State of the Blog: The Record Year of 2023 on Res Ipsa

We often use the end of the year to do a quick review of the state of the blog. In 2023, the blog had another record year in traffic. We will soon pass our 78,000,000 view mark and our community continues to grow rapidly around the world.  As a mark of that growth, we are now staggering our periodic updates that used to occur with each new millionth marker since we are now surpassing a million such views on average in less than a month.

As always, I want to offer special thanks for Darren Smith, who has continued to help manage the blog.  I also want to thank our dedicated editors Kristin Oren and Hartwell Harrison, who continue their amazing work proofing posts on a daily basis to remove my embarrassing typos.  Finally, I would like to thank our regular readers who alert me to typos or any violations of the civility or copyright policies on the blog.

The growth on Twitter this year has been astonishing. We have now passed 600,000 followers on X (formerly known as Twitter). We also have roughly 8,000 people who have signed up for alerts by emails. We also have over 11,000 WordPress subscribers for a total of 19,000 regular subscribers.

This week, we passed 21,620 posts and roughly 1,324,000 comments. The last year set a new record for our traffic overall with roughly 12 million views for the year.

So here are the annual figures. Over the last year, our ten biggest international sources for readers came from:

  1. United States
    2. Canada
    3. United Kingdom
    4. Australia
    5. Germany
    6. Unknown Region
    7. France
    8. Netherlands
    9. Mexico
    10. New Zealand

The top five posts in terms of traffic in the last year were:

  1. Capitol Offense: Police Investigating Porn Video Shot in Senate Committee Room [Updated]
  2. “Everybody Needs to Back Off!”: The Media and Political Figures Continue to Ignore the Biden Corruption Scandal

The success of the blog continues to amaze me. I am deeply honored to be the host on this blog and to see the continued rapid expansion of its readership.

We are now routinely ranked with the top legal blogs in the world. We have also attracted our share of accolades, including the ABA Journal for its blog Hall of Fame. That is due in large part to our regulars who add perspectives and passion to the issues that we discuss.

In these trying times, it is nice to have a place (even a virtual place) where you can go to discuss the issues from the momentous to the simply odd. I hope that you continue to find this to be a site worthy of your time and your contributions.

So, here’s hoping for a great year to come for our country, our families, and, yes, our blog in 2024.

143 thoughts on “State of the Blog: The Record Year of 2023 on Res Ipsa”

    1. “We are five days away from fundamentally transforming the United States of America” is a voluntary confession of the commission of a crime of insurrection.

      The American Founders did not waste their time on a form of self-governance that required fundamental transformation.

      Karl Marx wanted to impose the “dictatorship of the hired help” and fundamentally transform America and Europe through the “RECONSTRUCTION of a social world.”

      Marx, Lincoln, and Lincoln’s successors did just that.

      The rest, as they say, is history.

    2. What BS.

      “After decades of broken politics in Washington, and eight years of failed policies from George W. Bush, and 21 months of a campaign that’s taken us from the rocky coast of Maine to the sunshine of California, we are five days away from fundamentally transforming the United States of America. In five days, you can turn the page on policies that put greed and irresponsibility on Wall Street before the hard work and sacrifice of folks on Main Street. In five days, you can choose policies that invest in our middle class, and create new jobs, and grow this economy, so that everyone has a chance to succeed, not just the CEO, but the secretary and janitor, not just the factory owner, but the men and women on the factory floor. In five days, you can put an end to the politics that would divide a nation just to win an election, that tries to pit region against region, and city against town, and Republican against Democrat, that asks — asks us to fear at a time when we need to hope. In five days, at this defining moment in history, you can give this country the change we need.”

      By VOTING.

  1. Guys

    Are you going fall for this idiot and the Ukraine thing every day? STOP responding to his idiotic comment.

  2. Thank you for your excellent analysis of all things legal.
    Also a very special thanks for keeping it free, as an old age pensioner I cannot afford
    to pay for quality content like this.

  3. Professor Turley,

    Congratulations, and by all means, and immediately, if not sooner, please reinstate Sergeant at Arms Darren Smith with explicit orders to rigorously enforce the Turley Blog Civility Rule with extreme prejudice.

      1. @Anonymous

        It isn’t difficult to see where the incivility comes from. Keep it up, and keep thinking it does anything but gratify your ego or put dollars in your pocket. The rest of us will still enjoy legitimate gratitude, something that is perhaps foreign to you. Hope you have a better year.

        1. James,
          Well said.
          As always, just scroll past.
          Unless Darren wants to give me access to the WP back end. I will clean this place up! 😉

          1. Unless Darren wants to give me access to the WP back end. I will clean this place up!


            Darren was likely told to sit back and let the blog self-correct, as in Tom will eventually leave the forum commenting. However, Tom has told us repeatedly that he is divorced, and has several times spoken ill of his ex-wife. As you’ll recall, I often measure the content of a person’s character by how they treat others, i.e. you can measure a person by the success or failure of their intimate personal relationships. Tom is a failure at the latter, as are most Americans today, which is to say Tom has nothing but ill-will to offer to others. The DNC / Media Matters trolls are entertaining, at least to me, given they show what a defective mind is like as well as show us what an IQ < 80 looks like. However, Tom manifests an evil that is all consuming. He has effectively insulted most of us. If there were one person to block, Tom would be that person.

            So lets all ignore Tom. I for one dont appreciate my Estovir name being mentioned 20 times per day and especially when I might comment once, like now.

            Happy New Year to all. Lets purpose to work on our self, our loved ones and be the Good Samaritan to those in our midst. Just because others lack integrity doesn't mean we should be out of integrity as well


            1. “i.e. you can measure a person by the success or failure of their intimate personal relationships. ”

              Estovir, I fell in love with my wife 61 – 62 years ago and married 57 years. I am still in love. I have children and grandchildren that are close, along with a number of close friends. When my parents and inlaws got older, I offered my home to them and helped take care of all of them.

              That proves I meet your criteria. Based on what I know about you, you will have to double what you might have achieved over your lifetime to enter into my category.

              Sometimes, you need to listen more carefully, and while assessing others, you need to be more careful so that you don’t fall into the trap of deadly sins.

            2. Estovir

              Or maybe turdrunner is right and you are trying to rule the roost.

              I spoke of my brothers ex wife, not my own.

              If you’re referring to the “steaming turd” Anon, who mentioned his ex wife the other day, again, not me.

              I cant help it that someone takes some of my best quips and runs them into the ground. I’m not gonna say i find no humor in it, but its not me, any more than its you.

              you’ve heard this turdrunner idiot accuse so often apparently you are starting to believe it.

              Bottom line is you dont like the couple of times i “insulted” you, simply because i find you a long winded, self righteous jerk. And that i’ve voiced disdain for your jehovah, who has the worst interpersonal skills of any being, real or fictional.

              Nevertheless, i do have zero patience for liars, so you can kindly eat a bag of dicks.

    1. George, I agree! The only thing I would add is that blog civility enforcement should be carried out in a manner that provides adequate notice and transparency so that the blog community has confidence that the enforcement process is fair and consistent with free speech principles.

      1. If the process is “consistent with free speech principles,” then all legal speech would be allowed, including most of what many object to (e.g., the juvenile insults), racist speech, encouragement to suicide, etc. About the only illegal speech that shows up here are comments with copyright infringement.

        1. I see your point — thanks. How about changing “and consistent with free speech principles” to “and free from viewpoint discrimination”?

      2. As is typical, you indulge your personal notions and whimsy, ignore the facts, and nullify pertinent law.

        The Turley Blog is private property.

        Professor Turley alone holds the power to “claim and exercise” dominion over his blog.

        The “speech principles” on the Turley Blog are the “speech principles” determined to be appropriate solely by its owner, Professor Turley.

        To wit,

        “[Private property is] that dominion which one man claims and exercises over the external things of the world, in exclusion of every other individual.”

        – James Madison

        1. “consistent with free speech principles” =/= “mandated by free speech principles”

          Do you understand the difference?

          Concerned Citizen’s comment proposed the former, not the latter. My response concerned the former, not the latter.

    2. Yes – thanks to Jonathan Turley for his wonderful analysis. This blog is the best and something I am very grateful for. Happy New Year!

  4. The B*tch (Elvis Bug) is Back

    Partial credit to Bernie Taupin

    If you sing along, and I recommend that you do, credit also to Sir Elton John

    I was justified to act like five
    Minus brains, I spit in your eye
    Times are changing now the turds get fat
    Fever dreams are gonna catch you when the b*tch gets back

    Eat meat on Friday, that’s alright
    Even tube steak on a Saturday night
    I can jerk the best to your Senate dudes
    I get high in the evening sniffing pots of glue

    I’m a b*tch, I’m a b*tch, oh, the b*tch is back
    Stone-cold sober, it’s a dubious “fact”
    I can b*tch, I can b*tch ’cause I’m dumber than you
    It’s the way that I “move”, the size of my poo oh-oh-oh

    Tom entertains by picking brains
    Skull f*cks me hard, by dropping names
    I don’t like facts, my God, what’s that?
    Oh, Tom’s full of nasty habits, but the b*tch is back

    I’m a b*tch, I’m a b*tch, oh, the b*tch is back
    Stone-cold sober, not a chance of that!
    I can b*tch, I can b*tch ’cause i’ve got a tattoo
    And a lawn business too, oh-oh-oh

    I’m a b*tch, I’m a b*tch, oh, the b*tch is back
    Stone-cold sober, Hunter stole all my crack!
    I’m a b*tch, I’m a b*tch, oh, the b*tch trades grain
    Post all the time, though i haven’t a brain
    I can b*tch, I can b*tch ’cause I’m dumber than you
    It’s the way that I “move” and the size of my poo oh-oh-oh

  5. Congratulations on your success, Professor Turley. I am not surprised, not only you are a scholar of the law, but you actually CARE about the law. As an immigrant, and as the son of a journalist that almost lost his life defending free speech, I deeply admire your commitment to the cause. Your columns are easy to read, and always interesting. Reading you I have learned to appreciate the beauty and glory of the American experiment, and I hope I can transmit that sentiment to my American born children. In an “age of rage”, your wisdom and serenity are more important than ever.

  6. When is Dennis McIntyre going to apologize for his ignorant comment about sharecroppers prior to the Civil War?

    Instead he just moves onto his next lie about the signatories to an amicus.

    He repeats it again here, after being called out in a previous post.

  7. God bless you JT for continuing to be an anchor of truth and rationality. 2024 will need that more than ever.

  8. Dear Prof Turley,

    While I often appreciate many of the timely finer legal points of your work, your analysis sometimes seems mired in a strange ‘strategic ambiguity’. No doubt a product of your training – intellectual honesty (aka ‘sincerity’) can be a liability in the court room, I reckon.
    *Where’s the outrage, where outrage is required? [grade: B]

    Nevertheless, you do have a pleasant folksy charm, cloaking a rather perverse sense of humour. I call you the EDI Norman Rockwell of political commentators.
    *I like that. [grade: A-]

    The ‘state of the blog’, however, needs a lot of work. Toilet backed up. No soap or water. It’s unsanitary.
    *if you get what you pay for [grade: it’s free]

    p.s. I can fix that for you .. . but I ain’t cheap.

    1. “your analysis sometimes seems mired in a strange ‘strategic ambiguity’. ”

      Dgsnoden, the professor thinks more broadly than you and tries to keep his biases in check. He requires evidence, though he is slow where change is concerned. Is that bad? A car has an engine and brake and requires both. Consider Turley is the brake.

    2. sometimes seems mired in a strange ‘strategic ambiguity’
      The law by its nature is ambigious. Our Justice system requires an adversarial form of adjudication. Every year adds thousands of pages of new decisions, creating new precedent on both sides of similar legal issues.

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