Clinton Aide: Hillary Lost Because Women Suffer From “Internalized Misogyny”

220px-annie_kenney_and_christabel_pankhurst-1We recently discussed how, within minutes of the loss on election night, Clinton aides began to spin the loss and entirely the fault of FBI Director James Comey — a spin picked up by Clinton herself the next day. Many of us have questioned that spin in light of Clinton’s long-standing low polls on truthfulness and her ranking as (with Trump) the most unpopular nominee of a major party for the presidency. Now, former Clinton campaign communications director Jess McIntosh has come up with a new culprit. Of course, it is not the Democratic establishment that engineered the nomination despite ample warning signs in the polls. It was not the campaign that preferred spin to honesty at every turn. And it was not the candidate herself. No, it was the self-loathing and inherent sexism of women.

In an appearance on MSNBC (which seems at times to be moving through the stages of grieving of Kübler-Ross), McInstosh insisted that the problem was with sexist, self-hating women: “Internalized misogyny is a real thing and this is a thing we have to be talking about as we go through and see.” She added “We as a society react poorly to women seeking positions of power. We are uncomfortable about that and we seek to justify that uncomfortable feeling because it can’t possibly be because we don’t want to see a woman in that position of power. As we go through these numbers, as we figure out exactly what happened with turnout, it seems to be white college-educated women . . . We have work to do talking to those women about what happened this year and why we would vote against our self-interest.”

Of course, there could be a more obvious answer: people really did not like Hillary as a leader regardless of her gender. It may be that the large numbers of women refused to vote for Hillary simply because she was a woman. Clinton and Trump were the most unpopular politicians ever to be nominated for president and over 60 percent of voters viewed Clinton as fundamentally dishonest. None of that stopped the DNC from engineering her victory over Bernie Sanders who presented precisely the populist campaign that many voters were looking for. Clinton had the Democratic establishment and many allies in the media — everyone agreed except the public. That was enough . . . until the voters had their say on November 8th.

Jess McIntosh is the Communications Director for Emily’s list and previously served as spokesperson for Senator Al Franken.

McIntosh’s statement reflects what turned off a lot of women that I spoke with. The Clinton campaign hammered away at different groups “voting their interests” and specifically drum beat the notion that women had to support Clinton as the first possible female president. It was all about “self-interest.” That pitch itself can be viewed as sexist. Many women did not trust Clinton and saw nothing in her that spoke to their lives or the difficulties of their families. Notably, Clinton was losing among various female groups to Sanders in the primary. Again, Clinton staffers spoke of educating women to see their self-interest, but tended to avoid the anomaly of running female-centric themes without the support of most women. For many women and men, picking a president is not about “self-interest” but the best for their country and their families.

According to the New York Times, Clinton carried only 54 percent of the female vote against Donald Trump. However, nearly twice as many white women without college degrees voted for Trump than for Hillary and she basically broke almost even on college-educated white women (with Hillary taking 51 percent). Trump won the majority of white women at 53 percent.

The dismissal of white women by the Clinton camp as self-loathing, sexist robots is another effort at avoidance. The Democratic leadership and consultants proved out-of-touch with the public despite polls that gave ample indication that Clinton was the worst possible candidate to put forward in this anti-establishment period. Nevertheless, the Democrats appear to be rallying around again many of the same leaders and the Clinton family (including reportedly grooming Chelsea as the new “brand” name candidate). The position of aides like McIntosh is that the fault is that white women simply did not listen or learn. It was not the message or the candidate or her campaign. It is a remarkably insulting spin but it seems to be preferred to the more difficult questions raised by the campaign.

287 thoughts on “Clinton Aide: Hillary Lost Because Women Suffer From “Internalized Misogyny””

  1. No, someone wasn’t paid $3,500 to protest Donald Trump; it’s fake news

    Donald Trump has suggested that paid protesters targeted his rallies during the 2016 campaign, and even stronger charges from conspiracy websites such as Infowars have flooded the Internet.

    If such claims piqued your interest and you plugged “paid protesters” into Google at mid-day on Nov. 17, at the top of the list is this one: “Donald Trump Protester Speaks Out: ‘I Was Paid $3,500 To Protest Trump’s Rally.’ ”

    The link cites not one but two seemingly mainstream media outlets. It’s credited to “” and includes the abbreviation “(AP),” which is how the Associated Press marks its stories.

    But the story doesn’t have anything to do with ABC News, and it doesn’t have anything to do with the Associated Press. It is 100 percent fake.

    It was created by Paul Horner, who posts fake news on a variety of websites. Some of his posts go viral, presumably boosting his standing with Google’s news algorithm. The fake news posts typically earn Horner — according to an interview with the Washington Post — $10,000 a month in ad sales.

    In the Post interview, Horner took credit for the fake news item about the protester being paid $3,500.

      1. guest,

        Aw…that breaks my heart. I guess people posting information others don’t want to read could be annoying to those who don’t care to hear the truth.

        1. I apologize if that seemed harsh or out of line. Do you see what I mean when I say Squeeky has a skill? She can address and navigate insults and criticisms and disagreements head-on and then you all just carry on. No hard feelings, no nothing. Actually, many of you have this skill That is a wonderful thing to be able to do. So many on this blog are exceptional in this way.

  2. It used to be candidates could hand out low value trinkets with the name, party and ambition, rulers, pencils, pens. Too bad the perfect trinket would have been a woman’s compact with “You could be me, Vote Hillary”. As the women stared into the mirror and saw themselves as possibly a President or someone important like Hillary, they would be motivated to Vote. Woman, made in the image of Hillary.

    John Legend: Trump is saying ‘Hitler-like things’
    © Getty Images

    Singer John Legend says President-elect Donald Trump’s rhetoric sounds like Nazi leader Adolf Hitler’s.

    “Trump is saying Hitler-level things in public,” Legend said during a roundtable with other pop stars published by The Hollywood Reporter on Thursday. “And I feel like it’s dangerous for us to be complacent,” added Legend.

    “It’s dangerous for us to think that it couldn’t happen to us like it happened to Germany in the ‘30s and ‘40s,” he added.

    “The world and America have done some atrocious things in the past, and we could do it again if we had the wrong leadership and if people of conscience don’t speak up.” “

    1. I think that reporters need to seek out more people like
      like John Legend in the entertainment industry.
      Those entertainers always provide brilliant political analysis.😏😒

    2. And Weird Al Yankovic says Hillary looks and acts like a fat, alcoholic, Stalin. Who, in the name of everything holy, gives a rats ass what John Legend has to say on any topic, including music!!

      1. SWM, You’re linking like that former Guest Blogger, I forget her name. She linked like she was getting paid piece work[blue collar factory reference]. You are usually better than this. Time to take a long walk before the snow hits.

    3. We have the wrong “leadership” right now. We are already a fascist nation. We don’t need Trump for that.

      We need people to wake up now!!! Here is one of dear leader’s militarized police force in action against a water protector. It’s just like Gitmo, only it’s here.

      Democrats, please, you need to see your own hand in the state of this nation. Stop pushing it off onto the right wing. You have excused and excused and excused the most heinous crimes under the guise of, “it’s my side”. We must stop doing this. There are actions which should not be excused, no matter who is doing them.

      1. Jill,
        – I know a little bit about the Bakkan area of western North Dakota.
        I knew a woman who owned some farmland in that area; she sold it in the 1980s, but wisely retained part of the mineral rights.
        Her grandchildren ( she died about 15 years ago) probably benefited from their inheritance of those mineral rights, especially after the “Bakkan Boom” really took off.
        Some of the drilling and refining is done on tribal reservation land.
        A relatively small tribe had annual royalty profits of well over $100 million in the years of peak prices..
        .I don’t know what their royalties are since the big decline in oil prices started 2-3 years ago.
        Hopefully, all or most tribal members benefitted from the financial windfall.
        There are environmental risks involved in the extraction, refining,and transportation,of petroleum products.
        Huge royalty payment may have helped to allay some of those concerns when various tribes made deals with the oil companies.
        I think truck and rail are the primary means of transporting the oil off of the reservations.
        I don’t know enough about the relative environmental risks of transport via pipeline v. rail or truck.
        I’m not sure what the tribes anticipated when they made the deals with the oil companies, but that oil has to be transported one way or another.
        I think they knew that the drillers didn’t intend to extract the oil, then keep it in storage on the reservation land.
        The question in my mind is why do the tribes agree to take the environment risks involved in drilling, refining, and rail/ truck transportation? Then focus their objections around this particular pipeline.
        There seems to be some real inconsistency incolving this issue.

        1. Is it the route of the pipeline versus the routes of the railroad and highways?

  4. Autumn,

    “Which Democrats aren’t brain dead Squeek? I don’t know any!”

    Of course, the Democrats that YOU know are all “self-hating females.” Are they akin to the people who would be gathered up in Hillary’s “basket of deplorables?” Maybe you should find a better group of “Democratic” folks to hang around with.

    1. EDM – I have a wide range of friends from various backgrounds. My Hilbot friends are all SJWs and blind Demoncrats which is why they still cannot comprehend why she lost. I told them to get behind Bernie – contact the super delegates — but they insisted he couldn’t win. Love them dearly, but they will never wise up.

        1. guest — no one Progressive IMO. They will go with the status quo candidate – Dean or another corporate whore like this guy Jaime Harrison from SC who threw his hat in the ring this week – Yalie, former aid to Jim Clyburn, works for Podesta – but he’s black so perfect! And then they will be surprised all over again that membership decreases and they can’t attract Independents. Sad, actually.

          1. What progressive are you backing for the RNC chair? Ya know Trump’s party leader.

            1. SWM. you know that I am an independent so I’m just an observer. Only reason I paid any attention to the Demoncrats was Bernie running. So through him and others I “met” some cool progressives – Tulsi Gabbard, Nina Turner, Misty Plowright, Tim Canova, Zephr Teachout, etc.

              I hope Trump will stay Trump and not allow the status quo Repugs to run his (our) show. Remain to be seen.

          2. I didn’t realize there were so many options. Will be interesting to watch… you really think “primal scream’ Dean has a shot?

            1. Guest
              Just for pure entertainment value, I’d like to see Dean get the job.
              “Looks like a prairie dog on speed”- Alan Simpson, 2004.
              I mentioned Simpson’s comment before on this blog.
              Keith Ellison appears to have the inside track, IF the media speculation is accurate.
              I don’t know if he’ll stick with “Keith Ellison”, or use the name(s) he’s used in the past.
              If he tries to get Farrakhan in the Democtatic fold, maybe he’ll go back to using “Keith Hakim”, or Keith Ellison- Muhammed.
              He’s flexible.

            2. Sure he does – after all he works for Wall Street now and endorsed HRC over Bernie during the primaries in VT. He is the perfect candidate for the job!

      1. Autumn,

        You implied that ALL Democrats are brain dead…and you know it!

        I have quite a number of friends and a couple of family members who are FOX news right-wingers. I rarely agree with their political views–but I would never call them brain dead. A couple of these friends were way more liberal than I was back in the Nixon and Carter days. Over the years, they moved far to the right. I still love these folks…but we avoid talking politics these days. I would never presume to tell them how I think they should vote in a presidential election. I have too much respect for them. I honestly don’t know if they voted for Trump…or not

        I am a big fan of Bernie. I voted for him in my state’s primary–which he lost. I am not sure he could have won the national election.

        1. EDM – IMO any partisan – R or L is brain dead. Like many others I think Bernie would have beaten Trump like a drum. So many of my Republican friends who voted for Trump against HRC would have voted for him. They were asking me “what’s wrong with the Democrats?” But no use in coulda should woulda thinking. Democrats fu!cked up, went with a heinous mentally unstable witch any sane person feared and now we have Trump. And he just might do a good job. If not at least he’s impeachable.

  5. Trump will be the next president. Hillary will not be the next president.
    I don’t claim to have seen actual insanity on this blog, but a few people here disturbed by that reality may be getting close.

    1. Of course, he will be the next president. Would be good for the country if he became a unifier.

  6. Here is an excellent link for Democrats about the whole Trump is a racist nonsense. It is a long read, and most Democrats will never put in the work to understand it, and if they do start it, they will run like scalded donkeys once it is clear that their biases are not being confirmed. But I am posting it here for those few Democrats who are not brain dead, and for the Trumpers who want to better understand Democratic idiocy.

    I am going to copy and paste this to my word processor!

    Squeeky Fromm
    Girl Reporter

    1. Which Democrats aren’t brain dead Squeek? I don’t know any! They are all crying and blaming. Fault du jour – self-hating females. Previously Comey, Putin, Bernie… Curious to see what the excuse tomorrow will be.

      Thanks for posting – I’ll send it out but probably none of my Hilbots will read it. Still, one must try =)

      1. Speaking of reading, the Evergreen Review is starting back up. I stole my father’s big book, and then ordered the later ones on Amazon. Now, they are starting to print again, and put out free online stuff. Some of it is weird and freaky, but it is always interesting.

        I swear somewhere I have a link to their back issues. I will try to find that for you.

        Squeeky Fromm
        Girl Reporter

    2. Ms Squeeky, I am enjoying watching you ‘work’ this blog. If I was in a position to hire you in the Trump administration I surely would. And I’m just wondering….how annoying do you find this “edm” person?

      1. Thank you! I am sooo glad you enjoy my stuff! It really means a lot to me when I give people something to enjoy, or laugh at. Or rage at.

        I am pretty used to the edm types. They call names and insinuate stuff, post other people’s opinions as facts, and seldom deign to make a coherent argument, but that is pretty typical for most Democrats. So, I don’t let it bother me!

        Squeeky Fromm
        Girl Reporter

        1. How cool are you? And when are you running for higher office? You rock it, Squeeky girl….

          1. Thank you, but I am plenty busy. I help my mom in her business, and help my BFF, the lawyer, in hers. Plus, I have 3 cats, and outside birds and critters. Plus, I help some of my friends with accounting type questions. Sooo, when you add reading, tweeting and blogging, and practicing guitar to all that – I have little time left. Plus, I am thinking about going to law school, too.

            Squeeky Fromm
            Girl Reporter

            1. Good for you…My daughter chose the University of Texas Law School over Georgetown because she got a scholarship. She finished with no debt.

            2. Go! Do it! And in the meantime, you should be a ‘social media/blogging specialist’ in the White House! Or….some kind of diplomat. You handle everything head-on and so diplomatically. That is a real skill that is sorely needed. Rock on, Squeeky girl….

              1. Oh, I am hardly diplomatic! Usually I am pretty direct. But I don’t want to live in Washington. They probably wouldn’t understand the gun in my purse, the brass knuckles, and the dagger.

                Squeeky Fromm
                Girl Reporter

                1. Squeek, the latter two they would certainly understand.

                  DC is a very strange place – 0 connectibility with other people. It’s all about power. I do miss the fabulous museums, the Goethe Institute and the variety of ethnic foods. Love to visit. But I would not want to live there again.

                  Oh, and right now I am watching a German comedian – Dieter Nuhr –Netflix commissioned him to do a show. Very odd.

                  “Nuhr in Berlin”

                  1. I haven’t watched many German films. There was a zombie one, I watched. And there was this one about an angel in Berlin, which I don’t remember the name, except he fell in love a female acrobat and she bent his wings or something and maybe plucked him? Now, the older ones, like M, and Nosferatu, and Blue Angel, and several others, I just loved!

                    Squeeky Fromm
                    Girl Reporter

                    1. I’ll send you a list — so you can add it to all your other viewing lists =) Sheesh, this Dieter guy is most unamusing. Love his accent – but content not.

                      I miss the transvestites who used to do a Christmas cabaret when I was a child. Now THEY were funny!

              1. guest – it has been reported that Trump will not be working from the Oval Office because they want to strip it to the plaster and rebuild it. Obama decided to leave it to the next person. Trump will be out of the office for at least 6 months.

                  1. guest – the Secret Service wants him to work from the Eisenhower Building. Trump has been talking about working from the Trump Tower but the Secret Service is going nuts.

                1. Decorating the White House: What the Trumps Can and Can’t Do

                  In a few weeks, a new first family will reside in the White House.

                  At 1600 Pennsylvania Ave, Donald Trump and his family will find themselves surrounded by a collection of museum-quality paintings, exquisite furniture and historic fixtures.

                  How will the Trumps — known for grandeur and over-the-top living conditions — change the residence and preserve the collection of fine and decorative arts associated with the 224-year-old home?

                  “They are not going to let Trump in and tear down the walls,” said Kate Andersen Brower, author of “First Women: The Grace and Power of America’s Modern First Ladies.”

                  She said most changes will occur on the second and third floors of the mansion; the Lincoln Room and the Yellow Oval Room will remain off-limits. The Trumps will work with a White House curator to ensure they are preserving history, she noted.

                  The first lady will collaborate with an interior designer of her choice, just as the Obamas and Clintons did, to add personal style to the living quarters.

                  “Some parts are essentially historic rooms and belong to the American people, not to the families who live there,” Brower said.

                  Earlier this year, the Obama administration said it had previously rejected Trump’s offer to build a $100 million ballroom inside the executive mansion, an idea the president-elect once floated to Obama aide David Axelrod.

                  1. edm – all I am talking about is the Oval Office which needs to be updated for security, bullet-proof glass, etc. It seems to me that Jackie Kennedy redecorated the living quarters of the White House. She did a tv special on it.

      2. guest, edm is a sockpuppet who has been here under many different names. Just laugh @ him or rip him a new one like Squeek. He’s not worth any emotion, except maybe sadness.

        1. Tho….I think ‘he’ is in fact a ‘she’ based on some of the comments….anyway….it’s all good…!!

          1. last thing Sqeeky…..I did not mean to embarrass you or anything….I just wanted to share some admiration of the value you bring to this blog…..that’s all 🙂

            1. Oh, no problemo! I am just glad you enjoy my stuff! But you know, as a practical matter, President Trump might not want somebody named “Squeeky Fromm” in his administration. Because you just know what the Left will say!

              Squeeky Fromm
              Girl Reporter

  7. Megan Kelly: Fox News Had to Explain to Trump Lawyer Why It Would Be Bad if I Were Killed

    Donald Trump’s feud with Megyn Kelly was way darker than any of us knew. Kelly received so many death threats and so much harassment from Trump supporters after confronting him at the first Republican debate with a challenging question about his many, many misogynistic statements that she needed a special security detail for a year.

    The Trump campaign stoked the flames of the Kelly hate, the Fox News host told CNN’s Anderson Cooper in an interview on Wednesday, to the point that one of the top executives at Fox News had to explain to one of Trump’s top employees why if she “gets killed” it might be bad for their campaign.

    “Michael Cohen, who is Trump’s top lawyer and executive vice president with the Trump Organization had retweeted ‘let’s gut her,’ about me,” Kelly said. “At a time when the threat level was very high, which he knew. And Bill Shine, an executive vice president of Fox, called him up to say, ‘You got to stop this. We understand you are angry but she’s got three kids and is walking around New York.’ ”

    1. Which is a typical Slate hit-piece. Because the story could also have been written about the invective poured on Trump and his supporters by the left and the never Trumpers. One could only imagine irate leftists threatening to kill Trump, or his supporters.

      Oh wait. One does not have to imagine, because it has already happened!

      Sooo, why isn’t Slate writing about the ACTUAL rioting, the assassination threats, and the “rape Melania” stuff instead of the HYPOTHETICAL anti-Megyn violence??? Oh, I know that one, too! Because little insecure people like edm just love to have their biases confirmed! That is Slate’s audience!

      Squeeky Fromm
      Girl Reporter

      1. Megan Kelly: ‘I felt like a human being who had been dropped into a shark tank’

        “I felt like a human being who had been dropped into a shark tank.”

        Fox News host Megan Kelly says that’s what it felt like when Donald Trump was attacking her in interviews and in tweetstorms.

        Kelly attracted Trump’s ire during the first GOP primary debate in August 2015, when she asked him about his track record of misogynistic comments. Trump criticized her for months afterward, sometimes in highly personal ways, which triggered threats to her safety.

        “We had security guards the whole year,” Kelly told Anderson Cooper in an interview on CNN on Wednesday night. “I mean, the threat level just got so high that it was impossible not to take that seriously.”
        Kelly wrote about the experience in a new book, “Settle for More,” which came out on Tuesday. She is on a book tour this week, one week after Trump won the presidential election.

        In the interview, Kelly recounted how one of Trump’s lawyers, Michael Cohen, retweeted a Twitter user saying “we can gut her” at a time of heightened threats.


        You might consider checking out Megan Kelly’s interview with Anderson Cooper.

          1. That’s funny Squeek. I used to subscribe to TNR years ago. This just reinforces why I stopped =)

            1. Thanks! Don’t you love it when people catch this stuff! I mean you can try to explain “echo chambers” to people, or you can just show them this picture. I think the picture works better.

              Squeeky Frommn
              Girl Reporter

        1. She must be some lying feminist. All the women that have claimed that Trump has assaulted them are lying.

          1. swm,

            But…but…but Megyn can’t be a lying feminist! She is a FOX personality. Those folks are always “fair and balanced.”

          2. Must really be a comforting feeling to be the one who knows the truth even when you actually have no legitimate claim to such knowledge.

            1. dogfightwithdogma – it is called being a Cassandra. You know the truth, but know one will believe you, which is what happened to Cassandra.

              1. In this instance swarthmoremom is no Cassandra. The point is that swarthmoremom can’t possibly know that these women are lying. It is true that swarthmoremom believes them to be lying, but belief alone is far short of what is required to justify the claim that you know something. I have no doubt that it is swarthmoremon’s opinion that these women are lying. But an opinion is not a fact unless there is actual evidence to support that opinion. Again, there is no reason for anyone to accept swarthmoremom’s claim to be one based on actual evidence-based knowledge. Until swarthmoremom produces the actual evidence that these women are lying then the claim that they are is nothing more than a belief, an opinion, one for which swarthmoremom has offered no logical, rational reason to accept as true.

        1. They go insane if one criticizes their guy and post bizarre videos and pictures. Beware, don’t click.

          1. swm,

            I never click on those videos and pictures. They sure do love their Donald. Sexual predators, racists, bigots, unscrupulous businessmen, and xenophobes must appeal to them.

            1. The racism and bigotry on this blog did precede Trump. Can’t blame him for that.


                  Richard Spencer was euphoric the night Donald Trump was elected president.

                  “When it happened, I thought I might have been dreaming,” he said.
                  Richard Spencer, 38, a Dallas native and a graduate of St. Mark’s School of Texas prep school, now lives in Montana.Facebook

                  Richard Spencer, 38, a Dallas native and a graduate of St. Mark’s School of Texas prep school, now lives in Montana.

                  Spencer, a 38-year-old Dallas native and graduate of St. Mark’s School of Texas prep school, is a key intellectual leader of the alternative right, a label he coined in 2008 to describe the radical conservative movement defined by white nationalism and a fervent resistance to multiculturalism and globalism.

                  In his mind, Trump “is the first step, the first stage towards identity politics for white people.”

                  “That is something major,” Spencer said Tuesday night. “He’s not your father’s conservative. He’s not in this to promote free markets or neoconservative foreign politics or to protect Israel, for that matter. He’s in this to protect his people. He’s in this to protect the historic American nation.”

            2. Their excuse is that Trump will drain the swamp. So far his transition team and potential cabinet members seem very much like swamp like critters. I see he is interviewing Romney for something. He might be richer than Trump but at least he is sane.

              1. If Romney had been the Republican presidential candidate and won, we wouldn’t be having all these protests. Romney is not a sexual predator, racist, bigot, or xenophobe. He is a good family man. I doubt any of his children would be trying to hawk their goods to journalists after appearing on television wearing an expensive gold bracelet while being interviewed on 60 Minutes along with their father

              2. swm,

                Trump drain the swamp? That’s a laugh! He will probably fill it with more vile critters than those that inhabit it now.

          2. SW Mom…
            Do you find Simon Rowntree interesting?
            I would say that there is a certain level of irritation expressed by some readers here when lies are spread, and there are endless distortions and exaggerations.
            It’s a stretch to say that “people go insane” over this, but some do object to the distortions and outright lies.
            But hey, if it works for you,
            no big deal.

        2. Probably better for us to stay calm and organize rather than do battle with these people.

          1. Yeah, I would stay away from that whole “argument” thingy, too if I were you. Because to engage in arguments, you actually need to be able to articulate an argument, not just promulgate a conclusion(opinion) as if it were an argument.

            Just go out and register some poor black women with three or four illegitimate kids to vote! Their three or four baby daddies, too. In several venues at once if possible. Then, close to election time tell them the Republicans are going to cut off their food stamps, and send them back to picking cotton, and promise them some more freebies. That has worked pretty well for you guys so far.

            Squeeky Fromm
            Girl Reporter

            1. “Because to engage in arguments, you actually need to be able to articulate an argument,…”

              Refresh my memory Squeeky, when was the last time you did this as opposed to mistaking empty rhetoric for a well-articulated, evidence-based argument.

          2. swm,

            I just heard that Trump may be considering Romney for Secretary of State–if so, that is good news. He would be much better than Giuliani or John Bolton.

            Bolton: Iranian People ‘Would Long for a New Regime’

            Former United Nations Ambassador John Bolton told Breitbart News Daily SiriusXM host Raheem Kassam on Thursday that he still believes the only real solution for Iran is “regime change.”
            “The only longterm solution is regime change in Tehran,” said Bolton. “The ayatollahs are the principal threat to international peace and security and the Middle East.”

            Bolton continued, “Their ouster won’t bring sweetness and light to the region, that’s for sure, but it will eliminate the principal threat.”

  8. Jimmy Dore goes off on Time’s assessment of Bernie. Rude, but spot on as usual. I found it particularly amusing since I receive offers to subscribe to Time for $10 a few times a year. Another desperate, irrelevant MSM newz organization I hope to see fold.

    1. Remember fifteen years ago, Time Magazine strongly considered awarding Usama Bin Laden “Man of the Year”.

    2. Hey Autumn, This guy is so spot on. My “nonsense” below is in response to the subject of the post, misogynist women (some exist of course, just not enough to throw an election), not your video. I hadn’t even heard about the latest insanity: Bernie siphoning votes off of Hillary without even running.

      This mass tribal hysteria is alarming. I knew the Dems were bad, just not that bad. As Yves of NC says, my cynicism just can’t keep up with the facts. Naturally we need to wait till things settle (or don’t), but at least for now it looks as though the Dems have no capacity for learning a thing from this experience.

      One would expect it from the media; it’s their bread and butter. But that so many people are so thoroughly brain washed as to be virtually incapable of dealing with what actually took place is not good.

      1. BB, I love Jimmy Dore – he’s such a smart, passionate person. RE: “Bernie siphoning votes off of Hillary without even running.” I suppose technically one could argue he did. Because for Independents (and many Democrats) who truly felt the Bern could NOT vote for her. We internalized his message =)

  9. Can the Clinton family please just ride off into the sunset. And kindly take the Bushes with you.

    1. Good grief, an adult. Next someone will observe a saber tooth tiger. Call the press!

  10. This is just more leftist gibberish. The mantra of leftists everywhere is that if you don’t do what they want, then you must be: racist, misogynist, Islamophobic, Xenophobic, or all of these. And, of course, the Media Presstitutes, who operate in the service of the Elite Establishment that promotes leftism as a means to control the population do everything they can to employ the same leftist gibberish.

    But the stark reality is that the REAL haters are the leftists themselves, as the following video makes clear:

    1. Ugh Ralph! That video is sickening – wish I hadn’t watched it honestly. Dunno if those kids could be called “Lefties” – I doubt they even understand politics and probably couldn’t have named one reason why they supported HRC. Violent idiots looking for an outlet. Clockwork Orange Redux.

      1. I’m sorry that watching the stark truth of leftism upset you. Yes, I wouldn’t call the thugs “lefties” in the political sense. But the thugs are tools of the leftists and they are the prime beneficiaries of leftist politics. Of course, they are also poor and stupid, but that is exactly the way the leftists want them to be.

        1. well, I did choose to click on it. I am hypersensitive to portrayals of violence — probably cause I didn’t grow up with TV – and when it’s real like this it is even worse.

          Still, I think thugs exist everywhere and have been manipulated by both the Left and Nationalist groups. I understand Putin has a “fatwah” out against Soros – wants him dead or alive. In that case I think Putin is justified.

  11. Hillary lacks the professional look and the charismatic charm of say, Jill Stein, Elizabeth Warren, Kirsten Gillibrand. There are many capable and highly professional women who didn’t arrive on their husband’s bootstraps and even more importantly, who didn’t facilitate the assassination of at least three world leaders and the destruction of several countries. Progressives voted for Trump because he seemed less likely to start WWIII, although that remains highly uncertain.

    1. Hillary has a very high opinion of herself, and accepting the reality that she just didn’t measure up is a hard thing for a megalomaniac. There must be 10,000 people in the country who could have done as well or better, but they weren’t running for the office.

  12. “We have work to do talking to those women about what happened this year and why we would vote against our self-interest.”

    This sez it all IMO. There is no hope for the Democrats – they lack the ability for introspection. Because women, as well as men most definitely voted in their self-interest. I hope Tulsi Gabbard forms a new Party.

    Jill, I agree – Deep State definitely supports Pence just as it backed HRC and Kaine. Just hope Trump remains healthy!

    1. Trump has already been co-opted by Wall St. The best chance for a democratic resurgence will be Paul Ryan’s attempts to do away with Medicare in 2017.

      1. The safest path to take politically is to perpetuate the Medicare ponzi scheme as long as possible.
        The MAXIMUM Medicare payroll tax 50 years ago was $23 per year ( plus employers’ $23, = $46 annual maximum tax.
        The tax rate was a c. a third of 1%……. worked out to .35 of 1 %, .7 of 1percent counting employer tax.
        There was also a ceiling of $6,600 of taxable income….that was a decent income 50 years ago….so the government initially taxed only the first $6,600.
        If a taxpayer made more than $6,600, the MC tax did not affect the amount above that.
        People barely missed those tiny additional payroll taxes.
        The impact on employers could be a bit more significant, especially if their business was payiny that additional tax for hundreds or thousands of employees.
        Today, there is no ceiling on MC taxes. The tax rate has quadrupled from .7 % to 2.9%.
        That $46 maximum tax ( combined from both employer and employee) is now virtually unlimited.
        A $100,000 salary would be bring in $2,900 in taxes, vs. the $46 maximum in 1966.
        Those above a certain income level actually can face a tax rate higher than the 2.9% most pay.
        I haved studied Paul Ryan’s most recent proposal.
        Whatever he proposes, it’s alt to be politically risky and demogoged to death.
        Perpetuating the current MC system relies on the past practice of stacking on higher and higher taxes to each generation.
        Ponzi schemes can be attractive in the short term, but those down the road pay the freight.

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