A Moment of Truth: Five Questions for Hunter Biden

Below is my column in the New York Post on the closed door deposition of Hunter Biden.  After years of conflicting and evasive responses on these corruption allegations, Hunter Biden is now faced with a moment of truth.

In 2016, Hunter Biden and his father Joe Biden gave an interview in which he declared “The single best thing is, family comes first.” In a gushing account, Salon warned readers that the interview “will make you want to be a Biden.” That may not be so true today as Hunter faces hours of questioning about his family’s alleged corruption and influence peddling. It is likely that he will again put “family first” but there are obvious penalties if he puts family before the facts in this corruption scandal.

This is a moment that has been building for years. After committing open contempt of Congress with a sensational press conference outside of Congress, Hunter is facing a target-rich environment for investigators who have detailed millions that allegedly went to him and his family members from foreign sources in China, Russia, Ukraine, and other countries.

Hunter will have the difficult task of maintaining two seemingly conflicting narratives. On one hand, he has claimed that he was given millions due to his skills and knowledge. On the other hand, he has repeatedly dismissed embarrassing evidence or his lack of memory as the result of being in the throes of addiction…for years.  The spins seem to whip wildly between “Hunter the globe-trotting business genius” and “Hunter the blacked out junkie.”

There are dozens of questions concerning “loans” and transfers to Hunter that will be explored over a full day of questioning. However, five basic questions should be priorities for investigator assuming that Hunter does not simply plead the Fifth Amendment to remain silent.

1. Did Joe Biden know about his business dealings?

President Biden has maintained for years, including during the last presidential election, that he had no knowledge of his son’s business dealings. President Biden and the White House continued to repeat his denial from the campaign trail in 2019: “I have never spoken to my son about his overseas business dealings.” These denials have continued even after an audiotape surfaced showing President Biden leaving a message for Hunter specifically discussing coverage of those dealings.

Some of us have written for years that Biden’s denial of knowledge is patently false. Hunter previously contradicted that statement. While Hunter is likely to spin the question as denying his father “did business” with him, he is expected to confirm that he did discuss his dealings with his father, which were referenced in the media for years.

2. The WhatsApp Message.

The addiction defense is likely to be raised quickly as Hunter is confronted with testimony and messages suggesting that he directly used his father to coerce foreign sources to fork over a fortune. The House investigators previously discovered the infamous WhatsApp message:

“I am sitting here with my father and we would like to understand why the commitment made has not been fulfilled. Tell the director that I would like to resolve this now before it gets out of hand, and now means tonight. And, Z, if I get a call or text from anyone involved in this other than you, Zhang, or the chairman, I will make certain that between the man sitting next to me and every person he knows and my ability to forever hold a grudge that you will regret not following my direction. I am sitting here waiting for the call with my father.”

Hunter is expected to claim that it was the drugs speaking and that his father was not sitting next to him. However, it will also prompt follow up questions about repeated references to his father in messages on meetings, dinners, and influence.

3. The Ukraine Call and Reaching Out to Touch Someone.

Devon Archer reportedly recounted how, in 2015, Mykola Zlochevsky and Vadym Pozharski, two executives of the corrupt Ukrainian energy firm Burisma pressured Hunter to do something about the investigation into corruption. Archer testified that there was nothing subtle in their demands. They pressed Hunter to “get help from D.C.” to fire a Ukrainian prosecutor who was investigating Burisma for corruption. Archer said that Hunter, Zlochevsky and Pozharski stepped away to make the call.

Hunter is again expected to use the addiction defense as being blacked out on the call or its details. However, it will also prompt questions on contacts of Hunter with various administration officials on behalf of clients. The Ukraine call was a direct request for Hunter, as AT&T once advertised, “to reach out and touch someone.” Those “touches” will be a key to showing that there was not just an offer of influence but deliverables on the promise.

4. The Shokin Controversy.

In March 2016, Biden bragged he told the Ukrainian government that he would unilaterally withhold a billion dollars of aid unless they removed the top prosecutor Viktor Shokin.  In an interview with the Council on Foreign Relations in 2018, Biden proudly recounted:

“I said, ‘You’re not getting the billion. I’m going to be leaving here in, I think it was about six hours ‘I’m leaving in six hours. If the prosecutor is not fired, you’re not getting the money.’…Well, son of a bitch, he got fired. And they put in place someone who was solid at the time.”

Critics allege that Hunter’s Ukrainian clients complained shortly before that ultimatum about Shokin in a meeting with Hunter and Archer. The House is likely to push Hunter on whether he discussed the Ukrainian prosecutor with his father and whether his clients were upset with the inquiries by Shokin.

5. Services and Swag.

Hunter will be pressed on his receipt of lavish gifts and expense accounts, including a 3.16-carat diamond estimated to be worth $80,000 from Ye Jianming, chairman of Chinese energy conglomerate CEFC. The question is what services were rendered during such periods. There will also be question of services rendered and the timing of calls and meeting with his father. The House investigators have assembled a time line where major deals or payments were made after his father called into meetings or met with clients. There are emails thanking him for arranging the meetings.

The testimony today could not be more dangerous for Hunter. Any misleading or false claim in the course of this testimony could result in new federal criminal charges. It will be difficult for the Justice Department to run interference on false testimony in an investigation into corruption and special dealing. In other words, time’s up. In this case, the family cannot come before the facts: the family is the fact that is at issue before Congress.

129 thoughts on “A Moment of Truth: Five Questions for Hunter Biden”

  1. Does anyone expect the guy who was too stupid to pick up a laptop with incriminating evidence on it to suddenly get clever? If they allow this imbecile to speak at all, it will be to plead the 5th.

  2. The Congress may just be scratching the surface on this one and it make years and years of follow up research to establish the breadth and width of the Biden family corruption. For example, Peter Schweizer, a NY Times number one bestselling author and investigative journalist has claimed that Ye Jianming, chairman of CEFC, the Chinese energy company, and who was a client of Hunter Biden and the person threatened in the now-infamous phone call from Hunter purportedly sitting next to his father when he demanded to know “why the commitment made has not been fulfilled,” was (and likely still is) a close associate of Zhang Anle aka “White Wolf, a Chinese triad leader (organized crime head).” Zhang Anle, according to Schweizer, is a close associate and “partner” with the leaders of Mexico’s Sinaloa Cartel that imports fentanyl from China and controls its sale and distribution throughout the United States. This may explain why the Biden administration has so little to say about fentanyl abuse in the U.S. and its Chinese origin. This also may explain why there is no “National Fentanyl Strategy” by DEA, FBI, and ONDCP. Schweizer claims and has collected evidence to show the Biden family has received $31 million from a “small group of Chinese businessmen with deep ties to the highest levels of Chinese intelligence.” Schweizer’s work is NOT supermarket tabloid material as he is the President of the Government Accountability Institute, a former William J. Casey Fellow at the Hoover Institution, Stanford University, and, as I mentioned, a NY Times number one bestselling author.

  3. My prediction, and it is a wild one, is that after the hearing Dan Goldman will say nothing was shown to prove that Joe, or even Hunter, did anything wrong.

    1. Rep Goldman will also likely say that the Republicans were mistreating poor Hunter and that they should be drawn, quartered and impeached for doing so.

  4. The question I would ask Hunter would be “Now that this whole Republican investigation into you has been revealed as Russian disinformation – indeed the prime “whistleblower” cited by Republicans has been shown to have been working directly with the Russians – do you think Comer and Jordan might be working directly with the Russians too?

    1. Have you always been this dumb, or did you have to work at it? What, for example, does the whistleblower have to do with the diamond, the AF2 flights, the payment from the wife of the Moscow mayor etc.?

      What never ever ceases to amaze me is how people like you are willing to shed self-respect and clown yourselves for these people. Hunter Biden is a dissolute slimeball. He’s the apotheosis of so-called “white privilege,” and he’s made millions selling out our country (what, you think the ChiComs give away money for nothing?

      And are you sure that all the girls in the videos were of legal age? Does the apple fall far from the tree? What about Joe Biden’s showers with his own daughter, Ashley?

    2. Nice try Kyle. Can you explain why Hunter and James gave huge checks to Joe? Can you explain why Burisma paid Hunter $83,000 A MONTH? Can you explain why we have Joe Biden calling into his son’s meetings? DOes your daddy call you in the middle of your business meetings?

      Kyle, we know you work for the Democrats, but try to be a little more subtle as you ruin your reputation (such as it is) by defending the most corrupt president in history.

      1. Why Burisma paid Hunter $83,000 A MONTH?

        I think I can answer that, it’s called white privledge. Ya know? Rich people.

        Same way Kushner got 2 billion from the Saudi’s.

        Rich privledge.

      2. Can you explain why Burisma paid Hunter $83,000 A MONTH?

        Russia–Ukraine gas disputes

        Does Russia pay Ukraine for pipeline?
        Russian gas continues to transit Ukraine in 2023, going to Austria, 6.0bcm p.a., Slovakia, 6.5bcm, and Hungary, 1.0bcm (part of their national supply). All three countries pay Russia in rubles.[176] Russian gas piped through Ukraine in 2023 was 14.4bcm, with only the Sudzha, Urengoy–Pomary–Uzhhorod pipeline operational.[177] Ukraine is contracted to provide the service until December 2024. Gazprom is obliged to provide the gas and pay the transit fees to Ukraine.

        Burisma, The Bidens And Ukraine’s Bid To Be Energy Independent
        By: Ken Silverstein – Senior Contributor ~ Sep 27, 2019

        Hunter got the ‘Agency’s Think Tank’ – “insider knowledge” and parley with Kyiv (Burisma) for a cut ($) of the action, just before Volodymyr Zelensky pissed off Gazprom and Vladimir Putin retaliated with an invasion, thus starting a War. Biden knew what was going to happen (a War), he just capitalized on it. As the dispute escalated and broke out, Ukraine has not paid Gazprom one single Ruble. – Got It-

        Who do you think blew up the Nord Stream Gas Line, to piss off Vladimir Putin. Denmark ended the probe into ‘deliberate’ Nord Stream pipeline blasts. Why, Because it doesn’t look good for the Ukrainians and the Bidens (Joey was Pres. in 2022).

        Re: Nord Stream pipeline built by Russia’s state-controlled Gazprom (GAZP.MM) , opens new tab to pump 110 billion cubic meters (bcm) of natural gas a year across the Baltic Sea to Germany.

        Election 2024: President Gas is President Gas again.

  5. Sadly as only the honorable poster’s visiting the site know nothing will happen to the Biden’s. Our country needs a tuneup badly that only a strong outsider will be able to accomplish. Politicians today are in office way too long, money and power blind them to a point of criminality. Step back, no names, no political parties, look hard, are you and your family comforted by what you see?

    1. Exactly right, Margot. Too many accross this country fail to realize they’re being grifted from their own earnings and freedoms right under their own noses. They simply *can’t see*, due to our failing public education system, they’re not better off being ‘ruled’ by those living in “far, far, away,” those who don’t give two shinolas about them or their well being.

  6. Demorats and progressive media continue to state that you have to have irrefutable evidence that money was paid over directly to Joe Biden in order to prove that a crime occurred. That is simply not true. Many legal cases have held that money or benefits paid or given to family members qualifies as an illegal crime. Look at how much money went to the family members (such as a grandchild) who had no possible legitimate business dealings with the donors/payors with which they could have earned those monies.

  7. Place your bets on whatever FOX comes up with, Turley will surely follow. But in the end, the Trump Cult will believe in what they want to believe. Because if the Russians say so, it must be true.

      1. Putin says whatever he thinks serves him. Putin lies a lot. Putin wants to harm the US. Why would you believe him?

    1. Fishbrain, Joe said that his sanctions on Russia would be ruinous and would bring the Russians to a halt. That didn’t happen. Then Biden said if Putin kills his main opponent there will be “serious repercussions”…which turned out to be “500 more sanctions”???? If there remained FIVE HUNDRED SANCTIONS to hit Russia with then why didn’t tough guy Joe Biden slap them on while Russia was killing hundreds of thousands of Ukrainians?

      1. I am not sure you understand how sanctions work.

        There are about 143 million Russian citizens and likely millions of Russian entities, as well.

        A reference to the number of entities/people subject to sanctions is practically meaningless. –

    2. FishAnus, sophomoric Soviet Democrat Apparatchik attempted this combination BBBUUUTTTT…. MUH TUMP! MUH FOX!:
      Place your bets on whatever FOX comes up with, Turley will surely follow.

      Anything that FishAnus desperately hopes will distract from the overwhelming amount of evidence between Biden White House Crime Inc and adversarial foreign countries that were their customers. And how DARE anyone consider the idea that The Bagman Formerly Known As The Crackhead Kid was the intermediary between the ChiComs, Russia, etc and Vice President Kiddy Fondler’s office in the Whit House. Please ignore your lying eyes about those 150 Suspicious Activity Reports filed about money laundering while The Big Guy was Vice President (exactly like Obama ignored them).

      Because if the Russians say so, it must be true.

      Is it worth reminding FishAnus that the Clinton/Obama/Biden/DNC crime cartel commissioned and paid one of Putin’s Russians (under investigation at the time for espionage) to write their “Russia Dossier”. A crime under FEC law to hire that foreign national, BTW. A crime for which Hillary Clinton got one of those special Soviet Democrat plea deals – not charged with the crime, just a few hundred thousand dollars in fines.

      And then FishAnus and his masters at the Soviet Democrat Politburo used their CNN and other propagandists to tell Americans for over FOUR YEARS, that their Russian was telling them the truth in their “Russia Dossier”.

      It really is an insult that the Soviet Democrats send such bottom of the barrel apparatchiks and liars like FishAnus here to attempt to pimp for them. Don’t we at least deserve some that are a bit more entertaining?

        1. Another cowardly Anonymous Soviet Democrat tried this:
          You’re the sophomoric one with your juvenile insults.

          I rarely respond to feckless anonymous cowards who insult everybody here attempting to have rational discussions (not to mention Professor Turley) – while they instead hide and backstab under the username “Anonymous”. Troll and backstab not only other commenters here with usernames, but Professor Turley as well.

          Further, the juvenile insults are when you feckless anonymous Soviet Democrat cowards NEVER engage in rational debate. Instead, you arrive and participate here to do nothing other than troll and regurgitate on command doing one or more of four things:

          1. Regurgitating Soviet Democrat off topic lies that most of us have seen elsewhere from the Soviet Democrat politburo and their propangadist talking heads.

          2. Regurgitating Soviet Democrat misdirection that is completely off the current topic. Again, copied from your Soviet Democrat fellow travelers elsewhere.

          3. Attempting “Nothing to see here, move on”, when the topic is the corruption and police state fascism of Bribery Biden and/or his fellow Soviet Democrats.

          4. And when there’s nothing else… “BBBUBUBUUUTTTTT… MUH TRUMP!/BBBUBUBUBUUUTTTT… MUH FOX NEWS!”

          The insults you bring here deserve nothing but ridicule and insults in kind as the response. You earned every single one of them. You don’t get to be treated with respect when you do nothing to earn it but instead attempt to create another Soviet Democrat Schiff Show.

          Now why don’t you see if you can borrow three feet of spine and a few yards of guts from one of your Birthing Persons, pick a username instead of continuing to hide under “Anonymous”, and engage in actual debate and discussion instead of the astroturfing and trolling that is all you’ve offered so far.

          Until you can screw up the courage to do that, you will be mocked and treated with the contempt that you’ve earned.

  8. Mr, Turley, While I appreciate all of the thoughtful questions you have put together regarding, Hunter Biden, I fear he would be instructed to give vague answers to all of these fine questions. With the liberals in control of the courts and media, I believe all of the Bidens will walk free.
    If Mr. Trump were to become President again, these deep seated liberals will stop at nothing to derail him as they are doing everything they can to keep us from learning the truth about Hunter Biden and his family.

  9. TRUTH? A moment of truth? The biden clan doesn’t understand the meaning of that word, neither do the partisans that surround them as they need to keep the status quo to ensure the smooth functioning of the swamp. No legal efforts are going to blast this infestation out of our government.

    1. Hugh Fool threw this BBBBUUUUTTTTT… MUH TRUMP! distraction out there:
      Perhaps he can just go into a closed door deposition and plead the Fifth. I mean, Trump did, more than 400 times.

      Predictable that op-eds that have exactly nothing to do with Trump, who wasn’t even in politics when the Biden White House Crime Cartel was doing its thing, is what Soviet Democrats want readers to divert to instead.

      You could have offered an explanation of why The Bagman Formerly Known As The Crackhead Kid isn’t dealing with a criminal prosecution for ignoring a subpoena – exactly like Bannon and Navarro were treated, who had far more justification for ignoring the subpoena than The Bagman ever had.

      In your historical meanderings… why not get a little more current? How about Navarro and Bannon being referred for prosecution for refusing to appear before a House Committee – but The Bagman Formerly Known As The Crackhead Kid was not.

      If you want to go back further, do any Soviet Democrats posting here remember when Obama’s Attorney General Eric Holder refused to comply with a House subpoena – and when referred for prosecution, Obama did not allow the prosecution of his Attorney General to proceed?

      Wait! How about when the FBI Director who perjured himself to FISA courts and gave classified information to a journalist to leak did show up to testify after being subpoenaed.

      True, Soviet Democrat Useful Fool, Comey did not once invoke the Fifth. But how many hundred times during his questioning did this man so qualified as to be FBI Director respond to questions with “I don’t know”, “I don’t recall”, “I don’t remember”, etc?

      Got anything other than “BBBBUUUUTTTTT… MUH TRUMP!”?

    1. It appears that my prediction didn’t come true; it’s been reported that Hunter did make a statement and is “answering” questions. In my humble opinion, Hunter is a damn fool.

  10. The committee could find a check, paid to the Order of Joe Biden, from a Chinese businessman, with “Bribe” written on the memo line, signed and endorsed by Joe Biden, and deposited and cleared through his personal checking account, and the Democrats and the shills, would still not see any evidence of bribery.

    How do you know that somebody just didn’t deposit that check in his account without him knowing? How do you know that is really his signature? Maybe his memory is bad, and he forgot what it was really for? Oh, the word “bribe” was just a joke! Is there a video of him doing any of this stuff? etc.

    1. Kind of like trump supporters that after trump gave a speech that resulted in the Capitol being ransacked while they changed hang mike pence and where’s Nancy, over 1000 convicted of crimes including seditious conspiracy, still support him to be our next President.

      1. Another lie, by this blog’s liar and chief. In Trump’s speech what word are you lying about, peacefully? You do know the meaning of peacefully and of course you know that Pelosi refused the troops approved by Trump. Pelosi is the cause of a protest that got out of hand.

        1. trump gave a speech on Jan 6, 2021, he said he was going to walk down to the Capitol with the crowd (he didn’t). A crowd of over 1000 stormed the capitol building. over 1000 have been arrested and convicted of crimes related to events that day.

          What exactly is the lie?

          1. “What exactly is the lie?”

            Bob, whether it be factual lies, innuendo, or attempted linkage of events not cause and effect linked, you are always lying.

            “after trump gave a speech that resulted in the Capitol being ransacked”

            The speech did not cause the violence. The reason Trump wished to call up the troops was they already knew that the protest, without proper policing, could result in violence. That proves your statement of cause and effect a lie.

            Let’s deal with linkage (a lie) in this latest post.

            “Trump gave a speech … A crowd of over 1000 stormed the capitol building… over 1000 have been arrested and convicted of crimes related to events that day.”

            Correlation does not imply causation. You lack the intelligence to figure out the proper relationship between cause and effect.

            As proven earlier, you misquoted Trump. That quote was a lie and proven so. I provided you with the actual quote and the entire transcript for context. You did not admit your lie or explain the lie as an error. This is the real you, Bob, a liar who has no pride. This is not the first time you had to be corrected for that misquote. Sentient people know you are ignorant and can’t help yourself.

      2. Bob, the Soviet Democrat Marxist Useful Idiot displayed he has the memory of Joe Biden with this tiny slice of His Truth he posted regarding history:
        Kind of like trump supporters that after trump gave a speech that resulted in the Capitol being ransacked

        Oh look! Another ‘BBBUBUBUUUUTTTTT…. MUCH TRUMP!’ post. Nobody here has EVER seen that before, Bob! You’re UNIQUE! INVENTIVE!

        Bob the Soviet Democrat Marxist Useful Idiot Bribery Biden supporter cosplays as being as forgetful as Biden: he supposedly forgets the MONTHS of Mostly Peaceful Insurrection And Ransacking, when the Soviet Democrats’ street thugs in Black Liars & Marxists and Pantifa ransacked and engaged in armed insurrection?

        Bob doesn’t remember when his party’s street thugs ransacked the entire United States far worse than that one Capital building was “ransacked” in those short three hours?

        Rioting, pillaging, looting, ransacking and burning their way across the entire country for months. All while The Big Guy, Bribery Biden, encouraged them and egged them on by publicly calling them “A courageous group of Americans”.

        While, at the same time Senator Skanky Ho, now Vice President Skanky Ho, told them in public addresses that they shouldn’t stop their violent Mostly Peaceful Insurrection of rioting, burning, pillaging, and murder. And for those who were actually arrested – Senator Skanky Ho worked to raise funds to release them so they could get back to the insurrection as fast as possible.

        Does Bob the Soviet Democrat Marxist Useful Idiot remember any of the 540+ riots by his party’s street thugs while Bribery Biden and The Skanky Ho cheered them on? Can Bob tell us where Bribery Biden, The Skanky Ho, Commissar Pelosi, Schumer said something like “peacefully protest” as Trump did on January 6th?

        Can Bob the Soviet Democrat Marxist Useful Idiot tell us when, during those MONTHS of Mostly Peaceful Insurrection And Ransacking, any Soviet Democrat leader told them to stop what they were doing and go home – as Trump did January 6th? Bribery Biden? Vice President Skanky Ho? Commissar Pelosi? Any one of them?

        No? I’m sure we’re all shocked that Bob can’t do that…

        Okay then… does Bob the Soviet Democrat Marxist Useful Idiot remember the federal buildings they attacked with Molotov Cocktails and explosives? Does Bob remember the federal buildings they torched? The federal buildings they occupied? The entire city blocks they forcibly seized and held for weeks, using what Soviet Democrats call ‘assault weapons’?

        Does Bob remember the federal law enforcement officers his party’s street thugs attempted to murder? Or the federal law enforcement officers his party’s street thugs DID murder in their Season Of Mostly Peaceful Insurrection And Ransacking?

        One could continue reminding Bob that there is more to history than His Truth wants to post about, but it would be pointless to do so.

        It should be sufficient to remind Bob that people recognize him for the inept, untalented Soviet Democrat troll that he is.

        Better luck next time Tovarisch Bob, Soviet Democrat party apparatchik and amateur level troll.

  11. Hunter takes the fifth.
    I my guess is that Joe’s unexpected trip to the hospital will reveal he’s in no shape to be president and will step down. As he walks out the door he will pardon everyone but Donald Trump. Now the race to see who will run for Obama’s fourth term will be debated for months. Actually, it’s already been decided.

    1. I would not be one bit surprised. Or, he is going to get a doctor to say that he is just peachy! Whatever, I do not expect him to be the nominee.

    1. What does that have to do with anything?
      This column was written, not an appearance, for the NY Post.
      The good professor also writes and likely gets paid for his columns in The Hill and USAToday.
      None of those are appearances.

        1. Another feckless cowardly Anonymous Soviet Democrat apparatchik and troll attempted this deflection from Biden White House Crime LLC:
          You do realize the NYP and Fox have the same parent corporation, NewsCorp?

          No, I did not know that – should I fact check you because you’re a Soviet Democrat apparatchik and troll? And therefore, probably also a pathological serial liar? Yes, good idea, I will do that…

          …AND, it turns out you’re another pathetic cowardly Anonymous Soviet Democrat liar. Fox is NOT owned by NewsCorp:

          “Fox Corporation is an American multinational mass media company. The company is controlled by the Murdoch family via a family trust with 39.6% ownership share, and by Rupert Murdoch himself to the effect of almost 40%.”

          And – oh look! – NewsCorp doesn’t own the NYP either!

          That lie to attempt a distraction from Biden White House Crime LLC aside: as you’ve self identified as a media expert, do you also claim NewsCorp also owns The Hill, Huffington Post, etc – other media customers who Turley sells his op-ed pieces to?

          And finally, what does your attempted distraction have to do with the testimony of The Bagman Formerly Known As The Crackhead Kid?

    2. Bob wrote, “One question for JT; How much money do you get from FOX for your appearances?”

      Seriously Bob, that’s none of your damn business.

      Was that supposed to be some kind of deflecting ignorant ad hominem personal attack on Turley?

      1. “Was that supposed to be some kind of deflecting ignorant ad hominem personal attack on Turley?”

        Hell yes! What else do they have in their arsenal???

        1. Floyd asked (rhetorically?):
          Hell yes! What else do they have in their arsenal???

          1. “Oh look over there, a squirrel!”.
          2. “Nothing to see here; move on, and don’t believe your lying eyes.”
          3. “BBBBUUUUTTTTT, MUH TRUMP!!!!!!”
          4. “BBBBUUUUUTTT, MUH FOX NEWS!!!!”

          Floyd… did I miss any?

  12. One could write on the head of a pin — with room to spare — EVERYTHING that’s ever come from House hearings — aka choreographed clown shows that serve as fodder for garbage “news,” political campaigns, and nothing more.

  13. “There are dozens of questions concerning “loans” and transfers to Hunter that will be explored over a full day of questioning. However, five basic questions should be priorities for investigator assuming that Hunter does not simply plead the Fifth Amendment to remain silent.”

    I just have one: “Hunter, why in the Hell do you and your family ignore your child?”

    If he can answer that to anyone’s satisfaction, then everything should fade away because when you meet your Maker the only truly unforgivable mortal sin is an unwarranted betrayal of innocents spawned by you. And while is might be true that only the little people go to jail, Hell is much more diverse, inclusive and a true bastion of equity.

  14. Can not understand why the Democratic Party does not come clean and say that the reason President Joe Biden has lost any chance of winning the 2024 Election is because of Hunter Biden and his nefarious dealings. (Joe Biden lost the election because of Hunter Biden – Just say it)
    – We’ll all feel a lot better about it. –

  15. My prediction: this will come to nothing. Hunter Biden will plead the 5th and/or prevaricate. Nothing of substance against Joe Biden will be admitted. And if he lies, no consequences will follow.

    1. Daniel,
      Yet another gross display of how the BCF, the corrupt DOJ, FBI and IRS have brought down America to banana republic status.

  16. lucky for him the DOJ, FBI, IRS, DHS, and pretty much all of DC judges and all…are 100% corrupt for Democrats!
    Heck Republicans CONTINUE to fund criminal Democrats…why?

    1. “Heck Republicans CONTINUE to fund criminal Democrats…why?”
      Maybe because the Repo party has been taken over by trump. And trumps company has been convicted of fraud. DJT has been found liable for sexual abuse of a woman and ordered to pay nearly $90 in defamation damages. DJT is under criminal indictment for hiding classified documents in his castle, then trying to get his lawyer to claim they are not there or destroy them. DJT is also under criminal indictment for a host of other criminal activities. And he leads what used to be the Repo party.

      1. Bob is back blaming Trump. Bob lies while peeing on his leg. I thought he would correct his prior lie but instead continued to be a lamebrain and doubles down on his lies. Here is Bob’s past lie with quotes and a full explanation to show what a liar he is.

        Bob, you are a liar based on content and context. You always are and refuse to permit your intellect to surpass that of a toad.

        Here is Trump’s discussion: 2 paragraphs from different areas of the transcript to demonstrate the cheating that occurred and to include the correction to your quote that is a lie. I am going to copy the entire transcript since it is in the public domain and because, despite the fact that corrective quotes were previously provided along with the address, fools can’t seem to understand the context of the discussion.
        OK. Thank you very much. Hello, Brad and Ryan and everybody, we appreciate the time and the call. So we’ve spent a lot of time on this, and if we could just go over some of the numbers, I think it’s pretty clear that we won. We won very substantially, Georgia. You even see it by rally size, frankly; we’d be getting 25-30,000 people, a rally, and the competition would get less than 100 people, and it never made sense. But we have a number of things. We have at least, anywhere from 250 to 300,000 ballots were dropped mysteriously into the rolls. Much of that had to do with Fulton County, which hasn’t been checked. We think that if you check the signatures, a real check of the signatures going back in Fulton County, you’ll find at least a couple of hundred thousand of forged signatures — of people who have been forged. And we are quite sure that’s going to happen. …

        But they are shredding ballots, in my opinion, based on what I’ve heard. And they are removing machinery, and they’re moving it as fast as they can, both of which are criminal fines, and you can’t let it happen, and you are letting it happen. You know what I mean? I’m notifying you that you’re letting it happen.

        So look, all I want to do is this, I just want to find 11,780 votes, which is one more than we have, because we won the state, and flipping the state is a great testament to our country because, it’s a testament that they can admit to a mistake, or whatever you want to call it if it was a mistake,

        I don’t know. A lot of people think it wasn’t a mistake. It was much more criminal than that, but it’s a big problem in Georgia. And it’s not a problem that’s going away. It’s not a problem that’s going away.

      2. So basically, someone came out, said Trump assaulted me in some year (she cannot remember) 25 years ago; he denies it, and he has to pay $90MM. Only a fascist could cheerlead something like that. I hope something similar happens to you.

      3. Bob, you sound more like a Boob. Trump was convicted of fraud? The fraud he was conviceted of is the same type of fraud that everyone in the real estate business who pursues a loan does. Judging the value of properties is not an easy thing to do, and when did you ever hear of a case being brought for fraud that has no victimes and no money was lost by any of the lenders. But, as a Boob, who has obviously no knowledge of the subject, and is an obvious Demorat spokesman, I am not surprised. Power, but not facts nor truth has become the credo of your party.

      4. Bob the pathetic feckless Soviet Democrat Marxist Useful Idiot tried this:
        Maybe because the Repo party has been taken over by trump. And trumps company has been convicted of fraud.

        Bob as one of the groupies for the Democratic Party that morphed into the police state fascist Soviet Democrats under Obama, chortles that they’ve also taken over the DoJ and New York justice system.

        Where Trump is found civilly liable for a fraud that never happened. And where Bob lies his feckless Soviet Democrat police state fascist ass off that Trump was found liable for sexual abuse of a woman. Not for defaming that woman by calling her crazy.

        A finding after a Soviet Democrat police state fascist passed a Bill of Attainder specifically intended to take out Trump. A complainant paid to be the complainant by a billionaire Soviet Democrat, that couldn’t even remember the year it supposedly happened, and the dress she claimed to be wearing when it happened wasn’t manufactured until many years later. A woman whose allegations of rape were rejected even by the Trump hating New York jury, and who previously had accused many other men of also raping her.

        Bob hopes we don’t know what he avoids telling us about his police state fascist party.

        Bob hopes normal Americans don’t remember when a woman came forward to tell of when Biden raped her when she was his teenage intern – along with witnesses who remember her telling them of it the day it happened – Bob immediately threw away his pink pussy hat, stopped using the #MeToo and #BelieveHer hashtags, and promptly voted for Biden.

        Bob hopes nobody asks Bob what he finds so appealing about Bribery Biden who raped his intern. Bob hopes nobody asks him why he defends Bribery Biden who had “inappropriate showers” with his teenage daughter (hoping that shower has room for three, Bob?). Bob hopes nobody asks him why he gets wood in his pants watching The Big Guy fondle and caress other peoples’ young children in public.

        Bob hopes normal Americans don’t see anything odd about Trump being under indictment regarding documents after a raid on his home guarded 24/7 by armed Secret Service Agents. But Bribery Biden isn’t under indictment for classified papers he stole from SKIF facilities when he was a senator, then stole again when he was the Vice President – and then left “unattended” in offices he shared with ChiCom government agents and in his garage where his son took their Russian, ChiCom, Ukrainian customers.

        Nothing to see here, right Tovarisch Bob?

        Bob, your new Soviet Democrat party is one which both Harry Truman and JFK would have called “a bunch of pedophile filthy Godless communist dictators and their soulless Marxist Useful Idiots who defend and vote for them”

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