Feinstein Faces Furious Opposition . . . After Calling For Patience Over Impeachment

225px-dianne_feinstein_official_senate_photodonald_trump_president-elect_portrait_croppedThere are any number of things that were expected to be raised by critics against the reelection of the senior California senator, Dianne Feinstein.   There is her support for the death penalty or expansions of surveillance programs or her presumed knowledge of the torture program or her husband’s financial dealings.  However, the thing that is galvanizing opposition is Feinstein’s statement this week that she would not back impeachment of President Donald Trump and her suggestion that citizens might have to be patient.  That has caused an outcry that now threatens her consideration of running for a new term.  In the age of rage, even saying that you would not support a clearly unjustified impeachment effort makes you not only someone outside of the resistance but a reactionary.



440px-KDL-PortraitSenate President Pro Tem Kevin De León denounced Feinstein’s remarks for being too measured and restrained: “It wasn’t the proper tone or tenor, especially given the current state of politics at the national level. We don’t owe Trump patience. We owe Californians resistance.”

For a politician who has not faced serious opposition in two decades, the angry response is a telling measure of the mind and mood of voters in California.  Impeachment has become the new qualifying threshold issue despite the dangers presented in what I have called the “no confidence impeachment model.”


 There is a growing feeling of a Robespierran climate. Instead of “revolution,” we have “resistance” and former allies like Feinstein are being devoured by a new and more extreme generation.  Jacques Mallet du Pan, a French journalist, once said “like Saturn, the Revolution devours its children.” The same, it appears, can be said about resistance.

190 thoughts on “Feinstein Faces Furious Opposition . . . After Calling For Patience Over Impeachment”

  1. The responses to my post regarding the woeful condition of the health care insurance industry and its predatory practices resulting in the screwing of the American people in the name of freedom, defense, and above all profits, illustrate better than I ever could the level of cognizance and comprehension of an all too large segment of America. The parasitical predatory inclusion of the private for profit segment that quintuples administrative costs, at the expense of the insured, has absolutely nothing to do with any Constitution or Bill of Rights. The woeful state of the US health care industry is partially due to the profit taking and redundancy in administrative workers. The solution is to replace the entire administrative mess with state administered systems. The option for a second level of insurance through a voluntary supplementary program(s) would mean that if you want to get screwed and pay through the nose just so 1200 CEOs can fly their own jets and captain their own yachts and finance an unnecessary workforce so be it. There are enough people that would opt for that. That was proven in the last election. The bottom line is everyone would be obligated to pay into a common fund that would be administered at the most inexpensive and efficient level(s). Reducing the cost cannot be done with one move alone. It will take constant monitoring of health care costs. However, the largest cost that can be reduced to less than a quarter of what it costs under our present ‘superior free market’ system would be the ideal first step. Unfortunately the numbers of ignorant voters coupled with the political short hairs that are in the vices of the oligarchs stand in the way of lower health care costs. It’s not rocket science to understand that the first step in reducing overall costs is to take away the unnecessary costs.

    1. Start a company.

      Buy healthcare insurance.

      Get a job.

      Buy healthcare insurance.

      Don’t like insurance companies?

      Open a better insurance company.

      Don’t want to work?

      Go find a host and be a parasite.

      See? Freedom is easy.

      Freedom and free enterprise facilitated by severely limited government are no-brainers,

      even for single-cell amoebas with no brain.

  2. “Jacques Mallet du Pan, a French journalist, once said “like Saturn, the Revolution devours its children.” The same, it appears, can be said about resistance.”
    Dems are encouraging the young to resist.. Even with violence.
    They are again.. It’s dejavu to the anti Vietnam era.. Activating the young to wage war internally while hypocritically insisting that America should never risk a life in her defense.

  3. Tytler’s Dictatorship

    California is a one-party communist state. Two democrats and no republicans or independents ran for U.S. Senate in 2016. The new senator is a flaming, anti-American, radical, globalistic communist. There is no such thing as opposition in California. California is a communist dictatorship that imposes control of the means of production, central planning, social engineering and redistribution of wealth, AKA slavery.

    The American Founders established a restricted-vote republic in which voters must have been Male, European, 21 with 50 lbs. Sterling or 50 acres. The Founders knew that the “poor” would sell their votes. America was not intended to be a one man, one vote democrazy.

    Alexander Fraser Tytler –

    “A democracy cannot exist as a permanent form of government. It can only exist until the people discover they can vote themselves largess out of the public treasury. From that moment on, the majority always votes for the canidate promising the most benefits from the public treasury, with the result that democracy always collapses over a loose fiscal policy–to be followed by a dictatorship.”

    America’s future is on display in California.

    Will voters recognize Tytler’s Dictatorship before it subsumes America?

    1. George

      Kind of like the US as a whole, two parties-one more than a dictatorship. We live in an oligarchy, not a representative democracy. The two party system with both sides neutralizing each other serves the oligarchs that buy and own the politicians on both sides before, during, and after they are elected or promises for promises followed by financing the campaign followed by the political payback.

      Your rant selecting California as the problem is hypocritical and contains an equal part of ignorance. The same is true in other states with the Republican dominance. If you truly wished for the opportunity to have a democracy and had the balls to allow the people to represent who they agree with and not those offered up for sale, then you would agree that all private funding should be abolished above and beyond a $100 per registered voter. All info would be transferred to the public via public media and would be bare bones info with little if any circus like debates. The voters in this country vote in the best performance, not the best person for the job. Now, you can defend this circus we call electing our representatives with all sorts of ignorant references to bygone scripts, you can interpret one way or another; but you cannot with a straight face state that we elect the best our society has to offer. In actual fact we are given candidates after they have been auctioned off to the highest oligarch.

      1. Your antithetical and unconstitutional oligarchy has control of the constitutional American republic.

        Let’s be clear, there are Americans and Republicans, then there are anti-American, redistributionist, liberal, communistic, parasitic, leeching democrats – terrified of Freedom and Self-Reliance.

        President Trump has addressed the issue of the Swamp which is the fixer or facilitator, AKA lobbyists, for the oligarchy. Communistic Globalists are doing everything they can to stop Trump from draining the Swamp – there’s a lot of money to be absconded with in that theater.

        I can’t resolve your psychosis but I can update you. All the candidates that were purchased by the oligarchical shadow government were defeated by Trump, those being Clinton, Bush, Huckabee, Fiorina, Christie, Kasick, Santorum, Paul, Gilmore, Perry, Walker, Paul, Grahahm, Pataki, Jindal, Rubio, Cruz, etc.

        That, sir, is precisely the point.

        President Trump paid his own way without funding from the oligarchs while Bush, for example, wasted $200 million on nothing.

        It’s somewhat surprising that you can’t seem to grasp the significance of the fact that TWO DEMOCRATS and no candidates from other parties ran for U.S. Senate in the state that Ronald Reagan and Richard Nixon came from and the state that produced Prop. 13 (you communists did a work-around on Prop. 13).

        California is a one-party state, redistributionist dictatorship. It’ll be in every other state soon enough if a sleeping giant has not been awakened.

    2. Sweet Jesus, you idiot. Tytler never existed, that alleged quote was debunked 20 years ago, you are a complete moron. If you think about this ridiculous nonsense, it is actually a tautology


      You are alt-right mud people and should be sterilized. Nuked from orbit, just to be sure.

        1. Sweet Jesus, you idiot. Tytler never existed, that alleged quote was debunked 20 years ago, you are a complete moron. If you think about this ridiculous nonsense, It is also an argument against Prop. 13


          You are alt-right mud people and should be sterilized. Nuked from orbit, just to be sure.

      1. Wackydoodle,

        Then what are you so afraid of?

        Your hysterical response says either you’re a woman or you know it’s true.

        Wait. It could be both.

        My bad.

  4. Turley, intentionally or otherwise, misses an important aspect of the Democratic criticism of Feinstein. She is being criticized by a generation of up and coming politicians who want to knock her off of her perch and replace her as US Senator. Their criticism is designed at least in part to build their own political capital with party activists who would like to see her step down and to convince other party stalwarts who have supported Feinstein in the past that it is time for her to go.

    Their is wisdom in allowing Trump more rope with which he may end up hanging himself and to let the investigations play out, to see what the evidence shows, before screaming the “I” word with your hair in fire. There is plenty to criticize without starting every conversation with the subject of the impeachment of Trump.

    But it is foolish to hope that Trump will ever be anything other than a narcissistic bully. He will never be “more inclusive”. If Feinstein truly believes that those who oppose Trump and his policies should “be patient ” in their efforts to opposie Trump’s policies, in the hope that he will change his stripes, Feinstein has lost her marbles.

  5. The real story is how all this fluff is diverting attention away from the damage Trump is doing to America. Regardless of one’s opinion on the ACA and whether or not some benefit while others don’t; it was a step in the right direction. More people were insured. Costs came down. One ingredient to any degree of success is more people paying into it. So, Trump and the Republicans are against it with no viable alternative. With nothing to offer Trump and his gang are acting to sabotage the very thing that will make it work better or less worse. The enrollment period is about to start and Trump has reduced the advertising and education budget to 10% of what it was. 100 million is now 10 million. Less advertising means fewer participants, means higher premiums. In the mean time the insurance companies, still receiving subsidies and more people signing on, paying them; are refusing to pay for more and more medical procedures. ‘____has determined that the requested service does not meet the definition of Medical Necessity as defined by ____’ is the explanation insurance companies are giving to avoid paying. In other words the insurance companies are making it from both ends and the person paying for the insurance is being forced to pay on top of their premiums for medical procedures that were under Obama covered. This would never have happened under Obama. He would have moved to insure that the insurance companies were honoring their obligations. All the insurance companies are doing this and all are posting record earnings. This is Trump’s and the Republican’s doings.

    America has the 35th place for quality of health care when compared to the other advanced nations. America is next to dead last as far as efficiency goes. Americans pay several times more than other nations per capita for less health care. America is the only country where oligarchs run the systems. Trump is the head oligarch. The health care insurance industry is making more money than ever. The insured are paying more than ever. The government is subsidizing the insurance industry. Imagine if we got rid of the for profit health care insurance factor in the equation. Keep the over pricing hospitals and health care system but get rid of the 1200 private health care insurance companies and simply administer the existing system at cost.

    To continue paying three and four times what is necessary is complete stupidity. There is nothing ideologically correct about being stupid. Yet to listen to many Americans they seem to take pride in their stupidity. The reality of the ideology is that several hundred thousand unnecessary insurance employees would be redundant. Several hundred thousand administration personal needed to wade through the purposeful quagmire of much used by the insurance companies to get out of paying would be redundant. We, the American taxpayer, premium payer, working stiff pays to subsidize these ‘workers’. The next time a true blue American starts spouting off about the evils of socialism, explain how we pay more for stuff we don’t need so billions can be fleeced from us for corporate socialism. Like I said, you would have to be stupid to go along with this scam.

    1. The enrollment period is about to start and Trump has reduced the advertising and education budget to 10% of what it was. 100 million is now 10 million. Less advertising means fewer participants, means higher premiums.

      Brilliant! The advertising budget for the ACA $hit sandwich is cut, which means fewer people will be buying the $hit sandwich, thus making the grubers pay more for the $hit sandwich they are buying. But whatever you do, do not blame the chef who dreamed up the $hit sandwich in the first place.

      Nicely done. Wow!

        1. I have no problem with dreamer-uppers, the world needs visionary thinkers. I do however have a problem with social experimenters given the power of law to violate the rights of man.

    2. “America has the 35th place for quality of health care when compared to the other advanced nations. America is next to dead last as far as efficiency goes. Americans pay several times more than other nations per capita for less health care. ”
      Hate to tell you, but none of that just suddenly appeared when Trump became president. Everything on your list became true under the last administration, and though you may not believe Trump can fix it, it’s only fair to admit that he didn’t cause it, either.

      1. Jane

        All of our problems regarding health care insurance and exorbitant health care costs for substandard care have been accumulating since before Nixon. Nixon had both sides of the aisle in agreement to create a single payer system modeled on the systems found in the provinces of Canada as well as Great Britain, France, and Germany. The health care insurance industry at the time was beginning to become problematic. The bill was acceptable to both Democrats and Republicans. Now that the health care insurance industry has evolved into one of the most powerful oligarchs in our oligarchical system of government, it is almost insurmountable. Most politicians have some of their strings attached to the insurance industry or are in their pocket. Your position of blaming it on Obama and defending Trump is precisely what they have designed and it serves them well, but not the American people. As long as there is a polarity created by one side offsetting the other, the status quo will remain. Americans will continue to pay more for less. Health care industry profits will continue to rise to the advantage of a redundant workforce, billionaire CEOs, and lots of return on the investment dollar. Consider Rick Scott, present second term Governor of Florida. He defrauded the government with his company, sold his shares, took the 5th more than two dozen times, and then bought the Governorship of Florida. Read up a little. The system is rife with criminals.

        Getting rid of the parasitical ,’for profit’, ‘free enterprise’, what the market will bear, predatory, health care insurance industry and replacing it with government administered state run basic insurance systems has been proven around the world to deliver better health care at lower costs. Nixon and both parties knew it. But, Nixon messed himself before he could make it happen.

        Ask yourself why Trump let it slip early in his campaign that a single payer system was the answer, only to kowtow now to the oligarchs? It might be because he is too inept politically to make it happen and as well is the head oligarch. Who else has made so many billions using the system to his advantage, at the expense of the taxpayer?

        Americans admire someone who can make money. There is a world for this but not when it comes to our health and welfare. We are being screwed royally by a system that has been gestating since before Nixon. Blaming it on any one administration reveals the reason why. Time to wake up.

        1. Just spent time in Canada. I read many complaints about their magical medical system. Of the 13 countries that have socialized medicine, Canada annually ranks at or near the bottom. The govt. was trying to spin this years results that just came out. Canada moved up from 12 to 11. No one was chanting, “We’re #11..we’re #11.” The complaints I read were consistent w/ what Canadians were telling me. I’m an engaging person by personality and profession. Without question, the people hate their system and the biggest complaint is access. There is a huge, uncaring bureaucracy and a deathly shortage of doctors. Smart people don’t want to become doctors and just work for the govt. I spoke w/ mostly lower middle class people. They had the most horror stories. You wait years for service in Canada. And the service is 2nd rate. In the US, you get THE BEST doctors IN THE WORLD, and service is immediate. We are incredibly better than all these socialized countries. There is not even a debate.

    3. America is not intended to have “healthcare.”

      America is intended to have freedom and borders.

      Human endeavor is free enterprise while government exists only to facilitate that freedom.

      Charity is industry conducted in the free markets of the private sector.

      That is AALLL!

      Freedom and self-reliance.

      “Pursue happiness” (start a business or get a job as the help) and buy healthcare insurance, a Maserati, tickets to the soccer game, a big screen TV, alligator boots, buy whatever the —- you want.

  6. As I mentioned on an earlier thread there are at least two ways The Donald is in violation of the law and of the constitution.

    Not that the Republicants care…

    1. The lease on the old post office which is the Washington, DC, Trump hotel clearly states that no federal official can be the lessee. In addition, as foreign dignitaries stay at this hotel and The Donald profits from that, the emoluments clause is being violated.

      1. Oh that. I thought it was in his sons names now? They are not federal officials. Problem solved. IMO, that is a far less troubling legal/ethical issue than Hillary Clinton being Secy of State as her husband ran around the world giving $750k speeches and cutting deals and accepting domestic and foreign donations that massively enriched their family slush fund masquerading as a ‘charity.’ If they want to go after Trump for that, they must investigate the Clinton Foundation.

          1. “All down the line I don’t think the lawyers agree with you”.
            There is currently a lawsuit over this very issue.
            The lawsuit is spearheaded by Richard Painter, who took over David Brock’s position at CREW.
            The last time I checked, the courts have not ruled on this lawsuit; they ultimately will decide whether or not to hear the case.
            “the lawyers” are not unanimous “All down the line” on the issue.

      2. You’re kidding, right? (“I did not have sexual relations with that woman, Miss Lewinsky”)

        I’ll see your post office and raise you a pharma deal:


        Joseph Rago –

        “Wall Street Journal Reporter Asks Russia For “Clinton Information” —-Turns Up DEAD 2 Days Later”

        “A Wall Street Journal Editor who was investigating how a Russian
        Pharmaceutical firm could have been purchased in 2014 by an American
        Pharmaceutical firm while Sanctions against Russia existed against such
        business transactions, has been found dead in his New York City
        apartment. The crux of the dead journalists investigation was how
        then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton influenced the transaction to be
        finalized, but only AFTER her husband Bill was paid $500,000 for giving
        a speech in Moscow.

        The Russia Consulate General’s office in New York City was contacted
        by Wall Street Journal reporter/editor Joseph Rago who requested a
        Thursday (20 July) in person interview with consular officials regarding
        an upcoming article he was preparing on Hillary Clinton and her links
        to Russia. Rago failed to attend the meeting and was later discovered
        dead in his apartment of as yet “unknown causes” just hours prior to
        this meeting occurring.”


          1. yah – Seth Rich, Shawn Lucas,,,Beranton J. Whisenantt, Klaus Eberwein, nothing to see here move on move on

  7. This whole thing is proof that the left if left alone will eat it’s own young, its grandparents then turn on itself. As for a conspiracy theory you shoud have done your research.

    The notion was based on two factual events. One is the ability of one one regime be it bush, clinton, bush, or obama to appoint people to offices where they stay beyond the term of the appointer.

    The second is the congress who wants eat it’s cake and still have it (who said that first in that particular fashion? Answer at the end.) They like to set up agencies which is their job but do not like to provide funding, leadership or management and oversight.

    Thus they have loaded the Executive branch with dozens of agencies I’ll use IRS as an example, which not only make the laws, but enforce the laws, then hold courts to punish the wrong doers and use the results to make ever more laws. Bureau of Land Management and Environmental Protection are two more.

    The one that does have permission with oversight and with legal recourse is the military as congress IS charged by the Constitution in setting up regulations.

    The result is all three separate branches. Exective, Legislative and judicial jumbled together under the Executive while Congress takes credit when that idea goes well but ponts the finger at the other branch when it does not work.

    Add the two together with the career employee versus the idea of the temporary employee and one can go back even deeper the scientific adminsitration put into play primarily by FDR where he was stopped cold in only one instance.by the courts.

    Add those three together with one other factor and give it a juicy catchy name and what you are desribing is indeed a very deeply embedded state The fourth factor which truly makes it real are federal employee unions and their contracts. One reason in VA the Presidents firing of criminally active emplyees can be overturned and he criminal hired back again.

    Just because you never heard of it or ha ha thought it through yes Virginia there is a deep state within the government. Examples are routinely published on a daily basis not only with leaks and violations o f national security but with such areas as government procurement programs and the very pork the congress feeds on to name a third.

    Next time try Zappa University. Yours clearly failed to make an impression.

  8. “I fear all we have done is to awaken a sleeping giant and fill him with a terrible resolve.”

    – Admiral Isoroku Yamamoto

    California has been destroyed by foreign invasion, overpopulation and overdevelopment.

    Californians leveled off the population in 1960. The Shadow Government illegally imported foreign population supplements to increase profits and democrat voters.

    America elected President Trump and rejected Foreign Invasion, the Bushes, the Clintons, the Swamp, the “Imperial Judiciary” and Funding Foreign Economies.

    Either an American sleeping giant has been awakened or America is doomed.

      1. Looking in the mirror again Ken? What is the five dollar word for failure to take resonsibilty

  9. Feinstein is an elder statesman. She has never been at the forefront of the demented social engineering projects that have destroyed the Democrat party. She probably is quite aware that her party has gone barking mad.

    1. To a large extent, it’s generational. Someone of Feinstein’s vintage had a rough-and-ready sense of principles on matters procedural and substantive. Political language was not typically an idiom for what is fundamentally a self-aggrandizing exercise nor were legal proceedings considered simply tools for injuring your subcultural enemy. Also, there’s a phenomenon the late Joe Bageant referred to. Per Bageant, in 1960, ‘common sense was about equally distributed accross the spectrum’, and by the time he was writing 50 years later, he had to admit it was not. (Bageant was a member of the portside disturbed by some of the nutty things school administrators do from time to tome).

  10. Feinstein has committed the penultimate Democratic Party sin – – – she broke The Narrative!

    The Democrats have had this huge lie and smear machine set up for decades to spread their Narrative. That is why the MSM seems to repeat itself so often, and comedians slip in the little anti-Trump, anti-Republican barbs, among their other little smears and lies.

    The Narrative requires a complete loyalty to smear Trump, and everything he says and does, as extremist, white supremacist, racist, crazy, incompetent, isolated from mainstream Republicans, divisive, etc. etc. for the next 3 to 7 years. No matter what Trump says or does. The Truth doesn’t matter to them.

    Feinstein broke away from the herd for a moment, and now it is like Invasion of the Body Snatchers, and all the snatched Democrat will circle her and make scary sounds!


    Squeeky Fromm
    Girl Reporter

      1. Perhaps you’d prefer coverage from a Progressive. It’s about accountability not party loyalty

            1. Autumn, Ken Doll would have to climb a few flights of stairs just to reach the pathetic level. If he were able to read, he would know calling you, a Tulsi Gabbard fan, “loyal to Trump” is ignorant and below pathetic.

    1. and then made the facts fit the conclusion. So who was he really working for?

  11. The rabid calls for impeachment are what follows after the rabid claims that an unqualified candidate won through a corrupted election process failed to get the results changed. There is nothing new here other than the extent to which this President’s foes are willing to go to undermine his presidency. If the rule of law and separation of powers are the standard by which we measure the President for impeachment, then the weaponized executive branch and the powers inherited by President Trump would have qualified him the moment he was sworn in. But we know from previous administrations that calls for impeachment have very little to do with the rule of law or the separation of powers. And Diane Feinstein knows that President Trump has no where near the impeachable baggage that his predecessor had accumulated.

    1. The so-called “rabid calls for impeachment” are solidly based on the fat orange buffoon’s complete lack of qualification to be President. He doesn’t need “foes” to undermine his alleged Presidency–it has been in self-destruct mode since before the election. He is a serial and pathological liar. He has serious emotional problems–he is a petty, vindictive, thin-skinned bully. He aligns himself with white supremacists, whose agenda is un-American. He is obsessed with Barak Obama and is on a mission to try to undo everything he did, solely because he is a racist. He appears to have no negotiation skills whatsoever. He doesn’t understand how government works, and attacks anyone who prevents him from appearing to be successful, including members of his own party. He cannot get together an effective administration. Let’s see, now: Flynn and Manafort compromised by ties to Russia. He fired the head of the FBI thinking it would stop the investigation into his ties with Russia and because he wouldn’t give a personal oath of loyalty to him. Spicer, Gorka, gone. Who’s next? Information leaks from his administration like water into the Titanic.

      Let’s apply the “rule of law” first and foremost to him. When the evidence comes out of the Mueller investigation, he will go down. You speak of separation of powers, but it’s checks and balances that will be applied to him. First and foremost, he’s no patriot. He wanted to be President because of the power and perceived prestige. He’s learning the hard way that prestige is earned, not conferred by the Electoral College. He has maintained historically low approval ratings. Even his base is turning against him.

      1. Let’s apply the “rule of law” first and foremost to him. When the evidence comes out of the Mueller investigation, he will go down.

        You’ve lost a sense of the distinction between your hopes and reality.

        Based on past experience, Mueller will secure indictiments of peripheral parties on process crimes and will be indulged by the judge for this behavior. He’ll then try to coerce sketchy testimony contra Trump on vague conspiracy counts.

      2. The so-called “rabid calls for impeachment” are solidly based on the fat orange buffoon’s complete lack of qualification to be President. He doesn’t need “foes” to undermine his alleged Presidency–it has been in self-destruct mode since before the election. He is a serial and pathological liar. He has serious emotional problems–he is a petty, vindictive, thin-skinned bully.

        You are precious Natacha. Before I read that last line I was already thinking the same thing…about you. You forgot the two scoops of ice cream outrage, by the way.


      3. So Notouchyeta where’s your solid facts? Wake me up when you your programmer cleans up your clonette machine part continuous tape loop.

      4. “When the evidence comes out of the Mueller investigation, he will go down.” Not gonna happen Natcha, but you keep living in your bubble of delusion.

        As Senator Feinstein said, Donald Trump will finish “at least” his first term. She knows things. She knows there’s nothing coming to take Trump down. She sits on the Senate Intel and Judiciary committees does she not?

    1. Nixon was impeached for having a loose connection to a couple of incompetent thieves who jimmied a lock and purloined a file from a cabinet…like the democrats didn’t do that sort of thing all the time.

      1. Nixon was not impeached your programmer needs to work on your machine parts with some three in one or something too.

  12. Actually, this does make sense. There are many reasons to impeach Trump and it could be done. He is after all a war criminal and has authorized mass surveillance on our own citizens (to name two legitimate reasons). But of course, these would never be cause for impeachment among Feinstein and her crowd.

    If she were to call for Trump’s impeachment on legitimate grounds she would implicate herself in the same types of activities. That’s why she’s urging caution. Meanwhile, her peeps don’t care about actions. They care about worshiping at their party of choice. Obama should have been impeached as he engaged in many illegal actions against our people and other people around the world. Not a peep from those peeps! They apparently are only angry that Clinton isn’t the one committing the crimes!

    I must say that Democrats have done themselves proud in their hypocrisy!

      1. mickey,

        That’s true. Now Trump is doing the same thing. They should have/ currently face impeachment for this as it is against our law.

        1. Facts, sources, cites, sites? Something? Anything? No? But the smell of the BS is clear. REJECTED.

    1. Actually, this does make sense. There are many reasons to impeach Trump and it could be done. He is after all a war criminal

      He is not a ‘war criminal’ except in the collecting pool of fantasy between your two ears.

      1. “War criminal” in just 7 months and change. Pretty impressive, I’d say, Jill. Don’t you agree?

      2. Was that Jill or Louise and coming from the War Monger Party they should keep their mouths shut and quit stirring up memories that only result in more votes against them. But.. stupid is as stupid does. Now is that an ad hominem? Of course not. That charge requires a human be involved. Humanoids and machine parts with stupid programmers don’t count.

    2. Whch is the same reason those calling for martial law under OBama didn’t get there wish come true. Stupid request anyway. He couldn’t without being the first one handcuffed and they didn’t realize what they were asking for considering the military despises them which showed up in the ballots not bullets response to the last election. Combat Arms 80% for ousting the Socialist Liberal progressives mmmm Democrats and 20% for which means some of the REMFs had found themselves doinig an obligatory tour in the real military

  13. I thank you mam for thinking clearly and holding to your convictions. This situation is way beyond parties. Having someone speak out an a clear and concise manner is a glimmer of light to Americans

  14. “Jacques Mallet du Pan, a French journalist, once said “like Saturn, the Revolution devours its children.”

    Pure political poetry. But as many know here, I love the ancient Romans’ way of seeing the world. Here’s their likely analysis:

    Immo, id quod aiunt, auribu’ teneo lupum; nam neque quo pacto a me amittam neque uti retineam scio.

    ~Roman playwright Terence, in the play, Phormio (Act 3, Scene 2).

    Translation: “Why yes, as the saying is, I’ve got a wolf by the ears; for I neither know how to get rid of her, nor yet how to keep her.”

    1. Good quote! Now I know where Baloo the Bear got his “but there’s teeth in the other end!” inspiration, as he went round and round holding the tail of Shere Khan, the tiger.

      Speaking of Roman stuff, Abe Books has a 7 volume set of Gibbons’ Decline, for a not too bad price.

      Squeeky Fromm
      Girl Reporter

      1. Squeeky – I found Gibbon’s to be dry and boring. However, that is just my opinion. 😉

        1. it is so refreshing to have the company of educated intellects involved setting the example.

  15. Better to wait and find out if there is evidence for impeachment and then proceed accordingly. Some people on the left are as easily triggered as some people on the right [nutty people still screaming that Obama is guilty of treason, etc]. So, carry on.

    1. [nutty people still screaming that Obama is guilty of treason, etc].

      Well there was the Iran deal (complete with palettes of cash), Bergdahl, and Manning. And his long association with Ayers / Dohrn and Jeremiah Wright. Let’s just say he did not disapprove of treason, or at least the mentality which gives rise to it.

          1. Vulgarity and lack of support for the rights of women not to be sexually assaulted constitute lack of fitness of character. He didn’t just do it, he bragged about it to a nobody like Billy Bush. He is a P-I-G pig! And, BTW: the Kellyanne talking point is that his admission of serial sexual assaults was “locker room talk”, not vulgarity.

            1. “Vulgarity and lack of support for the rights of women not to be sexually assaulted constitute lack of fitness of character. He didn’t just do it, he bragged about it…”

              Ask Muammar Gaddafi how sexual assault with a bayonet is. And Clinton bragged about it on TV, too. Let’s see…, nasty adolescent locker room talk, or…. breaking international law by bombing a sovereign nation and executing a sitting head of state by hired neo nazi gangs…. hmmmmm.

              Yeah, you’re right, prosecute the guy for the locker room talk.

              But I hope you won’t mind if I never ask you to argue on my behalf.

              1. by bombing a sovereign nation and executing a sitting head of state by hired neo nazi gangs…. hmmmmm.

                They were neither ‘hired’ nor ‘neo-nazi’. Neither did Gaddafi’s regime have any legitimacy at all. Live by the bayonet and die by it.

                1. That’s crap. They had the largest middle class (such as it was). He welched on Sarkozy, started to discuss a pan African currency, so he had to go. Just like all the rest who buck the oil system. Nobody cared what kind of dick tater he was before he opened his mouth.

                  1. They had the largest middle class (such as it was).

                    This is an incoherent statement.

            2. Vulgarity and lack of support for the rights of women not to be sexually assaulted constitute lack of fitness of character.

              No, Natacha, it’s not indicative of a ‘lack of character’ that Trump doesn’t pay attention to your shticks. Neither has Trump advocated repeal of the law of sexual assault. He told Billy Bush that women will allow you to get away with a great deal if they’re attracted to you. That happens to be true.

            3. He made a statement amounting to “Groupies exist, and they let you do stuff.” Alert the media. Apparently this well-known factoid enraged Third Wave feminists (and their enablers) who apparently are ignorant of human psychology. The indignation is particularly ironic as these are the same women who want to behave like sluts at a fraternity kegger while maintaining the illusion that they’re novices in a convent.

          2. Yeah, what DDS said! If it ain’t the “pussy grabbing” thing, it’s the “He made fun of a disabled person!” thing. It would not matter what Trump said, or did, the opposition to him mainly breaks down to, “He isn’t a Democrat!” But,that sounds really dumb, so they go grab excuses to cover up the partisanship.

            Squeeky Fromm
            Girl Reporter

        1. He did not employ the word “genitals”. He said “pussy”. My cat was not offended.

        2. OMG are we back to who? Bubba Clinton or Hillary Clinton? Or their infamous fellow victimizers of women the Bidenettes aka National Organizaton Womans who found it so easy to turn their backs on their sisters in need. for a chance at maybe one day getting a copafield from Willy J.?

          As I just mentioned elsewhere under the War Monger comment what is it with people that ikeep picking scabs and embarrasing themselves again and again and again……

          Notouchyaka you need some serious reprogramming to compete at this level or your programmer does. You just need a squirt of three in one oil.

          Stupid is as stupid does. how many more votes did that get us for the next go round?

    2. Congress does not need evidence, it needs votes.

      “nutty people still screaming that Obama is guilty of treason, etc.”

      “Unmasking,” “Wiretapping,” Facilitating “deep state” subversion of subsequent presidency, being sued for “executive overreach” (i.e. illegal usurpation), abuse of the power of government against the People in manipulation of the IRS, facilitating the nuclear weapons program of a foreign enemy, Iran, conspiracy and gross dereliction regarding Benghazi, falsifying a federal employment application after stating his Indonesian citizenship on his high school application. making a false claim to be a “natural born citizen,” and publicly declaring disdain for America and an intent to overthrow and “fundamentally transform” America, etc., ad infinitum…

      You can’t be serious.

      1. Birthers and deep state conspiracy theorists are incapable of deciding who or what is serious. End of story.

        1. Do you know any? Birthers. I’m one. Born in UK US daddy and Brit Mummy. Funny thing is my certificate of citizenship says natural citizen from birth and it isn’t a theory when it passes sufficient tests. Which means you don’t read answers that don’t agree with your mystic fantasies. I suspect the word was meant to be naturalized but what me worry? According to the latest legal pronouncements President Trump was correct in his final summation “He’s a citizen end of story.”

          Try this one

          To be a Democrat Socialist progressive liberal you must reject your social contract with the USA, Our Representative Republic and The Constitution. Further you must give your allegiance to one form or another of Marxist Leninism. International Socialism, National Socialism and Progressive Socialism all work.

          Having thus become an undcumented stateless person. why are you meddling with our country?

          Could it be the true Russian Connection is to the old USSR which doesn’t exist anymore? Sorry to burst your bubble Comrade but we haen’t provided enough proofs for our theory but …..that’s only because we can’t prove you are undocumented or that the USSR doesn’t exist. Perhaps on some mysetical other world….or something?

          Whats your new slang handle? Mirthers? LMAO

        2. Roseanne,

          It’s not about birth. It’s about the status of parents.

          You should change your dog whistle from “birther” to “parenter.” K?

          Three things you need to know about truth and reality are presented for your edification below.

          Barry Soetoro, citizen of Indonesia as stated on his high school application, and Kamala Harris will never be eligible the the U.S. presidency because their fathers were not citizens.

          You will ignore fact because “Affirmative Action Privilege” and welfare assistance are to precious for you to jeopardize.

          The Law of Nations or the Principles of Natural Law (1758)

          Emmerich de Vattel

          BOOK 1, CHAPTER 19

          § 212. Citizens and natives.

          The citizens are the members of the civil society; bound to this society by certain duties, and subject to its authority, they equally participate in its advantages. The natives, or natural-born citizens, are those born in the country, of parents who are citizens. As the society cannot exist and perpetuate itself otherwise than by the children of the citizens, those children naturally follow the condition of their fathers, and succeed to all their rights. The society is supposed to desire this, in consequence of what it owes to its own preservation; and it is presumed, as matter of course, that each citizen, on entering into society, reserves to his children the right of becoming members of it. The country of the fathers is therefore that of the children; and these become true citizens merely by their tacit consent. We shall soon see whether, on their coming to the years of discretion, they may renounce their right, and what they owe to the society in which they were born. I say, that, in order to be of the country, it is necessary that a person be born of a father who is a citizen; for, if he is born there of a foreigner, it will be only the place of his birth, and not his country.

          Franklin’s letter of Dec. 9, 1775 thanking Dumas for the books:

          “… I am much obliged by the kind present you have made us of your edition of Vattel. It came to us in good season, when the circumstances of a rising state make it necessary frequently to consult the law of nations. Accordingly that copy, which I kept, (after depositing one in our own public library here, and sending the other to the College of Massachusetts Bay, as you directed,) has been continually in the hands of the members of our Congress, now sitting, who are much pleased with your notes and preface, and have entertained a high and just esteem for their author…”

          To George Washington from John Jay, 25 July 1787
          From John Jay

          New York 25 July 1787

          Dear Sir

          I was this morning honored with your Excellency’s Favor of the 22d Inst: & immediately delivered the Letter it enclosed to Commodore Jones, who being detained by Business, did not go in the french Packet, which sailed Yesterday.

          Permit me to hint, whether it would not be wise & seasonable to provide a strong check to the admission of Foreigners into the administration of our national Government, and to declare expressly that the Command in chief of the american army shall not be given to, nor devolved on, any but a natural born Citizen.

          Mrs Jay is obliged by your attention, and assures You of her perfect Esteem & Regard—with similar Sentiments the most cordial and sincere I remain Dear Sir Your faithful Friend & Servt

          John Jay

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