Did the “QAnon Shaman” Get Shafted on Sentencing? New Footage Raises Questions Over the Chansley Case

If there is one image from Jan. 6th that will remain indelible with the day, it is the “QAnon Shaman.” Bare chested and wearing an animal headdress, horns and red-white-and-blue face paint, Jake Angeli Chansley is to the Capitol riot what Rosie the Riveter was to World War II. Howling and “chanting an unintelligible mantra” on the Senate floor, he is the embodiment of the unhinged rage that led to one of the most disgraceful attacks on our constitutional process in history.

However, the newly released Fox footage from that day raises serious questions over the prosecution and punishment of Chansley. The videotapes aired on Tucker Carlson this week show Chansley being escorted by officers through the Capitol. Two officers appear to not only guide him to the floor but actually appear to be trying to open locked doors for him. At one point, Chansley is shown walking unimpeded through a large number of armed officers with his four-foot flag-draped spear and horned Viking helmet on his way to the Senate floor.

It is otherworldly footage. While I admit that I approach these stories from the perspective of a long-standing criminal defense attorney, I would be outraged if I was unable to see such evidence before a plea or sentencing. At no point in the videotapes does Chansley appear violent or threatening. Indeed, he appears to thank the officers for their guidance and assistance. On the Senate floor, Chansley actually gave a prayer to thank the officers agreed “to allow us into the building.”

Before addressing the legal implications of this footage, one thing should be clear. The public should have been given access to this footage long ago and the Jan. 6th Committee withheld important evidence on what occurred inside the Capitol on that day.

While it is understandable that many would object to Carlson being given an exclusive in the initial release, many in the media are denouncing the release of the footage to the public at all. The press and pundits are now opposing greater transparency in resisting any contradiction of the narrative put forward by the Jan. 6th Committee. Indeed, MSNBC’s Jason Johnson angrily objected that this is “federal evidence” — ignoring that it is evidence that was denied to criminal defendants.

This is not just material that the public should be able to see, it was potential evidence in criminal cases like that of the QAnon Shaman.

When the footage aired, I wrote a column raising the question of whether this evidence was known to or shared with Chansley’s defense. After all, he was portrayed as a violent offender by the Justice Department at his sentencing.

It now appears that the answer is no. I spoke with Chansley’s new counsel, Bill Shipley, and confirmed that defense counsel did not have this material.

In the hearing, federal prosecutor Kimberly Paschall played videos showing Chansley yelling along with the crowd and insisted “that is not peaceful.”

That portrayal of Chansley would have been more difficult to maintain if the Court was allowed to see images of Chansley casually walking through a door of the Capitol with hundreds of other protesters and then being escorted by officers through the Capitol. At no point is he violent and at no point is he shown destroying evidence. Instead, he dutifully follows the officers who facilitate his going eventually to the unoccupied Senate floor.

We all knew that Chansley was treated more harshly because of his visibility. It was his costume, not his conduct, that seemed to drive the sentencing. In the hearing, Judge Royce Lamberth noted, “He made himself the image of the riot, didn’t he? For good or bad, he made himself the very image of this whole event.”

Lamberth hit Chansley with a heavy 41-month sentence for “obstructing a federal proceeding.”

However, the QAnon Shaman was led through the Capitol by officers. Defense counsel could have noted that his “obstruction” in going to an unoccupied Senate floor was facilitated by officers. While the police were clearly trying to deescalate the situation after the Capitol was breached, this is evidence of how Chansley came to the Senate. Indeed, his interaction with officers could have impacted how he viewed the gravity of his conduct. It certainly would have been material to the court in sentencing the conduct.

In his rambling sentencing statement to the court, Chansley apologized for “a lot of bad juju that I never meant to create.”

I have great respect for Judge Lamberth, who has always shown an admirable resistance to public pressure in high profile cases. I cannot imagine that Lamberth would not have found this footage material and frankly alarming.

At first blush, this would appear a clear “Brady violation” when a prosecutor fails to provide a defendant with any evidence that is favorable or exculpatory to his case. Like most things in Chansley’s life, it is a bit more complex than it would seem.

First, Chansley quickly pleaded guilty to the charge. This may have been due in part to the draconian treatment that he received by the Justice Department, which insisted on keeping him in solitary confinement with no apparent justification. The result is that he moved rapidly to sentencing without significant discovery in his case.

Second, the footage was in the possession of the legislative branch so the Justice Department could claim that it was not required to produce it. Indeed, the prosecution may have been entirely unaware of the footage.

Third, Chansley waived an appeal of the plea agreement and is now weeks away from release. The case is practically closed.

It is not clear, however, if Judge Lamberth will find the failure to disclose this evidence troubling and worthy of inquiry. None of this means that Chansley should not have been given jail time. Indeed, it is appropriate to sentence rioters to greater than average time due to the assault on our constitutional process.

Yet, it is hard to believe that Judge Lamberth would have given 41 months to a nonviolent, first offender who was led through the Capitol by police officers to the floor. This was a Navy veteran who pleaded guilty to the crime.

The role of Congress in withholding this footage is disgraceful and wrong. The Congress and the January 6th Committee knew of this footage and its relevance to a pending criminal case. Yet, they refused to make it public. Instead, the January 6th Committee hired a former ABC producer to put on a made-for-television production of highly edited images for public consumption. Countervailing evidence or images were consistently excluded and witnesses appeared as virtual props to support high-quality video packages.

Even The New York Times admitted the narrative was meant to “recast the midterm message” and “give [Democrats] a platform for making a broader case about why they deserve to stay in power.”

The image of the QAnon Shaman being escorted through the Capitol by police officers is hardly the image that they wanted to show the public. So Committee members and counsel buried footage that was clearly relevant to literally hundreds of people facing criminal sentencing across the country. They did this while repeatedly referencing those cases in hearings as upholding the rule of law.

I hold little sympathy for Chansley or the others arrested on that day. I was highly critical of President Donald Trump’s remarks before the riot.

However, it is hard to see this withheld evidence and not conclude that the Qanon Shaman got the shaft on his sentencing.

289 thoughts on “Did the “QAnon Shaman” Get Shafted on Sentencing? New Footage Raises Questions Over the Chansley Case”

  1. This sounds kind of week. I am not an attorney, but it seems like you should be providing more explicit reasons why the entire conviction should just be thrown out entirely and his record expunged. Use a bunch of latin phrases and stuff. It’s almost as if every conservative has to rely on a DNC aligned attorney for everything. How is that sustainable? What is the percentage of attorneys aligned with the DNC? What is the percentage of judges aligned with the DNC? Even when we do get GOP aligned there are so many RINOs but at least we would have a bigger pool of America First.

  2. It’s amazing what many of you have convinced yourselves of regarding the election and January 6th. I get that you have been lied to, and now, due to evidence revealed from the Dominion lawsuit against Fox News, you all should know that the people that told you the lies, knew they were lying or permitting their guests to spread lies at the time and said so under oath. Yet when one of the liars cherry picks some video and tells an even bigger lie. You run with the new lies. I don’t think Turley believes Tucker Carlson now, yet he gives you permission to.

    1. I would bet that most of those not left wing nuts know more about the facts than you do.

      The Dominion lawsuit has revealed What ?
      That Tucker Carlson does not like Trump ?
      Do you think that is a state secret ?
      That Fox thought that Powells Claims that Dominion rigged the election were weak ?
      Again – are you oblivious to the FACTS at the time ?
      Fox was Losing viewers after the election specifically because they were not supportive of election fraud claims – particularly the dominion claim.

      You also seem to think that opinions are Facts.
      The DVS lawsuit has revealed the opinions of many at Fox in Nov 2020.
      Myriads of court cases – including recent defamations claims against Fox and MSNBC have made it clear that holding and expressing opinions is not defamation.

      We do not know whether the Current judge will do the right thing and toss this case.
      But the odds of its surviving are near zero.

      Even today – though it is unlikely that DVS rigged the election, it remains a matter of opinion – NOT FACT.

      Why ? Because those of you on the left have actively worked to thwart inquiry.
      To keep out the sunlight.

      You are proud of myriads of court victories.

      In which instance was their discovery ?
      In which instance was DVS equipment checked ? Were router logs checked ?
      Where DVS tabulator tallies compared to hand counts ?

      That occured in 3 Counties in the entire US – Windham, Antrim, and Maricopa.

      Not one of those occured as a result of an election lawsuit – or they never would have happened.

      Windham found significant problems with DVS equipment and mailin ballots – problems that effected 10% of ballots, and that DVS was aware of, but problems that by fluke were just barely insufficient to deny the GOP house candidate election.
      Antrim found significantly larger problems – 4500 votes counted for Biden that should have been for Trump.
      But purportedly the Dominion equipment did its job, and the error was human – or so we are supposed to beleive.
      The Maricopa audit found that Dominion equipment counted 2M ballots to a very high degree of accuracy.
      This is really the only significant partial exoneration of DVS. The same audit found the equipment was Trivial to hack, though there is no evidence that the Maricopa country tabulators had been hacked.
      Further Maricopa country defied a subpeona and refused to turn over routers that would have showed whether efforts to hack them actually occurred.

      Separately the Maricopa county audit found that almost 50% of ballots counted had problems that had the law been follwed would have required their being rejected.
      While none of these problems are invontrovertable proof of fraud, every single problem is a failure of systems put in place to prevent fraud. Meaning each failure found indicated the possibility of fraud.

      Yet, again – none of this was a result of inquiry by courts.

      Next DVS was an agent of government in the 2020 election.
      You can not defame government nor can you defame government agents.

      Btu even if you could – DVS is also a public figure – they particpated in the election.
      They chose to make public comments on the election – comments that provide creedance to the claim they rigged the election, and Fox is news media. The standard to win a defamation claim under the circumstances is near impossible to meet.

      Your revaltions that Fox talking heads did not beleive things that some of their guests said is completely meaningless.

      This is something you have not understood far beyond fox.

      The claim that the 2020 election was free from significant fraud is an OPINION – it is not a fact.
      Even today it is a WEAK opinion – the amount of evidence of fraud has increased over time – not decreased.
      While a FEW fraud claims have been proven false. Most have not.
      It could have become a fact – had you allowed actual inquiry.
      As an example it is a FACT that DVS did not rig the election in Windham, Antrim and Maricopa Counties.
      Of course that is a fact that was not know to be true at the time that the reporting you are attacking was occuring.
      Opinions are never defamatory.
      Even opinions that Subsequently prove incorrect.

      You also play this idiotic game that this lawsuit is about more than the claim DVS rigged the election – it is NOT.

    2. What is it that Carlson has said that is not to be beleived ?

      Carlson has said provided video of Chansley escorted through the capitol – covering pretty much the entire time Chansley was in the capitol. Carlson has established that Chansley was not violent. That he was lead by the CP not followed by them,
      and that the CP allowed Chansley into locked parts of the capitol – including the Senate Chambers.

      And that none of this was provided to Chansley’s attorney’s as required by law – and Chansley’s attorney’s have confirmed that.

      Are you saying that the video is FAKE ?

      We also now have video – not from Tucker, or Chansley reading Trump’s tweet asking protestors to treat the police with respect, to be peaceful and to go home.

      That undermines your claims regarding BOTH Chansley and Trump.

      Is Chansley completely innocent ? That is not known – and Carlson did not claim he was.
      But the avialable evidence today suggests he is. Some here have claimed Chansely climbed through a window to enter the capitol. If so that would be petty misdemeanor Tresspass and would not result in any jail time for a first offender.

      Next Carlson addressed the J6 Committees video of Sen. Hawley allegedly cowardly fleeing the Senate Chamber.
      Instead of the 2 second Clip that the J6 committee aired, Carlson run several minitues.
      Turns out:
      The CP directed Senators to leave.
      Hawley was the last one out and the slowest.

      This is Damning to the J6 comittee – it is a deliberate political smear. Those offering the video had zero doubt they were being deceptive – LYING.

      Finally Carlson played video of ofc Sensick alive and well after the protestors had left the capitol.
      For most people – this should be a YAWN. Anyone with a brain knows that Sensnick died of a stroke that had nothing to do with J6. that Sensnickj was not hit in the head by a fire extinguisher, and that only two people died directly as a result of violence on J6 Rose Boynton, and Alishi Babbet – both of which were killed – likely murdered by the CP.

      Again all of the above has been well known for 2 years.

      So Why did Carson play the video of Sensnick ?

      Because Sen Schumer, AG Garland and President Biden have EACH recently publicly stated that 5 Capitol police officers died on J6 at the capitol.

      The Truth is that NOT ONE police officer was killed on J6.
      We are told that 100 were injured – though we are not given specifics, or evidence.
      Of course we are also told that 180 were injured in the BLM/Antifa riot on May 29 at the WH
      where there was actual arson and the WH was nearly overrun.

      So we KNOW that lots and lots of lies have been told – by Schumer, Garland, Biden, the J6 comittee, and DC prosecutors.

      But what is it that Carlson has lied about ?

    3. You are likely correct about one thing.

      The recent and likely continuing J6 revalations are going to cause most of the country to re-assess J6.

      Some few on the left will realize that the J6 committee and Biden and Garland and Schumer have lied to them.
      But they will likely still buy much of the lefts narative – though hopefully their skepticism for the left will be greater.

      Some at the oposite end will decide that J6 was entirely or nearly entirely peacefull and that the entire left narative is false.
      That is likely to be as untrue as the left’s narative.
      But that is a problem you brought on yourself – just like the little boy who cried wolf.
      When you lie constantly – no one beleves you when you tell the truth or about those few things you claim that are true.

      Finally – all you have done is strengthen the claims that the 2020 election was stolen.

      Every time you are caught in a lie – you undermine the credibility of everything else you have ever said.

      If you lied about Chansley – and you lied about Hawley and you lied about Sicknich, why should you be beleived about the rest of J6 ? About the election ?

      EB the list of lies that you, the media, the left, democrats have been caught in is becoming difficult to even remember they are so many.

      Why should you be beleived about anything ?

    4. “I don’t think Turley believes Tucker Carlson . . .”

      Typical Leftist response to any issue they wish to evade: Divert attention by attacking the messenger.

      It wouldn’t matter if those videos were aired by Jeffrey Dahmer. The fact is that the actions on those videos speak for themselves.

      1. The videos speak for moments in time, they don’t allow you to dismiss the other moments, also recorded on video. Jeffrey Dahmer and Ted Bundy looked harmless on their way to committing murders. That doesn’t make them innocent of anything.

        Yes, I am attacking the messengers because they are knowingly duplicitous and doing the nation great harm. This is the time to speak up.

        1. There are no videos of moments and time where Mr chansley was being violent or destructive. But you are so entrenched in your belief system that no video evidence, no proof, probably not even the prosecution admitting that they had fabricated the whole case against him would convince you that Mr chansley was not doing anything more than exercising his first amendment rights as a citizen and entering the house that citizens have always been allowed to enter. President Trump asked multiple times for additional security officers and even the National Guard to be on hand for that day because they were going to be so many people there. Nancy Pelosi and mayor Bowser refused to allow it. You ought to be asking yourself why, but you are more interested in watching them destroy our once great nation. You will not like the results, and they will not give a crap about you once they get them.

        2. “. . . they don’t allow you to dismiss the other moments . . .”

          That’s rich, coming from the party of pathological liars who did doctor the evidence, and who did hide the video evidence for some 26 months.

    5. The dominion lawsuit is a lawsuit, not evidence of an honest election. Video evidence of unfolded and fresh ballots being pulled out from under a table and counted under the secrecy of an alleged shut down voting count is evidence. Video and pictorial evidence of the election commission prohibiting Republican poll watchers from being able to see the vote count is evidence. Documented records showing more people voting then are registered to vote is evidence. Documented records showing thousands of mules carrying piles of ballots to drop boxes over and over again is evidence. Documented records showing thousands of dead people having cast votes, some of whom have been dead for over 100 years, is evidence. Evidence that ballots were designated multipliers to increase the final count for Joe Biden and decrease the final count for Donald Trump and then being proven to be inaccurate after a recount is evidence. I could go on and on. You are so entrenched in your belief that you are not willing to look at the facts, and I’m not going to disparage you for that. You have been led to believe that the media is fair and honest, and, as a result, you have not seen actual true journalism, reporting, or fact checking.

  3. January 6 needs to be seen in the total context of the 2020 election. Democrats demonstrated that the ends justifies the means. Many riots occurred in the summer of 2020 across Democrat controlled cities including NYC, Chicago, Minneapolis, LA, Philadelphia, Kenosha, Atlanta, Seattle, Portland, Denver, and other cities. This rioting caused deaths, injuries, and incredible property damage, at least $1B, probably $2 to $3B. The rioting involved both public and private property with the federal court house in Portland, police station in Seattle, White House, Colorado state house, and probably many other public places. The rioting was vicious and sustained lasting 1+ month Seattle and 100+ days in Portland. Chicago saw multiple periods of rioting, Kenosha had 3 days of rioting. Deaths and serious injuries occurred to law enforcement and many others. Democrats in charge would not take action to stop the rioting. Democrats made many statements in sympathy with the rioters. As far as I am aware, only very selected prosecutions occurred. Federal help was refused in many cities. Democrat governors refused to use the National Guard at least when the NG could have easily stopped the rioting. In Kenosha, felony murder charges against the leftists attacking Rittenhouse could easily have been brought. In Denver, an armed private security guard was arrested for murder against a conservative protestor, but then charges were dropped. Summer of 2020 was Rat insurrection beyond anything that I can imagine.

    Given this backdrop, it is not surprising that January 6 occurred. An honest assessment would compare January 6 to the Rat insurrection in the summer of 2020. Even without this context, January 6 was a confluence of a few bad apples and unprepared security. The vast number of people who entered the Capitol grounds were pulled into the situation after the initial breach. The doors were open allowing people inside. When police finally resisted, violence ensued. The damage to the US Capitol was minor compared to the summer 2020 insurrection. The acts of violence on January 6 were minor compared to the violence committed in the summer 2020 insurrection. As far as I know, there were no firearms, fire bombs, or even clubs/sticks deployed by protestors inside the Capitol. January 6 was prosecuted with vicious, political intent. It is selective, political prosecution at its most dangerous level. Democrats controlling government have used January 6 to brutalize and intimidate their political opponents.

  4. Turley says he has “little sympathy for Chansley.” Why? When there is no video footage showing him to be engaged in ANY illegal conduct. Not only did police officers escort him to areas he was later charged with breaching, but all signage around the Capitol identifying it as ‘restricted’ was inexplicably removed. And unknown, and so far uncharged, black-dressed vandals destroyed Capitol property, broke windows and open doors inviting entry to the building. This doesn’t even begin to address the clearly inciting conduct of Ray Epps. Sorry, Jon, but, at least in Chansely’s case, the entire narrative present against him is bogus.

    1. Totally agree. The J-9 Committee should all be locked up for impeding justice. These people are being treated far worse than an POW.

  5. I suggest Mr Turley watch the 44k hours of tape before pronouncing judgment on any of the J6 protesters.

  6. I think a comprehensive timeline from the raw footage FOX is needed for perspective on the whole event that day. When and how long did certain parts of it last. How long was the initial confrontation with police when the Capitol was first breached until people were just milling about? Did reinforcements for the police arrive? When did people start leaving and under what conditions, under the gun or of their own accord? Tucker said there is no footage of the shooting of the woman. I find that hard to believe. That happened just outside the House Chamber, and they don’t have a camera there, or even inside looking that way? All those hours of footage from who knows how many cameras and the only death that day by violence is missing? I smell a cover up by somebody.

  7. “Bare chested and wearing an animal headdress, horns and red-white-and-blue face paint, Jake Angeli Chansley is to the Capitol riot what Rosie the Riveter was to World War II. Howling and “chanting an unintelligible mantra” on the Senate floor, he is the embodiment of the unhinged rage that led to one of the most disgraceful attacks on our constitutional process in history.”

    “At no point in the videotapes does Chansley appear violent or threatening.”

    The second statement completely contradicts the first. Turley demonstrates no shame by supporting the cherry-picked videos released by Tucker to support a narrative disputed by facts we all know (maybe not some of you). Maybe Turley should have visited the poor tourists in jain along with Marjorie Taylor Greene. Turley has completely sold out this country, along with Tucker, Hannity, Laura Ingraham, Rudy, and the crime family whose business was already found guilty on 17-felony counts. #Shame

    1. We, your masters on the DNC Plantation, appreciate you remaining in chains, flogged and enslaved.
      Well done, slave.

    2. enigma – what does “cherry-picked” mean? The same accusation is made against Matt Taibi. Every journalist, and later every historian, picks out of plethora of data those facts which support the story which seems most interesting or important or perhaps just surprising. Selection is the essence of making sense out of current or past events, or even making sense out of experience. If you mean Carlson did not give “equal-time” to the narrative that the protest was violent, I would say that such tme was not necessary. That version of events is all we have heard about for two years. Carlson presented “the other side of the story”.

      1. Cherry-picked in the case of Matt Taibi meant that he only had the chjance to view a few hundred files selected by Elon Musk from which he claimed the FBI and Twitter were targeting Republicans. In the case of Tucker Carlson, he went through 40,000 hours of footage and only showed peaceful scenes and declared everything else we’ve seen to be untrue. When the goal is to promote a false narrative, cherry picking is what you do.

        1. “ he only had the chjance to view a few hundred files selected by Elon Musk”

          You make it sound as if Elon Musk selected the files Matt Taibi read. How do you know they were a “few hundred”, not less than a hundred or more than a thousand? Do you have proof of your statement? I suppose not.

          ” declared everything else we’ve seen to be untrue.”

          Where did Tucker Carlson say that? Do you have proof of your statement? I suppose not.

          “When the goal is to promote a false narrative, cherry picking is what you do.”

          Isn’t that exactly what the January 6 Committee did? That is something you won’t admit as you let unfounded accusations fly.

          Did you bother to look at the government tape of Chansley’s tour of the Capital? What important things do you think were left out? Was anything important left out? Probably not.

          Why can’t you stick to the facts instead of making things up?

        2. “Tucker Carlson [. . .] declared everything else we’ve seen to be untrue.”

          Now you’re just lying.

        3. “Cherry-picked in the case of Matt Taibi meant that he only had the chjance [sic] to view a few hundred files . . .”

          So what?

          If I go through some (out of hundreds) accounting files from my business, and see that Joe was embezzling funds — those few files prove that Joe was embezzling funds. You’re operating on the irrational premise that before one can know anything, one has to know everything.

          P.S. “Cherry-picked” does not mean what you think it means.

  8. Wow the governemenr totally violated his right to a fair and speedy trial by not relinquishing evidence. The Plaintiff, Has an obligation to hand over all material evidence. Since this video was never handed over to the defendant, It should be apealed and deemed a mistrial because it’s violating a constitutional right. He pled out Because it was his best/fastest option to get back to his family and freedoms that were violated. Clearly this man is innocent and labeled guilty by a kangaroo court. I hope this teaches all the young kids today that the goverment is not and will not ever be your friend and if you stand up against tyranny expect the opposition to lie and cheat without recourse. Makes you wonder if we would just be better off lynch fighting these outrageous, lying, cheating politicians in public with overwhelming force once and for all as they sponsor and perpetuate anarchy …. may as well give it to them directly.

  9. Mr. Turley, I am not an attorney. I don’t play one on TV and I didn’t stay at a Holiday Inn. You mention the “heavy” 41-month sentence, which is less than the 51-month sentence the prosecution requested and the 20-year maximum. Chansley plead guilty to “one felony count of obstruction for his role in trying to block the counting of the 2020 Electoral College votes”.

    Your comment is that based on the released video footage, 41-months seems too long. I have a question. Based on the J6 video and the newly released footage, what is the appropriate charge against Mr. Chansley? If the officers are accompanying Mr. Chansley, de-escalating or not, could he be conceivably guilty of obstruction of the 2020 Electoral College votes, when he was led to an empty Senate chamber?

    1. he took the check and was promised a short sentence in a fed “prison” and was promised the video of the set-up would never be shown.

    2. DSB – at that point what was he obstructing? The Senators had fled the scene. If other protestors had scared the Senators away, why should Chandsley be held liable for their actions? Also, how can he be held liable for an invasion of the Senate chamber when the police led him there, as though he were a tourist?

  10. Riot? Hilarious you bought into that Democrat montra. It was a *disturbance* with some minor thuggery by a small minority. 98% of the people entering the Capitol building were merely touristing, visiting & then left. The unselect highly biased reactionary 6Jan committee ginned up a fabricated story & railroaded hundreds of innocent people as criminals who just wanted to visit their Capitol as is their due as citizens.
    Evidence of this was purposefully & maliciously withheld to avoid the transparency it would bring to concerned citizens. The whole affair was a shameful example of a corrupt Biden*/Pelosi regime bent on disenfranchising citizens & demonising Trump.

    1. I didn’t really care about J6 except that the Antifa people blended in to smash windows and encourage the others to join in. The only time I was scared for our country was the riots when Trump was sworn in, the riots that continued for weeks after, the church burning and when they attacked the White House lawn and I saw Secret Service on the lawn and they had to get Trump out of the WH. Then we had country-wide rioting and looting using the excuse of George Floyd. The unarmed people waving Trump flags didn’t scare me.

    1. I didn’t really care about J6 except that the Antifa people blended in to smash windows and encourage the others to join in. The only time I was scared for our country was the riots when Trump was sworn in, the riots that continued for weeks after, the church burning and when they attacked the White House lawn and I saw Secret Service on the lawn and they had to get Trump out of the WH. Then we had country-wide rioting and looting using the excuse of George Floyd. The unarmed people waving Trump flags didn’t scare me.

  11. Isn’t the DOJ now “allegedly”, “potentially” guilty of conspiring and actually, in fact, doing, withholding “exculpatory evidence” (i.e., evidence favorable to the defendant – I had to look it up). This comment is in no way advocating that the Jan 6 accused were right in what they did or even innocent of the charges. I am no expert in such matters of the law, but a DOJ intentionally withholding “exculpatory evidence” strikes me as truly “evil” in addition to being unconstitutional.

    1. It’s par for the course…you can Allege unethical conduct all day long. The proof is what the doj looks into before tossing you in jail…for speaking up ! Probably you need to give them proof that Diane layne…Mr Stewart and Mr Jordan were killed in jail. You’ll never get that because really the next county didn’t do a death investigation. So you’ll need to show even more and that their hero inscoe was corrupt… That’s probably in plain sight. The test will be if the surface mining operation sold for money the fill to the other taxpayer# other account. For that we need the books! Luckily they are open to the public. I hope I live long enough to be the public. And see them! Lajes 86 545499a!

    2. But the DOJ didn’t have that exculpatory evidence. As long as Congress refused to make it public, DOJ could claim it wasn’t theirs and therefore they weren’t required to produce it.

      1. The duty is a government duty.
        Your argument is obviously false. All prosecutors would ever have to do to avoid turning over exculpatory evidence is assure that it is with a department other than their own.

        These cases are not DOJ vs. Chamsley. They are United States v. Chamsley.

      2. DrJ
        Congress turned over to the DoJ all the video. DoJ needed it for facial recogniton. The feds then question/arrested those people ID’d
        We also know the DoJ prosecution used the video, in prosecuting those arrested.
        Congress ceded the separation of powers protection by providing video to the DoJ

        The hypothetical is if the Defense asked for the video and were turned down, Turned downed by WHO?

      3. Sources as saying that these videotapes were handed over to the FBI soon after Jan. 6th. If true, the Justice Department did have the evidence and failed to turn it over to the defense as constitutionally required.

  12. IF the “legislative body” had the footage, as stated, HOW was the DOJ able to show footage at other trials of J6 defendants..sounds like a SELECTIVE process of presenting evidence ONLY in favor of the prosecution. Seems to me that the Feds to argue they DID NOT have access to footage goes out the window!!

    1. There is no argument that they did not have access. From the perspective of a criminal case – exculpatory evidence available to any part of government must be turned over to the defense regardless of what part of government holds it.

      Prosecutors can not play a shell game to avoid complying with Brady.

  13. You hold little sympathy for those arrested that day? That’s atrocious. What about the fact there are approximately 100 still being held without being charged. They are not allowed visitation. They are not being afforded their due process. They are being held in solitary confinement sometimes up to 23 hrs a day. They have been beaten and starved. They are being treated worse than murderers and certainly treated worse than any ANTIFA members. A grave injustice has been perpetrated. The very fabric of our republic has been ripped to shreds by democrats who would do ANYTHING to keep Trump from being re-elected or being able to run again. That is why they never wanted us to see the footage, which is precisely why we need to see it.

    1. I totally ageree. but This man was a prop doing his role. As a paranoid schizophrenic. Meanwhile the govt has others is calling the capitol the same day and overwhelm…..omg the call center. All them paranoid schizophrenia called and acted in tandem? No the military has a program.whereby the label ppl paranoid….for plausible deniability purposes . And the shaman was just part of their plan. Just like me who called that day to day lajes 86 545499a. He wasn’t and isn’t crszy. And the judge knows that. The judge knows he was part of the plan. Sacrificed. It’s what makes their plan so evil and sinister. But at least McConnell got rubber banded and not his head. Karma still exists! Kma!

      1. And let’s listen to judge newman……he’s certain paul and Maggie murdaugh visit Alex at night. Seriosly? Based on what!? What evidence does he have that the dead visit him at night? That is how far we have abandoned logic! In the court room too boot! We can’t have mysticism on one hand and justice on the other. Sure Alex habit got his family killed. He’s guilty.but the trigger was most likely pulled by the shorter cartel person ! No one gets justice when this fact is buried for Hilton heads. Just like bumpy bears calverts….didn t get kilked…they dissappeared. And tried to use their connections to divert their spy ring ! But they were there…trying to hide lilly. Do their umbrella and brief case…and my in-laws knew it. !!! But we’ll never get an investigation. Instead he cleans his lilly guns…then again he’s another pawn! Do you see why I need Bobby and Lori for my kids? As their spy ring via Lilly is about to get ugly!

        1. Oddly years ago we got a crank call about toner cartriges. Turns out that was a terrorist plot. The Israeli uncovered. Good on fisa. Just a year ago we got middle of the night call from the rail road ..the arm on some road was out…..maybe that was a tip via fisa !too but you can’t mind me I’m certain they have a psych team who drugs me routinely! I’m with the shaman q. Don’t tread on me! Lajes86 545499a! If you think someone is sending you messages…fine listen to my calls……the railroad called me last year….is it important to you? You have my phone logs! Investigate it!!

    2. Absolutely spot on!!!! Jonathan Turley is a liberal hack who hates Trump and the MAGA movement. His comments about the J6ers is absolutely disgusting!

      1. Lets not join the left in Beating Turley.
        He is absolutely a liberal.
        He is absolutely not a progressive.

        Liberals are not nearly so dangerous or damaging as progressives.

        Progressives are anti-liberal and are slowly red-pilling liberals like Turley.

        Given him time.

        He moves slowly further away from democrats all the time.

        I want a big tent – with MAGA Republicans, Conservatives, Libertarians, and liberals – even many Rino’s fighting the threat of progressives.

        The left can have NeoCon’s – war mongers.

        The rest of us can work out the issues we are divided on after the more serious threat of progressives has been put to rest.

    3. It has been Self evident for a login time that the Media/Democrat/Left narative of J6 was wrong and that J6 is being used by the left to paint those opposed to them as violent and dangerous, and to justify using the immense power of government against them.
      Too coerce those right of center into never protesting again.

      The goal is to get them to Kowtow in fear.

      Once again the left channels Mao’s cultural revolution.

      We do not know the Truth of J6 – Even Carlson did not pretend that what he was showing reflected the whole story.

      But we do know that we are once again being lied to by the left. And that is what matters the most.

    4. We certainly need to probe this entire debacle! The J6 Committee needs to be charged with obstructing Justice.

      1. While the temptation to do to the democrats what they have done to others is great – and there are instances where it is even necessary, We should not abandon the rule of law in the way democrats have done.

        The conduct of the J6 committee has been reprehensible. It violates long standing house rules.

        I have not seen any evidence that it is criminal. I would be happy to jail the whole lot of them – if we establish an actual crime.
        But we have seen far too many people convicted of crimes they did not committ for holding the wrong political views.
        We must not reciprocate.

        We have a severe problem with the left in this country – and the democratic party – which is NOT the far left for the most part, but is unfortunately in bed with the left is making that problem worse.

        At the same time the problem is with all likelyhood self punishing.

        When you lie, you risk your own credibility.
        When you get caught you lose credibility.

        As Lincoln said – you can fool all of the people some of the time, you can fool some of the people all of the time, but you can not fool all of the people all of the time.

        You only need to be proven a LIAR once.

        Every lie the left tells strips a bit away from their support.

        They are the little boy who cried Wolf.

        We see Schumer Democrats and even a few republicans ranting about the J6 lies being exposed.

        They are actually right about one thing.

        By falsely painting J6 as Satanic, exposing the lie makes it appear to many as more angelic than it was.

        I mostly do not care – Those of you who lied about it, created the backlash as the lie is exposed.

        We can see with Covid the consequences of censorship. Even when you succeed at censoring,
        that still undermines your own credibility.

        We do not know something is true – because it is the only voice permitted.

        We know what is true, because the best arguments usually prevail in open and honest debate eventually.

        Without that debate – we do not trust the only voices we are allowed to hear.

        “If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it. The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic and/or military consequences of the lie. It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth is the greatest enemy of the State.”

    5. Marie, I think you’re wrong about “approximately 100 still being held without being charged” but I’d be proven wrong if you could name just one person held on no charges? There are some being held with no bail, but that really isn’t the same thing, is it?

      1. What does it matter – there are definitely people who have been held for far more than the 90 days federal law allows.

        Further, Chansely was one of those held for long periods

        Here is more “violent” video from the Qanon Shaman.

        I beleive that you – or one of the other wing nuts in your coterie claimed that Chansley have climbed through a broken window to get into the capitol. That is petty misdemeanor Tresspassing. A first offense would not result in ANY jail time – that is of course if you actually have this evidence.

        I do not personally care – if you have the evidence Chansley should be convicted and sentenced accordingly – for the crime he actually committed.

        He did not firebomb police cars – which resulted in probation.
        He did not take an axe to a senators door – brief probation.

        I am not aware of even left wing nuts like you claiming that he engaged in actual violence.

        And with the evidence that most of us are aware of Chansley is guilty of having mental health issues and comical attire.
        Neither of which are a crime.

        Last weekend over 100 Antifa attacked a handful of GA police. They through rockets, molotov cocktails, engaged in arson and threatened the lives of the officers.

        23 were arrested on domestic terrorism charges.
        Of those – 2 were actually from Atlanta.

        Do you think any of these will see a 41month sentence ? I doubt it.

        Nearly all the Kavanaugh protestors were released without charges.

        But for double standards the left has no standards.

      2. Being held without bail is also a constitutional issue.

        VIII amendment
        Excessive bail shall not be required, nor excessive fines imposed, nor cruel and unusual punishments inflicted.

        While like much of the constitution – we have gutted it.
        As a rule bail can not be denied for non-violent crimes. There are very very few people who are legitimately charged with violence at the Capitol.

        Nor is being charged with a violent crime alone sufficient to deny bail.
        The person must be a flight risk.
        None of these people are flight risks.

        Accross the country left wing nut DA’s are releasing prisoners on no or low bail who committed violent crimes and are unlikely to show up for trial.

        Yet left wing nuts seek to make an example of those who protested the 2020 election and make sure that no one challenges the left ever again.

        It is OK for left wing nuts to engage in arson, deliberately try to blind or injure police, take axes to senators doors. through rocks through store windows and on and on – with little or no consequence.

        But express displeasure at a lawless, rigged and likely fraud ridden election,
        and you will be sent to hell.

        I do not know how many are left in the DC jail in solitary.
        What I do know is that many were detained for very long periods without trial and without any evidence they possed a risk that allowed ignoring the 8th amendment.
        I know that they were provided DC public defenders – who while earnest and capable, were themselves politically biased and strong arming defendants to plead to crimes they did not commit.

  14. Let them all out. These are not criminals. They have been punished too much already. This sounds like a chapter from The Gulag Archipelago except that it’s in this country. I haven’t flown my flag since the “election” and will not until a fair election has been held.

  15. ” he is the embodiment of the unhinged rage that led to one of the most disgraceful attacks on our constitutional process in history.”

    Is Turley serious?

    1. Exactly what I thought. But what was he referring to as the most disgraceful attack on the constitutional process? To me, it was the election itself, or maybe it’s the incarceration of American citizens in a Federal prison awaiting trial without bail for a minor crime.

      1. Awaiting trial you definitely don’t want to be in alabama…it’ll be two decades before you see trial! We should read up on Stockholm syndrome since that’s really where we are! We already have been taken captive….we just won’t want to admit it. Or Wed kill ourselves like 22 vets a day do already!

        1. There is a constitutional right to a speedy trial.
          As a rule the prosecution has 180 days from Arraignment to the start of a trial, or the defendant must be released on bail.

          There are complications because delays can be charged to the defense or prosecution – and one of the serious flaws in our justice system is that responsibility for most everything defaults to the defense.

          As an example – the failure of the prosecution to provide Brady material – is usually considered to be error on the part of defense attorney’s.
          The “system” says that it is the duty of defense attorney to compell the prosecution to provide that material. Even if they lie – it was the duty of the defense attorney to know they were lying and press the issue.

          This is entirely at odds with our actual system of justice.

          Defense attorney’s represent their clients – not justice. While prosecutors and judges have a duty to truth and justice.

          1. Under federal law, the speedy trial time is 90 days. And you don’t get released on bail if they exceed; your case gets DISMISSED.

  16. These things were brought up the day after, Jan 7 and nearly every day after. It’s a shame that the lawyers for people protesting a corruption of government relied on the same corrupt government for evidence.

  17. Look today how many people are still behind bars for their actions in Jan 6th . These were just normal everyday people who are most likely bankrupt now because of lawyer fees and part of the government plan to do so . It is shameful that they didn’t have access to the video for there defense all part of the two tier justice system in our country and I blame the judges in these cases . Also today I learned that chair Bennie Thompson said he or their other committee people also did not see the video . But there staff got the review the video , are you kidding me the staff yet these yeahoo’s on the committee were making recommendations . And last just to remind those who still call Jan 6th a insurrection .The FBI said they found no evidence of a insurrection but the media democrats used it as a talking point .

    1. “It is shameful that they didn’t have access to the video for there defense . . . ”

      No, it’s unconstitutional and criminal, not just shameful never mind despicable, as well as beneath contempt.

      But then again, Turley’s column really should read: On January 6th, America Got the Shaft.

      Because that’s what happened.

      Yeah, there was some vandalism and bad actors in the bunch. Those who broke in and damaged property should be arrested and charged, if they haven’t already been (because they were working for the Feds? Ray Epp and the Scaffold Commander, I’m thinking of you), but the rest of the peaceful protesters that were let in to the Capitol/escorted by the police, who are being denied due process and their 6th Amendment rights, need to be released immediately.

      And the wannabe Bolsheviks in DC running the J6 show trials need to be prosecuted/take a mandatory orange suit perp walk.

      Ultimately this is not about whether you are a Dimocrat/Repuglican. The hullabaloo over the J6 Fed’surrection is all about whether this country can survive without descending into a civil war or tyranny, if not both.
      Those of us who are independents, much more Americans, have at least got that figured out. Hopefully Mr. Turley and some of the other older style liberals can also get up to speed on the matter.


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