Eric Swalwell and the Politics of Contempt

Below is my column in The Hill on the bizarre scene last week in front of the Capitol when Rep. Eric Swalwell drove up with Hunter Biden and facilitated a flagrant act of contempt of Congress, a federal crime. Swalwell used his office and presumably his staff to assist in the defiance of a valid subpoena for Hunter to appear before a House committee. The House will now presumably hold Hunter in contempt and refer the matter for prosecution. The question is what to do with Eric Swalwell.

Here is the column:

This week, millions of people were glued to their televisions as Hunter Biden defied a House subpoena in a press conference with the Capitol building in the background. It was an act of legal self-immolation as the president’s son engaged in flagrant contempt of Congress, a federal crime.

Stranger still was that behind Hunter was standing his lawyer, Abbe Lowell, who watched as his client effectively begged to be criminally charged.

But it was a familiar figure behind Lowell that was the most incongruous: Rep. Eric Swalwell (D-Calif.).

At first, one had to wonder whether Swalwell had simply wandered by the presser on the way to his office. But the Biden team set up the conference on the Senate side — out of the reach of the House sergeant at arms, who might not have reacted well to an act of open contempt of Congress on his side of the Capitol.

We later learned that Swalwell was not there simply as a pedestrian, but as a participant. It was Swalwell who helped orchestrate the defiance of his own House and facilitated an alleged federal crime.

As first reported by the Washington Examiner, Swalwell used his official position to reserve the space for the press conference and lent his assistance to Hunter in refusing to appear before the House committees investigating his father, President Biden. It was a curious role for a former House impeachment manager to play in assisting in the obstruction of an impeachment inquiry of three House committees.

Of course, Swalwell has argued for the rounding up of anyone who aided and abetted the unlawful conduct during the Capitol riot on Jan. 6, 2021.

Indeed, in 2021 Swalwell sponsored a resolution exploring whether dozens of Republican colleagues could be expelled under the 14th Amendment for aiding and abetting an insurrection by “making unsubstantiated claims of systematic election and voter fraud.”

Now, Swalwell was standing in front of the same building aiding and abetting both a potential crime and the obstruction of congressional proceedings.

Hunter was not just committing contempt of Congress; he was parading his contempt with Swalwell as the drum major.

What followed him was contempt on steroids. All Hunter had to do was walk into the building behind him to appear in the deposition and plead the 5th Amendment to refuse to testify, as others have done. The only option he did not have was to refuse to appear.

Swalwell insisted that it was the fault of the House for insisting on a closed-door deposition, which he portrayed as outrageous. It was another hypocritical moment since the Democrats insisted on the same process for witnesses, including those who appeared before the Jan. 6th committee.

It was also how Swalwell and his colleagues handled the investigation of the Ukrainian telephone call by Trump. Indeed, Swalwell participated in closed depositions and then gave interviews after they were held in private.

There are various reasons for closed deposition preceding public hearings.

First, these depositions allow professional staff to conduct questioning in a methodical and professional manner. In a public hearing, questioning is conducted by members who are often ill-equipped for substantive inquiries.

Second, Hunter must be asked about an array of financial documents and communications involving names and privacy protected information. In a public hearing, the use of such documents would trigger redactions and interruptions in their use.

Third, these depositions allow for in-depth questioning on transactions and communications. In a public hearing, members are confined to a five-minute rule that guarantees questioning cannot achieve much, if any, depth.

Both Hunter and Swalwell likely knew that, and that is precisely why they wanted a public hearing. Notably, after saying that he wanted to answer all questions in public, Hunter then refused to answer any questions in public put forward by the press.

The fourth and most important reason for the deposition is that the House wants it this way. Witnesses, even a president’s son, do not get to choose how or when they appear. Two Trump associates – Steven Bannon and Peter Navarro – refused to appear in the House and were quickly held in contempt by a majority of the House, including Swalwell.

Indeed, President Biden himself has maintained that defying subpoenas cannot be tolerated. When subpoenas were issued to Republicans during the House’s Jan. 6 investigation, Biden declared: “I hope that the committee goes after them and holds them accountable criminally.”

The Justice Department clearly agreed. Under Attorney General Merrick Garland, Bannon went from a failure to appear to an actual indictment in just two months.

It also does not matter that the House formally approved the impeachment inquiry only after Hunter’s press conference. As I testified in the first Biden impeachment inquiry hearing, there is no requirement of a formal vote. Indeed, the Democrats did not initially hold a formal vote in their own impeachment of Trump. Hunter’s subpoena was issued by two committees with inherent subpoena authority under three different House rules, including the authority given to the House Oversight Committee.

It was a valid subpoena.

The question is not whether Hunter Biden can be held in contempt; of course he can. The question is what to do with Eric Swalwell.

Swalwell has long courted controversy. Republicans tossed him off the House Intelligence Committee due to his purported affair with an alleged Chinese spy named Fang Fang.

This is different. Swalwell was not charged in the Chinese affair, including by the House Ethics Committee. This was a criminal act directed against the House itself.

Recently, the House censored Rep. Jamaal Bowman (D-N.Y.) for pulling a fire alarm before a major vote. Here Swalwell played a key role in obstructing a major House investigation. Where Bowman’s offense was treated as a misdemeanor, Hunter’s offense is a felony.

Swalwell did not simply facilitate a crime, he went out of his way to associate himself with it.

Swalwell surely knew that he was helping Hunter in defying a subpoena and obstructing the investigation into Joe Biden. He not only helped set up the press conference but made sure that he was in the camera frame behind Hunter for every network audience. He presumably utilized congressional staff to assist in this effort.

In taking these actions, Swalwell encouraged and facilitated the contempt of Congress. While his conduct may not warrant a criminal charge, it certainly warrants action from the House.

The issue is whether the House has a right to demand answers in this investigation. One member was particularly passionate in 2018 in calling for contempt sanctions against Steve Bannon: “If they don’t force him to answer legitimate questions, they will be ceding Congress’ authority, and we’ll be setting a very, very dangerous precedent that people can just tell Congress what they will and will not answer, and will show no resolve to use our subpoena power to get to the bottom of what’s going on.”

That was Eric Swalwell.

Jonathan Turley is the J.B. and Maurice C. Shapiro Professor of Public Interest Law at the George Washington University Law School. He also previously served as lead counsel representing the House of Representatives.

239 thoughts on “Eric Swalwell and the Politics of Contempt”

  1. I don’t see the big deal from a legal perspective for Mr. Swalwell. Let’s take an extreme example. Suppose you worked with a prominent Mob boss and you offered the Mob boss’s son a ride to the bank for a purported robbery he was going to commit. Can you be held criminally liable if the Mob boss’s son does commit the bank robbery?

    Of course, the answer depends on the circumstances. Were you acting with knowledge of the actual crime? Probably not. You might have thought the Mob boss’s would commit the crime. But then again, you might have thought that the Mob boss’s son might call it off. You had no idea whether or not the crime would take place. It’s all just speculation. I say that sends you home free without consequences.

    Additionally, you have to consider that Hunter Biden is the son of a precious asset of our esteemed Banana Republic and our sacred and precious two-tiered system of justice. That should understandably exempt Hunter Biden from any prosecution attempt, as well as exempt Mr. Swalwell .
    All this makes any prosecution of Hunter Biden or Mr. Swalwell a heinous affront to justice.

    1. I guess they could throw Swallwell in jail next to the J6 people for obstructing an official proceeding.

    2. Can we please dispense with the investigations? Nobody is going to jail. Not Trump, Biden or Hunter. This is all a colossal waste of time and taxpayer money. We have a two tiered legal system in this country as my friend stated below. If you want to make a difference vote them ALL out. Republicans and Democrats!

  2. Until now, I was hoping the Dems would cough up Schiff to match the GOP’s classy move of ejecting Santos. Now, I’m thinking this dork may move up to number one on my list…he’s got so many strikes against him, he should lay low…

  3. Why in God’s name are Ukraine and the Ukrainian people fighting a terrible war against the Russian illegal alien invaders?

    I just don’t understand; they should like it.

    Ukraine should be as happy as America and Americans to have foreigners, parasites, and illegal aliens invading their country at will, by the millions, and endlessly.

    Happiness is foreign invasion…

    yes it is. 

  4. Is Darren on leave or vacation? The comments of late have seemed like a free for all, I don’t come here for the Tom and Svelaz show, nor for whoever brandrunner is. 😐

    1. Svelaz, Tom, Brandrunner and the many Anonymous people are trying to ruin the comments section. It is a Democrat ploy to stifle a non-MAGA, intelligent site that is critical of Biden.

  5. With Swalwell having been “Fang Fanged” and Hunter having done “Fang Feng”, it is hardly surprising that such Intellectual Giants should appear together to seek a most harmonious “Feng Shui”! Devoid of even a scintilla of humility can each truly walk across the Terrain of Contempt—untouched and unscathed? One would hope not.

  6. Brandrunner, the delusional nutbag who sees and Estovir around every corner, drop another huge turd in turleyville

  7. Turley Posts Contradictory Link

    “This week, millions of people were glued to their televisions as Hunter Biden defied a House subpoena–

    If one clicks on the highlighted ‘Hunter Biden’ they find a menu of articles from The Hill, including the piece below:

    The House GOP’s impeachment inquiry into President Biden risks backfiring on Republicans by inadvertently aiding Democrats and the president or peeving the conservative base if it does not move fast enough.

    Swing-district Republicans will have to justify the impeachment probe — which GOP lawmakers approved unanimously — to voters and are already being targeted for their votes. Biden’s reelection campaign, meanwhile, is finding success with fundraising off the impeachment efforts.

    There is also a major question of whether the House GOP will have the votes in a razor-thin majority to approve any eventual impeachment articles. Not impeaching Biden risks Republicans appearing to clear him of wrongdoing during an election year, boosting Democratic arguments that the probe s political and infuriating both hard-line conservative House members and voters eager to see the president impeached.

    Edited From:


    Key Passage From Article:

    “There is also a major question of whether the House GOP will have the votes in a razor-thin majority to approve any eventual impeachment articles”.

    Ah ah!! Perhaps ‘this’ is why Hunter Biden was so cocky in his contempt: he knows Republicans have an only razor this majority.

    The embarassing departure of compulsive liar George Santos was not helpful here, nor is Kevin McCarthy’s exit.


      brandrunner902cbad416 is upset he didnt get the big sausage like Aiden Maese Czeropski did in the Senate building. which explains why he uses brandrunner902cbad416 as a sock puppet name instead of his former sock puppet names like pushybottom, bendover4u, ineedporking, powerbottom, ineedaman, Ms Trailahtrash, and Svelaz da bitter one

      Key Passage from the above commenter’s babbling:

      I hate Aidan Maese Czeropski and his viral Video! It should have been me!!!

        1. Tom, what about Elvis Bug? I can’t remember who he was before. Peter Shill was a lune and in a way entertaining because of the bickering on the list. I think Olly named him Paint Chips (lead paint) because of his lack of intelligence.

    2. You cite a bunch of bad analysis as if it is fact.

      I would ask When have those you rely on been right in the past ?

      Regardless, While the analysis you cite is absymally bad – the proof is in the pudding.

      I doubt that the Impeachment hearings will be that big a draw. That does not mean they will have no effect.

      Democrats have relentlessly gone after Trump – both in impeachment and every other way possible.
      For the most part THAT has actually backfired.

      Why ? Because there is no there there to the democrats attacks.
      With the passage of time people are increasingly better able to see the Trump presidency as a significant improvement over Biden.

      People also know the difference between fake crimes and real ones. between weaponizing government and the rule of law.

      You impeached Trump for merely asking Zelensky to look into the increasingly obvious ACTUAL corruption of the Biden family.

      Bassically you impeached him for asking for an investigation of REAL crimes.

      On attaining power you did not waste a second manufacturing fake crimes to go after Trump for.
      You are doing exactly what you impeached Trump for – except several orders of magnitude worse.

      You can disagree with me – it does not matter. Time and the views of people will tell.

      You say Republicans will be upset if the house moves too slow. So ? Are those who are upset because the house is moving slow going to vote for Biden or democrats ?

      Regardless there will be lots of armchair quarterbacks such as yourself.

      Personally I think Republicans should have started by impeaching Garland – All roads lead through Garland and DOJ.
      Everything about the Biden’s is an issue ofr a Garland impeachment, but many things that are relevant to Garland are harder to get at with Biden.
      Further impeaching Garland puts the complicity of democrats on the table.

      Will republicans have the votes to impeach ? It really does not matter. It does not matter whether republicans vote to impeach.

      What matters is that the next 10 months will involve continuous slow drip drip drip of revalations of the corruption of the bidens and of the democratic party.

      There will be no repeat of 2020 where large numbers of voters were unaware of the corruption of the Bidens.

      The MSM may well cover the impeachment with hostility.

      But they WILL cover it. They can no longer censor the corrption of the Bidens away.

      People will hear the actual facts over and over again. You hcan have however many talking heads you wish saying there is no evidence.
      But people are not that stupid. They already do not trust the media.

      And if I am wrong and you are right ? Biden will win re-election.

      But it is pretty clear that your arguments are desparate hope – not reality.
      How is it clear – because as the attacks on Trump have continued, as the investigations of biden have continued,
      as the state of the country has declined, Trump has gained 6-10pts on Biden from where things were in 2020.

      You could be right and people could be turned off – but so far that is not happening.

      We do not need the analysis that you fixate on. All we need to do is watch the polls.
      They do not tell us exactly what the impeachment hearings are doing.
      They do tell us what the overall judgement of the american people are.

      And so far – your analysis is proving completely off base.

      1. @John Say,
        I have to disagree to a bit.

        House impeaches. (It will be timed to be the most damaging to Biden and the DNC.
        They will of course use the inquiry to get as much evidence together and to make as strong as possible case.

        The Dems will hoot and holler and claim its all a political witch hunt.
        Unfortunately for them… the Republicans will lay out the articles and the evidence.

        The MSM has no choice but to report on it. Of course depending on how they feel about a Biden alternative… the reporting will be biased.

        As long as the Republicans stick to evidence and show the obstruction and ties to Hunter… Biden’s Senate ‘trial’ will be covered.
        It will have an impact in terms of swing votes. The set of hard core Dems will continue to support.

        If Joe gets more than 50M votes, you know that there was election fraud.


        1. The trail of money speaks loudly. People understand that something is wrong when money is given by foreign principals to Amewreian politicians. Republicans have nothing to fear from exposing the money trail.

          1. Excellent point.

            While the evidence of a crime exceeds the “beyond a reasonable doubt standard”.

            That is not the standard for impeachment, and it is not the standard for voters.

            Biden would have lost in 2020 had the story gotten the attention it deserved.

            Today that is unavoidable. Democrats can not censor enough.

            As noted before the MSM is going to report on this. They may disparage the claims but they are still going to report on them.

            Further Biden is becoming a tar baby – increasingly everything sticks.

            Interestingly the “get Trump” efforts are conversely backfiring. It is clear that those efforts are not changing anyones mind about Trump.

            Regardless, The Biden family has a huge “money for nothing” problem.

            Voters do NOT have to decide Biden’s conduct met the legal standard of proof beyond a reasonable doubt of Bribery to decide they are not voting for him.

        2. What are you disagreeing with ?

          I have not said that the house will not impeach. Only that Biden is in trouble regardless.
          And that Republicans do not need to impeach.

          I still do not think Biden makes it to the election.

          Regardless, we are debating predictions – what is certain is that our predictions will be wrong.

          But I do not think they will be very wrong.

          To prevail in 2024 Biden needs atleast a few of several bad trends to reverse. And he certianly needs none of them to get worse.

          He needs the economy to improve.
          I think the Fed and the government are pulling every possible lever to forestall an inevitable recession – and it appears they will succeed in delaying the worst until after the election. But the odds of a strong recovery in the next 10 months are poor.

          He needs Trump to get caught with his pants down. He needs a smoking gun in one of these Trump prosecutions.

          A smoking gun would be testimony that Trump was sharing classified documents with a foreign power.
          While as a matter of law/constitution that would not change anything. P{residents can take whatever they want with them on the way out of office. And what they choose to take is declassified.

          But Catching Trump is seriously disturbing conduct with classified documents would destroy his public support.

          There are other theoretically possible “smoking guns” – but none of those are going to materialize. Because there is a giant gulf between theoretical and probable. Trumps challenge to the 2020 election was conducted in public – there are no consequential secrets

          Conversely though there is not likely to be anything that emerges that will convicnce the lkeft wing nuts on this site it is certain that we will get more and more evidence of Biden Family corruption.

          Ultimately Hunter Biden – and James and several other members of the Biden Family are going to go before the house and they are going to take the 5th. It may take a long time for the house to FORCE that – but they will be able to do so. The simplest way is to go to court and seek an order compelling these people to comply with house subpeonas. Even DC courts are not going to say no to that.
          There are no issues of priviledge. It may take months – but it will happen before the election.

          Biden needs a resolution in Ukraine. He really needs a victory by Ukraine that does NOT result in Putin doing something dangerous and stupid. Increasingly a peace deal is likely. But it will not be one that makes Biden look good. Most any peace deal will raise the question of why no deal 2yrs ago ?

          Biden needs the conflict in Gaza to end – and he needs a resolution that makes both israel and Hamas happy – and that is just not possible.
          This war is destroying under 35 support for democrats AND it is harming democrats with those over 35.
          There are a huge number of young people who are supporting Hamas. And they are unhappy.
          At the same time the remainder of the country – including democrats supports Israel.

          There is no move Biden can make without alienating part of his base.

          I do not think ANYTHING is going Biden’s way between now and the election.
          But even some SMALL things going his way is not enough.

  8. “CAR 54, WHERE ARE YOU?”


    Civility Rule

    Civility and Decorum Policy:

    This blog is committed to the principles of free speech and, as a consequence, we do not ban people simply because we disagree with them. Indeed, we value different perspectives and do not want to add another “echo chamber” to the Internet where we each repeat or amplify certain views. However, the Turley blog was created with a strong commitment to civility, a position that distinguishes us from many other sites.

    – Professor Turley



    Why is 12% of the population “product placed” in 100% of the scenes on TV and in movies?

    Answer: Communist (liberal, progressive, socialist, democrat, RINO, AINO) brainwashing, propagandizing, and indoctrination.

    Why did Zuckerburg censor content revealing that leaked emails from Hunter Biden’s laptop showed the then vice-president was helping his son’s business dealings in Ukraine.

    Answer: Comrade General Secretary Christopher “We Will Stop Him” Wray and the FBI ordered him to.

    1. And it’s been that way since “Crazy Abe” Lincoln’s brutal “Reign of Terror” which commenced with his wholly unconstitutional denial of not prohibited and fully constitutional secession.

      Of course, slavery must have been abrogated through the passage of legislation in a society of laws.

      Lincoln threw the baby out with the bathwater; he high-criminally threw the Constitution out with reprehensible slavery.

      Taney recognized but one of his numerous, egregious, and illicit transgressions.

      To wit,

      “The clause in the Constitution which authorizes the suspension of the privilege of the writ of habeas corpus is in the ninth section of the first article. This article is devoted to the Legislative Department of the United States, and has not the slightest reference to the Executive Department.”

      “I can see no ground whatever for supposing that the President in any emergency or in any state of things can authorize the suspension of the privilege of the writ of habeas corpus, or arrest a citizen except in aid of the judicial power.”

      “I have exercised all the power which the Constitution and laws confer on me, but that power has been resisted by a force too strong for me to overcome.”

      – Chief Justice Roger B. Taney, May 28, 1861

      American freedom persisted for merely 71 years, communism prevailed through progressives, democrats, and RINOs, and the rest is history.

  10. Civility Rule

    Civility and Decorum Policy:

    This blog is committed to the principles of free speech and, as a consequence, we do not ban people simply because we disagree with them. Indeed, we value different perspectives and do not want to add another “echo chamber” to the Internet where we each repeat or amplify certain views. However, the Turley blog was created with a strong commitment to civility, a position that distinguishes us from many other sites.

    – Professor Turley

  11. Eric and Hunter should be both held in contempt. But we all know that’s not going to happen. It’s really that simple. Independent Bob.

  12. This site has become a cesspool of crap. JT should be ashamed of himself. But hey, free speech right.

    So many compare trumps recent talks being just like hitler. Rather than condemn trump, posters here praise hitler for all the “good” he did.

    That says volumes about you as posters. If it quacks like a duck, it’s probably a duck. So not only is trump quacking like hitler, so many people posting on this site are also echoing the nazi fascist policies. To me, you are fascists just like trump and hitler.

    Mark my words, trump will never be president again, the sooner you all realize it and get a better candidate, the better our country will be.

    Sad, so sad.

    1. The Turley Blog is private property. The speech herein is not constitutional free speech but speech according to Professor Turley’s direction—his civility rule. The failure on this blog is that of the Sergeant at Arms, Darren Smith, who is apparently absent without leave, in that no one has been assigned his duties temporarily. The owner of this private property alone has the power to “claim and exercise” dominion. The Good Professor may allow general hysteria and incoherence or require calm and rational exchange without governmental interference or edict. Presumably, he has instructed the Sergeant at Arms to effect precisely that.

    2. Bill G doing drive by posting.

      Bill you never expanded on specifics you accused Republicans of doing Like Book bans Can you name single book banned by Republicans?
      Come on Bill, show your metal. Engage, win the debate.

  13. Anonymous says:

    It’s not even worth checking out this site anymore. Half the comments are off topic, and the other half are like the moron that just keeps typing “steaming turd.”

    Those “steaming turd” posts are from Estovir AKA Tom, James, Thinkthrough, Hullbobby, Upstate Farmer, Iowa2, Edward Mahl, Shakdi, dgsnowden, Ralph Chappell, J. Feldman, Margot Ballhere and many, many more.

    Estovir is having a non-stop hissy-fit because he is no longer protected by the blog moderator. Consequently, posts like this keep naming all his puppets.

    So Estovir calculates that if he keeps pushing the envelope, by writing grotesque and ugly references, that Turley will be swamped by emails demanding stricter moderation. Then hopefully posts like this will disappear; allowing Estovir to resume his place as the unchallenged ‘host’ of this blog.

    Yet IRONICALLY Estovir himself probably wrote the above complaint. It’s a false flag post. Estovir wants readers to this think some rude liberal is writing all that garbage. And he’s encouraging readers to demand stricter moderation.

    1. You do realize that we are all different persons, posting our own comments, with our own opinions.
      The only person who believes Estovir is many people commenting as one person, is you.
      The fact is, there are many people who comment here of differing opinions.
      Some have admitted they use more than one handle to identify themselves.
      I am not one of them.
      Us Marines have this thing about honor, courage, commitment. Hence I only use one handle, UpstateFarmer.
      Many people have expressed the desire or need for some kind of single person login, handle use to clean up the blog.
      I would not oppose if the good professor used those funds to a good cause. I was thinking like a scholarship for a poor child to a state college, whom in their applying for said scholarship wrote an essay about the Constitution, one of the Amendments, women’s rights, free speech, a decision made by the SC.
      That I would support.

      1. Upstate Farmer- is the assertion that we are all Estovir represent a “belief” (which is unlikely) or is it some kind of bid for attention, or is there something else going on? It is a lame joke.

  14. Eric “Mr. Oblivious” Swalwell, MC, it’s long past time to move on to impeachment and conviction. Swalwell committed constitutional treason “in adhering to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort.” Swalwell certainly gave the Chinese spy with plausible deniability, Fang Fang, “aid and comfort” during an “alleged” (Translation: yep, it really happened, folks) romantic relationship. For crying out loud, Eric, you’re an elected American official, and she’s Chinese (i.e. the enemy) – you know, China, the country America gave all of its money to, that is now spending that money on weapons to kill Americans???

    “Swalwell confirmed that the FBI informed him that he was targeted by a Chinese intelligence operative but he was clear that he cooperated with law enforcement immediately and stressed that he was never accused of wrongdoing.”

    “The story, however, along with unsubstantiated rumors of an alleged romantic relationship with Fang, became a fixation for many of Swalwell’s political opponents, who frequently attacked him on this issue. Earlier this year, those unproven allegations became the reason Swalwell was denied his seat on the House Intelligence Committee.

    “Swalwell released a statement Tuesday maintaining his innocence and saying, ‘It’s time to move on.’”

    – The Hill

  15. Sigh. So what’s new? Our dems have been vile since who knows when, but particularly over the past number of years (i’d actually call them toxic now), they win the vile Olympics without trying. Those of you that believed in the party, especially generationally, got hoodwinked but good. Yes, fat cat Republicans were a thing but they were also a reflection of their misguided times when everyone was basically that stupid due to cultural ignorance. Nevertheless, the dems just seem to be pure evil, always have been, and they are intent on it. Why does this surprise the Professor? There are reasons I have for been a lifelong Independent, and it isn’t because the Republican party on its own, all by itself, was so repugnant. I think a lot of dems/progressives think that independents are just dems without declaration, and the answer to that is NO. F*** NO. Progressive nutcases can go to the fiery place for harboring that delusion.

    Will anything come of it? I guess we’ll see. Getting people to vote differently is like pulling teeth. Nobody wants to do it, especially if their own vapid comfort is on the line, and it bodes much better for them in the future; especially in the 21st century. Time will tell, but I don’t have great hope, especially considering the average IQ in this country has slipped below 100. 🤷🏻‍♂️

  16. It’s not even worth checking out this site anymore. Half the comments are off topic, and the other half are like the moron that just keeps typing “steaming turd.”

  17. Turley’s writing to the ignorance of his Trump Cult can’t help himself, he has to let them know, he’s on top of getting Hunter impeached.

    1. Hunter is not being impeached. He is being prosecuted for tax evasion and other various federal crimes. The House oversight committee wants his testimony to expose the connection to the blatant obstruction, abuse of power and other high crimes and misdemeanors that his father, Joe Biden has engaged in. Financial records don’t disappear, FBI investigators can no longer bury the facts and DOJ schills can no longer run out limitations. It will all now soon reveal what we all know true. So long Joe.
      Timing is everything!

  18. OT

    Why are millions of Mexicans and ancillary flotsam streaming across the southern U.S. border?

    Is it because they are legitimate, patriotic, dedicated, ancestral descendants, and constitutionalists who revere and venerate Americans, including the American Founders and Framers?

    Or is it because of the engraved invitation comprised of endless “free stuff” for insatiable parasites absconded with and doled out by the anti-American communists (liberals, progressives, socialists, democrats, RINOs, AINOs) in America?

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