California Professor Who Assaulted Pro-Life Advocates Is Featured by Oregon To Help Students “Embrace . . . The Radical Potential of Black Feminism in Our Everyday Lives”

I have written a great deal about the disturbing case of  Feminist Studies Associate Professor Mireille Miller-Young who criminally assault pro-life advocates on campus of the University of California at Santa Barbara.  I have expressed my shock that she was not fired by the University of California and how she was supported by many faculty and students in her violent response to a pro-life display.  Now however she will be honored as a featured speaker at the University of Oregon’s  Department of Women’s, Gender and Sexuality Studies.  Part of its “black feminist speaker series,” Miller-Young will “discuss her work on black feminism, labor and sex work.”  The College of Arts and Sciences and the Department of English promise that the series will show “the radical potential of black feminism in the work that we do on campus and in our everyday lives.”  She will presumably leave out her work leading students in a violent attack on free speech.

Miller-Young’s concept of the “radical potential” of feminism was on display when she led her students in attacking a pro-life display, stealing part of their display, and then committing battery on one of the young women.  She pleaded no contest to the criminal assault. Despite the shocking conduct of Miller-Young and the clear violation of the most fundamental values for all academics in guaranteeing free speech and associational rights, the faculty overwhelmingly supported Miller-Young and the university decided not to impose any meaningful discipline. To make matters worse, Michael D. Young, Vice Chancellor of Student Affairs, not only issued a statement that seemed to blame the victims but practically defended Miller-Young’s conduct. Faculty and student defenders attacked the pro-life advocates and one even referred to them as “terrorists” who did not deserve free speech.

In the announcement, Shoniqua Roach, assistant professor of black feminist theory, declared “Students, staff and faculty alike can look forward to engaging dialogues about how we can embrace and mine the radical potential of black feminism in the work that we do on campus and in our everyday lives.”

The featuring of Miller-Young at the University of Oregon rekindles the debate over how the university addressed her misconduct.  Professors have been suspended or fired of social media postings deemed insulting but Miller-Young can actually attack speakers and be celebrated as an academic.  The concern is that the response to such incidents seems to differ on the content of the speech being targeted.

53 thoughts on “California Professor Who Assaulted Pro-Life Advocates Is Featured by Oregon To Help Students “Embrace . . . The Radical Potential of Black Feminism in Our Everyday Lives””

  1. Higher education has become the greatest threat to traditional norms and freedoms. Sad, but true. Defunding all public higher education may be the only solution. Let’s start with abolishing the Dept. of Education.

  2. This professor commits a robbery and other professors congratulate her with an otherwise meaningless accolade. Repugnant

  3. When universities forget how to reason, higher education is doomed.

    Pro-Life advocates handing out leaflets are not terrorists. Terrorism requires violence in order to obtain a political objective. Exhibit A would be terrorists beheading Westerners and posting the video as a warning to all Westerners.

    Alternative viewpoints are not violence. They are merely other opinions.

    Do universities require protection from debate now? If so, perhaps they should get out of the education business altogether.

    In addition. honoring a professor who assaulted young women as a radical feminist is wrong on so many levels, and it encourages the behavior.

    Why else would a grown woman, a professor, assault two non violent young women on campus? Because she was confident that she would not only get away with it, but be applauded for it. She was right.

    Parents, vote with your dollars. Let the violent activist parents send their offspring to train at extremist madrassas. The rest of us will support universities who offer a high quality education to all, regardless of political views.

  4. you know if the leftists want to keep on inciting and doing violence at US universities eventually it may degrade into this, hot off the press, bomb went off in Crimea at a college, 19 killed 50 injured

  5. Kick California out of the United States. Califexit. Send “Professors” to China on a one way ticket. Butt lives matter. Toilet paper can work.

  6. People who perceive themselves as victims while completely oblivious when victimizing others, suffer a defect preventing communication between brain lobes. Because perception is processed by one lobe while intent is processed by the other, the defect accounts for the blindness and dual standard of people like Miller-Young. Their behavior has nothing to do with political leanings, but everything to do with environment and malnutrition that causes the defect between brain lobes. Not until a study is commissioned can we ever know what environmental and nutritional factors cause liberals to suffer from hypocrisy and bigotry and at a rate 100 times greater than conservatives.

  7. The only thing I am shocked that is that Turley is shocked.

    Currently Obama, Waters, Holder, Clinton, Schumer, Pelosi, Harris, Perez, and all the rest of the upper echelon of the Democrat Party are on their 

    Threaten The Voter Tour, 

    Warning American Citizens, voters who exercise will be exercising their Constitutional Rights in a couple weeks, about exactly what is going to happen to them if they do not capitulate, surrender and submit to Democrat demands to give them back the House as their unfettered brownshirting goosteppers are out in full force across the nation, demonstrating to Citizens the consequences of rejecting Democrat Rule of absolute Power with a campaign of escalating violence against Conservatives Citizens as law enforcement stands down and looks the other way, or as in the case of the Proud Boys incident, assists them.

    The collegiate Nazi indoctrination centers openly promote violence and teach the logistics of violence to their eager miseducated novices who drink it up just like the hate worshiping cult figures they are socially engineered to be. 

    Now you have this woman who his setting herself up as the symbol of the Black American Woman whose mission it is to elevate the oppression of others to a Divine Democrat Virtue and a requirement for any black woman to be called a black woman.

    She demands black and indeed all Democrats prove their alliegence and obedience to the cause by conducting attacks on American Citizens and obstructing and violating their Constitutional Rights. 

    What’s next?

    A Black Feminism Class Syllabus that reads

    Riots 101 

    How to make your hometown into Ferguson

    How to get Whitey to help you get Whitey

    How to double tap the Conservative

    Creative ways to make Whitey pay using bombs


    The only thing this woman is doing with the blessing and support and financial help of the Democrats is validating everything every racist has ever said about Blacks, destroying all the progress MLK and those like him gave their lives for and making sure that discrimination and racial divide thrives again for decades.

    Now that Great American Democrat Institution the KKK can point to Mireille Miller-Young

    and say 

    “See?  We are Right.”

  8. Solid arrest and prosecution evidence. Theft, assault, battery, and intimidation. Straightforward misdemeanors. Prosecute!

    Private civil suit for assault, battery, conversion, and slander. “Terrorist” is defamation per se.

    Join university as a party or not is a tactical choice for plaintiff’s counsel to measure.

  9. Watching the video, I saw two women stalking and harassing another women from well outside a building, into the foyer, through halls, into an elevator, out into halls, all the while impeding the progress of the women with a large sign. The woman who was being harassed was allowing herself to be badgered and intimidated until-and it isn’t shown-she apparently did something about it. Now the right wing extremists would have pulled out a gun and shot the two women. The professor, admittedly, stepped over the ‘don’t touch’ line. However, the two stalkers, harassers, badgers, impeders of locomotion, obviously forced the situation. That is not free speech. Free speech is the right to speak one’s mind. As with all freedoms, this freedom cannot infringe on the freedoms of others. It is obvious from the video that the two harassers were infringing upon the rights of the professor to go about her day unfettered. If the two protestors are to exercise their freedom of speech they had the entire outside courtyard in which to perform.

    The hypocrisy here is that if these were left wing protestors the professor would have been given the Kavanaugh treatment, “We do apologize for putting you through this.”

    1. LOL there is no right to go about one’s day “unfettered.” I did not see any fetters there. I saw acts of theft, assault, battery, and intimidation, and private civil torts for all the same, essentially, all committed by the professor.

    2. The two women were with the professor and they stole the sign from the pro-life group outside.

      Now the right wing extremists would have pulled out a gun and shot the two women.

      Lot’s of people being shot by right wing extremists these days? Where? When?

      1. The video shows three women walking closely together. There is no evidence of anyone stealing a sign or of assault. If that happened then that is another issue. However, my argument stands. In many cases, people are confronted by those opposing their stance and then sometimes, those people react, ‘over the line’.

        In Texas an inbred mutt and his son shot and killed a guy in an argument over whether or not the guy was allowed to put a mattress in a dumpster. The killers were not left wing nuts but right wing gun advocate nuts. Find the video and then you have one instance to answer your question.

        I doubt that Zimmerman is a left wing nut.

        I doubt that most, if not any, of the gun toting idiots that wander around armed to the teeth, defending this or that right, are left wing nuts. There may be the occasional one, but this idiocy is a right wing phenomenon.

        As for the ‘left wing nuts’ that threaten our freedoms of speech, etc. these fanatics are more a threat to themselves as they are, more often than not, charged, fined, jailed, fired, or otherwise put on display as examples of what not to do. Regarding guns, when tragedy strikes our nation due to the unfettered proliferation of guns and castle rights, resulting in death and mayhem, the NRA and the gun lobbyists advance to the capitals and dig their heels further in, with the support of all the pretzel logic of 13th amendment rights and self defense rights and these rights and those rights; only in right wing America, far less than half the population holding the majority hostage with this right wing fanaticism. I’ll take the left wing fanaticism any day if force to make a choice.

        1. very bigoted comments isaac. you show your contempt of Americans again.

          you know isaac not all pro gun advocates armed to the teeth are readily apparent to guys like you. they don’t all wear cammies and chew hayseeds. some wear suits and regular clothes and don’t call attention to themselves.

          we have a thing called “grey man theory.” you just never know who’s armed in the USA. it helps promote politeness, IMHO

          check out a gun show some time. you might meet your neighbors.

        2. If that happened then that is another issue. However, my argument stands.

          What argument would that be?

          It is obvious from the video that the two harassers were infringing upon the rights of the professor to go about her day unfettered. If the two protestors are to exercise their freedom of speech they had the entire outside courtyard in which to perform.

          Those two “protesters” you’re ignorantly asserting are “harassing” this professor, well they were assisting the professor in stealing the signs from the the pro-life girls exercising their freedom of speech in the courtyard.

          The only argument that stands is your mind is too corrupted to bother to get the facts before going on another of your rants.

        3. “As for the ‘left wing nuts’ that threaten our freedoms of speech, etc. these fanatics are more a threat to themselves as they are, more often than not, charged, fined, jailed, fired, or otherwise put on display as examples of what not to do. ”

          I like how you give the left wing nuts a pass as if they get “punished”. JT’s whole article shows just the opposite. Meanwhile the right wing nuts as you claim shoot up a school and walk away? What color is your sky?

    3. “Now the right wing extremists would have pulled out a gun and shot the two women. ”

      Did you let your doctor know you are off your meds again?

    4. I don’t see any “We Apologize for putting you through this” from the left wingers impeding traffic in Oregon.

    5. “If the two protestors are to exercise their freedom of speech they had the entire outside courtyard in which to perform. ”
      So, Free Speech is ok, as long as you do it over there, so it doesn’t bother anyone else, that’s what I’m getting from you. Sorry, but free speech doesn’t recognize safe spaces.

      If the wacko leftist .. “Miller-Young’s concept of the “radical potential” of feminism was on display when she led her students in attacking a pro-life display, stealing part of their display, and then committing battery on one of the young women.” ….. then the other two women, who you say need to protest elsewhere, most likely wouldn’t have been up in her face.

      She needs to be fired, you need a civics lesson.

  10. About 190,000 baccalaureate degrees were awarded to blacks in 2015. About 64% were handed out in vocational subjects. Roughly 25% were awarded in conventional academic disciplines or presumptively satisfactory arts programs (film, music). Shizzy interdisciplinary programs and the most dubious departments on arts and sciences faculties (sociology, anthropology, studio art, communications) account for perhaps 11% of the degrees. This woman isn’t there in service to black students, who have better things to do with their time. She’s there because vanguard faculty think it’s edgy to flip the bird at the larger society. Fire her. Fire the professors who advocated hiring her. Academe won’t improve until you go Kenesaw Mountain Landis on it.

  11. I’d love to see the faculty textbooks. They couldn’t write 5 pages if their theories were stretched to the max.

    1. Hugh Beaumont – I have seen them. They each write an essay, the essays are collected into a book and published. You are correct. Not one author has enough material for a full-length book.

  12. I am appalled by this! And the Democrats give thugs like this cover and enable them to continue and prosper, in part, by convincing white liberals to despise their own race! This is madness!
    I knew it was a bad omen when the white male Democrat candidate for Pres in 2016 had to apologize for saying “All lives matter”.
    That apology was a Valentine to racist liberal thugs!

    1. Paul C. Did you notice that your reply to Glenn yesterday on this post, and my reply to you, and Glenn’s comment, have all vanished? Were they sent to the Principal’s office? 🙂 I hope, at least, that we’re put in the same Study Hall. LOL

        1. Paul C. Good advice..,lol…….I was going to have hubby read what Glenn had written and it could not be found….just wondering what happened!

          1. Cindy Bragg – I get all the emails, so you can create folder for emails you want your husband to read and transfer them there.

  13. Women’s studies (and victimology programs generally) are patronage programs for privileged political interests. They are not serious academic disciplines and almost no one gets a degree in one. (Out of 1.8 million baccalaureate degrees handed out in this country each year, around 1,300 are in women’s studies, or about 0.07%). All victimology programs should be dissolved and their faculty discharged. State law should compel this at public institutions and consumer protection law should promote this at private institutions. Again, academe is what Fr. Paul Shaughnessy, SJ has called ‘sociologically corrupt’. It is incapable of reforming itself with its own energies and must be put in receivership.

    1. Women’s studies (and victimology programs generally) are patronage programs for privileged political interests.

      Which is why they will not be going away any time soon…not by law anyway.

      1. We have scads of Republican state legislators. Who, of course, accomplish nothing. Well, they do pass tax cuts which have to be repealed the next session because a critical mass of Chamber-of-Commerce twits in the Republican caucus sabotage any efforts to cut the spending trajectory.


    2. I agree. Pure science should be apolitical. If women’s studies and other victim profiteering used rigorous scientific methods, it would pursue any and all avenues where the data leads. It does not. It states the conclusion of a study before it is ever designed and executed. It is just political posturing disguised as legitimate study.

  14. Yep and now let’s bash Trump who is the only politician doing his level best to combat this madness. Academics whine; leaders act.

    1. I hope that Trump keeps making use of the bully pulpit to make this kind of thing regular in conversation. Surely he’ll have some sort of trick up his sleeve, lay it out there like bait, and have the MSM itself bring the issue into the forefront. If it gets talked about more, hopefully it will become more of a common concern so that local and state legislators will have to address it.

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