The Indestructible Ticket: Police Officer Issues Duplicate Ticket to Driver After Court Dismisses Original Ticket

thumb_policeman_cartoonPolice in Mamaroneck, New York may need a refresher on basic legal process principles. After Mayor Kathleen Savolt won in court in having a traffic ticket dismissed, Officer Michael Petrillo showed up at her house that night and issued her a new duplicate ticket.

In March, Petrillo issued Savolt a ticket for driving while on her cell phone. Savolt successfully argued that she received an emergency call and did not have a place to pull over. The court agreed. That night, Petrillo appeared at her house and said that he disagreed with the ruling and was issuing her a new ticket for the earlier offense. This is novel approach to legal proceedings where you can continue to issue tickets until you get the result that you want.

For the full story, click here.

10 thoughts on “The Indestructible Ticket: Police Officer Issues Duplicate Ticket to Driver After Court Dismisses Original Ticket”

  1. I think it takes real balls to do that. Come on! The mayor needs to obey laws like the rest of us!

  2. All I can say is, “what an idiot!” What every cop needs to understand is that there are many pieces to the “judicial puzzle” and his/hers is a very small piece. So you lost a ticket, get over it dude!

  3. He should show that kind of commitment to learning the laws he is charged with enforcing.

  4. Yes, what you all say is true, but think of what is going on in this officer’s mind? What could he possibly be thinking? Mamaroneck is a fairly laid back suburb, but the cop is seemingly begging for self destruction.

  5. What’s so difficult about this one?

    Suspend the cop without pay for filing a false ticket.

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