The Platonic Prison Relationship: Court Rules In Favor Of Prisoners Sexual Harassment Lawsuit Against Guard

The Ninth Circuit has handed down an interesting ruling that reaffirms that sexual contact requires consent. What is different is that the case deals with prison sex. Former Idaho prison guard Sandra de Marti is accused of sexual harassment in groping inmate Conway Wood. The case is Wood v. Beauclair, 2012 U.S. App. LEXIS 18575 (9th Cir.).

The guard is described by the court as having a “reputation for . . . being overly friendly with the inmates.” She reportedly was transferred to Wood’s block and allegedly began to pursue him sexually. However, when Wood (who had found religion in prison) discovered that she was married, he told her that he did not want to have a personal relationship. He testified “she had to be honest with me. Because I did express to her before that my feelings on adultery . . . . I was kind of crushed in a way because. . . I believed that we were working on something . . . that we had a future together . . . I said that we needed to back off . . . . [W]e got to stop.” When she persisted and came into this cell and groped him, he allegedly objected and told her not to. This was followed by what Wood described as aggressive patdowns where she fondled him.

The court then offers an interesting discussion of sex in prison and the difficulty in discerning voluntary from coerced sex between a guard and inmate:

The rationale underpinning these decisions rests primarily on the pronounced dichotomy of control between prison guards and prisoners. Prisoners have no control over most aspects of their daily lives. They cannot choose what or when to eat, whether to turn the lights on or off, where to go, and what to do. They depend on prison employees for basic necessities, contact with their children, health care, and protection from other inmates. See Carrigan, 70 F. Supp. 2d at 458-59; see also Human Rights Watch Women’s Rights Project, All Too Familiar: Sexual Abuse of Women in U.S. State Prisons 5 (1996) (hereinafter “All Too Familiar”) (documenting the sexual abuse of prisoners and finding that “[i]n prison, correctional employees have nearly absolute power over the well-being of prisoners.”). The power disparity between prisoners and prison guards is similar to that of an adult over a child or a teacher over a student. At least one commentator likens the relationship to that of an owner over a slave. See Brenda V. Smith, Sexual Abuse of Women in United States Prisons: A Modern Corollary of Slavery, 33 Fordham Urb. L.J. 571 (2006) (concluding that parallels exist between the prisoner-guard and owner-slave relationships). Just as power inequities between adults and minors, teachers and students, and owners and slaves foster opportunities for sexual abuse, so too does the prisoner-guard relationship. Indeed, sexual abuse in prison is prolific. Id. (noting that sexual harassment in prison “is so much a part of the power structure that it is almost invisible.”); Carrigan, 70 F. Supp. 2d at 458-61; Cash, 2009 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 91232, 2009 WL 3199558 at *2; see also All Too Familiar, 407 n.13 (recognizing that prisoners “cannot meaningfully consent to sexual relations with staff” and quoting the superintendent of the Bedford Hills Correctional Facility who said: “Where you have power over a person, [sex] cannot be consensual. . . . You cannot be in the position of an inmate and make that kind of decision. . . . Eventually, [sexual relations between an inmate and a staff person] makes other people feel unsafe.”); Laurie A. Hanson, Comment, Women Prisoners: Freedom from Sexual Harassment – A Constitutional Analysis, 13 Golden Gate U. L. Rev. 667, 667 (1983) (hereinafter “Freedom From Sexual Harassment”) (“Sexual relationships between inmates and guards are the product of sexual exploitation and cannot be defined as voluntary.”).

We agree with the underlying rationale of these cases. The power dynamics between prisoners and guards make it difficult to discern consent from coercion. Even if the prisoner concedes that the sexual relationship is “voluntary,” because sex is often traded for favors (more phone privileges or increased contact with children) or “luxuries” (shampoo, gum, cigarettes), it is difficult to [*13] characterize sexual relationships in prison as truly the product of free choice. All Too Familiar, 102, 420 (describing an environment where prisoners engage in sexual acts with staff in exchange for favorable treatment or coveted items such as gum, cigarettes, and drugs and quoting one prisoner who commented “The women here will [perform sexual acts] for gum.”); see also Freedom from Sexual Harassment, (noting that because prisoners often barter sex for certain feelings of freedom, “even so-called ‘voluntary’ sexual activity must be viewed as coercive”).

While affirming the district court’s dismissal of Wood’s deliberate indifference and retaliation claims, the court reverses the dismissal of the harassment case. The case is worth watching closely. Prisons have been notorious for their failure to prevent prison rape and sexual abuse. Tort liability could offer a modicum of deterrence in a system with few protections for inmates. It is notable that the facts in the case would also describe criminal acts since the alleged fondling and groping was done under color of the law and without consent. However, no criminal charges were brought in the case. It is also interesting that this is not a case of battery as an unconsented and offensive touching.

For prison advocates the case is important in that, as done before the district court, inmate claims are often dismissed with little scrutiny. Judges too often defer blindly to prison officials or simply take an officer’s word for what occurred in a given case. That makes this case a rare win for a prisoner.

Source: SF Gate

36 thoughts on “The Platonic Prison Relationship: Court Rules In Favor Of Prisoners Sexual Harassment Lawsuit Against Guard”

  1. Malisha………………….

    well said I agree…. absolutely you are at that prison do do a job… not give blow jobs or have sex with a female or male… why ???? would a C/O do that ??? you are at your place of work… go do that on the outside with someone… lol anyone but not at your place of employment..

  2. Malisha 1, September 27, 2012 at 6:06 pm

    This is a bit of a problem. Almost everything you said makes perfect sense.

    People are going to do what they do. They always have. Get out your wallet.

  3. You CANNOT distinguish “consent” from coercion in a prison inmate/guard relationship. It’s obvious. The guard is responsible UNLESS A PRISONER FORCIBLY RAPES OR SEXUALLY ASSAULTS A GUARD. There is no such thing as “consent” by the prisoner. Period. The same reasoning is the basis of “statutory rape.” You cannot have “informed consent” by a person who, by reason of position or disability, lacks the capacity for consent.

    ANY employees in hospitals or nursing homes, ANY ADULTS with children, ANY guards with prisoners, ANY doctors with their patients, ANY psychotherapists with their clients, etc. etc. C’mon, it’s easy. If there is a relationship of authority/submission (obedience) involved, there is no genuine consent to sex. Q.E.D. Fire the guard, and furthermore, make sure she cannot get other jobs involving power over others in vulnerable situations.


  4. Matt ????? why would you want to go throw your job away ???? is that what you are saying ??? I said ( let me go throw my job away ) it was a joke lol lol I said NOT

  5. tricia 1, September 25, 2012 at 5:45 pm

    Talk to the hand.

  6. Billie 1, September 24, 2012 at 2:44 pm

    let me go throw my job away…. NOT
    Guess what?

  7. Just because someone broke the law …… or maybe not, does not give anyone the right to abuse their authority. And for you correction guards who turn a blind eye on the abuse…. SHAME ON YOU AND YOU ARE JUST AS GUILTY AS THE PRISONER BECAUSE YOU JUST BROKE THE LAW ALSO. It is your job to protect.

  8. go to Georgia… the prison systems there… wow happens all the time… all the time… and its mostly the female guards going after the prisoners… crazy… get a life…. Fired… first time no exceptions… you are there working not to have sex with the prisoners I mean Really… its bad in Georgia all of them… What……. can’t get a date on the outside ????? hmmmmm I was law enforcement in GA… saw it happen all the time…. even on the job where I worked crazy….. let me go throw my job away…. NOT

  9. The Ninth Circuit has come up with some outrageous decisions, looks like we can’t even depend on the judges anymore for our rights….

  10. Put on different makeup. You can’t do it by yourself, and women will fight if they don’t want to.

  11. valeriekeefe,

    Your point is what? You cage animals and sometimes the animals just happen to have the keys.

  12. There is an awful lot of blaming the person who got raped going on in this thread, as though the person being raped, was somehow victimizing the correctional officer who controls every facet of the life of the person being raped.

  13. The guard is described by the court as having a “reputation for . . . being overly friendly with the inmates.” She reportedly was transferred to Wood’s block and allegedly began to pursue him sexually. However, when Wood (who had found religion in prison) discovered that she was married, he told her that he did not want to have a personal relationship. He testified “she had to be honest with me. Because I did express to her before that my feelings on adultery . . . . I was kind of crushed in a way because. . . I believed that we were working on something . . . that we had a future together . . . I said that we needed to back off . . . . [W]e got to stop.” When she persisted and came into this cell and groped him, he allegedly objected and told her not to. This was followed by what Wood described as aggressive patdowns where she fondled him.
    Order a pizza. Put your bible under the mattress.

  14. When I was a corrections officer (politically correct) sex among inmates was very common. When prison guards would get involved we usually put them on the maximum security floor. That way they could play all day and no one was the wiser. Only when the inmates beat the officer down would we get involved. Then and only then did the officer learn his or her lesson.

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