New Chinese Music Standard: All Beat and No Lyrics

250px-download_feastival_2006_-1The Chinese regime is perfectly happy with sex, guns, and rock ‘n roll. However, it has banned the latest Guns N’ Roses album for one word that is strictly forbidden for Chinese consumers to contemplate, let alone dance to: democracy. The Chinese have banned the new album, “Chinese Democracy” for its offensive content. Here is your Zen for the morning: if a billion Chinese dance to Chinese Democracy, but do not officially hear it– does it make a sound?

The China National Publications Import & Export (Group) Corp., part of the Ministry of Culture has determined that anything with “democracy” in the name is “not going to work.”

Presumably, James Coffey’s Freedom Train will get you a stint in the salt mines.

For the full story, click here.

2 thoughts on “New Chinese Music Standard: All Beat and No Lyrics”

  1. Now if I could only get it banned here. Muahahahaha. I’m trying to think what tort framework to use though. No matter the lyrics, every time Axl sings, my cats go into heat. There has to be a causal connection.

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