White House Flack Raises Legal Concerns Over Spinning the Biden Corruption Scandal

In a city of flacks, Ian Sams is prototypical. Quotable, punchy, and fast on social media, he stays ahead of the news cycle. Those traits are greatly valued by clients in this city where losing control of a narrative can allow a controversy to metastasize into a full fledge scandal. What is different is the client. Sams, a well–known Democratic operative, is not working for a Democratic campaign, but a Democratic president and speaks for the White House Counsel.

That position continues to raise eyebrows, as it did this week when Sams issued insulting and taunting postings after the House Oversight Committee asked the President to answer ten questions from its impeachment inquiry. Sams posted images of signs mocking the inquiry next to his title reading “White House spokesman for oversight and investigations. Deputy Assistant to the President & Senior Advisor to WH Counsel’s Office.”

The White House Counsel’s office has historically avoided engaging in political spin and attacks. It prides itself on representing the office of the Presidency, not the president as a person. President Biden has personal counsel to look after his interests as an individual. What is striking is that his personal counsel has shown far more circumspection and restraint in responding to such inquiries.

Sams has been previously questioned by the White House press corp over the accuracy of his statements and that fact that he is routinely cited as speaking for White House Counsel’s office on a variety of legal questions, but lacks any law degree. He was also the subject of a complaint from the head of White House press corps over his giving them “marching orders” on how to control the allegations against the President.

Sams’s statements often are long on sarcasm and short on substance. Even normally favorable outlets like CNN have noted Sams’s refusal to address specific questions while lashing out at the Special Counsel or others.

Sams has a long resume as a political staffer. He graduated from the University of Alabama with a degree in political science, where he was president of the College Democrats. He went on to work with the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee (DSCC) in Washington, D. C. as well as Democratic candidates, including but not limited to Sen. Tim Kaine (Va.), Tom Carper (Del.), and Hillary Clinton. He also worked for the Democratic National Committee in Washington, D. C.

That is an impressive resume for any flack and I do not fault Sams for his aggressive style or his clientele. Indeed, I do not even blame him for his work at the White House. I blame White House Counsel Ed Siskel, who has used Sams to materially change the role and function of his office in this corruption scandal. Siskel previously worked in the Obama Administration and was one of his students at the University of Chicago. His use of Sams has returned the office to an earlier, more partisan operation.

The White House Counsel’s office has been headed by some of Washington’s most revered legal figures from Lloyd Cutler to Boyden Gray. These were lawyers with strong Republican or Democratic alliances who were both aggressive and protective in support of their presidents. However, they maintained strict lines in offering objective (and sometimes unwelcomed) advice to presidents in the interest of their offices. They were adamant in maintaining space between the political and legal operations of the White House.

There have been White House counsels who lost that objectivity and separation to the great peril to themselves and their office. Nixon had John Ehrlichman, Chuck Colson, and John Dean — all of whom were convicted or pleaded guilty to criminal offenses.

The office under Siskel has returned to earlier models of partisan White House Counsel. The first such office holder, then called Special Counsel, was New York Judge Samuel Rosenman who made no pretense of any independent or apolitical role in working for Franklin Delano Roosevelt. He trained and was followed by Clark Clifford who was aggressively political.

Presidents have also routinely selected close friends or loyalists for the role. The office could be used as a counterfoil to the Attorney General, who often pursued conflicting institutional interests.

Yet, as the White House Counsel’s office grew, it took on greater ethical and reporting responsibilities. The culture changed to protecting the presidency as much as the president, including giving unwelcomed advice. That was the case in the final days of the Trump Administration when Pat Cipollone confronted the President on election fraud claims and actively pushed back on private counsel like Rudy Giuliani. During the impeachments, Cipollone was circumspect and restrained. He was rarely in the public eye and his office issued comparably few responses to media stories.

In past years, it was often difficult to get a statement on the record from the White House Counsel’s office, which routinely referred anything even remotely political to the Chief of Staff or the Press Secretary.

That has changed with Sams, who has issued statements from the White House Counsel’s office with the speed and the sarcasm of a DNC flack. This is often in response to requests for the legal position of the office to a major filing or legal claim.

He is unrelenting and, by all appearances, entirely unrestrained. Every day, there are Sams-I-am missives that border on the Seussian: “You do not like them. So you say. Try them! Try them! And you may. Try them and you may, I say.”

I have previously raised concerns over the role of Sams in the impeachment inquiry. In my testimony in the first Biden impeachment hearing, I noted that the Biden White House was approaching a dangerous line in pushing false claims on the corruption scandal, including repeating President Biden’s past denials that he never spoke to his son or had knowledge of his son’s foreign dealings. It can lead to the same blurred lines that led to not just the impeachment articles but the criminal charges in the Nixon Administration.

Those concerns became magnified this month when the House sent the ten questions to the President to address glaring contradictions in his past public statements. Sams immediately responded on behalf of the White House Counsel:

“LOL. Comer knows 20+ witnesses have testified that POTUS did nothing wrong. He knows that the hundreds of thousands of pages of records he’s received have refuted his false allegations. This is a sad stunt at the end of a dead impeachment. Call it a day, pal.”

Again, it is the type of posting that one would expect from the DNC, not the WHC. Yet, Siskel clearly approves of this type of taunting, sarcastic response from an office that has fought to maintain its image of professionalism and prudence.

Sams, not Siskel, is now the face of the White House Counsel’s office. That is certainly welcomed by the Biden campaign, but it is often difficult to distinguish postings between the two operations. With an impeachment inquiry in the field, that aggressive media role can produce more than favorable media articles. It can become the basis for actual impeachment articles.

136 thoughts on “White House Flack Raises Legal Concerns Over Spinning the Biden Corruption Scandal”

  1. I love this quote. Can you guess who it is about?

    “I mean, it’s ridiculous. The company has no revenue,” Diller said on Squawk Box. “It’s a scam, just like everything he’s ever been involved in is some sort of con.”

  2. Turley Makes No Mention Of Lev Parnas

    The Democrats called Lev Parnas to testify, relying on the convicted businessman who was central to Trump’s first impeachment as a Rudy Giuliani associate working to dig up political dirt on Joe Biden before the 2020 election. Parnas has since played a key role in dispelling the House GOP’s main claim of bribery against the Bidens. Parnas told the committee that he has seen “zero evidence” of Biden family corruption in his work overseas.

    Before his conviction, Parnas had been a central figure in Trump’s first impeachment over withholding aid to Ukraine.

    Parnas described helping Giuliani peddle the false claims against Biden to conservative media. Trump’s team claimed that Joe Biden, as vice president, had intervened in the firing of a Ukrainian prosecutor to aid Hunter Biden’s work on the board of the Ukrainian energy firm Burisma. In fact, Western allies also wanted the prosecutor fired over allegations of corruption.


    Lev Parnas was one of two Russians who became improbable buddies with Rudy Giuliani during Trump’s presidency.

    As the article notes, Parnas accompanied Giuliani on a trip to Ukraine in the hope of digging up dirt on Hunter. For that reason mainstream media wanted nothing to do with the initial Hunter Biden laptop story. Journalists all knew that Giuliani was behind those revelations.

    Aside from Parnas, Republicans have centered their investigation on a motley group of witnesses including Alexander Smirnov who’s been tied to Russian intelligence. Comer’s committee also heard from Jason Galanis who testified from an Alabama prison where he is serving time for fraud.

    1. This is typical of those on the left.

      The Ukraine investigation was started in 2015 by a NYT reporter – it was later pursued by Highly credible reporter John Solo9mon – first at “The Hill” which he founded and then at “Just the news”. Soloman actually vistited Ukrain and obtained a massive trove of documents long before Ukraine was a glint in Rudy Guliiani’s eyes.

      Solomon obtained sworn testimony from Ukrainian and other courts.
      And State department documents through FOIA requests – including correspondence between State and Hunter Biden and State and the VP’s office warning The VP to get Hunter the h311 out of Ukraine and other areas in Biden’s portfolia because it was a massive conflict of interest.

      Today the left wants to rant about Guilliani. Forgetting that we are talking about an incredibly successful US Attorney who was later elected Mayor of NY and was one of the most successful NYC mayers – presiding over NYC’s transformation from a bankrupt crime ridden h311hole into one of the safer US cities that was fiscally sound.
      Guilliani also earned the monicker “Americans Mayor” as he worked tirelessly to recover from 9/11 – putting himself in personal danger, and showing the whole world that New York and by extension America would NOT be cowed by terrorists.
      Subsequently Guliniani was an unsuccessful Presidential candidate – unable to glean enough support from evangeligicals – he was viewed as too moderate – even left leaning for republicans.

      This is the man you wish to defame ?

      After that you cite Lev Parnas who was convicted of corrption, and as I recall WAS NOT w witness much less a star witness in Trump impeachments. Parnas may be telling the truth, or he may have been telling the truth before.
      it is hard to tell – Nearly all the people surrounding Hunter Biden are convicted criminals. it is hard to tell when ANY of them are telling the truth. One of the reasons that Bobolynskys testimoney is critical is that he is a former Navy Seal, a moderately wealthy person in his own right, a democrat who managed to get sucked into the Biden corruption ring and Left when it became clear this was NOT above board.

      With respect to Smirnov – he was assessed as credible highly mutliple times by multiple different FBI’s offices.
      Like nearly all FBI CHS’s – Like Christopher Steele or Danchenko he is NOT a person of the highest intergrity.

      As courts routinely instruct juries – it is rare that people who are not crooks are privy to the inner workings of other criminals.
      Does Smitrnov have ties to Russia – almost certainly – the FBI does no recruit choirboys as CHS’s.
      Did Smirnov lie about his connections to Russians – I have no idea. But I would be suprised if Smirnov or any CHS’s reports to the FBI are entirely truethful. Again most of the time we convict crooks using the testimony of crooks.

      Was Smirnov lying about his knowledge of ties between Hunter and Joe and Burisma ? That is highly unlikely.

      1. Solomon was not “highly credible”. His reporting relied on corrupt Ukrainian officials who were already in league with Russian agents.

        Giuliani may have once been a successful lawyer, but he disgraced himself and his profession by peddling conspiracy theories and getting sanction by the courts.

        Smirnov was not assessed as “highly credible” by the FBI. That’s a lie. Sen. Grassley and Sen. Graham are the only ones who claimed Smirnov was “highly credible”. Smirnov did admit to lying about Hunter Biden’s ties to Burisma and his claims about bribes. What matters is after all the investigations and allegations no evidence leading to impeachable offenses were produced. Biden did not commit any crimes or engaged in “selling the office”. That’s why Biden won’t get impeached. Republicans did not prove Biden was corrupt.

      2. To Anonymous: Solomon is highly credible and accurate. He posts his sources and interviews so one doesn’t have to rely on the Bug types who lie and defame.

        Written above figuring all the posts might be deleted.

    2. “Comer’s committee also heard from Jason Galanis . . .”

      I guess you didn’t feel like mentioning the fact that Galanis was HB’s business partner. That they were partners while JB was VP. That HB was a partner *because* of his access to his father — the VP. Or that the Galanis/Biden partnership had its sights on communist China.

  3. The death of humor in academic circles has been greatly exaggerated.

    Harvard Crimson staff writers are belly aching that Leftist tactics are being used on Harvard Law School students. It does not end well

    HLS Students Targeted by Online Doxxing and Billboard Truck in Harvard Square

    Harvard Law School students and several leaders in its student government faced doxxing attacks after the passage of a resolution on Friday calling on the University to divest from “illegal Israeli settlements.” The attacks escalated when a billboard truck drove around campus on Tuesday displaying the names of the HLS student government co-presidents with the text “Why Does HLS Student Government Hate Jews?”


    most upvoted comment:

    Severus of Minorca
    It’s not “doxxing” when all the information is public. You’re doing antisemitic things, and there are social consequences for that. I’m glad these antisemites are made public so that nobody hires them. Well, maybe Hamas will hire them.

    Just wonderful.

    We need better humor in the comment boxes on Res Ipsa. The doom and gloom, end is near, slitting of the wrists comments of late by conservatives are over the top. Humor. You win converts to your side by using humor.

    1. Hey did you hear the one about the Bird that shot Ashley Babbitt in the throat? It’s way past joke time.

  4. In Other News: “Politicians Denounce Upcoming Solar Eclipse as Racist Because Population Will Focus Attention on Sky Instead of Washington, DC.”
    Leading Politicians declared solar eclipses as racist due to the expected pilgrimage of citizens to the Path of Totality to witness the event.

    “This sun worship is nothing less than apostacy,” declared politician Ms. Anne Thorpe, “you shall not have other gods before us, you vipers”

  5. Wait, Professor!

    So you’re saying you take seriously Ian Sams or any other communist (liberal, progressive, socialist, democrat, RINO, AINO) in America?  

    Incredibly, it seems as though you are supportive of and encouraging, not only acceptance of but acquiescence to the enemy; that the eminent Professor is professing surrender. 

    “Know the enemy.”

    – Sun Tzu

    Any and all communists (liberals, progressives, socialists, democrats, RINOs, AINOs) in America are not simply unethical prevaricators; they are direct and mortal enemies of the American thesis of Freedom and Self-Reliance, the Constitution, the Bill of Rights, actual Americans, and America. 

    The entire communistic American welfare state is unconstitutional, including, but not limited to, admissions affirmative action, grade-inflation affirmative action, employment affirmative action, quotas, welfare, food stamps, minimum wage, rent control, social services, forced busing, public housing, utility subsidies, WIC, SNAP, TANF, HAMP, HARP, TARP, Health and Human Services, Housing and Urban Development, Environmental Protection Agency, Agriculture, Education, Labor, Energy, Obamacare, Social Security, Social Security Disability, Social Security Supplemental Income, Medicare, Medicaid, “Fair Housing” laws, “Non-Discrimination” laws, etc.

    Article 1, Section 8, provides Congress the power to tax for ONLY debt, defense, and “…general (all, the whole) Welfare…,” omitting and, thereby, excluding any power to tax for individual Welfare, specific Welfare, particular Welfare, favor, or charity. The same article enumerates and provides Congress the power to regulate ONLY the “Value” of money, “Commerce with foreign Nations, and among the several states, and with the Indian Tribes,” and “land and naval Forces.” Additionally, the 5th Amendment right to private property was initially qualified by the Framers and is, therefore, absolute, allowing no further qualification and allowing ONLY the owner the power to “claim and exercise” dominion over private property. 

    Government exists, under the Constitution and Bill of Rights, to provide maximal freedom to individuals, while government itself is severely limited and restricted to merely facilitating the maximal freedom of individuals through the provision of security and infrastructure.

    In the impious, perverse, and despotic minds of the communists, government exists to eradicate the Constitution and Bill of Rights and forcibly impose the “dictatorship of the proletariat” and the Communist Manifesto.  

    “But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.”

    – Declaration of Independence, 1776


  6. Professor, I have no doubt that the puppeteers of the Biden Administration are too stupid to heed your advice.

  7. Give it up Dennis
    If Royce Lamberth were a leader of an insurrection wouldn’t he be convicted of such? I don’t believe one person has been charged or convicted of insurrection. However you repeatedly insinuate they are in your ramblings. I would think that libel and slander against a private citizen.

    1. Were the men who created and established America insurrectionists?

      Who stole their country?

    2. Dennis lies all the time. Dennis gets called out for the lies all the time. Dennis never responds. Dennis never engages in good faith dialogue.

      1. But… Isn’t the “angry mob” he’s part of the ‘good guys’?
        Where none of them do anything wrong, and lawfare is OK?
        Solemnly nodding their heads when hearing, “God save the Queen, man”.

    3. Traveler: Give it up Traveler! RL was convicted of being a leader of the assault on the Capitol. That’s why he got the stiff sentence of 7 yrs. No one has been convicted of “insurrection” because it doesn’t exist in the criminal code. Many of the others who formed the core of conspiracy were convicted of “seditious conspiracy”. That IS in the criminal code. RL was apparently not involved in the planning of the assault. He just showed up with his bull horn. And I don’t deal in “insinuations”. What I posted was just what was reported inthe press. That’s not libel. Any other ridiculous Qs?

      1. “. . . ‘insurrection’ [. . .} doesn’t exist in the criminal code.”

        That is false.

        “Insurrection” is a federal crime:

        “Whoever incites, sets on foot, assists, or engages in any rebellion or *insurrection* against the authority of the United States or the laws thereof, or gives aid or comfort thereto, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than ten years, or both; and shall be incapable of holding any office under the United States.” (18 U.S.C. 2383) (emphasis added)

        It is a federal crime recognized by the federal government, by federal prosecutors, by federal judges, by criminal defense attorneys, by legal scholars who specialize in federal crimes.

        By keyboard warriors — not so much.

        1. Ok, so Anon is DM, RL is the judge and Taylor James Johnatkis is the political prisoner. Bazinga! Can’t make it up ….

  8. Ian Sams is Joe Biden’s official “Strike Dog” for the next 8 months. I expect to see his appearances on late-night television shortly featuring his caterwauling that Biden is innocent and never received a penny of Hunter’s millions from China, Russia, and Ukraine while flying around the world on Air Force Two.

  9. A) It is telling that the leftists do not recognize the different spellings and definitions of ‘flack’, and ‘flak’ (yeah, they are the ‘educated’ and ‘enlightened’ class, alright. Spare me 🙄. If this were 40 years ago you would all be riding the short bus, and so would your kids).

    B)At some point this hubris has to come home to roost. Do we really need to do the thing with guillotines again? Because I can tell you, over the past four years, while the rest of us gasp at the price of gas, chicken, or cereal, or mayonnaise, the wealthy have only gotten more wealthy, extravagantly so, further promoting a future caste society with no recourse, there’s no way for anyone to catch up to generational, aristocratic wealth that grows on its own (spare me the capitalist rants. You are the real plebes, and you are ridiculous. Without capitalism you’d have been in the (covid) bread lines, too); zero has changed for them, and that is also true of the ‘financial crisis’ of the earlier 2000s. I do not want it to come down to bullets or blades, but it sure seems to be what the dems, and their fascist sympathizers, and the likes of Soros want.

    Really: if you consider yourself to be a ‘classical’ liberal, you can’t keep supporting this. Not for one moment longer. Open your go**amned eyes and pray that, as opposed to ‘1984’, we don’t start using the French Revolution as an instruction manual. Wake the eff up, already. It will be a miracle if the human race even sees the 22nd century, and it ain’t going to be due to ‘climate change’.

  10. Jonathan: In other news another J. 6 insurrectionist has been sentenced. US District Judge Royce Lamberth just sentenced Taylor James Johnatakis to 7 years in prison. Why the long sentence? Because TJJ was one of the leaders of the assault on the Capitol. He “barked commands” over his megaphone and shouted step-by-step directions for overpowering Capitol police officers. As Judge Lamberth put it: “In any angry mob, their are leaders and there are followers. He knew what he was doing that day”.

    At sentencing TJJ was unrepentant. He argued with the Judge, falsely claiming he was a “prosecuted victim” and expressing anti-government “sovereign citizen” rhetoric. So TJJ was not a bystander–nor an FBI plant as some on the alt right bizarrely claim. He was one of the leaders of the insurrection.

    Now if you believe DJJT all the sentenced J. 6 insurrectionists are “hostages”. DJT promises that if he gets back in power he will pardon them. No doubt TJJ will be at the top of his list. Just another reason not to let DJT ever see the inside of the WH again!

    1. People have long lost trust in DOJ and the J6 prosecutions.
      We now have one of the J6 prosecutors who whigged out and nearly stabbed a man to death in a fit of road rage at a person whose car bumped his when the driver passed out in a medical event. Fortunately a bystander – who nearly got stabbed himself intervened.
      Do you think the Prosecutor will face 7 years for actually trying to murder someone ?

      I have no interest in Lamberth or any other of the lunatic DC judges editorial rantings. NOr does pretty much anyone think a DC jury or a DC judge is unbiased enough to pay any attention to their findings of fact or conclusions of law.

      I NOTE that you told us Johnatakis was convicted – that tell’s us nothing more than that he was Tried in DC by the star chamber.

      If you want credibility – provide EVIDENCE. The CP all had body cams. There were outside security cams. There were videos taken by the people at the protest. Provide FACTS – not the musings of nutjob judges who most of us would not trust in traffic court.

      You say he shouted orders at people, Who Johnatakis did have authority over ?
      You say he directed people to over power CP officers – Where is the video – Why haven’t we seen that ?
      Or are we doing another Chansley where the ACTUAL video shows the Oposite of what you convicted him of.

      If you have EVIDENCE that Lamberth told others to commit acts of violence against others, then he should get sentences comendurate with those in the Floyd ACTUAL riots who did the same – what were those sentences ?

      I have ZERO interest in YOUR speculation – not what the DC courts have concluded passes for evidence.
      Frankly If Lamberth gave Johnatakis a 7 year sentence – that is itself pretty strong evidence that Johnatakis did NOTHING.

      Regardless, this will all get sorted after the election when the actual behavior of J6 defendants are really investigated by unbiased WH staff of the new administration and pardons and commutations are handed out to all who deserve it.

      What unfortunately will NOT happen is the punishment that the judges and prosecutors in this mess deserve.

      We are stuck with these idiot judges for the rest of their lives. For so long as people like Chutkan, Lamberth, Howell and Carpenter wear robes – no democrat will ever be concivted no matter what they do in DC, and no republican will be able to walk on the grass in the mall without fear of a decade in jail.

      YOU – those of you on the left – do not seem to grasp that you have lied so much and abused power so much – no one trusts you.

      1. “People have long lost trust in DOJ and the J6 prosecutions.”
        Only trump cult members believe DJT is the second coming of christ. The vast majority see him as the grifter he is. Did you buy your bible yet? Perhaps you can read it while eating your trump steak, flying on trump airlines, studying for a class at trump U. Oh wait, those things are all bankrupt companies.

        1. Don’t piss all over everyone else for YOUR mistakes and misapprehensions.

          “Only trump cult members believe DJT is the second coming of christ.”

          No one beleives Trump is the 2nd coming of christ.
          Only that he is very likely to get elected in November.
          He is 3.5-4pts up in polls – nearly a 10pt gain since Nov 2020.
          he is over 50% is several polls.

          You can hold your breath until you are blue in the face – that is NOT “trump cultists”.
          YOU have lost the majority of Americans.

          THAT is on YOU. Had Joe Biden been a competent president – Democrats would have wiped Republicans in 2022 and again in 2024.
          Further had YOU not engaged in way over the top idiot politicized prosecutions – not only of Trump but of everyone you do nto like purely for their political views – Trump would not be the GOP nominee.

          Trump has very successfully wrapped himself up as a martyr – YOU claim correctly he is Christ figure YOU did that.
          Not just by going after Trump on these ridiculous claims that amount to manufacturing non-crimes from thin air – you STUPIDLY have targeted catholics and the parents of school children – including arresting a man who was angry because his daughter was raped by a Transexual Male in the girls restroom. You idiots have SWATed ordinary people. You have weaponized govenrment and souhgt the financial records of people who shop at Dick’s or Cabella’s. You get publicly caught repeatedly doing stupid things targeting ordinary people. Your engaged in such stupidiity that voters might vote for Gengis Kahn as more competent and less dangerous.

          “The vast majority see him as the grifter he is.”
          I have no idea. What I do know is that either joyously or holding their noses – they say they are voting for Trump NOT Biden.
          YOU did that.
          Regardless, people who support Biden should not be talking about Trump as a grifter.

          “Did you buy your bible yet?”
          What business is it of yours what other people purchase.
          I do not personally want a Trump Bible or Golden Sneakers or any of the other Trump memorabilia.
          Though I probably should have bought DJT stock the moment it went public.
          Regardless, other people do want to buy that. They know what they are buying. No one forced them.
          It is no more your business that they have bought a Trump bible, than that you have bought a Purple Elephant dingy but plug.

          ” Perhaps you can read it while eating your trump steak, flying on trump airlines, studying for a class at trump U. ”
          To my knowledge I have never bought anything from Trump.
          Not any special issue. Just not interested in Trump Steak etc.
          I do not gamble or play golf either.
          But if you wish to buy Trump steaks of Biden But Plugs – that is your business.
          You can contributes To Act Blue or BLM. What you can not do is USE FORCE to impose your values on the rest of us.

          You can not perv the kids, you can not f$#k with our stoves and refrigerators, and cars.
          You can not force us to call you by what ever idiotic pronouns you have chosen for the moment.
          You can not wast Trillions of our money on idiotic boondoogles.
          If you want to go to college and get a degree in gender studies – pay for it.
          You can not demand that the rest of us pay for your poor choices.

          And you wonder Why Trump is ahead of Biden ?

          You are correct Trump is not loved by 50% of the country. But Biden and YOU are a huge disappointment to way more than half of the country.
          One the top 10 issues people identify with the country – on 9 of them – 60-80% of the people agree with Trump and Republicans.
          I don’t agree with Trump on 9 of the top ten issues. I probably do not agree with Trump on 5 of the top 10 issues.
          But I disagree with Biden and Democrats on 10 of the Top ten issues.

          YOU did this to yourselves.

          I do not want to test what happens if YOU lunatics on the left succeed in this lawfare nonsense.
          I do not want to find out if this country turns violent if Trump is convicted or if he is acquitted.
          Wise people do not play chicken like that. But YOU do.

          Democrat Polster Frank Lund told a pannel on CNN to cut this schiff out.
          You are going to guarantee that Trump is not only elected – but that it is a landslide.

          Get your Act together. Discard your idiotic policies. Return to normalcy like you promised in 2020 – But LIED.
          You still likely will not win in November – but you will have a chance and it wont likely be a blow out.

          Get your head out of your a$$. Trump is not beating you – You are beating yourself. Trump is merely goading you from the sidelines.
          Trump is not mezmerizing 50% of Voters – YOU are alienating nearly everyone.

          The only reason you are not facing a Reagan/Carter disaster – and Carter was a far better president than Biden is because you have successfully persuaded SOME that Trump is as you say a grifter.

          I prefer the grifter hawking golden sneakers – that I can buy or not as I choose,
          To the one getting rich off bribes for foreign powers and bad actors hoping for government leverage.

          So far the defense offered by Democrats is Biden is not corrupt because he took their money and gave them nothing.
          So we should elect an untrustworthy fraud ?

          1. “No one believes Trump is the 2nd coming of christ.”

            Yeah, they do — anyone stupid enough to listen to MSLSD believes it.
            MSDNC viewers believe Trump is the 2nd coming bc they believe Trump supporters believe Trump is the 2nd coming bc the hosts over on MSDNC told them what to believe.
            MSDNC must push propaganda and lies on their viewers bc that is what paid propagandists do.

      2. John Say: As usual you don’t know what you are talking about. Johnatakis was convicted by a jury of ordinary citizens–not a “star chamber”. Throwing around terms like that shows you don’t even know the definition of a star chamber.

        My “credibility” is not in Q. It’s yours with all your insane ramblings about “star chambers” and that there is “pretty strong evidence that Johnatakis did NOTHING”. What “evidence”? Did you attend the trial and see the evidence that was presented? Nope. So what is YOUR evidence? Come on, Johnny, put up or shut up!

    2. The vast majority of those detained and prosecuted for J6 ARE political prisoners and hostages.

      Can you name a single person involved in the riots in from of the WH in 2020 – during which the WH 18ft Sercurity fence was broken down in places and dozens of SS and Park police officers were injured who have gone to jail at all, much less for 7 years ? Where those who organized those riots sent to jail for decades for “sedition”

      If you are lunatic enough to beleive a protest against a stolen election at the capitol was an “Insurection” then why wasn’t an attempt to overrun the WhiteHouse and attack the commander in Cheif ?

      Why aren’t those engaged in attempting to take over and burn down the courthouse in portland – something that was attempted every single night in 2020 for 100+ days ?


      What of the Floyd rioters who drove the prolice out of their precinct and burned down a police station ?

      What of the rioters in Seattle who took over about 10 city blocks and Twice Bombed an occupied police station to drive the police out ? And who during their glorious reign and an independent country engaged in numerous rapes and murders ?

      What of the democratic lawyers in NYC who threw molitov cocktails into occupied police cars ?

      Of all these REAL acts of SERIOUS violence – who has gone to jail ? Who has gone to jail for 7 years ?
      Whos has gone to jail for decades ?

      Of those who committed violence against police – who has actually been prosecuted ?
      Of those who organized these riots – who has been prosecuted ?

      You do not want accued of politicized prosecutions – of double standards – then do not engage in politicized prosecutions and double standards.

      Regardless, YOU, the left, DC prosecutors and judges have lost the trust of the american people.

      You have held people in $hithole DC Jails without bail for years for nonviolent crimes.

      YOU are the criminals.

      We do not want to hear you bragging about another draconian sentence that you have issued for a non crime prosecuted without evidence by the Biden Berria, After being held in the DC Lubyanka,

      If you do not wish to be compared to the KGB or the STASI or the Getsapo – quit behaving like them.

    3. LEts try some REAL new news.

      Left wing nut Merchan has doubled down on his unconstitiutional Gagg order.

      Trump is now barred fro merely pointing out that Loren Merchan – Judge Merchan’s adult daughter has personally made $10M in her role doing democrat fund raising off the illegal prosecutions of Trump.

      Loren is NOT an officier of the court. She is NOT a potential Witness. She is an adult, And she is actively engaged in attacking Trump both politically and attempting to do so criminally.

      She is even more Fair game for criticism by Trump, than Eric, Don Jr, Ivanka, etc are – and you have spent 8 years attacking them.

      There is absolutely no basis of any kind at all for silencing criticism of people who have made themselves public figures and who are NOT witnesses or jurors.

      Loren Merchan is not a 14yr old proud of her daddy in School – She is an adult lawyer being pad very well to coordinate and fund raise for democrats off of prosecutions of Trump.

      Judge Merchan silencing ANYONE from criticizing her is violation of the first amendment.

      It is also solid grounds for mandatory recusal.

      NY law requires recusal when anyone within 6 degrees of separation has a potential benefit from the outcome of a case. It does NOT require that the Judge benefit. I am not precisely sure what the MY laws “6 degrees of separation” means – there appears to be no doubt that if Loren was living in the same house as Judge Merchan, he would be absolutely required to recuse.

      But even if somehow Loren has the required 6 degrees of separation that the law requires – which I highly doubt.

      But Silencing Trump, Judge Merchan has demonstrated that either the required separation does not exists or that Merchan himself is so biased as to violate Trump’s constitutional rights to silence legitimate criticism.

      The required recusal of Merchan is trivial.

      There is ZERO doubt that Loren Mechan is actively engaged in Fundraising based on the criminal prosecution of this case. She is without any doubt someone whose own conduct has justified Trump’s criticizm, she is also without any doubt NJOT a witness or a juror in this case.

      Either she does NOT have the required 6 degrees of separation from Judge MErchan – in which case he must recuse himself because of her financial interest in the case, or she does have sufficient separation and Merchan must recuse himself because he has violated Trump’s first amendment rights to protect someone from legitimate criticism who is NOT sufficiently close to the case to warrant protection.

      I doubt Merchan will recuse – democrats repeatedly – and particularly Merchan show no understanding of ethics and morality.

      Regardless, if Merchan remains the judge on this case – due process has been violated and democrats once again prove that they do not care about the rule of law that it is all political and personal hubris. That Merchan like so many other Democrats is just looking to be the one credited with “Getting Trump”

      That is not the rule of law, That is not justice.

      Merchan no longer has any choice but to recuse. This is a black and white situation.
      He has flown himself into a box canyon. There are two interdependent reasons he MUST recuse now, and if one is not true the other MUST be.

      I am awaiting your weasle words defense of Merchan.

      1. John Say: I see closer parallels with Clarence Thomas’s wife Ginni, and the efforts to silence her and remove him from cases before SCOTUS.

        1. JohnSay: I just saw your comment early this a.m. in a different thread, where you mention Ginni. sorry….

          1. Absolutely the efforts to get Thomas to recuse are very similar.

            If Merchan can Gag Trump – then Thomas ought to be able to gag those criticizing his wife.

            I have defended Thomas – meaning there is no basis for him to recuse. BUT my position on Thomas would be different if the case were about a person not an issue and if Gini Thomas was publicly advocating for an outcome in the case that would financially benefit her directly AND infringe on the rights of a person.

            NY law aparently requires Merchan to have 6 degrees of separation between someone who financially benefits fromt he outcome of a case. Obviously 6 degrees of separation does not mean what I think it does. But I am pretty sure that adult daughters is probably too close. But all that goes away once Merchan Acts. When Merchan gagged Trump over his daughter – he violated Trump’s rights, to protect his daughter from free speech. That is a giant step too far.

        2. There are paralells. There are also differences.

          Those on the left are free to criticise Clarence and Gini if they wish. Just as Trump is free to criticise Merchan’s daughter.

          Merchan is judging a person – and his daughter is targeting a person.
          Thomas is deciding issues, and his wife is advocating for issues.
          The standard for a conflict is much higher where it is a person – and particularly a crime.

          If Ginnie was fundraising on going after a BLM founder for Tax Fraud, and Clarence had a case whether That founders constitutional rights were being decided – that would be an instance that Thomas should recuse.

          But this is worse still – Merchan has Gagged Trump. That would be as if Thomas somehow got Scotus to issue a Gag order precluding the BLM founder accused of tax evasion from speaking about his wife.

          That would CLEARLY require Thomas to recuse. He would have ACTED in a way that makes clear which side of an issue he is one prior to the case being presented.

      2. Wanna bet Merchan does not recuse?
        Of course Merchan SHOULD do the right thing and recuse himself, but he won’t.
        And who is gonna make him?

        1. “The Alvin Bragg indictment of Trump is somehow turning into the most corrupt of all of them:

          A Soros funded prosecutor raised a misdemeanor to a felony to indict the Republican nominee for president despite lowering half of all felonies to misdemeanors for actual criminals in his jurisdiction.

          The judge donated to Joe Biden and his daughter is a liberal activist who raised money for many different Democrats off of the case that her father is presiding over.

          Among her clients included Adam Schiff, who coordinated with the lead witness in the case Michael Cohen to take down President Trump.

          And when Donald Trump pointed out how this is a clear conflict of interest and that his political opponents are trying to put him in jail, the judge put a gag order on him.

          Just democracy at work!” @greg_price11

    4. You want to know who needs to be disbarred?
      Jack Smith needs to be slapped with contempt charges and then disbarred. Permanently prohibited.
      Then find a way to toss this POS in prison.
      Then get to Mark Elias and do the same.
      That would be a start to cleaning up the stinking mess the Dems have made of the Rule of Law and justice system.

      1. Then conservative and Republican lawyers should get off their backsides and do something besides just make money. Like get involved with the ethics committees and develop networking and careers in ethics enforcement. Instead of just letting liberals do it. Like in more than one red state I know about where the system people are all liberals. I don’t mean good honest ones like Turley either, I mean liberals like biglaw-bigDem types, Clinton-Obama types. Servants of the plutocracy. Perkins Coie types. They’re not really liberal, they just call themselves that. But they run circles around “consevative” lawyers even in red states, when it comes to friends on the bench and inside bureaucracies.

        You know why conservatives lose a lot? Lazy, selfish, and not willing to work hard like leftists, especially in learned professions. They’re out-hustled. That’s it. OUT HUSTLED

        You selfish country clubbers know who you are. You wished to be part of the plutocracy, you weren’t, but you slavishly imitated its selfish habits anyhow, and let your fellow countrymen down. That’s a lot of “baby boomers” im talking about here for sure.

        Saloth Sar

    5. In other News you are avoiding – Trump’s final reply brief regarding Jack Smith’s illegal appointment was filed.
      And it is pretty good – Not only has Trump correctly noted that Jack Smith had to be appointed by the president and confirmed by the Senate, But Trump’s lawyers also noted that as Bad as Smith’s own arguments are they put him into a different bind. If Smith is NOT “an officer of the united states” or as smith is trying to argue he is some ba$tard junior form of officier of the united states that does not require presidential apointment or senate confirmation – then he is also NOT independent of DOJ – he is inferior to not just AG Garland, but also all US Attornies, he is subject to Required oversight by various other DOJ departments – which SC’s Because they are actual officiers of the united states are not subject to. And that he can not therefore have control of his own budget.

      Basically Trump’s lawyers have wedged Smith into a box canyon – Either he is a Full officer of the United states – as the SC law states in which case his appointement is illegal, or he is NOT actually a Special Counsel with independence from DOJ – in which case he is violating numerous other laws.

      This is a serious issue – and regardless of what Cannon decides is likely to go to the supreme court. In fact it is an issue that MUST be resolved by the supreme court.

      At the same time this is an obvious unforced constitutional error by AG Garland – who aspired to be a supreme court justice and should know better.

      Nearly all SC’s that have been appointed since the IC law – which most believed was unconstitutional as it violated separation of powers – Many democrats attacked IC Ken Starr claiming the IC act was unconstitutional – and they are likely correct on that. However the IC act has less constitutional problems than the SC Act does when an SC is appointed who was not confirmed by congress.

      Prior to Watergate this was not an issue – to my knoweldge we never tried to appoint a prosecutor where we had the problem of independence that we have seen repeatedly starting with Watergate.

      It appears that our Founders did not anticipate this problem – and understandably so as it took almost 200 years to crop up. but today IC’s SC’s .. are increasingly the norm. And we really have no place in the constitution for them.

      The constitution delegates the power to conduct and prosecute criminal investigations to the executive branch only – this is why the IC statute is unconstitutional. Ordinarily this makes sense.
      But where there is a conflict of interests between the president specifically ro the executive more generally and the case at hand most of us grasp that some independence is necescary – though I would note that Jefferson directly oversaw the US AG’s prosecution of political rival Burr with NO SC or IC. So the historical precedent is that this is done within the DOJ.

      Regardless most of us understand the occasional need for a truly independent investigation and prosecution.

      The Best solution to this problem is a constitutional amendment to determine how that is to be done.

      I do not personally have a huge problem with Jack Smith’s apointment as SC. Frankly I think he is a good choice for Trump – because he is a $hitty lawyer prone to error and incompetence.

      The big problem is that the appointment is plainly unconstitutional.

      Should it be unconstitutional ?
      Maybe not. But it plainly is. And we fdollow the constitution we have not the one we wish we had.
      That is how the rule of law works.
      If we do not like the constitution we have – then we amend it.

      I prefer the currently also unconstitutional special counsel statute or something similar.
      That required a panel of judges to determine that an investigation was warranted and to appoint and supervise the prosecutor, providing judicial review of decision to expand the prosecution.

      But that is not constitutional, and if that is what we want – we need to amend the constitution.

      I can conceive of other arrangements – though all have problems – there is no perfect solution to this problem

      Regardless, at the very least The supreme court – not Cannon or the 11th circuit ct of appeals needs to establish whether the AG can appoint an SC that was neither appointed by the president of confirmed by the senate.
      I think the obvious answer under our current constitution is no, and that Garland could have circumvented this problem by appointing an existing US attorney – as he did with Weiss.

      As a political matter I would prefer to see Smith remain – because he is so poor.

      Regardless of whatever Cannon decides – this will likely go to the supreme court.

      I would further note this effects the DC cases too. If Cannon finds Smith’s appointment unconstitutional – until the matter is resolved by SCOTUS, Smith is neutered everywhere.

      1. At the same time this is an obvious unforced constitutional error by AG Garland – who aspired to be a supreme court justice and should know better.

        I dont believe they ever wanted to put this case in front of a jury. It is on legal quicksand. IF they would get a conviction. Trump may just pull the exact same thing against Biden, and there is nothing any judge can do about it. The left is crazy, but even crazy they can put 2+2 together.

        Now that Biden has been left of the hook for espionage, its going to be impossible for an appeals court not to overturn a Trump conviction.

        1. Biden is not off the hook for espionage charges – Hurr’s opinion is not a Bar to Trump prosecuting Biden.

          There are two ACTUAL Bars – first it would have to be tried in DC or DE,
          The second is that Biden is inarguably non-compis-mentus.
          No judge is going to let him stand Trial.

          This is a third bar – and that is Biden is going to pardon everyone on the way out the door.
          And if he does NOT – Then Trump should.

          The more I think about it the more I like the “Truth and reconciliation commission” Idea.

          it is perfect, Trump announces it – frankly he should announce it NOW. It Undermines the Trump will be a Tyrant garbage.

          There has to be a scope, election fraud, censorship, selective prosecution. Regardless someone has to define the scope.
          This should not be carte blanche for murderers.

          But the premis is simple – A predefined window of time is opened – say a year, for people those who have engaged in certain types of malfeasance or crimes. Come forward – testify truthfully in private, and you will not be prosecuted.
          At the end of that 1 year period – anyone who has not come forward can be prosecuted and the testimony of those who have come forward can be used.

          his is one way to ratchet down the temperature. Tol actually appear to be trying to bring the nation back together.

          1. Bannon has a 4 point strategy:

            1. Investigate
            2. Litigate
            3. Adjudicate
            4. Incarcerate

            Trump made a mistake in NOT going after Hillary, et al during his first term.
            Lock Her Up was a campaign slogan.
            He should have fulfilled that promise by at the very least dragging Hillary and her thug minions thru the DOJ ringer.

    6. Everything was kosher in 2020, Nothing to protest, all inquiry found nothing.


      I do not know who Melanie King is – nor do I care. Nearly all of this video is the under oath testimony of one of 5 Fulton country board of elections supervisors – one of the TWO who voted AGAINST certifying the Fulton Country Election. TWICE.

      As this guy testifies – because of atleast 5 MAJOR problems and an even large number of minor problems.

      There were no chain of custody documents for ballots and voting records being transfered to the State Farm arean where counting was done.
      The Board of elections spent $1M on a system to verify signatures as required by GA law for the 2020 election, the board was assured it would be operational for the 2020 election – it was not, and has not been operational in any election since. None of the mailin ballots in Fulton county in 2020 received the legally required signature variation.
      Many had no signature at all.
      The board of supervisors requested a sample of CCTV video of Ballot drop boxes they NEVER received ANY.
      They SAW the CCTV of suitcases being pulled from under the table – on TV like everyone else, when they requested the actual video and an explanation they were promised answers by NEVER received them.

      This is not ME saying this – this is a member of the Fulton county board of elections testifying to this UNDER OATH.

      There is one other supervisor who voted against certification – they will likely testfgy too.
      As will the other members of the borad of supervisors.

      This is ALL testimony that would have occured – had the courts allowed Trump’s election challenges.

      You left wing nuts claim there is no evidence.
      The FACT is that you have your heads in the sand.
      The Evidence was DELIBERATLY burried.


    7. “. . . another J. 6 insurrectionist has been sentenced.” “He was one of the leaders of the insurrection.”

      If TJJ is an “insurrectionist,” then why wasn’t he convicted of “insurrection?” If a man is convicted of burglary, do you also call him an “arsonist?”

      If you wish to lie to smear the Right, try to be more circumspect.

  11. The Administration’s Joseph Goebbels. His mandate is to persuade the ‘basket of deplorables’ and all others whom they deem qualified as such, that what they’re selling us is shoe polish. The ‘basket of deplorable’s are in the habit of taking extreme care on the sociopolitical and economic paths where they walk, and know the difference. They can smell it.

  12. The last few days I have wondered how to best describe a Democrat. It came to me that they do resemble a Centaur, the front being a mindless Fool and the rear end a Jack_ _ _, all the while spewing their deposits of nonsense. They can be spotted roaming about in the Swamp slapping their withers with delight.

  13. Despite all of the lies, censorship, wars, bad economy, weaponizing of justice, etc., a lot of the D’s will still vote D. Because they have no real integrity. Some questions are, how many won’t? And: Will the cheating be even more apparent/obvious this time around, to assure they win again? (Plus one bonus question: Which of the Anonymous Posters here today is Ian Sams?)

      1. Infanticide über alles!!!

        Incoherence and hysteria über alles!!!

        The baby’s CHOICE is to live, as clearly presented and demonstrated by its persistence; if not aborted by its mother, the infant will grow and live for an average of 77 years. 

        Women have a societal, natural, and God-given duty to protect the separate and individual homo sapiens sapiens human being inside them.  

        Women have no option to commit murder or infanticide. 

  14. Jonathan: Ian Sams is a convenient distraction so let’s move on to some really important news–like the following:

    Judge Merchan just expanded his gag order on DJT barring him from continuing to attack either family members of DA Bragg or the Judge. But you were on Fox yesterday with Brian Kilmeade who called the expanded gag order “outrageous”. You agreed but cautioned: “I would prefer that Trump leave these attacks or issues raised with the Judge’s family to his counsel. I think that’s always the better approach”. So if DJT’s lawyers through their filings with Judge Merchan continue to attack Judge Merchan’s daughter that’s OK? No it is not.

    Attacks on witnesses, prosecutors or family members of court personnel is NEVER acceptable. Whether it’s done by a criminal defendant or through his lawyers. But as of 1 pm yesterday DJT still had the 6 min. clip of the Fox interview with you and a photo of Judge Merchan’s daughter included–pinned at the top of his Truth Social profile. DJT liked your commentary!

    In a statement yesterday by the American College of Trial Lawyers it came out condemning “the recent vitriolic statements made by former president Donald Trump attacking the character, integrity and sanity of the judges and prosecutors handling the cases against him…attacks like these are dangerous because they risk provoking violence against judges, prosecutors, and their families. They also undermine the rule of law, and threaten the independence of the judiciary because they are intimidating”.

    As a trial lawyer, or former trial lawyer, you know that attacking the daughter of a judge in a criminal case is not acceptable. You would condemn it if it involved any other criminal defendant. But because it involves the former president you seem to think such vicious attacks are now acceptable. I wonder what the ACTL would say about your appearance on Fox–condoning the attacks on the daughter of a criminal law judge?

    Now I suspect we know what Judge Merchan will do next. He will call DJT’s lawyers, maybe even DJT himself, to appear before him to clearly explain the new gag order and warn them that if DJT continues to attack the Judge’s daughter he could be looking at a contempt citation–possible sanctions–including jail time. That’s what happens when any criminal defendant thinks he is above the law!

    1. Once again, a twit tries to say that there is some sort of lese-majeste here in the USA when it comes to judges: “Attacks on witnesses, prosecutors or family members of court personnel is NEVER acceptable. Whether it’s done by a criminal defendant or through his lawyers.” Really now? So it’s improper for DJT to attack perjurer, Michael Cohen. Or how about Judge Tanya Chutkan–her gag order was overbroad–translation, Trump’s First Amendment rights were violated during the pendency of the appeal. She can be ruthlessly criticized for that. She’s supposed to get it right; she did not. And what about Bragg–he campaigned on getting Trump–why can’t Trump ruthlessly criticize him? Or any line prosecutor who helps with this prosecution?

      And I note another thing–let’s not forget that Fani Willis accused defendants and defendants’ lawyers of being racist due to motions well-supported by law. She is a government official attacking the defense. That is far far worse than anything Trump has said.

      Judges are government officials. Defendants have every right to pillory them in caustic terms. Prosecutors are government officials too. Family members who raise large amounts of money for a political party are also fair game.

    2. RE: “Dennis McIntyre says:….Jonathan:” Ian Sams is a convenient distraction”…..Hardly. Ian Sams is a political weapon who’s purpose is to deliberately and intentionally employ his craft to what ever ends deemed necessary to advance the Administration’s agenda. Drawing the attention of the public to the strong affiliation of a member of the family of the jurist sitting on this case, with the political party having a strong interest in its prosecution, particularly where the ‘manufactured’ grounds for which have been viewed by many legal minds as tenuous at best, and that the possibility of any like mindedness between the two might exist, is not beyond the pale, and best left to the legal team.

    3. Judge Merchan just expanded his gag order on DJT barring him from continuing to attack either family members of DA Bragg or the Judge.

      Speech is a constitutionally protected right. What law is the Judge basing his ruling?

      1. Iowan2: You forget one thing. DJT is a CRIMINAL DEFENDANT. As such DJT’s normal 1st Amendment rights end at the end of Judge Merchan’s gavel. If he violates the Judge’s new gag order he can be put in the lock up–just like any other criminal defendant who would attack a judge or the judge’s daughter. It happens all the time in criminal cases–with the only caveat that most criminal defendants don’t engage in threats against a judge’s family members. DJT is unique in this respect. So answer this Q. Should DJT get a pass because he is a former president? If you answer “Yes” you need to spend some time sitting in on some criminal trials!

        1. Yo Dennis, Trump’s 1A rights as a defendant – especially a criminal defendant – do not stop where profiteering by the judge’s family of Democrat political activists begins. Nor where the profiteering daughter of the judge has her X profile photo as that of Trump behind bars.

          1. Lenor Merchan claims that she shut her X account down in April 20234 and that someone else opened that account and that the posts are NOT her.

            I am fine with looking into that. Lenor MErchan has made a claim that she is being impersonated on X.

            Musk can look into the account on X nd confirm or deny if the acount was closed and reopened and if the preson currently using the Leron Merchan account is Lenor Merchan or an impersonator.

            If it is an impersonator all of us left and right swhould want that exposed.
            If it is not – then Lenor Merchan should be exposed as a liar.

        2. Dennis, Trump raised valid and relevant evidence of the judge’s political bias. That is Trump’s right. Just bc MSLSD lawyers told you it was the same as Trump making an unjustified “violent threat” does not make it so. Maybe in pretend world over there on MSLSD, but not in the real world.

          How about those death threats and assassination attempts against conservative Supreme Court justices, specifically Kavanaugh? That doesn’t move Garland to stop the illegal, dangerous leftwing protestors from marching in front of their family homes, does it? It should. But not on Garland’s watch it doesn’t. How do you justify that?

          How about actual violent threats against Judge Cannon in Florida? One violent perpetrator was actually thrown in jail over threats made to Judge Cannon. The lunatics over there on MSLSD have nothing to say about that, do they?

          1. I am trusting several legal experts on this- however purported New York law requires a judge to recuse themselves if anyone within 6 degrees of separation has a finanical or similar stake in the outcome of the case.

            It appears that 6 degrees of separation means something different from what I would assume regardless,
            If Merchan’s daughter as living with him – those expoerts stated that beyond any doubt – Merchan would be required to recuse.
            They are less clear when his adult child is living separately. And suggested that this was something that the appelate courts shoudl address.

            But we are PAST merely Lenor Merchan having an interest in the outcome.
            We have jumped to Judge Merchon restricting the protected speach of a criminal defendant about a non-witness non-juror who has a financial and political interest in the outcome of the case.

            That is not the passive conflict we started with but an ACTIVE conflict.
            Merchan has taken action to protect the financial and other interests of his daughter in this case.

            This was a mistake on his part.

        3. ” You forget one thing. DJT is a CRIMINAL DEFENDANT. As such DJT’s normal 1st Amendment rights end at the end of Judge Merchan’s gavel.”

          Absolutely False. This is already decided law. Not only is it decided – but the case law dates back to 1838.
          it is not like it is NEW case law.

          While Modern Courts – especially recently have GOTTEN AWAY With Gag orders – primarily because if the order manages to get to SCOTUS the case is usually over and litkely SCOTUS will not even hear the case – because unless a gag order somehow altered the outcome of a trial it will generally be regarded as harmless error.

          It is STILL Unconstitutioonal error. Only in this case it si WORSE than normal. Not only is MErchan violating Trump’s first amendment rights – he is also engaged in illegal election interferance. And YOU keep making that case.

          The MORE you huff and puff that these cases MUST be tried before the election, the more you make clear they are ABOUT the election.
          The more clear it is that the Gag orders are Election Fraud As Well as first amendment violations.

          “If he violates the Judge’s new gag order he can be put in the lock up–just like any other criminal defendant who would attack a judge or the judge’s daughter. It happens all the time in criminal cases–with the only caveat that most criminal defendants don’t engage in threats against a judge’s family members.”
          Actually it DOES NOT happen all the time – Gag orders are extremely rare. Though they are always unconstitutional.
          And almost never enforced -= Because they are unconstitutional.

          Defendants are frequently found in criminal contempt for actual conduct within a court room.
          NOT for speech outside of it.

          Worse for you – This Gag order addresses speech that would be allowed inside the court room. Trump may well raise a selective prosecution defense. If he does – The participation of Judge Merchan’s daughter in democratic fund raising to get Trump convicted would be testimony Trump would be free to offer. Regardless it would be remarks that Trump’s lawyers (or Trump if he so chose) could include in opening and closing statements.

          DJT is not looking for a pass – he is looking for an honest judge and an honest prosecutor in an honest court.

          And if you think that Criminal defendants do not malign judges and prosecutors ALL THE TIME – you have never been near a court.

        4. DM it is pretty clear you have never been or do not recall actual criminal courts.

          It is generally extremely unwise for criminal defendants to attack judges or prosecutors or their families.
          It is rare that Criminal defendants attack the families of judges -because it is rare that the families of judges have anything to do with the criminal case. That becomes far more common – when we are conducting political witch trials.
          And it becomes inevitable when the Judges Adult daughter is actively involved in profiting from the results of the trial.

        5. No DM Criminal defendants do not lose their First amendment rights as a consequence of being accused of a crime – that is a totally absurd argument.

          It also leads directly to post election criminal charges against all those involved in these prosecutions for election fraud.

          If you were correct about the first amendment all any executive incumbent would have to do to end the political campaign of their opponents would be to charge them with a crime.

          You are stupidly Making Trump’s arguments for him and making it perfectly clear why the First amendment continues to apply.

          The presumption of innocence is a fifth amendment right of due process guaranteed by the constitution.

          The presumption of innocence means that a defendant comes to court with their constitutional rights intact.
          Virtually EVERY infringement that is allowed on a criminal defendants rights is specified in the constitution – with constraints on the restrictions of those rights.

          Not only are you stupidly wrong about this – but for the most part a criminal defendants rights – in particular their free speech rights remain intact AFTER conviction.

          There are very minimal infringements on individual liberty that are permitted by virtue of a criminal indictiment. These include SOME restrictions on freedom of movement – SOLELY to assure the defendant will show up for Trial.,
          as well as the requirement that a defendant show up at trial.
          As well as general restrictions on EVERYONE’s liberty within a courtroom to assure that the process proceedes orderly.
          On the streets outside the court room a defendant can say whatever they please whenever they please.
          Inside the courtroom the rules of order do not permit everyone to speak at once whenever they please.
          But they DO require that the Judge provide the defendant all the time needed to present their defense and to attack the prosecutions case. The judges power to control speech in the courtroom comes with the obligation to give the defendant the opportunity to say what they want.

        6. So if Trump had directed DOJ in 2020 to prosecute Joe Biden in Trump freindly courts – those judges could have Gagged Biden and prevented him from campaigning or pretty mcuh saiying whatever they wished – After all Joe Biden would have been a criminal defendant.

          I would note that there is RIGHT NOW a bribery case against Joe Biden – that is atleast as good as that against Sen. Menedez, as well as a classified documents case against Former VP biden far better than the one against Trump.

          The former was within AG Barr’s knowledge and he could have sought to do what Garland and Biden have done.

          The difference is that Republicans are not the ones acting like anti-democratic tryants.

          You idiots on the left went balistic in 2020 Wehn Trump asked Zelensky – just to look into credible allegations regarding Biden misconduct in Ukraine. Ranting and raving that is impeachable.

          Yet here you are in 2020 Doing precisely what you accused Trump of ONE STERIODS.
          And idiotically ranting that the first amendment vanishes when one is charged with a crime.

        7. Last comment Dennis.
          Judge’s daughter is making millions off of her father being the judge presiding over trial of Trump.
          This is a clear conflict and evidence of bias.
          Trump has every right to point this out, publicly.
          For Judge Merchan to stay on this case is clearly unethical. Clearly. And he knows it, too.
          But he’s not going to recuse himself. How utterly unethical of him.
          TDS is a helluva drug, eh Merchan family?

          1. The daughter’s firm also had Joe Biden as a client for fundraising and the 2020 election. Imagine that.

            1. So what this means, Dennis, if you’re reading, is that Judge Merchan’s daughter’s firm was paid in 2020 by Joe Biden. Is Biden still a client today?
              Her father, Judge Merchan, holds the fate of Donald Trump, Joe Biden’s political adversary, in his hands. What are the odds Donald J. Trump is going to get a “fair” trial if this judge does not do the correct thing and recuse? Zero.

    4. Ian Sams is a prominent person Not merely in the White House – but the White House Counsel’s office.
      I have criticized Turley on this – because While I beleive Sams conduct is immoral, unethical and clearly NOT what we want from the WH Counsel. It is perfectly legal and not out of line with historical precident – especially other Democrat WHC offices.

      If Biden wants an WHC that is a political pitbull – he is president and he can have that.
      And the rest of us should reduce our respect for the WHC accordingly.

      That this is not illegal – does not mean it is irrelevant.
      It is a beautiful reflection fo the weaponized peolitical natire of the Biden administration – as well as its impotence.
      Few care about Sams – BECAUSE as a political Hack he has no gravitus.

      I care greatly what James Carville says about politics – espeically when he is warning democrats. Because James carville is pretty damn good at politics.
      I do not give a schiff what James Carville (or Ian Sams) says about the law.

    5. More left word mangling.

      Trump did not Attack Loren Merchan. His comments were ACCURATE and frankly tame.
      They were really an attack on Merchan’s claims of his own objectivity.

      Loren Merchan is free to attack Trump – which she inarguably does. She is free to personally profit from attacks on Trump – which she inarguably does. Conversely Trump is free to attack back – which in actuality Trump has NOT yet done.
      All he has done is pointed out that she is actively engaged in efforts outside the justice system to “Get Trump” specifically related to this case, and that she personally profits from them. Those are facts not in dispute.

      You are free to feel one way about Loren Merchan conduct – others are free to feel differently.
      All of us – including Trump are free to express our FEELINGS and the actual FACTS.

      Loren Merchan is not a juror on this case and would not be allowed to be one – for MANY reasons.
      She is not a witness in this case.

      She is an adult child of the Judge who is politically active in efforts to “Get Trump” and will financially benefit from an adverse outcome for Trump. She is no different from ERic Trump or Ivanka and no more entitled to protection.

      She has made her own free choices – which she is legally entitled to.
      But those choices come with consequences – which include the right of ANYONE to criticize those public choices.

      There is a legal debate over whether Judge Merchan must recuse himself because of Loren Merchan’s involvement in politicing specifically related to this case. It appears to be absolutely crystal clear under NY law that Merchan MUST recuse himself if she was living with him – which she is not. But I have heard other legal scholars on the NY law that claim that financial benefit to MErchan’s daughter that hinges on the outcome of the case is sufficient to REQUIRE recusal even if they are not living together. I do not know if that is correct.

      But I have heard several legal scholars say that Merchan should recuse regardless, the issue is too muddy and he is allowing Trump and his attornies to make the case about him. And they DO have a basis for doing so.

      Merchan’s original gag order was unconstitutional and numerous scholars advised Trump to challenge it.
      The new one is worse.
      But more significant than the constitutionality of the gag order is that Merchan has used it to prtotect a non-witness, non-jurror, adult who is actively involvled in potlical efforts to use the case to “Get Trump” and who has a personal relationship with Judge Merchan.

      Had he NOT acted their MIGHT be a claim there was not conflict of interest. By Acting, he has made blatantly clear there is a conflict of interest.

      I would note that you idiots on the left constantly misrepresent things.

      Trump does not randomly lash out at people. He does not lash out at the families of judges and prosecutors – just because they are familiy – though that IS what those of you on the left do TO Trump all the time – you can not even leave Baron alone.
      Every single person he has criticised has been Active either in the government or the political side of going after him.

      You do not seem to grasp THEY made themselves particip-ants in either the legal or the political process and they are therefore fair game.

      While many people left or right do not THINK about this and Analyse this to the extent that I do – Most outside the left intuitively KNOW the difference between someone engaged in bullying and someone responding to those targeting them.

      Your nonsense falls apart because – YOU have used govenrment to target people for purely political reasons.
      ]Do you really expect catholics or parents of school children or people who bought things at Dicks or Cabella’s to Buy your arguments that Trump is somehow improperly threatening people who are going after him – when some of them have been SWATTED by you and large numbers of them are concerned about being SWATTED by you. Or are being Spied on by YOU or could be monitored and censored by YOU on social media.

      Personally I do not care that much about the gag order – it is just another demonstration of YOUR lawlessness and desparation.

      No matter what happens Trump has already WON that issue. While you MAY have silenced Trump, Now instead of a relatively begnign tweet or two about Loren Merchan – Who is now desparately trying to claim she has not been on Twitter since April 2023 and the Vitriolic Anti-Trump content – including Trump behind Bars memes is NOT from her – I do not know whether that is true or she is lying. And frankly it does not matter – She is the one in the position of trying to deny that content under her name and consistent with her fundraising emails was NOT by her. Even if she could prove it – half the country probably will not beleive her. My point is that The Left, Bragg and Merchan have been rope adoped into making this a huge story – One that dingbats like you think is favorable, But outside your bubble is not playing well.

      Whether Merchan “Does the right thing” and recuses himself – lots of people now have a picture of Merchan as a rabid Trump hater who has spawned a family of rabid trump haters. Who are making money of off Trump hatred.

      THAT is not only what this story is about, what this news cycle is about, but it will be amplified and continue to be discussed – for a long time.

      And it is just one more drip in the ever growing wall of evidence that This is all Trump Derangement, And election fraud.

      Speaking of which Testimony a few days ago by one of 5 Fulton County Election Board members reveals that the Final vote to certify Fulton county was 3:2 – and that it took two votes several days apart to get from 2:3 to 3:2

      This board member detailed all the problems in Fulton county in 2020 – and testified that none of them have been fixed.
      Things like Fulton county Paid over a million dolars for signature verification systems in 2020. The board who authorized the payment was assured the systems would be in place for Nov. 2020, but they were not, nor were they inplace for 2022, nor will the likely be in place for 2024. That All mailin ballots that were received were counted – whether they had ANY identifying information on them at all – much less verified signatures. Again that is ZERO mailin ballots at Fulton county were verified in 2020 or since.

      That the Election board asked for security footage of the unattended ballot boxes prior to certifying the election – and they NEVER got it.
      Not even to this day. That they asked for CCTV of the State Farm areana – after the TV Video of suitcases coming from under a table were shown publicly – and they never got it. That they asked for THAT video and for an investigation and they NEVER GOT ANYTHING.
      That they asked for chain of custody information and they NEVER GOT IT. And that they asked Fulton County to clean up its voter registration rolls – because there are 200,000 more registered voters in FC than there are people, much less people of voting age.
      Cleaning voter registration rolls is required by federal law to occur before every election.
      It almost never occurs in Blue counties. There are people on voter registration rolls in blue counties that have been dead for 75 years.
      Many of whom have subsequently voted.

      This is a recipe for Fraud – flaunting voter ID laws. At best verifying voters against Voter Registration databases that i9n some cases have 50% more registered voters than people. Every name in a voter registration database – whether real or not, is name that can have a vote cast.
      With mailin voting it is a name that can have a vote cast – without any election official ever even seeing that there is a real person.

      This BTW is only one of the bits of damning 2020 Election information that has come out this week.
      We also now have evidence that DVS executives lied under oath to congress when they said their equipment was not and could not be connected to the internet.

    6. “Attacks on witnesses, prosecutors or family members of court personnel is NEVER acceptable. Whether it’s done by a criminal defendant or through his lawyers”

      Or Really ? YOU personally have attacked Gini Thomas and Clarence Thomas constantly.

      This is what happens when you pay fast and loose with words.

      Credible THREATS to pretty much anyone – are NEVER acceptable – they are actuially a crime – a True threat, and SCOTUS has laid out the requirements for a true threat are criminal. There is ZERO need for a gag order to protect anyone from criminal threats.

      This is typical left wing nonsense claiming that if you bar something multiple times – maybe people will obey.
      People who actually commit crimes are not going to be detered by your making the same thing illegal TWICE.

      YOu use weasle words like “Attack” – trying to overload your argument with the emotion of meanings like Attack as in Bayonette charge
      with meansing such as Trump pointing out that Lenor Merchan – an adult lawyer of significance in a Democratic law firm hired by Democrats such as Admam Schiff to orchestrat Fundraising efforts off of Trump prosecutions.

      Is that Stabbing Lenor Merchan through the heart with a knife ?
      Is it Lying about her ?

      2 Days ago JK Rowling took the brave step of saying things that are both True and offensive to people on the far left – which is now a Crime in Scottland. And Idiots like you are trying to Parlay Trump Speaking the indisputable Truth about Merchan into what ? A crime ? if so prosecute. A violation of decorum ? If so – GO AWAY. If you “Attack” someone else – they are aloud to go after you.

      I have no idea whether Trump still has his “attack” Aka links to a News Story about Lenor Merchan relating established FACTS, on Truth.

      If he does he may well be daring Merchan to act. Merchan’s exctension of the Gag order to a relative actively engaged in political efforts to profit off of prosecutions of Trump is undeniable grounds for Requiring Merchan to REcuse.
      Trying to enforce the gag order would double down on the requirement for recusal.

      Trump did not “attack” Judge Merchan’s minor child. He spoke the Truth about an adult who is profiting from Trump’s prosecution.
      It is unclear legally whether the father daughter relationship between a judge and a person Actively engaged in profiting from the prosecution of the defendant is enough to require Recusal – I think it is . It is Beyond ANY doubt that Judge Merchan stepping into that IN ANY WAY is an ethical violation and a demonstration of Bias that requires Judge Merchan to leave or be thrown out.

      Trump has won this fight – even if he does not get Merchan removed.

      There are two choices moving forward – A corrupt judge who can not help himself from violating ethics requirements is removed or the same corrupt judge stays. Either Way Trump wins.

  15. The problem: Holdover’s, The cure: Pink Sheets, department wide by a new strong President.

  16. Just when you thought the FJB administration had emptied its stores of useless ideas and people…

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