The Eyes Have It: U.S. Intelligence Allegedly Asked Foreign Countries to Surveil Trump Associates

There is a disturbing report published on Michael Shellenberger’s Public Substack detailing how the U.S. intelligence community called upon foreign governments to target associates of Donald Trump before the 2016 election. The request to the “Five Eyes” agencies (the United States, United Kingdom, Canada, Australia and New Zealand) appears to have come from Obama’s CIA Director, John Brennan.

According to Shellenberger, Matt Taibbi and Alex Gutentag, foreign intelligence agencies were asked to conduct the surveillance, including “bumping” the associates — a term for making contact with or casually engaging a target to generate intelligence. These encounters may also have been used to generate intelligence reports used to support further intelligence efforts by the United States in the Russian investigation.

The journalists reported that Britain’s Government Communications Headquarters intelligence apparatus, or GCHQ, went ahead in contacting the Trump’s associates as early as March 2016.

Keep in mind that this was the same month that George Papadopoulos joined the Trump campaign as an adviser. It was also when Papadopoulos met a London-based professor, Josef Mifsud, who Papadopoulos was led to believe had “substantial connections to Russian government officials.”

On March 21, 2016, Trump identified Papadopoulos and Carter Page as members of his foreign policy team.

If true, the question is the basis for such surveillance of U.S. citizens associated with the opposing political party and a presidential campaign.

The role of Brennan is intriguing. Brennan was the one who briefed President Barack Obama on Hillary Clinton’s alleged “plan” to tie then-candidate Donald Trump to Russia as “a means of distracting the public from her use of a private email server.”

It was also Brennan who later declared during the Trump Administration that a press conference with Vladimir Putin was “nothing short of treason.” He later said that he did not mean real treason when he said it was nothing short of treason.

Brennan also signed the infamous letter warning that the Hunter Biden laptop had all of the markings of Russian intelligence, a letter that he later admitted was “political.”

Now these sources are claiming that agents from the Five Eyes “were making contacts and bumping Trump people going back to March 2016.”

Former FBI lawyer Kevin Clinesmith was sentenced to probation in 2021 after admitting that he falsified evidence to renew a wiretap against former Trump campaign adviser Carter Page.

Shellenberger and Taibbi have a record of investigating in areas long avoided by other journalists, particularly in exposing the massive censorship system funded and coordinated by the government. There is much to learn about these allegations and their underlying support. If proven, it would appear that neither the Inspector General nor John Durham were given the full picture of the origins of the Russian investigation. Moreover, there are intriguing questions over a referenced binder that sources said contained much of this intelligence and analysis. That binder or binders allegedly disappeared from the CIA.

Once again, this is still the early reporting and we need to have more confirmation on these facts. However, Congress should be interested in whether the origins for the Russian investigation began with nudges from American intelligence in 2016 to the “Five Eyes.”

290 thoughts on “The Eyes Have It: U.S. Intelligence Allegedly Asked Foreign Countries to Surveil Trump Associates”

  1. This is actually frightful that an authorized State Agency that has the right to spy, but spies because they want to for whatever reason. Where is the moral character of the individual or individuals that are approved to spy? When individual character, morals, ethics and obedience to the laws that they operate under matters not, we have set the course to Totalitarianism, surrendering total control to the coercive behavior of State Agents in their quest for some Nirvana by any means necessary.


      Y’all be racist!

      (And your point is?).

      We’all sticks tagethuh!

      (Cunning message to duh NAACP, duh Rainbow Coalition, and duh Nation of Islam).

  2. Russia’s Defense Spending At 7.5% Of GDP, And Rising!

    As Ukraine has scrambled to source ammunition, arms and equipment for its defence, Russia has presided over a massive ramping up of industrial production over the last two years that has outstripped what many western defence planners expected when Vladimir Putin launched his invasion.

    Total defence spending has risen to an estimated 7.5% of Russia’s GDP, supply chains have been redesigned to secure many key inputs and evade sanctions, and factories producing ammunition, vehicles and equipment are running around the clock, often on mandatory 12-hour shifts with double overtime, in order to sustain the Russian war machine for the foreseeable future.

    The transformation has put defence at the centre of Russia’s economy. Putin claimed this month that 520,000 new jobs had been created in the military-industrial complex, which now employs an estimated 3.5 million Russians, or 2.5% of the population. Machinists and welders in Russian factories producing war equipment are now making more money than many white-collar managers and lawyers, according to a Moscow Times analysis of Russian labour data in November.

    If Republicans let Ukraine go down, a very muscular Russia will have a battle-hardened army. Yet Professor Turley is quibbling about Trump’s treatment by Obama’s intelligence officials!

    1. Albania, Belgium, Bulgaria, Canada, Croatia, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Montenegro, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, the Republic of Macedonia, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Turkey, and the United Kingdom should pay to support the defense of Ukraine.

    2. Yes, Russia is spending an enormous amount of money on this war. It is also taking very large casualities.

      Rather than a “very muscular Russia” – what we are seeing is a WEAK Russia.

      You say Republicans are letting Ukraine down – poppycock. The US owes Ukraine nothing, and Ukraine is NOT in US interests.

      Nearly everyone would like to see Ukraine defeat Russia. It is increasingly obvious that absent the US or the EU providing boots on the ground, and possible air power that can not happen. The current likely trajectory of the war is massive casualties on both sides – though far larger on the Russia side, Unit Ukraine no longer has enough troops to fight. That will take a while, Russia will be radically weakened in the process.

      It is increasingly self evident that the best outcome for all involved is a peace deal. There was such a deal 2 years ago – that Biden tanked.
      The West has a substantial amount of leverage over Russia as without western aide it will take atleast a decade for Russia to rebuild the energy infrastructure that has failed or gone offline as a result of this war.

      Rather than demanding more money for Ukraine the Biden administration should be spearheading peace talks.

      Regardless, there is no possible outcome of this that does not leave Russia FAR weaker than they are now.

      Contra ATS – Russia is not more muscular – it is LESS.

      Very Early in this war it was self evident that Russia is a paper tiger. But for the worlds largest stockpile of nukes, Russia is barely capable of defeating Ukraine, can not possibly take on another country concurrently or for a long time after this, and could not under any circumstances hope to prevail against NATO or even a small part of NATO or almost any two European countries at the same time.

      Even now – the slow defeat of Ukraine in a war of attrition would reverse instantly – not from massive western money, but by a committment from a few European countries to provide troops and/or airpower to Ukraine.

      Rather than rant about something that will not change anything. Try focusing on something that might make a difference.

      And if you personally wish to send money to Ukraine – there are plenty of ways you can do so.

      The rest of us are conversely free to demand that you NOT steal our money to fight Russia down to the very last Ukrainian.

      1. Weakening Russia IS in US interests. Supporting Ukraine is an effective way to do that which doesn’t endanger our troops or risk WW3.

        1. Weakening Russia IS in US interests.

          “The 80’s called and want the foriegn policy back.”

          Barack Hussein Obama, President of the United States

  3. They are all irrefutably guilty of conspiracy, subversion, insurrection, treason et al.

    They are all direct and mortal enemies of the American thesis of freedom and self-reliance, the Constitution, the Bill of Rights, actual Americans, and America. 

    They constitute ontological and existential threats to the fundamentally preserved and retained United States of America.

  4. The entire reason that the left needs to spy, lie, propagandize is because they simply will not get votes by telling their true intentions. Their true intentions are evil. The left is a death cult that hates individuals and will believe anything that is anti-individual, anti-white male, anti-personal responsibility.

    1. “IF YOU CAN KEEP IT!”

      Obama just added 10 million democrat voters; he and LBJ will have those Mexicans, Haitians and various and sundry flotsam voting Democratic for the next 2,000 years.

      The American Founders didn’t allow them in.

      The American Founders didn’t allow them to vote.

      Their true intentions are not freedom and self-reliance but compulsory “free stuff” and “free status” served courteously on a silver platter including, but not limited to, admissions affirmative action, grade-inflation affirmative action, employment affirmative action, quotas, welfare, food stamps, minimum wage, rent control, social services, forced busing, public housing, utility subsidies, WIC, SNAP, TANF, HAMP, HARP, TARP, Health and Human Services, Housing and Urban Development, Obamacare, Social Security, Social Security Disability, Social Security Supplemental Income, Medicare, Medicaid, unconstitutional anti-private property “Fair Housing” laws, unconstitutional anti-private property “Non-Discrimination” laws, etc.

      What, you don’t know?

      What, all actual Americans don’t know?

      Who the —- just gives their house and their bank account away?

      “We the People…secure the Blessings of Liberty to Ourselves and Our Posterity.”



    “We are five days away from fundamentally transforming the United States of America.”

    – Barack Obama

    “We will stop him.”

    – Peter Strzok to FBI paramour Lisa Page

    “[Obama] wants to know everything we’re doing.”

    – Lisa Page to FBI paramour Peter Strzok

    “I want to believe the path you threw out for consideration in Andy’s office — that there’s no way he gets elected — but I’m afraid we can’t take that risk It’s like an insurance policy in the unlikely event you die before 40.”

    – Peter Strzok to FBI parmour Lisa Page

    “People on the 7th floor to include Director are fired up about this [Trump] server.”

    – Bill Priestap

    The Obama Coup D’etat in America is the most egregious abuse of power and the most prodigious crime in American political history. The co-conspirators are:

    Kevin Clinesmith, Bill Taylor, Eric Ciaramella, Rosenstein, Mueller/Team, Andrew Weissmann,

    James Comey, Christopher Wray, McCabe, Strozk, Page, Laycock, Kadzic, Sally Yates,

    James Baker, Bruce Ohr, Nellie Ohr, Priestap, Kortan, Campbell, Sir Richard Dearlove,

    Christopher Steele, Simpson, Joseph Mifsud, Alexander Downer, Stefan “The Walrus” Halper,

    Azra Turk, Kerry, Hillary, Huma, Mills, Brennan, Gina Haspel, Clapper, Lerner, Farkas, Power,

    Lynch, Rice, Jarrett, Holder, Brazile, Sessions (patsy), Nadler, Schiff, Pelosi, Obama,

    Joe Biden, James E. Boasberg, Emmet Sullivan, Gen. Milley, George Soros, John McCain,

    Marc Elias, Igor Danchenko, Fiona Hill, Charles H. Dolan, Jake Sullivan, Strobe Talbot,

    Cody Shear, Victoria Nuland, Ray “Red Hat” Epps, Don Berlin, Kathy Ruemmler, Rodney Joffe,

    Paul Vixie, L. Jean Camp, Andrew Whitney, Lisa O. Monaco et al.

    1. “Donald Trump is a pathological liar, utterly amoral, & a narcissist at a level I don’t think this country’s ever seen.”

      -Ted Cruz

      “Trump’s a race-baiting, xenophobic, religious bigot. You know how you make America great again? Tell Donald Trump to go to hell.”

      -Lindsey Graham

      “Trump is a consummate narcissist. And he constantly engages in reckless conduct. … He will always put his own interests, and gratifying his own ego, ahead of everything else, including the country’s interest.”

      -Bill Barr

      “Donald Trump is the first president in my lifetime who does not try to unite the American people – does not even pretend to try. Instead, he tries to divide us. He is more dangerous than anyone could ever imagine.”

      -General Mattis, Trump’s Secretary of Defense

      “I have been in those rooms with Trump when he met with those world leaders, I believe they think he’s a laughing fool.  And the idea that somehow his presence in office would have deterred Putin is flatly wrong … He’s not fit to be president.”

      John Bolton, Trump’s National Security advisor

      Statements from the ones with first-hand knowledge of Donald Trump.

      1. Brilliant!

        Simply brilliant, comrade!

        Super-RINOs John Bolton, General Mattis, William “Mr. Deep Deep State” Barr, Lindsey Graham, one and all, are prime lifetime members of the communist American Deep Deep State “Swamp” Regime and facilitators of the Obama Coup D’etat in America.

        Why did you leave out McConnell, Jeb, “W,” Mittens, McClintock, Buck, McShame (posthumous), Cheney, Hogan, Kinzinger, etc.?

        1. They are not RINOs, they are NeoCons. They support significant portions of Trump’s policies but they are completely at odds with Trump on foreign policy. These are the people responsible for US military involvement in the mideast, and for the Russia/Ukraine war.

          These are the people who WANT the US to have boots on the ground in fights across the globe.

          Please Read Mattis’s book. I have no problem with Mattis as a person, or as a General.
          But he has a view of the role of the US globally that involves deep US military involvement in the entire world, and US blood to do so.

          This is also the political ideology of the “deep state”

          The reason that Obama reneged on his promises to end the conflicts in the mideast when he got elected – is because if he tried to keep those promises, the deep state would have done to him what they have done to Trump.

          1. The Deep Deep State is dictatorship; a dictatorship that supports, not the freedom and self-reliance of the Constitution and Bill of Rights, but the principles of communism including central planning, control of the means of production (i.e. unconstitutional regulation), redistribution of wealth, and social engineering, per the motto of Karl Marx: “From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs,” under the oppressive “dictatorship of the proletariat.”

            May I recommend Article 1, Section 8, and the 5th Amendment right to private property, the loci of severe limitations and restrictions on government? Throughout the land of the once-free, and the home of the corrupt, you may have noticed the unconstitutional admissions affirmative action, grade-inflation affirmative action, employment affirmative action, quotas, welfare, food stamps, minimum wage, rent control, social services, forced busing, public housing, utility subsidies, WIC, SNAP, TANF, HAMP, HARP, TARP, Health and Human Services, Housing and Urban Development, Environmental Protection Agency, Agriculture, Education, Labor, Energy, Obamacare, Social Security, Social Security Disability, Social Security Supplemental Income, Medicare, Medicaid, “Fair Housing” laws, “Non-Discrimination” laws, etc., which will never be found in the Constitution but are mandatory per the Communist Manifesto (Please cite the Constitution for any supporting Articles, Sections, and Clauses).

      2. Statements by politicians.

        Do you think that we can not find the same regarding Biden or Clinton.

        “Do not underestimate the ability of Joe Biden to F$%K things up”
        Pres. Obama.

      3. The republican primary is over. Nikki Halley will eventually give up. When she does she will start campaigning For Trump,
        There is close to a 50:50 possibility she will be Trump’s VP.

        Democrats will run attack adds listing all the mean things Halley said about Trump or Trump said about Halley.
        Some Trump voters will be angry – they do not want any more Neo-Cons.

        But the reason that Trump is likely going to pick Halley is because she is the choice that gives him the best possibility of winning in November.
        Trump will likely win – no matter who he picks, But Halley will bring back Neocon votes, more women, more minorities, more college educated voters.

        Her effect will not be massive – but even if it is only 2% that alters Trump’s odds of wining from 60:40 to 70:30.

        Given that Democrats have made their election strategy trying to send Trump to jail, a 2% increase in votes and a 10% increase in his odds of winning is likely more important than any personal friction.

        1. I have a different view of Haley, I think she intentionally blew that bridge to smithereens I don’t think Haleys ego will allow her to accept an offer. Trump has no problem forgiving and forgetting, and teaming up with Haley if that would provide each positive benefits. I fail to see the advantage for Trump. There are other competent conservative women to put on the ticket

  6. What was Bill Priestap doing in London?

    The Chief of Station promoted by Obama’s John Brennan was Gina Haspel

    “Bill [is getting] back from London next week.”

    – Peter Strzok text to FBI paramour Lisa Page, May 4, 2016

  7. “We’ll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false.”

    – William Casey, CIA Director, 1981 – 1987


    Why was the Russian space-based nuke story dropped yesterday?

    “Russia’s Advances on Space-Based Nuclear Weapon Draw U.S. Concerns”

    “A congressman’s cryptic statement about new intelligence set Washington abuzz and infuriated White House officials.”

    – N.Y. Times

    Answer:  To put a veil over the truth; to cover the story of the Obama Coup D’etat in America referenced herein.  

    Lisa Page to FBI paramour Peter Strzok,  “Obama wants to know everything we’re doing.”

  9. This illegal CIA operation – orchestrated by then CIA Director John Brennan – began one week BEFORE candidate Donald Trump publicly announced Page and Papadopolous would be joining as Foreign Policy Advisors, and almost four months BEFORE the FBI formally launched the Russia Collusion investigation
    Carefully review this timeline….

    23 February 2016 – Trump wins the Nevada caucuses, winning with 46% of the vote with Rubio in a distant second with 24% and Cruz slightly further behind with 21%.

    MARCH 2016 TIMELINE- Check out 14 – 15 March
    1 March 2016 – Super Tuesday. Trump wins 7 of 11 contests, collecting 255 delegates to Ted Cruz’s 218 delegates. Other than Trump, only Cruz, Rubio, Kasich and Carson remained in the race.*** Effectively, by 1 March, Donald Trump now looks most likely to be the Republican nominee. ***

    “Early March” 2016: Fusion GPS in London contacted D.C. law firm Perkins Coie about doing opposition research work for the 2016 election. Eventually, Perkins Coie hired Fusion GPS which in turn hired Christophe Steele Clinton. Steele is a British former intel officer with MI6 from 1987 until his retirement in 2009. He ran the Russia desk at MI6 headquarters in London between 2006 and 2009. Steele authored the “Russian Dossier,” which was a series of “Reports.” Federal Election Commission reports indicate that DNC, Clinton and Obama campaigns made payments to Perkins Coie in 2016.

    March 2016 – Viktor Shokin was fired as Ukraine’s prosecutor-general, after less than 14 months in the post. Shokin, at the time, was investigating Mykola Zlochevsky, the former minister of ecology and natural resources of Ukraine and the founder of Burisma. Hunter Biden had been appointed to the board of the firm, which Shokin claimed was an appointment made by Zlochevsky “in order to protect himself.”

    6 March 2016:  George Papadopoulos (who had left the Ben Carson campaign in January 2016, and begun an affiliation with the London Centre of International Law and Practice (LCILP) in February 2016), learns he will be a member of the Trump campaign’s foreign policy advisory team.

    9 March 2016 – The Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court (FISC) October 2016 opinion stated that the Department of Justice learned that as of 9 March 2016, the FBI had been improperly disclosing “raw FISA information” (that is, information that would include unmasked U.S. person identifying information, or USPI) to an entity largely staffed by private contractors. The FISC opinion said that the access for contractors to FISA data was terminated on 18 April 2016.

    On or about 14 March 2016 – At the suggestion of Nagi Idris, George Papadopoulos flies to Italy to visit Link University and meet Joseph Mifsud (CIA and MI6 asset). Mifsud is introduced as the Maltese Professor. Mifsud said he had close relations within Russia and offered his assistance to help Papadopoulos develop foreign policy recommendations. Mifsud also expresses in meeting with Pompadours in the future.

    And check out this timeline – especially the 14 and 15 March events.
    14 March 2016 – CIA Director John Brennan visits Moscow and meets with the Russian Federal Security Service (today’s version of the KGB). The Moscow Times pinpoints Brennan’s Moscow visit to 14 March.

    15 March 2016 – Russian hackers allegedly begin trying to identify vulnerabilities in the network of the Democratic National Committee. (Washington Post)

    15 March 2016 – US US Director of National Intelligence James Robert Clapper Jr makes secretive visit to Australia. “So far the Federal Government is refusing to give any details of his activities and meetings while in Australia, but the United States embassy in Canberra has confirmed Mr Clapper’s visit.” (Source: US spy boss James Robert Clapper Jr makes secretive visit to Australia, Exclusive by defence reporter Andrew Greene, Posted 15 Mar 2016)

    19 March 2016 – Clinton campaign chairman John Podesta and others are sent “spear-phishing” emails meant to steal the login credentials for their email accounts. (Washington Post).

    Remember these names:
    Christopher Steele, former British intelligence, hired by Fusion GPS. Authored the phony Russian Dossier
    Alexander Downer, Australian High Commissioner stationed in London
    Joseph Mifsud, CIA and MI6 asset, lived and worked in England and Italy

    “According to FISA’s TWO-JUMP PROTOCOL, the FBI can monitor the communications of those in contact with the target and those in contact with them. Law enforcement would look for a target likely to provide the largest aperture into an organization.
    . . . “The fact that Page was a peripheral campaign figure meant he was in contact with more people than someone like Trump, whose contacts were likely pretty limited,” said the same source. “Trump’s the top guy, so his contacts within the team are through a funnel, a handful of aides. Targeting Page would give them broader ability to hop. His first order contacts within the campaign team were probably limited, maybe 15 people—who knows? But that would give lots of access to other people on the second hop, maybe 30 or 40 times that.”
    James Clapper, director of national intelligence, later confirmed the “sensitive” stream of intelligence from Europe. After a slow start, Brennan used the Government Communications Headquarters (GCHQ) information and other tip-offs to launch a major inter-agency investigation. Meanwhile, the FBI was receiving disturbing warnings from Steele.
    “Former president Barack Obama’s official campaign organization has directed nearly a million dollars to the same law firm that funneled money to Fusion GPS, the firm behind the infamous Steele dossier. Since April of 2016, Obama For America (OFA) has paid over $972,000 to Perkins Coie, records filed with the Federal Election Commission (FEC) show OFA, Obama’s official campaign arm in 2016, paid nearly $800,000 to Perkins Coie in 2016 alone, according to FEC records. The first 2016 payments to Perkins Coie, classified only as “Legal Services,” were made April 25-26, 2016, and totaled $98,047. A second batch of payments, also classified as “Legal Services,” were disbursed to the law firm on September 29, 2016, and totaled exactly $700,000. Payments from OFA to Perkins Coie in 2017 totaled $174,725 through August 22, 2017.
    FEC records as well as federal court records show that Marc Elias, the Perkins Coie lawyer whom the Washington Post reported was responsible for the payments to Fusion GPS on behalf of Clinton’s campaign and the DNC, also previously served as a counsel for OFA. In Shamblin v. Obama for America, a 2013 case in federal court in Florida, federal court records list Elias as simultaneously serving as lead attorney for both OFA and the DNC.” (Read more: The Federalist, 10/29/2017)

  10. If Brennan did this – asked foreign intelligence agencies to spy on private citizens – then he should face some sort of criminal or civil penalties. The victims of the spying should be compensated too. Brennan, Comey, Schrock – there was a bunch of slimy people working in intelligence under Obama. These folks disgraced the Obama administration, in my view. I myself voted for Obama twice – but now I believe his administration was as corrupt an administration as Nixon’s.

    1. According to FISA’s two-jump protocol, the FBI can monitor the communications of those in contact with the target and those in contact with them. Law enforcement would look for a target likely to provide the largest aperture into an organization.
      . . . “The fact that Page was a peripheral campaign figure meant he was in contact with more people than someone like Trump, whose contacts were likely pretty limited,” said the same source. “Trump’s the top guy, so his contacts within the team are through a funnel, a handful of aides. Targeting Page would give them broader ability to hop. His first order contacts within the campaign team were probably limited, maybe 15 people—who knows? But that would give lots of access to other people on the second hop, maybe 30 or 40 times that.”
      James Clapper, director of national intelligence, later confirmed the “sensitive” stream of intelligence from Europe. After a slow start, Brennan used the Government Communications Headquarters (GCHQ) information and other tip-offs to launch a major inter-agency investigation.

      1. >”According to FISA’s two-jump protocol, the FBI can monitor the communications of those in contact with the target and those in contact with them. Law enforcement would look for a target likely to provide the largest aperture into an organization.”

        Read somewhere, years ago, that 4 hops out and you’re looking at the entire planet.

    2. I used to think Obama was at least an honest person, even though I thought he was a lousy ideologist, and a race-baiter par excellence.

      But looking back, he let Hillary run a mega-influence peddling operation out of the State Department, and he let Joe Biden do all kinds of corrupt deals as Vice-President. So really, how honest was he ever? Or did someone actually have photos of him in a gay bathhouse, or something.

      1. disclaimer: I actually supported Obama in 08 (had never done that before!). I did not support Obama by 2012.

        *Obama, imo, was first elected to repudiate the Bush/Cheney regimes excessive extremes in no uncertain terms. He did no such thing, quite the opposite .. . and here we are with many of the same actors and confused alarms ‘of struggle and fright, where ignorant armies clash by night.’

        1. I did not vote for him, but I was not super-torqued out when he won or anything. Figured, maybe the black folks would finally shut up about racism. Boy, was I ever wrong about that! The worst part about him was the left-wing trash he drug along with him into office. Bunch of America-hating Jeremiah Wright clones and neo-cons.

      2. OMG!  If Barack Hussein “Barry ‘I-Have-A-Statue-In-Jakarta’ Soetoro” Obama were honest, he would have admitted to being a non-“natural-born citizen” and declined to run for an office he was patently not eligible for.  


        Barack Obama will NEVER be eligible to be U.S. president.

        Barack Obama’s father was a foreign citizen at the time of the candidate’s birth.

        – “Natural born citizen” is a higher status than “citizen.” The President is a higher status than Congress or Senate. The president must be of the higher status, the president must be a “natural born citizen,” and may not be a “citizen.” A mere “citizen” could only have been President at the time of the adoption of the Constitution and not after.

        – The U.S. Constitution, Article 2, Section 1, Clause 5, requires the President to be a “natural born citizen,” which, by definition in the Law of Nations, requires “parents who are citizens” at the time of birth of the candidate, and that he be “…born of a father who is a citizen;…”

        – Ben Franklin thanked Charles Dumas for copies of the Law of Nations which “…has been continually in the hands of the members of our Congress, now sitting,…”

        – “The importance of The Law of Nations, therefore, resides both in its systematic derivation of international law from natural law and in its compelling synthesis of the modern discourse of natural jurisprudence with the even newer language of political economy. The features help to explain the continuing appeal of this text well into the nineteenth century among politicians, international lawyers and political theorists of every complexion,” Law of Nations Editors Bela Kapossy and Richard Whatmore.

        – The Jay/Washington letter of July, 1787, raised the presidential requirement from citizen to “natural born citizen” to place a “strong check” against foreign allegiances by the commander-in-chief.

        – Every American President before Obama had two parents who were American citizens.

        – The Constitution is not a dictionary and does not define esoteric words or phrases, while the Law of Nations, 1758, does.

        – The Law of Nations is referenced in Article 1, Section 8, Clause 10, of the U.S. Constitution: “To define and punish Piracies and Felonies committed on the high Seas, and Offences against the Law of Nations;…”


        Law of Nations, Vattel, 1758

        Book 1, Ch. 19

        § 212. Citizens and natives.

        “The citizens are the members of the civil society; bound to this society by certain duties, and subject to its authority, they equally participate in its advantages. The natives, or natural-born citizens, are those born in the country, of parents who are citizens. As the society cannot exist and perpetuate itself otherwise than by the children of the citizens, those children naturally follow the condition of their fathers, and succeed to all their rights. The society is supposed to desire this, in consequence of what it owes to its own preservation; and it is presumed, as matter of course, that each citizen, on entering into society, reserves to his children the right of becoming members of it. The country of the fathers is therefore that of the children; and these become true citizens merely by their tacit consent. We shall soon see whether, on their coming to the years of discretion, they may renounce their right, and what they owe to the society in which they were born. I say, that, in order to be of the country, it is necessary that a person be born of a father who is a citizen; for, if he is born there of a foreigner, it will be only the place of his birth, and not his country.”


        Ben Franklin letter December 9, 1775, thanking Charles Dumas for 3 copies of the Law of Nations:

        “…I am much obliged by the kind present you have made us of your edition of Vattel. It came to us in good season, when the circumstances of a rising state make it necessary frequently to consult the law of nations. Accordingly that copy, which I kept, (after depositing one in our own public library here, and sending the other to the College of Massachusetts Bay, as you directed,) has been continually in the hands of the members of our Congress, now sitting, who are much pleased with your notes and preface, and have entertained a high and just esteem for their author…”


        To George Washington from John Jay, 25 July 1787

        From John Jay

        New York 25 July 1787

        Dear Sir

        I was this morning honored with your Excellency’s Favor of the 22d

        Inst: & immediately delivered the Letter it enclosed to Commodore

        Jones, who being detained by Business, did not go in the french Packet,

        which sailed Yesterday.

        Permit me to hint, whether it would not be wise & seasonable to

        provide a strong check to the admission of Foreigners into the

        administration of our national Government, and to declare expressly that the Command in chief

        of the american army shall not be given to, nor devolved on, any but a natural born Citizen.

        Mrs Jay is obliged by your attention, and assures You of her perfect

        Esteem & Regard—with similar Sentiments the most cordial and sincere

        I remain Dear Sir Your faithful Friend & Servt

        John Jay

  11. Off topic.

    Waiting for JT to post Georgia DA Willis & Prosecutor Wade analysis

    Georgia “Fraternization policy”

    It is the policy of the Georgia Department of Public Safety to ensure a workplace that is free of any appearance of favoritism due to family or close personal relationships.

    1. We should not piss over those in the process of getting red pilled – because of there positions prior to getting red pilled.

      Turley is a work in progress. Regardless, his small steps in the right direction influence more people than those who see things clearly.

      1. It’s not Turley’s “small steps in the right direction” that I would complain about — it’s his 99 steps backward for every 100 steps forward that are ludicrous. And he did it AGAIN today, elsewhere taking the opportunity to gratuitously bash Trump, as in this tweet:

        Jonathan Turley
        @JonathanTurley 1h

        At points, Willis looked strikingly like the man she is prosecuting. Like Trump, she defied calls from the court to confine her answers. She attacked her critics, including the media and opposing counsel. Unlike Trump, however, she got away with it.

  12. It will take quite a long time to earn the trust of the people. Perhaps, downsizing and curtailing rogue behavior from top to bottom would be a good start. . . . But, who is actually in charge ?

    1. Today Obama is in charge. And I have explained the Obama tasked his agency heads to install Obama approved operatives at the top 2-3 civil servants in those agencies, and deeper if they could.
      Obama did the same in the military. He identified patriotic lifers in the Military, and communicated through chain of command that their promotions were effectively over. The were welcome to stay, but they would never achieve additional command responsibilities.
      Thats why we have Navy vessels running into other vessels in the middle of open seas.
      Obama successfully degraded the military readiness and effectiveness of the United States.

  13. I liked the World better when it was funny to read the Spy v. Spy cartoons in MAD Magazine. Now, as an adult, I have learned that The more you play cards, the more tricks you learn.
    You know what the cleaning ladies found under the card table?
    -Several deleted emails from Hunter to T. Bobulinski and Rob Walker, MORE of the deleted classified information that Joe Biden had given his ghostwriter, Hillary’s missing emails, Adam Schiff’s private notes to his “whistleblower,” Marc Elias’ itemized billing hours’ clients at Perkins Coie, the missing communications between the FBI and social media “disinformation” censors, the classified documents originally stuffed in Bill Clinton’s sock drawer, the IRS/Lois Lerner missing emails regarding “targeting” of certain “conservative” citizens, John Brennan’s application to the Communist Party, missing emails regarding the depth of then-Biden campaign manager Tony Blinken’s role in drafting the “Public Statement” that the Hunter laptop story was Russian disinformation, missing memos regarding UNRWA staff’s role in aiding Hamas, missing memos regarding DOJ “Operation Fast and Furious” documents that Eric Holder told President Obama to assert executive privilege over and prevent Congress’ subpoena from getting, and….where in the world is that dadblast Wuhan scientist who started the whole COVID thing?

  14. Remember when spying on the public was a huge scandal?
    Spying on campaigns is a lot worse.
    Setting up an official op to attack a candidate is magnitudes worse than that.
    And not one set of handcuffs and 25% of the public likes it.
    Wake up and smell the horrible stench of every other descent into feudal societal collapse.

  15. Brennan “told the audience he voted for [the communist] Gus Hall because while in college he was unhappy ‘with the system’ and saw the ‘need for change.’”

    So Obama provided the “hope,” and Brennan the “change.”

    Bedfellows like that are never an accident.

  16. All meant to distract from the multiple crimes committed during the Obama administration so that Trump would be too busy defending to go on the offensive. And I don’t like Trump. But I detest Brennan. Long history of authoritarian leftism.

      1. Fishstick,
        Really, you need to learn something called logistics and man power when it comes to warfare.
        Otherwise, you will forever remain ignorant.
        You might want to read up on Sun Tuz.

        1. Anybody believing Putin would not invade the Baltic’s or eastern Europe with Trump’s help, is a fool.

          1. And anyone with any degree of common sense would know Trump would do no such thing.
            Sec Def Ash Carter under Obama did an interview on WBUR, On Point. In the interview he stated that world leaders do not read Trump’s tweets or what he says. They watch what he DOES. They all know Trump played the MSM, and leftists. But they paid attention to what he DOES.
            And Trump is doing it, once again. And the MSM and dupes like you are falling for it all over again.
            The only fool here is you.

            And Putin does not want Trump elected.
            He wants Biden.

            1. “The truth has no defense against a fool determined to believe a lie” M. Twain was thinking of your type of thinking, that’s for sure.

              1. Yet, Fishstick, you prove you are the fool believing all the lies that have been fed to you from your MSM aka ARM betters, playing you for the fool you are.
                From the Russia Hoax, the 51 intelligence officers and Russian disinformation job, to COVID.
                Just keep proving Twain right. You have a most excellent track record.

            2. I agree.

              This is a permutation of reporter Salena Zitos 2016 observation.

              Trump’s supporters take him seriously but not litterally
              Trump’s detractors take him litterally, but not seriously.

              All that said – it does not matter what Trump might SAY – Russia is over extended.

              Ukraine is turing into a war of attrition. Russia may prevail in that. But it is already self evident they are a paper tiger.

              Russia can not take on NATO – even if the US sat the fight out.
              Russia can not take on any european country with consequential airpower.
              Russia can not take on another country while at war with Ukraine – or for a long time after – Russia is just not strong enough to do so

          2. Right, Putin is having an enormous amount of difficulty dealing with Ukraine – a country that he was supposed to be able to overrun in 72 hours – and you honestly beleive he is going to start a much broader war ?

            The Instant Russia invaded Ukraine they radically changed everything in Europe. Putin made it clear he was a threat to all of europe.

            The next big change was Russia’s failure to crush Ukraine in the first 72hrs. That exposed that the Russian military is a paper tiger.

            Putin might WANT to restore the former USSR – but Russia is unable to do so.

            Whatever the outcome Ukraine is the end of the line for Russia. If Russia can not handle Ukraine – they can not handle Poland and certainly not all of NATO

            The Ukraine was is turing into a deadly war of attribtion – Ukraine with western weapons and training vs Russians with large numbers of men and antique weapons. That is leading to a stalemate.

            That stalemate breaks for ukraine either with the control of the air, or with more boots on the ground.
            Any attack on the rest of eastern Europe exceeds Russian military ability.

            You can rant about what Putin might do in a hypothetical world

            We live in the real one.

          3. Fishstick, the problem with your “analysis” is that Trump was ALREADY president and guess what…Russia didn’t invade anyone. But they did invade under Obama/Biden and Biden/Harris. Boy, you make it so easy.

        2. Upstate,
          Sun Tzu (you misspelled it) doesn’t apply.

          Russia wants a buffer ring around it, rather than have NATO directly on its borders.

          Had Biden been a stronger leader and made it clear that going into Ukraine is a no-no and that Ukraine is not going to be part of NATO… Russia would never had invaded.

          Biden is the weak/old man of the West.

          He has done everything along w Obama to hurth this country.


          1. Ian,
            The word is “hurt.”
            You misspelled it.

            I do not disagree with you about a buffer or not having NATO up against their borders.
            Unfortunately that is not what we got. Looking back on history, the US/West said NATO would not expand Eastward. And then they up and did.
            So here we are.
            Spot on about Putin seeing weakness of the Biden admin and taking advantage of it with the invasion of the Ukraine. The US/West lead sanctions against Russia and Putin able to use those sanctions to his advantage was a brilliant strategic move on his part. The rest of the BRICS and now BRICS+ pivoting away from the US/West uni-polar world was a mix of US/West stepping on a rake and serendipity.
            Putin recently announced he would like to see Biden beat Trump in the upcoming election. While he says it in a diplomatic way, I think we all know the better. Who benefits more with a weak, incompetent, old man with poor memory?
            Russia, China, Iran, Hamas, the Houthis, the drug cartels on the Southern border.

          2. Ian,
            BTW, “If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles. If you know yourself but not the enemy, for every victory gained you will also suffer a defeat. If you know neither the enemy nor yourself, you will succumb in every battle.”
            As I have seen from Afghanistan, we, we being the US military, did not know our enemy. I would question if we knew ourselves. That with several other Sun Tzu observations on combat is the reason why not only did the Soviets lose in Afghanistan, but we did as well.
            And I saw it on the ground long before Trump or Biden.

          3. Ian: let’s see if I have your thinking right: it’s OK for Russia to have a “buffer ring around it”, but not for the rest of the world to have a buffer against Russia, with all border countries being part of NATO, and that it’s all Joe Biden’s fault that Putin invaded Ukraine because Biden didn’t somehow signal that Ukraine would never be part of NATO? So, it must be the case that Biden has some obligation to keep Ukraine out of NATO to appease Putin because, in your opinion, Putin was right to invade Ukraine and Biden should look out for Putin’s interests, even if it involves hundreds of thousands of Ukrainians getting killed, their land confiscated and being put under the thumb of Putin? Did I get that right?

            If so, WTF is wrong with you? Putin invaded Ukraine because he mistakenly believed that Trump’s trashing of our EU and NATO allies weakened the US’s relations with them, and that they wouldn’t or couldn’t put up a united front when he invaded Ukraine. That thinking backfired spectacularly. Ukraine has held its own, thanks to Biden mending relations with our EU and NATO allies, which have put up a united front. Now, Finland and Sweden are wanting to join NATO. Putin has always maintained that Ukraine, Poland and the Baltic countries still belong to Russia, even after the Soviet Union was dissolved and it is his goal to put the old Soviet Union back together. He has made it clear that he intends to try to get back all of the countries that used to be under USSR, starting with the Crimea Peninsula, and proceeding with invading Ukraine. If he gets away with that, he’ll go after Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia, so he can control commerce to and from Eastern Europe via the Baltic and Black Seas. Poland would be next. They are all NATO countries.

            The only “weak old man” is Trump–weak because of his ignorance and narcissism, his lack of fundamental understanding of the need for and benefits of NATO and a general lack of understanding of world politics. Multiple former members of his cabinet have commented about his lack of basic understanding of the politics leading up to and after WWII. He has a pathetic need to appear to be a “tough he man”, when he’s really a weak loser with a pathological need for attention, adulation and power. Putin, being former KGB. understands that Trump is easily manipulated by praise and attention, which is why he helped him cheat in 2016, believing that Trump would weaken NATO, which would help him try to recapture the former countries under the USSR. Putin was afraid of Hillary Clinton because she is both strong and intelligent, two things Trump isn’t, although he tries to fake it–his recent comments about NATO allies allegedly being told to “pay up” or the US would refuse to honor its treaty with NATO, and that “money came rollling in” after he threatened them, proves his basic lack of understanding of how NATO works.

            And, where do you get off taking about what Putin would or wouldn’t have done, much less blaming Biden, when interview after interview with Putin makes clear his belief that former Soviet countries belong to Russia?

            1. Obama invaded Ukraine and overthrew it’s Russian favoring democratically elected government in 2014, vic nuland testified to it and she’s still there. They spent 5 billion to do it. Putin knows, he just said so in the interview.
              Nuland (OBAMA REGIME) also testified they spent TWENTY BILLION, that’s 20 BILLION, 20,000,000,000 dollars, not 5,000 dollars, to overthrow Putin in Moscow, to “interfere with their election”. 5k is what russia spent to mess in our 2016 election.

              So Obama started the war in Ukraine. After the overthrow Obama started bombing the eastern half of Ukraine, with Joe Biden as the point man, another Uklraine war criminal from 2014.


          4. IMB – you are correct about What Russia wants.
            But it is self evident that is beyond Russias capability.

            Biden did signal repeatedly to Putin that invading Ukraine was a no-no.

            That it not the problem.

            Biden cut US energy production leaving Putin to beleive that he had leverage over Europe.
            Fortunately the US built massive LNG capacity under Trump.
            The US has been able to replace a significant percent of the NG that WAS coming from Russia because of infrastructure started 3 years BEFORE the war.

            Separately Biden conveyed weakness with his mishandling of Afghanistan.

            Next, Biden like Obama/Hillary and Bush before signalled that they wanted Ukraine in NATO – something Russia will not accept.

            Biden created the circumstances in which invading Ukraine was necescary and possibly advantageous to Russia.

            It did not work out that way – Ukraine fouhgt better than expected initially and at that point the West decided that maybe supporting Ukraine could weaken Russian.

      2. How old are you?
        Perhaps you’re not mentally mature enough to understand what hyperbole, irony, and sarcasm is, but I suggest you look up their meanings. It will keep you from further embarrassment.

        1. You must be part of those people that say, trump means what he said, and or, trump doesn’t mean what he said.

          1. Fishstick,
            Once upon a time here in America, someone could declare something, from the mundane to the outrageous, about possible future outcomes.
            And someone else would respond, “I will believe it when I see it.” A very common sense response.
            Then, sometime around 2016, about half of the American population lost all their sense of logic, common sense, critical thinking and just submitted to mindless hyper-emotional knee jerk reaction of what someone declared, or tweeted, as proof of future outcomes.
            It is difficult to make predictions, especially about the future.
            So. Are you so certain about what Trump has said that it is concrete outcome in the future? And do base that off his past words or tweets.
            If so, now do the Powerball.

          2. Trump is the first President since Reagan to at least try to enact the vast majorities of policies he campaigned on. He was often stifled by the neo-cons (Flake, Romney, SC ahole, etc).

            Did biden run on hot war in Ukraine? Open borders? genocide in gaza? licking CCP taint?

      3. Underestimating Trump’s a fool’s game. Besides, remember not only the Clinton’s hands on selling Uranium One to Russia, the current administration denied Russia from using SWIFT.

      4. You are part of the problem. Idiots like you who think they know everything are the most ignorant people in the USA today. It shows in every dumb comment you post, and the rest of us are laughing at how gullible you are.

      5. You do understand that if the Taibbi story is correct – which it quite likely is, what you are spreading is deliberate CIA misinformation.

        You are proving that the CIA successfully interfered in the 2016 election by spreading misinformation that YOU have bought.

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