Giant Breathalyzer Found Drunk in Ohio

1102091breath1aOk, one arrest on Halloween in Oxford, Ohio got a bit weird when a giant Breathalyzer was given a breathalyzer and then arrested for drunk driving. This is the type of metaphysical brain teaser that you normally only get in freshman philosophy courses, but it happened to James Miller, 18.

Miller was driving in his giant Breathalyzer costume when he was stopped. The police appear to have become suspicious when he allegedly went the wrong way on a one-way street. They then found a giant breathalyzer driving the car with a blood level of .158, or twice the state’s legal limit. They also found an open can of Bud Light — Ohio has an age of 21 for drinking alcohol and 30 for serving as a human breathalyzer.

Now here is some free criminal defense advice. The defense goes something like this: as a breathalyzer Miller was used by various people to measure their alcohol content. The result is obviously a degree of alcohol saturation, but he technically never drank a drop. It is generally not a good idea, however, to prove sobriety by inviting the officers to “blow me.”

Of course, it would help if he could open his eyes for the mug shot.

For the story, click here.

8 thoughts on “Giant Breathalyzer Found Drunk in Ohio”

  1. How in the hell is this is anyway metaphysical? Metaphysical refers to things BEYOND (meta) physics, like the supernatural or unknowable.

    You’re just using the word to sound insightful.

  2. For anyone here who is familiar with Ohio college towns; this kid belonged in Athens, not Oxford.

  3. It is generally not a good idea, however, to prove sobriety by inviting the officers to “blow me.”

    Unless he wants a stiffer penalty?

  4. drunk driving is so not funny. a drunk driver nearly killed my brother more than 20 years ago. but, i gotta say, this really takes the cake for irony.

  5. This is not a costume one wears in public.

    One wears this to a PRIVATE party where one patiently sits near the door and offers to make sure the attractive and drunken don’t get behind the wheel without blowing on the meter.

    Safety first, childrens.

  6. It is generally not a good idea, however, to prove sobriety by inviting the officers to “blow me.”

    Sage advice, very.

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