The Biden Family Tree: How Investigations are Exposing the Bidens’ Influence-Peddling Dynasty

Below is my column in The Hill on the exposure of the Biden family and its long-standing business of influence peddling. Newly released evidence from the House Committee on Ways and Means reveals over $20 million coming from 23 separate countries on four continents to at least nine Biden family members. Not only are the Biden transfers becoming clear, so is the Biden family tree in this lucrative form of corruption.

Here is the column:

President Joe Biden once famously told a state official that “no one f—s with a Biden.” It was a statement that made more sense a few years ago than it does today.

These days, it seems like everyone is…well, messing with the Bidens. The president’s son, Hunter Biden, is facing federal charges on gun violations under a law that his father has heralded. He is also looking at possible additional charges on taxes.

Joe Biden’s brother James Biden was just subpoenaed alongside his nephew over millions of dollars sent by foreign figures as part of an influence-peddling operation.

Joe Biden is now formally under investigation for possible impeachment with at least four articles of impeachment under consideration.

Finally, a media that has long shielded the Bidens is now starting to acknowledge that Hunter and others were engaged in corrupt influence peddling.

All of this scrutiny is not simply threatening the Biden sense of invincibility. It is also revealing more about the Bidens behind the scenes in an unvarnished and unflattering light.

Prosecutors often build narratives around the conspicuous consumption and the lifestyle demands of targets. Trump’s personal and financial dealings have featured greatly in litigation. The Washington Post’s Ruth Marcus and others have written about how the evidence exposed a “stunning display of Trump’s narcissism.”

The same may be true with Biden. There is a sharp disconnect between the public persona long maintained by the press and what is becoming more apparent to the public now.

Although the image of a “unifier-in-chief” quickly collapsed, the most lasting portrayal is that Joe Biden cares. Unlike Trump, he is portrayed as acting not out of greed, but an overwhelming desire to do good. In a typical article, a contributor to Forbes gushed about “How Empathy Defines Joe Biden.” The article explained that “Biden feels empathetic because that is who he is.”

That is not the image that emerges from the growing evidence about Biden and his family. The Bidens are suffering from legal exposure in actions concerning everything from withholding child support to peddling influence to federal felonies.

The investigations and inquiries often turn on questions of intent for actions taken by Biden family members, including the president himself. The motive is often all too apparent.

Hunter Biden left a long trail of emails and texts seeking millions in exchange for access to his father. He is shown in messages invoking his father’s power, threatening foreign figures to send him money. In one message, he allegedly makes a demand for an immediate transfer of cash from a Chinese businessman by saying that his father is sitting next to him to make sure the payment comes through.

Hunter Biden was burning through a fortune on drugs, prostitutes and high living. There were many eager to have the son of the vice president dependent on their largesse.

While Hunter is often portrayed as a human wreck, salvaged by influence-seekers, his uncles generated their own controversies. James has been a well-known figure among alleged influence peddlers for years in cashing in on access to his brother, Joe. Joe’s younger brother, Frank, has also been long identified as involved in the family influence peddling. Like Hunter, Frank appears to have been in dire financial straits due to his careening lifestyle and lack of any appreciable skills.

Frank’s need for money was not only great but known to his brother. In 1999, at age 43, Frank was involved in a car crash in Cardiff-by-the-Sea near Encinitas, California. He was accused of responsibility for the death of single father Michael Albano and then of evading service and responsibility in lawsuits by Albano’s surviving children. He only recently began paying what he owes.

Having had his driver’s license suspended in Florida, Frank nonetheless rented a Jaguar and had a younger man whom he had met at a Whole Foods driving him. Biden, sitting in the passenger seat, reportedly shifted the car into manual gear and encouraged Jason Turton, 25, to “punch it,” at which point he hit 80 miles per hour in a 35 mph zone.

Turton was later reportedly found to have twice the allowed level of alcohol in his system. Witnesses said everyone in the car was drinking that day and Frank was accused of telling Turton to “keep driving” after killing Albano. Frank would ultimately remain at the scene after Turton ran off by foot.

The police report suggested Frank was uncooperative with police on key points of the investigation.

Frank Biden defaulted in the action brought by Albano’s daughters, but he left California and spent decades evading payments. When attorney John F. Hayter, representing the daughters,  garnished Biden’s Wells Fargo bank account in February, he found it virtually empty.

It took 20 years to get him to pay any of the $1 million he owed in damages. He was also reportedly dodging creditors.

The daughters had repeatedly asked Joe Biden to intervene, but nothing occurred for years until he was running for the vice presidency and the media began to pick up on his brother’s evasion of liability.

When Biden was still a senator, Albano’s daughter did finally get a response from Joe Biden’s staff that explained, “As you are aware, however, Frank has no assets with which to satisfy the judgment. The senator regrets that this is where matters stand and that he cannot be more helpful.”

That appeared to change just when Joe was running for the vice presidency. It was also when the Biden influence peddling efforts seemed to take off in earnest.

These cases reveal not just a family committed to corrupt influence peddling, but also strikingly similar patterns of legal and financial evasion. It also shows a family whose members had an insatiable thirst for cash and few skills beyond monetizing government service.

It is a familiar narrative in federal prosecutions. Prosecutors focused on such lifestyle demands in Paul Manafort’s prosecution, including highlighting his famous Ostrich coat.

The same is true in impeachments. When I served as lead counsel in the last judicial impeachment trial, my client, Judge Thomas Porteous, faced allegations of receiving gifts from those seeking to influence him. The House managers focused on Porteous’s lifestyle and gambling expenses to explain his seeking gifts from those with business in his court.

The Bidens had only one family business. They did not make furniture or sell groceries. They sold influence and, as Biden associate Devon Archer explained, Joe was their “brand.” 

As these investigations and prosecutions continue, the public may conclude that it is not empathy but avarice that defines the Bidens.

Jonathan Turley is the Shapiro Professor of Public Interest Law at George Washington University.

167 thoughts on “The Biden Family Tree: How Investigations are Exposing the Bidens’ Influence-Peddling Dynasty”

  1. progressives did not vote for hunter, james, frank,… they voted for the big guy.

    So everything is fine.

  2. Most of this was public record, verifiable, and the shell companies should have been investigated by journalists decades ago.

    We knew who Trump dated, hugged, slept with, and was photographed with on any given day over the past 25 years. We knew what past personal assistants thought of him, what he inherited from his father, whom he hired as top tier management in his real estate firm in the 1980s, and how many copies of a vanity magazine of himself that he had. We knew what his toilet looked like, the decor of his homes in NYC and Mar-a-Lago, how wife’s past modeling gigs, what jewelry his daughter sold, his sons’ investments, and all of his past statements on any venue, ever.

    Meanwhile, journalists asked Joe Biden what flavor ice cream he preferred, and colluded with Democrat operatives in intelligence to falsely claim that Hunter Biden’s laptop was Russian disinformation. Joe Biden bragged on camera about his quid pro quo with Ukraine, but Trump was impeached for inquiring about it.

    Now that Joe Biden is so mentally unsalvageable that Democrats don’t want him to run in 2024, journalists are waking up that there might be a bit of a problem in the Biden grift business. The Left is ready to sacrifice Joe Biden’s reputation, finally, so it can run someone else. With the massive, coordinated support of the media, Hollywood, 99% of newspapers, academia, public schools, and various 3 letter agencies run by Democrat activists, it is likely that only Democrats will win the Presidency for the foreseeable future. It’s nearly impossible to fight the onslaught of coordinated propaganda. A Democrat will win, and ensure that Joe Biden gets no jail time. Some Democrat head of the FBI will come forward and say no reasonable person would press charges against Joe Biden. Hunter will get a slap on the wrist for lying on a gun application. With Democrats in power, the massive, generations-long Biden corruption scheme will never face consequences.

    Democrat activists will write the history books chosen by Democrat activists for public school curriculum, and it will be written that Joe Biden was the most empathetic, moral, accomplished president ever. Those who remember the truth will gradually die out.

    1. Comrade General Secretary “Crazy Abe” Lincoln wrote the history books along with fellow traveler Karl Marx.

      He “suspended” the Constitution and commenced the incremental implementation of the principles of communism.

      “These capitalists generally act harmoniously and in concert, to fleece the people.”

      – Abraham Lincoln, from his first speech as an Illinois state legislator, 1837

      “Everyone now is more or less a Socialist.”

      – Charles Dana, managing editor of the New York Tribune, and Lincoln’s assistant secretary of war, 1848

      “The goal of Socialism is Communism.”

      – Vladimir Ilyich Lenin

      “They consider…that it fell to the lot of Abraham Lincoln…to lead his country through…the RECONSTRUCTION of a social world. [B]”

      – Karl Marx, 1865

  3. At this point, everything the Bidens and the party represent is toxic and reprehensible, the antithesis of free and functional. This is easily the most corrupt and compromised administration the United States has ever seen; I suspect their excesses and malfeasance could only be possible in the 21st century and its interconnected world. It would be a miracle if freedom survives another four years of any of it. I’ve always found dems to be arrogant, out of touch if not outright ignorant, and aloof, and I’m really, really hoping their collective arrogance is the same overconfidence we saw in Hillary circa 2015. It’s time to stop.

    1. James,
      Reports that Biden has been seen, and may even come out of the basement!
      If he sees his shadow, does that mean another year of gross incompetence and weakness?
      Or if he does not see his shadow, another year of weakness and incompetence?

        1. Honestlawyermostly,
          According to a anonymous MSM source who is quoting from an anonymous anonymous source, while at a BBQ at the WH, anonymous State Department officials were using jello and ice cream in an attempt to explain not only where Gaza was, but Israel to President Biden. Unfortunately their efforts were for not, as the president ate their props.
          When the president started eyeing the Lego aircraft carrier, officials from the DoD promptly picked up their toys and left.
          Other anonymous sources report unofficial officials spent all day Monday trying to explain the situation unfolding in Israel. At approximately 1:05EST VP Harris finally got it.
          WH officials announced President Biden will make a statement at 1pm on Tuesday.
          Unofficially, the WH press corps are running a betting pool if Biden will make the scheduled 1pm statement or be late.

        2. Both of Kamala’s parents were foreign citizens at the time of the candidate’s birth.

          Kamala’s father was not a U.S. citizen at the time of the candidate’s birth.

          Kamala will never be a “natural born citizen.”

          Kamala will never be eligible for the office of president.

          “[The Law of Nations] has been continually in the hands of the members of our congress, now sitting,….”

          – Ben Franklin Letter To Charles Dumas, 9 December, 1775

          Law of Nations, 1758

          Book 1, Chpt. 19, Sec 212

          “The Citizens are the members of the civil society; bound to this society by certain duties, and subject to its authority, they participate equally in its advantages. The natives, or natural-born citizens, are those born in the country, of parents who are Citizens”.

    1. SOP in the industry.

      I’m gonna take a wild guess that it is incumbent upon lenders to “verify!”


  4. Take a look at the posted and then deleted tweets of the White House and the state department. It’s freaking amateur hour.

    1. Blinkem came to his conclusion after “consulting with the president of turkey”. WTF is that? Who will he talk to next, the president of Perdue chicken?

          1. Very good, and they lost, but apparently our commies and the “palestinians” can’t seem to get over that. They think that after taking over the place a few hundred years earlier, they are entitled to it forever.

            The only connection to blinken I can see though is that he’s trying to sell-back the area to the Ottomans, maybe in exchange for our nukes that we parked in Turkey and some more $$$$s?

            PS: anyone heard from john kerry???

  5. Serious Trial Commentary about another Fraudster [SBF]

    𝐒𝐚𝐦 𝐁𝐚𝐧𝐤𝐦𝐚𝐧-𝐅𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐝 𝐋𝐚𝐰𝐲𝐞𝐫𝐬 𝐌𝐚𝐲 𝐀𝐥𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐲 𝐁𝐞 𝐀𝐧𝐠𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐚𝐧 𝐀𝐩𝐩𝐞𝐚𝐥, 𝐒𝐚𝐲𝐬 𝐅𝐨𝐫𝐦𝐞𝐫 𝐏𝐫𝐨𝐬𝐞𝐜𝐮𝐭𝐨𝐫
    Judge Kaplan called the defense’s repetitive cross-examination into question several times last week.
    By: André Beganski ~ Oct 9, 2023

  6. Hey Frankie ya big galoot, this is Jimmy, see, I’ve been hearing you’re on the run from the sunny state Albinos and the big guy wants to make sure you keep your head low for a while, capiche ? The kids crew is lining up some government contracts so stay hidden till we have the private jet for overseas. This is gonna be really big Franky, o’l Jimmy can feel it !

    1. Yeah that’s how stupid the bidets are…they create a bunch of shell companies – that deal dirty against the USA. And think gift taxes and the irs will never catch up with THEM. Meanwhile the Clinton’s did the same shite but they didn’t do shells….and wink wink”loans” they instead just did a non profit. To accomplish the same type greed. Then let the CGI buy the kid a 10 million $ wedding as a business expense. Like it takes 87000 new irs agents to figure this out? TPTB don’t wanna figure it out. It’s their gravy train.
      If frank was broke….who was paying his bills? And if they didn’t have a legal duty to pay his stuff it’s called a GIFT. And the recipient owes the gift tax. Same for Joe when hunter was paying. Joe owes gift tax. Helll hunter owes gift taxes. What art appraiser would fmv his works? So high. The fmv is arms length transaction . . . If there aren’t even other seekers of his works….let alone in the price range he’s getting. One can surmise he isn’t selling art per se. And since he denies selling influence….he’s plainly then getting gifts. And he’s responsible for those taxes. Currently.

      1. @Jaelyn,

        If the IRS isn’t looking, the shell companies work.
        Even if they are looking, the web of shell companies make it difficult to piece things together.

        It becomes a complicated mess and it hides things well enough, especially if you can get a foreign bank to launder your cash. (Hunter did that until the bank was shut down.)

        Now you have an international web of companies where getting to the bottom of the funds is harder.

        There’s more to it.. and if you haven’t guessed. Most of the statute of limitations has passed which is the point.

        Of course, when there’s a conspiracy in play… if you can convince a judge… and a prosecutor is willing to go the distance and out the conspiracy… there is no statute of limitations.



    Perhaps Michelle Obama and Barack Obama will send Iran many more billions of U.S. Dollars in cash, in the name of their close friend and famous Iranian, Valerie Jarret, from Shiraz, Iran. after Michelle Obama’s election to the U.S. presidency in 2024.

    “Obama should apologize for shameful cash payment to Iran” 12:00 PM ET

    “President Trump spelled this out in no uncertain terms on Wednesday when he addressed the nation while seeking to dial down the imminent threat Iran may pose to our nation, the Middle East and the world.” Said the president in part, “Iran’s hostilities substantially increased after the foolish Iran nuclear deal was signed in 2013 and they were given $150 billion, not to mention $1.8 billion in cash. … Then, Iran went on a terror spree, funded by the money from the deal and created hell in Yemen, Syria, Lebanon, Afghanistan and Iraq. The missiles fired last night at us and our allies were paid for with the funds made available by the last administration.”

    – The Hill, Douglas MacKinnon, 01/11/20

    “On January 16, 2016, the International Atomic Energy Agency verified that Iran has completed the necessary steps under the Iran deal that will ensure Iran’s nuclear program is and remains exclusively peaceful.”

    – The White House, President Barack Obama

    “The Obama administration secretly arranged a plane delivery of $400 million in cash on the same day Iran released four American prisoners and formally implemented the nuclear deal, US officials confirmed Wednesday.”

    – CNN, August 4, 2016

    To George Washington from John Jay, 25 July 1787
    From John Jay

    New York 25 July 1787

    Dear Sir

    I was this morning honored with your Excellency’s Favor of the 22d Inst: & immediately delivered the Letter it enclosed to Commodore Jones, who being detained by Business, did not go in the french Packet, which sailed Yesterday.

    Permit me to hint, whether it would not be wise & seasonable to provide a strong check to the admission of Foreigners into the administration of our national Government, and to declare expressly that the Command in chief of the american army shall not be given to, nor devolved on, any but a natural born Citizen.

    Mrs Jay is obliged by your attention, and assures You of her perfect Esteem & Regard—with similar Sentiments the most cordial and sincere I remain Dear Sir Your faithful Friend & Servt

    John Jay

  8. Right now Joseph could drive abt asphalting roller over twenty people in a crosswalk and he would face a strongly worded letter.

    1. Japan stopped after Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

      Harry Truman said, “the buck stops here.”

      He meant it.

      It did.

  9. This is the most mentally ill comment section I’ve ever visited on the web. Turley must be very proud of his creation.

      1. Yes, that comment section is also stupid, but at least it’s not manipulated by a dishonest webmaster. All the stupidity there comes from the commenters.

        1. The only redeeming aspect of are the comments section whereas the articles are pure dung. The authors are predictable and shallow as most of the comments observe – they have massive contempt for the authors. Not here. Everyone respects JT except for the DNC Trolls

          1. I was only addressing the comments and the apparent absence at Reason of interference by a webmaster. The articles themselves are mostly stupid. Here is a comment I posted at Reason about a half hour ago relatd to the article titled “Why Justin Amash Should Be the Next Speaker of the House”:

            “Each time I visit this site, it’s harder and harder to take it seriously, yet it’s not funny enough to take it as comedy. The articles seem like some sort of Lampoon on news sites, like what Mad Magazine might be if it weren’t trying to be funny.
            At any rate, it’s difficult to take a site seriously that takes Justin Amash seriously. Not being capable of being taken seriously, this article needs better jokes. Amash might be a good punch line, but there is no comedic set up to that punch line.”

            To its credit, Reason has never once (to my knowledge) ever removed or in any way blocked or attacked any of my comments. I suppose that’s why I refrained HERE from criticizing Reason’s articles. That’s a veriy different situation than what happens HERE at Turley’s crapsite.

          2. I forgot to mention in my reply that one doesn’t need to be a DNC troll to lack respect for Turley. I have nothing but contempt for the DNC (and don’t think much better of the RNC), yet if I had the time, I could criticize Turley from now until the bipartisan cows come home.

    1. FJB– Thank you for the comment. The threat is that if Israel does not stop its retaliatory attack on Hamas then the executions will begin. It may seem like a stretch but we have seen this type of behavior before. BLM and Antifa believed that they should be allowed to burn and pillage American cities without repercussions. And, unfortunately, as the Biden administration accommodated them, I suspect it will do the same for Hamas and the other medieval barbarians with whom they are aligned. The fact that any American President would continue with a White House barbeque for the staff, including a live band, when Americans are being murdered and taken hostage by terrorists in Israel is sickening. The fact that this President could not be awakened at 2:00 a.m. to deal with the horror shows the dire straits we are in. Sadly, we should not expect anything more from the befuddled crook occupying the office or his enablers who should see in his greed and anti-Americanism a reflection of themselves.

        1. There is only one response to animals like that, and the dem party does not have the intestinal fortitude to do that. Thank each and every mewling prog/left democrat for putting this cabal of America-haters in control of our nation.

      1. Honestlawyermostly,
        From day one the Biden admin has displayed gross incompetence and weakness.
        So they are sending a carrier group. To do what? The relationship between the Biden admin and Israel has been a chilly one from the get go. Pretty sure the Israelis are going to ignore whatever Biden says and do what they want.

        1. So they are sending a carrier group. To do what?

          So that US Naval womyn in drag shows can entertain the terrorists. Silly question.

          1. Estovir! Oh, absolutely!….And out of respect for the much needed changes in today’s Navy, there is now a new, all-inclusive non-triggering Navy Hymn:

    2. @seanmdav

      Whatever Joe Biden might say at this point is irrelevant, because he’s not the actual president and everyone knows it.

      Barack Obama is running the show and has been from the beginning. Obama’s staff are implementing Obama’s policies and enforcing Obama’s priorities.

    3. I suppose he is safely in the white house basement at this point and obama is deciding what we should do.

    4. Why do you think the Obama’s have stayed in DC and kept their Kalorama mansion that is just a mile down the road from the White House when both their daughters have been living in California for years?
      And Obama has been out of office for over 8 years?
      Biden is taking orders from Obama and Obama’s people. Not the other way around.
      Everyone in DC knows it, too.

      1. Anonymous @ 3:28 pm…..Correct you are! B. Hussein Obama is calling the shots via Susan Rice, Jake S., and the reheaded Irish chick who has a huge crush on him (even though he’s gay)

      2. But, of course!

        Now go tell the politicos and the judicial branch.

        The Obamas are a constitutional joke with foreign allegiances.

        Obama is not even eligible.

        The cold hard truth can be devastating, right?

    5. Did anyone notice that in videos & photos of the Hamas terrorist attacks, there are black Africans killing people. They look like the Somali pirates, Al Shabaab.

    6. Every American hostage murdered, we should sink one of their navy ships. We could mine their harbor but Biden needed the strategic oil reserve to buy votes. Joe: “My bad! Nite, Zzzzz.”


    The Turley Blog is terminally out of control.

    Return to the previous WordPress format with the “remember me” option box.

    REQUIRE a confirmed e-mail address and one sole screen name; no changes allowed.

  11. Anonymous says that she is being blocked on this blog so she has to use Anonymous instead of a name. Does Anonymous think that her IP address can not be easily determined. I get it Anonymous. Just because your paranoid it don’t mean they’re not after ya. If I were you I’d watch out for big foot. They’re coming to take you away ho ho there coming yo take you away he he.

    1. Darren has stated that he does not know the IP addresses of anonymous comments. Who to believe: you or him?

  12. Hyenas very seldom do the deed; they just steal from other carnivores’!


    “Plunkitt of Tammany Hall” Recorded by William L. Riordon/ New York Evening Post 1905

    “….After forty years’ experience at the game I am—well, I’m George Washington Plunkitt. Everybody knows what figure I cut in the greatest organization on earth, and if you hear people say that I’ve laid away a million or so since I was a butcher’s boy in Washington Market, don’t come to me for an indignant denial. I’m pretty comfortable, thank you….”

    “Everybody is talkin’ these days about Tammany men growing’ rich on graft, but nobody thinks of drawing’ the distinction between honest graft and dishonest graft…”

  13. “In your testimony before Comer’s Committee you admitted there was no evidence to impeach Pres. Biden.”

    The Left has a complicated relationship with accuracy and truth.

    JT’s testimony was that there is sufficient evidence for an inquiry, but currently insufficient (not “no evidence) for an impeachment.

    What more can one expect from a party that is baffled by pronouns.

  14. Sammy “The Bull” Gravano has a message for Uncle Joe: Can’t we all get along.

    Experience true Cosa Nostra as former Underboss Sammy “The Bull” sits down with ex-Colombo crime family Caporegime Michael Franzese to discuss life in the the mafia, notorious crime bosses like Carlo Gambino, John Gotti and Sonny Franzese and their unique take on the world we live in today. You’re not going to want to miss this.

  15. Even signed confessions from everyone in the Biden Cartel wouldn’t result in any charges from the staggeringly corrupt DOJ. They’re JOB is to protect the Bidens (and the rest of the corrupt DNC) from prosecutions.

    1. The US Treasury Dept unit of following money laundering have know of the money transfers from day one and no way this would be legitimate for the Bidens to be receiving.

  16. Jonathan

    Because you refused to heed the calls to remove the vile, despicable, hate filled post of Dennis McIntyre the racist who said that Fanis Willis is “the first intelligent black woman in a courtroom”, he continues his personal attacks today. Oldmanfromarkansas is Jewish, yet when he calls TWO PARTICULAR NUTBAG JEWS out for what they are, Dennis wants to call him an anti-semite.

    These ad hom attacks must STOP

  17. You allow Dennis McIntyre to come here and use the EXACT same tactics. Calling people racist and anti-semetic with absolutely NO basis.

    He has asserted that
    “Democrats only call for violence for the right causes.” and
    “If someone “shrinks from intimidation or confrontation, then its because they know their cause isn’t just”.

    His promotion and use on this site of these despicable and heinous tactics is overlooked daily by you, so stop with the self righteous nonsense.

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