The White House Changes Long-Standing Position of President on Hunter Biden’s Foreign Deals

Starting with his campaign for the presidency and continuing until this week, President Joe Biden has maintained one clear and consistent position on his son’s influence peddling schemes. As a virtual mantra, Biden — and the White House staff — have categorically maintained that he had no knowledge of any foreign dealings of his son. That has been proven to be a lie, but Biden continued to maintain the position. Yet, on the eve of the testimony of a key Biden associate, the White House has changed its position. Now the President is only claiming that he was “not in business” with his son.Some of us have written multiple columns over the last four years arguing that the President was clearly and knowingly lying in his denials of knowledge and discussions of these deals. Even when he made the statement, it was clearly untrue but most of the media shrugged and happily walked away.

Then the evidence began to mount.

The laptop includes pictures and appointments of Hunter’s foreign business associates with Joe Biden. There is also a recording of Joe Biden discussing a Times report on Dec. 12, 2018, detailing Hunter’s dealings with Ye Jianming, the head of CEFC China Energy Company. He assures his son that “I think you’re clear” after lawyers worked on the New York Times before the story ran.

There is also a recording of his uncle James assuring Hunter that he and his father were going to arrange for “safe harbor” for him as his world began to collapse.

Then there is the July 30, 2017 Whatsapp message from Hunter Biden to one of his Chinese associates, Henry Zhao, the director of Harvest Fund Management and Communist Party official. Zhao was funneling money to Hunter’s firm BHR Partners. Hunter is quoted as writing:

“I am sitting here with my father and we would like to understand why the commitment made has not been fulfilled. Tell the director that I would like to resolve this now before it gets out of hand, and now means tonight. And, Z, if I get a call or text from anyone involved in this other than you, Zhang, or the chairman, I will make certain that between the man sitting next to me and every person he knows and my ability to forever hold a grudge that you will regret not following my direction. I am sitting here waiting for the call with my father.”

Nevertheless, the White House has maintained the total denial . . . until this week before the testimony of Devon Archer.

White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre was asked by Fox News journalist Gillian Turner:

“Chairman James Comer today says that the Oversight Committee has evidence that the president in the past communicated directly with foreign business associates of his son Hunter Biden many times. Curious if the White House and the president still stand behind his comment that he’s never been involved and has never even spoken to his son about his business?”

The response from Jean-Pierre was surprising:

“So, I’ve been I’ve been asked this question a million times. The answer is not going to change. The answer remains the same. The president was never in business with his son. I just don’t have anything else to add.”

It takes an utter contempt for the intelligence of the public to insist that “the answer remains the same” and then give an entirely new answer. However, that is only if most of the public is informed of the contradiction. None of the media in the White House press corp followed up on Turner’s questions when Jean-Pierre immediately moved on.

If that is now the new spin of the President, it is about four years too late. The President assured the public repeatedly and consistently that he never discussed or knew of these dealings even as evidence mounted in contradiction. He made this false denial part of his presidency in having his staff echo the same denials to the press and the public. As allegations of bribery and influence peddling swirl around the White House, this pattern of dishonesty and denial can become a basis for impeachment inquiries, as it was with Nixon.

It is tempting to say that the President is being too clever by half, but this was never particularly clever. Biden was counting on the media watching his back and hoping that he could hold both houses of Congress. The problem is that the media blackout was not total and he lost the House. Now these denials and conflicting accounts are threatening the possibility that he could lose much more than his political standing. If the evidence continues to contradict his blanket denials, Biden could lose his office.

211 thoughts on “The White House Changes Long-Standing Position of President on Hunter Biden’s Foreign Deals”

  1. Looking forward to George Santos’ vote to impeach someone for allegedly not telling the complete truth. Someday history books will record that vote as the epitome Republican hypocrisy in this era.

    1. Festering
      History is about the change re: the first Trump impeachment. Turns out the boss of the chief law enforcement officer in the US had a pretext for asking the Ukrainian president to look into the Burisma scandal. How do you feel about that bit of leftist hypocrisy? Your idiotic party impeached a President who was no longer President, but had earlier impeached him for “going after his political rival. How do you feel about that bit of leftist hypocrisy?

      1. Don’t sweat Fester and the like. To them, there is no right or wrong. There is only embracing and serving the party.
        As things deteriorate, their claims will become outrageous until such time that the wrongs can no longer be hid or explained. They will then head for dense cover and emerge only after the dust has settled to claim themselves the champions of justice and to begin (yet again) the process of divide and conquer.

  2. If there were any justice in this world, Joe to serve 3 to 5 years in federal prison—a generous deal due to his advanced age—with a cellmate named Bubba, who, at birth, was named Becky.

    1. Thanks for checking in with the racist and incandescently moronic sentiments from under the rock you periodically slither out from.

  3. Turley has once again made an excellent case that Hunter Biden should be impeached from the office he now holds.

    1. Bubba
      Keep saying that somehow the drug and sex addict, deadbeat dad, military dropout, tax evading scumbag Hunter managed to dupe literally dozens of foreign business men and women to front him MILLIONS of dollars without his dads involvement. Still won’t make it true. Emails, eyewitnesses, text messages, informants, phone calls, text messages, financial records, all say Joe was involved. He said he never once spoke to Hunter or anyone else in his family or “ANYONE ELSE” about the Biden family business dealings. Now that Archer is going to spill the beans, his story is “I was never ‘in business’ with Hunter”. Gaslit. so his name was never on one of the 20+ LLC’s, so f-ing what?? Drink it up, bro.
      I gotta hand it to you lefty’s…you are relentless.

  4. Looks like the 1/6 grand jury is meeting today at 1:00 and a Trump indictment might be coming.

    Turley and all of right wing media screaming “Hunter” again today to distract from it.

    1. Another day, another Trump indictment. We’re not distracted, we are bored with it. And wow, the news that the current POTUS sold out his country for personal gain is more important to some that the witch hunts of a has been…shocking!

    2. your fake president and his insurrectionist handlers are in full meltdown mode.

      Rabbi Shumley is going ballistic on the DNC/The New York Society for Ethical Culture. The latter canceled an event with less than 48 hours, in spite of binding contract, featuring RFK Jr in discussing the rise of anti-semitism and supporting Israel.

      the pressure is building against Biden’s fraudulent “presidency”. Save yourself while you can before the FBI raids your home for being on the wrong side of history

  5. If the American people reward the Democrats for this, we will be in a wilderness from which we will never emerge 🙁

    1. @Diogenes

      I think so too. This election could very well be it if more people don’t open their eyes. Far too many dem voters have absolutely no clue what they are actually supporting. It’s concerning.

      1. James,
        My sister is a Democrat.
        After the 2020 election, suddenly she decided to step back from the news. She only reads the WSJ and WaPo. She is totally oblivious to the crisis on the Southern border.
        She knows inflation is high, but wont go into why.
        Leftist indoctrination? What is that?
        Who is Hunter Biden?
        The 20 LLC shell companies, wire transfers, 10% to the Big Guy?
        Six year olds at Drag Shows?
        Pornography in elementary libraries?
        Nope, does not know about those things.

        1. @Upstate

          My brother, likewise. Just a couple of months ago we were talking on the phone and a film series came up; I said I didn’t watch them anymore because they were too woke for me, and he asked: ‘What’s woke?’. NPR is his only news. He’s not dumb, and he’s not remotely a bad person, he’s nearly 60, too, not a millennial. There are a great many like him, and he votes for everything. He thought the 2020 election was perfectly clean and legit and got angered even discussing any other possibility, he believes Florida has banned books and doesn’t teach about slavery and that Desantis is a fascist. He thinks his blue, home state is sliding into chaos ‘just because’ that’s how the world is in 2023. It’s maddening, especially with people that are not patently unintelligent or uneducated, and it’s maddening the necessity of tiptoeing around these subjects with certain people in our lives.

  6. “The president was never in business with his son. I just don’t have anything else to add.” . . .

    Until that lie is exposed. At which time my “same” answer will be: The president was never in charge of the business with his son.

    A worn out trick of all pathological liars: Get caught. Change your tune.

  7. Tony Bobulinski said in his interview on TV that he asked in meeting with Joe Biden, his brother and Hunter, ” How do you get away with this”. ie bribery of foreign governments and the answer from Joes’s brother was by “plausible denial” which is exactly what they have been doing. I wish Tony Bobulinski was testifying in front of Congress, but I am sure he is afraid for his life. (see former friends of the Clintons).

  8. This makes no sense. Politicians have bushiness dealings all the time, and this is really Hunter’s dealings. Trump and his family had their hands in far more honeypots then Biden and no one cared. Influence peddling is also fine as long as the person does not misuse his official government position, and even less of and issue if the person is not in government at all when it happens.

    1. @Sammy
      It “makes no sense”?? How is that possible Sammy? What specifically “makes no sense”? Your comments:

      Blanket statements like “Politicians have bushiness (sic) dealings all the time…” does not justify looking the other way on a possible illegal act.

      “this is really Hunter’s dealings”? How do you know that? And how do YOU know Joe was not involved when now multiple sources contradict that position?

      Why are you trying to cover a criminal activity by drawing in another suspected criminal as a diversion? You find that a good defense?

      “Influence peddling is also fine as long as the person does not misuse his official government position” Joe, as VP, went to Ukraine and interdicted in the Ukrainian government investigation of his son’s company. Joe proudly exclaimed that if the Ukrainians did not fire the investigator on the case involving his son, he (Joe) would see that $1 billion in US aid would be withheld. Does this look like a “bushiness dealings all the time” to you?

      BTW, did you get a chance to read up on the Espionage Act?

    2. Makes no sense?? The VPOTUS was guilty of bribery and apparently extortion. He is now the president. How does a hair sniffing, shower with his daughter, sexual assault in the capital, multiple times proven liar, plagiarist, multiple bigoted comments on video, get to be POTUS??? I mean, my god, even Trump only checks checks 2-1/2 of those boxes. Get a grip Sammy. It’s over. The fat drag queen is singing.

    3. Sammy
      Please give us an example of influence peddling where one is not misusing their government position? Hunter using the Biden name to get on a board is not influencing peddling. If there were nothing else to it, that would merely be a case of a lack of due diligence by the company paying some whacked out drug addict millions of dollars for nothing. Conferencing into your sons calls with his “business associates” from the office of the VPOTUS, even if just to glad hand them (cuz u know you’re the reason they are paying him millions) is misuse of your government position. Is that what you were hoping sleepy Joe was doing in the white house when you elected him??

      Here, let me save you the trouble…”Oh, but Trump…”

    4. This makes no sense. Politicians have bushiness dealings all the time

      an occupation, profession, or trade:

      the purchase and sale of goods in an attempt to make a profit.

      Sammy, please identify Hunters business. Occupation, profession, or trade. Without that its corruption.

  9. Mr. Anonymous. Do you wear your gas mask 24/7? I sense you must because you seem to be willingly gaslighting yourself in denying the corruption of the Biden crime family. Believing you must constantly defend the indefensible is surely a miserable way to live. Or maybe this is just job for you where you’re paid to troll by some Soros related organization?

  10. I am not as splenetic as guyventner, but he makes accurate lacerating points. Analogous to the rhetorical inquiry, “If a tree falls in the forest and no one is there to hear it, does it still make a noise?” is the inquiry, “If a sclerotic, parasitic, lifetime Beltway hack commits a crime but there is no one with professional and journalistic integrity to investigate it and objectively report on it, is it still a crime?”

    guy is correct. The Dems control the investigatory agencies and are in bed with the lapdog MSM. This important story will die on the vine.

    Stick a fork in America – because it’s cooked…

  11. Biden will ultimately pardon himself and family and he will not be a candidate. No need to waste resources on him.

  12. “Fox News journalist Gillian Turner says … ‘Chairman James Comer today says that the Oversight Committee has evidence’ …”

    Comer has alleged he has had evidence of a lot of things and then the evidence seems to disappear before it is presented to the public. He is not a reliable source. And someone from Fox News is not a journalist.

    1. ROTFLMAO!! That is the best you can do?

      Surely you were you then screaming foul when Adam Schiff was telling everyone for YEARS he had evidence and never showed ANYTHING to support his claims.

      “And someone from Fox News is not a journalist.” I will not dispute that. But please tell us your criteria for defining a journalist and where we would find such a person. ABC? LOL! NBC? LOL! CBS? LOL! CNN or MSNBC? ROTFLMAO! Or how about the granddaddy of all mouthpiece news and subterfuge, the NYT?

    2. Jillian Turner, not just a pretty face or someone you can dismiss just because of her employer:
      [Turner graduated cum laude from Columbia University with a degree in comparative politics. Before joining the broadcast industry, She was a member of the “White House Nat’l Security Council, Bush & Obama Admins.” She was also a senior associate at Jones Group International, a strategy group led by then-National Security Advisor James Jones. ]
      The lady has chops.

      1. Don’t go overboard in the defense. Most of those credentials are not clear on their significance:
        -what college is a “comparative politics” degree awarded from at Columbia? A site search comes up with zero returns.
        -a cum laude from Columbia University is essentially in the upper third off your class but not the upper 15%. So how big was the class?
        -it appears she was a ‘research assistant’ at the “White House Nat’l Security Council, Bush & Obama Admins”. That is a lower level position and would explain why someone in their 20s was around the “White House Nat’l Security Council,” and likely why a holdover.

        Chops, like beauty, are in the eyes of the beholder…

  13. If it looks like a duck and quacks like a duck there is a 99.9% chance its a duck. Unless your a Dem or the legacy (state) media.

  14. It takes an utter contempt for the intelligence of the public to insist that “the answer remains the same” and then give an entirely new answer.

    Standard fair for the leftist cabal. Change the meaning of simple words. Or just rearrange them and claim that the meaning never changes. Yes their acolytes are that stupid, we see evidence of it everyday in comments.

    Remember. Those 51 INTEL experts NEVER said Russia planted the Hunter Laptop…..just said it had Russia stink all over it. (Though, not a single one of the experts examined any part of the evidence)

    Now apply what we know to ALL the Trump legal wranglings. All of those are just as corrupt. And Claire McCasskill has never suggested we just move on

  15. “The Walls are closings in.”

    No wait that’s Trump.

    Nixon did far, far less. In fact next to the most corrupt president in US history he did nothing. I served in the Army under President Nixon. The real crooks have been the Clinton’s and Biden’s.

  16. The President has been asked and answered this question many times and the answer is still the same. The President has said very clearly: “I am not a crook!”

  17. just accept the Rule of Law is dead…Democrat judges, DOJ, FBI, IRS, etc are all corrupt for Democrats…along with many RINO Republicans!

  18. really? Tony Bobulinski TOLD us the Bidens were Crooks. Democrats WANT crooks. Republicans WANT to GIVE money and POWER to CROOKED Democrats

    The USA is a Fascist country where Machiavellians have gained TOTAL POWER…see 100 indictments of Trump!
    Or the fact that Democrats WANT illegals and vote cheating!

    1. don’t forget Facebook, Google, NYT, DOJ, IRS, FBI, etc COVERED Up the Biden crimes and the promoted the totally fraud RUSSIAN HOAX….the biggest crime in US history…NOT one person went to jail!

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