Arizona Sex Crimes Prosecutor Hired To Question Ford and Kavanaugh

senate_large_sealThe Senate Judiciary Committee has announced the identity of the lawyer who will conduct the primary questions of both Dr. Christine Blasey Ford and Judge Brett Kavanaugh.  Rachel Mitchell, the sex crimes bureau chief for the Maricopa County Attorney’s Office in Phoenix, is someone with considerable experience in not such sex crimes but delayed sex crime prosecutions.  It is an unusual step for the Committee but not unprecedented.  Congress will hire outside counsel or allow counsel to question witnesses on some occasions, particularly at fact-finding stages.  I was hired a lead counsel to represent the United States House of Representatives in the successful challenge of the unilateral funding decisions of the Affordable Care Act by President Barack Obama.

Mitchell is without question highly credentialed in the field.  She has done this work for 26 years.

It is also obvious that this move has a political purpose. As I have previously discussed, the Republicans were looking at the worst possible optics in having an all-male majority bench question a woman claiming to be the victim of an attempted rape.  This gives the senators a political cushion in having a woman with a long history of supporting victims conduct the questioning.

For Kavanaugh, the timing is particularly bad with the sentencing of Bill Cosby based on long dormant allegations.  The difference is that Cosby implicated himself in the drugging allegations and the number of women coming forward were both numerous and consistent in their accounts.  Kavanaugh is facing accounts with little direct corroboration and Democratic senators who have announced in advance that they believe the accuser or even equivocating on whether he has a presumption of innocence.  There are similar views of bias of some Republican senators who seemed to dismiss the allegations before any testimony is heard.  One Republican Senate candidate even said that Kavanaugh should be confirmed even if the alleged attempted rape is true.

Most people I have spoken to simply want a fair and impartial hearing.  They are less interested in who asks the questions as much as how those questions are answered.  In the meantime, the second accuser, Deborah Rameriz, says that she would be willing to testify but there is no indication that she has been asked.  The Committee has scheduled the final committee vote for the very next day, Friday, which would allow the matter to then go to the floor of the Senate.

266 thoughts on “Arizona Sex Crimes Prosecutor Hired To Question Ford and Kavanaugh”

  1. Let’s see. I’m a 20-year-old college kid attending 10 high school gang rape parties and I say nothing to parents, police or friends I’m willing to name. I wait to tell anyone until the 11th hour of a nomination and I announce it through a creepy porn lawyer who is desperate for attention for his doomed presidential candidacy. This only plays as cable fiction — bad cable fiction.

            1. mespo – The Room by Tommy Wiseau is the best worst movie ever made. Written, produced and starring Tommy Wiseau. I watch Red Letter Media for my best and worst reviews. They are the video repairmen for Mr. Plinkett. They have seen it at least 15 times and refer to it all the time. 😉

  2. The funny thing about accusing someone of being a traitor or a rapist is that you do eventually have to make your case. The part where you get to throw around wild accusations may be fun for a little while, but it ends badly if you are indeed full of it.

    I can’t wait for 10am.

  3. Great News. Cosby’s butt is behind bars. Finally! It took 14 years but they got him. Glory, Glory Alleluia! He sits behind iron bars in a real prison 20 miles outside of Philly. How sweet it is.

    Here’s proof that our judiciary is worse than all the mob families combined: No one, not one single lawyer will come forward to represent a person who claims she was the victim of judicial misconduct. Watch. Anyone interested? Even the mob has lawyers defending them. Lawyers depend on their brethren donning black nightgowns for their survival.

    Jonathan, is there one lawyer you know whom you can refer as someone interested in going after a corrupt judge? Without a judiciary the American people can have faith in, the foundation of our democracy crumbles. Did you know that? That is what the writers of the judicial canons wrote.

      1. See how that works? A history of similar allegations, as well as some proof and self incrimination, going back decades?

        1. I know how it works, but you clearly don’t, Karen.

          You’re the one who “adored” Bill Cosby. It’s pretty clear that you can’t read people.

          1. Cosby was idolized. Not by me but by millions. You forget Fat Albert, the Cosby show, etc. I laughed at his jokes, but i never would have trusted him in person.

            You can see how Hollywood elevates scum again and again. Oh they elevate women scum too.

            Or, does the elevation itself, the fame, bring out the bad in people? I can only wonder

            1. “Or, does the elevation itself, the fame, bring out the bad in people? I can only wonder”

              It can. It is not always an easy thing to reject the ego stroking people receive from public adoration. Like power, it can corrupt.

              I can give you a number of examples of judicial corruption. Kids For Cash is a dandy. Have you heard of Federal Appeals Judge Alex Kozinski? Finally, he saw the light and took off after years of allegations of sexual misconduct. Judge Kent from Texas? Former state Supreme Court Justice J. Michael Eakin was guilty of ethical misconduct for his exchange of offensive emails and fined him $50,000, but allowed him to keep his $153,000 annual pension. ($153,000 income, not bad.) PA state Supreme Court Justice McCaffery abruptly resigned for sending and receiving 234 emails containing pornography.

              Do you know how some lawyers are chosen for consideration for the federal bench? Senators appoint “commissions/lawyers” to select candidates. They recommend certain individuals to the senator who then pushes them through the congressional approval process. Some senators appoint their sons to chair these commissions. Some of these sons are lawyers and try cases where their “recommendations” preside. Their are districts filled with such hand picked cats. Check out how well these sons do as they take cases before the very folks they selected for the bench. Hundreds of millions. Hundreds of millions.

      2. it’s great that someone proven to be a sneaky rapist is behind bars
        it’s not great that false accusations like those against Kav. are now green lighted by the Democrat party leadership.

        no sane straight man can vote for a Democrat now. Do so and one might as well slice off your own eggs with a rusty table knife.

        If the Republican party is set to become the party of straight white men then at least we will have each other’s company come what may. Though we welcome all people of color and women of goodwill and sane homosexuals that are interested in a just society with order as well as freedom.

        right now we have mass hysteria, deliberately engineered, and nobody much fighting back except with a lot of backpedaling.

        The midterms will show if men can get out and vote their interests. If they can’t even do that, then it’s time for a gelding. Every man better get out and vote red or the red that flows will eventually be your own.

    1. Who is the corrupt judge?

      Because there has not been a single allegation that Kavanaugh was corrupt.

      1. He may be one of a handful of good judges. I wasn’t referring to him. I want to draw attention to our weakening foundation as a democracy. That is what is at stake here. We are in trouble and our judicial system is leading the way. Lawyers, sporting black dresses, pretend to rule fairly when they are making their colleagues and themselves filthy rich. Billions and billions of dollars end up in the pockets of these cats (lawyers) who are in bed with criminals (judges). It is is the biggest business in the world.

        1. you apparently have no idea who lawyers work for, mostly banks and businesses dependent on their financing.

          switch that rhetoric to finance however and you will then be talking about the globalists and that will make you a “conspiracy theorist” peddling “discredited notions” and perhaps “dogwhistling” for various naughty ideas.

          the thing to do is not get distracted now with who is behind this nonsense. now is the time simply to see a feminist branded mass hysteria being weaponized by the Democrat leadership and resist a) feminist hysteria and b) democrats

          leave the world historical analysis for when order and sanity has returned. i tell you this is a very touchy moment in our times.

        2. Too late by 240 some years. The founders rejected ‘democracy’ nine times. We are a Representative Constititutional Republic and have NEVER been a Democracy.

  4. Pigs All the Way Down

    Kavanaugh and our rotten ruling class.

    By Michelle Goldberg

    Sept. 24, 2018

    “Regardless of what happens to Kavanaugh, however, this scandal has given us an X-ray view of the rotten foundations of elite male power. Despite Donald Trump’s populist posturing, there are few people more obsessed with Ivy League credentials. Kavanaugh’s nomination shows how sick the cultures that produce those credentials — and thus our ruling class — can be.”

    1. Diane, we know perfectly well that the DNC press agents employed as ‘columnists’ are vicious and morally unserious people. We don’t need a concrete example from each and every one offering asinine opinions about the day’s disinformation.

      1. You can’t even keep your own name straight, Tabarrok. I’ve lost count.

        You keep insisting that I’m “Diane.” What else are you getting wrong?

      2. “Tabarrok to the Pillory”??

        I’d say that “Jabberwocky from the Outhouse” would be a better fit.

            1. David Benson is the King of Making Stuff Up and owes me eleven citations (one from the OED) and the source of a quotation, after seventeen weeks, and needs to cite all his work from now on. – it is a nom de blog since his habit is to change it about every 6-8 weeks. You just have to remember that is what he does and now he has a new one. It is not a sockpuppet.

  5. Senator Chuck Schumer “demands” Judge Kavanaugh to withdraw from consideration.

    “This is ridiculous and from the Twilight Zone,” Kavanaugh said in a statement given to reporters by the White House. “I don’t know who this is and this never happened.”

    Actually it’s the Outer Limits, Brett. It was the idea of the angels. Won’t you help me now Kathy? Will you help me to go forward? Not backward, that’s into the past. You must turn this dial all the way to infinity. Kathy, it was you who took me out of the blackness, it was you who helped me to come this far. Won’t you help me now?

    1. any readers out there who are men in Schumer’s district understand come election time that if you vote for him you are a soyboy, you are a gelding, you are simpering slime, a mamas boy, and a collaborator in your own enslavement.

      every man Democrat out there needs to see this mess and take careful note.
      one day they’re coming for you or your sons or brothers or fathers, this is mass hysteria and requires rapid organization among men and resistance to halt the craziness ASAP

  6. The Kavanaugh nomination is dead. Any attempt to force confirmation through the Senate at this point will only do further damage to that body. More importantly, it will greatly harm the Supreme Court as an institution.

    1. It will do no harm to the Supreme Court at all. Neither will confirming him harm the Senate. In fact, it harms the government when the Senate truckles to orchestrated campaigns of libel and slander. Partisan Democrats get what they want here, we’re going to see these frauds over and over. They’re willing to do it because they are confident that the media will act as a megaphone to advance their interests and will bury any allegations against them (whether the allegations be true or false).

    2. The Republican party is dead if they don’t man up and ram it through.
      Shove that log into the fireplace and burn baby burn

    3. Mr. Appleton, I wonder if you’re suggesting that the allegations against Kavanaugh will not go away just because SJC votes him out of committee?

      McConnell might have a hard time getting a simple majority to invoke cloture and proceed to an up or down vote. The debate over the Kavanaugh nomination on The Senate floor could consume the twenty days of Senate session scheduled for October without Kavanaugh being confirmed. The effect of such a protracted debate upon the midterm election could be . . . actually, I have no idea what effect The Senate floor debate might have upon the midterm elections.

      Except that the allegations against Kavanaugh are not going to disappear no matter what might follow. And the Advice and Consent of The Senate is, itself, both a democratic process and the result from prior democratic processes conducted during the elections of 2016, 2014 and 2012. So why should 2018 be any different? The People Shall Judge. And that’s how we got into this mess to begin with. Oops. Never mind.

      1. L4D – the Democrats have more seats to defend than the Republicans so they need to get home defend them. The longer they take, the more they are at risk. They are not going to drag this through midterms.

        1. You don’t seem to understand very much about the Democratic party, Paul. Opposing the Kavanaugh nomination is not an “option” for Democrats. It’s mandatory for Democrats. They will drag this out until Trump withdraws Kavanaugh’s nomination–whenever that should be. The worst that can happen to Democrats is the loss of McCaskill and Heitkamp. The best that can happen to Republicans is to live to fight another day. The Republicans have staked their continued existence as a political party in America on a boozing, gambling, lying, misogynistic, Delta-Kappa-Epsilon, Male Chauvinist Pig. It couldn’t’ve happened to a sweller bunch of fellas.

          1. L4Yoga enables David Benson, R. Lien and Marky Mark Mark – the problem is that there are Democrats in Red states and they need to be careful how they handle this since they are up for re-election. If the Republicans become spineless they will lose their base and the Independents. You cannot pressure Flake because he is not up for re-election (thank you voters of AZ) so that makes him the Joker in all this on the committee. From the people I have talked to (except my dyed in the wool Democrat wife) the Democrats are losing support in AZ.

            And on that note, Lindsey Graham’s broadside into the hull of the Democrats should give them ample warning as to what is coming to them. Cory Booker has had an ethics violation lodged against him, DiFi probably will, too. I think Grassley is going to demand that DiFi be taken off the SJC because of her actions. There may be an FBI investigation into the leak in her office and maybe why she had a Chinese spy working for her for 20 years.

  7. Jimmy Kimmel “jokes” on his show that we should just cut Kavanaugh’s d*ck off. Funny I don’t remember any Hollywood types suggesting Bill Clinton’s d*ck should be cut off. No, instead they all thought he should be put BACK in the White House as co-president with Hillary. JFC these Dems in Hollywood and the loud mouth ladies on The View are pissing me off.

    1. Bob just now they piss you off? why are you watching the tv at all? they hate you they hate me and they just want our eyeballs so they can hypnotize us into buying useless garbage. turn it OFF

      1. Ha. It’s been off. Haven’t had cable or a television for years. I see the various blurbs and headlines while skimming news on the internet — and just seeing the headlines for this stuff pisses me off.

        Alex Jones said decades ago that ‘there’s a War on for your Mind’ and he is 100% correct about that, no matter what you think about him, he was right.

        1. Alex Jones said, “There’s a war on for your mind”. For that reason Jones tends to draw mindless followers.

          1. actually he is just referring to propaganda and advertising which are essentially the same, and subsist throughout mass media including the net.

            information warfare is very real and people who are interested in resisting control are not mindless they are actually mindful. but you go ahead and keep slandering them

            one more thing. do you lefties suppose that just because one reads a book or listens to a program that one necessarily believes each little thing? how unenlightened and what a grossly demeaning viewpoint inconsistent with liberal ideas. next thing you will tell me that i was mindless because i read the communist manifesto or mein kampf and sure i did i read both (ok at least most of MK it was a tougher slog than the manifesto)

            i could name a few other odd things from alex jones that bore out like animal human experimental chimeras but you guys are not fair so why bother

            the focus is always on cranky things like sandy hook. as if any talk show host believes what his guests say just because he is giving them and audience or repeating them. by that standard jerry springer was quite a klansman, odd for a jewish liberal, but he loved to have those kluckers on his show.

            the “Free marketplace of ideas,” a liberal ideal, is dead, mostly because supposedly liberal capitalists in Silicon Valley and their minions have helped kill it. you are with them on that peter when you demonize alex jones listeners.

            the funny thing, i watch “democracy now” occasionally and nobody conservative or on the “right” demeans me if I mention that. this radical viewpoint of demeaning alex jones is very illiberal and nasty. you can own it, Peter, it’s all yours. you’re in favor of censorship so long as your guys are doing the censoring.

            the internet had a good run, for a while at least, before the cartel locked it down

          2. “There’s a war on for your mind”. For that reason Jones tends to draw mindless followers.

            That makes no sense. If they were mindless, they wouldn’t be drawn to anything. If they were mindless, they’d already be lost to the Left.

          3. Peter Hill, There is a ‘war on for your mind’ no matter who you choose to follow. For example, are you inclined to believe the accusations that Kavanaugh is not only a drunken attempted rapist, but an actual “rapist” who participated in a secret ‘gang rape ring’ with other boys from his elite DC high school?

    2. TBob……….if I were a man, the women on the View would definitely bring to mind one of Mencken’s famous quotes:
      Makes you want to burn every bed in America.

      1. Good one Cindy. Here’s another one:

        “The only gang rape is the one happening to Brett Kavanaugh.”

        – Ann Coulter

            1. Paul C…..LOL
              Btw, I wanted to ask again about Jeff Flake. Knowing that he’s running for 2020, why isn’t he trying to appeal to the Republican base. He is only making them mad with his attitude towards the Kavanaugh hearings. Will he run as Democrat?

                  1. Flake’s conduct in the last few days I suspect are an indicator of why he had no option but to retire. It wouldn’t surprise me if just about everyone who deals with the man face-to-face comes to despise him. Ted Cruz irritates a great many people too, but Cruz also motivates people and has real skills. He made real financial sacrifices going into politics. As for Flake, he’s a career conservative, and an aspect of his conduct may be derived from having really nowhere to go once he leaves office in January.

                    1. DSS – Flake was a career conservative until he ran for the Senate and then glued his lips to McStain’s behind. That is why he is unelectable in Arizona. When he ran ads on Facebook to get money to run for the primary, the comments where scathing. He probably rolled into a fetal ball and cried if he read even 1/3rd of them. I had been telling him since his 1st year in office to distance himself from McStain, but he wouldn’t do it. Now he is a one-term Senator.

                      He was my Congressman and he was a great Congressman, maybe he should go back to that. 😉 Peter Principle.

                1. If Flake runs, he’s going to learn the hard way that the NeverTrump constituency amounts to about 4% of the Republican electorate (and less when you’re known for stabbing your base in the back, stabbing your caucus in the back, and stabbing an innocent man in the back).

                2. Paul C. In a later comment down thread, it sounds like you know Flake personally.
                  It must be so hard to see what he has become.

                  1. Cindy Bragg – because Flake was such a great Congressman I took a personal interest in him and was glad to see him elected Senator. Then he decided to be a mini-McStain and ruined it all. I live in a very conservative district, so he may have just been playing the part to get elected here and Senator Flake aka Soyboy Flake was the real him.

    1. Your title is categorically untruthful. Kavanaugh never said “it depends on what the meaning of the phrase sexual assault is.” He repeatedly said he never sexually assaulted anyone, because that is what he has been accused of. He also said he was a virgin.

      He was not accused of raping anyone, but of attempting to rape someone, which is sexual assault. Hence his denial of ever sexually assaulting anyone. His comment about being a virgin indicated that he was hardly a rapist or sexual predator. He was a virgin. I suppose a virgin could still try to sexually assault anyone, but that is covered under his repeated denial that he never sexually assaulted anyone.

      Now you have a problem with him claiming he never sexually assaulted anyone?

      Your repeated “aha” moments are untruthful.

        1. Yes, I did, and I suggest you do the same.

          He said he never had sexual intercourse with anyone in high school. He also repeatedly denied sexual assault.

          It does not require sexual intercourse to be sexual assault, something that a judge would be well aware of. If you are not, then please understand that his assertions about being a virgin, and having never sexually assaulted anyone, are two different and discrete statements.

          Contrary to your title, he never claimed it depended on the definition. Never offered a definition. He categorically and repeatedly denied the allegation int eh strongest possible terms. He did not equivocate or use hyperbole. He was clear and to the point.

          Why is this confusing to you?

  8. Kavanaugh is undergoing a job interview. The burden is on him to establish he should be hired.

    1. The burden is on him to establish he should be hired.

      He’s already established that. That someone else has libeled him does not diminish his accomplishments.

    2. Tyll van Geel – I would agree with you it is a job interview, however it is up to Dr. Ford to make the case he not be hired, first.

    3. So Tyll van Geel is sitting in front of a hiring panel for a very public job. That panel has oodles of background investigative work and his resume. They’ve questioned him for 3 days on his record and how he believes he is the right man for the job. He completes the panel interview and the very next day, one of the panelists reveals she’s been in possession of a letter for 1.5 months where a woman claims Tyll did horrible things to her 36 years ago but only remembered it was him once his name showed up in the paper. The hiring panel tells Tyll if he cannot prove he’s innocent, then he won’t get the job.

      So Tyll, how are you going to prove you’re not guilty?

        1. Thank you Karen.

          I haven’t seen this brought up yet, but it appears the Democrats want a return to their pre-civil rights days. Instead of denying basic civil rights to blacks, they seem comfortable at the concept that anyone not toeing their party line is denied the recognized standard of presumption of innocence. This is not some public lynching in a remote county in Mississippi. This is a lynching with the full weight and force of the U.S. Government behind it.

          Maybe The Atlantic is prepared to update this piece from last year.

          What does American tyranny look like? In the past few months, fears about the collapse or degradation of the American democratic system have led many to engage in the grim exercise of game-planning the endgame of tyranny. For some, dystopian novels ground that exercise. Some take stock of the rise of authoritarian powers in the past. Others rely on expert realpolitik analysis from political minds like my colleague David Frum. Regardless of the source, we have arrived at Belshazzar’s feast. The writing is on the wall: It could happen here.

          Or, it could happen here again. After all, it wasn’t too long ago in American history that millions of Americans were trampled under the heel of a repressive, anti-democratic kleptocracy and faced economic reprisals, violence, or death for any dissent. And nowhere was the iron grip of that system—known as Jim Crow to some of us—stronger than in Mississippi. That grip manifested itself most notoriously in the murder of Emmett Till, a 14-year-old black boy, in 1955. That year, Till was tortured and lynched by white men after allegedly making lewd comments toward a white woman. His mutilated corpse became one of the first mass-media images of the violence of Jim Crow, and the trial of his killers became a pageant illuminating the tyranny of white supremacy. And through protests across the country, Till’s broken body became a powerful symbol of the civil-rights movement.

          Democrats would like nothing more than to dance a jig around the broken life of Brett Kavanaugh.

          1. well that was a racial conflict. race is absent in this. mercifully, for once.

            and if women think they are going to be able to physically lynch men they are apparently not aware that we are on the average bigger and stronger than them by far. now women can get away with beating men oftentimes
            but, generally, without some kind of sneaky psychological hold on the man, it won’t be tolerated.

            of course a lot of women have been lied to and told that men and women are the same so they may not realize that obvious fact that men are physically stronger. if not more clever, Nature gave that asset to women.

            it would take some nonexistent wonder woman to enact literal lynchings. that’s why they seek the assistance of the state to take down their targets for them. but to be fair a mob of women could take a small number of men down if they were sufficiently hysterical.

            the attack is never so plain however.

            men have to see the systemic attack that has been underway against them for decades with feminism saturating university “critical studies” garbage, affirmative action in employment, habitually unfair divorce and protective order proceedings, and most of all, constant mass media programming of the youth to downgrade men and masculinity, now whipped to a frenzy by the most recent spawn of the Devil, social media.

            see the attack and rise up and resist. Patriarchy? it’s been crushed but when men are sufficiently punished and oppressed and finally can see why it was organized in the first place, it will reawaken.

            If I have to live in a gynaeocracy or a patriarchy i would choose patriarchy 100% of the time. Wake up before it’s too late

  9. the time has come, clearly now if not before, for men en masse to stop kissing womens’ backsides when they cry rape. from now on, take every accusation with truckload of salt.

    rape is a serious crime and should be prosecuted when evidence beyond a reasonable doubt is at hand. otherwise a false and even just a weak accusation can be a tool of grievous social mischief

    and by the way. when do these feminists ever care for all the men who get raped in prison every year? They could care less. men, wake up. the system is against you. fight back

    More than 200,000 men are raped behind bars each year, according to the group Stop Prisoner Rape. While rape under any circumstances is a violation, human rights advocates say rape in prison is also torture.

    1. Well, the Left set race relations back years. Now they are busily doing the same for gender relations.

      A few short years ago, we considered ourselves the pinnacle of equality, women’s rights, minority rights, and opportunity. There is absolutely no comparison with how women are treated in the Middle East, Asia, or anywhere else in the world. That includes Europe and Canda, where women can be prosecuted for speaking their mind if it runs afoul of speech laws. Women aren’t even allowed to voice their honest opinions in Europe.

      The Left would have you believe we live in a slave nation with Handmaids. The level of critical reasoning that people have to suspend to believe this drivel leaves me gobsmacked.

      People missed the boat to be activists in the 1960s, so they are just pretending they are back in the 60’s so they can feel they’ve accomplished something.

      As a woman, I don’t need the Left’s paternalistic attitude, treating us women like children who need looking after by SJW heroes. Are you kidding? We’re just fine looking out for ourselves like competent adults.

      1. Karen S – you should see what the SJW are doing to the gaming industry. They are ruining it. They are also ruining Linux which could destroy your Android phones.

        1. Democrats blew up the black nuclear family and sentenced women and children to lifetimes of poverty and early death. They sowed mistrust of the police force, to the point that they no longer proactively police in high crime neighborhoods. That sentenced families to live in high crime areas with lots of gang shootings. They insisted that federally recognized Native American tribes were not capable of owning their own land. They needed a Bureau of Indian Affairs to care for them like children. That sentenced tribes to live in slums. There was no reason to make the property nice. They don’t own their own homes. They have high poverty, high dropout rates, and live in misery. By contrast, the Lumbee Tribe got no government assistance or casinos, and are far and away more successful. They live in posh neighborhoods in mansions, every inch of which they earned through their own labor and grit. They have not escaped the notice of Democratic activists, however, who are insisting that the Lumbees must be federally recognized, and on the government dole. Perhaps they want to cure them of their bourgeois status? They insisted on unions for schools, government, and auto factories. Now schools cannot fire even pedophile teaches without spending hundreds of thousands of dollars and years in court. Unions drove the auto industry out of Detroit, which fell from affluence to like a third world country. They took over San Franciso, which now requires maps for tourists to avoid human feces and dirty needles. Kids cannot play in a public park for fear of catching HIV. Democrats in CA established a needle exchange program in which addicts turn in 1 dirty needle and receive 20 clean ones. Now the streets are full of dirty needles infectious with HIV, Hep C, and other blood borne pathogens. Their high taxes make businesses leave the state, taking their jobs with them. Their response is to hike minimum wage so people can try to have a middle class lifestyle flipping burgers at fast food restaurants. They defend violent felon illegal aliens while ignoring the plight of legal residents and citizens. Their emptying of prisons created a 400% increase in auto theft in some cities. Democrats took over the public school system, and then proceeded to ignore all of the rigorous data showing that Phonics and the 5 requirements for reading produced measurable improvements in reading, including for dyslexic kids. They viewed phonics as conservative and boring. So they either stuck with Whole Learning, which has no proven benefit, and actually has been shown to decrease spelling skills, or grudgingly did a hybrid Blended Learning, which threw in a little Phonics. The result is that more than half of third graders across the country have very poor reading skills, which sticks with them throughout education.

          Everything they touch seems to turn to ash.

          If the Democratic Party swoops and says they are there to save you from all of your problems – RUN.

    1. he’s a publicity hound ambulance chaser at best

      he should hire a bodyguard, many people will be angry with him. i hope he has recovered from his bankruptcy.

      bankruptcy: that’s where someone can’t pay back those they promised to pay in the first place. the question of integrity arises. we heard it a lot about DJT’s businesses– his corporate entities that is not him personally– for avenatti it was a personal BK. his personal promises not his representative ones. gives you an idea of his ability to keep a promise. not good. does he lie, too? we hear DJT is a big fat liar from the mass media all the time. but I think avenatti gives him a run for his money so to speak

  10. When the FBI does a background check on someone, they go around knocking on doors interviewing neighbors, friends, coworkers, and other random acquaintances.

    I was told by a retired FBI agent who conducted security background checks that essentially they are looking for any evidence that the person being investigated is a drinker, a druggie, a carouser, a womanizer, too much debt, etc — that sort of thing that could spell trouble down the road at their job.

    Kavanaugh has been through 6 FBI background checks for Top Secret security clearances. If anyone had given any indication that – as a post-college responsible working adult – Kavanaugh was some kind of heavy-drinking, womanizing, gambling, carouser — you know that would have showed up in the background check report and it would have been flagged. He’s been through 6 of these.

    Let’s say he was a ‘study hard, party hard’ kind of shy guy in high school, college, and even law school…so what? Because he clearly got on with living a responsible adult life and building an impressive career for himself — including making time for community volunteering, raising a family, etc.

    My point is that I don’t buy any of this as anything other than a political hit job. And yes, I am one of those ANGRY, and I mean ANGRY as in OUTRAGED voters who has had enough of this trashing of good people by the sleazy slimy Democrat party operatives. Shame on all of them. I’m disgusted by this. I hope in the end Kavanaugh sues each and every one of these a-holes for defamation.

    1. TBob – I have been interviewed three times by the FBI for clearances for people I knew. Repeated gang-rape would have been at the top of their list.

        1. DSS – he has been sporadic with his appearances. Not sure what is going on. Miss his commentary though. 🙂

  11. “smear Kavanaugh’s victim and call her integrity into question.”

    She has no integrity. She is a victim in her own demented mind.
    This is all about power even if denigrating the #Metoo movement and cheapening women. Just like the party of Bill Clinton


    Professor Turley is given great input in a piece entitled “Brett Kavanaugh Has No Good Choices Anymore”. I would have posted a link here but I’m away from my desk today. Said article concludes exactly what the headline implies. Professor Turley notes at one point that Kavanaugh friend Mark Judge is hiding out like a mobster in the Witness Protection Program.

  13. Enough incoherence and hysteria.

    By executive order:

    Repeal the anti- and unconstitutional 13th, 14th, 15th and 19th amendments.

    Reestablish Franklin’s intelligible and temperate, restricted-vote republic.

    Re-implement the “manifest tenor” of the Constitution…

    before Martial Law becomes a certainty.

    1. George, Ben Franklin also said:” We must indeed, all hang together or, most assuredly we all hang separately.”
      This is the GOP’s choice right now.

  14. “A democracy cannot exist as a permanent form of government. It can only exist until the voters discover that they can vote themselves largesse from the public treasury. From that moment on, the majority always votes for the candidates promising the most benefits from the public treasury with the result that a democracy always collapses over loose fiscal policy, always followed by a dictatorship. The average age of the world’s greatest civilizations has been 200 years. These nations have progressed through this sequence: From bondage to spiritual faith; From spiritual faith to great courage; From courage to liberty; From liberty to abundance; From abundance to selfishness; From selfishness to apathy; From apathy to dependence; From dependence back into bondage.”

    ― Alexander Fraser Tytler

  15. The Republicans on the committee are a pack of cowards. Plain and simple. They’ve hired a woman to smear Kavanaugh’s victim and call her integrity into question. The only problem is that is difficult to do when the subject is telling the truth—which she most undoubtedly is.

    1. i agree that they are cowards. but i think they are because they HAVE NOT hit back rhetorically at the alleged victim who in my humble opinion is a false accuser and maybe that’s all of them too only God would know. i just see their allegations and they look incredibly weak that’s all.

      there’s not much i like most days about Republican leadership except that I hate them less than Democrat leadership

      will Chuck Schumer get a single man’s vote after this? He should not count on it.

      1. Soros and Avennatti teamed up? Not a chance. and even what they call truth will change daily …even hourlly.

    2. Horuss:

      A prosecutor trained to handle sexual assault crimes is most certainly not an attempt to smear a victim. It’s actually taking the allegation seriously. She is far better qualified to handle such testimony than Senators not versed in law enforcement.

      What does the committee know about questioning an alleged sexual assault victim? Nothing.

      Are you saying you would prefer that Senators, with no experience whatsoever in dealing with sexual assault victims, question her, rather than someone with experience and training to do so?

      Please, do explain your logic. This ought to be good.

    3. They’ve hired a woman to smear Kavanaugh’s victim and call her integrity into question.

      This is how partisan Democrats interpret cross-examination of their preferred perjurers.

      Again, the evidence to date that Brett Kavanaugh or Mark Judge ever met this woman sums to about zero. At least establish they were acquainted.

      1. Is this how Democrats view each and every rape trial? As a coordinated effort to smear the victim? How strange, since prosecutors typically defend victims and prosecute perpetrators.

        I just hope she is fair and unbiased to each of them. In today’s world, that’s a long shot.

          1. nor is it about logic which generally puts the burden of proof on the one who makes an assertion.

        1. Karen S, Kavanaugh is not charged with a crime. This is not a trial in a court of law. There is no “presumption of innocence”.

          It is a hearing in the Advice and Consent process of the Senate.

          1. There is no “presumption of innocence”.

            Unless the Senators are idiots, there most certainly is. It’s up to Blasey, Ramirez, and Avenatti to provide evidence of their claims. The Senate should not take orchestrated smears seriously. So far, there is every reason to believe these are false claims. You do no provide incentives for people to state false claims.

            1. women are being massively incentivized to assert false and exaggerated claims against men, by academics, by journalists, by muckrakers, and by ambulance chasers, and the mass media

              the funny thing is here is a situation where the police are more fair to the accused than a lot of the private sector.

              men need to fight back against this mass hysteria. however bad feminist dialectics were, before, taking it from whining about “the patriarchy” to going around making stuff about about people supposedly committing crimes is a different matter.

              it’s like the difference between reds in the universities calling for expropriation of private assets and thugs going out and beating landlords over the heads in the streets. they have transitioned from vain words to reckless actions.

              they are on the march and mobilizing even more to enact utter craziness and men must rapidly counter-organize against this and fight back or face total social emasculation far worse than ever before

              false accusations can get people locked up. a wise defendant can resist with lawyers. well first they came for the rich guys in hollywood, then they came for the famous guys in the judiciary, etc etc, when they come for poor guys who can’t lawyer up, what will the poor guys do?

              they better turn up their testosterone and resist in whatever ways remain to them, by any means necessary. it took Hercules to whip the amazons and men need his strength and wit today; and remember it was a team of heroes and not just one who obtained Hipollyta’s girdle. organize or face mass gelding, your only choice boys

          2. There is no “presumption of innocence”.

            If there is no presumption of innocence then there is no presumption of guilt. It’s he said, she said and the Senate should base their Advice and Consent on the evidence in the record during the confirmation hearing.

          3. He has not been charged with a crime because his accusers have not made a complaint to the police. If they did so, they run the risk of being charged with filing a false police report.

            They did, however, accuse Kavanaugh of very serious crimes.

            Are you saying that only an allegation should be enough to ruin a man’s career? Because if that is so, then this could happen to anyone. Even you.

            If you accuse someone of a crime, you had better prove it. Otherwise, anyone could waltz into yours or anyone else’s work, make a terrible accusation about you, and then flounce out. You would be thrown out on the street, she would be shocked at the very suggestion that she has to prove my case, or even take a question, and then it’s game over for you.

            Hopefully, you understand this is not justice.

            Do you want our system to be just or unjust? Do you want to be like a lynch mob who murders a man because a woman made an accusation without a shred of evidence, and in fact her “witnesses” all contradicted her statement? Which side of justice are you on?

          4. David Benson is the King of Making Stuff Up and owes me eleven citations (one from the OED) and the source of a quotation, after seventeen weeks, and needs to cite all his work from now on. – I know you are a retired electrical engineer, but even you cannot be that dumb. Yes, he is being charged with crimes. What do you think these wamen are going on about? The problem is he is being tried in the court of public opinion, not a court of law. And they have NO evidence. But they are throwing mud like crazy hoping some sticks to him.

    4. Why is she undoubtedly telling the truth?

      Because she is a woman and Kavanaugh is a man?
      Because she is a Democrat and Kavanaugh is a Republican?
      Because she has no evidence, substantially changed her story from 2012 with her therapist, or because not a single person she named, including her own close friend, corroborated her story?
      Because zero people knew about this back in 1982?
      Because he is Trump’s pick and this would strike back at Trump?

      Which of the above reasons compel you to believe her? Or is there some there reason? What reason can you give for believing her, other than that you simply do?

    5. You now have heard the daily chant from the DNC by direction of the ruling class of the classless society as programmed for the use of The Party and The Collective which means… it’s a machine. Ad Machina because it takes a human presence to qualify for ad hominem and horuss doesn’t qualify.

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