“We Stand With Our Incumbent Members”: Opponent of Wasserman Schultz in Florida Denied Access To Democratic Voter Data

Wasserman SchultzFlorida congresswoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz has been widely accused of being a key architect of “rigging” the primary in favor of Hillary Clinton. Among the various controversies surrounding Wasserman Schultz was her blocking Bernie Sanders’ campaign from accessing the DNC’s voter data files, which contain email addresses and telephone numbers for constituents. Now Tim Canova, a law professor at Nova Southeastern University who is running against Wasserman Schultz for her seat in Congress, has revealed that found out that he too is blocked from accessing Democratic voter data. Mind you he is a Democrat but the state Democrats confirmed that only incumbents can gain access to the valuable resource in what critics have said is a blatant effort to favor such candidates. Canova has made the denial to the VAN system part of his campaign while various groups and individuals have campaigned for her to be removed as DNC head.

Florida Democratic Party spokesman Max Stelle is quoted as saying that the Florida Democratic Party does not offer data access “to candidates challenging incumbent members of Florida’s Democratic congressional delegation. This policy has been applied uniformly across the board since 2010. We stand with our incumbent members of Congress and we’re proud of the job they do representing the people of Florida. The Voter File is proprietary software created and owned by the Democratic National Committee that is maintained and operated by the Florida Democratic Party here in state.”

It was such on unbelievable statement that I checked to make sure that there was not a hoax and there is such as person as Max Steele. There is. It is unbelievable that the party, which is supposed to be neutral and inclusive, defends a rule designed to make it more difficult for democrats to challenge incumbents despite overwhelming public sentiment against the establishment. While insisting that they are eager to incorporate Sanders supporters who are fighting the establishment, they also openly protecting incumbents from challengers.

canova-timothyCanova is a Sanders supporter who teaches banking and corporations.

74 thoughts on ““We Stand With Our Incumbent Members”: Opponent of Wasserman Schultz in Florida Denied Access To Democratic Voter Data”

  1. OKrasner:

    “College kids use student IDs. Voter Suppression laws will not accept a student ID.

    Old people give up driving and let their driver’s license expire. No more photo ID.

    Poor people do not own cars. No driver’s license. No photo ID.

    Poor people and students do not have credit cards or bank accounts.

    You are unfamiliar with how many American citizens live.”

    Au contraire. I have lived on Mac N Cheese and Top Ramen in my day. I know plenty what it was like to be poor.

    Why are student ID not valid voter ID? Because different schools have different requirements to prove their identity, and it would be difficult for the volunteers to determine if it was forged or valid.

    Yes, it is true that the elderly give up their license, and then are at a loss when they have to get a document notarized or go vote. Because voter ID laws should be consistent, and well marked, then when they give up their license, they should immediately get a photo ID. They will need it for notarizing wills, trusts, POAs, reverse mortgage loans, cashing Social Security checks… That is why states, in fact, have programs that help the poor and the elderly get those IDs, including those who are not ambulatory.

    Poor people need photo ID in order to receive many benefits.

    In fact, it is quite difficult to function in society without a photo ID. That is why programs to help the poor get them are ubiquitous in the US. If there is a gap in these programs, then they should certainly be bridged. I absolutely support efforts to help the poor and the elderly get the ID they need to function.

  2. OKrasner:

    “OMG. Karen is talking about poor people who need to have a picture ID in order to get a home loan or medical power of attorney!” Or receive welfare benefits, cash Social Security Checks, get payday loans…and heck don’t the poor deserve to have a medical POA? They could get it done at Legal Aid.

    There are many transactions that are free or performed pro bono that require photo ID.

    Poor IDs Matter!

  3. OKrasner:

    “Voter ID laws only protect against voter impersonation.” They would also help weed out illegal alien voters, unless they had fraudulent ID.

    There is no single panacea to combat voter fraud. There are several arrows in the quiver, including photo ID, occasionally auditing the roles to purge it of felons, the dead, and illegal aliens, as well as efforts to prevent multiple voting.

    Voter fraud is rarely investigated or prosecuted. That does not mean it is a rare occurrence. I recall seeing several exposes wherein journalists went door to door and got people to confirm, on camera, that not only were they illegal aliens, but they had voted and had no idea that was wrong.

    Just because photo ID would not prevent ALL cases of fraud, that is no reason to prevent it. Heck, if it’s good enough for the Democratic National Convention, it’s good enough for the rest of us to vote, right?

  4. Speaking of the disconnect of Liberals, I enjoyed this video when I had access to WIFI:


    Ami Horowitz interviewed white people in Brooklyn about cops. They all said cops were racist and not to be trusted. So he went to Harlem wearing a shirt emblazened with “Cops’ Lives Matter.” You would think this would be the next submission to the Darwin Awards but…no. He had a lot of people say very nice things about the police, how it’s their duty to protect, and they’ve had positive interactions with them.

    Every politician has their schtick to get votes. With Liberals, it seems to be capitalizing on victimization and helplessness, as well as the holier-than-thou routine, as if any politician of the Duopoly would be pure as driven snow. Liberal voters sincerely fall for it, but it appears to be just a gimmick to the politicians to get votes.

    Here we have Debbie Wasserman Schultz, who often declares the moral superiority of the Democratic Party shamelessly blocking any newcomers in their own party to help incumbents get re-elected, even though Congress has the approval rating of cockroaches. Literally. So clearly the public is dissatisfied with incumbents and the status quo, whether it’s Congress or the Presidency. But she is determined to choose for them. You will have Hillary Clinton and you will like it!

    1. I think most states have arraingements to mail absentee ballots….some are ballot by mail only.
      Student photo I.D. IS generally accepted at the polls. There are requirement in some states for proof of residency….an out of state student may not have officially changed residence in the state he/ she is attending college.

  5. @Tnash

    Okrapner’s criteria of “convictions” is a red herring. Here is another story were immigrants voted illegally:

    We don’t know how widespread this problem is because elections offices don’t keep track of where non-citizens live,” Pierrotti reports, “So we decided to do something that they’d never tried to do before: We found them on our own.” The investigation began by examining state forms on which residents had declined jury duty by checking a box indicating that they weren’t US citizens, and were therefore ineligible to serve. Pierrotti then cross-referenced those results with local voter rolls, identifying at least 94 people who were registered to vote in the state of Florida. Next, he visited some of these people at their homes, where they admitted that they weren’t citizens and professed ignorance as to how they were registered to vote in the first place. But voting records confirmed that they’d exercised their “right” to vote that, as non-citizens, they do not actually possess. The NBC 2 team interviewed a number of these illegal voters on camera, including a Jamaican national who simply attested that he was a US citizen on a voter registration form, and — voila! — he joined the American electorate. It was a felony, but it was that easy. And if a news crew hadn’t connected the dots, no one would have ever known.


    The above Jamaican illegally voted, but was probably never charged. BUT that does not change the fact that he voted illegally, which is the whole point. Voter ID laws make it harder for the fraud to take place in the first place. I am waiting for Okrapner to find his own convictions on the net, then we can sit back and watch him argue with himself. That ought to be interesting!

    Squeeky Fromm
    Girl Reporter

    1. Squeeky…I know. If there is documentation that tens of thousands of New Yorkers are also registered in Florida, and that a thousand of them double-voted, it never happened because there was no legal action taken, no conviction.
      If only 20 states crosscheck, and double voting is “rarely prosecuted”, then by OK’s standard it didn’t happen.

  6. TNash

    Sorry you have been unable to grasp the reason for the court cases challenging the Voter ID laws. You see the states are passing laws that make it very, very difficult for many thousand, perhaps millions, of citizens to vote. Many of us think that is unconstitutional. Republicans and the Roberts Court thought not. We, who find those laws appalling, suspect the motives of those who support Voter Suppression Laws.

    But I can understand your horror of all the voter impersonation fraud taking place. I think Squeeky may be close to finding three. Just waiting for citations on the convictions.

  7. Wasserman-Shultz is not in this alone. At least one Florida polling place refused to give out any Democratic ballots and told voters that it was a Republican-only primary. No one has been able to day how many voters were not able to vote.

    In addition, on Tuesday’s primary evening, the corporate media covered everyone’s speeches but Bernie Sanders. Not one media corp covered his speech. And he’s won more primaries than Kasich or Cruz. Liberal media? My ass.

    1. OK …you provide no specifics for how the “states are passing laws that make it difficult for many thousands, perhaps millions, of citizens to vote.
      The initial action action the New Black Panther Party was filed in 2008 under the Bush administration.
      Barton Bull, a civil rights attorney, called it “the worst case of voter intimidation he’d ever seen.
      The Holder Justice Dept, dropped the case in 2009, I think.

  8. TNash

    Please provide details on the Black Panthers voter intimidation. I think I know the instance, but I’d be very surprised if they were charged. Since when are three big African Americans dressed in camo standing outside a polling place a criminal act?

    But perhaps you have a different story. Please fill me in.

  9. @Okrapner

    I don’t like the WND that much myself, BUT that does not mean every story they do is wrong. You are just another Dem who finds ways not to see what is right before his eyes.

    Plus, I gave you some convictions there. Sooo, why don’t you be a good little boy, and go do an honest search and find some more. They are out there! Be honest. You can do it! But, I suspect that you will keep on creating excuses to not believe what you don’t want to believe.

    Squeeky Fromm
    Girl Reporter

  10. Squeeky

    Convictions, please. Then I will be happy to add the three frauds to the tally of 3 out of 50 million legal voters. (The 50 million is just an estimate. Probably not to relevant or exactly accurate in your example since a couple were in local city elections)

    Nice to know that you fnd O’Keefe such an upstanding citizen. One can only admire your high standards.

  11. TNash.

    The problem with Voter Suppression ‘arrests and convictions’ is that there is no law against it, remember? Had you missed the news about the courts upholding some of the Voter Suppression laws and what the Supremes did to the Voting Rights Act?

  12. Convictions, TNash. Convictions. Please post citations and World Net Daily really doesn’t do it for me. And I’m quite sure the MSM would be delighted to post news of any convictions. This issue has been hot, hot, hot; wouldn’t you agree?

    1. OK ….I did post sources and answered most of your questions….you have not answered mine, or attempted to.
      YOU were the one who parsed the phrase “How many convictions?”. CONVICTIONS.
      I cited quotes from sources that it was “rarely prosecuted”, and noted that only 20 states have the crosscheck system.
      You don’t accept SLATE, POLITICO, WND, USA TODAY, ETC.
      Do your own damn research and quit wasting other peoples’ time, and ducking their questions.

    2. OK …I see where you sort of answered a question. Your conclusion is that voter suppression is not a crime.
      Assuming that is true, do you think it is “actionable” in any way by the Justice Dept.?
      Do you know if any investigation of this non-crime, other than the voter intimidation case in Philidelphia involving the New Black Panther Party?

  13. @Okrasner

    I guess you didn’t understand the whole “google” search thing, and you didn’t read any of the stuff at the links. Sigh. Here’s one:

    DES MOINES, Iowa – The Iowa Division of Criminal Investigation says three Council Bluffs residents have been charged with election misconduct.

    Two Canadian nationals and a Mexican national were booked into the Pottawattamie County jail. The felony charges allege they registered to vote in Iowa and voted in at least one election.

    The arrests followed an investigations by an Iowa Division of Criminal Investigation agent who was assigned to work with Secretary of State Matt Schultz to root out voter fraud

    Charged are 52-year-old Albert Harte-Maxwell, 49-year-old Linda Harte-Maxwell, and 40-year-old Maria Ayon-Fernandez, all of Council Bluffs.

    A criminal complaint says Albert Harte-Maxwell voted in the 2010 general election and 2011 city election and Linda Harte-Maxwell voted in the 2011 city election. Maria Ayon-Fernandez voted in the 2010 general election.


    Oh, and you reveal your lack of integrity when you attack O’Keefe. Yeah, you are just way too morally and intellectually superior to deign to watch something that is opposed to your pre-existing view. Sooo, you attack the source.Typical.

    Squeeky Fromm
    Girl Reporter

  14. DWS is reprehensible for controlling a Democratic created and owned data-base. I’m shocked, I tell you.

    Judging by the fury that has unleased here, I hesitate to share with your the guy that Ted Cruz has hired as his new advisor – none other than that well known conspiracy Islamaphobe theorist, Frank Gaffney who accused General Petraeus and Grover Norquist of ties to the Muslim Brotherhood. or something


    Now I can’t wait for Debbie to get canned, but I really don’t understand the outrage here. I think an argument can be made that the party can control a data base that they own. Say they were unfortunate enough to have an outsider like, say, Donald Trump, show up and decide to run for president as a Democrat. Or maybe a David Duke. Should they just hand over their database? I don’t think so.

  15. I really don’t know why people are upset. HRC has pulled in all her IOU’s and is guaranteed to be the next president. By hook and crook, she will get the presidency. Just like Teflon, nothing sticks.

  16. Squeeky Fromm

    Good work! Now meet the criteria: convictions. Republicans would be happy to say Jesus committed voter fraud. But with all those thousands of illegals voting, I guess there are at least hundreds of convictions. Easy Peasy to provide the citations.

    Project Veritas? You mean James The Pimp O’Keefe organization? Now, I do believe he was convicted of a crime. Congratulations on finding a sleezy fraud!

  17. @Okrasner

    Illegal immigrants vote??? Here, try this:


    If you have questions about things like that, you can use that little “search bar” thingy that shows up in your browser. I use google.com for my home, so I typed “illegal immigrants voting illegally” and VOILA! this showed up


    Try this “google search” thing and you may have to practice it a little, but you would be surprised at the information you can obtain! Good luck! Let me know if you need any help.

    Squeeky Fromm
    Girl Reporter

    1. Squeeky and OK….Thanks fir the post re non-citizens voting.
      Also, the census does not distinquish between citizens and non-citizens, at least for the purpose of electoral votes by TOTAL population.
      So a state with a large illegal population could get more electoral votes based on total population.
      OK -There is no general agreement about the scale of double voting. The Interstate Voter Registration Crosscheck Program has 20 stares that are supposed to be checking on this.
      “46,000 New Yorkers were found to be registered in both New York and Florida”.

      -Oct.28, 2004 SLATE
      The offense is rarely prosecuted. Same SLATE article.
      ” Arizona makes an example out of a few that voted twice.”-USA TODAY, DEC. 30, 2012
      “Here’s how you can vote twice”- WND 11-29-2015
      ( this article quotes one source saying it’s “a huge problem, then another saying it is “not common”.
      “Dick Morris: There’s proof that over 1,000,000 people voted twice in 2012”.-POLITICAL APRIL 10, 2014
      (I could not pull this article up for some reason).
      If it’s “rarely prosecuted, then it would, of course, be tough to site CONVICTIONS, which is what you asked.
      You can easily google for number of actual convictions…I have just skimmed that so far, haven’t gone to multiple sources to see how many convictions.
      I have heard accusations of voter suppression. One guy I was discussing this with cited a case in Florida a few years back.
      I would have thought that the Obama/ Holder team would jump on this case of (minorities) barred from voting.
      Also, intentional errors were made in registration to “invite suppression”.
      When I pointed that out, he started talking about Wisconsin and an alleged case there.
      Can you cite any convictions for officials who engaged in voter suppression?
      Can you cite any Justice Dept. action for this offense?

  18. OMG. Karen is talking about poor people who need to have a picture ID in order to get a home loan or medical power of attorney!

  19. Independent Bob

    Can you post one instance of an illegal immigrant who has been convicted of voting illegally?

    Pretty generally, they don’t give a damn about voting and they sure as hell aren’t seeking any scrutiny from ‘officials’ who are investigating their IDs with a police officer within ten feet.

    But I’d be glad to read about any citations that you can post that verify convictions for voting illegally.

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