Palin Warns of Obama’s “Death Panel”

225px-palin1250px-Palpatine_ROTJFirst there was the Death Star menacing humanity. Now, there is “the Death Panel.” Former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin called President Barack Obama’s health plan “downright evil” on her Facebook page and warned American of Obama’s “death panel” that will hold the power of life or death over average Americans. Indeed, the Obama Death Panel appears to have their sights on little Trig. Presumably, the chair will be Palpatine (aka Darth Sidious), the Dark Lord of the Sith.

Palin states in her first statement after quitting her job as governor that “The America I know and love is not one in which my parents or my baby with Down Syndrome will have to stand in front of Obama’s ‘death panel’ so his bureaucrats can decide, based on a subjective judgment of their ‘level of productivity in society,’ whether they are worthy of health care . . .Such a system is downright evil.”

The following footage from one of the patient reviews of the Death Panel has been located:

The real news here is the disclosure that Palin’s page has 700,000 readers, making it the most popular comics page in the world.

For the full story, click here.

736 thoughts on “Palin Warns of Obama’s “Death Panel””

  1. Attilio
    1, August 8, 2009 at 6:20 pm
    Barcak Obama wants to apply the same system as Canada????…

    No, Attilio, Barack Obama does NOT want to apply the same system as Canada. Some of us wish he would push for a single-payer national healthcare system (Canada may or may not be the best example), but that is NOT what he’s proposed. You’ve been lied to by the right and you’re spreading those lies here.

  2. I’m wondering why Sara-Sith refuses to confirm her facebook post. I just got my Christian News update and even they don’t know why she won’t confirm it. Does this spell disention in even Palin’s rank? Are dark forces afoot? Will Sara face her very own political death panel? Stay tuned to this channel to find out, but for right now, “only the shadow knows”.

    Rachael Maddow did the drop dead expose on this whole matter of killin grandma and baby trig and all:

  3. I am an italian leaving in Canada many years ago.Now I am a citizen american.I have moved from Canada after my mother died.She was on a list (6 months)to receive treatment for cancer.She died before to be abble to receive it.
    Now my old father is with us ,we have a private insurance,he can see his doctor anytime he needs it.Barcak Obama wants to apply the same system as Canada????No!
    Where should we move now to make sure that when we are sick there will be a doctor immedialtly to see us..Partuculary my old father. Australia??New Zeland??
    What’s happen with United States who have the best healt care system of the world?

  4. Midway writes: GWLawMom: You won’t ever be finished with this Dupe and his Cretin fraternity found everywhere in the U.S., but mostly centered in Dupedom South. The Plutocratic Party reliably depends on them to vote against their own interests every cycle.

    Indentured Servant is too far gone from his/her relentless, deliberate exposure to the far right, lunatic fringe propagandists and their mendacious bilge served up on behalf of our Gilded Age II plutocrats. As a Dupe, IS is self-absorbed and indifferent to the plight of this Country rooted in the increasing economic gap between his idols at the top of the income ladder and all the rest of us. In sum, the mantra is that all of the rabble needs to fend for themselves without all those socialistic safety nets and to taste the unlimited freedom to sleep by choice under a bridge or inside a doorway, without any interference from a government bureaucrat. Our perfect Utopia will have been reached by allowing the problem health care insurers to regulate themselves through their own devices, with no government involvement, except when tax cuts are legislated for them: This is the kind of socialism the plutocrats love, as much as they do that sanctus sanctorum, the free, unregulated
    unrestricted market.

    me: I’m afraid you are right that I will never be finished with the likes of IS and all the IS’s out there. Is there something in the water that they have drunk? some kind of hypnotic message going out with right wing push polls? some psychic forces broadcast over right wing talk/hate radio?
    before Obama was elected they were people we’d just laugh at and make fun of and were pretty harmless even if they were really stupid.
    now it seems that some critical mass of hate combined with stupidity is taking over.
    I was part of the 60’s student protests and we were kind hearted lambs compared to what’s going on now in town halls. plus if we’d behaved as these people do we’d have all been arrested. we just sat down and sang folk songs and because we were trying to end a war and our freedom of speech did not carry us as far as theirs is carrying them. we just got hit over the heads with billy clubs and pushed into situations where more and more people were funneled into smaller spaces causing lots of people to be trampled.

  5. GWLawMom: You won’t ever be finished with this Dupe and his Cretin fraternity found everywhere in the U.S., but mostly centered in Dupedom South. The Plutocratic Party reliably depends on them to vote against their own interests every cycle.

    Indentured Servant is too far gone from his/her relentless, deliberate exposure to the far right, lunatic fringe propagandists and their mendacious bilge served up on behalf of our Gilded Age II plutocrats. As a Dupe, IS is self-absorbed and indifferent to the plight of this Country rooted in the increasing economic gap between his idols at the top of the income ladder and all the rest of us. In sum, the mantra is that all of the rabble needs to fend for themselves without all those socialistic safety nets and to taste the unlimited freedom to sleep by choice under a bridge or inside a doorway, without any interference from a government bureaucrat. Our perfect Utopia will have been reached by allowing the problem health care insurers to regulate themselves through their own devices, with no government involvement, except when tax cuts are legislated for them: This is the kind of socialism the plutocrats love, as much as they do that sanctus sanctorum, the free, unregulated unrestricted market.

  6. Palin is one of and is representive of the sickest and most twisted elements in America today. Her kind of madness isn’t even funny any longer, especially given the rabid and violent nature of those brain-dead health reform protesters. She and they are quite dangerous.

  7. IS writes: ctually rationing of health care is the only possible outcome from a nationalized plan. It can be no other way. Central planning leads to rationing, we saw long bread lines in the Soviet Union. Health care will be no different. What makes you think central planning will work for health care when it doesn’t work for anything else?

    me: I thought I was finished with you weeks ago but clearly I am not. the bill before the house is not national health care. it is not central planning and will not lead to rationing.
    if you don’t think there is rationing now, then you are stupid or a fool or both. the plan will actually rant individuals more access to health care minus the gatekeeper that is HMO. want to know what the insurance industry calls what we have now? Capitation.
    that means that a particular health clinic gets a chunk of $$ for each patient that is covered and the clinic has to figure out how to end the year with some $$ left over. this is why doctors are given 15 minutes to see you for a single problem. if you want to discuss more than one symptom, say a pesistent rash along with that high fever you have to make another appointment to be seen for the rash and then do you get to see a doctor for either? nope. you see a PA or a Nurse practitioner. not that these people aren’t well trained…. they are….but it isn’t you seeing your doctor and making decisions with your doctor.
    in some cases you have to get approval from the insurance company to be seen by your doctor.
    this is true: when my oldest was 13 she started running a fever. within minutes it was over 104 and the clinic where she was seen could not fit her in. I was told by the phone tech after calling the 800 number on the back of the insurance card to go to urgent care. urgent care was closed from 4 pm until 8 p. it was 5:30 and my kid’s fever was still climbing. I had her in the car on the way to the ER trying to get the phone person to authorize an ER visit. she refused. I asked her what she’d do if this were her kid and she accused me of being abusive and ended the call.
    by the time we got to the ER her fever was 104.5 which is v. dangerous for a adolescent.
    she was seen and then I spent 8 months arguing with the HMO that this ER visit was medically necessary.
    The HMO was the only insurance option my husband’s employer was given.

    so you can take your paranoid fantasies about resource allocation and shove them.
    you don’t know what you are talking about and rather than get educated you simply repeat what you hear from AM radio flame throwers.

  8. Puzzling:

    I think you have it about right on the money. But it will be India and China as well.

  9. puzzling,

    “What is puzzling you is the nature of my game” Lucifer (channelled through the Rolling Stones).

    Nope, you got it wrong.

  10. We would be better off if Palin gave as much care and attention to the words that came out of her mouth as she does to taking care of her personal appearance.

  11. If Palin were a better student of the government doublespeak she would know that they are actually planning to call it the Life Panel.

    Palin is correct on this issue. There will be a government mandated calculus to determine which drugs, treatments and therapies individuals qualify for. I would expect that age, BMI, illicit drug use, alcohol consumption, sex, and race will all be part of that calculus a few years into the program. Unless of course you are among the ruling elites… in which case you will enjoy unfettered, first class access to the best care available. No lines, no waiting!

    For the rest of us to secure rapid care, we’ll have to join the medical tourist trade that is sure to burgeon under a US national health care system. Singapore is probably gearing up as I write this…

  12. actually rationing of health care is the only possible outcome from a nationalized plan. It can be no other way. Central planning leads to rationing, we saw long bread lines in the Soviet Union. Health care will be no different. What makes you think central planning will work for health care when it doesn’t work for anything else?

    Resource allocation by central planning has always lead to rationing of goods and services. Additionally government tends to be wasteful with other peoples money.

    The system does need to be reformed but not by government. HMO’s were created in the 1960’s by regulations initiated by Ted Kennedy (D MA). True free market solutions are required to give all people access to good affordable health care.

    Health Savings Accounts would be a good start along with deregulating the insurance industry to allow for more competition and variable services.

    Finally why should doctors spend a minimum of 8 years of formal education coupled with internship and residency requirements of 6+ years to be told that they may only make X number of dollars? There will be less doctors and they will be inferior in quality as a general rule. Certainly there are some in medicine that do it for the love of humanity but there will not be enough to go around.

    The logical outcome is inferior service, inferior doctors and rationing of health services and resources. In addition we will necessarily be required to pay higher taxes.

  13. He must of had Sarah on his mind:
    “Some people like my advice so much that they frame it upon the wall instead of using it.
    Gordon R. Dickson ”

    Unfortunately,some peolpe take her advice as gospel.And they keep trying to promote her to some level of legitimacy,the MSM that is.

  14. Yeah, Sarah.

    It’s evil to try to provide people with the same level of health care the rest of the Western world enjoys and remove the threats of choosing financial ruin or your health.

    How about this . . .

    You RETIRED.

    Maybe you should shut your pie hole for a while, but noooooo. That’s just not enough for you is it? You return to the public eye with this. I saw the headline and said to myself, “Please, please, PLEASE pimp out your Down’s Syndrome baby and say any attempt at socialized medicine would have killed your baby. You lying sack of crap.”

    Thank you for obliging me, Sarah.

    You don’t get to lecture about good and evil after the way you prostituted out your children NOW and in the election. A mother that treats her children like political fashion accessories isn’t fit to be a mother let alone pass a value judgment that affects more lives than your own pathetic selfish and self-centered existence, Sarah. Your circle of influence shouldn’t be any farther than your arm’s reach for the health, welfare and safety of every American citizen. But thanks for showing again exactly why you should NEVER be allowed to have nuclear weapons launch codes, you PR spinning child pimping soulless Neocon succubus. You’ll say and do anything to get what you want. That’s an admirable trait. In a lizard.

    Now zip it, Big Red. Go shoot a defenseless animal from a helicopter or something more along your actual capacities but if you REALLY retired you need to SHUT UP AND GO AWAY NOW.

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