“Turning the Tables”: Many Appear to Follow the McCaskill Rule on the President’s Use of False Story

We recently discussed the call by MSNBC contributor and former Democratic Senator Claire McCaskill for the media to stop fact checking Joe Biden before the election. Some in the media appear to have gotten the McCaskill memo in running the false story repeated by Biden in his interview this week on NBC.  What is particularly striking is that the President is again being accused of spreading disinformation, the very basis used by his Administration to censor critics and groups. His Administration even pushed LinkedIn to bar those who have spread disinformation.

President Joe Biden’s interview on “Late Night With Seth Meyers” has produced the usual diametrically opposite reviews. On the left, he was witty, spontaneous, and fun. On the right, he was wooden, scripted, and feeble.

However, there is a new controversy over the President repeating a debunked claim that his leading opponent, Donald Trump, cannot remember the name of his wife. He was not alone. The usual media outlets repeated the false claim and then refused to correct their false stories.  It follows a familiar pattern of media adopting the most absurd interpretation of remarks while ignoring the obvious meaning.

President Biden has long been challenged over false statements that range from accusing mounted border agents of whipping migrants to claiming that his son died in Iraq to embellishing his own history.  He was recently called out for falsely accusing Special Counsel Robert Hur for raising his son’s death. It was the President who raised the death.

What is striking about this incidence is that the falsity of this story was immediately called out and some in the media had the integrity to identify it as disinformation. Yet, it did not matter to Biden or his staff. The interview seemed highly scripted and it appeared that the questions were given to Biden in advance by NBC (as demonstrated by Biden holding his aviator glasses in anticipation of a line from Meyers as a prop). If so, it appears that his staff also did not care that the story was untrue.

Biden is trying to control the damage after a special counsel cited his diminished faculties as a reason for not indicting him. On the show, this issue of the President’s age was gently raised and Biden responded: “Well, a couple things. Number one, you got to take a look at the other guy. He’s about as old as I am, but he can’t remember his wife’s name!”

It was a reference to the claim that  Trump called his wife Melania “Mercedes” during the keynote speech at a recent Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) event. However, many pointed out that he was addressing Mercedes Schlapp, the wife of CPAC founder Matt Schlapp.

104 thoughts on ““Turning the Tables”: Many Appear to Follow the McCaskill Rule on the President’s Use of False Story”

  1. “[T]he President is again being accused of spreading disinformation . . .” (JT)

    I don’t think JT understands how this works.

    Just as Blacks can’t be racists, the Left cannot spread disinformation.

  2. Not one more dime to a foreign country. America’s debt to gdp ratio is 125% which means we are bankrupt. Not one more dime. NOT ONE MORE DIME. F—k all you blood sucking warmongers. Go to hell you murderers!

    1. NotSoOldFromArkansas: Just coming online tonite to catch up and I see your post above. I don’t recall ever seeing(reading) you so agitated or irate in your commentary; -don’t know what upset you so much. But I hope you can sleep peacefully tonite with the spring breezes, because we need you here!
      Notwithstanding, I share your concern about the national debt, -and for me, I really do not like China buying up our farmland.
      In my worst nightmare, I envision a defaulted loan by U.S. and China in control of alot of our agricultural lands… Do you know what ever happened with your governor (Sanders) trying to stop a China-owned company (name starts with an “s?”) last year from buying more agri in your state? Also buying up land proximate to our national defense sites. Yikes.
      (since this is OT, I’ll say night-night so we don’t start a long thread.)

      1. (P.S. just looked it up; it’s Syngenta Seeds.) But I do not see anything about the status of the sale.
        However, I found this:
        “In 2017, China National Chemical Corporation, also known as ChemChina, acquired 80.7% of Syngenta’s shares. In 2022 the U.S. Department of Defense listed ChemChina as a Chinese Military Company that operates in the United States.” https://www.arkansasonline.com/news/2023/nov/10/syngenta-seeds-llc-will-pay-280000-fine-to/ )

      2. Lin, thanks for that. I get upset about a few things, and at the top of the list is the travesty of what America is doing in Ukraine. We have a thoroughly corrupt foreign policy establishment in place, that is simultaneously (a) bankrupting America, (b) causing hundreds of thousands of deaths, and (c) careening into WWIII and possible nuclear armageddon. All so they can enrich themselves and their cronies. Those very same corrupt and evil forces then hire mouthpieces to go on blogs like this one and spew talking points in an attempt to gaslight Americans into believing their own national suicide is necessary. Just look at the mendacious, mealy-mouthed comments below by anonymous commenters.

        I’d be happy to go into more detail if you want to send me an email using your signature greeting (so I know it’s you) to daddythebaddy@gmail.com

        P.S. I realize that email name sounds a little sketchy, but its provenance is innocent… it’s a nickname my kids used to call me (because it rhymes) when they were very little.

  3. Professor Turley Writes:

    “It was a reference during Trump’s keynote speech at a recent Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) event”.

    Who cares who’s wife Tuump was referring to? Let’s discuss the theme of that conference as mentioned in this story from The Hill today.

    Trump’s popularity has only encouraged other Republicans to adopt a soft-gloves approach to Russia. That message was on ready display last week at the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) outside Washington, where the theme was “Where Globalism Goes to Die.” And it was evident in Tucker Carlson’s recent visit to Moscow, where the popular conservative pundit suggested the culture is superior to that of any city in America.


    See that? The conference theme was: “Where Globalism Goes To Die”.

    In other words, the conference organizers seem to think this is 1924 as opposed to 2024. The idea is that the U.S. can simply foreit its role as a global superpower and withdraw to fortress America. What a laugh!

    The isolationism America pursued after WW I was later considered a huge mistake. The U.S. snoozed while Germany and Japan built horrendous war machines.

    Yet the MAGA organizers of this year’s CPAC conference believe the time has come for the U.S. to snooze again. This illustrates the shocking stupidity of Trump’s MAGA culture.

    Trump is a stooge for Putin who wants the U.S. to get out of Putin’s way. And we’re supposed to think this is smart strategy because the U.S. is buffered from the rest of the world by two big oceans.

    So we can rest comfortably, here in North America, while Russia, China, Iran and North Korea just do whatever they please. And magically the the dollar will remain a dominant currency because– Because of Trump’s business genius!

    1. As I recall the US wasn’t $35 trillion in debt in 1924, and recklessly going into debt by an addition $5.5 billion each day, every day. That does make a difference. People like you would steal from our grandchildren so that when the dust settles in Ukraine the line of demarcation will be around 5 miles east of where it otherwise would have been. I’m sure your grandchildren will be sooooo pleased with that.

      P.S. Stop drinking the warmongers’ Kool Aid. They are using people like you to line their pockets while killing thousands of unwilling conscripts a half a world away and putting future American generations into poverty. Wake the f–k up! Then again, maybe you’re one of them getting rich by stealing from your own grandchildren. In which case you are very fit for hell.

      1. Old Man, if you’re concerned about the debt, then surely we should repeal the Trump tax cuts.

        Furthermore, what is the cost of defeat? If Ukraine goes down, Putin will set his sights on the Baltics. Then Poland will be next.

        Aiding Ukraine is cheap when they’re not asking us to fight.

        But Republicans have always been penny wise, dollar foolish. That should be the party’s slogan.

        1. The real problem is that the Biden administration has been fighting the proxy war with Russia the same way we fought the Vietnam War, i.e. in limited fashion so as to not cause all-out war with Russia. How did that work with Vietnam (and China)? We withdrew and surrendered Vietnam, in case you do not remember. Biden needs to learn lessons from history, in fact, he’s old enough he should remember when Vietnam was “current events” just as I do.

          1. Estovir, the idea is to let Ukraine do the fighting and make it Russia’s Vietnam. That’s been the strategy all along. But you’ve got it a**-backwards and think you’re teaching a lesson. What a joke!!

            1. Comparing Russia’s relationship with Ukraine to the US relationship with Viet Nam is so shallow and ignorant that it defies rational discourse.

        2. You just repeat warmonger talking points. Nothing you said about Russia is backed up by evidence. It’s all scare tactics designed to gaslight Americans into committing financial suicide so that you can get wealthy off of the blood and treasure of others. You are a blood-sucking leech and a condemnable liar.

    2. Your proof of course, is that you had a nightmare about it. Your nightmares are caused by your #TDS. Why are you not mentioning your herojoe? Japan attacked because USA snubbed them. Germans were brainwashed by a madman. I don’t trust any of them. If not for Pearl Harbor and WW2, I would have never been born. Defund the dnc and rnc.

  4. Biden posted 27 times about George Floyd yet he hasn’t said a word about Laken Riley. The media has referred to her killer as a ‘Georgia man’, when in fact he’s an illegal alien from Venezuela. They exploit tragedies to use for their benefit and bury the rest.

    -TaraBull on X

  5. Jonathan: Speaking of disinformation, why do you keep peddling the falsehood the “special counsel [Hur] cited his [Biden’s] diminished faculties as a reason for not indicting him”. That’s a distortion of Hur’s report. Hur didn’t indict Biden because he couldn’t find the President violated the law. Biden didn’t conceal classified docs or obstruct the FBI investigation. He fully cooperated and even gave Hur an interview. In his report Hur refers to the contrast with DJT who concealed and refused to turn over classified material. DJT even tried to destroy video tape showing Walt Nauta and others moving boxes to avoid discovery by the FBI. Biden didn’t do any of that and that and that was the reason Hur could not charge Biden. It had nothing to do with Biden’s age.

    As to DJT’s speech at the CPAC conference I watched the video clip in dispute. DJT used the name “Mercedes” just after praising Melania. A fair interpretation might be that DJT was actually praising Mercedes Schlapp who appears was sitting in the audience. But that creates further problems. Where IS Melania? She has not been on the campaign trail with her husband. I think we know why. They are on the outs. So DJT’s faint praise of Melania doesn’t help him much.

    And despite the confusion over “Mercedes” DJT has mixed up names before. At his deposition in E. Jean Carroll’s lawsuit he misidentified Carroll as his ex-wife Marla Maples. A recent ABC poll shows 62% of voters think DJT is too old to serve again. Not a good sign but DJT doesn’t agree: “They’ll say, ‘He rambled, he’s cognitively impaired’. Well, it’s really the opposite. It’s total genius, you know that”. If DJT were the “stable genius’ he claims why has he landed in a mosh pit of legal problems?

    1. Biden didn’t conceal classified docs or obstruct the FBI investigation.,

      Evidence shows Biden discovered classified documents 2 years before he called the NA

    2. Isn’t the real issue with Biden’s classified documents why and how he got them in the first place because he was just a Senator or Vice President at the time? Why not hold him to account like Sandy Berger was made to account for taking classified material?

    3. No, he did not mix up names on the previous occasion, just as he didn’t this time. He was shown a picture of a woman he does not know, and had in all likelihood never seen in his life, and took a wild guess as to who it might be. That’s all.

  6. Again and again the Democrat left spouts their {truth} all the while perpetually ignoring the FACTS. It doesn’t matter the subject, immigration, inflation, crime, or any litany of issues; you can be assured they are lying. They are so near sighted in their quest for total control of society they are oblivious to the dangers of their lies. Throughout history there are many examples of lying by those in power and the terminal effects on society that follow. Of resent we could say Afghanistan, in the not too distant past Germany, or the forlorn experience of Rome oh so many years ago. The old adage [those that forget the past are bound to repeat it] could be applied to the arrogance of the democratic party of today and America’s future.

    God help us All!

  7. So the conclusion is Joe Biden is a blatant liar, so is the demoncrat party and MSM that backs up his blatant lies, and everyone knows it.

    A balloon whipped Joe Biden into submission as he felt his yuan padded wallet.

  8. The whole back and forth of the “Your guy lied,” “No, YOUR guy lied,” and “Your candidate has a bad memory,” “No, YOUR candidate has a bad memory,” etc. is such a childish game, and while having some facts mixed in there is ultimately being used as a distraction. Certainly shows most ‘journalists’ to just be ‘team players’. Why focus on things like war, the economy, lawfare, censorship, etc. when THEIR PERSON SAID THE WRONG WORD? Whatever happened to ‘No Malarkey?’ Was that just another lie, or did it just slip their mind? Oh no, it’s even worse than we thought!

    1. That’s not the game. The game is the demoncrats and their guys lie like hell, then they do not get called out on it.
      That’s the game being played. Not what you said.

  9. Spreading truth to ALL corners of the world on EVERY subject, is one of the best things that we can ever do! It is what I do on a near daily basis, and I just LOVE doing that kind of job! When I see lies or a liar, I delight in exposing them for what they are! Liars and the lies that they love to tell cause great harms to all of us and they serve no good purpose at all!

  10. If Turley genuinely wants an honest debate about all of this, then the obvious starting point is to acknowledge that both Biden & Trump are feeble & liars. Here’s what Trump said last weekend at CPAC: Beverly Hills only allows residents to brush their teeth once a day & restricts the amount of water they use when taking a shower.

    Trump: “That’s why rich people from Beverly Hills, generally speaking, don’t smell so good.”

    Trump defenders may well believe Trump was just being witty, spontaneous & fun, but his claims are indisputably false.

    When stock market averages just hit record highs, Trump hilariously claimed “This is the Trump stock market because my polls against Biden are so good that investors are projecting that I will win & that will drive the market up.” A breathtaking 180 degrees from what Trump said during the 2020 campaign: If Biden gets elected, the stock market will crash & “your 401k’s will be worthless.”

    Yet Turley goes after Biden for saying Trump can’t remember his wife’s name. No big deal that when Brett Baier just interviewed Trump, he started off by saying “I won in 2020 by a lot, let’s get that straight.”

    Any apologies from Republicans & conservatives after Smirnov was arrested for lying to the FBI & spreading false information about Joe & Hunter receiving $5 million in bribes from Ukraine, JT?

      1. Gore conceded the election & as Vice President, gaveled down challenges made by Democrats when Congress certified Bush’s Electoral College victory. To this day, Trump insists that if Pence “had done the right thing” on January 6, 2021, “we would have won.”

        Gore lost Florida by 537 votes. Trump lost Georgia by 11,799 votes, lost Pennsylvania by 80,555 votes, lost Arizona by 10,457 votes, & lost Michigan by 154,188 votes. After the 2000 results were confirmed, Gore hasn’t spent every day since then claiming he won the election, Edwardmahl, Trump still claims he won the 2020 election “by a lot.”

        1. I’ve seen Gore interviewed on TV where he claims he won Florda. Not “every day” admittedly, but he sticks to that claim – for which there is no evidence.

          1. Hillary Clinton also says that the 2016 election was “stolen” from her. The entire Russiagate hoax was intended to create the lie that Hillary lost the election only because Russia interfered on behalf of Trump. BugAnon still believes the lie.

  11. “The left’s most effective direct engagement weapon system, the regime media that is dedicated wholly to promoting and protecting the official, approved narrative, is becoming ever less effective as it squanders the one thing that makes it useful – credibility with the normals. We activists know the legacy media is a collection of trash-spewing liars committed to shrimping the toes of whatever Democrat is reading from that day’s narrative memo. But now the normal folks are getting the message.” –Kurt Schlichter

      1. Powerful, indeed. No that long ago media demanded the rest of us ‘believe the woman’. Yet, when their own powerful investigative reporters, who just also happen to be women, start digging into corporate and government abuses of their powers, look at how the brass treat them: Attkisson, Logan, and now Herridge, all dumped by CBS for factual reporting and standing on their training and integrity.

      1. “The press is supposed to be one of society’s primary mechanisms for holding people in power accountable, but the system only works if reporters and editors aim that regulatory reflex at themselves first.” –Matt Taibbi

        1. In the Desmet video, he spoke about how science emerged as a minority challenging the majority ruling authority. Science proved truths that old superstitions were invalid. Then, the scientists had to confront what we would call cancel culture today. But they stuck to their principles and the truth. 200+ years later, the enlightenment age that overcame the existing totalitarian regimes has completely flipped. Now science has been consumed by the totalitarian regimes and this new partnership is using mass media censorship to defy scientific knowledge and advance the designs of the Regime.

          1. Desmet does know of what he speaks. Science is ‘process’, not conclusion. When The Science™ becomes politicized it’s no longer science, it’s dogma. You can tell by the censoring of peer scientists for not Believing, not having Faith, their fellow scientists are Righteous. “We don’t need our research, findings, or conclusions to be proven, not even duplicated, in the real world. We just believe in ourselves – and so should you!”, said no real scientist, ever. It’s the same with government and media-types. 90% ego, 10% ‘because we say so’. There’s no room for skepticism in their minds.

  12. I would think that attendees had been introduced to Matt and his wife Mercedes several times (aren’t they CPAC yearly organizers?) –making non-attendees (who get their info from media)- the only takers. We can expect much more of media shenanigans like this as we get closer to election.
    (OT –I have an old silver Isuzu Rodeo that I use as a backup car for my two dogs. It replaced a 1979 Mercedes that I ran on vegetable oil mix! When I pitched the old Mercedes, I removed the Mercedes logo and placed it on the hood front grill of the Isuzu, LOL!)

  13. US “news” media — print and broadcast, with NO exceptions — has less credibility than soviet Pravda during the worst years of the Soviet Union. One can find decent sources on Substack, but NOWHERE on television or in newspapers. “Freedom of the press” now means freedom to lie, cheat, and propagandize, at NBC, MSNBC, ABC, CBS, Fox, NY Times, WaPo, and any other mainstream site one can think of.

    1. FYI, televised “journalism” has been left-liberal biased for its entire existence. Liberals used to brag about how Edward Murrow and Fred Friendly used their access to 60 million viewers to turn public opinion against Joe McCarthy. John Stossel won 19 Emmys for ABC pushing pro government, anti-business narratives at ABC’s 20/20 and GMA until he stumbled on an issue of Reason magazine and realized how wrong he’d been.

      The “freedom to lie” is not hyperbole. It’s the result of New York Times v Sullivan. After that ruling, “actual malice” must be proven to be found liable of defamation for public figures. The MSM know the ruling effectively gives them the license to lie. And to lie in only one direction – to benefit Democrats hurt Trump/Republicans:

  14. The media has become like the apparatchiks in North Korea who clap and cheer like servile buffoons when dear leader enters the room.

  15. What does the Deep State have to gain by keeping a ‘Dimwit’ (President with lessor cognitive abilities) in the Oval Office. Hummm ???
    What does the Nation have to gain by keeping a ‘Dimwit’ in the Oval Office. Hummm ???
    What does do You personally have to gain by keeping a ‘Dimwit’ in the Oval Office. Hummm ???

    You’re going to have to decide between the lesser of two ‘Dimwits’ come Tuesday, November 5, 2024

  16. There is no difference between the MSM in the US and Putin’s State run media. This what American Journalism has become in 2024. Period.

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