Happy Thanksgiving!!!

I wanted to wish all of our virtual family at the blog another Happy Thanksgiving. Thanksgiving remains my favorite holiday and I hope that each of you will have a great time today.

Yesterday, we began the holiday by taking the kids to Ford’s Theater for “A Christmas Carol,” which they loved.

Today, I am making our usual two Turkey dinner (one smoked on the grill) and of course my traditional Waldorf salad. I also do the gravy. However, before the big culinary push, we have our traditional Turkey Bowl (45 years and running). Every year, we invite all of the kids in the neighborhood for a touch football game of the Chicago Bears (God’s Team) against the Washington Redskins. This year my Bears player will tape up our right thumbs in solidarity with Jay Cutler as we defend of three-year dominance at the Turkey bowl. Unfortunately, the Pentagon has not approved our request for a flyover, though I intend to claim a flyover by stealth aircraft.

After the Bears are victorious and all is right with the world, I will begin the smoking one of the turkeys — my favorite.

Happy Thanksgiving to one and all . . . even the Redskins.

[Update: The Bears continue our streak with a win over the Redskins at 21 to 14 even if a highly dubious Redskins touchdown following the introduction of a second ball. We returned home to celebrate to a round of Bloody Marys and boasting.]

27 thoughts on “Happy Thanksgiving!!!”

  1. I can get this in before midnight … Happy Thanksgiving to all … it was a wonderful day … Miami and Dallas provided great entertainment and the mincemeat pie was the best I have ever eaten.

    Bob Esq … thinking of you

    HenMan … I never shop on the Friday after Thanksgiving for just that reason so I’m part of your boycott

  2. Happy Thanksgiving! Cheers to our host and all who gather on the Turley Blawg, I want Thank-you!

  3. Happy Thanksgiving to all…. The kids are here so I am very busy and very grateful.

  4. To All My Turley Blawg Friends: May you have a wonderful Thanksgiving!

    Jill, I want you to know that I include you among my friends here. Even friends may disagree at times and say things that hurt one another. I’m sorry we had a little spat the other day. As far as I’m concerned it is in the past. Happy Thanksgiving!

  5. This blog is a light in the darkness and I’m deeply grateful for the good souls who gather here. Happy Thanksgiving to all.

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