MSNBC Host Denounces Sanders Supporters As “Privileged White Voters” For Not Supporting Biden

We have been discussing the open hostility that Sen. Bernie Sanders has faced on MSNBC and CNN during both his runs for the presidency in 2016 and 2020.  In one of the last large rallies of Sanders in Michigan (and his campaign) I spoke with Sanders supporters who were adamantly opposed to Joe Biden (here and here and here).  For them, it is no accident that, once again, the only option for the general election is the most establishment figure in the race.  They joined Sanders (some for their first campaign) because of his agenda and in opposition to the establishment policies that they see controlling the Democratic National Committee and Biden.  Now, MSNBC host Joy Reid has denounced those Sanders’ supporters as “privileged white voters” because they refuse to support Biden.

 Reid’s ire was drawn by statements by commentator Kyle Kulinski who told critics that they could “blame” him if President Trump defeats Biden in November: “As a left-winger who will not vote for Biden I want you to know I’m 100% okay with you blaming me if Trump wins a second term. I mean it. Blame me. Then get to thinking real hard how you’re gonna get me to support your candidate the next time! Maybe even ask me, I’ll tell you! We shouldn’t be defensive about this. If they’re blaming us for Trump that’s an admission that they need us to win. If they need us to win then they need to make concessions. Own it!”

“What this kind of thing says to me is that these are not ‘left-wing’ voters. They are privileged white voters who demand to be bowed down to, no different than Trump’s voters want those who are not white and Christian to take the knee for them like in the ‘good old days.’ These are voters whose primary concern is that everyone else kneel. That’s it. Kneel. Or they threaten the rest of us with the endless torment of Trumpism. Caged children. Viral death. Poverty. Want. Voter Suppression. Muslim bans. Of course none of this harms or impacts them.”


155 thoughts on “MSNBC Host Denounces Sanders Supporters As “Privileged White Voters” For Not Supporting Biden”

    1. Probably. Because even though the “mother” is not identified, the fact that Reade said HER mother called in, way back then 37 years ago is significant. Either Reade has a super-good memory about the Larry King show and some random caller to the show, or she knew that her mother called in.

      I find it highly unlikely that this is just coincidence, or a super good memory.

      Squeeky Fromm
      Girl Reporter

  1. “Racist” doesn’t mean anything anymore. It’s just a goad to try to control people.

    The erosion of the English language is a great loss.

    1. Americans enjoy the freedoms of thought, speech, belief, religion, publication, press, socialization, assembly and every other conceivable, natural and God-given right and freedom per the 9th Amendment.

      If Americans cannot discriminate, Americans cannot be free. Americans may certainly hold opinions based on race. You’re conflating violence with the freedom of individuals to discriminate and make choices. You wield the term “racist” as a weapon against free Americans as if holding an opinion is a crime.

      The next thing you communists will order is miscegenation. You’ll tell Americans whom to love. Homogeneous marriage will become illegal, right?

      No losers – share the misery – you communists are always right, right?

      One problem: The Founders provided maximal freedom to individuals while severely limiting and restricting government to its singular role of merely facilitating the maximal freedom of individuals through the provision of security and infrastructure.

      People must adapt to the outcomes of freedom. Freedom does not adapt to people…dictatorship does.


      By Christopher. Lydon Special to The New York Times

      April 7, 1976

      SOUTH BEND, Ind., April 6 — Jimmy Carter said today that the Federal Government should not take the initiative to change the “ethnic purity” of some urban neighborhoods or the economic “homogeneity” of well‐to‐do suburbs.
      ‘If he wins the Presidency, the Georgia Democrat said at a news conference here, “I’m not ‐going to use the Federal Government’s authority deliberately to circumvent the natural inclination of people to live in ethnically homogeneous neighborhoods.”
      Similarly, he said, “To build a high‐rise, very low‐cost housing unit in a suburban neighborhood or other neighborhoods with relatively expensive homes, I think, would not he in the best interest of the people. who live in the high‐rise or the suburbs.
      “Any exclusion of a family because of race or ethnic background I would oppose very strongly and aggressively as President,” he said. “But think it’s good to maintain the homogeneity of neighborhoods if they’ye been established that way.”

  2. “Diaper Man, I’d rather be ‘6’ than 86 which is probably about your age.

    Paint Chips, most people would like to have those extra years of life but to be your age and act like 6 years of age is a travesty. Your intellectual development unfortunately will never occur. Whatever age I am I accept for all the preceding years have been wonderful and joyous. I know you can’t say the same because you are an angry person who wants to get even and that is not the road to happiness.

    1. Hoyt:

      Yo, hold on there. Come back here into the light. Our blog is under siege by sock puppets and we’d to I.D. you.

            1. Paul, arent you bothered that half the comments on this thread are Crazed Idiot’s,??

          1. Who is ‘fielding them’, Seth?

            Phone a friend and quit screaming “sockpuppet.’ You’re sounding like a nutter and there are enough of them on this blog.

              1. “Crazed Idiot”

                Oh, knock it off. You’ve adopted Allan’s silly and immature language.

                1. It sounds like you are Crazed Idiot and the other anonymous is Anonymous the Stupid. The two of you sound like you could get a 2 for 1 special in a psychiatrist’s office. Are we all invited to the wedding when you two get married?

  3. The “injuries” visited upon America and its Constitution by the student of Karl Marx, tyrant and dictator, Abraham Lincoln, and his progressive successors were and remain without constitutional basis and illegitimate, including the “Reconstruction Amendments.”
    Of note, the 21st judiciously repealed the unconstitutional and illegitimate 18th.

    ”And if there are amendments desired, of such a nature as will not injure the constitution, and they can be ingrafted so as to give satisfaction to the doubting part of our fellow citizens; the friends of the federal government will evince that spirit of deference and concession for which they have hitherto been distinguished.”

    – James Madison, Proposed Amendments to the Constitution, June 8, 1789

    On the date of issuance of the unconstitutional “Emancipation Proclamation,” the Naturalization Act of 1802 was in full force and effect requiring citizens to be “…free white person(s)…” causing the status of freed black slaves to transform from that of “property” to “illegal alien” requiring immediate deportation.

    The Founders did not intend for the “poor” and dependent to vote, their failure to codify leading to the degeneration of the republic into the communist dictatorship extant today. Their general restrictions on the vote in 1788 – Male, European, 21, 50 lbs. Sterling/50 acres – were easily rolled over by the progressives/communists.

    “The true reason (says Blackstone) of requiring any qualification, with regard to property in voters, is to exclude such persons, as are in so mean a situation, that they are esteemed to have no will of their own.”

    “If it were probable that every man would give his vote freely, and without influence of any kind, then, upon the true theory and genuine principles of liberty, every member of the community, however poor, should have a vote… But since that can hardly be expected, in persons of indigent fortunes, or such as are under the immediate dominion of others, all popular states have been obliged to establish certain qualifications, whereby, some who are suspected to have no will of their own, are excluded from voting; in order to set other individuals, whose wills may be supposed independent, more thoroughly upon a level with each other.”

    – Alexander Hamilton – The Farmer Refuted, 1775

    The American frog, placed initially in cold water, is being slowly heated into extinction. There are, increasingly, 80 million hyphenate invaders among the diminishing 250 million Americans. The American Founders wrote a Constitution, Naturalization Acts and vote restrictions, not as a suicide pact, but as a blueprint for building a great nation.

    Pity the poor fool, gifting away his country, who would lend an ear to this adversarial, nay, enemy hyphenate invader.

  4. Professor Turley makes great observations about hypocritical Left Wing Nuts. Here is more. Note to the Liberal trolls: it isn’t about your TDS shilling, its about the liars that you are

    nuff said

    “ democrats are motivated not to resolve this crisis, but to prolong the death and suffering
    By DrJohn 11 Comments Wed, Apr, 15th, 2020


    As Rahm Emanuel would say- “Never let a pandemic go to waste.”

    democrats are reveling in this crisis. They glory in the country’s misery.

    There is no concern for the country, only for power and leverage.

    It becomes very apparent with their actions, which speak far more loudly than anything they can say.

    Mitch McConnell wanted to add $250 billion more to the Relief Bill and democrats blocked it.

    “We need more funding and we need it fast,” McConnell said on the Senate floor, according to CNN.

    “I want to add more money to the only part of our bipartisan bill that could run out of money.”
    democrats do not see misery and seek remedy- they see opportunity

    AUSTIN, Texas — The twin economic shock of the coronavirus pandemic and a collapsing oil market has upended the political landscape in Texas — driving Republicans into an unfamiliar defensive crouch and giving restive Democrats an unexpected election-year lift.”

    1. By “Left Wing Nuts” do you mean Communists (i.e. liberals, progressives, socialists, democrats) in America?



    Currently these threads are under assault by an army of aliases.  Most are fielded by a commenter known as Crazed Idiot.  Idiot, an anti-abortion activist and militant Trump supporter, is beside himself with fury.  

    Observers believe Idiot’s rage is driven by mainstream coverage of the Covid-19 pandemic.  Increasingly said coverage has documented Trump’s suspicionly slow response.  Trump supporters may sense their president is heading for landslide defeat in November.

    Sadly, it appears that certain liberal-leaning commenters are beginning to field their own sock puppets to counter the siege.  While I sympathize with their motives, this trend will surely result in a ‘race to the bottom’ that leaves the blog in tatters.

    Therefore we call on the blog’s Moderator to do everything possible to bring this issue under control.  Continued passiveness can only be construed as an endorsement of the siege.

    1. It’s a blog, Seth, not a chat room. Make a comment or two, then move along. You’re sounding unhinged, like many of those who hang here.

      1. Anonymous, you dont mind if half the comments are one person? Perhaps they echo your views so you’re okay with it? Some people like sock puppets if they amplify a message they agree with.

        1. Nope, Seth, they don’t echo my views, but you aren’t going to fix the problem by ranting about it.

      2. “Make a comment…then move along”

        What do you think: Maybe Seth is Joyless Reid?

        1. Hey, Anonymous, why are you anonymous?? I mean, if all these sock puppets are just innocent fun, you can use your real name, right??


    “Motor oil floats on top of the water in a puddle or in an oil spill. No matter how much you mix oil and water, they always separate. Chemicals that don’t mix are said to be immiscible. The reason this happens is because of the chemical nature of oil and water molecules.”

    – ThoughtCo

    The mixture of oil and water is forced through the use of synthetic emulsifiers. Generational Welfare, Affirmative Action Privilege, Food Stamps, Quotas, Forced Busing, Fair Housing, Non-Discrimination laws, etc., etc., etc., are the political synthetic emulsifiers unconstitutionally forced on free Americans to mix oil and water to this day.

  7. The “injuries” visited upon America and its Constitution by the student of Karl Marx, tyrant and dictator, Abraham Lincoln, and his progressive successors were and remain without constitutional basis and illegitimate, including the “Reconstruction Amendments.”
    Of note, the 21st judiciously repealed the unconstitutional and illegitimate 18th.

    ”And if there are amendments desired, of such a nature as will not injure the constitution, and they can be ingrafted so as to give satisfaction to the doubting part of our fellow citizens; the friends of the federal government will evince that spirit of deference and concession for which they have hitherto been distinguished.”

    – James Madison, Proposed Amendments to the Constitution, June 8, 1789

    On the date of issuance of the unconstitutional “Emancipation Proclamation,” the Naturalization Act of 1802 was in full force and effect requiring citizens to be “…free white person(s)…” causing the status of freed black slaves to transform from that of “property” to “illegal alien” requiring immediate deportation.

    The Founders did not intend for the “poor” and dependent to vote, their failure to codify leading to the degeneration of the republic into the communist dictatorship extant today. Their general restrictions on the vote in 1788 – Male, European, 21, 50 lbs. Sterling/50 acres – were easily rolled over by the progressives/communists.

    “The true reason (says Blackstone) of requiring any qualification, with regard to property in voters, is to exclude such persons, as are in so mean a situation, that they are esteemed to have no will of their own.”

    “If it were probable that every man would give his vote freely, and without influence of any kind, then, upon the true theory and genuine principles of liberty, every member of the community, however poor, should have a vote… But since that can hardly be expected, in persons of indigent fortunes, or such as are under the immediate dominion of others, all popular states have been obliged to establish certain qualifications, whereby, some who are suspected to have no will of their own, are excluded from voting; in order to set other individuals, whose wills may be supposed independent, more thoroughly upon a level with each other.”

    – Alexander Hamilton – The Farmer Refuted, 1775

    The American frog, placed initially in cold water, is being slowly heated into extinction. There are, increasingly, 80 million hyphenate invaders among the diminishing 250 million Americans. The American Founders wrote a Constitution, Naturalization Acts and vote restrictions, not as a suicide pact, but as a blueprint for building a great nation.

    Pity the poor fool, gifting away his country, who would lend an ear to this adversarial, nay, enemy hyphenate invader.

  8. Some fools are crowing about a single judge in one of our fifty States while secretly crying about all the Supreme Court Justices Trump will get over the next four years.

  9. Overlooked By Turley:

    Wisconsin Defeats Trump-Endosed Judge

    Turnout By Democrats Could Preview Fall Election

    Dane County Circuit Judge Jill Karofsky won the race for Wisconsin Supreme Court, narrowing the conservative majority after a tumultuous election conducted in the midst of a global pandemic, according to unofficial results released Monday.

    Karofsky’s victory marked the first time in a dozen years that a Supreme Court challenger beat an incumbent — and just the second time in more than half a century. Her win over Justice Daniel Kelly will shift conservative control of the court from 5-2 to 4-3.

    Appearing by video conference from her home with her son and daughter behind her, Karofsky thanked her family and supporters and decried the decision to hold the election during the coronavirus outbreak.

    “Look, we shouldn’t have had the election on Tuesday,” she said. “It was an untenable decision (on whether to vote), but the people of the state of Wisconsin rose up.

    The pandemic triggered a record surge of absentee balloting as voters looked for a way to stay at home to prevent themselves and others from getting ill. Many voters have complained they never received their absentee ballots, forcing them to choose between giving up the ability to vote and braving the polls on election day.

    Kelly was appointed to the high court in 2016 by then-Gov. Scott Walker to finish the term of Justice David Prosser, who stepped down early.

    Republicans were so worried about Kelly’s chances that they considered moving the election so it didn’t fall on the same day as Wisconsin’s presidential primary, when Democratic turnout was expected to be high. They abandoned the plan to move the election amid public opposition.

    Republicans Gambled And Suffered Embarrassing Loss

    Wisconsin Governor Tony Evers (D) tried to postpone last weekend’s election. But Republicans wagered that pandemic conditions would favor their reliable, small town voters. But City-based Democrats braved the pandemic to stand in line for up to 3 hours. The results could easily preview a Trump loss in November. And ‘yes’, Republicans are worried!

    1. Yeah, big deal Seth. Did you hear what Nicole Wallace said about Matt Gaetz?

    2. Turley overlooked a few other things, too, like the relief checks being delayed so that Trump’s signature can be put on them. If anyone’s names should be on them, it should be Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer, who worked hard to protect American workers and to stop the funds from going to stock buybacks. Trump has no shame–literally anything for free publicity. Also, he repeated the lie about the U.S. testing more for COVID-19 than any other country (in raw numbers, yes, more tests, but way behind in proportion to population). And, he is withholding payments to the WHO, trying to blame it for his incompetence, claiming that it was too deferential to China, ignoring the fact that early on in this crisis, he bragged about what a wonderful relationship he has with China’s president, and that China was transparent and doing a wonderful job of containing the virus.

      Turley seemingly never misses an opportunity to bash a Democrat, especially if she is black. In the overall scheme of things, Joy Reid’s opinions are way less important than Trump’s incompetence and arrogance.

      1. +1

        JT’s goals in continually throwing out stupid and insignificant red meat columns to the right are something he should explain. You’d think MSNBC was an accountable government agency instead of an opinion mill. like Fox – never criticized here – and CNN.

      2. checks are showing up today in digitally connected accounts. the paper checks are sure to be slower in coming regardless of what politicians name is on them.

        the vanity of Trump is only equaled by the vanity of his detractors

        1. My husband called me this morning from the road while he was seeing clients and told me our bank account received an IRS deposit….full amount for us and the kids. So thankful President Trump did that for us.

          So angering that Pelosi stuck it to Americans with pork and funding for anti-American groups

  10. I’m feeling better now knowing that socialist also enjoy white privileged.

  11. What can you expect when they are brain-dead from all the misinformation giving to them every day? The fourth branch of Government has lost its way and many of us Americans have just turned off what the MSM says after we research information. One source would be Jonathan Turley.

  12. Is there trouble in paradise? Problems with the glorious future multicult utopia? I love it when self proclaimed leftists who purport to agree on most issues fight with one another.

    Here is a note for all of you upper middle class liberals:


    Anyone remember “Mayor Pete” and “Pocahontas” and their pathetic attempts to gain black support?

    If a white person moves out>>>white flight>>>RACISM!

    If a white person moves in>>>gentrification>>>RACISM!

    If a white person sees color>>>RACISM!

    If a white person>>>doesn’t see color>>>ignoring racism>>>RACISM!

    If a white person>>>doesn’t partake in culture>>>non-inclusive>>>RACISM!

    If a white person>>>engages in culture>>>cultural appropriation>>>RACISM!

    If a white person>>>doesn’t have a black friends>>>RACISM!

    If a white person>>>says “some of my best freinds are black”>>>that is precisely what racists say>>>RACISM!

    YOU CANNOT WIN. The church of WOKE is a church with no salvation.


    1. Yes antonio, and you love it when innocent people who adapt black children are murdered too. You demonstrated that repeatedly last week.

      1. Love it? No, those are YOUR words, not mine. And I view It is an unfortunate event. But if one disregards the obvious bad things are bound to happen.

        For example, If I smoke 2 packs of cigarettes a day for 20 years and get lung cancer and someone points out that my actions may have contributed to that result, I doubt you would criticize the messenger for their “insensitivity”.

        Of course, smoking tobacco is disfavored while “virtue signaling” one’s moral superiority and enlightenment is not. So I suspect you will continue to point out to the unfortunate smoker the error of their ways but not to the liberal virue signaler.


        1. BS antonio. We all know what you wrote and repeated. You’re an irrational and ghoulish hater.

          1. You’re an irrational and ghoulish hater.

            What’s Natacha?

            1. Unlike antonio, natasha has never come here and gloated over a dual murder of innocent people. He did it multiple times. F… him.

              1. Book, I’ve noticed Antonio is primarily active here when the column features Blacks. But don’t suggest for a second that Antonio might be ‘racist’. Antonio, you see, is really Hispanic. And he’s just dying to have you call him a racist!

                1. Are you or BTB willing to actually get your hands dirty? Bet you aren’t. Live in a nice neighborhood, kids attend a good school, etc.

                2. The modern word racist did not exist until used by Leon Trotsky in his book: History of the Russian Revolution. It means everything and it means NOTHING and is used to describe everything from the actual mistreatment of individuals to expressing an opinion disliked by the left, a non-PC opinion.

                  I use the above comparison (“I’m Hispanic, I can’t be racist”) because leftists commonly say only whites can be racist and I like throwing it in their faces. When I read how conservative blacks and to a lesser degree, conservative hispanics are vilified, a more accurate description would be only liberal minorities cannot be racist.

                  So I challenge any lefty here to give me a straight answer, “Were the 2 thugs who killed the Wisconsin couple “racist”?” Of course, do not expect many will but have some other explanation or excuse for this behavior…or just call me another bad name.

                  “Hey, whatever happened to the Wisconsin couple, at least they weren’t racist.” I would rather be alive myself but that is just me.

                3. There you go again Paint Chips, race baiting. Then you complain because someone made a comment about your sexuality. You had a near mental breakdown though it might be hard to notice based on how you act when you are feeling good.

              2. “He did it multiple times. F… him.”

                Book, I wish Antonio F. me. Hispanics have a big 🍆 and strikes me as uber macho


                1. @seth

                  I don’t go that way and would rather not unless you are blonde, voluptuous, buxomy, at least 5′ 10″ and bear a resemblance to a young Anna Nicole Smith.

                    1. My son is gay and though we did not understand how he became that way, we found it best to support him. You should accept who you are regardless of whether you are gay, straight, bi or questioning. It is Ok

                      Wishing you the best in your self-acceptance

                2. REGARDING ABOVE:

                  That’s not Seth Warner commenting. That is none other than Crazed Idiot. Idiot is responsible for the siege of Sock Puppets occupying these threads.

                3. Was that an egg plant or was Peter Paint Chips doing an Anthony Weiner using the magnify image to impress all of us? I wonder who he is after.

          2. Not a reply or answer to anything I have actually said. Point and sputter, name call when you do not have an argument. Have seen few leftists who will actually debate those with whom they disagree. And btw – I don’t smoke.

            I cannot be “an irrational and ghoulish hater” because I am a certified minority. Only whites like yourself can qualify.

        2. And regarding the unfortunate Wisconsin couple, I do have some respect for them (unlike most leftists) because they actually got their hands dirty. Reminds me of a couple I knew many years ago and who were self-proclaimed democratic socialists. This couple adopted 2 young black boys from the ghetto, one of who ended up sexually assaulting their biological daughter when he was around 12 or 13. They hesitated at notifying the authorities because they didn’t want to give ammunition to “bigots”. Like I have said before, most leftists are hopeless.


    2. Cultural appropriation as the need grows:

      – The English Language

      – Religion

      – Suits and Ties for Loincloths and Sarongs

      – Homburgs and Derbies for Feather Headdresses

      – Philharmonic Orchestras for Djembes

      – Staffs and Notes for Oral Traditions

      – Horses and Carriages for Ambulation

      – Sanitation Technology for Open Ditch Sewers

      – Neurological Surgical Specialists for Voodoo Witch Doctors

      – Baseball

      – Basketball

      – Football

      – Etc., etc., etc.

  13. She is, of course, mostly correct. But anything not politically correct these days is bashed somehow.

  14. As predicted. The shattered splintered socialist left is falling apart again……

    1. They’re eating each other alive. That’s what they would do to us if given the chance.

      1. Paint Chips Peter who has been celebrating the Coronavirus despite the harm to Americans believes the Coronavirus will lead to a takeover by the socialists. What he doesn’t know is that what almost always follows is a purge and he would be one of the first to be killed or sent to our Siberia.

        1. Diaper Man, are you blogging from the State Hospital? I’m surprised they came for you amid this pandemic. One imagines you were becoming too much for the caregivers. Or maybe they stopped checking in on you and neighbors called authorities.

          1. Paint Chips, most of us are somewhat somber about the Coronavirus where lives are being lost and livlihoods destroyed but you seem to be cheered by the news. Here is what you said in an ebulient tone showing that the Coronavirus is leading the way for socialism.

            “Diaper Man you’re stuck in the pre-virus age. All that crap about the virtues of low taxes and small government is destined for history’s ash heap at this point.

            By the time this crisis is past us, everyone under 60 will see the virtues of socialism. A Grest Depression awaits us and it will require a ‘We’re all in this together’ way of thinking.”

            This is quite similar to what Stalin and Lenin told the people.

      2. “That’s what they would do to us if given the chance.”

        Ivan, that is all the Left has as their strategy. Behold the DNC trolls on here: all they do is insult day after day, hour after hour. There shtick is violence to the core. You of all people should know their trademark signature

  15. Hunter Biden still listed as board member of Chinese company he vowed to resign from, business records show

    OT: Nothing here folks; move along.
    And if there was, it is debunked.
    And if not debunked, ok because China is our friend.
    And as the Chinese say, to get rich is glorious.

  16. Racism and race baiting prevails at MSNBC.

    What she misses is that there is a deserved distrust of our government that isn’t related to party. Though I wouldn’t do so we could split the voters into three camps. The Dems and Reps that accept a lot of government control where government is the biggest beneficiary. That leaves two sides and their respective beliefs that appear to be diametrically different though one side of the Bernie camp is pure communism. The other half is not necessarily ingrained in that philosophy. ( I noted that distinct split when I talked to a whole bunch of people at OWS.)

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