DUI Charges Against Texas Judge Dropped For Lack of Evidence . . . Then Police Release Video Of Judge Stumbling Through A Sobriety Test

judge16n-2-webLast November, questions were raised over a decision of prosecutors to drop all charges against 13th Court Justice of Appeals Nora Longoria for alleged drunk driving. There were concerns of special treatment but prosecutors insisted that they simply lacked sufficient evidence. Now it appears that there was a dash cam video that clearly shows Longoria unable to complete sobriety tests. It would seems a fairly easy case for prosecution.

Longoria is shown struggling to walk a straight line and stumbling. Police say that another video includes audio recording where Longoria pleads with the officer to “Please let me go home. I live a couple of miles away” and “You are going to ruin my life.”

She refused to give a blood sample.

Everyone is now insisting that it is a complete mystery how the video of this judge was not sent to prosecutors. As for Longoria, she does not appear to feel the need to respond to the evidence on the video.

Frankly, I am less concerned over the DUI as I am over the possible special treatment afforded to a judge.

Longoria ran on a campaign of “Nora for Justice” and emphasized the need for impartial treatment of accused persons. She insisted “I am committed to the legal profession and to the integrity and sanctity of the judicial system. My promise is to always apply the law fairly and without bias in all cases.”

She graduated from the University of Texas A&M in 1986 with a major in political science and a minor in history. She then graduated from the University of Texas School of Law in 1990.

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51 thoughts on “DUI Charges Against Texas Judge Dropped For Lack of Evidence . . . Then Police Release Video Of Judge Stumbling Through A Sobriety Test”

  1. @buckaroo ~ Their on-call so many days a week and so are alternate judges, on days the main judge is off. Our county judge goes to the jail 3 times a day 7 days a week and that doesn’t include his courtroom or his law practice. He also belongs to a singing group, he loves to sing. He is actually quite comical, knows the law by heart and can repeat any law by heart. I loved working with him.

    However, I know of another judge who is so old, she has no hair and has to wear wigs. What I didn’t like about her is she has all of the cops who’ve written tickets meet with her before court. She hears their case and tells them how she is going to rule, which is always against the defendants. The only time she rules against the police is when they fail to put the correct date or get the speeding miles and the actual speeding limit mixed up. There was alot of not so right things done, even with court staff. One day, it’s going to come back and bite them in their proverbial city wallet.

    1. According to Judiciary duty. A judge and other members of the court can be called on any time of the day. For example like on TV in this holds true. “We need to wake up the judge and have the warrant signed before the defendant has a chance to destroy the evidence.” http://crimeblog.dallasnews.com/2014/10/disbarred-arlington-attorney-and-former-dallas-municipal-judge-gets-20-years-in-prison-for-continuing-to-pose-as-a-lawyer.html/

  2. @Bill McWilliams ~ No one can be as calculatedly rude as Republicans, which amazes Democrats, who do not understand studied insult and can only offer abuse as a substitute. When you can’t debate, you insult. lol 😉

  3. Msjettexas

    If you’re unable to stay on topic, there are plenty of other sites where people might love to see your links to hee-haw music.

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