Vanderbilt Students Expelled Over Violent Protest, Including Activist Recognized by the White House

For years, we have discussed the failure of universities to take actions against faculty and students shutting down events or acting unlawfully, including faculty guilty of criminal assault. Now, Vanderbilt has expelled three students after anti-Israel protests, including Jack Petocz, a political activist recognized by the White House and featured prominently in the New York Times and other news outlets.

According to the Vanderbilt Hustler and The College Fix, the students were arrested for allegedly assaulting a security guard amid raucous anti-Israel protests inside an Administration building late last month.

A security video shows a security officer overwhelmed as he tried to keep protesters out of Kirkland Hall.

The officer is shown being pushed down the hall before leaving the frame of the video camera.

Petocz posted a denial on X:

“I did not touch a community service officer, nor am I anywhere near the individual in the video. I’d implore you to trust a student activist over rich, powerful, white men, but that’s your choice.”

He insisted that he and the other students were only “peacefully protesting the genocide in Palestine.”

X Screenshot

Petocz’s activism, including opposing the Florida parental rights law, has been widely celebrated in the media including an article that featured him in a January 2022 front story on fighting conservative school boards. President Biden invited him to the White House for a bill signing and took a picture with him in the Oval Office.

It appears that universities are growing impatient with protesters, particularly after a series of sit-ins. Recently, students were suspended for storming the office of Pomona College President Gabrielle Starr. Nineteen students were reportedly arrested.

Starr claimed in an open letter that racial slurs were used by students and declared:

“These actions are actively destructive of the values that underpin our community. Any participants in today’s events … who turn out to be Pomona students, are subject to immediate suspension. Students from the other Claremont Colleges will be banned from Pomona’s campus and subject to discipline on their own campuses.”

The actions of the university have led to protests on campus and calls for the student board to reverse that suspensions.

124 thoughts on “Vanderbilt Students Expelled Over Violent Protest, Including Activist Recognized by the White House”

  1. The Commodores are doing the right thing. The IslamoCommuNazis and their supporters must be punished and permanently expelled. If it were up to me, I would have them beaten senseless. It’s the only thing IslamoCommuNazis understand.

  2. It’s not a shock that Progressives welcomed Americans to burn down cities in the 2020 election year. But now Progressives want to Genocide Gaza into rubble with American bombs and financing for one of the richest nations extant. And protesting THAT is a 3rd rail because Zionists bought and own both halves of the USA Uniparty.

  3. Off topic: Florida woman who stole, sold Biden’s daughter’s diary sentenced to one month in prison

    If you google “ashley biden diary” you will see a plethora of headlines emphasizing that the diary was stolen. It’s very hard, or impossible, to locate older headlines indicating that the diary was ABANDONED, not stolen, as it was left with other belongings in a home that had been vacated.

    Apparently the prior legal precedent set by the famous case of Finders Keepers vs. Losers Weepers has been overturned in the Biden era where criminal charges are brought in democrat districts — in this case NY City AGAIN — with democrat jurors and democrat judges, related to an alleged crime that supposedly occurred in FLORIDA.

    I haven’t seen any explanation for how an alleged crime that occurred in Florida ended up in a NYC courtroom or why alleged “theft” of an ABANDONED diary constutes any kind of theft at all, much less a FEDERAL crime, or why prison time is warranted when murderers are given a free pass if they support the correct political party.

    1. Me replying to mayself:

      It’s also noteworthy that pleading Guilty means the woman can be sued and the Guilty plea can be used against her, and that if she had pleaded No Contest instead of Guilty, she could have received the same sentence but NOT have incurred the automatic civil liability. It raises the question of whether the defendant received adequate legal representation, presumably from a democrat public defender — most public defenders being democrats.

      1. Ha ha bro don’t overthink it. Most private practice criminal defense attorneys are Democrats too. the CJA panel lawyers are generally excellent lawyers in spite of most of them being liberals. Indeed it’s because they are genuine liberals that they usually are good defense lawyers.

        Sal Sar

  4. Welcome, visitors. Your long search is over and your diligence has paid off, as you’ve finally found the legendary leprechaun pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. I only hope that you’re not too disappointed to discover that the magnificent treasure is in reality a bubbling cauldron of solid-gold stupidity in its purest form. I would have said “fool’s gold,” but referring to most of these commenters as fools falls considerably short of the mark and would be an unwarranted insult to the sincerity of literal fools.

    Please take a moment to note the regulars — particularly the most-regular of regulars — who camp out here day in and day out, week after week and month after month, sometimes clocking in in regular shifts and clocking out only to shift to a different screen name in order to argue against or agree with their own posted comments — tirelessly cobbling together the most-twisted arguments ever heard beyond the reaches of the Potomac River.

    Frank Lloyd Wright once proclaimed his design for the Guggenheim Museum on the upper east side of Manhattan as the last wart that he would place on the nose of society, and I would suggest that this website is Professor Turley’s version thereof, having as its primary purpose an intellectual and political form of Three Stooges pie fight, except perhaps that it’s not quite as intellectual. If science could or would develop a proper gauge, rest assured that you will leave here measurably stupider and FAR more ignorant than when you arrived.

    I would have ended with a warning not to get any on you, but it’s a little late for that now.

  5. Professor Turley Writes:

    Petocz’s activism, including opposing the Florida parental rights law, has been widely celebrated in the media..


    Turley goes on to reference a New York Times article from January of 2022 reporting on book bans across the country. Jack Petocz is only a brief mention in that story. But below are 3 sample paragraphs from that piece.

    Parents, activists, school board officials and lawmakers around the country are challenging books at a pace not seen in decades. The American Library Association said in a preliminary report that it received an “unprecedented” 330 reports of book challenges, each of which can include multiple books, last fall.

    Such challenges have long been a staple of school board meetings, but it isn’t just their frequency that has changed, according to educators, librarians and free-speech advocates — it is also the tactics behind them and the venues where they play out. Conservative groups in particular, fueled by social media, are now pushing the challenges into statehouses, law enforcement and political races.

    Book challenges aren’t just coming from the right: “Of Mice and Men” and “To Kill a Mockingbird,” for example, have been challenged over the years for how they address race, and both were among the library association’s 10 most-challenged books in 2020.


    “According to educators, librarians and free-speech advocates”.

    Professor Turley is both an educator and free speech advocate. Yet he references book bans under the heading of ‘parental rights’. And Jack Petocz is some gayish gadfly challenging ‘parental rights’.

    Here we see the concrete limits of Turley’s ‘free speech’ advocacy.

    Somehow book bans are okay if Turley can reference ‘parental rights’. But Russian trolls and anti-vaxers are welcome to pollute our national discussion under the guises of ‘free speech’.

  6. Sheila Jackson Lee explained:

    “And sometimes you’ve heard the word ‘full moon,’…Sometimes you need to take the opportunity just to come out and see a full moon,” which she then explained is a “complete rounded circle which is made up mostly of gases.”

    How can any adult, much less a Yale graduate and congresswoman, be that stupid?

    Yale and the electorate have much to answer fot.

    1. Young said: “Sheila Jackson Lee explained”

      I wasn’t aware who she was until I did a web search. Progressive Demoncraptic Congresswoman from Central Houston (a portion of the Lone Star State that desperately aspires to be transported to somewhere within the boundaries of the Marxist State of Californication). That really all I really needed to know. No surprise that such a dumb-ass would apparently confuse the Moon and Venus.

        1. David B. Benson said: “Number 6, Venus is not ‘mostly gas’.”

          Mea culpa. Winged that comment when I should have taken more time to reflect. Venus is, as I recall, shrouded in c,loud, but is clearly not a gas giant. “Uranus” would probably have been an acceptable example (or perhaps hers)…

  7. OT again – I think that I have created my own little Golem. Sebastian, the cat. He was a young stray, who arrived on my front porch last year, around the time of the super-cold spell. He hopped up in my lap when I was out feeding the outside feral (who has since come inside to live), and he had a collar, but there were no ads for him. So, I took him in. That little booger loves him some meat. I fix my little dog a hamburger patty every day (The cheap ones from Walmart, that are like $11 for 12 patties, with plenty of grease.) Anyway, Sebastian has figured out when I call her, to come running, and now he has begun to anticipate the patty. I think he has telepathic abilities, because all I have to do is think “hamburger”, and he is in my lap.

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