were to choose … ahem … er,… the adult.

      Mark Steyn, who knows a lot about politics the world over says the U.S. Democrats are the most corrupt political party in the English speaking world. They’re untouchable, though, because of the voters.

    4. cionnath said: “When did the rot begin?”

      I strongly suspect that this kind of gladhanding bu))sh1t has been the general order of business at Federal agencies for many decades. Quite a number of us here knock TDS, but that just might be the dynamic that has allowed so much of this amoral and corrupt behavior to rise to the surface, where we can all see it, smell it, and (at least those of us who retain any moral sensibilities) be revolted by it.

  18. All Roads Lead Back to Ukraine. Hunter, according to reports, sat on the board/involved with a CIA linked company and another former CIA individual served with Hunter on the board of Buresma? What is Morris connection and what did Morris expect to gain for his $$$ support of Hunter? Where did the $$$ come to help support Hunter? Was it Morris $$$ or another party? Then add in the Lawyer Abbe Lowell, who is now paying Abbe?

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