Court: Clinton Must Testify On Email Scandal

In a remarkable turnaround, Hillary Clinton will have to testify after all on the email scandal. Clinton has never been subject to true examination on the issue under oath. Instead, she was allowed to meet with investigators shortly before being cleared during the Obama Administration. D.C. District Court Judge Royce C. Lamberth ruled that her prior answers were insufficient and cursory. One interesting twist is that she will not be able claim the privilege against self-incrimination on the original alleged offenses since the statute of limitations has passed. While she would have been unlikely to do so, she would have evoked on a crime that could be prosecuted. Ironically, it will be the Trump Administration that will have to defend her in opposing such demands since they are handling the litigation as it relates to her prior public service as Secretary of State.

 This surprising order follows the disclosure by watchdog group Judicial Watch last December that the FBI released “approximately thirty previously undisclosed Clinton emails.” Judicial Watch has argued that the State Department “failed to fully explain” where they came from. Lamberth decided that Clinton has not answered the troubling questions related to her email system:

“As extensive as the existing record is, it does not sufficiently explain Secretary Clinton’s state of mind when she decided it would be an acceptable practice to set up and use a private server to conduct State Department business. The court believes those responses were either incomplete, unhelpful, or cursory at best. Simply put, her responses left many more questions than answers.”

While I expect that Clinton will have a lot of “I do not recall” answers given the passage of time, such examinations come at a risk of false statements under oath. Moreover, Judicial Watch can refresh her money with documents. As a lawyer, Clinton knows the risks and what to expect. However, it is astonish that, after all of these years, Clinton will finally be asked to answer questions under oath on the scandal.

Here is the order: Lamberth Order and Decision

119 thoughts on “Court: Clinton Must Testify On Email Scandal”

  1. Judicial Watch got written interrogatories which were insufficient. The judge is beyond mad. He may sit in on the deposition. And to add to the mix, they found out that the person who trashed the 30,000 emails wrote and after action report. JW is demanding it. 🙂

    1. You mean, like the written interrogatory answers directed to Trump in the Mueller investigation, answered by Giuliani, which were insufficient and evasive, and which they refused to amend or supplement.

      I’d like to know what standing Judicial Watch has to sue a government official years after she left office, and what, if anything, could come of it, since the statute of limitations has run. Red meat for the Trumpsters who have no answer to his latest faux pas and mishandling of the COVID-19 crisis.

      1. The difference that evades TDS victims of which you are king, ignore that Hillary was a civilian with no legal standing while Trump is and was the POTUS, the chief of one of 3 branches of government, with equal power to the other 2 branches.

        HRC built the home servers to evade Federal FOI statute. Any American including the members of JW have the right to sue the offending party (Hillary) for evading Federal Law.

        You’re not often accused of being bright.

        1. Hillary was the U.S. Secretary of State. And, since you KNOW that Hillary intended to “evade Federal FOI” statutes, explain, please, WHY she would do this and exactly HOW she benefitted from this. If you’re going to make up some story about trying to cover up shady dealings, prove what they are, or admit this is just another diversion to Trump’s latest fiasco involving the COVID-19 virus.

          You are the one who is not very bright. This was a FOIA lawsuit brought by radical conservatives, who almost always lose in Court. They have no authority to enforce any laws. This is just red meat for Trumpsters like you to chew on, and to give Hannity, et al something to bitch about.

          1. “Trump’s latest fiasco involving the COVID-19 virus.”

            An idiotic statement and not true.
            Democrats Demand Open Borders for the Coronavirus

            Their only hope for victory is infecting America.

            February 28, 2020

            Over 90 Chinese migrants were caught by the Border Patrol trying to enter the United States this year.

            According to Brandon Judd, the president of the National Border Patrol Council (NBPC), on February 10, three Chinese nationals were apprehended illegally entering Texas with flu-like symptoms, and had to be quarantined. “Luckily they did not have the coronavirus,” he said. “But this is a wake-up call.”

            Border Patrol personnel have been handed respirators and told to isolate the large number of Chinese migrants who are continuing to illegally enter the United States.

            According to Todd Bensman of the Middle East Forum, his source in the Border Patrol told him that, “What we cannot ascertain is if they are isolated until they come back negative. A lot of that is ‘medical’ and some managers treat it like it’s personal information. So we are not privy to the results of where they go after.”

            We know that some of the CDC test kits meant to detect the coronavirus were flawed. It’s possible that migrants carrying the coronavirus have not been properly detected and may be spreading it even now.

            Illegal migration from China through the Mexican border rose significantly toward the end of last year, increasing fivefold from October to the end of January, compared to the entire previous fiscal year.

            And those are the migrants that the Border Patrol had successfully intercepted. There’s no way to know how many got through. The human smugglers are clever and determined. And anyone who is infected might be desperate enough to try to enter the United States in search of superior medical care.

            A few months ago, Border Patrol officers intercepted eleven Chinese migrants at the border hiding inside a washing machine, and a dresser, along with other pieces of furniture inside a moving truck. A month earlier, six Chinese migrants had been caught hiding inside the fake wall of another truck.

            And it’s not just by land. In December, a boat tried to smuggle two Chinese nationals into California.

            It’s also not just China. As the coronavirus spreads to other countries, outbreaks are popping up in South Korea and Iran. The expansion of the scope of the outbreak means that migrants from more countries pose a potentially deadly risk. The first coronavirus case has just emerged in Latin America.

            It’s unlikely that it will be the last.

            California is already monitoring 8,400 people for the coronavirus, with 33 known cases, including one that occurred among the general public, resulting in the quarantine of 100 health care workers.

            The last thing that the border states need are infected illegal aliens coming through, blending into the population, and spreading the disease to health care workers, and in poor neighborhoods.

            But that’s exactly what the Democrats seem to want.

            Senator Elizabeth Warren announced that she was introducing a plan to redirect money from the border wall to fighting the coronavirus. Rarely has there been so literal an example of drilling a hole in the boat and then bailing water faster. And while Warren is an extreme case, every Democrat 2020 candidate wants to dismantle border security and enable the rapid entry of migrants into the United States.

            That means putting Americans at risk, not just at the border, but also at airports and seaports.

            Warren had called for replacing ICE with “something that reflects our values” and infects us with their diseases. Senator Kirsten Gillibrand and Mayor Bill de Blasio have called for abolishing ICE. Senator Bernie Sanders, as the most radical candidate, wants to abolish ICE, CBP, and stop deportations.

            Bernie’s call to abolish the Border Patrol would create open borders for drug cartels, smugglers, murderers, rapists, and any migrants infected with the coronavirus, not to mention other diseases.

            Sanders, Steyer, Bloomberg, and Warren all oppose any further border fencing. But Sanders has gone the furthest by essentially calling for an end to immigration enforcement. “Immigration is not a threat to national security,” he insists. The coronavirus once again demonstrates that’s a dangerous delusion.

            Imagining a world without borders is also envisioning a world of defenseless nations and peoples. Borders are the immune system of nations. Without an immune system, the body cannot survive. And without borders, a nation cannot exist. Illegal migration is a disease attacking our national body. The Democrats who champion open borders and attack CBP are the disease destroying our immunity.

            Border security is the cure.

            As nations around the world rally to secure their borders against coronavirus migrants, the Democrats still insist on chanting the mantra of open borders. At the Democrat debate in South Carolina, Senator Amy Klobuchar refused to say that she would close the border to stop the spread of the virus.

            None of the CBS moderators asked the candidates about using border security to stop infected aliens.

            And none of the Democrats mentioned border security, instead pivoting to calls for more funding. Like Warren, they want to drill a bunch of holes in the boat, and then spend money to bail out the water.

            President Trump had asked for $2.5 billion in coronavirus funding. The Democrats want as much as $8.5 billion, with Senator Schumer demanding a $2 billion piggy bank for the states and cities to raid.

            Meanwhile those same politicians are determined to starve CBP of the funds it desperately needs. They would rather plow endless billions into an emergency that their own dereliction of duty created than spend a lot less to prevent the spread of the coronavirus to the United States in the first place.

            The cynical truth behind this gambit is that funneling money into health organizations builds up the political organizations and infrastructure of the Democrats, while border security is Republican.

            The American Federation of Government Employees (AFGE), which represents NIH personnel, among many others in the gargantuan portfolio of the country’s largest federal union, endorsed Hillary Clinton. Meanwhile the National Border Patrol Council (NBPC), which is a subsidiary of the mega-union, endorsed Donald J. Trump. As did the ICE Council.

            When replying to AFGE’s questionnaire about overtime pay for ICE and Border Patrol personnel, Senator Elizabeth Warren instead ranted that she would destroy ICE and CPB and focus on stopping counterfeit goods. Democrats, like Warren, care more about protecting fashion brands than stopping a pandemic.

            They care more about protecting their political power through open borders than protecting Americans.

            Even as the Democrats and their media allies whip up a panic and attempt to blame the coronavirus on President Trump, they continue undermining our front line of defense and our national security.

            The Democrats want open borders for drug cartels, human traffickers, and the coronavirus. And if the outbreak and its financial repercussions improves their political prospects, then it’s a win-win situation.

            When the coronavirus spreads, when our economy shakes, then the Democrats win.

            And that’s how the Democrats became the party of the coronavirus. Their political future is tied to the disease. They’re attacking our immune system because their only hope for victory is infecting America.

          2. i hypothesize that the main goal of using the alternate server was very much to avoid lawsuits like this which were bound to come eventually

            the motive would have been, most likely, to avoid exposure of the shady deal where she received donations into the clinton charity from Saudis and so forth, in exchange for her face time as SoState

            Natch said: “radical conservatives who almost always lose in Court”

            I am not sure what this is meant to say. what court, is indicated by the capital C?

            Is there a survey of data which you can cite to verify this broad assertion?

            I wont hold my breath

            1. I believe HRC said Colin Powell hinted at using an alternate server in her discussions with him. And the lawsuit avoidance tact makes sense as well.

          3. And, since you KNOW that Hillary intended to “evade Federal FOI” statutes, explain, please, WHY she would do this and exactly HOW she benefitted from this.

            Alright, let’s go with your statement:

            Since you KNOW that Hillary did not intend to “evade FOIA statues, explain, please, WHY she would set up and use a private email account on a server not designed to capture her email communications in the government records database and explain HOW she expected to benefit from this?

          4. How did she benefit?

            She destroyed emails while under subpoena. Since she kept her own server, State was unable to provide all of her emails.

            She circumvented the Records Act so as to control what information she wanted released, and what she wanted to hide or destroy.

            She smashed her phones and laptops with hammers. Is that OK with you?

            If Trump kept a secret server, lied about it, deleted 30,000 emails while under subpoena, smashed his and his staff’s phones and laptops with hammers, and a laptop with some of his emails ended up in the possession of a registered sex offender, would you have a problem then?

            Begin a Democrat is not a license to break the law with impunity.

            1. Trump lies every single day. He hides documents and recordings of calls with other world leaders in a secure server created solely to protect military and state secrets, because he is afraid of patriots leaking the information so that Americans would learn the truth about him. He never produced the actual transcript of the call with the Ukrainian President.



                Great question. Tell us what benefit was it for Hillary Clinton to use a private server/private email account for official SOS communications? Let’s start there.

                HOW WAS AMERICA HARMED?

                Also a great question? What would be the potential harm if government officials use private servers/private emails for official government communications?

                This is an opportunity for you to demonstrate a hint of objectivity.

                  1. And you notice our resident nutjob refuses to answer straightforward questions, while attempting to lecture us on Hillary’s perceived persecution.

      2. If Trump has done anything to evade Federal Law like Hillary did, you or any other demonrat can sue him civilly like JW sued Hillary.

        Best wishes.

        1. Trump has done plenty to not only “evade” federal law, but violate it. Have you read the Mueller Report? How about the Articles of Impeachment, which 48 U.S. Senators found sufficient to impeach Trump from office.

          No citizen can sue a government official for “evading” the law. Federal law is enforced by the DOJ. The FBI already cleared Hillary Clinton twice, but you Trumpsters just can’t let it go. This was nothing more than an FOIA request. That’s it. That’s all, but it’s being blown out of proportion to divert attention away from Trump’s latest screw up.

      3. Natacha – you are playing Whataboutism. You are throwing a lot of mud as usual.

  2. “Moreover, Judicial Watch can refresh her money with documents.”

    I want Judicial Watch to refresh my money with documents.

  3. Dr Turley, you wrote: “Moreover, Judicial Watch can refresh her money with documents.” I think you meant: “can refresh her memory with money.” There, corrected and accurate. You’re welcome.

    1. Bob Lawblaw:

      ” I think you meant: “can refresh her memory with money.” There, corrected and accurate. You’re welcome.”

      Now are you trying to say It was really Hillary you get when you drag a hundred through a trailer park?

  4. Donna Brazile tells her counterpart RNC chair “quit using Russian talking points” and “GO TO HELL”


    so now anything Republicans say to criticize the Democrats is per se a “Russian talking point?”

    this is a slide towards civil war and somebody on the Democrat side,. oh say besides the candidates they’ve shoved aside like Tulsi– but someone with a name– needs to start treating Republicans with some respect. Quit evading criticism by calling everyone you don’t like a Russian bot etc. That is so totally false and pathetic it’s hard to believe it’s going on now for 3 years

    Basically if and when the Dems lose again they are going to blame the Russians which is what they always do now, and possibly go kinetic. We better be ready for that.

    1. Why are the parasitic hyphenates so disrespectful?

      Answer: Unconstitutional generational welfare, affirmative action privilege, food stamps, quotas, forced busing, “Fair Housing,” “Non-Discrimination,” WIC, TANF, HAMP, HARP, HUD, HHS, etc., etc., etc.

      People who are compelled to self-reliance are assiduous and deferential of necessity.

      It’s like competition in the healthcare insurance industry. The cold hard truth of competition forces participants to provide the best products at the lowest prices recognizing that “the customer is king.” You want America well-served by the healthcare insurance industry or any other industry? You totally eliminate unconstitutional “free stuff,” governmental subsidies and regulation, and maximally facilitate mortal competition (the intent and achievement of the American Founders through their Constitution).

      You want civility and respect? You remove all false, unconstitutional, communist constructs and allow nature to put them in their place.

      1. Maybe the all time best and most accurate post in this entire blog.

        All or most of welfare programs financed by threat of force create infinitely more problems than they fix/repair.

  5. Hillary Clinton’s case needs_ a special prosecutor who will “…start fresh and see where it goes.”

    Jussie Smollett Case Gets Special Prosecutor


    “The facts will take me where they take me. I’m going to start fresh and see where it goes,” former U.S. Attorney Dan Webb told reporters Friday.

    A judge appointed a special prosecutor Friday to look into why Chicago’s state’s attorney abruptly dropped the case against Jussie Smollett, leaving open the possibility that the former Empire actor could yet face charges in what police say was a phony attack he staged to get attention.

    Smollett, who is black and gay, maintains that he was the target of a racist and homophobic attack in January. But if the special prosecutor, former U.S. Attorney Dan Webb, determines that the charges shouldn’t have been dropped, he could recommend that they be reinstated or that new charges be brought.

    Webb, who was appointed by Cook County Judge Michael Toomin during a Friday hearing, told reporters afterward that he would move the investigation along as quickly as possible. Such probes typically include impaneling a special grand jury, issuing subpoenas, taking witness statements and a final report.

    “I intend to expedite everything. But the facts will take me where they take me,” Webb said. “I’m going to start fresh and see where it goes.”

    The Cook County state’s attorney’s office charged Smollett in February with 16 counts of disorderly conduct for allegedly staging the attack and lying about it to investigators. However, it dropped the charges a month later with little explanation, angering city officials and the police.

    – AP

  6. “Ironically, it will be the Trump Administration that will have to defend her in opposing such demands since they are handling the litigation as it relates to her prior public service as Secretary of State.”


    I can see it now – “Defense pleads guilty ~ cough (lock-her-up) cough, cough~ Ahem… Defense rests.”

  7. Wanna know what’s truly “astonishing”? How all of Trump’s efforts to divert attention away from his monumental mistake of dismantling the rapid response team have totally failed. First, the “deal” with the Taliban which would end the war in Afghanistan, something that lasted, what, 2 or 3 days? And, even though he has no opponents for the primaries in various states, he can’t stand it because the cameras are on the Democrats, so he has to have vainglory rallies. Now, there’s this pathetic story: trying to resurrect the “Crooked Hillary” theme. To what end? What purpose is being served? No criminal conviction can come of it, so what’s the point? Then, there’s all the lies: That COVID-19 is a hoax being leveraged by the Democrats, and his stupid son and namesake lying that Democrats are hoping that millions of people will die so they can “get Trump”. Then, there’s the lies about there being only 15 COVID-19 cases, that these victims would get better very soon, that we’d have a vaccine very soon, that the epidemic would magically end in April, and so on, based on absolutely nothing–just made up.

    Here’s what is additionally astonishing: that Turley sees fit to put his blessing on this Hillary Clinton crap, which is motivated by nothing other than politics. It seems to me to be a far more important topic to discuss a POTUS who lies about a public health crisis because the stock market is going down. Also, because he bears responsibility for the US being behind in identifying all of the means of transmission, getting test kits that produce valid results, and mobilizing resources. Those topics are far more relevant, but then Turley appears to be auditioning for a gig at Fox. Why not admit it?

      1. she does that every day here jim,. she’s a broken record of slander and invective against President Trump

        as for covid-19, I covered it here daily for a month and she had nothign to say about it until yesterday when she woke up and decided it was time to blame it on Trump. preposterous

    1. As usual, Natasha packs a lot in her post and the inability of the Trumpsters here to counter it says it all. Insults and name calling is for losers who can’t back up their position. Kurtz is usually above that, but others here think pretense equals clever debating.

      1. As usual, Natasha packs a lot in her post and the inability of the Trumpsters here to counter it says it all

        Yeah, we’re obligated to ‘counter’ “Ivanka has rubber boobs…” and other gems of wisdom.

        1. Maybe you can also counter with the fact Ivanka also has a private email account for administration business and that the Chinese hacked Trump’s phone soon after he took office?

          1. Trump continues to use a non-secure, non-government cell phone, despite being told this is a very bad idea, but yet, they’re going after Hillary Clinton for allegedly using an unsecured server. Has any actual harm come about because of this?. I view these endless attacks on her as part of Trump’s intimidation tactics–to scare off anyone who opposes him. Now that Biden’s doing better in the polls, expect the attacks on Hunter Biden and the false innuendoes against Joe to ramp up.

            1. Word. I’m sure they already are. Think Lindsey Graham is primed to whip up Hunter talk in Judiciary starting right about now.

            2. You are certainly the biggest mental midget here. JW sued HRC civilly for violating Federal FOI law, preventing JW from reading public documents.

              If you dislike FOI laws, you’ll love the PRC.

              1. Dear Princess: again, you’re wrong. Look at the caption of the case, which you can get by clicking on the link above. Judicial Watch sued the State Department, not Hillary Clinton individually, And, here’s a twist: the DOJ is required to defend her.

          2. “Chinese hacked Trump’s phone soon after he took office?”

            Prove it.

              1. Your proof, Anon is an advertisement for Huawei Technologies. The Chinese pulled a fast one on you. Before that the Russians did. And of course the left closes your eyes and that makes you dumbstruck when the facts are revealed.

                1. Referring to the NY Times article, which yes, the Chinese denied. Because there’d be no reason for the people hacking his phone to deny it publicly, right?

                  Again, prove they didn’t.

                  And you’re still stuttering.

                    1. There is no proof within the article.

                      Essentially what is being played is the game of telephone where overheard discussions are distorted and repeated until someone like Anon with a vivid imagination and no compunctions against lying repeats his version of the story to the NYTimes that writes an article based on an anonymous source. That type of lie has been on the front pages of the MSM almost every day.

                      The NYTimes holds title to a Pulitzer Prize that they won’t give up. Walter Duranty reported on Stalin’s Russia lying and telling us how Stalin was such a good leader of his people despite the fact Stalin killed between 30 million and 60 million Russians. Despite that the NYTimes continues to hold onto the Pulitzer with great pride and admiration. Duranty had a great time in Russia being treated like a prince with luxury housing, food, entertainment etc.

                  1. Anon, Prove you didn’t rape the girl down the block. You can’t so you either accept being a rapist or you accept the fact that the one making the accusation has to provide proof.

                    1. See Alon, you think this is a law school argument. That’s your problem.

                    2. Just reading the NY Times, seeing an Orange entity in the oval who walks like a duck, quacks like a duck, sniffs like an adderol addict, talks on twitter like a 10yr old, and uses a phone that any number of countries could hack.

                      Simple deduction, alon.

                    3. “Simple deduction”

                      Anon, you have just proven that your deductive powers are in the negative. You need help.

                    4. What have you proven Anon? You will take the word of anyone that agrees with you and if they don’t you will run and hide. If it’s from a long article you will send an address to the article whether it proves what you say or not.

                      Your word for today: mendacity. That word reflects your being.

          3. Maybe you can also counter with the fact Ivanka also has a private email account for administration business and that the Chinese hacked Trump’s phone soon after he took office?

            The term ‘fact’ doesn’t mean what you think it does. Also, Gainesville, it’s poor form to have your sock-puppets talking to each other.

            1. Just curious: who are Gainesville and Anon?

              Sounds like something the olds around here say when they’re choking on their Ensure.

              1. Just curious: who are Gainesville and Anon?
                Gainesville and Anon are mythical characters who some commenters invoke whenever confronted with facts that they can’t deal with.

                1. Anonymous the Stupid along with his other persona that he sometimes talks to Anonymous the Brainless Wonder and Fido all contribute anonymously to add stupid comments to the blog.

                    1. “So the group includes you?”

                      No, but you are in the next tier, not too bright but able to put some ideas together. The only problem is one has to separate your ideas into what is true and what is not.

                    2. Aha. And you’re the arbiter of all things ‘truth’ and ‘bright’ on this blog?

    2. Boy you are dumb. Turley is already on every network extant, dummy.

      Trump caused the outbreak in China and Italy too, right?

  8. Ridiculous! She simply refuses to testify, ignores the House subpoena, and all is well. There is surely ample precedent for this respone!

    1. Chuck:
      “Ridiculous! She simply refuses to testify, ignores the House subpoena, and all is well. There is surely ample precedent for this respone!”
      It was a judicial order compelling discovery issued at the behest of Judicial Watch by D.C. District Court Judge Royce C. Lamberth . You said you practiced law. Is that true?

      JUDICIAL WATCH, INC. v. DEPARTMENT OF STATE, CaseNumber:1:14-cv-01242-RCL

      1. Mespo, some on here PRACTICE law far more than others

        George, Kurtz, Allan, Benson, Nutcha, Seth, TIA x 666,…all ardently practice their craft of legal blabbering….hopeless blabbers

        The rest of us are here for the entertainment or be reminded how utterly nurmul we truly are

        Carry on!


        1. TT,

          I am distinctly undeserving yet honored and humbled.

          Thank you, but I absolutely refuse top billing in any listing of my superiors.

  9. I have seen Clinton get close to Justice, and escape, so many times, I have my doubts that this time will be different. I wonder if Clinton’s assistants while she was Sec. of State, will be called to testify? After all, they were given “immunity” by the DOJ. If they don’t testify, I would demand to know why they got “immunity,” if not for their honest testimony.

  10. I hope whoever is examining her is well prepared. She will pull the “I don’t remember” line a zillion times, and “if I remember correctly, but it has been a long time. . .”

    She ran a multi-billion dollar slush fund while she was the Secretary of State, and Obama did nothing.

    Squeeky Fromm
    Girl Reporter

  11. At last, one hopes.

    Is she appealing this order (or seeking leave to appeal if that’s a prerequisite to an appeal here)?

  12. I applaud Tom Fitton, and everything his Judicial Watch organization does to try to hold public officials accountable with their Freedom of Information requests, but does anyone truly think this attempt to reveal this dishonest politician? She, and her team of lawyers, will find a way to wiggle out of ever admitting anything, and in one year we will know as much as we do now. This is what these people do for a living.

  13. Quit showing that ugly photo of Hillary. My cat looked at my computer screen, saw her, and puked.

  14. Pay for Play on Trial at last. not to mention all those witnesses from all those staffs each one leading to the other and leading the pack for turning States Evidence the quintessential fly on the wall… Huma Gotcha Huma Huma Huma Gotcha Huma Huma.

  15. More than the server’s existence is the fact that she deleted emails while under subpoena. She deleted 30,000 emails, never to be seen again. She wiped her server clean with BleachBit. Smashed her phones and laptops with a hammer. Abedein’s laptop was found in the possession of a convicted sex offender. While some of Clinton’s emails were on it, the ones she’d deleted are gone forever. What do we have on their contents? The words of a liar.

    Obama claimed he first heard about her server when we all did on the news. He lied. He was using an alias to email her on it.

    1. I am certain that somewhere either at NSA, in China or Russia, those emails reside, safely awaiting their use.

  16. The Clinton’s don’t think they’re above the law. They know it. They’ve never been held accountable for anything and the smart money says they never will. This institutional dysfunction is one reason federal law enforcement might benefit from a ferocious restructuring.

  17. Will there be justice at last, or is her non stick coating permanent and indestructible?

    There is no way on Earth an average citizen could have done what she did and stay out of prison. No. Way.

    1. “justice at last”? Are you joking? When is Trump going to be brought to justice for: 1. funneling sensitive insider polling information to Russians who used it to help him cheat; 2. refusing to cooperate with the Mueller investigation; 3. refusing to cooperate with the House investigation, which 48 U.S. Senators found impeachable, and now, dismantling the rapid response team, with the result that the U.S. is months behind in identifying modes of transmission of COVID-19, developing a vaccine, and otherwise being in a state of preparedness? Then, there’s the endless lying: lying to the public about the risk, the number of cases, that the crisis will end in April, that a vaccine will be available “very soon”, that the number of cases would be 0 “very soon”. These lies hurt people, and are just a drop in the ocean considering his overall habit and pattern of constantly lying. Dredging up this crap about Hillary Clinton from years ago is nothing but a distraction tactic, and it isn’t working.

      1. when is Natach going to be restrained from daily fake news, overbroad generalizations, slanders, invective, and other vitriolic hate poured endlessly onto Trump with all the monomaniacal fervor of captain ahab for the white whale?

        or if it’s a she, we might call her by ahab’s wife’s name, Jezebel , who advanced the worship of false gods among the Israelites

      2. for a month, or more, i have daily commented on COVID-19, and Natach had nothing to say about it, until it occurred to her to blame it on President Trump. Which is preposterous and utterly false.

        Natch is the most utterly dishonest and phony propagandist spreading lies in this venue day after die. it’s one filthy heap of dreck after another, which comes out of her connection like a cow farting out a stinking loud blast of mixed methane and manure and then doing it again twenty plodding paces later.

      3. Natacha – Obama took 6 months to get started on H1N1. Trump gave millions of documents to the Mueller probe and many of his people testified before the probe.

  18. Seems like we’re rehashing old business that will likely lead to nothing. But then I recall hearing “nobody is above the law” a lot recently from Nancy and others. So…goose meets gander.

    1. Comrade Pelosillyni though since she controlled impeachments, and the Reps controlled impeachments and as a Rep she was exempt from most arrests and she had access to pardons as well. Then her whole world fell apart and it’s been a near fur year struggle to regain that kind of control. But she wasn’t smarter than the founders who wrote The Constitution. Her turn is coming.

      Did you know Congress is not exempt from arrest when Sine Die is pronounced and they are on their way to or at home. Only when going to or in a congress open for business. As for Clinton is their a Statue of Limitations in the Patriot Act when one is charged under some of it’s more interesting provisions put their by the Democrats themselves. In anticipation of a Clinton Presidency. Do you really believe the sunset provision of 2019 applied to all the contents of the Patriot Act including the classified portions?

      Only a group that believes in the subjective power of mystical fairy tails would fall for that one especially those that know Obama and Schumer.

  19. Good for Judicial Watch.

    They are doing what numerous government agencies failed to do – and should have done.

    Reminder of what a manipulative, self-serving AH Comey is,

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