The President’s Taunt to Show Him the Money May Have Just Backfired

Below is my column in The Hill on the recent discovery of a $200,000 payment to Joe Biden from his brother James Biden. The investigation into the massive influence peddling operation of the Bidens has revealed a consistent pattern of corruption. Frank, James, and Hunter all were in financial distress at different points with few discernible skills or success to offer the market. What they had was access to Joe Biden and all three are accused of cashing in on that access. Few deny that the Bidens engaged in open influence peddling.  It is also undeniable that Joe Biden knew that they were influence peddling given the coverage and contacts over the years. Now, the House is pursuing the personal financial records of the Bidens after a taunting invitation of Joe Biden to show him the money.

Here is the column:

“Where’s the money?” That laughing quip from President Joe Biden was his surprising reaction to the disclosure that a trusted FBI informant had conveyed an alleged bribe worth millions, paid to Joe Biden by a Ukrainian businessman.

Biden seemed almost to morph into the Cuba Gooding Jr. character in “Jerry Maguire,” getting Tom Cruise’s character to chant “show me the money” over and over again. Much like in the movie, the pundits and politicians picked up the refrain, insisting that nothing matters unless critics can show a direct payment to Jill or Joe Biden among the millions sent to Biden family members. At the same time, they opposed any investigation by the House.

Now, the House Oversight Committee committee has released evidence of one such transfer that might even satisfy Cuba Gooding, Jr.

The payment occurred in 2018, after the president’s brother, James Biden, received $200,000 from a company called Americore. James has long been criticized for raw influence peddling, and Americore was one of the companies where he had reportedly suggested access to sell to his brother.

On March 1, 2018, Americore wired James the money to his personal rather than his business account. On the very same day, James wrote a check in that same amount to the personal bank account of his brother Joe, who had left office as Vice President and was widely discussed as a possible candidate for the presidency.

James listed the money as a “loan repayment.”

“Loans” have long been a source of controversy with the Bidens. IRS whistleblowers, for example, detailed how Hunter took massive payments from corrupt foreign sources and listed them as “loans,” despite no evidence of repayment or any standard loan agreement. He allegedly neither paid them back nor paid taxes on the money.

Even if Joe Biden did loan almost a quarter of a million dollars to his brother, it would raise concerns over whether this disbursement came while he was vice president. The payments could have given Joe Biden an interest in not just the influence peddling of his brother but also the viability of this company.

The White House has insisted that it was a loan to his brother that was repaid. But if there is no evidence of an actual loan, it would constitute a payment from an influence-seekling company to Joe Biden.

At a minimum, the payment shows the fluidity of the accounts and finances of the Biden influence-peddling operation. While I have long criticized influence peddling by both Republicans and Democrats for decades, the Bidens constitute a class to themselves. The House committees have now traced millions of dollars passing through a labyrinth of shell companies and accounts to Biden family members, even grandchildren.

This operation has become undeniable in recent months. Devan Archer admitted under oath that they were selling the “Biden Brand” and suggested that these companies were seeking influence and access to Joe Biden.

While the media long dismissed this corruption scandal, it recently adopted a final line of defense that acknowledged that Hunter and his associates were selling influence, but it was a mere “illusion” of influence.

That is why the president and his allies in the media began to channel Cuba Gooding Jr.

It is important to note that it is not necessary for Joe Biden to directly receive money to constitute either a crime or an impeachable offense. As I stated in my testimony at the first Biden impeachment hearing, payments to Joe Biden’s family would be considered a “benefit” to him under standard criminal case law.

Nevertheless, Biden’s taunt to show him the money would ordinarily send the media into a frenzy — much like Gary Hart’s invitation for reporters to follow him to see if he was philanderer. They followed him directly to a ship called “Monkey Business,” and that ended with a career-ending photo of Hart with Donna Rice on his lap.

Few in the media were eager to follow the money after Joe’s taunt for the very reason that they were eager to follow Hart — they are fairly certain what they would find.

There have long been allegations of cross-benefits and payments involving Joe Biden. That includes a deal with the Chinese to pay for an expensive office for the use of Joe and Jill Biden, as well as use of shared accounts and credit cards (including one card used by Hunter to pay for a prostitute). There were also references to taxes and house costs being paid out of these accounts for Joe and Jill Biden. Indeed, Hunter Biden complained that he was being forced to fork out half of his earnings to his father.

That brings us back to the latest transfer. At a minimum, the payments show that Joe Biden was aware that his brothers and his son were in dire need of funds throughout these years. Frank Biden, the president’s younger brother, evaded efforts to force him to pay damages for his involvement in a reckless driving death in California. The surviving daughters of the victim in that crash wrote repeatedly to then-Sen. Joe Biden (D-Del.) to ask for his help in getting Frank to accept responsibility and pay up. Just before running for Vice President, Biden coolly responded: “As you are aware…Frank has no assets with which to satisfy the judgment. The senator regrets that this is where matters stand and that he cannot be more helpful.”

In Hunter’s case, he was so financially desperate that he threatened a Chinese figure to send him money or else his father would take action. In one message, Hunter told a Chinese businessman that his father was sitting next to him to make sure the payment came through.

Hunter’s financial woes were so bad that James was dispatched (after allegedly speaking with Joe Biden) to offer Hunter a “safe harbor” to avoid disaster.

Now Joe Biden is claiming that he had to give James almost a quarter of a million dollars.

During this entire period, there was a steady stream of coverage about the influence peddling of James, Frank, and Hunter Biden. According to the Oversight Committee, it now appears that James received $600,000 in loans from Americore despite the company’s own financial struggles.

The evidence of money transferred from one of these companies through James to Joe Biden’s personal accounts will likely produce one immediate change: the media is likely to move the goal posts yet again.

Of course, influence-peddling is itself corrupt, and benefits to one’s family are already sufficient for criminal charges (including as with the charges brought against Sen. Bob Menendez). However, now, even money received by Joe and Jill Biden will be deemed insufficient to justify further investigation.

Now, they will argue, there must be a money trail directly from one of the companies, preferably marked down on the books as a “bribe” and not as a “loan repayment.” And even pictures of Joe sitting with Hunter’s clients in restaurants and offices will be insufficient to establish knowledge or involvement.

When it comes to the Biden “Monkey Business,” even a picture of a Burisma executive on the president’s lap would not do. The new demand will be somewhere between an envelope of cash and an outright confession.

Jonathan Turley is the J.B. and Maurice C. Shapiro Professor of Public Interest Law George Washington University Law School.

104 thoughts on “The President’s Taunt to Show Him the Money May Have Just Backfired”

  1. At worse, this is nothing but an updated version of Billy Carter and Billy Beer.
    Most likely this just another episode of the Republican Swift Boat Smear Machine. Benghazi anyone????

  2. How does a guy who has never had a job in the private sector, accumulate cash to loan to his brother? How does he pay $3M CASH for his beach house right after leaving his VP post?
    And the media is not interested…. Something smells… Y/N?

  3. “It’s the Delaware Way” (U.S. Atty. Delaware Dist. David C. Weiss – Circa 2012)

    The Show must go on – Stay Tuned
    Tuesday November 7th 2023 Atty. Weiss – House Judiciary Committee Hearing

  4. Two questions this column raises: (1) does this new information change JT’s congressional testimony in late September that the the current evidence does not justify a Biden impeachment? (2) Did Comer have this information before the hearing and if so why didn’t he release it before so JT and the other witnesses wouldn’t be in the dark?

  5. Comrade General Secretary and Dear Leader Barack Hussein “Barry I-Have-A-Statue-In-Jakarta Soetoro” Obama and his faithful sidekick, the very Iranian Valerie “I-Hear-Tehran-Is-Nice-This-Time-Of-Year” Jarrett have just matriculated Moochhell Obama in HTBAFPx: Introduction to Becoming a “Fake” President 101, at the University of Karl Marx.

    Moochhell is going to do very well in that course; Moochhell is a natural.

  6. Here’s a far-more-detailed account of the issues involved with Jim Biden giving Joe Biden a “Loan repayment” check for $200,000:

    “Joe Biden’s $200K Check Shows He Profited From The Family Biz To The Detriment Of Innocent Creditors”

    As far as I can tell (and I freely admit that I’m no financial expert), aside from the need to show evidence that Joe ever loaned Jim Biden $200,000 in the first place, it appears that the $200,000 that Jim gave to Joe was not Jim’s money to give, and should have been returned to Americore to satisfy its debts.

      1. @Edwardmahl,
        Letitia James only covers crimes in SDNY… That’s where Trump lives. Not the Bidens.
        In DE, Joe’s got that all wrapped up.


        This is the ‘smoking gun’.

        That they showed this as a ‘loan repayment’. There needs to be some documentation which would include the actual loan being made. (Where is the cashflow from Joe to Jim in the first place.)

  7. If Biden were a Republican president, the commie Dems in Congress would have impeached him 10x over, convicted and removed him, criminally prosecuted him to the maximum, and prosecuted his entire scumbag crime family.
    ALL of them would be spending the rest of their lives in a prison cell.

    that’s a fact.

    Joe Biden is a criminal, a traitor, a scumbag politician, a pathological liar, and a pedophilic sicko who should be hung for treason. Joe Biden deserves nothing but the scorn and contempt of the American public.

  8. Turley keeps slipping lower and lower into the slime of the Republican House’s disingenuous “investigation”. There remains NO evidence that JOE Biden did anything other than loan money to his brother, who paid him back 6 weeks later. In fact, the check that the Republicans are using to try to smear Joe Biden with specifically contains the notation “loan repayment”. James Biden’s attorney took issue with the way the GOP-led panel has described the check.”The Oversight Committee’s description of the $200,000 check is highly selective and misleading,” said Paul Fishman, attorney for James Biden. “The Committee has the bank documents that show both the loan Jim received from his brother in January 2018 and the repayment by check six weeks later. At no time did Jim involve his brother in any of his business relationships.”

    So, WHY does Turley keep trying to pretend there’s a “there”? WHY does Turley say things like “The White House has insisted that it was a loan to his brother that was repaid. But if there is no evidence of an actual loan, it would constitute a payment from an influence-seekling company to Joe Biden.” There IS evidence of a loan–it’s written right on the check itself. Between brothers for a very short term loan, it’s highly unlikely that anyone would require the borrower to sign a note. The loan was repaid in a short period of time–which militates against the notion of “influence peddling” 200K was loaned–200K was repaid 6 weeks later. That’s all there is to it.

    Turley also says: “Now, they will argue, there must be a money trail directly from one of the companies, preferably marked down on the books as a “bribe” and not as a “loan repayment.” And even pictures of Joe sitting with Hunter’s clients in restaurants and offices will be insufficient to establish knowledge or involvement.” Yeah, sitting at a table with someone is proof of absolutely nothing other than Joe was sitting at a table with someone. Sitting at a table with someone does NOT prove Joe had knowlege of any business dealings between table companions and anyone else, much less that they were bribing him–something Turley knows all too well. Turley is paid to advance the anti-Biden Republican narrative and to throw chum to the disciples. Turley’s purchased advocacy has become pathetic. AND, make no mistake–Turley’s disingenuous comments ARE advocacy.

    1. Gigi –
      What do Democrats hate the most?
      a) Guns
      b) President Donald J. Trump
      c) Different opinions
      d) Facts

    2. @Gigi…
      Please don’t give up your day job.
      You’re too funny.

      Free clue.
      1) Where’s there any evidence of Joe sending any money to Jim that would be the ‘loan’?

      Short term? Then it would be even easier to show.

      I guess you haven’t been paying attention to the tax dodge that Hunter used… by making bribes come in as if they were loans… yet no docs and no repayment history. Since the counter party is not in the US… good luck in trying to get documentation.
      But that’s the thing.

      The burden of proof is on them. (Biden)

      The cash flows are reported.
      They are also misreported by Biden(s)
      So you have an easy open/shut case for the IRS on the entire family. Of course the statute of limitations has run out on a lot of this… but still enough for an impeachment.


  9. The bankruptcy complaint against Jim Biden alleged he had “procured the $600,000.00 in loans from Americore … based upon representations that his last name, ‘Biden,’ could ‘open doors’ and that he could obtain a large investment from the Middle East based on his political connections.” According to the bankruptcy trustee, Jim Biden then helped Americore “procure an ill-advised bridge loan from a hedge fund that had a deleterious impact on the financial affairs of [Americore] and ultimately forced [Americore] into bankruptcy, as he never delivered the promised the large investment from the Middle East.” “And worse,” the trustee continued, Jim Biden never repaid Americore, either before bankruptcy or after the trustee’s demand for the loans to be repaid.

    Jim Biden would later enter into a settlement agreement with the bankruptcy trustee, agreeing to pay $350,000 into the bankruptcy estate, albeit with the expressed representation that the settlement agreement “is not intended and should not be construed as an admission of liability.” Americore and its creditors, however, would only receive a portion of that $350,000, with the attorney representing the trustee receiving 33.33 percent of all funds paid by Jim Biden under the settlement agreement.

    While the bankruptcy trustee entered a settlement with Jim Biden to resolve the $600,000 outstanding loan, the reality remains that Joe Biden ended up with $200,000 of Americore’s capital to the detriment of the business and its creditors. Whether Jim owed his older brother that money or not doesn’t matter because it wasn’t Jim’s money to do with as he pleased. Further, it was by selling the family name to Americore that Jim Biden convinced the health care company’s CEO to lend him the money that Jim then passed on to Joe Biden.

    So, sure, let’s see Joe Biden’s proof that he lent his brother $200,000. But better yet, let’s see the president of the United States return that money to Americore and its creditors — and open up his financial records to show who else was paying the Big Guy.

    1. @OLLY,

      Ok, so simple math.
      600K to Jim Biden as a ‘loan’.
      Company goes belly up.

      Jim says I don’t have it all. 200K went to Joe for a repayment of a loan, 50K went elsewhere… All I have is 350K and if you don’t like it… sue me and I’ll declare bankruptcy and you’ll spend more to get less.

      So then he pays back the 350K where 1/3 goes to the lawyer who took this on a contingency fee.

      Now… unless Jim can show that Joe actually loaned him any money… its a bribe.


  10. As I read the tea leaves: President Biden’s administration will be remembered in history as corrupt at the core, by that I mean President Biden himself and his family. It may not come while he’s in office but most assuredly will be written by historians. Any one agency or media outlet can refuse to pursue the evidence, but they cannot hide it forever. It may be beyond my lifetime but someday history will record the graft and the efforts of subversion. It becomes imperative that the media own up to their individual responsibility to publish known facts for the public’s digestion in which to make their own determination of [factual truths] (Yea I know a parody of Joe’s statement).

    1. “President Biden’s administration will be remembered in history as corrupt at the core” or if his speech from last week is anything to go by he and his administration may just be remembered for ushering the world int its third horrific global conflagration in less than 108 years.
      It’s STARTING! Biden Just SHOCKED The World With This Move Towards GLOBAL WAR

  11. Jonathan: So you think you and Jim Comer have finally come up with a smoking gun–proof positive that shows a “massive influence peddling operation of the Bidens [that] has revealed a consistent pattern of corruption”. And what is your evidence? In 2018 James Biden received $200,000 from Americore. Then James wrote a check in the same amount to his brother. Joe labelled the payment as a “loan repayment”. Something nefarious–right? You claim, without any evidence, the payment was actually “a payment from an influence-seeking company to Joe Biden”. Talking about jumping to unwarranted conclusions!

    In the process of trying to prove your claims you distort the record. You say Devon Archer’s deposition testimony before Comer’s Committee “suggested [ a frequent word you use when you have no proof] that these companies were seeking influence and access to Joe Biden”. That isn’t what Archer said under oath. He state unequivocally that Joe Biden was not involved in his son’s business dealings and received no payments from them. Curious, but why hasn’t Comer called Archer to testify in open session? It’s because Archer’s testimony would contradict the false narrative of you and Comer.

    I don’t like being repetitious but what James, Frank and Hunter received in payments or loans does not involved “influence peddling” or “corruption”. They never held public office. At all times they were PRIVATE CITIZENS”. “Influence peddling” and “corruption” involve acts by a public office holder–like Bob Menendez. In 2018 Joe Biden was also a PRIVATE CITIZEN.

    But like Houdini you try to play a magician–trying to turn a “loan repayment” into a “bribe”. I think you ought to stick to the law because you are lousy at slight of hand!

    1. He state unequivocally that Joe Biden was not involved in his son’s business dealings and received no payments from them.
      Not that everyone does not already know, Dennis lies from the opening sentences.
      Dennis has been asked and refuses to respond to provide a link to what he claims is a direct quote of Archer. He wont provide the quote, because he just makes it up.

      I will paraphrase. Archer testified that he was not aware of Joe’s involvement or payments. Just the opposite of the phony quote Dennis keeps repeating

      1. Iwoan2: Just for the record. My statement was an accurate paraphrase of what Devon Archer told the Comer Committee on 7/31/23 in his deposition. You never asked me to provide you with a link. And I never said my statement was a “direct quote”. Get your facts straight! But if you want to know what Archer said do your own research. His entire deposition is online to read at your leisure. I’m not here to fill in for your laziness. But here are portions of Archer’s deposition that back up my statement:

        At page 104 of Archer’s deposition he is asked by counsel for the Dems: “So based on everything you saw, heard and observed, did you have any knowledge of Joe Biden having any involvement with Burisma?” A: “No”. Archer was then asked: “Based on your knowledge, including your work on Burisma’s board, your conversations with Hunter Biden, Mykola Zlochevsky, and others at Burisma’s board, does this allegation strike you as credible, meaning the allegation that there were two $5 million payments to two Bidens?”. A: “No”. Another Q: “If someone were to conclude from this is evidence, this Form 1023 is evidence, that Joe Biden was bribed by by Mykola Zlochevsky, would you disagree with that conclusion?”. A: “yeah, I would”. (at p. 112) In connection with Hunter’s many conversations with his dad at his business meetings, Archer was asked: “In the context of those conversations did you ever witness them discussing the substance of Hunter businesses?” A: “No”.

        I won’t belabor the point with more quotes. But ever part of Archer’s testimony backs up my statement! This is why Comer won’t call Archer to testify in open session. He would contradict every part of the spurious claims by the GOP Committee!

        1. This is the lie Dennis posted
          He state unequivocally that Joe Biden was not involved in his son’s business dealings and received no payments from them.

          Dennis when he get caught changes his tune. Now we have Archer claiming he has no knowledge of business deals or payments.
          That is not’ ” state unequivocally” stating joe was not involved. ” It is a big shrug of I. Dont. Know.

          But ever part of Archer’s testimony backs up my statement!

          Did you witness?
          Did you hear Hunter discuss business with his dad?
          does this allegation strike you as credible,?
          would you disagree?

          You keep getting deeper into the retard category with every post.
          offering an opinion is not analogous of “state unequivocally the Joe was not involved”

          Here is all you need to know.
          At page 104 of Archer’s deposition he is asked by counsel for the Dems: “
          The retard is selectively offering up the questions asked by Democrats on the committee. That explains the wording of the question to allow opinions rather that asking for a recitation of facts that can be corroborated.
          Retards on the left like Dennis fall for the theater provided by the Dems. Most likely Archer was given the the Democrat Party script, and recited from it

          1. Iowan2: Have you read the entirety of Devon Archer’s deposition testimony? Probably not. That’s why you are the “retard”.

    2. Dennis – Paul Manafort went to jail on FAR LESS evidence than this.

      Writing “loan repayment” on the memo line of a check does NOT make it a loan payment.

      Is this the “smoking gun” ? No. For most people we are past that, for those like you – video of Joe receiving Stacks of dollar Bills directly from Putin would not be a smoking gun.

      Is this enormous trouble for someone who has already long ago passed the threshold necescary for a criminal conviction – absolutely.

      If there is one check – there will be more. We KNOW the bidens deliberately constructed a financial labryinth – just as drug dealer do to “launder money”
      Joe would have been far better off to follow Hillaries lead and openly launder money to himself through a charitable foundation.

      Regardless, there will be more checks.

      But more importantly – we have proof ONCE AGAIN that Biden is a LIAR – that NOTHING he says can be trusted. And the same is true of the Biden clan.

      People are legally allowed to loan money to each other – and to repay it. And the rules for relatives tend to be more relaxed.

      Paul Manafort loaned himself money – which is legal. but loans are tax free, while gifts are NOT. Manafort loaned himself money and then failed to repay it
      That resulted in charges of tax evasion. NORMALLY those result in fines. But Manafort had committed the crime of getting Trump elected and could not be let off with a mere fine.

      Regardless, not only will there be more payments, but this opens many more avenues of inquiry.

      If this was a loan repayment – when was the money loaned and how much ? What was it for ? As Turley notes – if Joe Biden has an arguable interest int he success of James’s business – then Joe’s actions to benefit that business are public corruption – CRIME.

      The next issue is taxes. Did joe pay taxes on this money ? He does not owe taxes (except on the interest) if there is a real loan. But the IRS requires that taxpayers PROVE that.
      A can not just give money to B and claim it is a loan, or a loan repayment – otherwise no one would ever have to pay taxes. We would all claim all payments to us were loans or loan repayments. If Joe Paid taxes – then this was not a loan. If Joe did NOT pay taxes – then there MUST be documentation of the actual loan – as well as the original loan itself.
      That with near certainty occured while Joe was VP which poses many further public corruption problems.

  12. I LOVE how James Biden actually wrote “Loan repayment” on the check. He should have added a note such as “Despite what it looks like, this is NOT a bribe” or maybe “Nothing to see here.”

      1. No, I think drug dealers only take cash. You’re probably thinking of the checks Hunter has written to hookers.

    1. The “loan repayment” memo may cause Biden more trouble than if it says nothing.

      Absent clear records of a loan, this is evidence of tax fraud.

    2. You know what’s amazing? It’s the absolute trust people like you put in alt-right pundits like Turley and those on the other pro-Trump media outlets. You are convinced, beyond ANY doubt, much less reasonable doubt, that Joe Biden was bribed, based on ABSOLUTELY NOTHING. He made a 6-week loan to his brother that was paid back. That’s it. No smoking gun. No gun at all. Devin Archer testified UNDER OATH that there was no involvement by JOE Biden in Hunter’s business matters and that he wasn’t bribed. Yet, people like you believe otherwise. Why?

  13. It should be a simple task to prove that there was a pre-existing loan from Joe to Jim: produce the loan agreement, which should include a set amount, repayment terms, and an interest rate. That is what the IRS would demand from anyone else. See Joe Akin, “What is an Intra-family Loan”, And we can also check tax returns for: reporting of income from interest payments; and deductions from income for making interest payments.

    1. They’ll just send out their data collection in chatGPT, collate the responses and form text for the closed down bar napkin they “find the agreement” on. The crime lab will confirm it has the biden bros dna on it and ink from that era and the messages of love and honor are heart touching.
      Just a couple of close family helping each other out, exactly how good Americans should be acting.

    2. I would accept a check from Joe to his Brother. But notice the Biden’s have not challenged Comer’s findings.

      The Bidens have +150 Suspicious Activity Reports filed with the Treasury Dept, and dozens of shell companies that don’t do anything, and dozens of foreign bank accounts with nations they do not conduct business.

      We also have Proof the IRS and David Weiss were barred by the DoJ from investigating the Biden Family.

      1. @iowan2,
        SARs are issued automatically on any transaction over 10K USD.
        You sell a house and get a large check/deposit… that will generate a SAR and you telling your bank what caused the large payment will go on record too.

        The issue though… all those shell companies where there is no actual business.
        That’s the red flag and smoking gun.

        The Bidens take bribes and then hide the money… unless you have the government looking at it… no one can unravel it because of the legal mess and time it would take. The ‘loan’ memo as a way to hide revenue… brilliant. Until the IRS steps in. Which the usually won’t.


    3. @Edwardmahl…
      When you have loans between siblings… a lot of that is done out of trust and there are no docs.
      What there is … is a single or series of payments made that total the amount (or could be greater) than the amount on the check.

      If they were audited… then there would be more questions… but who would audit the Bidens when Joe was a Senator?
      Or VP?


    4. Except that’s isn’t a test for whether a loan was provided..

      A loan agreement is not a legal requirement for whether a loan is made.

      So how would that prove anything?

  14. Don’t read this as my sentiment because it isn’t, at all — but I try to think like ‘the other guy’ because that’s what I was taught to do in religious school and in graduate school —-
    Here’s the scenario that writers in Hollywood are writing as we speak, a script for sale to the highest bidder when the right time comes —- Hunter is kidnapped; Joe is told in no uncertain terms that Hunter is beyond the reach of US military resources —
    videos of Hunter’s being interrogated are sent to Joe; those videos show not much torture was required to get the confessions as well as where to find the information to put a fork in ‘Dad’/the Big Guy —-but wait, this is Hollywood — it can’t end there, and it doesn’t — one of Joe’s granddauthers is kidnapped — Joe is told this will continue until we get a full, Oval Room confession a’la’ Richard Nixon in August 1974……
    And the rest of the story is being written right now —-
    Maybe Jill needs to be kidnapped before Joe will finally throw in the towel — who knows just how Joe’s remaining brain works.

    1. More like “The Man from Arange Scottland.”

      synopsis: A failed detestable robber barron brings his family into his bankrupt businesses and leverages a foreign power to achieve his sinister goals while he abuses women and dreams of his own daughter. The nation looks on in horror as it is destroyed and the new fascism rises, will the forces of good conquer the impending doom ?

  15. Biden is a manifestly corrupt POTUS and the media loves it. This is a comment on the media. We have crooked politicians all the time but never before a lockstep corrupt media. We’ve got one in spades now. As Cliff Robertson (as Agent Higgins) asked Robert Redford ( as Joe Turner) in that Pollack masterpiece, Three Days of the Condor:

    Higgins : Hey, Turner! How do you know they’ll print it? You can take a walk. But how far if they don’t print it?
    Joe Turner : They’ll print it.
    Higgins : How do you know?

    Now we know. The lying, CIA-ridden bastidos won’t.

  16. I am seriously concerned with how the press are acting in response to all this evidence, finding the need to cover it up because of who will be implicated.

    The duty of a free press is to report facts without cover for the parties involved. They should be detailed in identifying the known information and in questioning the implicated parties. They should not be hammering at the prosecutors or the investigators to provide extra evidence, or to raise the bar of what is considered to be evidence.

    Four years ago, we saw the press accept the dubious claims of Rep Adam Schiff in describing the alleged impeachable offenses of President Trump. Schiff was on certain television networks on a regular basis claiming that he had seen evidence that Trump was guilty of offenses which were never detailed. Yet he was rarely pressed for details. When the details came out in the Senate trial, they were easily repudiated by the Trump team, as they all fell under the execution of his Presidential duties.

    I don’t like to go down the road of what-about-ism, even though I almost started that path. But a little bit of consistency on the part of the press would be a good thing.

    1. The problem with “what aboutism” is that it is typically a technique used by the left to pretend there is parity between two unrelated things.

      As an example Hamas beheads and burns babies and rapes woment and children., and the left responds “what about the innocent civilians killed when Hamas uses them as human sheilds” – pretending the two are equivalent.

      Conversely when there are two similar fact patterns and radically different government responses – that is not what-about-ism. that is evidence of corruption.

      When DOJ ignored or wrist slapped those involved in the George Flord riots – and now we find even Floyd’s supposed murder was a LIE, while making up new law to persecute political opponents over J6 – that is not “what-about-ism” that is corruption in the justice department.

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