The GW Torts Paintball Team Set To Take To The Field In Epic Battle

This morning the George Washington Torts Team sets out for the Virginia countryside to face our eternal enemy, the hordes of contracts law and its sinister leader, Professor Greg Maggs.

We are in the prime and our hearts are committed to this most holy of tasks. This morning I awoke to a beam of light failing on my bust of Benjamin Cardozo — a good omen for what lays ahead. Above are the final words that I gave our brave team of first-year torts students: Jonathan Foster, Jeff Gilson, David Glanton, Josh Hall. We do battle from 2-4 today if rain does not wash us out.

The contracts team was also addressed below (I much prefer Professor Maggs with hair):

10 thoughts on “The GW Torts Paintball Team Set To Take To The Field In Epic Battle”

  1. Ty. I especially like the bit where he chops the guys leg off at 4:24.

  2. “When men fight they fight with swords so they can see each others eyes.” (Sean Connery, The Wind and the Lion.)

  3. Just recall a tort is a contract implied in law…… Recompense…..compensate….you have a date from 2 to 4….

  4. Dont use any tasers. And dont shoot anyone under authority of state law or color of law.

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