Yale Professor: Trump Is Using Subconscious Techniques To Push “Armed Troops In The Streets” Toward A “Massacre”

It often appears that there is no medical or legal theory that is too unhinged to trigger criticism in the media so long as it is targeting President Donald Trump or his supporters.  I have previously criticized Dr. Bandy X. Lee who has called for such nonexistent actions as Speaker Nancy Pelosi “putting a medical hold” on Trump.  Lee also was prominent among a group of mental health professionals soon after the election to declare Trump mentally ill. Such views are reported without the type of scrutiny that they would normally warrant. Now Lee is again using her credentials in the law and psychology to say that Trump is using subconscious techniques to send “armed troops in the streets,” a technique she explains is used with “child soldiers.”  She warns that Trump will not leave office and is pushing the country toward a “massacre.”

I have previously criticized professors and legal experts who regularly distort existing case law to argue that Trump can be charged with over a dozen different crimes connected to an assortment of scandals.  Lee, who also writes for Huffington Post, has become the same type of perpetual motion machine of psychiatric theories against Trump. Her most recent expert analysis is that Trump is using standard subconscious technique to enlist the “child soldiers” seen in his supporters opposing the pandemic restrictions:

“Subconsciously, it is a loyalty test for the people. In Africa, where I did some ethnographic work, child soldiers would be recruited and made to kill a family member to demonstrate their allegiance to the government and not to the family. Similarly, in urban gangs in America, one may be challenged to kill a police officer to prove one’s willingness to uphold gang rules over societal rules . . . When Donald Trump suggests that the virus be taken as a ‘hoax’, that people gather in churches or that people protest for their own sacrifice, he is actually testing people’s loyalty to the ‘laws’ of his mind over the laws of nature, or even impulse for survival. The more he abuses them, the greater their devotion grows, since the psychological cost of admitting their mistake is ever higher — and so it becomes easier to dig a well of unreality than to see the obvious truth.”

She adds that this is all supported by her training: “We are now entering my specialty: public health approaches to violence prevention, and how to stop epidemics of violence before they happen.”

“He is practicing his “total authority” and putting his armed troops in the streets. We would be mistaken to believe he will leave, or even let a losing election happen in the first place. Abuse of the mind is the worst kind, for you make people do what you wish against their own interests, and even extreme physical abuse becomes possible. He is not only getting away with shooting someone on Fifth Avenue, but a whole massacre.”

Again, MSNBC and CNN and various media outlets regularly (and often correctly) call out conservative experts who make outlandish comments.  Yet, Salon and others will report these type of legal and psychiatric theories without a modicum of skepticism, let alone scrutiny.  The Salon interview is a case in point. At no point is Lee questioned on whether the suggestions of a massacre and child soldiers might be a tad hyperbolic, or put in the context of her prior assertions.

102 thoughts on “Yale Professor: Trump Is Using Subconscious Techniques To Push “Armed Troops In The Streets” Toward A “Massacre””

  1. Sounds like the professor has been watching too many old Flash Gordon serials.

  2. If I had received a degree from Yale, I would certainly put it away so it isn’t discovered for centuries!

  3. Professor Lee is wrong. There is nothing subconscious or subtle about Trump. He is inciting sedition. But the big news is that MCCONNELL has declared war on what he calls blue states. Anyone who opposes him or disagrees with him is a target. Trump is appalling but MCCONNELL is focused on destroying anything that stands in the way of his power. Nothing subconscious or subtle…

    1. Justice: Just Google “tin-foil hats”, and you can get directions to make one. Although I bet you already have one.

  4. And here I was, thinking the Professor would be bringing in a ‘bizarre’ news story about Trump saying UV light or disinfectants be injected into bodies to ‘cure’ CV-19? How misguided of me! My bad!

    Clearly my priorities are off.

  5. (music to tune of We went to the animal fair)

    We went by Harvard and Yale..
    The birds and beasts were there.
    The old baboon by the site of the moon..
    Was combing her Auburn hair.
    The Yalie she got drunk…
    And fell on the elephants trunk.
    The elephant sneezed, and fell on her knees,,
    And that was the end of the Yalie drunk..the drunk, the drunk.

  6. No question everyone is entitled to their opinions, but this once again, clearly demonstrates the Doctor’s advanced mental derangement disorder, which immediately merits her being taken away in a straight jacket, locked up in a secure facility & evaluated anytime after the pandemic.

  7. At no point is Lee questioned on whether the suggestions of a massacre and child soldiers might be a tad hyperbolic, or put in the context of her prior assertions.

    Of course they didn’t. Liberal discourse in our time is all about tribal affirmations. It has very little to do with facts, logic, or judicious deliberation. You want that from liberals, get in your time machine and scooch on back to 1955. The youngest among the Greatest Generation are 92 years old as we speak.

  8. “Professor”? Doctor? Expert in what? Horse itShay.
    What a joke this nitwit is.

  9. You do get the impression that some people go into psychiatry and clinical psychology in an unsuccessful attempt to deal with their own issues.

    Lee is supposedly a specialist in ‘violence prevention’, and works as a consultant to prison systems. I’m sure she does a world of good in such venues.

    1. “the psychological cost of admitting their mistake is ever higher — and so it becomes easier to dig a well of unreality than to see the obvious truth.”

      She should listen to herself.

      This question is actually pretty good:
      “Trump has tried to play it both ways, arguing that his lockdown guidelines saved millions of lives while calling for an end to the lockdowns. How does this cognitive dissonance affect the public during a confusing and scary crisis?”

      The cognitive dissonance undermines the perception that the presidency is the locus of authority. It forces people to look to themselves and what they, individually, want. Which, in turn, leads them to look to their state representatives who are to represent the views of their constituents in their decision-making.

      We need a good debate amongst we the people that rests on the facts at hand without leaning so much on what the President thinks.

      His comments are causing us to more fully and viscerally act out ‘of the people, by the people, for the people’s. There has been too much complacency for too long.

      1. it looks like the bulk of the comments on this site are driven by individuals who live for complacency. sad

        1. You’re right. Criticism and bellyaching sure aren’t helping clarify and sort out the problems plaguing the world.

  10. Who’s more likely to have troops in the streets: A president who believes in the right for individuals to own firearms or a governor of michigan who along with the state legislature can deny all FOIA requests made to them?

      1. Anonymous – Craig Nichols makes a good point. so you call him a sock puppet? Nice response.

    1. Wow. It’s hard to take this statement seriously. The 2nd ammendment guarantees the right to have and bear arms. We are a government (Ha!) Of the People, By the People and FOR the People… that means our government answers to the people. THAT’S why responding transparently to FOIA requests is so critical. When our government stops responding to FOIA requests… well… if you understood your history, you’d understand that it’s exactly THAT kind of government that would step in and try to take our rights. As long as the people have and bear arms, I rest a lot easier at night… even in the face of tyranny exhibited by leaders such as the Gov. of Michigan.

      But people making arguments such as the one you are making causes me to lose my faith in the general public’s ability to think critically.

  11. This professor is scary but what is even more scary is that our previously respected institutions such as Yale would reward her and her absurd ignorance with a job, possibly tenured.

    It is idiots like her who are clearly NON-ESSENTIAL while most of the other 22Million unemployed actually contribute to society’s normal functioning … this professor is obviously not contributing.

    1. Off the table, across the floor, out the door – onward to the gutter.



    1. NOTE to Americans:

      BOLO for unhinged septuagenarian in Gainesville. Elderly man who routinely foams at the keyboard and shows psychotic features online, has been identified as patient zero for TDS, China virus and Wuhan bat soup dregs

      Liberally apply Lysol, Bleach & any cleaning product via mouth and injection. Anti-malaria drugs have been shown to be particularly effective at extremely high dosages per University of Florida studies

  13. Well, It seems there is no end to the slippery slope that is discrediting the once vaunted reputation of a university degree and the faculty providing such a now seemingly worthless piece of paper. The outrage is also that such a worthless scrap now has the exorbitant cost far exceeding the cost or printing the degree.

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