New Filing Accuses Fani Willis of Misrepresenting the Date of her Affair with Nathan Wade

There was a notable filing in the ongoing scandal in Georgia over the intimate relationship between Fulton County District Attorney Fani T. Willis and her subordinate special prosecutor Nathan J. Wade. Defense lawyer, Ashleigh Merchant, claims to have an affidavit that Willis lied about when the relationship began — a critical fact in her defense against ethical allegations.

Willis and Wade insisted that the relationship had not begun until 2022, after she hired him (in November 2021) to serve as special counsel to prosecute former president Donald Trump.

Ms. Merchant identifies the witness as Terrance Bradley, who served previously as Wade’s divorce lawyer and worked in his law firm. That itself is quite irregular given the strong protections for attorney-client privilege. However, Merchant told the court that “Bradley has non-privileged, personal knowledge that the romantic relationship between Wade and Willis began prior to Willis being sworn as the district attorney for Fulton County, Georgia in 2021.”

In this sworn affidavit filed with the court, Wade states “[i]n 2022, District Attorney Willis and I developed a personal relationship in addition to our professional association and friendship.”

As a sworn statement filed with the court, a materially false statement would pose a very serious violation for both lawyers. This was the key determinative element cited by both Willis and Wade to show that there was no ethical breach in the hiring of Wade.

We obviously need to hear from Willis and Wade — and learn more of the details. The key date is November 2021 in terms of the hiring of Wade. There is also the question of how his information was “non-privileged, personal knowledge.” If the affiant is suggesting that there were public displays or confirmation of this relationship, there could be other witnesses who could be called to give accounts.

The filing also suggests that there may have been other trips taken by the lawyers.

Merchant states “[s]ince Willis and Wade were not forthright about their relationship in the first instance, there is no reason to believe they are telling the truth now,”

Notably, the defendants in the Georgia case include those charged with making false statements and filing false documents.  If Willis or Wade has now done so, the political and legal impact on the case would be devastating. Once again, the only thing more troubling than the relationship itself has been the response of Willis and Wade to the scandal. They have consistently put their own interests before that of the case and the office in my view.

Here is the new filing: final-roman-reply-briefdisqualification-motionw-exs-a-c

Here is the indictment: CRIMINAL-INDICTMENT-Trump-Fulton-County-GA

135 thoughts on “New Filing Accuses Fani Willis of Misrepresenting the Date of her Affair with Nathan Wade”

  1. The investigation of Fanny & Co will dissolve and they will walk away “high fiving” the dual justice system. No one will lay a glove on them.
    BTW, it is time we serfs get a true “Lady Dual Justice” statue. It is long overdue.

  2. Impossible. Fanni Willis would never lie. Just like she has no grudge or personal agenda against President Trump. We know this because she said so, and her word is bond. She publicly stated a very rabid agenda to take Trump out before Trump was even charged, but we all know she didn’t mean those things. Remember for Democrats the truth expires at midnight and when they wake up in the morning the truth for that day begins and what was said yesterday has expired. The late Rush Limbaugh pointed out this well shared Democrat mindset. If you know this then their actions make perfect sense.

  3. Trump last night, describing an exchange that he had with a NATO member: “One of the presidents of a big country stood up and said, ‘Well sir, if we don’t pay and we’re attacked by Russia, will you protect us?’ I said, ‘You didn’t pay? You’re delinquent?’ He said, ‘Yes, let’s say that happened.’ No, I would not protect you. In fact, I would encourage them to do whatever the hell they want.”

    Encouraging Russia to do whatever the hell it wants to NATO allies is unheard of and dangerous. Trump is a sick man.

    And this isn’t a hypothetical exchange. “‘You need to understand that if Europe is under attack, we will never come to help you and to support you,’ Trump told European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen in 2020, according to French European Commissioner Thierry Breton, who was also present at a meeting at the World Economic Forum in Davos. ‘By the way, NATO is dead, and we will leave, we will quit NATO,’ Trump also said, according to Breton. ‘And he added, ‘and by the way, you owe me $400 billion, because you didn’t pay, you Germans, what you had to pay for defense,” Breton said about the tense meeting, where the EU’s then-trade chief Phil Hogan was also present.” (

    The WH: “Encouraging invasions of our closest allies by murderous regimes is appalling and unhinged – and it endangers American national security, global stability, and our economy at home.”

    NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg: “Any suggestion that allies will not defend each other undermines all of our security, including that of the US, and puts American and European soldiers at increased risk.”

    1. Trump exchange “with a NATO member:”

      Don’t pay your utility bills, your electricity gets cut off.

      Don’t pay your military bills, your military support gets cut off.

      Leave it to the Left to want something for nothing. (And to lie about Trump’s arguments.)

        1. You are full of shit, Screw NATO, why should the American taxpayer work their asses off to support other countries, if they don’t want to pay screw them. Just like if you don’t pay your mortgage or rent your ass gets thrown out, well the same with NATO!

        2. They were ALL contributing way less than their share when Trump took office. One of the things he did was to demand they pay their share. Or have you forgotten that.? Nato should be done anyway.

      1. Countries do not owe money to the US. And if you don’t pay your utility bill, the utility company doesn’t encourage people “to do whatever the hell they want” with your house. Trump is sick. He is unhinged. He is a terrible ally. You just can’t admit it.

        1. You believe in a free lunch. When there is nothing left to provide a free lunch, you perish. Trump is a hero. He pushed Europe to start contributing and saved NATO.

          I will not support your free lunch. Bye.

        2. He is using a metaphor that you choose not to understand. How about this, another metaphor the left cannot grasp …” there is no such thing as a free lunch”? In other words somebody always pays. The left is so used to being on the ‘lunching’ side and never on the paying side so they don’t think anybody pays. But the US taxpayer does pay. Boy, do we pay!

        3. Uh, no. That isn’t sick. That is motivating the other NATO countries to hold up their end of the bargain.

      2. The 2% of GDP figure was never a requirement (or a bill). It was a goal/target set in 2014, for leaders to aspire towards. Under BIDEN, in 2023, NATO has agreed to make it a minimum.

        Framing the 2% figure as a bill that was not paid is factually incorrect.

        Can you cite a single document which made it a binding legal requirement (like an electric bill)?

    2. NYT: “John Bolton … wrote in his memoir that Mr. Trump had to be repeatedly talked out of withdrawing from NATO. In an interview, Mr. Bolton said ‘there is no doubt in my mind’ that in a second term, Mr. Trump would withdraw the United States from NATO.”

      Trump must be defeated.

      We need our NATO allies; harming that relationship harms the US.

      First they came for the Jews
      and I did not speak out
      because I was not a Jew.
      Then they came for the Communists
      and I did not speak out
      because I was not a Communist.
      Then they came for the trade unionists
      and I did not speak out
      because I was not a trade unionist.
      Then they came for me
      and there was no one left
      to speak out for me.

      Martin Niemöller

      1. None you guys that are arguing about Trump this and Trump that sees what’s really happening. I doubt that Trump gets what’s happening. There is a cabal of globalists that are intentionally ruining the western world. It’s not only open borders in the US but all western countries. Crime is running rapid and states are implementing no cash bail laws. The wokeness and pushing transgender ideology on our kids adds to the craziness. Bill Gates is buying up all the farmland. Because of “climate change” Europe is bankrupting their farmers. Canada is almost a communist country, in the very least it’s a socialist country. Oh yea, climate change is a crock of shit and anyone that believes their grift is just plain stupid. Wake up people. They get you talking about Trump or Senile Joe, when the real issue is the World Economic Forum wants to keep the world divided so they can talk over. Watch out for central bank digital currencies and the World Health Organization.
        The only person currently running for President that gets any of this is Bobby Kennedy. Tough for an independent to win but at least he sees what’s happening.

        1. Both Trump and Vlad Putin are way ahead of you in knowing who is pulling ALL the Western puppets’ strings. Both of those pragmatic leaders know that NATO is Klaus Schwab’s set of tin soldiers, and after Trump wins for the third time, the two of them will deal with Scwab, Soros, Gates, et al.

            1. Had the neocons and Borris Johonson sabotaged the peace deal the Ukraine and Russia agreed to in the spring of 2022, there would of been no war today.

              1. There was no peace deal that Ukraine and Russia both agreed to, not in the spring of 2022 and not subsequently.

      1. “Should have been,” and you’re right. And listening to pooty poot-poot talk about how slick was enticing him to be able to join NATO was hilarious! NATO was FORMED to resist the warsaw pact, especially the ussr!

    3. Meanwhile, Trump mocks Haley, whom he calls “birdbrain,” and her husband, who is deployed to Africa with the SC National Guard:
      “Where’s her husband. Oh, he’s away, he’s away. What happened to her husband? What happened to her husband? Where is he? He’s gone.”

      He has a habit of mocking those who serve, and the Gold Star families who’ve lost loved ones in service.
      Of course, Trump doesn’t note that Melania isn’t accompanying him on the trail.

      1. You sanctimonious leftist hacks love to scream about the Gold star families. In fact you find them so useful you keep starting unnecessary wars to ensure an endless supply….

    4. L. Luppen: “Trump’s confusion about how the NATO alliance works has persisted despite repeated attempts to educate him—including by the chairman of the joint chief of staff—over 9 years. This is never reported as ‘raising questions’ about his mental acuity.” But it should.

      1. You mean the JCOS that didn’t bother to tell anyone what he was going to be out of pocket for a while? Not even Joe?

    5. Former Republican, now Independent, Denver Riggleman:
      “Any American saying this should be called a traitor to our ideals and a belly crawler for the enemy.
      “Any… American.
      “Trump loves very short dictators”
      [ellipses in the original]

      Democratic Rep. Gerry Connolly:
      “Trump’s invitation to Russia to attack NATO allies is repugnant and profoundly dangerous. It should finally disqualify him for the presidency among all who cherish democratic values and our shared freedoms – Republicans, Democrats, and Independents alike.”

      Bill Kristol:
      “In addition to the reprehensible sentiment Trump expresses here, it may be worth pointing out no “president of a big country” ever said any such thing to him.” True, Trump likes to invent portions of his a”sir” stories.

    6. Did he actually do that or was he posturing in an environment of negotiation? Did he leave them wondering?

      See how obtuse you are and how proficient at the “Art of the Deal” Real President Donald J. Trump is?

      House Republican Conference Chair Elise Stefanik (R-N.Y.) said, ““I would not have done what Mike Pence did.” “There was unconstitutional overreach in states like Pennsylvania, and I think it’s very important that we continue to stand up for the Constitution and have legal and secure elections, which we did not have in 2020,” she said.

      You’d better hope there’s not a next time.

    7. Encouraging Russia to do whatever the hell it wants to NATO allies is unheard of and dangerous. Trump is a sick man.”
      Yeah and here’s another sicko:

      “Against the insidious wiles of foreign influence (I conjure you to believe me, fellow-citizens) the jealousy of a free people ought to be constantly awake, since history and experience prove that foreign influence is one of the most baneful foes of republican government. But that jealousy to be useful must be impartial; else it becomes the instrument of the very influence to be avoided, instead of a defense against it. Excessive partiality for one foreign nation and excessive dislike of another cause those whom they actuate to see danger only on one side, and serve to veil and even second the arts of influence on the other. Real patriots who may resist the intrigues of the favorite are liable to become suspected and odious, while its tools and dupes usurp the applause and confidence of the people, to surrender their interests.

      The great rule of conduct for us in regard to foreign nations is in extending our commercial relations, to have with them as little political connection as possible. So far as we have already formed engagements, let them be fulfilled with perfect good faith. Here let us stop. Europe has a set of primary interests which to us have none; or a very remote relation. Hence she must be engaged in frequent controversies, the causes of which are essentially foreign to our concerns. Hence, therefore, it must be unwise in us to implicate ourselves by artificial ties in the ordinary vicissitudes of her politics, or the ordinary combinations and collisions of her friendships or enmities.”

      ~Gen. George Washington, Farewell Address to The Nation (1796)

    8. Proof, please. Russia, Russia, Russia BS is getting old. Someone said that someone said. LOL. Right. We believe you 100%. Is that you, Adam?

    9. He’s right.
      Pay your fair share or pound sand.
      Why should we have to fight their wars and pay for them too?
      Joe Burden is complicit in this for not stepping up to stop Putin before the crap hit the fan.
      He gave Putin implied consent to invade with his statements before the invasion.
      Stop being disingenuous with the facts.

    10. If you don’t pay your electric bill, they shut it off. Does that make then twisted and sick? I’m tired of being the worlds piggy bank.
      TRUMP 2024

    11. Anonymous wrote, “NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg: “Any suggestion that allies will not defend each other undermines all of our security, including that of the US, and puts American and European soldiers at increased risk.

      Hogwash – the real danger to American sovereignty and American lives is Article V in the NATO treaty. Warmongers and those in the Military Industrial Complex love Article V. Many think it was NATO encroachment eastward that threatened Putin, prompting him to act bellicosely. While eschewing multinational treaties certainly won’t stop war – follow the falling dominoes that started WWI – we’ve seen the danger of military adventuring and perpetual saber-rattling that Article V provides: unconstitutional wars in Korea, Vietnam, the Baltics, and the Mid- and Far-East.

    12. “The WH: “Encouraging invasions of our closest allies by murderous regimes is appalling and unhinged – and it endangers American national security, global stability, and our economy at home.”

      How would you describe what is happening at what used to be our southern border? Seems to me your description fits it perfectly.

    13. It’s pretty simple.. If you want the benefits of being part of an alliance, you have to contribute your share. No ifs, ands, or buts about it. Pay up.

    14. The shenanigans and money laundering through “government” at the expense of those from whom the money is extorted from has to stop. It used to be called racketeering to pay for protection and on a nation state basis it’s no different. If you can’t make peace with your neighbor that’s on you. It’s going towards eighty years of stupidity now. First we bomb them into the Stone Age , rebuild their cities and infrastructure and let our own nation suffer. There is much to be said when it comes to corporatism. None of it good. It used to be called a fascist form of politics. Only the rich in that kind of society get richer. Look at the earliest “Dodge boys” car emblem to see its roots. Those Children of Japheth will pay a heavy price for their deception on the world.

    15. Trump is not sick. He is representing the interests of American tax payers, as he should, and demanding that ALL NATO countries start paying their fair share.

      This is absolutely reasonable and it’s refreshing that someone actually defends our intersts in Washington for a change.

      The incessant propaganda attacks and hate mongering directed at Trump are sick.

    16. What in the hell does this have to do with Willis and Wade? Go somewhere else to talk about your NATO crap.

    17. First of all, you’re in the wrong blog, this isn’t about that! Second, we would be there for allies no matter what, but Trump is using the “Art of the deal” technique to scare the sh** out of NATO members to start pulling their own weight. Brilliant! You’re at the grown up’s table, you need to take a seat and let the professionals do their jobs! All Biden is doing is throwing our tax dollars at them and getting nothing in return but more wars!

    18. Don’t forget that your dues insures that the USA and its soldiers -including those inducted from reinstating the draft – will put it all on the line for you, up to and including nuclear war.
      If you don’t care enough to defend your country why should we destroy ours on your behalf?

    19. Why should we defend them if they are not paying their way? I do believe it was more as an incentive to get them to do what was right. They obviously don’t react to nice talk. Trump is smarter than Democrats want to admit.

    1. Iowan2,

      Yes, I saw that and saved it because it was good. I need to reread it. I’m glad you linked it here. It needs a wider audience.

    2. Personally, I am for RFK JR for President, However I find the continuous law fare et media bias against Trump totally inique et a dangerous threat to democracy/ Especially in view of the obvious desperate state of Biden’s mental health.

  4. It’s black history month apparently and I have lately been indulging my own nostalgia by listening to old songs like this

    I normally prefer classical but this can reach me too, even corny phrases like “where the demons of death often come by surprise” because it is true. When young and staying with my grandmother she used to say, “I don’t know what you will do when you grow up but whatever you do don’t got to work in “that-god-damned-mine” as if “that-God- damned-mine” were one word always used that way. I heard the expression in an audio book onetime and knew the author knew and was drawing on real memories. Coming back to this celebrated month, I don’t think picking cotton is so very hard or so very dangerous. Selling dope on the streets of Chicago is likely much worse but I wouldn’t know since I’ve never done that.

    1. Louis Armstrong. Pure genius. American treasure. True hero. My Cuban father adored him, his talent and used him as an example to overcome adversity. Armstrong was raised in poverty, absent father, mother was a prostitute, food was not plentiful in his New Orleans shanty, went to jail for firing a gun in the air with blanks, sent to a home for troubled children, beaten by the director of the home for boys, and he worked for a Jewish family collecting rags. Today’s race baiting blacks are not worthy to carry Mr Armstrong’s sandals. We could all learn from his extraordinary spirit. Louis Armstrong surpasses Black History as one of the greatest Jazz musicians ever

      1. Estovir– “Today’s race baiting blacks are not worthy to carry Mr Armstrong’s sandals.”

        Agree…he was a great human being.

    2. “The proper function of man is to live, not to exist. I shall not waste my days in trying to prolong them. I shall use my time.”
      ― Jack London

      Louis Armstrong “We Have All of the Time in the World”

    3. With the Hawaii post earlier, I got to remembering some old 45’s my father had. I was a few years old Hawaii was admitted. Here is one of his 45’s:

  5. It’s also seemingly coming to light that Fanni’s campaign slush fund is a money laundering scheme with donors names and addresses being confirmed – that they did not donate tens of thousands of dollars to her war chest. It’s appearing like an act blue org dark money pump to her campaign coffers. Oh the dirty web these dems weave when their total doing was to deceive.

  6. I would like to know what was exchanged and what was agreed on their trips to the White House.

    How many of the lawfare attacks on Trump originate from and are controlled by White House or executive branch personnel?

      1. (Present company excepted, of course).

        …and Valerie Jarrett, Susan Rice, plus the entire Obama staff retained to serve in his third term.

        Perhaps Congress should subpoena Obama.

        1. Add Mary McCord, she runs the DoJ
          Everyone can pitch in and add to list of Obama flunkies that are actually running the White House.
          All the appointed Cabinet positions spend most of their time installing civil servants at the managerial level. The Appointed Secretaries during Obama were primarily busy putting wild eyed leftist in positions that cant be fired by the President. Obama gave them the goals and monitored progress. Trump needs to reverse that. Along with restaffing the Flag officers, with actual warriors.

          1. Iowan2,

            Too true. The government has been corrupted with leftist lunatics and diversity incompetents. Entire departments likely need to be investigated and abolished.

            If Trump isn’t cheated out of another victory I hope his people show up prepared immediately to put some of these difficult to fire creatures on paid leave while cutting their access and looking for ways to get rid of their jobs permanently. Some prosecutions may be in order. I have had it with RINOs playing pattycake, let’s compromise, with people who are out to destroy the country.

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