Report: Trump Allegedly Suggested Shooting Migrants In The Legs And Building A Moat

The New York Times is reporting that, based on interviews with more than a dozen White House officials involved with a meeting in March, President Trump suggested shooting migrants in the legs to slow them down. When cabinet members told him that his some of his proposals were illegal, Trump reportedly yelled “You are making me look like an idiot!. I ran on this. It’s my issue.” The paper also alleges that Trump suggest a moat filled with snakes or alligators. The sheer number of sources is illuminating in this story. There has always been a surprising number of leakers in this White House but the numbers appear to be growing.

According to the sources, the meeting was attended by then-Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, acting Customs and Border Protection chief Kevin McAleenan, acting chief of staff Mick Mulvaney, White House adviser Stephen Miller, and others.

At the meeting, Trump was told that he could not build a solid concrete wall across the Southern border and Trump reportedly pushed for an electrified wall with spikes. The officials also said that Trump broached the idea of a water-filled trench stocked with snakes or alligators. 

There is obviously a concern with such anonymous sources but this is a surprising high number of sources. I would also be interested if the trench idea may also have been a joke. Either it was a joke or it is a statement of utter insanity. Given the obvious hostility in the leak, I would be suspicious about the intent behind the comment and whether everyone actually believed that Trump was serious in having a moat.

The shooting of migrants would have constituted not just a crime but an international human rights violation.

73 thoughts on “Report: Trump Allegedly Suggested Shooting Migrants In The Legs And Building A Moat”

  1. “based on interviews with more than a dozen White House officials involved with a meeting in March, President Trump suggested
    two thoughts.

    first of all, these leakers are saboteurs, activated by their coup-master, John Brennan, formerly head of CIA, that encouraged fake whistleblower activity on twitter yesterday. ARREST BRENNAN

    secondly, this is why there is a legal thing called EXECUTIVE PRIVILEGE. Did Trump “suggest” or did he ask some lawyers if it would be illegal or ok? Trump is smart and experience but he’s not a lawyer. He may need advice. Him asking for his people for advice requires privacy that allows CANDOR. CANDOR is protected by the executive privilege. This was part of our constituional law readings, cases, and syllabus. Will the Professor take this moment to educate the readership on the difference between a suggestion and a question?

    Because I think that’s what should be discussed here. How are all the LEAKERS who are just SABOTEURS actually undermining the POTUS, negligently or intentionally failing to do their duties, and thereby, cheating the American people of properly assisted executive leadership?

    1. one wonders how Xi Jinpeng would deal with “leakers”

      in a possible coming war between china and america, we had better hope we have a lot of advantages, because internal security is not one of them.

      yesterday, the PRC unveiled its new Dongfeng 41 nuclear missile which can reach the USA in 30 minutes.

      I don’t mean to pick on Joe there; probably Liz Warren will be even worse. I’m not for bellicosity towards China, but excessive coziness is unwise too. Equally unwise is an arrogance among the mass media and other chattering apparatchiks that there is no serious need for confidentiality in the federal executive. There most surely is. It can be deadly serious business.

      The American mass media: the only bunch of hotshots in our country who get a special pass to conspire to suborn violation of law. See, they’re above us! Some animals are more equal than others, as occasional journalist Orwell said in his book Animal Farm



    see the government NEEDS your money to go spend on people like like like wait for it… illegal immigrants

  3. Turley… your are stuck on stupid. The article states it is based on anonymous sources. Not a single person actually named in the article is quoted as confirming the allegations.

    But you neglected to mention the actual source of the information. At the bottom of the article — in small print — we find the following: This article is adapted from “Border Wars: Inside Trump’s Assault on Immigration,” to be published by Simon & Schuster on Oct. 8.

    I am beginning to think you couldn’t pour water out of one of your hiking boots if the instructions were written on the heel.

  4. Allegedly means the action of making the claim is not proven much less the act itself. Come back when you have something better than fairy tails.

  5. “The shooting of migrants would have constituted not just a crime but an international human rights violation.”

    The left was not saying much for decades while the East Germans were doing it. People running away from the worker’s paradise.

    Today, they want to come to horrible evil racist America so badly they come in waves of millions. And America is blamed for not rolling out the welcome mat. Amazing!

    Well, when it gets up to ten millions, then, either total anarchy or they will shoot migrants eventually. Wrap your head around that! It’s the inevitable if the situation continues without a solid wall, fence, barrier, whatever.

    1. “The shooting of migrants would have constituted not just a crime but an international human rights violation.”

      By whom? That’s right, by the soi-disant ‘human rights’ NGOs. Amnesty International once declared a cop killer named Wesley Cook (aka ‘Mumia abu Jamal’) a ‘prisoner of conscience’. That should tell you something about Amnesty. Most of the others are worse. One of the founders of Human Rights Watch was so aghast at what components of the organization had morphed into that he denounced the organization. (Some of us, noting that Aryeh Neier was, within 7 years of the founding of Human Rights Watch the executive director of Americas Watch, thought him about 20 years late off the mark).

      1. Today the WSJ has a picture on cover. A Hong Kong policeman shot a rioter in the chest, who tried to slug him with a club made out of iron rebar. Well, the rioter missed, but the cop did not. Now, I was sympathetic to the HK citizens who dont want to be extradited to mainland courts, but their molotov cocktails, their brick throwing, window smashing, cop assaulting antics make me disprove of their demonstration tactics. They are not peaceful.

        Perhaps they too are probably being motivated to riot by the NGOs.

        NGOs are trying to overtake sovereign governments. And, one wonders what the connection between certain NGOs and the “intelligence community” often is.

        Now I look back to Trump’s troubles attempting to maintain a situation of law and order on the border, and I see some strange parallels.

        Perhaps one day the migrants on the border will throw bricks, molotov cocktails, and attack Border Patrol agents, with all the journalists watching, so as to provide photo ops of “oppression” in action. Why does this remind me of St Louis and BLM?

        NGO may come to mean a “not good organization” to the average citizen if they keep up all their mischief.

        In China, the PLA understood this dynamic in 1999.

        In this book, they specifically named Geo Soros and his NGOs as agents of revolutionary chaos in Albania. This was apparently a thing from ways back, which we can see has been duplicated many times in the two decades hence.

        Does the CIA have geo soros under control, or rather does Geo Soros control our CIA? Let me just ask the question.

    2. Mr. Kurtz: people are fleeing South America because of the famine there. There are nowhere near as many Mexicans coming because of so many former–US factory jobs moving there. In South America, there has been a long–standing drought that has stymied agriculture so that food is scarce. There has been reporting that those people really would rather stay home than come here, but they do so purely for survival. We in the US could help them out by sending food and engineers to explore irrigation solutions and agricultural scientists to help them with planting drought-resistant crops. That would be cheaper and more humanitarian than arresting and caging them. If conditions were better in their homeland, they’d stay there. Win–Win for everyone. But…Trump promised a wall.

      1. i am in modestly favor of limited foreign aid for the developemental reasons you suggest. IF IT WORKS, then it’s probably a cheap way to keep third worlders at home. if it works. which it probably often does not. in which case it is just a stream of income for some lazies at NGOs.

        i am not aware of any “South American famine.” Last year newsweek said the only place hunger is increasing is in Venezuela. Maybe you could justify that assertion with some facts and citations?

        And certainly the wall is a humane and appropriate measure to help stop the illegal migration invasion

        Greece wishes it had a wall. The sea which formerly protected it now is not enough

        1. they can pray to Poseidon to give the “migrants” the Odysseus treatment but I suspect he is not be listening.

        2. Venezuela is in free fall due to left wing Marxist Dictator Ernesto Maduro. Otherwise famine is not occurring in South America, nor Latin America, North America, Europe, Australia or Asia. Africa has had spots of famine in South Sudan, Somalia, and Nigeria these past 10 yrs but otherwise Nutchacha is lying

          It seems to be a given today that the Left have no heft to add to American politic, are bereft of any intellectual thought so as to lead Americans in our current flux and instead resort to divide and conquer, scorched Earth tactics and general apoplexy. TDS fits the bill

          Bernie Sanders is now screwed. Sanders is lucky to be alive. An Emergency coronary stent at any age is not good but over the age of 60 is terrible news. Pelosi, Warren, Biden, Trump should be worried.

          Americans are accelerating to their demise due to lack of self-regulation formerly known as moderation. Our current trajectory is unsustainable. Those who are practicing self-regulation have a better chance of surviving.

          Peter Kreeft:

          Justice, Wisdom, Courage, and Moderation: The Four Cardinal Virtues

          The four cardinal virtues – justice, wisdom (prudence), courage (fortitude), and moderation (self-control, temperance) – come not just from Plato or Greek philosophy. You will find them in Scripture. They are knowable by human nature, which God designed, not Plato. Plato first formulated them, but he did for virtue only what Newton did for motion: he discovered and tabulated its own inherent foundational laws.

          These four are called “cardinal” virtues from the Latin word for “hinge”. All other virtues hinge on these four.

          They are the necessary foundation and precondition for all others. If a person is not courageous, for instance, he will not overcome the difficulties inherent in the practice of any virtue. If he is not wise, he will not understand what he is doing, and his virtue will sink to the level of blind animal instinct.

          There are many more virtues than these – there is always more – for “there are more things in heaven and earth than are dreamt of in your philosophy.” But never less.

          This is the foundation. This must be built, or rebuilt, first. Social and educational experiments must be built on this foundation, or on none. If we are to rebuild our civilization, or if we are to build a new one, we need to build on foundations whose posts reach down into our own being, at least. Ultimately, they must be anchored in God; but we are the image of God.

          1. St Thomas Aquinas in the Summa on temperance as a virtue

            Summa Theologiae > Second Part of the Second Part > Question 141: Temperance

            As stated above (I-II:55:3), it is essential to virtue to incline man to good. Now the good of man is to be in accordance with reason, as Dionysius states (Div. Nom. iv). Hence human virtue is that which inclines man to something in accordance with reason. Now temperance evidently inclines man to this, since its very name implies moderation or temperateness, which reason causes. Therefore temperance is a virtue.

            As stated above (123, 12; II-II:136:1), it belongs to moral virtue to safeguard the good of reason against the passions that rebel against reason. Now the movement of the soul’s passions is twofold, as stated above (I-II:23:2), when we were treating of the passions: the one, whereby the sensitive appetite pursues sensible and bodily goods, the other whereby it flies from sensible and bodily evils.

            The first of these movements of the sensitive appetite rebels against reason chiefly by lack of moderation. Because sensible and bodily goods, considered in their species, are not in opposition to reason, but are subject to it as instruments which reason employs in order to attain its proper end: and that they are opposed to reason is owing to the fact that the sensitive appetite fails to tend towards them in accord with the mode of reason. Hence it belongs properly to moral virtue to moderate those passions which denote a pursuit of the good.

            On the other hand, the movement of the sensitive appetite in flying from sensible evil is mostly in opposition to reason, not through being immoderate, but chiefly in respect of its flight: because, when a man flies from sensible and bodily evils, which sometimes accompany the good of reason, the result is that he flies from the good of reason. Hence it belongs to moral virtue to make man while flying from evil to remain firm in the good of reason.

            Accordingly, just as the virtue of fortitude, which by its very nature bestows firmness, is chiefly concerned with the passion, viz. fear, which regards flight from bodily evils, and consequently with daring, which attacks the objects of fear in the hope of attaining some good, so, too, temperance, which denotes a kind of moderation, is chiefly concerned with those passions that tend towards sensible goods, viz. desire and pleasure, and consequently with the sorrows that arise from the absence of those pleasures. For just as daring presupposes objects of fear, so too such like sorrow arises from the absence of the aforesaid pleasures.


            1. Estovir is the good Catholic who harasses commenters with gay taunts. A real sicko. Ask him about public restrooms.

              1. Is Estovir posting religion again? I cant believe this creep! From grinders to Jesus every day.

        3. i am not aware of any “South American famine.”

          You’re not aware of one because it’s another of Natacha’s fantasies. Other than Venezuela, no country in Latin America has experienced declining food production in the last decade. The share of deaths attributable to old school causes (infections, childbirth, and malnutrition) varies between 6% and 27% depending on how affluent is the country in question (the figure for the UK is about 8%, that for the US, 5%). Life expectancy at birth is now past 70 in all Latin American countries.

          1. Venezuela is definitely screwed. I have relatives there though communication is spotty. In 2017 the mean weight loss per Venezuelan in pounds was about 25, I believe, for the previous year. Antibiotics, chemotherapeutic cancer meds, even HIV drugs, were not available. Expect a medical catastrophe in Venezuela to be reported after Maduro is killed or flees, but not until then. For now the liberal news media glosses over Venezuela’s demise like they did for Cuba similar to how the NY Times (e.g. Walter Duranty) glorified Stalin’s reign of terror. Its all so unfortunate truly

            1. She missed her chance to blame Maduro’s ruinous policies on the US which is part of the usual leftist schtick

          1. You might try for a functional link so we can see how much you’ve misquoted.

            In any case, Natacha, we’re perfectly capable of reading data and reports from the Food and Agriculture Organization and the World Bank.

  6. If Warren gets elected more will be the new normal

    “The Hermosa Beach Police Department arrests a robbery suspect at his residence in Winnetka.”

    Hermosa Beach Police Department Press Release
    October 1, 2019
    For Immediate Release

    Suspect: David Delgado
    Winnetka, CA

    Charge(s): 211 PC- Robbery, 243(d) PC-Battery with Serious Injury

    Bail: $100,000; Held at HBPD jail

    Victim: Withheld

    Arrest: Hermosa Beach Police Officers arrested David Delgado at his residence in Winnetka, CA on October 1, 2019 for 211 PC and 243(d) PC.

    On September 2nd 2019 at about 6:40 pm the victim was using the restroom in a downtown Hermosa Beach restaurant. The victim was wearing a red hat with white Russian writing on it. The writing translated to, “Make America Great Again”. The suspect approached the victim in the restroom and questioned him about the meaning of the hat, after which the suspect repeatedly punched the victim in the face causing the victim to fall to the ground. The suspect continued to punch the victim and then stole the victim’s hat and fled.

    Using investigative resources and surveillance footage, the Hermosa Beach Police Department was able to identify and arrest the suspect at his Winnetka residence without incident.

  7. “Leakers” in the White House. If they are male they can aim and direct their leaks better. Regarding a barrier at the border: Ask not what your country can do for you. Go south to the border and keep those terrorists out

    1. there have been civilians patrols on private lands on border for decades. they can peacefully detain illegals but have to be careful.

      if they are too forceful in their detentions, awaiting Border Patrol to round up intercepted illegals, then they will be sued in a heartbeat. and have been. by various NGOs etc

  8. I would not be surprised that Trump said to shoot them in the knees as this, along with killing children, is the policy of Israel regarding Palestinians. He is very close to the Israeli govt. and might very well have readily adopted this idea.

    However, these are very serious allegations. Someone needs to have the courage to put their name to them. I would have hoped people would resign and go public over this as it is both illegal and cruel.

    So until someone is brave enough to go public or to at least leak a transcript or recording to a publisher such as wikileaks, we simply cannot know whether this is accurate. The NitWitTimes lies all the time. They sometimes accidentally tell the truth or sometimes their masters direct them to tell the truth, but most often, they lie. So I need to see documentation.

    1. along with killing children, is the policy of Israel regarding Palestinians.

      This is a fantasy of course, but indicative of Jill’s mentality. (Are ‘Autumn’ and ‘Jill’ the same person). What’s grossly amusing is that people like Jill fancy they’re the one’s who are fit to give moral instruction to the rest of us.

      1. If they are not the same person, they were separated at birth.

  9. The NYT lost all credibility three years ago. For crying out loud, its editors said they intend to bias their stories — news — against the administration, i.e., cloak opinion as news to influence/please its readers. The NYT “news” has proved wrong so many times it’s no longer coincidence or humor. Thus, those who persist in taking the NYT at its word will also lose their credibility. Good luck, Professor.

  10. Given the obvious hostility in the leak, I would be suspicious about the intent behind the comment and whether everyone actually believed that Trump was serious in having a moat.

    Click bait.

    Professor, do you have Schiff writing material for you now? Did you have a moment of pause to be suspicious of the reliability of the reporting in the first place?

  11. I have suggested towers with machine guns, land mine and moats. I support the alligator and crocodile addition to my ideas.

  12. Anonymous sources, published by the NYT. I think that should be all we need to know to dismiss this.

  13. The idiocy of a GW professor believing a New York Times report about Trump beggars belief

    I really think you need to have IQ of a ficus plant to get to be a Professor there

  14. This Is Absurd XXXXVVIII will tell you that snakes and alligators are statistically under-represented when compared to other federally employed beasts such as dogs and horses. To avoid an embarrassing discrimination claim, and the ensuing calls for impeachment by snakes, alligators, and their relatives in Congress and the media, it was necessary to consider this opportunity. It was ultimately decided that the moat should be filled with alligators, snakes, Alexandra Occasional Cortez, those two Muslim Congresswomen, and Maxine Waters. 🐊🐊🐊🐍🐍🐍🧕🏽🧕🏽🧟‍♀️

  15. You’re either defending the border or you aren’t. That means, ultimately, the use of lethal force. Do law professors have any practical sense at all?

    1. Are you aware US Border Agents are already armed and have rules of engagement like any other law enforcement agency? Would you like to see those rules modified to expand the use of lethal force?

  16. Funny how parody works only for the Left

    When ANTIFA suggests violence against people Chuck Turd, Wash Compost and Laurence “tribal turd” Tribe build a monument to ANTIFA for their heroin induced heroism

    1. I think it is a great idea – this moat thing. He could also pave the bank’s with gold to make to look beautiful like many of his properties and lure people into it. All of this can be appropriated with money from military starting with the funds for Ukraine. Or may be he can make Mexico pay for it like the wall? He is a great deal-maker.

  17. While Trump was probably serious this will be blown off as a joke. The jokes keep piling up. Trump is a joker! Or maybe a joke himself!

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