Ohio Woman In Injured When Police Throw Her To Ground, Pry Open Her Mouth, And Arrest Her . . . After Taking Tylenol

article-2629393-1DDF609500000578-147_634x461Below is a disturbing video from the Summit County (Ohio) jail where Siobhan Householder, 35, is shown being thrown to the ground and having her jaw pried open by deputies because she had taken Tylenol while waiting in a prisoner-holding room. She was merely at the jail to have a warrant lifted so she did not appear in custody. Indeed, she was left with her purse, soda, and other items as she waited. What followed was highly shocking.

Householder, a mother of three, has a tooth infection and had swallowed the pain reliever when Deputy Eric Vaughn spotted her. She says that he demanded to know what she was taking and she said “Tylenol.” He allegedly ordered her to spit it out but she had already swallowed it. She says that she was only able to say “I can’t” when he pulled her up and threw her to the ground while trying to pry open her mouth. She had one of the three pills in her mouth but say that he was squeezing her mouth and pulling her hair — making it impossible to spit it out.

article-2629393-1DE0EEF300000578-296_306x423She suffered a bruised chin, cuts inside her mouth, bruises to her legs and some hair loss. The officer is seen later collecting the Tylenol bottle and a single pill from the ground. Householder was handcuffed and frisked and her bags were searched before being taken to Akron General Medical Center.

While she was in the hospital ER, she was hit with charges of resisting arrest and obstructing official business. She was not charged with any drug offense.

article-2629393-1DDF60A000000578-748_634x463Given the sudden action by the officer, it is hard to see the basis for resisting arrest in this video and the obstruction charge seems to be redundant and equally problematic. We have seen in the past how victims of abuse are often hit with multiple charges that are later dropped. The concern is that police will charge individuals not only to justify their actions but to encourage a plea deal or at least an agreement not to sue the police.

What do you think?

Source: Ohio.com

Kudos: Michael Blott

67 thoughts on “Ohio Woman In Injured When Police Throw Her To Ground, Pry Open Her Mouth, And Arrest Her . . . After Taking Tylenol”

  1. Call the Summit County Sheriff’s Department and leave a message with the officer who is investigating this matter. The perp needs to be charged with, at minimum, disorderly conduct, battery, and misconduct in office (or whatever these crimes are classified as in Ohio). I’m presently in Denmark, but called long-distance just now to express what I, as a taxpaying citizen of the United States (with no fewer than five ancestors who fought in the Revolution) think of this. (330) 643-2111 is the number for the department.

  2. *** In 1920 what one ingested was established at a God given right for thousands of years.

    *** Now we have mentally ill people called cops that claim that they can usurp God given rights. What is even more disturbing is that some of these people call themselves Christians.

  3. “Ohio”

    Tin soldiers and Nixon coming,
    We’re finally on our own.
    This summer I hear the drumming,
    Four dead in Ohio.

    Gotta get down to it
    Soldiers are cutting us down
    Should have been done long ago.
    What if you knew her
    And found her dead on the ground
    How can you run when you know?

    Gotta get down to it
    Soldiers are cutting us down
    Should have been done long ago.
    What if you knew her
    And found her dead on the ground
    How can you run when you know?

    Tin soldiers and Nixon coming,
    We’re finally on our own.
    This summer I hear the drumming,
    Four dead in Ohio.

  4. At this point, I think I’d rather take my chances with criminals than cops. At least you know criminals are generally motivated by profit (aside from the mentally or ideologically disturbed or the chemically altered), but you can never tell why a cop is going to decide to mess with you. And of course there’s no real recourse if they do.

    1. In Phoenix, all cops list their home address as the main police station.

  5. One of my friends of many years was an amateur radio operator, whose station license was WB9PME, and who was a Chicago patrolman, the late Clarence Madison..

    He spoke with me about how police work had changed from work he greatly enjoyed to work that often troubled his conscience.

    We spoke of that concern of his many times, and I shared with him of my understanding of social psychology attribution theory, especially “the fundamental attribution error,” which error attributes situational factor effects (stuff that is accurately outside a person’s actual locus of control) to something labeled “personal disposition,” and enables blaming a person for events over which the person had no actual ability to prevent.

    Police brutality, if that be a suitable term, is the result of social structure situational errors which social coercion drives into people’s mental models of external reality.

    An error does not become not an error through indefinitely repeated indoctrination of the belief that it is not an error; however, enough repetition of an error while accompanied by enough repetition of the erroneous belief that the error is not an error can reinforce the erroneous belief that the error is not an error.

    Instead of finding fault with the victims of human error (such as police officers who use brutality in response to the brutality of their socialization experiences), what needs to happen for people to recognize as fact that everyone has been victimized by human error?

  6. Drug war insanity layered over the top of police state authoritarianism is what this is. That insanity gives authorities near carte blanche when it comes to abusing people…and with police tending to view citizens more as potential adversaries rather than someone they are there to protect and serve, this is what you get. Hope she sues. Better yet, would like to see the officer charged with assault. Cops that resort to this sort of physical violence so quickly are exactly the people who should not be cops.

  7. at this point in time and life im definitely fed up with those who insist on defending the worse criminals in history aka cops= criminals out patrolling streets ….. NO ONE FORCED THEM TO JOIN THE ACADEMY!! they did so of their own free will.. knowing what the risks were and are everyday…

    yet no matter what happens you will find at least 2 people defending their actions.. heres a psa for the cops!!! the elites hate you worse then they hate the rest of society because you have turned your backs on your fellow citizens
    just remember boys and girls in blue when they get tired of you it will be your turn to be abused,killed, jailed, and what ever else they can think of to do to you. those same false charges you write against your fellow citizens will one day be the same charges you or someone close to you will face.. always remember..

    karma is a itch that will get scratched….

  8. Historically, a police state has always failed, just like fiat currency, because eventually the people rise up. It’s only a matter of time.

  9. I heard on NPR tonight that some community in L.A. is considering a board of citizens to oversee the police, since their current oversight apparently is not too effective. I think that is a fantastic idea! I know LEO have tough jobs, but a constant reminder that humans are their neighbors as well as their salary-payers and not their enemies is a good thing. We are fellow humans, not just objects for the restless cops to shoot at with the excess from all our useless military expenditures.

  10. Sick authoritarian control freaks. That poor woman. Highly disturbing considering these folks are supposed to protect the public. Wow, is the U.S. third-world or what?

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