Military accused of discrimination against atheists

The military has long been accused of discrmination against agnostics and atheists. Despite the claim that “there are no atheists in foxholes,” many soldiers have fought for the country despite being agnostics or atheists. Their patriotism comes from faith in our country, but that is not enough for some military officers. Recently, wiccan families have protested the refusal to include their symbols on tombstones for fallen soldiers who gave their lives in Iraq and Afghanistan. Now, Spc. Jeremy Hall has filed a lawsuit saying that he was punished for trying to organize meetings for atheists and non-Christians in Iraq, including an effort to block his reenlistment. For the full story, click here

47 thoughts on “Military accused of discrimination against atheists”

  1. billy:

    You are one of those guys who believes that just because something is possible that it must also be probable. I ‘ll stack up my knowledge of the way the world works with that of a First Century author like Paul and let any fair minded person decide who better understands the true nature of things. A point by point dissection of Paul’s work isn’t needed because Paul offers no proof of his position. He wasn’t writing an argument; he was promoting a religion where everyone in his audience already assumed the validity of the tenets of that religion.

    By the way, I needn’t prove anything. It is upon the religious, who ask us to believe things which appear unlikely and contrary to human experience to prove their assertions. I simple assert I do not know.

  2. Mysteries are what make man strive to unlock the mysteries of the universe and his innermost mind. Without mystery, we would perish for want of knowledge. Because of mystery man was compelled to fly to the moon. Invariably, this leads to still greater mystery, ad infinitum..

  3. billy:

    Mysteries are overrated. We once believed that child birth was a mystery and that when things when wrong it was “God’s Plan.” No one believes that any more since we better understand the process of birth though not every aspect of the phenomenon. We intervene to save both child and mother when the natural (i.e. God-like) thing to do would be to let nature runs its course and one or both to perish. Mysteries are the mothers of delusions since these delusions are bad explanations for how the world works.

  4. Thankyou Judge, you have cleared up all ambiguity, you have just admitted that “YOU” have no monopoly on the truth and have admitted that Saint Paul “may” be right. You state his position may be “skimpy”, illustrate to me how your position is not “skimpy”..

  5. If you have no monopoly on the “truth”, than you must admit the possibility that Saint Paul “could” be right..

  6. billy:

    “I still believe in God though…,”


    That’s fine, but the question is, do you believe in religion?

  7. The process of “creation” is a mystery. I like “mystery”, but my faith is a “gift”. Some have it and some don’t. This is also a mystery.

  8. billy:

    “You Judge, on the other hand, are right and have come to an “enlightened conclusion”. Where does your path to this type of enlightenment stem from?”


    I have no monopoly on the truth. Also, I make no pretense that I do in contrast to many of the religious who often do. Paul may be correct and I admit the possibility though his proof is a little skimpy. These are my conclusions to be considered by others and adopted or discarded based on the evidence or logic I present in support of them. I have no need to appeal to a higher authority in the heavens to validate my opinions or to convince others that I have some secret knowledge that sprinkling holy water on my head confers. My path is the same one everyone who is honest walks — logic, experience, and rational thought.

  9. I too believe in natural selection. I believe this is a slow inexorable process, that is used to form all living creatures over eons of time..

  10. Can you “prove” the reality of the Big Bang theory? If so you are the only physicist yet who can, please enlighten me. I want to make sure you are not suffering momentarily from a “delusion”

  11. Now I understand, Saint Paul was nothing more than a “true believer”, who came to the wrong conclusions. You Judge, on the other hand, are right and have come to an “enlightened conclusion”. Where does your path to this type of enlightenment stem from?

  12. billy:

    “According to your logic all scientists and politicians who don’t subscribe to “atheism” are fools who believe in fairy tales, is this correct Judge?”


    Don’t know why you call me “Judge,” but I’ll play along. I think all people who believe in things without sufficient proof and who will admit no possibility of error in spite of this absence of proof are worse than fools, they are delusional.

  13. billy:

    “Because of ear wax, it is impossible for these creatures to make a home in “our” head. The Intelligence behind this design is staggering and “perfect”…


    Well that’s one distinct — though unlikely — possibility. The other possibility supported by mountains of scientific research and proven scientific fact is that humans bearing the mutated gene that supplies more ear wax were better suited to their environment (i.e. avoiding bug infestations) than their counterparts and that they, by the process of natural selection, became the dominant variant of the species precisely because they were better adapted to their environment. As successive generations came and went this advantaged gene provided the the protection you describe.

    Tell me wouldn’t a truly intelligent design preclude the possibility of insect ear infestation by making the insects too big or the ear canal too small to accept the pests thereby removing the need for wax in the first place? Or perhaps you like impacted ear wax and believe it part of god’s divine perfect plan? And if you believe it, well, it must be so.

  14. According to your logic all scientists and politicians who don’t subscribe to “atheism” are fools who believe in fairy tales, is this correct Judge?

  15. Maybe you are an agnostic Gyges. Did you have any religious formation as a child? If so, what kind?

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