Hillary Clinton Dismisses White Women Voters As Lost Cause While Calling For The End Of Civility Toward Republicans

225px-Hillary_Clinton_official_Secretary_of_State_portrait_cropThe Clintons are back.  Despite Democratic members belatedly (by about two decades) denouncing Bill Clinton for the host of women who accused him of sexual assault and rape and the growing unpopularity of Hillary Clinton, Democrats are again putting the couple on the campaign trail in one of the most critical midterm elections in history.  Just as the Democratic leadership does not seem to change, neither does the playbook or players. I just do not get it.  Hillary has already made headlines in distinguishing her husband’s sexually abusive history by saying these cases were “thoroughly investigated” even though the couple did everything possible to stop such investigations and Democrats remained largely silent despite corroborating evidence from these women.  In a remarkably uncritical and relatively passive interview, CNN’s Christiane Amanpour did not seem at all concerned about a strange claim by Clinton that she won the vote of women voters while dismissing white women as opposed to Democratic candidates or values. For those who are looking for a blue wave, the high-profile speaking tour of the Clintons cannot be good news given their continuing polarizing impact in polls.  As Democrats seeks to build on the MeToo anger in the aftermath of the Kavanaugh hearings, the Clintons remind voters of the obvious hypocrisy in how Democrats handled the Bill Clinton accusations.Here is the exchange on white women voters:

CHRISTIANE AMANPOUR, CNN HOST: Last night, President Trump had a sort of ceremony for now Justice Kavanaugh at the White House, and he apologized on behalf the

American people for the immense amount of pain and harm that he said that the judge had been put through by this system.

What do you make of that and what message, including the president’s mocking of Christine Blasey Ford for her allegations, what message does that send to women? And remember, went for President Trump in 2016.

CLINTON: White women.

AMANPOUR: White women.

HILLARY CLINTON, 2016 DEMOCRATIC NOMINEE FOR PRESIDENT: White women. All women went for me. And look, White women have been voting against Democratic presidential candidates for decades now.  The White vote has only then won twice in the last 60 years. My husband being one of the two. Lyndon Johnson being the other. So, it’s not a surprise. It’s a disappointment but it’s not a surprise.”

Actually, it was a surprise to everyone other than Hillary Clinton since she was the first female Democratic nominee for president running against someone who was viewed as antagonistic to women’s rights with major controversies in the treatment of women.  Clinton seemed to treat it as expected that she would lose the vote of white women and dismissed them as a lock for Republicans. There is no evidence to support that.

After the election, Clinton alternatively blamed sexismracismself-hating womendomineering boyfriendsRussian hackersBernie Sanders, and of course, James Comey.  The most obvious reason is that Clinton remains a highly unpopular figure and was viewed as inauthentic on the campaign by many.  Many of us were critical when the Democratic establishment (and virtually every Democratic member of Congress) all but guaranteed the nomination of Clinton despite every poll showing her to be unpopular and the voters seeking an anti-establishment choice.

On the women’s vote, Clinton did best with African-American women. She carried 88% of African-American voters, but that was actually lower than Obama.  She had a serious problem in minority women simply not coming out for her in the same numbers.  Trump actually did better than Romney on hispanic voters.

To this day, Clinton has struggled to convince people it was not her but sexism or self-hating women or Russians despite polls showing that she would still lose to Trump and has actually gotten more unpopular.  This would not be particularly newsworthy if it were not for Democrats who continue to flock to the Clinton.  Even after many denounced Bill Clinton belatedly, they are still drawing adoring crowds and will once again be highly visible faces for the Democratic party.  Even if they turn away 2 to 5 percent of voters, that could be the difference for many races.

The one new component is Hillary Clinton declaring that Democrats must now drop civility toward Republicans.  That is a bit late given our rageful politics but it is hardly a principled position. I have criticized Trump for his uncivil and unpresidential comments but that is no license for principled people to drop the necessity of being civil.  It is little more than the child-like defense of “he did it first.”    In a curious suggestion of belated principle, Clinton assured voters that civility can be restored after Democrats come back into power.


144 thoughts on “Hillary Clinton Dismisses White Women Voters As Lost Cause While Calling For The End Of Civility Toward Republicans”

  1. All the powerful are lying to the people. We believe the lies told us by “our” group and disbelieve the lies told by the “other” group. The way to begin stripping these evil people from power in our society is to have integrity. Liars can’t successfully lie to people who have integrity and who look at evidence.

    H. Clinton well knows her husband is a serial rapist. She has threatened women who tried to come forward with information about having been raped/sexually assaulted by Bill. Women’s “rights” mean nothing to a woman who destroyed a high functioning society in Libya and turned it into a slave market full of terrorists. The fact that many Democrats see Clinton as a leader of “the resistance” to Trump is only possible because these people utterly lack critical thinking skills and have absolutely no integrity.

    As to white Republican women, it is not true to say they will not vote Democratic. Many white Republican women voted for Obama, twice, then switched to Trump.

    There is another powerful reason why members of the plutocracy are lawless. They do not divide themselves the way partisans do. The Clinton and Bush crime family are two peas in a pod. Only partisans can’t see that.

    As of right now Trump’s “drain the swamp” cabinet and appts. consist of Bush/Clinton crime family players. Many Republicans don’t have the integrity or evidence based thinking to see this fact, nevertheless it is a fact. Most said nothing when Trump exclaimed what good friends he is with Rosenstein, a man who tried to illegally remove him from office. Republicans cheered as Trump appt. Bush’s 9/11 bag man to the supreme court–a man who has gutted the 4th amendment just for starters. Boo-Rah! Let’s celebrate the destruction of our own society!!!

    If people refuse to look at evidence and refuse to have integrity, we are easily controlled. That is what is happening in the US. It will keep happening until people stop this by becoming people of honor. Have a nice day America. BTW, the US knew Saudi Arabia was going to “remove” our citizen, a journalist critical of SA, from this earth. USA rock on! We love murder and torture!

  2. Civility will be restored when the democrats are back in office! Would be laughable if it weren’t so scary (and possible). Even though Harry Reid has retired, he was as mean a Senate Majority Leader as I’ve ever seen. . .there was no lie or smear too low and outrageous for him. Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer are doing their best as minority leaders to continue to spread the hate and divisiveness. And now here’s Hillary still trying to make herself relevant by jumping on the hate train.

  3. Slick hasn’t changed, either. I’d bet everything that he’s still assaulting women. Hillbilly would do herself a huge political favor by having him thrown in jail.

    Notice the radical democrat liberation front never discuss justice for Juanita, Kathleen and the dazzling collection of the other innocent women who were bruised and battered and horrified by his debauchery and depravity. They don’t discuss it and they have no intentions of demanding it.

    That poorest excuse of a male should be in prison, yesterday. What a disgrace he is and everyone who supports him and her.

  4. I cannot believe you thought that the Clinton’s were civil to begin with. Have you been living under a rock?

  5. Yes, storming the police line in order to pound on the door of the Supreme Court with your fists screaming, “My court, my court,” was such a sterling example of civility. As was driving a family out of a public restaurant because the head of the family is an employee of a Republican politician. If Liberals are displaying so much civility, I fear what will ensue if they abandon it.

  6. Hillary must have seen Michelle Obama’s stadium book tour schedule and a light bulb went off in her greedy little head. Then in true Clinton fashion, Hillary schemed with Bill to come up with their own stadium-sized speaking tour. Why? Because they will never have enough money, enough attention, or enough power to satisfy their lust and greed.

    Most anyone else –with a conscience…or a semblance of self awareness –would have graciously exited stage left or quietly ridden off into the sunset to enjoy the fortunes they looted from the American people under the guise of ‘charity’ and ‘public service’.

    Shouldn’t they just disappear and hang their heads in shame? Silly question. Not them, of course. Nope, they go ahead and schedule a super-sized national stadium speaking tour.

    The Clintons are truly shameless people. And Hillary Clinton is the walking definition of a true sociopath. She has no shame, no conscience, no understanding of what a truly despicable human being she is or why she lost.

    I cannot thank Donald Trump enough for kicking her ass to the curb in 2016.

  7. So, she’s saying they’ll cease behaving like terrorists once their demands are met? This woman is a real piece if work, I tell ya.

    1. Yes, that is what she is saying, but that’s a lie too.
      Nothing short of absolute power and complete slavery of the masses is good enough for the democrats.

  8. The seeming tone deafness of democrats to what people think is really no mystery. Truth is dems don’t CARE what people think because the democrat mission has changed. democrats no longer seek to win people over and convince people to support them with phony fairy tale promises and imaginary happy visions of a wonderful future.
    The democrat mission is now a mission of seek and destroy. The objectives are punishment, revenge and destruction. The ultimate goal is the abolishment of Constitutional and Civil Rights and seizure of absolute Power.
    When a former First Lady threatens Americans on National television with intimidation and intimations of violence if they do not capitulate, when the highest ranking members in Congres announce from the Halls of the US Capitol that they will “do whatever it takes,” to stop the oppostion, their political opponents i.e. American Citizens who did not vote for them, the American Citizens had better believe them and act accordingly.
    American Citizens should also not forget one other fact.
    Hitlers Nazis did not build the death camps for the Jews.
    They built them for their political opponents.

  9. The Democrats have become “theatrical politicians”, mostly concerned with instantaneous processing of utterances and symbolic gestures. There are no serious futurists who are planning 5,10-20-years out (with one exception: immigration demographics they see as favorable to winning elections).

    Democrats used to be brimming with optimism about the future, and championing reforms that make the future brighter for all U.S. citizens. Where are the visionaries who have a plan to finally prevail over global cybercrime and cyberattacks? Where are the Bobby Kennedys who resolve to dismantle the organized crime cartels (flooding our nation with illegal drugs)?
    Where are the Pat Moynahans with the courage to face down the poor life decisions that lead into a life of poverty (having children out of wedlock, having children before financially secure, having children while pursuing recreational and addictive drugs)???

    The worst part is that Democrats are selling the idea of “pecking order”, which lowers expectations of achievement among minority kids. They chortle about “patriarchy”, weakening the sense of drive and agency among girls. These are stupid positions that are doing damage. Where are the Democrats who are self-avowed post-racials?

    1. “Where are the Democrats who are self-avowed post-racials?”

      I don’t know, but if someone in that party would stand up, slay the Clinton Hydra, run on Obama’s ’08 platform, and throw out the divisive SJW nonsense, it would be a different ballgame in 2020. It would be serious, especially if Trump screws up and gets us into a war. He’s been very deft about that, but he may overstep his luck soon. Looking at Tulsi, but she ain’t be manin’ up yet. Of course, who wants to be arkancided… that does make quite a deterrent…

    2. Democrats used to be brimming with optimism about the future, and championing reforms that make the future brighter for all U.S. citizens.

      Ha ha ha. See James Q Wilson about the research he and a colleague were conducting in Boston in 1966. There was a canyon between the city hall agenda and the street agenda. The officialdom at city hall were yapping about ‘poverty’ and the man in the street was complaining about crime. What the Democratic Party’s ‘reforms’ were doing at the time was to promote public anxiety and disorder while giving perverse incentives to depart the labor market. There was a booming market for the services of social workers and special ed teachers, though. At least we had our priorities straight.

  10. Enough already.

    Put both Clintons in jail, ok?
    Great. Yay. Wonderful.

    Now can we all regain focus on the — to quote a former tremendous fantastic incredible secretary of state — “moron” presently in office, who wields actual power, along with all his groveling, self-interested minions.

      1. President Trump was correct when he said we’ll have so much winning, you’ll get bored with winning. That is until the Democrats woke the Republicans out of their boredom with their disastrous Kavanaugh strategy.

    1. Your behind the times. Obama isn’t President anymore but an apt description.

  11. If I were her, I would be happy with the $100 million+ the Clintons have pulled down in recent years. I guess I am just a simple man who would be content to live off of the interest and enjoy hiking with my dogs, etc. This is a pure and simple lust for power and attention by Mrs. Clinton.

  12. The Clintons are back.

    We cannot miss them if they won’t go away. Both Clintons are grisly unscrupulous people. Horribly unscrupulous people whose entire adult lives have been spent holding public office, seeking public office, and bagging pay-for-play winnings don’t bother most Democratic voters. They don’t bother the trade association execs and higher ed apparatchiks who see to it that each of them receives a huge hourly in honoraria.

    Take a look at who runs the Democratic Party: the Clintons, the Obamas, Charles Schumer, Patty Murray, Richard Durbin, Nancy Pelosi, Steny Hoyer, Debbie Wasserman Schultz, Tom Perez, Bernie Sanders, John Kerry, Jerry Brown, Andrew Cuomo, Pat Quinn, &c. Heavily studded with people who’ve had very little exposure to the life outside politics and politically-dependent occupations. Some of those who have have been is sketchy occupations wherein politically determined incomes, rent seeking, and regulatory arbitrage are the norm (e.g. John Edwards and the Goldman Sachs alums who keep getting elected Governor of New Jersey).

  13. This is amazing. Truly biblical-scope evil on display. And I am sure their legions of mindless chanting zombies who were scratching at the doors of the nation’s highest court will only grow now. Truly a real life illustration of Satan calling forth those to do his (their) bidding, and, as she says herself, to undermine civility. It’s the stuff of Goya and George Romero. To any rational minded individual, the choice is easy: be a part of the mindless horde bent on destruction with no end, or work to be a part of, and to help civilization.

  14. The Democratic party has abandoned a strategy to appeal to reasonable, sensible people. As result of 1) increasing partisanship and 2) disillusionment by a majority of eligible voters, most elections are won by securing 30% of eligible voters. Approximately 25% of eligible voters always vote Democrat. The Democratic strategy involves persuading 5% of eligible voters to subscribe to the Democratic lunacy.

    1. False Premise. Your figures do not include the 40% that voted against Clinton in 2016 as independents, mostly independent constitutionalists but only that sixty percent who belonged to the two Parties. Also the total voting as a percentage of the available eligible voters was in the 30 percentile. Since it takes 51% of those voting to win at the federal level none of the three major groups, Socialists, GOPs, Independents being the largest, had enough on their own. The socialists even with 5% of the voting pool (eligbles) would still not make 45% into 51%.

    1. Of the chief war mongers of the War Monger Party (Wilson, FDR, Truman, LBJ, Obama) who was the one most reviled and with the best cause?

      Answer? Lyndon B for Butcher Johnson.

  15. Hope that they keep the Clintons coming.

    They are the faces of a hypocritical Democratic party – “we love women and we don’t mind Bill Clinton’s assaults on women”.

    Easy example of the illogic of the Pinkos.

    1. monument:

      OR: “They are the faces of a hypocritical GOP party – “we love women and we don’t mind Trump’s assaults on women”.

      1. Trump’s assaults on women, Sparky? Must have missed that. Or are you just furthering the lies for your own purpose?

      2. Allegations are not Indictments. Which doesn’t excuse the support of the Clintons. GOP includes the right wing; of the left known as the RINOs but that is becoming less true same as the party without at reason for their name (Democrats) become more and more socialist extremist (and continue supporting victimizers of women).

  16. Only exceptional people seem able to maintain civility in every set of circumstances. The idea of diplomacy and cooperation assume that civility will advance those goals. Instead, when people are unable to process other people’s thinking, because of direct conflict with their own thinking, civility erodes. Too many people, especially those who post a steady stream of vitriol in this comment section, are failing to engage in the civil discourse necessary to arrive at compromise and peaceful co-existence.

    1. Well said. I think fondly of the days of civility under Obama when he sent missiles streaking into several countries to kill people. Oh wait, killing people who attend weddings isn’t so civil. Oh well. I guess Obama wasn’t so civil after all.

      1. Paul

        The same & worse could be said about the bushes. The WAR party has two wings: GOP & Democratic.

        1. Agree, but right now Obama is once again the savior of the world just he was with his Hope and change slogan of yesteryear. Or is Mister Corey Booker the new savior? I can’t keep up. All I know is The Repos want all the money for themselves and the Demoes want all the money…well, for themselves. Turns out there isn’t a whisper of a difference between the two war mongering money grubbing parties. Thus we have Trump, the rich not a politician politician. Ain’t life grand?

    2. Compromise, you mean like when Neville Chamberlain “compromised” with Hitler for the sake of peace?

      1. Chamberlain gets a bad break in hindsight. If you were in the midst of the situation, with WWI still clearly in the rear-view mirror, would his stance have appeared as incorrect as it does in hindsight?

        1. Given Hitlers actions and his absolute disregard for the Treaty of Versailles?
          Given his own words declaring his intentions?
          My answer is yes.

    3. Civil does not equal Democrats nor does it invoke an image of Socialist Extremists nor the same under any of their other names.

      Most though are illiterates in search of an approved by The Party dictionary something that doesn’t exist

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