Son of Federal Judge Killed And Husband Wounded In Attack At Home [Updated]

download-2In a murder that has shocked the nation, the son of federal judge Esther Salas was killed and her husband wounded in their home in North Brunswick, New Jersey.  Daniel Anderl, 20, was a student at Catholic University with hopes to go to law school.  His father is a criminal defense attorney. Such attacks on federal judges are thankfully rare and there is much speculation about high-profile cases that Judge Salas has handled or taken on recently, including a lawsuit related to Jeffrey Epstein and another past case involving “The Real Housewives of New Jersey” star Teresa Giudice. While the crime had the markings of premeditation and even professional elements, police are looking into a body found after the shooting as possibly linked. The apparent suicide in another town involved a lawyer who was being contacted reportedly about a connection to the gun recovered near the scene.

Unlike many former prosecutors serving on the federal bench, Judge Salas was a former public defender – a welcomed addition for many in the criminal defense bar.  She was also the first Latina woman to serve on New Jersey’s federal bench.  She was appointed a federal magistrate by President Barack Obama.

Her husband, Mark Anderl, was repeatedly shot but survived.  He is a criminal defense attorney.  Judge Salas was reportedly in the basement at the time of the shooting by an individual disguised as a FedEx driver.

Their only son was studying Pre-law philosophy at CUA. He was shot through the heart immediately after opening the door.

I find the speculation about the connection to the Epstein case to be highly unlikely. There is no rationale reason to kill a magistrate assigned to such a case involving Deutsche Bank investors claiming that the company failed to monitor “high-risk” customers like Epstein. She just received the case.  What possible advantage would be gained from such a crime in the Epstein case?  If this was a hit on the judge, it would seem more likely tied to a past case. If it was a hit, the hitman appeared to panic after shooting the son and father.

This type of loss is unimaginable and left many of us shaken this morning.  This young man was working hard for his future in the law and making a difference in society.  Hopefully the federal agents will track down this killer but there is nothing that can make parents hole after such a senseless tragedy.  Thankfully, Mark appears stable despite such serious wounds.

160 thoughts on “Son of Federal Judge Killed And Husband Wounded In Attack At Home [Updated]”


    Yesterday this reporter posted an examination of a recent Turley comment thread: “Seattle City Council Member Suggests Firing White Officers In Massive Reduction Of Police Department”, July 17. That examination was posted on the column: “Res Ipsa Hit 43,000,000”, July 18, where it remains for readers to view. Below is a partial transcript of noteworthy replies found on that thread. This partial transcript highlights the Anti-Feminist comments (with a few others included).

    Here we present the Anti-Feminist comments because the now-dead suspect in yesterday’s attack on Judge Salas’ New Jersey home is believed to be an Anti-Feminist radical.

    July 18

    06:11 PM
    Blather: “What happens when you let women and Kneelgroes rule you”.

    July 17

    08:06 PM
    YourFuture Ex: “Racist pieces of filth like this lefty need to be taught a lesson. That no one has the balls to it is pathetic”.

    07:35 PM
    makemyday1000: “This crazy, racist DemonRat is going to be in a lot of trouble”.
    07:31 PM
    makemyday1000: “This crazy libtard DemonRat beatch is in for some BIG problems!!”

    06:45 PM
    CK: “So exactly where does Lisa Herbold live? I’ll bet we can make her beg for a white cop to come and rescue her”

    05:58 PM
    Casey: “When do we start rioting and exterminating these leftist subhumans? It is time to refresh the Tree of Liberty with the blood of these traitorous and seditious petty tyrants, despots and leftists!!!”

    02:45 PM
    Werty: “I sincerely hope with all my heart she dies a miserable death”.

    02:53 PM
    toandfro9: “It’s time to show these radicals what power looks like. If some die, their families can say they died for their cause. Let’s roll”.

    01:30 PM
    Threeper: “Looks more like we need to get rid of emotionally ignorant white females in any government position. Sorry ladies but it appears that women are not cut out to be in any kind of power position”. (edited down)

    12:55 PM
    Stogieguy: “Tie a rope to that ring in her nose and lead her off to be turned into glue like a good Marxist”

    01:11 PM
    Neil: “The white feminist will do anything to destroy what she believes created a country that oppressed her and her beliefs”


      Aside from the bellicose nature of these comments, one can see the oddball names linked to said comments. That examination of the thread found literally dozens of oddball names unfamiliar to regulars on this site.

      1. Peter, any person of sense has no time for feminism. See Joan Didion’s critique of feminism published in The White Album in 1979. It remains current, though of course needs elaboration.

        1. Sure, who needs all those women who are part of our workforce, and public and private leadership, and what women really need equal educational opportunities, equal pay for equal work, job and professional opportunities, athletic opportunities, and members of their gender in power and leadership from local to national organizations. I’m sure Joan Didion and most women today would be happy in the early 1950s and not miss a thing.

          1. You make caricatures of the world around you, then you fancy the caricatures are reality.

            1. I have news for you. Women constituted 1/3 of the formal-sector workforce in 1957, and about a quarter of it in 1929 (the difference in proportions between the two dates is largely attributable to the redeployment of labor from farm employment to off-farm employment, which included farmers and farm wives taking wage work in the industrial or commercial sector).

            2. In 1928, male and female were about equally likely to be enrolled in secondary school. In regard to tertiary schooling, some fractions were dominated by women (nursing schools, normal schools, and teachers’ colleges) and some by men (professional schools in divinity, law, medicine, dentistry, and pharmacy). The Census Bureau wasn’t breaking out data for engineering schools at that time, but these have always been dominated by men since data were collected. The generic distribution in colleges in universities was about 57% to 43% in favor of men at the undergraduate level and 61% to 39% in favor at the post-baccalaureate level. If you think that’s unfair, it approximates the distribution today, except that women are now the majority (and not subject to official abuse and insult the way male students are). In fact, ninety years ago, the only component of education at any level which was male dominated were those named professional schools. They had female students, but not many women built careers in those professions or aspired to do that. The reason for that was that professional women were assumed to be celibates, and that’s not a life many women wanted. NB, a lady dentist in 1930 would have been a stand-alone practitioner. If she had trouble making a living, it was because potential customers distrusted her, and there’s no law or social movement which can confer that trust.

            3. This may come as a surprise to you, but we have a seven-digit population of employers. They cannot form some cartel to force down women’s compensation and they couldn’t do that in 1957, either. Women make different occupational choices, enter and exit the labor force more frequently (with concomitant effect on their salabllity), and want different things from the work force. Your positing some sort of mass stupidity among employers in 1957 which prevented wage arbitrage for productive female employees and prevented ill-compensated women from setting up their own businesses. Virtually all attempts by central authority to dictate wages and prices are foolish except when you have monopoly or monopsony power operating (which you seldom do).

            4. Actually, attempts to dictate ‘equal opportunity’ in school sports have consistently damaged sports programs for an obvious reason: women are less interested in athletics and they prefer a different menu of athletic program offerings. What ‘equal opportunity’ means is you have weak, high-overhead programs for women and you have to cut men’s programs with a satisfactory constituency to get your quotas right.

            5. Any man or woman who has worked for lady managers can give you a precis of what they don’t like about their boss. One wag offered that there are three types of women in authority: the battleax, the people-pleaser, and the hall monitor, and only the first of these builds effective teams. Most people aren’t suitable for leadership positions, and a comfortable majority of people who are are male. Even in this day wherein the compliance people are omnipresent and the entire HR staff is female, lady managers tend to collect in settings where the workforce is predominantly female or the work is such that operational measures of competence are weak.

        2. Absurd, thanks for that perspective from upstate New York. ..How big is your town..?

        3. Feminism, sheminism. The American fertility rate is in a “death spiral.” More Americans die than are born. The communists (liberals, progressives, socialists, democrats, RINOs). sent the American economy and wealth overseas (for the benefit of corporate officers and shareholders) compelling women to work rather than breed. American women have failed in their duty to their nation which is to make Americans sufficient to grow and defend the country. China – 1.4 billion. India – 1.3 billion. America – 250 million (80M hyphenates) and falling rapidly. American leaders failed to create well-paying jobs for American husbands and fathers. The population of America is imported. In 100 years, there won’t be an American left in America. Women don’t need to vote. Women need to have babies, lots of babies, or there won’t be an America. Women gained the vote and destroyed the country by eliminating the population. The 19th Amendment was a death sentence for America.

          1. “Women gained the vote and destroyed the country by eliminating the population. The 19th Amendment was a death sentence for America.”

            Good grief, George. Blame the pill, not the vote. I, and plenty of other very patriotic women, have had 4 or more babies. I hope my kids go on to have big families, too.

            Blame the jerk who wrote The Population Bomb. Blame the attitude that children are somehow a burden.

            1. PR – I told George many moons ago, that many of the Gen Y and Gen Z are not having kids bc they simply cannot afford to have them, plain and simple.

              They also cannot afford to buy houses, at least in the bigger cities of America.

              1. Anonymous,
                Affording kids is relative. Thinking mostly about the money also takes the focus off loving kids and doing things with kids. Plenty of ways to afford kids without a lot of money.

                Parks are free, walks are free. Crayons and reams of plain white paper are cheap. Libraries are free, and, they often have awesome book sales.

                The Tightwad Gazette has loads of suggestions for saving money. The author had 6 kids on income of about $45,000 back in the 1990s.

                1. My wife and I had our kids when we did not have the proverbial pot, and they and we have done fine ever since, so yes it is relative. Of course we were lucky enough to be born in modern America which too many – and especially here – do not appreciate and think we are enslaved and put upon. BS

                  The highest birth rates are among 3rd world countries where kids are are in vestment in the parents’ future, there is little birth control, and women are treated too often as chattel.

                  1. The only place in the world which has consistently robust fertility is Tropical Africa. There are about a half-dozen places outside Tropical Africa which have ample fertility and that’s it.

              2. Excerpts from “George” at 12:54 AM:

                “The communists (liberals, progressives, socialists, democrats, RINOs). sent the American economy and wealth overseas (for the benefit of corporate officers and shareholders) compelling women to work rather than breed.”

                “American leaders failed to create well-paying jobs for American husbands and fathers.”

            2. Prairie, birth rates decline when women have choices and in the US that was caused primarily by the acceptance of women working, economic advancement, and the pill. Good for you on 4 Kids – we had 2 – but unless you are only 21 , you’re a slacker by past standards here or now in poor 3rd world countries. Unless you think 8 billion humans is not enough, how is low birthrates in developed economies a problem we can’t address differently? By the way, consensus projections are for world population to crest at about the middle of this century.

              1. Bythebook,
                That is a many-faceted, multi-layered discussion.

                “Prairie, birth rates decline when women have choices and in the US that was caused primarily by the acceptance of women working, economic advancement, and the pill.”

                True. The fault is not the vote, which was my initial point. I am glad women have choices.

                I will try to return to the discussion later today. I have green beans that must be picked and canned.

              2. Actually, birth rates decline when conventional family formation grows more contextually expensive.

                1. TIA,
                  “Actually, birth rates decline when conventional family formation grows more contextually expensive.”

                  That may play a role, but it does not explain the overall decrease in birth rate decline. The percentage of people living alone has increased dramatically. People aren’t having families. The concept of family–blest be the tie that binds–seems to have gotten broken, too.

              3. Bythebook,
                “Unless you think 8 billion humans is not enough, how is low birthrates in developed economies a problem we can’t address differently?”

                Is this a problem? Probably yes, due to high infant mortality and the ravages of poverty.

                Is this a problem *we* should address? Who is we?

                How is it being addressed now such that it perhaps ought to be addressed differently?

                All of those are completely aside the concern of extremely low birthrates (below replacement) in developed countries.

                How does this affect the culture and society at large?

    2. Peter – take a good look at those comments. Only one had anything to do with 3rd wave feminism.

      1. Paul, all these comments are outside the mainstream. And at least half of them have Anti-Feminist overtones.

        1. “anti-feminist overtones” -Seth


          i’d include ‘misogynistic’, too.

        2. so what? feminists are obnoxious.

          for Seth, feminism is a positive norm. for other people, it is a negative bad habit.

          chacun a son gout– get used to the diversity of ideas Seth, its here to stay

        3. Peter Shill, a man past 60 whose worldview is stuck in high school.

    3. Seth was the kid who always volunteered to be the bathroom monitor in grade school, and got his ass handed to him on a few occasions as a result.

      I’m an “Anti-Feminist”, and a male chauvinist.

      But unlike so many “feminists”, and their supporters, I am not a misogynist, or a misandrist.

      Some of the worst misogynist’s I’ve ever come across were gay men with severe vagina envy, and some of the worst misandrist’s I’ve ever come across, were butch lesbians, with severe penis envy.

      All of them Democrats, like you, Seth.

  2. Ah, a GW Law grad is the killer.

    Likely a student of Professor Turley’s?

  3. NYT Coverage Of Alleged Suspect’s Suicide

    Federal authorities are investigating whether a lawyer was the gunman who shot into the New Jersey home of a federal judge, killing her son and wounding her husband, according to a law enforcement official briefed on the matter.

    New York State Police found the lawyer’s body near Liberty, N.Y., on Monday morning, hours after the shooting occurred late Sunday afternoon at the home of the judge, Esther Salas of Federal District Court in New Jersey. The authorities believe that the lawyer died after shooting himself, the official said.

    The lawyer was identified as Roy Den Hollander, who in 2015 brought a lawsuit before Judge Salas that challenged the male-only military draft, according to two law enforcement officials.

    The class-action lawsuit accused the Selective Service System, the independent government agency that maintains a database of Americans eligible for a potential draft, of violating women’s equal protection rights by requiring only men to register with the service. Judge Salas ruled that the lawsuit could proceed, and the case is ongoing.

    Mr. Den Hollander was a self-described anti-feminist who had sued nightclubs for offering ladies’ night discounts and Columbia University for offering courses on women’s studies.

    As part of the investigation into the lawyer’s death, the police found a package that was addressed to Judge Salas, according to another law enforcement official briefed on the matter.

    “There’s a pretty good level of confidence he’s the guy,” the official said.

    Federal and local authorities had been carrying out an intense search on Monday for the gunman, canvassing the neighborhood while looking for witnesses and surveillance video, according to law enforcement officials.

    The authorities believe that somebody dressed in a FedEx uniform was in the neighborhood around the time of the shooting, but it could not be determined if that person was the gunman, one of the officials said.

    Edited From: Anti-Feminist Is Identified As Suspect In Killing Of Son Of Federal Judge In New Jersey”

    Today’s New York Times

    1. ‘According to his resume, Hollander had an “M.B.A. Columbia University Business School with Honors, J.D. George Washington University Law School with High Honors.”’ (from the Heavy article)

  4. The alleged murderer, Roy Den Hollander, is a misogynist and MRA. From a cached copy of his website: “Contact Roy to help battle the infringement of Men’s Rights by the Feminists and their fellow sisters the PCers. … The Complaint in Women’s Studies II also provided an over abundance of detail to show that Feminism is a religion … This trilogy of lawsuits for men’s rights makes clear that there are now two classes of people in America: one of princesses–females, and the other of servants–males. Governments, from local to state to federal, treat men as second class citizens whose rights can be violated with impunity when it benefits females. Need I say the courts are prejudiced, need I say they are useless, need I say it’s time for men to take the law into their hands?”

    1. From an article about him a few years ago: “‘I’m beginning to think it’s time for vigilante justice – civil disobedience,’ he said, elaborating that he ‘may pull a Carrie Nation on the Ladies’ Nights clubs.’ Carrie Nation, who died in 1911, was a radical member of the temperance movement who vandalized bars with a hatchet.”

      My condolences to the judge and her husband on the loss of their son.

      1. Thanks for the Daily News link, CTHD.

        “He also filed a complaint claiming that the Violence Against Women Act, which allows immigrant women who were abused by their spouses to obtain citizenship, is unconstitutional. A judge dismissed the case. [His ex-wife, a Russian citizen, once used the Violence Against Women Act against him. He writes on his website that the act grants citizenship to women “falsely accusing their American husbands,” and he told us that on top of it all, he didn’t know that his wife was actually a “Russian mafia prostitute.”]”

    2. “Governments, from local to state to federal, treat men as second class citizens whose rights can be violated with impunity when it benefits females. Need I say the courts are prejudiced, need I say they are useless, need I say it’s time for men to take the law into their hands?””

      yikes! that could have written by TIA.

      1. Could have, but wasn’t. The problem to which he refers has a number of loci, but not generic ‘governments’. Family courts, penal courts (to a degree), appellate courts (to a degree), schools (especially the higher ed student affairs apparat).


      ‘[His ex-wife, a Russian citizen, once used the Violence Against Women Act against him. He writes on his website that the act grants citizenship to women “falsely accusing their American husbands,” and he told us that on top of it all, he didn’t know that his wife was actually a “Russian mafia prostitute.”]”

      (He did a short stint in Russia working for Kroll.

      1. Who cares about that guy, just another nut.
        Anyhow, I read the VV article on disco. it was amusing.
        see i am old but not old enough to have been able to enjoy the “disco” era. but it’s amusing to hear old farts talk about it like they are soooo kewl.

        Not having experienced it, my idea of disco, comes from Scarface.
        The awesome song by Blondie about coke– Rush Rush

        and then the Mac – 10 goes BRRRRRRRR

        I guess wiki says this song is “post disco” whatever that means

        1. “Who cares about that guy, just another nut.”

          People with a professional interest (in nuts) “care”…

  5. It is terrible, but sorry, but anyone that is ‘shocked’ at this hasn’t been paying attention the past 15 or so years.

  6. Doesn’t seem like a professional hit after all.

    The person suspected of shooting the husband and son of US District Court of New Jersey Esther Salas on Sunday at her North Brunswick home has died of what is believed to be a self-inflicted gunshot wound, according to two law enforcement sources.

    1. The suspect was an attorney who had a case before the judge, Esther Salas, ABC News said.


    2. Olly,
      The guy was off his rocker. I’m cynical about anything remotely surrounding Epstein, though. This guy would make a nice patsy. (Which would be a terribly ironic thing to do to this guy, considering patsy is also a women’s name).

      1. PR,
        At the time I made that comment, no one on this post seemed to know the shooter was dead. I’m no expert, but I doubt professionals commit suicide.

        1. I don’t think he was the professional. He was a convenient body to dump.

          1. I hypothesized some broke into his house and forced him at gun point to put the FedEx outfit on, and go to his car, without knowing what was going on, scared out of his mind, and then shot him, cold turkey, and walked away. They also threw some photos of some of judge he was after on the side passenger chair.

          2. I think it’s a reasonable wager that law enforcement have security camera footage which implicates this man. See the retired higher ed apparatchik in Charleston, SC who was shot dead a few days ago during an early morning robbery. They not only had footage, they had a clear shot of the license number on the getaway vehicle.

            1. Or what TIA said. Haha

              The man did have an ex wife who was a Russia. Mafia prostitute, and he had no idea she was.

              1. TIA – You don’t like my hypos!!!???



      2. “This guy would make a nice patsy. (Which would be a terribly ironic thing to do to this guy, considering patsy is also a women’s name). ”

        The irony lol, the egomaniac of some foreign nation’s hitman, leave a calling card for other international’ hitman he/she did this job & is proud of it?

        Something smells about this? The guy had a brain tumor & went nuts? Not sure.

  7. 1. There had to be others waiting for a get away so I’m sure with everyone having surveillance cameras we find out more. 2. If she was the target the guy would have continued his search of the home for her. 3. She will be the key for the attempt. 4. The kid was just in the wrong place at the wrong time.

  8. What is the ethnicity of the husband and wife. Any Sicilian in there?

  9. Not sure why the assumption is that the federal judge was the target. If it was a professional hit, it’s a pretty bad “professional” who misses the target completely. Plus, the husband was a criminal defense attorney. From what I’ve read the No. 1 person convicted criminals are mad at when they are convicted, is not the judge or the prosecutor (who they think was simply doing their job), but the defense attorney who represented them. (Who they think wasn’t doing his/her job.)

    1. If the judge was the target, and I hired the hit, I’d file a grievance with the National Association of Professional Killers. The hit man should be censured, and his membership suspended, at the very least!

  10. If this was a professional. I think it is more likely the son or father was the target. With the two men down wouldn’t a professional want to finish the job? I also don’t think a professional would have left the husband alive. I don’t think it was a pro.

    1. Highly unlikely that the target was the son. He had just finished his sophomore year at Catholic Univ., and I can’t imagine how he could have professional or unprofessional killers after him. And I agree that if the shooter were a pro, and the target were the judge, he would have stepped over the two adult males who were no longer a threat, and gone into the house to kill the lone female. So either the husband was the target, or the killer was after the judge but panicked and ran. Or possibly he got revenge on her by killing her child. That will mean a life of sorrow for the surviving parents.

    2. The darkness in men’s hearts is deeper and older than the story of Harpagus and what became of his son, as written by Herodotus.

      What does finishing the job necessarily mean. 🙁

      1. Prairie Rose…..I have no idea what you’re talking about…LOL…You are so intellectually superior to me, like so many on this blog….But you especially are up there in Mensa territory, it seems. It’s impressive and a pleasure to observe…..I don’t think you were a Music Ed major…LOL…

        1. Cindy Bragg,
          Sorry to be obtuse. It was late and I couldn’t find a suitable source on the internet at that time. You are sweet with the compliment, but I am not Mensa by any stretch. I like history, though I am not nearly as well read as I’d like to be.

          Susan Wise Bauer wrote an excellent children’s history series called The Story of the World, which I used with my kids. My husband read the grown up versions, starting with The History of the Ancient World. He shared the R version of King Cyrus’ boyhood. You can read it here, it is section 117-119:

          I’ll see if I can figure out how to quote the pdf text on my phone…

          1. Just follow the link until you get to section 117 (a little background). The horror is in section 119. I don’t want to copy/paste it. It is too gruesome. 🙁

          2. Prairie…….you’re just using your brain! Although I wouldn’t change my Southern upbringing, my generation of Southern women (for the most part) would not have been caught dead reading Greek mythology, and the like. That was for smart young men. I almost cried my way through Moby Dick in the 9th grade because we were forced to read it and it was so masculine and full of symbolism….yuck! I hated it! It was like being on a Georgia chain gang in the middle of summer, having to read that. Miserable.
            I do, however, get a kick out of the original film with John Barrymore….
            Thank you for the link. Your children are lucky to have you!

  11. You wrote, “Unlike many former prosecutors serving on the federal bench, Judge Salas was a former public defender…” It would have been clearer to write, “Unlike many federal judges, Judge Salas was formerly not a prosecutor but rather a public defender.”

    1. Yes!! or, better yet: “… was formerly a public defender, not a prosecutor.”

  12. Such attacks on federal judges are thankfully rare

    The conduct of the federal judiciary has been such and the impunity with which they operate has been such that it’s hard to conjure an occupational segment less deserving of sympathy for acts of freelance revenge. Skeevy prosecutors, perhaps. This is a reality you won’t acknowledge.

    1. If a person were not able to feel sympathy for the murder of an innocent young man, and the pain that his parents will endure for the rest of their lives, I’d say there is something terribly, terribly wrong with that person and he or she really ought to seek appropriate therapy.

      1. If a person were not able to feel sympathy for the murder of an innocent young man,

        Killing him is not an act of freelance revenge, or if it is, it’s an exceptionally cruel one.

        I see you enjoy playing the pecksniff.

    2. We can assume absurd’s advocacy of killing judges and prosecutors – necessary personnel in law enforcement – would logically extend to the police, federal and state agents, bailiffs, and correctional personnel who are similarly engaged.

      1. No, it wouldn’t. We do not have a systemic problem with any of these parties except the management level of the FBI and they do not operate with impunity.

  13. Husband and wife have worked the criminal defense bar. Likely defended a lot of guilty scumbags. I would look at the murder cases they’ve taken over the years, and then start looking around for family members of the murder victim.

  14. They threw 15 agents at a fake noose at NASCAR, how many agents will be assigned to this? I am sad the young man was killed and the husband shot, Hopefully he will recover. I wonder if she has something coming up on her docket that is problematic for the Deep Deep State?

      1. Why would we do that? The conduct of John Brennan, James Clapper, and various and sundry employees of the FBI and the DNI demonstrate that the concept is spot-on.

  15. ‘I find the speculation about the connection to the Epstein case to be highly unlikely.’

    Mr. Turley, the connections to the Epstein evil stretches to the most obscure and some not so obscure people and activities.

    Fore example, Penn State, the ‘Sanctuary City for Paedophiles’, has for decades operated a child sex trafficking enterprise, grooming tens of thousands of innocent children for the sexual depravity of well connected politicians, wealthy donors, and high ranking university administrators. Penn State bribed former FBI Director Louis Freeh to whitewash the scandal, and then delivered several young boys to former Democratic Senate Majority Leader George Mitchell for his hideous depravity in exchange for the early release of Pedophile State from NCAA sanctions. Newly unsealed documents revealed George Mitchell’s connection to Jeffrey Epstein…. Does the media possess the journalistic integrity to investigate the George Mitchell-Louis Freeh-Paedophile State-Joel Myers-Barry Myers international child sex trade operation?

    1. Fore example, Penn State, the ‘Sanctuary City for Paedophiles’, has for decades operated a child sex trafficking enterprise, grooming tens of thousands of innocent children for the sexual depravity of well connected politicians, wealthy donors, and high ranking university administrators.

      Nobody needs to hear your lurid fantasies.

        1. What are you saying? That there was only a few pedos operating out Penn State?

          They identified and convicted one man, a Penn State retiree who was accused of molesting 10 youths. (I’m not sure all those convictions would have been obtained in a more deliberative matrix). IIRC, there were four Penn State administrators implicated in the failure to bring charges against him in 2002. (NB, neither Messrs Paterno or McQueary were delinquent in this case. They reported what they knew to the appropriate officials).

      1. I recall Trump’s 1st year his Admin., rounded up well over 100,000 pedos. One that was was in the news was in the LA area, I forget, something like 80 arrested that were holding about 300 kids in cages.

        In the news here last year there was I think 60 pedos arrested in Oklahoma.

        The pedos have to be rounded up even if some of the are in very powerful positions.

        1. You’re consulting your imagination, and no other source.

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