22 thoughts on “Bath or Walk: The Yin and Yang of the Canine World”

  1. you now that lovely animal got neither….and I think that was cruel…..

  2. It is times like this that I am struck by the close affinity of man and dog. We are not real complex beings . . .

    A bit convoluted though.

    The video reminds me of how politicians think elections work.

  3. A dog’s perspective on zen:

    It is not the threat of bath that motivates us, but rather the joy of the retreat under the bed.

  4. Our very neurotic Britanny Spaniel heads under the bed whenever we go into the cabinet that contains her ear medicine. The problem is, there is so much other stuff in that cabinet she’s on the run several times a day. We moved the medicine but the Pavlov response is ingrained in that smart but twisted brain. Poor Coco! All dogs have some OCD in them but Coco is controlled by her fears. She’s happy and currently 12. She runs miles each day and I give her extra stimulation retrieving a ball in the yard daily. The exercise helps. When it’s bitterly cold here she’s a basket case. She reminds me of my Aunt Julia who was anxious and OCD her whole life. The key w/ Julia was she was open about it..didn’t use the energy so many exert trying to hide it. She lived to age 98.

  5. “I think it is like a water park or something, but he is having a lot of fun.” (Tony C)


  6. Seems like he decided it was all a game, thght mean at first glance but then that tail was wagging no matter whether bed or out the door. Nothing like a dog.

  7. My youngest dog is a 3-year old black lab that LOVES to be dried off; so much so that he begs to go out in hard rain, runs frantically around the yard, then comes in to be dried off, then immediately does that twice more. I think it is like a water park or something, but he is having a lot of fun.

  8. Puppy aims to please. No matter how many times she teases him, he still believes that she means it when she mentions the bath and the walk. She needs to take that beautiful animal for a nice walk and run in the doggy park.

  9. My dog hates baths, until we actually get started. She really likes the extra attention and massaging. She even likes to be dried off! But the next time I say bath, she hides.

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