“Largely Unnoticed”: Hunter Biden Is On The Roof Again And The Media Just Noticed

Below is my column in the Hill on the Hunter Biden scandal and how the media is attempting to cover a story that was dismissed as Russian disinformation throughout the campaign. The media like the Daily Beast is spinning the sudden disclosure of one and possible two related investigations as based on details that were “largely unnoticed” before the election. They were of course noticed. They were largely ignored.

Here is the column:

“Hunter is stuck on the roof.” That is what the transition team for Joe Biden should have said this week, instead of declaring that Hunter Biden is under federal investigation. The surprise was a lot to handle for many who have been insulated from real news about the case for weeks. The Biden team evidently never heard the old joke about the man who calls home during a trip to speak with his brother who was house sitting.

When asked how things are going, the brother blurts out, “Fluffy is dead.” The man is shocked and yells that is not how you tell someone their cat died. Instead, he claims, you build up to it and say the cat is stuck on the roof, and then call back to say she fell. After the brother apologizes, the man asks how their mother is doing, and the brother pauses before replying, “Mom is stuck on the roof.”

The problem is that Americans were assured that Hunter Biden was nowhere near the figurative roof. Before the election, House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff said the story involving the laptop was a “smear” from Russia. Some 50 former intelligence officials also insisted the laptop story was likely the work of Russian intelligence. Cable hosts and journalists laughed at the laptop story as fake news, and there was a virtual blackout on further coverage, until that loud thump after the election.

Most striking about the media blackout is that, as with the Trump-Russia collusion story, the media was coaxed to buy into a false narrative. Reporters became so invested in the denial that they couldn’t afford to acknowledge growing evidence of possible wrongdoing. If Hunter Biden and his uncle did conduct a global influence peddling scheme, these reporters were at best dupes and at worst enablers of a coverup, so the story could not be true.

The public shock was palpable because so many have been hermetically  and journalistically sealed off from any negative reports on the Bidens. The media was openly in the bag for candidate Biden, and he was left unchallenged in ridiculous claims like his often repeated line “no one has suggested my son did anything wrong.”

Now some media outlets are trying to explain how Hunter wound up on the roof when, before the election, they told us he was resting comfortably. The Daily Beast reported the story by referring to “markings on a series of documents that were made public” but “went largely unnoticed.” It was referencing serial numbers that I and others discussed in detail when the story first broke in October. There was much speculation about what those numbers meant, and how the laptop may have been seized by the FBI to look into underlying business transactions, including possible money-laundering. So that aspect was not “largely unnoticed” — just largely ignored by virtually every media outlet.

There is little pushback on Hunter Biden claiming he just heard about an investigation into his taxes this week. This investigation appears to have been ongoing for two years. The laptop was evidently subpoenaed in 2019, and its emails were said to be packed with incriminating accounts of millions in payments or gifts and references to Joe Biden himself. A key business associate of the Bidens, Anthony Bobulinski, confirmed the authenticity of the emails and accused Joe Biden of lying about his involvement before the election. Yet most media reported none of that.

We now know that Joe Biden’s brother, James, is implicated in a separate federal investigation. But the Hunter Biden investigation remains more notable. The Biden transition team issued a statement saying this is solely Hunter’s “tax affairs” — but tax investigations can be a tad more intrusive and far more damaging than a “tax affair” gone wrong. They require scrutiny of underlying transactions and gifts, like those reportedly detailed on Hunter’s laptop.

The laptop reportedly refers to the Biden family discussing a $5 million interest-free unsecured loan from a Chinese state-owned enterprise that allegedly was part of a discussed wire transfer of $10 million. Since these exchanges strike some of us as raw influence-peddling, there may have been an effort to conceal or disguise them; accordingly, there reportedly were gifts like a 2.8 carat diamond for Hunter Biden from the firm’s founder and former chairman.

The laptop also reportedly contains direct references to tax problems. A former business partner sent Hunter Biden an email in 2017 warning him that he did not disclose on his tax returns some $400,000 in income from a Ukrainian natural gas company, Burisma. Eric Schwerin, then president of Rosemont Seneca Partners, wrote: “In 2014 you joined the Burisma board and we still need to amend your 2014 returns to reflect the unreported Burisma income.”

Moreover, reports indicate the investigation may not be simply about “tax affairs” but about money laundering and other suspect dealings. The New York Times reported a separate investigation into Hunter Biden’s activities in Ukraine “has escalated this year” in Pittsburgh. There is a possible investigation risk from the Senate, if Republicans win at least one of two seats in Georgia. A Biden administration would have to deal with those Hunter Biden inquiries while dealing with a special counsel looking into actions taken during the Obama administration to investigate Trump campaign figures in 2016.

At some point, Joe Biden should address his repeated denials of knowing about his son’s business dealings, an assertion even his son has contradicted. He also should answer such questions as whether he met with Hunter’s business partner, Anthony Bobulinski, in spring 2017, at the Beverly Hills Hilton to discuss any Chinese business deals. He can still rely on a media that is heavily invested in denying the seriousness of these investigations, but it will be hard for those news outlets to maintain radio-silence with a growing cacophony of investigations afoot.

Hopefully, now that Biden is elected and Trump defeated, some in the media may be willing to report on these investigations, and at least acknowledge that Hunter and his uncle are back on the roof.

Jonathan Turley is the Shapiro Professor of Public Interest Law at George Washington University. You can find his updates online @JonathanTurley.

309 thoughts on ““Largely Unnoticed”: Hunter Biden Is On The Roof Again And The Media Just Noticed”

  1. In the KSA (Kleptoplutocratic States of America) voters can choose any one they like for president as long as that person is incompetent, racist, white supremecist and seriously corrupt. What a brilliant choice voters had in 2020.

      1. What is your obsession wit trolls using sock puppets?

        If a poster is using a new name does that really matter?

        It is the content of the comment that matters not the name attached.

        By the way I prefer the word “demon” to “troll” trolls are ugly, demons are suave and handsome.

        I have been posting on this site for years and have only had three email addresses and that because of email providers closing down. Look at the gravatar, it is my understanding that a gravatar is based on a hash function of the email address so unless someone is using a sock puppet with a new email the gravatar will not change. Does the professor ban people? If he does he hasn’t banned me despite the number of times I have straddled the thin line between WMD level sarcasm and straight out racism. I have got myself banned from RAW Story with such a comment. The fact is that NOW ideas such as humanmost of the commentors on this site are extremly prejudiced right wingers, this was not always so but now if one wants to support the politically correct ideas such as human rights and not be sneered at as a snowflake, latte sipping chardonnay swilling progress elite member of the chattering classes one must adopt an appropriately uberfascist style.

        1. “The fact is that NOW ideas such as humanmost of the commentors on this site are extremly prejudiced right wingers……….”

          Yet again I learn that one should not tap POST without doing a proof read. In this case I was typing away when the cursor was not where I thought it was.

          The fact is that NOW most of the commenters on this site are extremely prejudiced right wingers including some that I used to consider balanced (Overton window rightward shift).

          “if one wants to support the politically correct ideas such as human rights and not be sneered……”

          If one wants to support politically correct ideas such as human rights and to avoid being sneered at as a politically correct, snowflake, latte sipping, chardonay swilling denizen of the chattering class elites one must adopt the writing style of an uber-fascist and write something that could come from Squeeky’s keyboard.

  2. “Before the election, House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff said the story involving the laptop was a “smear” from Russia. Some 50 former intelligence officials also insisted the laptop story was likely the work of Russian intelligence. Cable hosts and journalists laughed at the laptop story as fake news, and there was a virtual blackout on further coverage, until that loud thump after the election.”
    The Dims and their flying monkeys in the media are rotten to the core. Now useless to them Beijing Hunter is just a bus tire lifter.

  3. Tax Stories In The News:



    After shocking many in the evangelical movement by endorsing Donald Trump over other Republicans for the 2016 presidential nomination, Liberty University President Jerry Falwell Jr. pumped millions of the nonprofit religious institution’s funds into Republican causes and efforts to promote the Trump administration, blurring the lines between education and politics.

    The culmination of his efforts was the creation of a university-funded campus “think tank” — which has produced no peer-reviewed academic work and bears little relation to study centers at other universities — that ran pro-Trump ads, hired Trump allies including former adviser Sebastian Gorka and current Trump attorney Jenna Ellis to serve as fellows and, in recent weeks, has aggressively promoted Trump’s baseless claims of election fraud.

    The think tank — called the Falkirk Center, a portmanteau of Falwell’s name and that of GOP activist Charlie Kirk, who co-founded it — purchased campaign-season ads on Facebook, at least $50,000’s worth of which were designated by the network as political ads, that promoted Trump and other Republican candidates by name.

    Liberty’s actions, detailed for the first time by POLITICO, suggest the university is pushing the boundaries of its status as a nonprofit organization under Section 501c(3) of the federal tax code, which forbids spending money on political campaigns. Liberty’s actions also go well beyond the traditional role of a university as a politically neutral institution of higher learning.

    Falwell resigned from his post in August, in the wake of a series of reports about his and his wife’s personal lives and use of university funds on businesses associated with friends and family members. Now, Liberty’s board of trustees appears torn over his use of Liberty resources for political activities.

    Edited from: “In Final Years At Liberty, Falwell Spent Millions On Pro-Trump Causes”

    Today’s Politico

    1. Jill Biden is not a doctor. Nor does she have a Ph.D.

      Joe Biden will never be president. Nor will he ever move into the White House as a legitimate president.

      1. She has an Ed.D.

        Trump’s doctor is a D.O., not an M.D.

        Biden will move into the White House as a legitimate president on Jan. 20.

  4. Hunter Biden is not Mohammed bin Salman. The crown of Aramco Islam does not weigh heavily on his head and he does not stand accused by an Islamophobic world of assassination in Turkey or war crimes in Yemen. He is a Catholic father’s prodigal son and his alleged infractions are trivial in comparison.

    Even so, President Trump and AG Barr face a difficult Hunter Biden decision. On one hand, it may seem a Department of Justice and national security imperative to punish the Chinese Communist Party and its domestic collaborators for malignant interference in US affairs. While cooperation between Beijing and Washington is central to the realization of a secure and prosperous United Nations, an escalation in the corruption of both could destroy the world. From this perspective, the scrutiny of a Special Counsel would send a message to cynics in China, and to their potential domestic collaborators, that a comingling of US and Chinese corruption is a threat to global security that will not be tolerated by an increasingly alarmed humanity.

    On the other hand, national security and Christian political magnanimity might compel President Trump to pardon Hunter so that an incoming Biden Administration is not compromised by unnecessary scandal at the outset of its negotiations with international powers thirsty for US humiliation. Somewhat less forgivingly, Trump could decide against a pardon, AG Barr could decide against the appointment of a Special Counsel, and the next AG could let the matter wither with tacit Senate approval. Either way, this would send a message to China that US Justice will not drag its first families through another round of degrading media abuse, nor be dragged into escalating retaliation over relatively minor mistakes of the past, when negotiations of far greater import should instead command our national and international attention.

  5. California cast its 55 electoral votes for Biden on Monday, putting the president-elect over the top in the White House race despite Trump’s efforts to subvert the election results.

    That;s it. The toad is done.

  6. The media is waking up to find out in a Biden administration there won’t be a lot to report on if your intent (and it is) is to protect the man, the party and the narrative. They’re screwed. How does it feel to find out there is only crime, graft, corruption and lying…and you have taken an unholy oath to ignore it? Only True Crime magazine will prosper in this new administration. Get your subscription now!

    1. *** Hunter Biden email says he must amend taxes after failing to report $400G in income from Burisma ***


      Now that the 2020 election has come and gone and the American people, have cast their votes, there’s a sudden flow of information on Hunter Biden, the son of former Vice President Joe Biden.

      Information that would not have been favorable to the Democratic nominee ahead of Election Day. Information almost guaranteed to have been blacked out by the corrupt media establishment running interference for Biden, just as they blacked out reports of the candidate’s ties to his son’s nefarious business dealings.

      An attorney for Hunter Biden’s firm noted in an email obtained by Fox News that the younger Biden would need to amend his 2014 tax returns because he didn’t report “approximately $400,000” in income he collected — see nearly a half-million dollars — from the Ukrainian natural gas firm Burisma Holdings.

      Despite having no background in energy or any other applicable qualifications, Hunter Biden joined the Burisma board in 2014, after former President Barack Obama tapped his father, then the vice president, as his point man in the country.

      Hunter Biden email shows $400,000 unreported income from Burisma, amid reported DOJ probe into his finances

      — Fox News (@FoxNews) December 14, 2020

      The son would be paid millions of dollars, as much as $83,000 a month, according to reports — this being where the prerequisite media notification is dropped saying there’s “no evidence of wrongdoing and both Joe Biden and Hunter Biden deny any such allegations.”

      Hunter Biden acknowledged last week that he is under federal investigation over his “tax affairs,” which are not to be mistaken for his crack-enhanced affairs with hookers.

      “I learned yesterday for the first time that the U.S. Attorney’s Office in Delaware advised my legal counsel, also yesterday, that they are investigating my tax affairs,” he said in a statement last week. “I take this matter very seriously but I am confident that a professional and objective review of these matters will demonstrate that I handled my affairs legally and appropriately, including with the benefit of professional tax advisors.”

      More from Fox News on the Jan. 16, 2017, memo:

      The email, which was first reported by NBC News, was sent to Hunter Biden from Eric Scherwin, who at the time served as president of Rosemont Seneca. Fox News could not verify its authenticity; neither Scherwin nor Hunter Biden attorney George Mesires immediately responded to Fox News’ requests for comment.

      “In 2014, you joined the Burisma board and we still need to amend your 2014 returns to reflect the unreported Burisma income,” Scherwin wrote to Hunter Biden. “That is approximately $400,000 extra so your income in 2014 was closer to $1,247,328.”

      The email talked about “phantom income,” and noted that in 2015 Biden “reported $2,478,208 in income,” and stressed at one point: “Since you couldn’t have lived on approximately $550,000 a year, you ‘borrowed’; some money from RSB in advance of payments.”

      RSB represents Biden’s firm Rosemont Seneca and Boies.

      Another email from Scherwin touched on Biden paying alimony and child support payments.

      “As an example, if you were to provide $10,000 in alimony and $10,000 in child support, you would need $30,000 a month in pre-tax income or $360,000 a year,” Schwerin wrote.

      “Therefore, the above scenario would require you to make $1,080,000 a year,” he wrote. “Anything beyond that would be money for your use.” he added: “This does NOT include money for back taxes, etc. however.”

      Citing a “well-placed government source,” Fox News reported that Hunter Biden has been a subject/target of the grand jury investigation — the source said being a “target” means there is a “high probability that person committed a crime.” Being a “subject” means you “don’t know for sure” if a person has committed a crime.

      The source told the network the investigation was predicated, in part, by Suspicious Activity Reports (SARs) regarding suspicious foreign transactions from “China and other foreign nations.”

      It reportedly also includes looking at the infamous laptop purportedly belonging to Hunter Biden that was the subject of a media blackout ahead of the election.

      Joe Biden’s response to the controversy, when asked by a reporter last week, was to say, “I’m proud of my son!”

      1. Good.

        A lot of rich people don’t pay their share of taxes. It would be good for more to be caught. Hope that Trump’s caught too.

  7. “With election past, media now find Hunter Biden story worth mentioning”

    Tribune News Service

    Too late to help the voting public form an objective opinion about their presidential choice, the national media has suddenly decided that the Chinese business dealings of Hunter Biden are worth mentioning.

    Whether it is because the son of presumed President-elect Joe Biden announced Wednesday that his tax affairs are being investigated or because suspicions of all things China are not likely to go away any time soon is not clear.

    I’ve long believed — and said — that the younger Biden’s business dealings, and his father’s major or minor role in them, was at least a disqualifying criterion for the elder Biden’s presidential election. It is clear, after all, that the younger Biden would not have been involved with various businesses in the Ukraine and China over the last decade had his father not been vice president at the time.

    National media outlets knew before last month’s election that federal prosecutors had opened a criminal investigation into Hunter Biden’s business dealings with China, but they did not pursue the story. They also refused to further investigate the New York Post pre-election story about emails allegedly contained on the younger Biden’s laptop pointing to shady dealings between Joe Biden and Ukraine.

    They withheld critical information from readers and viewers so that Biden might beat President Donald Trump, the man they live to hate. No matter how you slice it, that’s irresponsible.

    Mid-October recordings, for instance, were leaked by Project Veritas last week, revealing CNN’s president and political director throwing cold water on the New York Post story.

    “Obviously we’re not going with the New York Post story right now on Hunter Biden,” political director David Chalian says on a conference call.

    “I don’t think that we should be repeating unsubstantiated smears just because the right-wing media suggests that we should,” CNN President Jeff Zucker told his staff two days later.

    Anchor Jeff Tapper joined the fight six days hence, saying allegations against the younger Biden were “too disgusting” to go on the air and that the “right wing is going crazy.”

    However, he finally asked Joe Biden about his son’s business interests during an interview last week, mentioned the investigation by federal prosecutors this week and even chided Biden’s transition team on Twitter for not getting back to him with a comment on the investigation.

    The Associated Press, which had failed to give stories on the younger Biden much interest, also published a story on Hunter Biden this week.

    The three broadcast networks, on which there had been a virtual media blackout on stories on the president-elect’s son before the election, also gave brief coverage to the subject Wednesday.

    A previous Senate panel report had detailed how Hunter Biden’s business dealings with China, as well as those of Joe Biden’s brother James, began when Joe Biden was serving as vice president. Some of those dealings had been flagged for “potential financial criminal activity.”

    It is not clear whether those same business deals are the ones the federal prosecutors are looking into, and have been since 2018.

    With the Democrat Biden presumably being inaugurated in January, a virus that originated in China and was covered up by the Chinese raging in the U.S., a kerfuffle stirred up about Chinese influence in the U.S. through sister city organizations, and a California Democratic congressman being linked to a Chinese spy, it will be difficult for the national media to continue to bury news about Hunter Biden.

    The story of U.S. Rep. Eric Swalwell, D-California, who briefly ran for the Democratic nomination for president, is particularly intriguing given his criticism of Trump’s dealings with the country and his attempt to push away the idea the COVID-19 virus began there.

    “When lawmakers refer to #COVID-19 as a ‘Chinese’ virus,” he tweeted in March, “they are not only misleading the public about a disease with confirmed cases in over 100 countries, they are stoking racism & xenophobia in our communities. Diseases don’t have an ethnicity. Period.”

    Swalwell, who also has criticized China in some areas, had allowed a woman to fundraise for him who was later suspected of being a Chinese spy. She also had helped place at least one intern in his office, according to Axios, which broke the story this week.

    The congressman, who cut ties to the woman several years ago, suggested his criticism of Trump could have led to the story leaking to media.

    For four years, Democrats, including the previous presidential administration and the 2016 Democratic presidential candidate, have tried without evidence to tie the president to a cabal with Russia. We don’t need convincing that Russia has been a bad actor, but China and its ties to Democrats and one particular Democrat who is expected to become president next month seem much more alarming.


  8. Rep Paul Mitchell, Michigan leaves the GOP

    Dear Chairwoman McDaniel and Leader McCarthy:
    The weeks since the 2020 General Election have been traumatic for many in our nation, both voters and those of us who took an oath to serve this nation.
    As you well know, my voting record in Congress over the past two terms has been in line with President Trump and the administration’s policies more than 95 percent of the time. Further, I voted for President Trump in the 2020 General Election despite some reservations about four more years under his leadership. I felt that many policies achieved during the Trump administration had been positive for our nation, whereas the policies espoused by the Democratic Party were too radical and did not reflect my principles.
    I have also worked hard to support each of you and your efforts. Ronna, you may recall that I spoke with you several times as you considered undertaking the role of RNC Chair. It was my strong belief that you could help lead our party and support its core principles, and I encouraged you to undertake the position. Kevin, I worked diligently with you as part of the Republican Leadership Team for both the 115th and 116th Congresses. I fervently whipped votes for our policies during both terms on some tough issues.
    As an active supporter of the national GOP, the state GOP, the NRCC and individual candidates, I raised almost $800k in just 2 1/2 years for the NRCC to support Republican candidates supported by leadership. I have contributed personal funds, not simply PAC funds, to innumerable candidates at the Federal and state levels.
    I agree that there have been some disconcerting aspects to this election. With more than 155 million people voting, both administrative errors and even some fraudulent voting likely occurred. Steps must be taken, by each state, to audit election results, validate ballots and process and report findings to ensure that every legal vote counts. Michigan clearly needs to do that, not just Wayne County. However, the president and his legal team have failed to provide substantive evidence of fraud or administrative failure on a scale large enough to impact the outcome of the election.

    Ronna, you know Michigan politics well. President Trump did not lose Michigan because of Wayne County, but rather he lost because of dwindling support in areas including Kent and Oakland County, both previous Republican strongholds. In the 2020 election, President Trump lost Michigan by 154,000 votes, compared to 2016 when his margin of victory was slightly more than 10,700 votes.

    I have stated publicly numerous times that when entering the political arena, a person must be willing to accept winning and losing with grace and maturity. Having personally experienced both winning and losing, the latter can be brutal.

    Any candidate, including the president, is entitled to request recounts and pursue legal challenges they believe are appropriate if they possess evidence of wrongdoing. President Trump has undertaken or supported both of these options. Recounts have failed to significantly alter the vote outcome in any state and dozens of court cases have been summarily dismissed in both state and Federal courts across our nation.

    It is unacceptable for political candidates to treat our election system as though we are a third- world nation and incite distrust of something so basic as the sanctity of our vote. Further, it is unacceptable for the president to attack the Supreme Court of the United States because its judges, both liberal and conservative, did not rule with his side or that “the Court failed him.” It was our Founding Fathers’ objective to insulate the Supreme Court from such blatant political motivations.

    If Republican leaders collectively sit back and tolerate unfounded conspiracy theories and “stop the steal” rallies without speaking out for our electoral process, which the Department of Homeland Security said was “the most secure in American history,” our nation will be damaged. I have spoken out clearly and forcefully in opposition to these messages. However, with the leadership of the Republican Party and our Republican Conference in the House actively participating in at least some of those efforts, I fear long-term harm to our democracy.
    The stability and strength of our democracy has been an ongoing concern for me. I expressed strong concerns about the president’s response to Charlottesville, the anti-immigrant “send them back” rhetoric, and even the racist comments of my own colleagues in the House.

    I believe that raw political considerations, not constitutional or voting integrity concerns, motivate many in party leadership to support the “stop the steal” efforts, which is extremely disappointing to me. As elected members of Congress, we take an oath to “support and defend the Constitution of the United States,” not to preserve and protect the political interests of any individual, be it the president or anyone else, to the detriment of our cherished nation.

    As a result, I am writing to advise you both that I am withdrawing from my engagement and association with the Republican Party at both the national and state level. I will support,
    contribute to, and fundraise for individual candidates who reflect the principles I hold dear. Further, by copy of this letter I am also advising Ms. Laura Cox, Chair of the Michigan GOP of this decision.

    I am also requesting that the Clerk of the U.S. House of Representatives change my party affiliation to Independent for the remainder of my term in office. While admittedly symbolic, we all know that symbols matter.

    Paul Mitchell
    Member of Congress

    1. Well, a man of principle among those at the feed trough that is the US Congress. I, too, left the GOP ranks and changed to an Independent. However, Hon Mr. Mitchell, had it been your election that was stolen, you might be singing a different tune. Our country got screwed in this election; not just the GOP. And you know it pal. What a weenie. Bye. Good luck finding a candidate you can support. Those principles make it hard to vote for anyone these days, from either party. And the show goes on. Why not resign from Congress altogether to really make your point?

    2. Rep Paul Mitchell, Michigan leaves the GOP

      He’s leaving Congress in 19 days. He’s a poseur determined to let the door hit his ass on the way out.

    3. let’s get granular on one detail. kent county used to be a dutch reformed stronghold. grand rapids. van andell center. dick devos and amway corp. betsy prince sister of holland born eric prince married into devos family. could name a lot more names but you get the point

      the famed industry of Dutch Americans brought many workers, from mexican blueberry pickers, to african americans, to imported laotian refugees, to kent county and nearby. the one thing all those folks have in common, is they like the Democrat party. they vote for it if they can!

      Dutch Reformed Americans, it seems ,or at least their prominent leadership, have consistently disregarded their own social and political interests, but why?

      because the very richest among them, wanted that cheap labor, to come help make their massive profits even bigger

      the poor Dutch Americans, get the shaft. while, the rich ones hop on that diversity bandwagon. well, too a degree at least. enough to fill the slots at the local factories. and the voting base eroded as a result

      this is why people need to be told. “diversity” and “affirmative action” and “refugee services” etc etc are wonderful for the RICH who employ the labor for big profits and divert some pennies to the poor, which are then flogged for the benefit of the rich man’s reputation

      but never the workers. or, at least, not the native born workers; and especially not the white native borns. they get the shaft.
      then they’re browbeaten when they complain: racists, rednecks, etc. how dare the sinking white man object to his fate!

      and those rich white male billionaires laugh all the way to the bank, that’s the irony of it. or one of them.

      the migrant workers, the non-white laborers, always get bought off by the Democrat infrastructure. with pennies, it’s cheap for them to throw them bones, scholarship, stipends, grants, social programs, etc. these are cheap when the rake is big in the first place.

      they wonder why white people have deserted the Republican party too. people want to dip their beak– Republicans generally just comprise a fake resistance.

      And when it erodes far enough, the fake resistance crumbles. long time Republicans will be like rats fleeing a sinking ship, here’s one rat for example Mr Mitchell. he wants a safe retirement!

      and we see also in the future: a one party state, where a Democrat leadership group, completely in the pay and debt of billionaires, flings the gates wide open to more migration, and more privileges for non-whites at the expense of whites. maybe reparations? you know what your income taxes are going to be use for folks. why not just open your wallet and hand the money over to people on the street?

      at least then a bunch of bureaucrats wouldn’t be raking off their take before they hand out pennies on the dollar to the migrants, refugees, and POC.

      well, one day, the gig may be up. things are bad and will get worse, eventually, it won’t just be the white workers and lower middle who are clear on how they’ve been harmed, and willing to get loud about it. eventually the payoffs will grow smaller, kind of like the $1200 Covid payments seemed big at first but by now, a pittance. one day, people will see, and not just angry white crackers

      as the rich billionaires added a trillion to their balance sheet this year. they are always one step ahead!

      we know who the enemy is. it’s not the workers, not the POCs nor the migrants and refugees. not the angry white crackers either.
      No. Look to the top.

      Saloth Sar

    4. The Republican Party. Leadership should remove him from all of his Committee assitgnments, ban him from any Republican Party function, and refuse him access to any Republican Caucus.

      He wishes to be an Independent….then help him out by cutting his tether to the Party.

  9. “Oh ‘no’, there they go!!”


    Members of the electoral college are convening in state capitals throughout the country Monday to formally vote for Joe Biden as the nation’s next president, even as President Trump continues to falsely claim that he won the election. Already, six of the states in which Trump contested his defeat — Nevada, Arizona, Georgia, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin and Michigan have cast their electoral votes for Biden.

    Edited from: “Live Updates”, today’s Washington Post

    These six states were those which Trump staked his hopes of overturning the election. This development coincides with Trump’s rejection today by the Wisconsin Supreme Court. We are finally reaching a threshold where Trump’s scheme to invalidate the Popular Vote has reached an expiration point.

        1. readers should be mindful that the commenter above is otherwise known as Poopsey…..he feels compelled dry humping other commenters.

          1. True. What should we do though? send him to the dog pound or will he pound other dogs at the pound?

          2. REGARDING ABOVE:

            Gray Anonymous is Estovir, the nerdy loser of a troll who posts under dozens of names per day.

              1. I emailed the real Turley to let him know, and I expect Darren to delete it.

                How arrogant to pretend to be JT on his blog.

        2. Readers should be mindful that the above commenter is otherwise known as Tricksy…… she is compelled to dry hump other commenters reguarly

      1. It doesn’t Ralph. It’s a con – a show for the rubes.

        There are no “competing Electors”

        1. Odd that you would choose the word “con” coming from a con like you.

          Just saying

        2. Please do explain….if there are contested elections don’t the State Legislature have to determine which set of Electors determine the Election? What does the Constitution have to say about this?

          1. Not in this current 3rd world sh*t hole collapsed Republic we used to call the USA!!!

            Are you a Free Man? If so pull your mask off & tell Dr Fauci & Bill Gates, their people to shove their mask up their Arses.

            In the mean time shut up & take big pharma’s vaccines foolish Fools. LOL;) You can have all of mine too Ph’in Morons.

  10. Eric Coomer’s Dishonest “Rebuttal”

    In a recent Denver Post op-ed, Eric Coomer, the Dominion Voting Systems (former?) Security Chief, attempted to defend himself against charges of election malfeasance and fraud. In so doing, he indicts himself.

    In attempting to rebut charges that he posted pro-Antifa, and vile anti-Trump messages on his Facebook page, Coomer wrote:

    “[M]y Facebook account is not active.”

    That is like a suspected murdering claiming: “I don’t have a gun” — a week after throwing his gun into the lake.

    Coomer’s lie by omission destroys his credibility. Up until recently, his Facebook account was active. And on that account, he did post rabidly pro-Antifa statements, along with malicious anti-Trump condemnations.

    For a highly intelligent person, Coomer is not very bright. He’s attempting to scrub his history from the internet, i.e., to cover his tracks. But it’s too late. People as skilled as he is, have already captured the evidence.

    That pro-Antifa/anti-Trump evidence, along with his position as *Security Chief* at Dominion, his access to their machines, and his programming experience — means that he hits the trifecta: motive, means, and opportunity.

    (A brief note about the death threats that Coomer, and those investigating him, are allegedly receiving: They are vile and barbaric. They have no place in a civilized society. Rational individuals settle disputes by persuasion and debate — not by using threats of violence.)

    1. Sam, whatever you’re trying post here makes no sense. We don’t have the Cliff Notes to your post.

      1. Sam made perfect sense but you are unable to understand what Sam stated because, according to comments on this webiste, you are afflicted with HIV and COVID brain dementia. However, that presumes you once had a brain and well….you know where this is going

      1. George is having what’s known as the common ‘hissy fit”. Trump’s rejection by the Wisconsin Supreme Court seems to be the triggering factor.

        1. I was told by Party Leaders that I should pay you a visit and perhaps offer you some of my honeypot like I offered Eric Swallowswell. However comments on here seem to indicate you are not interested in women (no judgement).

          Will a night in bed with Hunter Biden do the trick? Crack pipe is thrown in just because you seem like fun

          1. Oh this is very very good. Very very good. What are your rates? I mean, for writing comedy, without Honeypot 🙂

      2. Sky News confirms what we already knew

        CCP has a long reach.

        One has to admire them, in a way. They are serious about politics.

        The Western nations’ parties are not serious. They are serious about licking billionaire boots. They do all they can to weaken the political sphere so that the sphere of finance can grow ever stronger. Our systems serves 700 billionaires and their lackeys, and none of us, the people!

        In China, when a billionaire subverts national security, they hang them.
        Here, they are blessed by a hundred thousand bureaucratic sycophants!

        See how wise they are. They attack us through our corrupt system’s Achilles heel: our plutocracy!

        They are adversaries, but one can appreciate their strong resolve to preserve their own system, even as we grow sick and tired of the weakness of our own politicians in the face of this civilizational challenge.

        Saloth Sar


    “Apocalypse Soon—Brush Up on Your Mandarin for the Biden Years”

    A central component to my denial has involved my assessment about who the power behind the throne will be. At the beginning of the month, I wrote about the looming tug-of-war between DOCTOR OR SOMETHING Jill Biden and Miss Congeniality Kamala Harris for control of the empty space in Drooling Joe’s head. That’s a battle that is definitely still on and might even be worth pay-per-view.

    They’re only bit players in the Joe Biden’s puppeteer sweepstakes. As my friend and colleague Stephen Green is fond of saying, Joe Biden is a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Chinese Communist Party.

    There’s the real problem that I’ve been trying to keep buried in the back of my mind.

    Of course, I’m not doing as good of a job burying reality as the mainstream media is, as Jeff wrote over the weekend:

    Hunter Biden was the October Surprise that wasn’t—a report so explosive, so potentially damaging, so dangerous for national security that it should have destroyed Joe Biden’s bid for the White House. In any other election, fleets of investigative reporters would have been unleashed to verify the claims in the report. Instead, in the ultimate expression of Trump Derangement Syndrome, a major media company set out to personally destroy the man they thought put the report together and thereby discredit the report to the point that the entire media complex in America took turns ridiculing the story instead of investigating it. The results could have dire implications for national security.

    But hey, at least they got rid of the Bad Orange Man.

    The week before Election Day, RedState published a series of articles about Joe Biden and Hunter Biden, based on a 64-page report from researchers who combed public records to reveal how compromised the Biden family is to the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). You can read Part 1 here. The four-part series lays out deeply disturbing connections between Hunter Biden, Joe Biden, John Kerry, and the CCP.

    – Stephen Kruiser

  12. Breaking News, the Moon is hollow and occupied by Aliens! The Democrats have introduced legislation to legalize their Citizenship and taken the measure to the United Nations for a World Wide welcoming parade. Hunter Biden is offering to represent their financial interests in Washington DC and China but will only accept Moon Dust as payment. Absurd; just as some of the Liberal commentator on this blog.

    1. George, courts have slammed the door in Trump’s face again and again and again. That should tell you something.

  13. Breaking News:

    Wisconsin Hands Trump What Could Be His Final Court Defeat

    The Wisconsin Supreme Court promptly denied President Donald Trump’s request for it to override the popular will of the voters and overturn the state’s presidential result and just hours later, the state’s 10 presidential electors cast their votes for President-elect Joe Biden, likely sealing his win.

    The flurry of activity caps off a tumultuous post-election saga in Wisconsin that has now concluded, save for the counting of each state’s electoral votes on Jan. 6 in Washington.

    In a 4-3 ruling written by conservative-backed Justice Brian Hagedorn and the court’s three liberal-backed members, the court affirmed a circuit court’s ruling that Biden won the election, and dismissed Trump’s challenge as meritless and far too late.

    “The challenges raised by the Campaign in this case … come long after the last play or even the last game; the Campaign is challenging the rulebook adopted before the season began,” Hagedorn said. “Striking these votes now — after the election, and in only two of Wisconsin’s 72 counties when the disputed practices were followed by hundreds of thousands of absentee voters statewide — would be an extraordinary step for this court to take. We will not do so.”

    The court’s opinion relies for the most part on a legal doctrine mandating that aggrieved parties in a lawsuit should not delay in seeking relief from a court. The opinion states that legal doctrine is especially applicable in election cases, where the rules were longstanding and the campaign had years to challenge them.

    Edited from: “Wisconsin Supreme Court Rejects Donald Trump’s Election Challenge, Electors Votes For Joe Biden”

    Today’s Wisconsin State Journal

    This could be the final rejection as Trump’s blizzard of frivolous lawsuits melt like snowflakes on heated pavement. Perhaps ‘now’ Hunter Biden will take center stage in the news. Though don’t expect Donald Trump to relinquish the spotlight.

  14. The American Communist Deep Deep State, Dominion Voting Systems, Smartmatic Software and variants and agents thereof, brought the Venezuelan election tampering and vote corrupting infrastructure home to the United States for deployment in the criminal and corrupt 2020 Presidential Election.


    “Venezuela: Juan Guaidó Pleas for Support as Failed Takeover Approaches Third Year”

    Venezuelan President Juan Guaidó urged citizens this weekend to participate in nationwide protests on January 5, the day dictator Nicolás Maduro is set to install a majority loyalist National Assembly to replace the lawmakers who made Guaidó president.

    Guaidó is currently the president of the National Assembly, the federal legislature, held by opposition lawmakers since 2015. Most free states consider the 2015 parliamentary elections the last free and fair elections in the country. Lawmakers appointed Guaidó president – which is in their power to do as per the Venezuelan constitution – in January 2019 after Maduro’s last legal term as president expired.

    – Frances Martel

  15. Do they execute citizens in Iran for “CORRUPTION OF ELECTIONS?”


    “Dissident Iranian Journalist, Kidnapped in Iraq, Executed for ‘Corruption on Earth'”

    Rouhollah Zam, an Iranian journalist whose reporting on the anti-regime protests in 2017-18 won worldwide praise and kept citizens informed of what was happening in the streets of Tehran, was executed, according to state television. Zam was kidnapped by Revolutionary Guards while in Iraq in 2019 and brought back to Iran to stand trial. He was convicted of “corruption on earth,” which is a charge brought by the Iranian state for attempts to overthrow it. Zam had been living in Paris before he went back to the Middle East in 2019.

    – AP

  16. That ‘Other’ Biden Story



    An opinion column in The Wall Street Journal came under fire over the weekend for asking educator and incoming first lady Jill Biden — who holds two master’s degrees and a doctorate in education — to stop using the title “Dr.”

    In the op-ed published Friday evening, writer and former editor of The American Scholar magazine Joseph Epstein urged Biden to drop the title, a message that public figures and women in academia panned on Twitter as misogynistic both in substance and tone.

    “Madame First Lady — Mrs. Biden — Jill — kiddo,” begins the piece. “Any chance you might drop the ‘Dr.’ before your name? ‘Dr. Jill Biden’ sounds and feels fraudulent, not to say a touch comic.”

    Biden earned her doctorate from the University of Delaware in 2007. Biden’s Obama White House biography describes the dissertation as focusing on “maximizing student retention in community colleges.” Epstein disparaged the title of that dissertation as “unpromising.”

    “A wise man once said that no one should call himself ‘Dr.’ unless he has delivered a child,” he continued. “Think about it, Dr. Jill, and forthwith drop the doc.”

    Epstein went on to argue that the prestige of Ph.D.s and honorary degrees has been diminished by political correctness and the relaxation of academic standards, before urging Biden to “forget the small thrill of being Dr. Jill, and settle for the larger thrill of living for the next four years in the best public housing in the world as First Lady Jill Biden.”

    In a tweet Sunday night, Biden said, “Together, we will build a world where the accomplishments of our daughters will be celebrated, rather than diminished.”

    The backlash over Epstein’s op-ed was swift.

    Northwestern University, where Epstein wrote that he had taught for 30 years, issued a statement saying it “strongly disagrees with Mr. Epstein’s misogynistic views” and noting he has not been a lecturer there since 2003. The university’s English department said in a separate statement that it rejects the opinion piece “as well as the diminishment of anyone’s duly-earned degrees in any field, from any university.”

    The Wall Street Journal has not responded to NPR’s request for comment.

    Edited from: “Op Ed Urging Jill Biden To Drop The ‘Dr’ Sparks Outrage Online”

    NPR, 12/13/20

    1. Absolutely brilliant op ed. Bravo Epstein! Bravo. Keep your opinions coming. Remember when Whoopi Golderg said on The View that Dr. Jill should be named Surgeon General because she is “one hell of a doctor”? Doh! Whoopi actually thought Dr. Jill was a medical doctor. Why? Because most people with doctorates in education do not insist on being referred to as “DR.” wherever they go. It is more than a bit much. Democrats cannot handle criticism, they simply meltdown like the big effing babies they are.

      1. Most people with doctorates expect to be called “doctor” in their professional capacity. Ph.D.s were the original “doctor” when M.D.s didn’t even exist.

        Fox calls Sebastian Gorka “Dr. Gorka.” Do you object? He’s not a medical doctor either. Should Mrs. Trump and Mrs. Pence be called “kiddo” too?

          1. Not by any reputable and responsible news sources.

            Nothing new for Republicans it seems as they love attacking Democratic First Ladys and have zero class.

        1. Turley and I (and millions of others) have earned a “Juris Doctor” degree. Should we insist on being called “Dr.”?

          1. You’re free to do whatever you want.

            Seems to me that a J.D. degree is more like an LL.M. than a doctorate in terms of the amount of work involved.

        2. Lynne Cheney, the wife of the former VP has an actual Ph.D. She was never referred to as “Dr. Cheney.”

          Jill Biden is pretentious AF.

          She should be shamed and mocked until kingdom comes.

    2. James Taranto, the man in charge of op-eds at the WSJ, has called efforts to stop military rape a “war on men” & “an effort to criminalize male sexuality.” They have a misogyny problem there.

    3. What “effectively” educated “doctor’ allows their 78 year old pale old man with profoundly obvious cognitively impairment to run for the Presidency?

      1. Jill’s “doctorate” is in Education, otherwise known as voodoo, awarded 10 years ago.
        She is a fraud.

        1. Exactly. Jill Biden does not have a Ph.D. Jill Biden is a pretentious fraud who deserves to be mocked into oblivion. When the spouses of your leaders demand that you include their unimpressive educational credentials when you address them, then you know without a doubt that they are a fraud who has no business holding ANY position of power over you. Ridicule the hell out of her. She deserves every bit of it. And it should never stop.

        2. Or, as someone put it: ‘Together, let’s build a world where women stand on their own, rather than hiding behind their gender when they’re called out for inflating their academic credentials.’

          Sit down Jill, you pretentious fraud.

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