Happy Independence Day!

The Fourth is one of my favorite holidays as an opportunity for all of us to celebrate our common article of faith in the independence of a nation committed to freedom and individual rights.  Despite protests opposing the Fourth, the defacing of churches, and calls for boycotts, this country remains the greatest hope for freedom in the world and these protests reaffirm those rights.  We celebrate the ideals of the people we strive to be — and the millions who came before us. With the adoption of the Declaration of Independence, the Framers placed themselves and their families at the greatest peril for the principles of self determination and democratic rule. The American Republic was always meant to be a work in progress.  Yet, our Constitution created the most successful and stable constitutional system in the history of the world.

Today, I am making smoked slow-cooked ribs which I start in the oven and finish on the grill. I prefer beef ribs but I am including some St. Louis ribs given the preference of others in the family.  Leslie is making some of her lethal potato salad. I also use the holiday to have copious amounts of my favorite cherry pie. Then there is Leslie’s Old Fashions, which are hands down the best in the world (with extra cherries of course).

This is a great day for family and food and fun. It is also a day to remember and to celebrate what we have accomplished in the protection of liberty. We have the ability to change our society but our constitutional system remains the greatest vehicle of justice and equality in the world.  There is more that unites us than divides us and this holiday is a reminder of that transcendent fact. Many of us will join today to celebrate these United States and its history and values.  

I truly love this holiday because it ideally celebrates what we have in common as opposed to what divides us.  For all of our faults and failures, we have triumphed over great evils from without and within. The Framers gave us a system that has withstood it all through the test of time and turmoil.  It will withstand these days and we will find a course forward as a nation.

Once again, as a Madisonian scholar, you will have to forgive my quoting James Madison from Essays for the National Gazette, 1792:

madison“In Europe, charters of liberty have been granted by power. America has set the example … of charters of power granted by liberty. This revolution in the practice of the world, may, with an honest praise, be pronounced the most triumphant epoch of its history, and the most consoling presage of its happiness.”

Happy Fourth, everyone.

32 thoughts on “HAPPY FOURTH OF JULY!!!”

  1. There is much to celebrate, yet I think most of us are aghast at the power we have placed in young, immature techies who use society as a lab experiment. We are not as conservative as we think to dissociate power from responsibility to that large extent.

    1. Just in the last couple weeks FDA has given Big Pharma permission just to forgo new drug testing altogether & instead use humans as the Lab Rats.!

      Same with the Food, Water, Sky, etc………

      Forget the guns as they are nothing but as slip & fall cases compared to all this Bio-Chen Crap.

      Pay no attention to the Nut Jobs in White Lab coats/billionaires behind the curtain.


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  2. Happy Independence Day!


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    Jul 3, 2022
    The Alex Jones Show
    The Alex Jones Show

    Alex talks with Samuel R. Damewood of the Appleseed Project, dedicated to training riflemen in the tradition of American liberty.


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